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¼4H·U,t-1,it-i¼1,¼4tt••••••*'5-0IGIT 02906 241 1/31/94 H b6 R. I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 130 SESSIONS ST , PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 Rhode Island Jewish See the Herald's New Travel Section --HERALD Pages 12 & 13 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXXVIV, NUMBER 13 SHEVAT 27, 5753/THURSOAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1993 35¢ PER COPY ABC Spotlights Bigotry at Brown by Omar Bradley even harder to overcome the Zucker said she is very sur Herald Assist.int Edilor stigma of being singled out by Two Brown University stu prised it happened at Brown. her unknown antagonist. In " I think that anyone who dents who were the targets of spite of an inspiring letter in ,mti-Semitic acts last semester comes to Brown would be so the Brown Daily Herald ap educated and open-minded were spotlighted recently on pealing for remorse, no one the "ABC Nightly News." [that this "'ouldn't happen. has stepped forward Despite the school's tough (Continued on Page 18) stance against bigotry of any form, Carrie Zucker and Deborah Gordon were victims of anti-Semitic graffiti last Children Who Hate semester by an unknown antag by O mar Bradley on Feb. 4. onist. President Varian Gre Herald Assistant Editor " My G·d will return before gorian has vowed to expel any Jennifer Kreis, 14, red-haired the end of the millenium and one found committing any act and green-eyed, sat opposite lay your ashes upon those of of racial or religious bias her sworn enemy, a Jewish my forefathers," Pastor Mark against Brown students. teen-aged boy, and vowed to Thomas ominously warned. For Zucker, a 19-year-old He is a member of a Christian freshman from South Orange, Despite repeated efforts to fundamentalist movement N.J.. this promise offers little which believes all Jews are the reassurance. She is the victim crack the stubborn veneer of followers of the devil and are of two separate incidents in Sep hate, the young racists held to be dealt with when the mes tember and December involving siah returns before the mil steadfast to their twisted LOOKS ARE DECEIVING - Sarah Thomas, 9, a young racist, swastikas drawn on her memo lenium. Yet most of their ideol board outside her donn apart ideology. ogy was based on their own faces her opponents on the Jerry Springer show telecast from ment. ..When my roommate interpretation of lhe New Tes Chicago. Asked why she hates Jews and blacks, she responded, told me what happened while I kill him and his race on the tament which is not adhered to "The Bible tells me so." He,-11/dphoto byOma,Bradley was visiting my parents during day of reckoning. Jennifer is by Jews. Rosh Hashanah, I was very one of a group of children, Nonetheless, when Jerry upset," she remembered. " I some as young as 9 years old, Springer, who is Jewish, asked want to find this person and who have been brought up by 9-year-old Sarah Thomas, the Torah Tutors Taking shake them and ask them their parents to hate blacks, pastor's daughter, why she 'Why are you doing this to me? Jews and whoever fits their hates blacks and Jews, she hesi Time Out To Teach Get to know me as a person,"' definition of an inferior race. A tated awhile before answering, she said angrily. disturbing program on the "The Bible tells me so." by Ka mmie Kettelle The program, called Torah The fact that Zucker is only group aired on the Jerry Jews, blacks and others in Spuial to the Herald Tutors, is the brainchild of Can a freshman made her fight Springer show out of Chicago (Continued on Page 9) Local students who have al tor Brian Mayer of Temple ready become bar and bat mitz Emanu-El in Providence. Ac vahs started sharing their cording to Mayer, the students Secret Society knowledge last week with oth range from grades eight to 12 ers who are preparing for and take a training course of re in Addis Ababa theirs. view with him on a volunteer " I was taught by someone so basis during the fall semester. by Mike Fin k I wanted to help out and give He said the tutoring is also Herald Contributing Reporter back a little bit of what I done by the students during "They're quiet and cour learned," said Michael Rose their own time. teous. They show great respect man, an eighth-grade student "They have really taken to for their elders. Israelis think at The Alperin Schechter Day heart the notion that all adult the world of them. The kids School. (Continued on Page 20) learn very quickly in schools. But all these virtues will drop off very quickly without sup Christopher Trip May be Mistake, port." Says Former Mideast Adviser Barbara Ribakove Gordon spoke at Sayles Hall on the b y Deborah Kalb Richard Haass, who until Brown campus last week about States News Service last month served as director the plight of the Ethiopian WASHINGTON (JTA) of Near Eastern and South Jews in Israel. Hillel sponsored Secretary of State Warren Asian affairs on the National the talk and slide show as well Christopher may be making a Security Council, also said he as an appearance at Johnson & big mistake by traveling to the believes it is now up to the Wales. Middle East this week, accord Palestinians to make a conces "Because of economic straits, ing to the man who served as sion to help resolve the contra· school programs have been cut George Bush's top adviser on versy over Israel's explusion of back. Their rapid progress the Middle East. {Continued on Page 22) slows. Courses on the history of the Beta Israel are shown .. to the Falashim, so that the youngsters will develop pride in their past, not just shame at being different," she said in her Feb. 8 talk. Gordon has flown to the villages in the mountain passes of Ethiopia 15 times to rescue, study and keep up ties with the families "A TRUE MIRACLE" - A you ng Falasha is emb raced by the and communities of the hands of her mother during Operation Solomon. African Jews who have come l'ho1obyMiltfink (Continued on Page 23) 2 - T!-JE RHOQE ISLAf1D.JE))IJSH H,E~ALP, 1\'URfDAY FJ,BRUARY / ,8, 1993 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE URI Hosts First 'Men's Gathering' DEA To Process \-~ S? Men celebrating men. Education Center at URl's W. \-~ S? That's the theme for Rhode Alton Jones Campus. "Women ID Cards ::}NEWS~ Island's first men·s gathering working on women·s issues The Rhode Island Depart ~NEWS ~ e> BRIEFS t-:r:, - an opportunity for men isn't enough. Men have to ment of Elderl y Affairs (DEA) e> BRIEFS t-:r:, from all walks of life to get focus on their own work, re processes identification cards ~ ~ together to explore and affirm lationships, power and per for people 60 or older and peo The Department of Cogni Dinah Lynch, Rhode Island the unique gifts each brings to sonal growth to ,achieve a bal ple with disabilities age 18 to the male experience. ance in our society." 59 every Friday from 9 a.m. to tive and Linguistic Sciences School of Design graduate, at Brown University will is currently exhibiting her The weekend, slated for Feb Situated on 2,300 acres of 3 p.m. at 160 Pine St. in Provi 26 through 28 at the Univer forests, lakes and farmlands, dence. host an international confer hand-painted and hand· ence, "Signal to Syntax: sity of Rhode Island's W. Alton URl's W. Alton Jones Campus Anyone 60 and older must dyed T-shirts at the Bootstrapping from Speech Cranston Public Library, 140 Jones Campus, will provide an has miles of hiking trails as present proof of age, such as a open, trusting and noncompeti well as opportunities for cross birth certificate, driver's license to Grammar in Early Ac· Sockanossett Cross Road, quisition," Feb. I 9 to 21 on through Feb. 24. Her shirts tive environment for partici country skiing and ice skating, or Blue Cross Plan 65 card pants to share their journeys, weather permitting. The People with disabilities must the Brown campus. The con reflect an influence from ference will take a multi-dis African art, the natural learn from each other and center, accessible to those with present verification in the form play. Through conversation, physical disabilities, features a of a Social Securi ty Disability ciplinary approach to the ba world and from personal ex sic question of whether periences. The exhibit is free hikes, music and workshops lodge with fireplaces, warm award letter or Veterans Ad (on such topics as divorce, cabins with hot showers, and a ministration disability card. prosody (the melodic as and open to the public dur pects of speech) can assist ing library hours, Monday fat her/ son relationships, homo dining hall famous for its The DEA identification cards phobia and reconnection to hearty, home-cooked meals - contain the owner's photo children in learning the through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. structure of language. For to 9 p.m.; Friday and Satur· nature), participants will gain including vegetarian options. graph, date of birth, Social support and discover new The weekend begins with Security number, address and more information, call 863- day, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 2616. Sunday, 2 to 5 e_.m. friendships and a greater sense check-in on Friday from 6:30 signature.