Heart of the Congo: Screening Guide

Follow this simple, 3-step process to raise awareness about the humanitarian situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

ACF-DRC , courtesy of Jason Pomerantz, 2006

ACTION AGAINST HUNGER • USA 247 West 37th Street, 10th floor, New York, NY 10018 • (212) 967-7800 [email protected] • www.actionagainsthunger.org Heart of the Congo: Screening Guide

Dear ACF Supporter:

I am writing to thank you for your interest in educating others about Action Against Hunger (ACF) through the film Heart of the Congo. We at ACF are excited about the potential impact of this film as a tool to increase public awareness about the complexity and reality of global hunger and to spark people’s interest in international relief and development. We welcome you to our team and look forward to working with you.

Following is an instruction packet that outlines how you can hold a film screening and get students and/ or your community involved with Action Against Hunger. Please review the film and let us know how you think you can use it to help expand public awareness about the importance of global issues at your school and in your community. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or (212) 967-7800.

Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to working with you to make your screening a success.


Student Outreach Fellow

Table of Contents:

Step One: Background Action Against Hunger...... 1 Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)...... 2-3 Heart of the Congo ...... 3 Step Two: Spreading Awareness Plan your Event ...... 4-5 Step Three: Wrapping Up What to do after your event...... 6 Further Action...... 6 Sign-In Sheet : Sample...... 7 Heart of the Congo Screening Flyer: Sample...... 8 1) Background: familiarize yourself with Action Against Hunger, the history of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and general information about the filmHeart of the Congo

About Action Against Hunger

Action Against Hunger works to save the lives of acutely malnourished children while providing families with ac- cess to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger. Our mission is to eliminate hunger through the prevention, detection, and treatment of acute malnutrition, and our comprehensive solutions are context-specific, needs-based, and customized through direct community participation. For nearly 30 years ACF has pursued programs in nutrition, food security, and water & sanitation, to address the underlying causes of malnutrition. By integrating our activities into existing national health structures we ensure the capacity needed to sustain our programs over the long-term.

As part of the ACF Network -- with headquarters in New York, Paris, Madrid, London, and Montreal -- Action Against Hunger bridges emergency relief with longer-term development, intervening in emergency situations of conflict, natural disaster, and chronic food insecurity. Our 6,000+ field staff are seasoned profes- sionals and technical experts in nutrition, water and sanitation, public health, and food security who carry out life-saving programs in some 40 countries around the world. ACF’s humanitarian interventions provide lasting solutions to nearly 5 million people a year, restoring dignity, self sufficiency, and inde- pendence to vulnerable populations throughout the world.

Action Against Hunger’s Programs ACF has pursued its vision of a world without hunger for three decades, combating hunger with innovative, lifesaving pro- grams in nutrition, food security, and water and sanitation: Nutrition Programs: Action Against Hunger’s nutrition programs treat and prevent acute malnutrition. Launched most often during times of crisis, our programs center on the evaluation of nutritional needs, the direct therapeutic treatment and the prevention of acute malnutrition, technical training and support for local staff, and capacity building with national ministries and government structures. The contexts for our programs can be as varied as the crises: from rural mountain vil- lages, to ethnically divided cities, to the confines of overcrowded relocation camps for internally displaced peoples.

Food Security & Livelihood Programs: Action Against Hunger’s food security programs evolve from the work we do in nutrition. While our therapeutic nutrition programs restore to health individuals suffering from acute malnutrition, our food security programs prevent future outbreaks by supplying needed inputs (seeds, fertilizers, tools ,fishing nets, etc.), introducing new techniques, and fortifying coping mechanisms and livelihoods through training in income-generating activi- ties such as farming, gardening, animal breeding, and food conservation. Our food security programs put people on the road to self sufficiency.

Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene Programs: Action Against Hunger’s integrated approach to hunger involves extending water and sanitation services to communities faced with water scarcity, unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hy- giene: We truck water into affected communities during emergencies, decontaminate wells and install solar-, diesel- and hand- powered pumps. Employing sophisticated geophysics, we locate water resources and tap aquifers. We protect natural springs and pipe water into villages and health centers, and rehabilitate damaged infrastructure to ensure access to adequate sources of clean water. We build latrines and bathhouses and introduce basic sanitation infrastructure to keep communities hygienic.

1 Historical Context: The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Source: CIA World Factbook

In the past century, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has expe- rienced an endless stream of devastating humanitarian crises, from the brutal forced labor of King Leopold’s colonial regime to the harsh and kleptocratic rule of , the Congo’s post-colonial dictator. The Congolese population’s lack of representation has subjected them to poverty, hunger and relentless violence due to the instability of political regimes and rebel fac- tions. Instead of benefiting from the glories of a country so rich in resources, the Congolese have experienced the devastating consequences of corrupt and greedy rulers. During the frenzy to colonize Africa in the late 19th century, Euro- pean powers dispersed troops to unofficially conquer these already-inhabited lands. In 1885, in order to formalize colonialism, German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck hosted the Berlin Conference. During this meeting, European Source: CIA World Factbook powers claimed official ownership of the regions they already in- formally controlled. The current DRC was established in 1885 as the Congo Free State, under the rule of Belgium’s King Leopold II. Facts: Throughout King Leopold’s reign, DRC’s land was exploited for its Location: Central Africa, northeast of Angola resources and people were exploited for their labor potential. King Capital: Kinshasa Leopold treated the Congo Free State as an extension of Belgium, President: Joseph Kabila using profits from the land’s natural resources to benefit himself and Population: 68.6 million his elite cronies. Furthermore, Belgians considered the indigenous Life Expectancy: 54 years population to be inferior to “civilized” Europeans. As a result, Bel- Languages: French (official), Lingala, gian colonists eagerly enslaved the native Congolese people, abus- Kingwana, Kikongo, Tshiluba ing millions through brutal treatment and murdering those who % of Population Undernourished: 74% dissented. By the beginning of the 20th century, news of the brutality Source: CIA World Factbook; under Leopold’s regime was spreading to other nations. To ease suspicions, the Belgian government World Food Programme officially took over the colony; however, little changed in the next half a century, since many of the same Belgian officials remained in control of the Congo. In 1960, the Congo Free State gained independence from Belgium, and the future of the newly independent country looked promising. Democratic elections took place and Patrice Lumumba became prime minister. A few years later, Lumumba was assassinated and a coup took place, making Joseph Mobutu president. In 1971, Mobutu changed his name to Mobutu Sese Seko and renamed the country Zaire. Mobutu was a virtual monarch and in many ways fashioned his reign after that of King Leopold II; exploiting the country for his personal gain. Western powers, working through the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, supported Mobu- tu’s regime, identifying it as a bulwark against communist influence in Africa. For twenty years, World Bank loans paid for the dictator’s lavish palaces, Boeing jets, fleets of private Mercedes, and payoffs to political cronies. By 1994, Mobutu’s authoritarian rule was losing legitimacy from the violence perpetrated by the regime and the social unrest that arose from years of oppression. With an influx of refugees from both and in the spring of 1994, Mobutu was overthrown by Laurent Kabila who was backed by Rwanda and . Laurent Kabila took over the presidential seat and renamed the country the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to signify the transfer of power after over 30 years.

2 The Democratic Republic of the Congo continued...

Shortly after Laurent Kabila took office, his regime was challenged by his former supporters from Rwanda and Uganda. Angola, Chad, Namibia, Sudan, and Zimbabwe stepped in to support Laurent Kabila and the at- tempted coup failed. A cease fire was signed by the major factions involved, but fighting continued and Laurent Kabila was assassinated in 2001. Joseph Kabila, Laurent’s son, was named head of state. In 2002, the Pretoria Accord was signed by all remaining warring parties to call for an end of violence and to reinstate the legitimacy of the DRC government. By 2003, a transitional government was created with Joseph Kabila as president and four vice presidents, each representing differ- ent factions involved in the former conflict. After a successful constitutional referendum in 2005, Joseph Kabila was officially elected president. Fighting re-emerged in 2006 in the North Kivu province and thou- sands of civilians were displaced. Kivu, DRC: 2006 A peace pact was signed by the government and rebel factions in 2008, but fight- ing broke out between government troops and Rwandan Hutu militias; Thousands more were displaced, and politi- cal and social unrest continues.

The DRC is rich with esources,r including: uranium, copper, gold, cotton, diamonds, and a host of pre- cious metals in quantities only dreamed of in other countries. By rights, it should be one of the richest nations in the world. Yet it is one of the poorest because, with the extraction of its precious resources, no attention has been given to nurturing the development of infrastructure, education, rule of law, or social justice. In 2006, the UN Development Index ranked the DRC 177th on the human development index, out of 179 countries involved in the survey. Exposing the enormous impact a century of exploitation has had on the well-being of the Congolese population.

Source: UNDP; CIA Factbook

Film Background

Heart of the Congo, a documentary by Tom Weidlinger, chronicles the efforts of Action Against Hunger aid workers in a community in the DRC. The aid workers are there to help Congolese refugees who have lost everything at the end of a war by offering community member ac- cess to education and a community health clinic. Amid violence from roving militias, systemic corruption, and a legacy of colonial depen- dence, international and Congolese aid workers struggle to help villag- ers build a self-sufficient future. Heart of the Congo is a story of courage, Heart of the Congo: Patients wait their turn at hope, perseverance, and how humanitarian aid can save lives and make Kisula Health Clinic a lasting difference.

3 2) Spreading awareness: Plan your event

I. Contact Action Against Hunger to register your screening: Email: [email protected] Phone: (212) 967-7800 ext. 139 Mail: 247 West 37th Street, 10th floor New York, NY 10018

II. Decide on the format of the event 1. Fundraiser (i.e. Ticket sales or suggested donation box)

2. Awareness Raising (i.e. donation box)

3. Additional Details: Will your event feature any of the following? a. Speaker: i. Contact Action Against Hunger about the possibility of hosting an ACF representative at your event. ii. Invite college professors, teachers or other humanitarians to participate in a panel or give a presentation.

b. Co-sponsors: this can help alleviate the cost of the event. Ask potential sponsors from your area if they would be willing to provide coordination support, publicity, or matching gift donations to ACF.

c. Refreshments & Food i. Potluck ii. Reach out to local restaurants or grocery stores for food and drink donations. III. Plan the Event

1. Find Location a. School auditorium/gym/classroom b. House c. Community Center d. Coffee Shop/Restaurant

2. Publicize the Event a. Post flyers around community/in schools/around campus (see sample flyer) b. Use social networking sites to advertise (i.e. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter) c. Send out invitations to friends and family d. If funds allow, place an ad in local paper(s)

4 3. Setup a. Table, Chairs, Video Equipment etc...

b. Refreshments

c. Sign-in sheet (see sample sign-in sheet)

IV. At the Event 1. Introduction a. Thank attendees for coming b. Introduce yourself c. Introduce the issue of global hunger, Action Against Hunger and our life-saving programs d. Provide history of DRC e. Introduce Heart of the Congo f. Introduce speaker if applicable

2. Screen film

3. After Film a. Open floor for Q & A session i. Discussion questions • What did you learn about humanitarian aid work? • Do you think that we have an obligation to help the people of Africa, like the chief says in the film? • What can we do, here in America, that can better the lives of those living in poverty?

b. Present ways that the attendees can get involved in the fight against hunger and with Action Against Hunger i. Sign-up for Action Against Hunger newsletter ii. Hold other fundraising/awareness raising events iii. Raise awareness about global hunger and Action Against Hunger iv. Donate

c. Suggest additional resources for further learning Fiction Novels: • King Leopold’s Ghost - Adam Hochschild • Things allF Apart - Chinua Achebe • Poison-Wood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver • A Bend in the River - V.S. Naipaul • Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad Non-Fiction Novels: • We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda - Philip Gourevitch Websites & News: • CIA World Factbook • BBC • • IRIN

5 3) Wrapping up: What to do after the screening

I. Send Thank You Letters/Emails to Attendees, Organizers and Sponsors (if applicable) 1. Include information about upcoming events 2. Include Action Against Hunger’s website

II. Report Back to Action Against Hunger 1. Send us a copy of your sign-up sheet 2. Write a short story about the event for our website, include photos if possible 3. Give us feedback on your event (i.e. What was useful? Did you run into any difficulties?)

Further Action

There are many opportunities for further action in the fight against hunger. Be sure to join our mailing list to con- tinuously explore the issue of hunger and our global efforts to end it. Encourage interested attendees to organize other benefits such as a Fast for Awareness, a Run/Walk Against Hunger, or an event on World Food Day or World Water Day.

With a creative and energetic leadership team, fundraising and awareness options are endless Of course, feel free to contact us at any point at to brainstorm [email protected] or call (212) 967-7800.

ACTION AGAINST HUNGER • USA 247 West 37th Street, 10th floor, New York, NY 10018 • (212) 967-7800 [email protected] • www.actionagainsthunger.org 6 Heart of the Congo Screening : Sign-In Sheet PLEASE PRINT

Name Email

ACTION AGAINST HUNGER • USA 247 West 37th Street, 10th floor, New York, NY 10018 • (212) 967-7800 7 [email protected] • www.actionagainsthunger.org Screening & Discussion Heart of the Congo: Rebuilding Life in the Face of War

Featuring Special Guest: ______

Hosted By: ______


Time: ______

Location: ______

Proceeds benefit Action Against Hunger. Action Against Hunger is an international network committed to saving the lives of malnourished children and families, while ensuring access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger.