Cesare Lombroso

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Cesare Lombroso CE SARE LOMBROSO A MOD ERN MAN OF SCIENCE CESARE LOMBROSO A M OD E RN M AN OF SC IEN C E HAN S KURELLA M , D A UT HOR OF N A T URA L HI ST ORY OF T HE C RI M I N A L ET , C . T RA N SLA T ED FROM T HE G ERMAN BY M ED EN PAUL M D . , . N EW YORK R E B MA N C O MP A N Y 1 12 3 B R O A D W A Y PREFACE THE of s book a s sh ows subject thi little is , its title , sa L m s man and n s a Ce re o bro o , the the i ve tig tor ; it a s n o a a a a m ke ttempt to de l dequ tely with Lombroso , f n n i the reformer o crimi ology a d crim nal sociology . ’ To do j ustice to Lombroso s work in the latter re spect s at a n would be impos ible , without the s me time writi g the history of the Italian school of po sitive criminal j urisprudence and that of the influence of that s chool upon importan t tendencies of the public life of ll a the leading civilized peoples . It would also be impos sible without dealing at the same time with the f F r a plan o the new Germa n crimin al code . o m ny re as ons I have refrained from any s uch attempt ; ll a a V o f of a . N bove , in iew limits sp ce one the less , ’ I have dealt with Lombroso s a ctivity as a reformer a s far as this was essential in order to do j u stice to th e personality of the dece ased investigator . a s of a Cert in brief section this book h ve , with con side rable m a o a odific ti ns , been t ken over from my earlier publications upon the development of criminal an o i . E n s a thr pology tirely new , however , the ttempt here made to demonstra te how high is the po sition Lombro so may justly be said to h ave occupied in a a f of o f brilli nt epoch o positive study the world , V 216 6 1 7 . vi PREFACE an and f to a m kind , o society . In order illustr te the of a an A n positive mode thought , I h ve in ppe dix , to ’ I s a a n which e peci lly direct the reader s ttentio , a ttempted a tabular statement of the facts and documents of positivism during the middle decade s n n s n in s of the ninetee th century. The i clu io thi tabular statemen t of the principal writings of Herbert Spencer is the result of mature consideration and o f a renewed c areful study of his e ssay entitled “ R easons for Dissenting from the Philosophy of ’ m . o m s n s M C mte . Co te s philo ophy represe t erely on s m a s and is the reflecti of po itivis bout it elf , no more than the introduction to the completer develop m ent of positivism . A HAN S KURE LL . i B ONN Wh tswnf/id e 1910 . , , PREFATORY NOTE BY THE TRANSLATOR I TAKE this opportunity of expressing my grateful m n s . a E s wh o a m a ckno wledg e t to Mr H velock lli , re d y in n s and a an a a tra nsla tion ma u cript , m de m y v lu ble s ugge stion s a s to termin olo gy; M N . EDE PAUL . O FT K STONE O S T . MO RCRO , PAR , D R E Chri s fmza s , 1910 . CONTENTS CHAPTER PREFACE ’ AN TE CE DE NT s — LOMRROS O S E ECESSO S IN RE . PR D R SEARCH I I C IMIN NTH O O O Y . R AL A R P L G ’ O OSITION T o LOMRROS O S VIEWS WO N A III . PP MA s CRIMINAL THE POLITICAL CRIMINAL CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY ’ V ENE ONS E T ONS E N LOMB R S I . G RAL C ID RA I R GARDI G O O S I E - WO K S A SOCIA E O ME HIS METHO S L F R A L R F R R , D , AND HIS PHILOSOPHY THE SIGNIFICANCE OF CRIMINAL AN THROPOLOGY VI C IMIN J IS ENCE E A A IAN . R AL UR PRUD P LLAGR AGR R RE FORM VII ENV ON ENT N T E T EO IES As TO T E N T E . IR M A D H H R H A UR — ’ OF GENIUS LOMB ROS O S GENI US AND PERSONALITY ’ EN X A LOMB ROS O S S T ST ESE ES 1 APP DI . PIRI UALI IC R ARCH 67 EN IX B IST OF B OO K S ONS TE 1 APP D . L C UL D 77 EN IX C CTS AND OC MENTS OF OSITIVISM 178 APP D . FA D U P INDEX CESARE LOMBROSO CHAPTE R I ANTECED ENTS—LOMB ROS O’ S PRED ECE SSORS IN RE SE ARCH CE S ARE LOMBROS O wa s n a as an A s a born in Vero , u tri n 6 1835 and wa s t h e s subject , on November , , econd f n child in a family o five . His father Aro sprang a a an a n can from Veneti n merc tile f mily , whose origi a a a of A a s be tr ced b ck to colony North fric n Jew , a a and . A a tr ding with Leghorn , Geno , Venice g in and again members of the Lombroso family settled a in one or other of these ports . The br nch to which he himself belonged h ad lived for s everal centurie s in Venice and the Venetian territories on the m ain l nd a 1448 n a a a , of which from the ye r o w rds Veron ’ a a a s formed a part ; they were p trici n merch nt , to a wh om the French occup tion , occurring before ’ had and Lombroso s father grew up , brought full ‘ equ al privilege s of citizenship . Several members 1 Th e ami name or n a rono n e Lumbros o s o s f ly , igi lly p u c d , h w e ar a th e famil b e on e d t o th e S an h e s who e re cl ly th t yo l g p js J w w a ; 1 2 CESA RE LOMRROSO of this Venetian family were distinguished by charac te ristic and vigoro us action on beh alf Of the c ause n n In a N A a in of e lighte ment . Virgini , orth meric , n n n a the seve tee th ce tury , the brother of direct a s r sa L m r os at a r a s s nce to of Ce re o b o , g e t ri k to him elf of n a s mo s n a being bur ed live , prote ted t e ergetic lly a a ns a and a a g i t the belief in witchcr ft , decl red th t the reputed witches were hysterical merely . The French em ancipation o f Upper Italy was in 1 14 A s a a but followed 8 by the u tri n re ction , the family s uffered at this time from the decline in n o s n r for a 1830 eco omic pr perity (i ter upted while in , when Venice became a free port) upon which its own - well being and patrician po sition h ad been dependent . The formation of the Hapsburg Kingdom o f Lombardy and Venice put an end for the time being. to equality of civil rights for the Jews and Verona wa s one of the few towns of the distri ct in which Jewish boys were allowed to a ttend the mnas s m m Gy ium (public chool) , now re oved fro the of n and a control the freethi kers , h nded over to that Of the Je suits . ’ Lombro so s o Z e fira L ma When m ther , evi, rried A on L so in a 1830 h e s a r ombro the ye r , s tipul ted that h e r children mus t be brought up in a place in which e e e r o m a n and s e e in N r A r Th e n xp ll d f Sp i ttl d o th f ica . ame is “ ” a an s a e e in ommon u e e no n e r Sp i h dj ctiv c s , d ti g cl a or ” m na n illu i ti g. ANTECEDENTS 3 it wo uld be po ssible for them t o attend the higher schools . a a Z fira a The m rri ge with e Levi , who belonged to rich family engaged in the higher branch of industrial fi n of life , did not s uf ce to preve t the onset poverty ; and the youth of the five children of the m arria ge wa s as a a .
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