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23 de febrero, 2018 Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 62, No. 26 MI CLEVELAND ES SU CLEVELAND, 24 FEB, P. 11

Red de Latinas del Oeste de Michigan invitan a la conferencia en Grand Rapids el jueves 22 de febrero, p. 4

AGENTE DE BIENES RAICES Esta pensando en Comprar, Vender o Rentar casa? Tiene alguna pregunta sobre su propiedad? Llámeme… Consulta GRATIS! Paty Opron, REALTOR® Se Habla Español (440) 865-0424 patyopron@ Página 2 La Prensa February 23, 2018 “Vote them out!”: Florida, angry and grieving, Ex-Obama housing secretary: Trump ‘dividing us’ MANCHESTER, N.H., takes gun protest to streets Feb. 16, 2018 (AP): Former By JASON DEAREN, ALLEN BREED and TAMARA LUSH, Associated Press U.S. Housing and Urban De- PARKLAND, Fla., Feb. Laurie Woodward García, cal neglect and inadequate velopment Secretary Julian 17, 2018 (AP): Thousands the mother of a 14-year-old supervision; his adoptive Castro took jabs at Donald of angry students, parents, girl, echoed many in the crowd, mother, then-68-year-old Trump during a Democratic teachers and neighbors of a who said they believed that Lynda Cruz, the “alleged awards event in New Hamp- Florida high school where this shooting would lead to perpetrator.” shire Friday night, saying the 17 people were killed de- change, though so many oth- “Mr. Cruz was on president is “dividing us in- manded Saturday that im- ers had not. Snapchat cutting both of his stead of bringing us together.” mediate action be taken on ‘’If there’s something that arms,” the Florida DCF abuse During a speech at the gun-control legislation, in- we can unite on as Democrats hotline was told in August New Hampshire Young sisting they would not re- and Republicans and Inde- 2016, the paper reported. Democrats Granite Slate lent until their demands were pendents, it’s our children. So “Mr. Cruz has fresh cuts on Awards that was interrupted met. it will happen,” she said. both his arms. Mr. Cruz stated numerous times by ap- The rally in downtown The rally came as new de- he plans to go out and buy a plause, Castro said “when Fort Lauderdale gave a po- tails emerged about the sus- he’s not golfing or tweeting Julian Castro with Jose Feliciano, Sr. gun. It is unknown what he is or vacationing, the presi- litical outlet to the growing pect, Nikolas Cruz. buying the gun for.” dent is dividing us instead in Cleveland, Ohio in 2013. feelings of rage and mourn- From a mosaic of public According to the paper, of bringing us together. He’s lars. One cabinet secretary ing sparked by the carnage records, interviews with I’ll come to a decision as to DCF’s investigation was breaking promises.” whether I’m going to jump in already resigned because he Marjory Stoneman Dou- friends and family and online at completed that Nov. 12. The The former San Antonio or not.” was taking private jets ev- glas High School. Authori- interactions, it appears Cruz agency concluded Cruz had mayor and Obama adminis- Castro grabbed national erywhere.” ties say a former student who was unstable and violent to not been mistreated by his tration official is consider- attention in 2012 when he And speaking in New had been expelled, had men- himself and those around mother, was receiving ad- ing a run for the 2020 Demo- delivered the keynote address Hampshire, hard hit by the tal health issues and been him—and that when notified equate care from a mental cratic presidential nomina- at the Democratic presidential drug epidemic, Castro reported to law enforcement, about his threatening behav- health counselor, and was tion. But he didn’t address nominating convention in slammed the Trump admin- used a legally purchased ior, law enforcement did little attending school. any White House ambitions Charlotte, North Carolina. He istration for putting semi-automatic rifle to kill to stop it. Mental health center staff during his 30-minute was the first Latino politician “Kellyanne Conway, a poll- students and staff. Cruz’s mother died in No- “came out and assessed the speech. Earlier Friday he to give the high-profile ad- ster, in charge of the task ‘’Because of these gun vember and his father died (victim and) found him to be told The Associated Press dress. force on the opioid crisis.” laws, people that I know, years ago. stable enough not to be hos- he would decide whether to Four years later, Castro was “This administration and people that I love, have died, He reportedly left a subur- pitalized,” the DCF report launch a campaign by the among the politicians men- this Congress don’t have a and I will never be able to see ban Palm Beach County mo- said. end of the year. tioned as a potential running clue,” Castro said. “But we them again,” Delaney Tarr, bile home where he had been Cruz had been diagnosed “Between now and No- mate for Democratic presiden- get it. Democrats do get it.” a student at the school, told staying after his mother’s with autism, a neurological vember we have elections. tial candidate Hillary Clinton The New Hampshire the crowd swamping the death because his benefactor disorder that often leads to So I’m going to spend my before she chose Sen. Tim Young Democrats said 250 steps and courtyard at the gave him an ultimatum: you social awkwardness and iso- time helping young, pro- Kaine of Virginia as the party’s people attended the gala, federal courthouse. or the gun. lation, and attention-deficit- gressive Democrats get vice presidential nominee. which they described as the The crowd chanted: The Palm Beach Post re- hyperactivity disorder, or elected throughout the Castro returned to San An- largest crowd ever at one of “Vote them out!” and held ports Rocxanne Deschamps ADHD. county,” he said. “And then tonio after Obama left the their fundraising events. signs calling for action. Some said, “He bought a gun and The FBI said a person after November and before White House just over a year Lucas Meyer, the group’s read: “(hash)Never Again,” wanted to bring it into my close to Cruz called the the end of the year, I’ll take ago. He’s writing a memoir president, said he invited “(hash)Do something now” house” in public comments FBI’s tip line and provided time and make a decision and is a distinguished fellow Castro because he’s “com- and “Don’t Let My Friends that have since been removed information about Cruz’s about my own future.” at the Lyndon Baines Johnson mitted to electing young Die.” from her Facebook page. weapons and his erratic He said over the next few School of Public Affairs at the progressives in 2018.” Student Emma González Chad Bennett, a friend of behavior. The caller was months he will be able to “get University of Texas. Earlier in the day Castro told the crowd politicians Deschamps’, said Cruz “chose concerned Cruz could at- a sense of what people are In his speech, Castro criti- met and took questions from should stop taking dona- the gun and he left.” tack a school. The agency thinking and also the reac- cized the Trump White House, more than 25 Saint Anselm tions from the National Rifle He then went to live with acknowledged the tip tion out there, and what’s im- saying “they’ve had ethics College students gathered Association (NRA). ‘’Shame another family. should have been shared portant to the voters.” By do- scandal after ethics scandal. at the school’s New Hamp- on you,” she yelled, and the Earlier, Florida’s child wel- with the FBI’s Miami office ing that “I’m convinced that Cronyism. Misuse of tax dol- shire Institute of Politics. crowd repeated her. fare agency investigated after and investigated, but it was ‘’A lot of people are say- Cruz cut himself in an online not. ing that these kids are ac- video, but found him stable, Broward County Sheriff tivists, these kids need to according to state records. Scott Israel said his office be politicians,” she later The Sun-Sentinel reported had received more than 20 told a reporter. ‘’But a lot of that Florida’s Department of calls about Cruz in the past us are just other students Children and Families inves- few years. who figured there’s tigated when Cruz posted a Lush reported from St. strength in numbers. And video on the social media net- Petersburg, Florida. Fol- we want to be sure that we work Snapchat showing him low the AP’s complete cov- end up having our message cutting his arms in 2016. The erage of the Florida school sent across. And then we agency was called to investi- shooting here: https:// can get back to our normal gate. Cruz, then 18, was listed everyday lives, you know.” as an “alleged victim” of medi- Floridaschoolshooting. Beware of scammers targeting immigrants BOSTON, Feb. 18, 2018 The campaign launched practice law in the state. (AP): Massachusetts’ attor- by Attorney General Maura The campaign will also ney general has launched a Healey’s office targets so- include multilingual PSAs campaign to educate resi- called “notario fraud.” and posters. Healey’s office dents about scammers who The attorney general’s and the attorney general’s swindle people out of office has created a website Advisory Council on New money by pretending to be that, among other things, Americans will also be hold- qualified to provide immi- directs people to look up their ing presentations with tips gration legal advice or ser- immigration attorney to en- on how to avoid falling for vices. sure they are authorized to “notario fraud.” NY legislator group’s annual conference, “On This Journey, There is Still #HOPE” ALBANY, N.Y., Feb. 19, downtown Albany, where the on the legalization of mari- 2018 (AP): African-Ameri- weekend kicked off Friday juana. Canada has already can, Latino, and Asian- night with receptions. passed legislation legaliz- American lawmakers gath- Saturday was set aside for ing personal use marijuana, ered in Albany this past seminars and other events, effective July 1, 2018. weekend—Feb. 16 to Feb. with NY Comptroller Tho- Mexico is in the process of 18—for their 47th annual mas DiNapoli starting things passing a similar law. legislative conference, en- off in the morning by speak- The three-day confer- titled “On This Journey, ing to the statewide gather- ence wrapped up Sunday There is Still #HOPE.” ing at the Albany Capital with a church service, The event hosted by the Center. awards ceremony, and New York State Association A Saturday afternoon scholarship dinner. of Black and Puerto Rican event featured talk show host For more information, Legislators attracts hun- and medical cannabis propo- contact (518) 427-8363 dreds of state and local law- nent Montel Williams as the or via email at makers and other officials to guest speaker at a discussion [email protected] LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 419-870-6565 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 23 de febrero, 2018 La Prensa Page 3 Reporte detalla afectaciones a diplomáticos de Senado rechaza propuestas migratorias; EEUU en Cuba “DREAMers” al limbo Por LAURAN NEERGAARD y JOSH LEDERMAN, Associated Press Por ALAN FRAM y KEVIN FREKING, Associated Press WASHINGTON, DC, 14 El misterio surgió a finales conmoción sin el WASHINGTON, DC, 15 ceder terreno. El resultado deja quien ayudó a redactar el II 18 (AP): Los médicos han de 2016, cuando el personal antecedente de traumatismo II 18 (AP): El Senado dejó el entrever que podría no haber plan bipartidista pero comenzado a difundir sus de la embajada en la cabeza”, dijo el coautor jueves a miles de una solución permanente que también votó a favor de la primeros reportes detallados estadounidense empezó a del reporte, el doctor Dou- “DREAMers” en el limbo al ayude lo suficientemente medida de Trump. “La única sobre los síntomas que buscar atención médica glas Smith, del Center for rechazar diversas propuestas rápido a los dreamers que manera de seguir es que el afectaron la vista, audición, debido a la pérdida auditiva y Brain Injury and Repair de que habrían evitado su fueron traídos ilegalmente a presidente Trump tome las equilibrio y el sistema a un persistente zumbido de Pensilvania, en un podcast deportación y fortalecido la Estados Unidos durante su riendas y nos guie a una neurológico de los oídos que relacionaron con proporcionado por JAMA. seguridad fronteriza del país. infancia, a pesar del abrumador solución”. diplomáticos sonidos extraños o Dijo que el sonido, que Los senadores le asestaron al respaldo con el que cuentan en Ese escenario no estaba a estadounidenses en Cuba, vibraciones, lo que en un inicio escucharon 18 de los 21 presidente Donald Trump un las encuestas de opinión la vista el jueves. La Casa en lo que el Departamento provocó que los pacientes, no puede ser el golpe particularmente severo pública. Blanca arremetió contra la de Estado describió como investigadores sospecharan responsable. “No se conoce después de que más de un Las votaciones en el Senado propuesta bipartidista, a la “ataques contra la salud”. de “ataques sónicos”. Ahora, la existencia de algún cuarto de los republicanos le dejan a los jóvenes inmigrantes que describió como una Lo que falta todavía es un las autoridades evitan mecanismo en el que sonido dieron la espalda en un tema a merced del plazo del 5 de “política peligrosa que claro diagnóstico de lo cuidadosamente el término, audible lesione al cerebro. que lo ayudó a llegar a la Casa marzo que le impuso Trump al perjudicará al país”, y criticó sucedido para provocar mientras que los doctores Debemos sospechar que es a Blanca. Congreso para restaurar el una cláusula que instruía al estos misteriosos problemas involucrados en la pesquisa se consecuencia de otra cosa”. También fue rechazado un programa de Acción Diferida gobierno a priorizar el de salud. preguntan si los sonidos El misterioso caso ha plan que presentó un grupo para los Llegados en la Infancia ejercicio de la ley en contra En general, los síntomas fueron a consecuencia de causado un desplome en las bipartidista de senadores, que (DACA por sus iniciales en de los inmigrantes que son similares a la disfunción alguna otra cosa que pueda relaciones entre Estados ofrecía concesiones que inglés), tras haberlo cancelado lleguen ilegalmente a partir cerebral que se observa du- ayudar a explicar todos los Unidos y Cuba desde que habrían protegido a los el año pasado. Cortes federales de julio. El mandatario no se rante una conmoción, síntomas: problemas de me- alcanzaron su punto más alto jóvenes inmigrantes, han emitido órdenes mostró dispuesto a ceder en concluyó un grupo de moria, falta de concentración, en 2015, cuando el entonces financiamiento para levantar temporales que impiden al sus demandas de una especialistas de la irritabilidad, problemas de presidente Barack Obama un muro en la frontera con presidente poner fin al propuesta más estricta que Universidad de Pensilvania equilibrio y mareos. restauró las relaciones México y un aumento a las programa puesto en marcha en refleje la inflexible postura que examinó a 21 de los 24 El reporte del miércoles diplomáticas entre ambas restricciones para la la era Obama, pero sin la acción migratoria que lo ayudó du- miembros de la misión naciones después de un aclara que los hallazgos son inmigración legal en general. del Congreso, los inmigrantes rante la campaña diplomática que se cree que preliminares y básicamente distanciamiento de medio Ocho republicanos se unieron enfrentarán un creciente riesgo resultaron afectados. siglo. presidencial. enlista los síntomas y las a la mayoría de los demócratas de deportación una vez que Cualquiera que sea la El nuevo reporte delinea Después de que el Senado pruebas realizadas. Y aún expiren sus protecciones. causa, los pacientes de La una serie de exámenes a los en respaldo de esa propuesta, rechazó las cuatro existen complicaciones pero no alcanzó los votos Como dreamers se conoce a Habana “experimentaron importantes, como el hecho que se sometió a los propuestas, el líder de la necesarios después de que la los inmigrantes que fueron una persistente de que no existe información pacientes, incluyendo mayoría Mitch McConnell traídos ilegalmente a Estados discapacidad de naturaleza para comparar la salud cere- algunos hallazgos que no Casa Blanca amenazó con un culpó a los demócratas por significativa”, concluyó el bral o auditiva de los pacientes pueden alterarse ni siquiera veto y el liderazgo Unidos durante su infancia, o no aceptar lo que definió equipo de expertos. antes de viajar a Cuba. de manera inconsciente, lo republicano expresó su que excedieron su estancia le- como una oferta “generosa” Cuba insiste en que no “Antes de llegar a una que incrementó la creencia oposición. gal, y que corren el riesgo de ser por parte de Trump. hubo ningún ataque. conclusión, se debe obtener de los doctores de que no se Las votaciones de la deportados debido a que no “Dejaron ir una El reporte fue difundido evidencia adicional que sea trata de un caso de histeria jornada, en la que se cuentan con permiso de oportunidad de oro de re- el miércoles por la revista evaluada de manera rigurosa masiva. De acuerdo con el rechazaron cuatro propuestas permanencia. El DACA les solver el problema”, dijo Journal of the American y objetiva”, advirtió el editor reporte, supervisores y distintas, ilustran brinda autorización para vivir McConnell. Expresó su Medical Association adjunto de JAMA, el doctor colegas observaron un nuevamente los problemas y trabajar en el país por periodos disposición a encontrar (JAMA por sus iniciales en Christopher Muth, en su cambio en el rendimiento del Congreso para concertar renovables de dos años. terreno en común más inglés), aunque sus comentario adicional. Destacó laboral de al menos seis de un acuerdo en un tema que “Parece que los demagogos adelante, pero dijo: “Para que hallazgos fueron revelados que muchos de los síntomas los pacientes. durante años ha demostrado de izquierda y derecha eso suceda, los demócratas en primera instancia por The coinciden con un listado de Es poco probable que se ser irresoluble y en el que los volvieron a ganar en necesitarán echarle un Associated Press en padecimientos neurológicos. trate de virus o exposición a simpatizantes más fervientes inmigración”, dijo el senador segundo vistazo” a las diciembre pasado. “Realmente parece una (Continua en la p. 13) de cada partido se niegan a republicano Lindsey Graham, exigencias de Trump.

First Fed Página 4 La Prensa—Michigan February 23, 2018 Michigan releases symbol to label medical Red de Latinas del Oeste de Michigan invitan a marijuana products la conferencia: Definiendo nuestras relaciones LANSING, Feb. 18, the state’s “Medical ¿Cómo nos vemos? 2018 (AP): Michigan has Marihuana Facilities Li- Por: Isabel Flores, Corresponsal La Prensa released an official sym- censing Act.” Those in- GRAND RAPIDS MI, posible, pueden jugar entre demás y de esa manera, no bol to label medical mari- clude date of harvest, Feb. 14, 2018: La Red de ellos o quedarse sentados sea tan pesado. Realizamos juana products that are other identifying infor- Latinas del Oeste de Michi- junto a su mamá”, agregó la reuniones de planeación sold in the state and is mation and concentration gan invitan a la conferencia: entrevistada. una o dos veces al mes”. detailing required label- of THC. “Definir nuestras Las conferencias son Laura es originaria de ing for such products. Full details are posted relaciones: ¿Cómo nos abiertas a todas las mujeres Colombia, llego a Grand The symbol is an up- on a section of the state’s vemos?” realizada en latinas que deseen participar Rapids en el 2003 y hace side-down green tri- website. conjunto con la Red de y empoderarse. “Lo que poco comenzó atender las angle with an image of gredient of marijuana. Michigan voters ap- Latinos del Oeste de Michi- queremos es que cualquier reuniones de LNWM, al ver a green marijuana leaf The state Department of proved marijuana use in gan (WMLN por sus siglas mujer latina atienda los que este era un espacio con in the middle along Licensing and Regulatory 2008 for some chronic en inglés), que se llevará a eventos, que aprendan cuáles temas de su interés y en dónde with the words “CON- Affairs also released details medical conditions. New cabo el próximo jueves 22 son las necesidades que podía hacer algo por la TAINS THC” above it. of labeling for medical regulations were ap- de febrero en DeVos Place, tenemos en la comunidad y comunidad, decidió THC is the active in- marijuana products under proved in 2016. ubicado en 303 Monroe Ave crezcan ellas tanto en lo per- integrarse al equipo NW, de esta ciudad, 5:30 a sonal como en lo organizador. 7.30pm. profesional”, dijo Laura. Todas las latinas La Sinfónica de Grand “Actualmente tenemos interesadas en formar parte Rapids y SMG Entertain- mujeres profesionales, de esta red, favor de ingresar ment patrocinan el evento, empleadas, estudiantes, amas al siguiente link: https:// en el cual estará presente la de casa, etc. Todas ellas de Alcaldesa Rosalynn Bliss diferentes edades. Estamos nYfd7FplcOgRGUQF2 para hablar sobre las mesas creciendo poco y poco y lo para completar un formulario directivas y comisiones. El seguiremos haciendo ya que con sus datos de contacto. tema a tratar será sobre la siempre pedimos que lleven Ser miembro significa: manera de actuar tanto de a una invitada más a la • Participar en los eventos hombres y mujeres en el siguiente reunión”. de LNWM trabajo y en otros espacios Latin Network of West • Formar parte de nuestra para definir cómo nos vemos Michigan (LNWM) es un página de Facebook unos a otros. colectivo creado hace tres • Participar en nuestro Cabe destacar que este años aproximadamente, con club de lectura es el segundo evento del el objetivo de cubrir la • Conectarse y apoyar a año de las Latinas del Oeste necesidad de unir a las otros miembros de Michigan. En Enero se mujeres latinas del Oeste de • Compartir tu voz en una realizó una conferencia con Michigan para construir y visión colectiva el tema de la identidad desarrollar relaciones • Representar a LNWM en latina, ¿qué significa ser personales y profesionales en la comunidad latina? Para abril el tema es nuestra comunidad. LNWM cuenta con un “Lifting Afro Latina Actualmente se encuentran grupo cerrado de facebook Voices” y en mayo: “Advo- en proceso para convertirse y para formar parte es cacy vs. Lobbying”. oficialmente en una necesario haber “Los temas son organización sin fines de participando en al menos seleccionamos lucro. una reunión. Asimismo, dependiendo de la Su misión es empoderar el cuentan con un grupo retroalimentación que liderazgo de las latinas cerrado en facebook de recibimos de las asistentes sirviendo como un recurso lectura: LNWM Book Club, a nuestras reuniones”, para la equidad racial, la el cual tiene la misión de informó Laura Urzola defensa y la conectividad. reunir a las mujeres latinas Rivas, integrante de la Red La visión es ser un con el propósito de de Latinas. “Realizamos catalizador para el cambio construir y desarrollar una actividad al mes y a sistémico a través del relaciones personales y veces apoyamos al desarrollo del liderazgo, un profesionales en nuestra desarrollo de otras espacio de pertenencia cul- comunidad. Los libros actividades que se estén tural y la recuperación de la seleccionados se enfocan en realizando en la narrativa latina. diversos temas y cuestiones comunidad”. Actualmente el equipo de que conectan con la Todas las conferencias liderazgo está compuesto identidad cultural y ayudan que se realizan son gratuitas por: Ana José, Amy Tzinzun, al desarrollo de las latinas y siempre buscan Chris Arnold, Laura Urzola, como profesionales. patrocinadores para ofrecer Stacy Stout, CC Moore, “También tenemos un aperitivos y en ocasiones, Milinda Ysasi, Beca grupo de whatsapp y poco a obsequiar algún regalo a las Velázquez-Publes, Celeste poco vamos cubriendo varias asistentes. Los niños son Sánchez Lloyd y Lorena formas de comunicación La Prensa Newspaper bienvenidos para estar con Aguayo. para llegar a un número de su mamá en las mesas de De acuerdo con Laura personas cada vez mayor”, Aztlán Communications, Inc. Publisher trabajo o jugar entre ellos. Urzola el equipo de líderes concluyó la entrevistada. “Los hijos no son un siempre se ayuda para sacar Advertising: obstáculo para que las adelante los proyectos. “Nos NOTA: La entrada es Rubén Torres 440-320-8221 Lorain/Cleveland Sales Manager mujeres vengan a las dividimos las actividades gratuita pero es necesario Adrianne Kolasinski 216-688-9045 NW Ohio and MI Sales Manager María Molina 419-242-7744 Marketing Representative actividades, a veces para que cada mes le toque confirmar asistencia en Rico 419-870-6565 Sales, Graphics, Editing; Photography, contamos con servicio de organizar a una persona Eventbrite: Cacography, & Hispanic Marketing guardería y cuando no es diferente con el apoyo de las Editorial: Kevin Milliken La Prensa Correspondent Isabel Flores Latin America Correspondent Adrianne Chasteen II Junior Correspondent “People forget that the soil is our Art/Graphics/WebSite: sustenance. It is a sacred trust. It is what Jennifer Retholtz Graphics & Web Manager has worked for us for centuries.” — César E. Chávez Aztlán Communications Inc. Show your support on March 30th! PO Box 792, Saline MI 48176 SALES: 419.870-2797 or 440-320-8221 La Prensa will be having a Special Issue honoring César E. Chávez. The deadline to E-mail: [email protected] submit is March 16th. For more info please call Since 1989 Copyright 1989 - 2018 by La Prensa Publications, Inc. 419-870-2797 or email [email protected]. 23 de febrero, 2018 La Prensa—Ohio Page 5 Director of Space Telescope Science Institute to speak at UT Feb. 22 The director of the Space tion and unraveling the Telescope Science Institute mysteries of the in Baltimore, which operates universe. In 1946, an as- NASA’s Hubble Space Tele- trophysicist from Toledo scope and the soon-to-be- named Lyman Spitzer Jr. launched James Webb Space proposed building tele- Telescope, is speaking on scopes in space. Today, campus as part of The Univer- UT researchers and stu- sity of Toledo’s continuing dents use Spitzer and celebration of the NASA’s other space tele- 50th anniversary of the Ritter scopes by downloading Astrophysics Research the data and engaging Center. The free, public event in the exploration of the featuring Dr. Ken Sembach universe from Ritter. - and titled “Great Observato- The James Webb Space ries, Present and Future” is Telescope, which will be 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 22, the largest and most 2018, in Wolfe Hall Room powerful when 1205.“Some telescopes are launched into orbit next year, Sembach served as interim put into space to get above is named in honor of Dr. James director, Hubble mission Metroparks Toledo’s Matt Killam, marketing director; Scott Carpenter, public the blurring of our atmosphere Webb, who received an hon- head and Hubble project sci- relations director; & Dave Zenk, executive director. and to detect light that our orary degree at the dedication entist. Previously, Sembach atmosphere otherwise of UT’s Ritter facility on Oct. was the Far Ultraviolet Spec- blocks,” said Dr. Jillian 13, 1967. Webb was the head troscopic Explorer deputy Toledo Botanical Garden transferred to Bornak, associate lecturer in of NASA at that time. The project scientist for Large the Department of Physics and Space Telescope Science In- Science Programs at Johns Metroparks Toledo Astronomy and chair of the stitute is operated by the Asso- Hopkins University. He also Feb. 13, 2018: Toledo UT Astronomy 50th Anniver- ciation of Universities for Re- was a NASA Hubble Fellow sary Committee. “Dr. search in Astronomy, which at the Massachusetts Insti- City Council today ap- Sembach will talk to us about UT was selected to join in 2016 tute of Technology. Dr. proved Mayor Wade these great observatories and in recognition of the as- Sembach received a Kapszukiewicz’s request to lay out the foundation for why tronomy and astrophysics bachelor’s degree in phys- transfer the Toledo Botani- the city to create a public property is between we are excited for the view of program’s strengths in re- ics with honors in 1988 from cal Garden in west Toledo park. The city established Hawkins Elementary the universe that the Webb search, education and the University of Chicago telescope will give us.” - outreach. Before becoming and a PhD in astronomy in to Metroparks Toledo and the George P. Crosby Park School on Bancroft Street Toledo has historic connec- director of the Space Tele- 1992 from the University of authorized the 2018 Board in 1967 to oversee and the Frank Dick Natu- tions to deep space explora- scope Science Institute, Dr. Wisconsin-Madison. “Matches and Planning the operation of and pro- ral Science Technology Program” local funding. gramming at the newly- Center on Elmer Drive. In Metroparks Toledo opened garden. addition, there are oppor- UT celebrates Engineers Week for female agreed to acquire the 60- The Toledo Botanical tunities to work with stu- students, Feb. 22 acre garden and artist vil- Garden has been operating dents at both schools to The UT College of Engi- on Tuesday, Feb. 20 when they ment of Mechanical, Indus- lage in west Toledo to en- under the direction of a support their science and neering hosts its first Intro- tour UT’s engineering facili- trial and Manufacturing sure it remains one of the board with no budget assis- nature studies. duce a Girl to Engineering ties and have lunch with Col- Engineering and interim as- city’s great attractions. tance from the city of To- “Toledo Public Schools Day lege of Engineering students sistant dean of diversity, in- for students in 5th, 6th, ledo since 2006. strives to build stronger re- 7th and 8th grades. Starting at and professional engineers clusion and community en- “Metroparks Toledo has 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 22, before spending the afternoon gagement. “About 20 per- always been an amazing Metroparks assumed re- lationships in our commu- 2018, girls from the Toledo shadowing a practicing engi- cent of engineering degrees agency that oversees some sponsibility for operating nity with the goal to sup- area will tour University of neering professional in the nationwide are awarded to of the greatest assets our re- the property from the city port our students and their Toledo’s engineering facili- community. women. We hope the stu- gion has to offer – the in 2006 under a 33-year co- education,” said Superin- “Participants will learn dents are inspired to see ties and have lunch with Col- operative agreement then tendent Dr. Romules lege of Engineering students that engineering is not just their future selves working Metroparks,” Mayor Wade and professional engineers about being good at math in one of the many different Kapszukiewicz said. “I have entered into an agreement Durant. “Working with the before spending the afternoon and science. It requires curi- fields of engineering to de- the utmost confidence in the with Toledo Botanical Gar- Metroparks has been very doing hands-on activities. osity, creativity and team- sign, invent and create Metroparks to continue to den Board, Inc., a non- beneficial to the district, Area high school students work, and it is also fun,” said things to make our world maintain the botanical gar- profit organization, to man- and expanding options for Dr. Lesley Berhan, associate better, safer, healthier and will get the opportunity to be age day-to-day operations. students at Hawkins is a an Engineer for a Day at 9 a.m. professor in the UT Depart- cleaner.” den as one of Toledo’s great amenities. It will continue Since then, the Toledo Bo- great opportunity.” to rival other botanical gar- tanical Garden has been an Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz urges more people dens across the nation.” affiliate of the park district. Talks have also begun to consider becoming foster parents Metroparks Executive Last June, Metroparks with the Toledo Arts Com- Feb. 14, 2018: need homes.” agency’s custody were Director Dave Zenk said the and Toledo Botanical Gar- mission and 15 resident “Valentine’s Day is a good Robin Reese, Lucas there because of opioids, park district will “keep what den Board, Inc. agreed to arts and horticulture orga- time to spread love in our County Children Services Mrs. Reese said. people love about the gar- shift daily operations of the nizations located on the community. I can think of executive director, said the In July, 2013, there were den while adding addi- garden to Metroparks, property to explore new no better way today of do- agency is in desperate need 12,654 children in foster tional reasons to visit.” while the non-profit orga- opportunities to engage ing that than by considering of foster parents. care on any given day in becoming a foster parent,” The mayor and Mrs. Reese Ohio. Three years later, that “We want to build on the nization continues to oper- visitors to the Garden. The Mayor Kapszukiewicz said. spoke this week about the number increased to horticultural heritage of the ate Toledo GROWS, its Commission will provide “Lucas County Children need for foster families. “This 13,769, and by July, 2017, site, increase educational community garden out- oversight of 6 sculptures Services serves the most is a city that always rises to it spiked to 15,145, with opportunities, and raise reach program. At the time, in the Garden, which make vulnerable children in our the occasion,” Mrs. Reese only 7,200 foster homes awareness to increase visi- the park district announced up the community’s larg- community and the agency said. available statewide. really needs our help. What She attributed much of the More information on tation,” Mr. Zenk said. that the popular Crosby est public art installation. they need most right now increased need for foster fami- becoming a foster parent The Toledo Botanical Festival of the Arts and the are new foster families. lies to the opioid epidemic. can be found at: Garden, 5403 Elmer Dr., be- Jazz in the Garden series Editor’s Note: Coun- There are hundreds of chil- As of September, 2017, 56 gan in 1964 when George P. will continue, with pro- cil also authorized spend- dren in our community who percent of children in the Foster-Care-and-Adoption Crosby donated 20 acres to ceeds from both benefitting ing up to $5.44 million Toledo GROWS. from the Capital Improve- Metroparks is planning ment Fund for the 2018 to develop a garden-themed “Matches and Planning playground envisioned as Program,” which is part of the new Discovery Toledo’s main roadway re- Trail that opened last paving program. This al- spring. Recently, the park location is combined with district renovated a grants and loans. Mayor restroom building, and Kapszukiewicz said the renovations are set to be- city administration started gin shortly on the confer- the process early this year ence center and a mainte- so bidding and construc- nance building. tion could start on time. Metroparks and Toledo The Kapszukiewicz ad- Public School are in dis- ministration plans to have cussions about a partner- a residential street repav- ship to create a new trail ing program and a residen- through TPS property ad- tial street patching pro- jacent to the Garden. The gram this year. Visit us on Facebook at: Page 6 La Prensa February 23, 2018 ‘DREAMers’ left in limbo as Senate rejects Michigan sheriff sued for discriminatory, immigration bills racist behavior By ALAN FRAM and KEVIN FREKING, Associated Press JACKSON, MI, Feb. 14, names, according to the fil- ated Press on Wednesday, WASHINGTON, DC, Feb. only way forward is for Presi- of the 60 it needed to survive. 2018 (AP): A Michigan ing. Rand noted that “it would 15, 2018 (AP) The Senate left Fourteen Republicans— dent Trump to grab the reins sheriff made insulting re- Schuette met with the hu- not be prudent to talk about hundreds of thousands of and lead us to a solution.” more than 1 in 4—joined 46 “DREAMer” immigrants in That scenario wasn’t in Democrats in opposition. The marks against blacks, man resources director and pending litigation” and limbo Thursday, rejecting ri- sight Thursday. The White “no” votes included some of women and Latinos and county administrator/con- said he planned to speak val plans that would have House trashed the bipartisan the chamber’s most conserva- mocked a lieutenant for his troller Michael Overton on with a lawyer before possi- spared them from deportation proposal as “dangerous tive Republicans, many of work-related hearing loss, Jan. 17 and played him re- bly commenting. and strengthened the nation’s policy that will harm the na- whom were uncomfortable a federal lawsuit alleged. cordings of the sheriff’s The Jackson County border security. Senators dealt tion,” denouncing a provision with offering citizenship to Donald Trump an especially directing the government to immigrants here without docu- Jackson County Lt. comments, according to Sheriff’s Office has yet to galling defeat as more than a prioritize enforcement efforts mentation. Tommy Schuette filed the James Fett, Schuette’s law- review the allegations or quarter of fellow Republicans against immigrants who ar- Just three Democrats lawsuit against the county yer. The lawsuit also said received legal counsel on abandoned him on an issue that rive without documenta- backed Trump’s proposal, all and Sheriff Steven Rand the county didn’t take ac- the matter so officials have helped propel him to the White tion—beginning in July. of them facing dicey Novem- on Monday. The lawsuit tion and aren’t giving him declined to respond to spe- House. Trump proved unwilling to ber re-election in states he car- Also defeated was a plan by fold on his demands for a ried easily in 2016: Indiana’s alleged Rand created a hos- proper disability coverage. cific questions about the a bipartisan group of senators tougher bill, reflecting the Joe Donnelly, Heidi Heitkamp tile work environment and Jackson County officials lawsuit at this time, ac- who offered a compromise that hard-line immigration stance in North Dakota and West harassed Schuette because have denied any wrongdo- cording to an email sent would have shielded the young that fueled his presidential run. Virginia’s Joe Manchin. of his disability. ing and claim they referred Wednesday by Undersh- immigrants and financed After the Senate rejected The vote on the bipartisan Schuette said exposure the issue to the Michigan eriff Chris Kuhl. Trump’s demands for money to plan was 54-45, six short of the all four proposals on Thurs- to stun grenades while serv- State Police and Attorney “Jackson County Of- build his coveted border wall day, Senate Majority Leader required 60. Eight Republi- with Mexico, though more Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., cans who helped craft that com- ing on a county special re- General for an independent fice of the Sheriff asks for gradually than he wants. Eight blamed Democrats for failing promise supported it, and three sponse team affected his criminal investigation. the public’s patience and Republicans joined most to accept what he said was a Democrats voted “no” includ- hearing. When he told The county doesn’t have will continue to serve the Democrats in backing that plan, “generous” offer from Trump. ing Sen. Kamala Harris, D- Rand of his concerns in a legal source of authority community to the highest but it fell short after the White “They turned away from a Calif., who’s viewed as a 2020 2015-16, Rand threatened to discipline the sheriff or possible standard without House threatened a veto and golden opportunity to solve presidential hopeful. GOP leaders opposed it. the issue,” said McConnell. That proposal offered the to demote him if he men- his staff, according to regard to race, ethnicity, The day’s votes, in which He expressed openness to con- citizenship pathway for tioned the condition and Overton’s office. sexual preference or iden- four separate proposals were sidering a future compromise DREAMers and $25 billion for called him derogatory In an email to The Associ- tity,” Kuhl said. defeated, illustrated anew Con- but said, “For that to happen, border security, but doled it gress’ steep challenge in strik- Democrats will need to take a out over 10 years. Trump’s bill ing a deal on an issue that’s second look” at Trump’s de- would have prevented legal proven intractable for years and mands. immigrants from sponsoring Need-based scholarships available thru NOSF on which each party’s most fer- Trump had dangled a parents and siblings for citi- SYLVANIA, OH, Feb- need-based scholarships to scholarship program in vent supporters refuse to budge. chance for citizenship for 1.8 zenship and would have ended ruary 16, 2018: The North- provide parents with a choice northwest Ohio that awards The outcome suggested there million young immigrants, a visa lottery aimed at allow- west Ohio Scholarship for their child’s education. scholarships to children may be no permanent solution meeting a top Democratic de- ing more diverse immigrants Fund (NOSF) is accept- The Children’s Scholarship who otherwise might not soon to help the DREAMers, mand. But that plan also in- into the U.S. The compromise ing applications for the Fund was founded in 1998 be able to afford private who were brought to the U.S. as cluded $25 billion to build bill would have left the lottery 2018-2019 school year by the late Ted Forstmann schools for kindergarten children, despite their sky-high his border wall with Mexico system intact but barred support in public polling. and enact other border secu- DREAMers who obtain citi- for need-based scholar- and the late John Walton, through eighth grade. Eli- The Senate votes left the rity measures, tighter curbs on zenship from sponsoring their ships for grades Kinder- who saw a need for educa- gible families are required young immigrants facing a relatives whom legal immi- parents. garten through eighth tional alternatives for fami- to demonstrate their finan- March 5 deadline that Trump grants could sponsor for citi- The bipartisan measure’s worth up to $1,500 for chil- lies. cial need as measured by has given Congress for restor- zenship and an end to a visa sponsors included eight GOP dren to use at a nonpublic Since 1999, the North- standards similar to the ing the Deferred Action for lottery that encourages immi- senators. It was produced by a school or $500 for west Ohio Scholarship Fund Federal School Lunch pro- Childhood Arrivals program, gration from diverse nations. group led by Republican Sen. homeschool expenses. has awarded a total of $12.6 gram. or DACA, that he annulled last No. 2 Senate GOP leader Susan Collins of Maine and Families need to reside million in scholarships to Interested families can year. Federal courts have John Cornyn of Texas said Democrat Manchin. in Allen, Crawford, Defi- 14,700 students, part of that learn more about the pro- blocked him temporarily from after the votes that lawmakers Also rejected was a modest ance, Erie, Fulton, includes $4.3 million in gram at or dismantling the Obama-era ini- plan by Sens. John McCain, might consider temporarily Hancock, Henry, Huron, matching funds. All funds apply online at https:// tiative, but without congres- protecting Dreamers from de- R-Ariz., and Chris Coons, D- sional action the immigrants portation in a government- Del. It would have let many Lucas, Ottawa, Paulding, raised locally by NOSF are will face growing risks of de- wide spending measure Con- DREAMers qualify for perma- Putnam, Richland, matched by the Children’s For more information portation as their protections gress will consider next month. nent residency and directed Sandusky, Seneca, Van Scholarship Fund and are contact Northwest Ohio expire. He said that approach “to federal agencies to more effec- Wert, Williams, Wood, or used for scholarships in NW Scholarship Fund at (419) “DREAMers” are immi- me is not great, but that’s kind tively control the border by Wyandot Counties. Ohio. 720-7048. Deadline to grants who were brought to the of where we are.” 2020. But it didn’t offer a spe- NOSF is a partner with The Northwest Ohio apply for the 2018-2019 U.S. as children and now risk Democrats said Trump was cial citizenship pathway, raise the Children’s Scholar- Scholarship Fund is the only school year is Friday, April deportation because they lack the major hindrance to a border security funds or make ship Fund and awards privately funded need-based 27, 2018. permanent authorization to broader deal. sweeping changes in legal im- stay. DACA gives them the abil- “This vote is proof that migration rules. ity to live and work in the U.S. President Trump’s plan will A proposal by Sen. Pat for two-year periods that can be never become law,” said Sen- Toomey, R-Pa., was killed that Minority parents sue over racial quotas at renewed. ate Minority Leader Chuck would have blocked federal “It looks like demagogues Schumer of New York. “If he grants to “sanctuary cities,” magnet schools on the left and the right win would stop torpedoing bipar- communities that don’t coop- By DAVE COLLINS, Associated Press again on immigration,” said tisan efforts, a good bill would erate with federal efforts to HARTFORD, Conn., of student seats in the 21 dren have not been able to Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., pass.” enforce immigration laws. Feb. 15, 2018 (AP): Seven magnet schools are unfilled get into the schools under a who helped craft the bipartisan The Senate derailed Associated Press writers black and Latino families because too few white chil- lottery system and have package but also backed Trump’s proposal by voting Andrew Taylor and Ken Tho- are challenging race-based dren are enrolled. The schools been forced to attend lower- Trump’s plan. He added, “The 60-39 against it _ 21 votes shy mas contributed to this report. student quotas at city mag- are limited to 75 percent mi- performing, more segre- net schools by filing a civil nority student enrollment gated schools. rights lawsuit against Con- under a landmark school de- State and city officials necticut and Hartford offi- segregation case. declined to comment. They cials. Magnet schools are pub- say they hadn’t seen the The families filed the lic schools with specialized lawsuit and generally do lawsuit in federal court courses. not discuss pending litiga- Thursday saying hundreds The families say their chil- tion.

Annual Mayor D. Michael Collins Blood Drive Toledo’s annual Mayor D. Michael Collins Blood Drive will be held Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at the Toledo Police Patrolman’s Association union hall, 1947 Franklin Ave. The blood drive honors the memory of Mayor Collins, who died three years ago today - Feb. 6, 2015. The blood drive will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Donors may register at Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz intends to do- nate blood on that date. City employees are encouraged to donate blood. City employees represented by Ameri- Saturday, Feb. 24 ~ La Corporación can Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employ- ees Local 7 will be offered time during the work day to donate blood if doing so does not impact operations. LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 419-870-6565 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 23 de febrero, 2018 La Prensa Page 7 Nuestra Gente 96.5 FM hits the local airwaves Se inaugura la Berlinale bajo la sombra de #MeToo By Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent Por KIRSTEN GRIESHABER, Associated Press Latina non-profit ex- Some Latino listeners BERLÍN, 15 II 18 (AP): El que crearon un centro especial transcurrirá hasta el 25 de ecutive Linda Parra is fi- already are offering feed- telón del Festival de orientación en el festival al febrero. nally realizing a dream: her back on the station’s Internacional de Cine de que podrán acudir tanto Diecinueve películas own radio station to publi- Facebook page. Adver- Berlín se subió el jueves con miembros del público como participan en la competencia cize local Latino events and tisers also are seeking out el estreno mundial de la cinta participantes del evento si por el codiciado Oso de Oro, issues. But for now, her fa- opportunities, which will animada de Wes Anderson experimentan o atestiguan cuyo ganador se anunciará el vorite genres of music are help because 96.5 FM will “Isle of Dogs”. discriminación, acoso o abuso. 24 de febrero. Entre ellas se filling the airwaves of the have to survive on grants, El primero de los grandes Alemania tiene su propio encuentra la cinta mexicana low-power Nuestra Gente sponsors, and commu- festivales europeos de cine escándalo: Dieter Wedel, un “Museo” de Alonso 96.5 FM radio station. nity donors. del año llega bajo la sombra prolífico director de series de Ruizpalacios, quien en 2014 “This is like having a “It is about time To- del escándalo de abuso televisión, renunció el mes fue galardonado en la baby. You have to watch it ledo gets to hear a great sexual que ha sacudido a la pasado como director de un Berlinale con el premio a la every minute, every sec- Latino radio program, ex- industria cinematográfica en festival de teatro tras ser mejor ópera prima por ond,” she said with a cellent format,” wrote Joe Estados Unidos y que se ha denunciado por una conducta “Güeros”. “Museo” es chuckle. “I even listen to Muñoz. “Now let’s make diseminado a otros países sexual inapropiada. Varias protagonizada por Gael García the radio station from my it high-power to expand alrededor del mundo. El mujeres alegan que Wedel las Bernal, Leonardo Ortizgris y house, 24 hours. I go to the (the) listening area.” escándalo se desató cuando presionó a tener relaciones Alfredo Castro. La cinta retrata bathroom, I listen. I go to “I am very excited to actrices se pronunciaron con sexuales. Wedel ha negado las un importante robo de piezas the kitchen, I listen. I’m finally have a station in denuncias de acoso sexual y acusaciones. arqueológicas ocurrido en driving in my car, I listen to We need to make it higher. Spanish! It would be amaz- violación contra el productor La ministra de Cultura México en 1985. the station. If something goes We are only up 100 feet.” ing if you played more salsa, de Hollywood Harvey alemana Monika Gruetters “Isle of Dogs” llegará a las wrong, we have to fix it right The latter statement is in bachata, and ballads,” wrote Weinstein. anunció el jueves al margen salas de cine de Estados Unidos away. This is like your heart- reference to putting up a taller another listener. “La resonancia del festival que el ministerio en marzo, y al resto del mundo beat and you have to listen to broadcast tower so the radio “I am pretty satisfied. It’s internacional de #MeToo (el destinará 100.000 euros en abril. Es la primera cinta it.” signal can reach more people. been a lot of work, hard work. movimiento #YoTambién) ha (124.000 dólares) para un animada que inaugura la WVZC-LP, Toledo’s only The founder and executive But people like it. That is dejado en claro rápidamente centro de orientación Berlinale, y la cuarta película 24-hour Spanish language ra- director of Nuestra Gente something they were wait- que el problema no está permanente para víctimas de de Anderson que se presenta dio station, first broadcast on Community Projects, Inc., also ing for and they are listen- confinado a Hollywood”, abuso en los medios y el cine en competencia. Su filme más the afternoon of December stated the need for micro- ing to it,” she said, calling it dijeron los organizadores del en Alemania que comenzará a reciente en Berlín fue “The 30, 2017. For now, Ms. Parra phones, a mixer and other ba- a nonprofit radio station and festival en un comunicado. operar en marzo, reportó la Grand Budapest Hotel” en is taking music requests live sic gear to start a series of talk an extension of her non- “Alrededor del mundo, los agencia de noticias alemana 2014. via the radio station’s shows, news, and weather— profit work. individuos afectados de tales DPA. La cinta cuenta con las Facebook page and tries to all in Spanish. The signal right The 96.5 studios are abusos han encontrado el En cuanto al cine mismo, el voces de Edward Norton, Bill fill those requests as quickly now, according to Ms. Parra, housed in rented space right valor para hacer públicas sus director alemán Tom Tykwer Murray, Scarlett Johansson y as possible. “reaches most of Toledo, now at The Providence historias”. encabeza el jurado en la 68va Tilda Swinton, entre otros “That’s what we need here. Rossford, and Oregon.” Center in the Broadway Los organizadores dijeron edición de la Berlinale, que artistas. The music I played when I had “We just don’t have the Corridor. There’s no word if the radio show. That’s what things we need yet to operate a move will be needed once people keep telling me, that in a good way. We have limi- a bigger radio tower is in- Public Invited to Comment on Ohio’s 2018- they prefer this kind of for- tations right now,” she said. stalled. mat,” she said. “People tell me “We would like to have live “This is a community sta- 2019 Hunting Season Proposals what they want to hear, so shows, live news, take phone tion. This is a window for COLUMBUS: Ohioans • Central Ohio: Wildlife of the proposed rules will be that’s what we are doing.” calls. We don’t yet have the everything people would are invited to offer public District One office, 1500 held at the ODNR Division of For almost a decade, Ms. money for all that. We just had want to talk about,” she said. comment regarding the pro- Dublin Road, Columbus Wildlife’s District One office Parra hosted her own one-hour to get on the air before the “I will want people to call posed and future hunting, 43215; 614-644-3925; on Thursday, March 15, at 9 brokered radio show on expiration of our license. us and tell us about some- trapping and fishing regula- • Northwest Ohio: Wild- a.m. WCWA-AM 1230, inviting That’s the main thing right thing that is going on and to tions at open houses sched- life District Two office, 952 The Ohio Wildlife Coun- guests to the studios at Fort now—just to be on the air. participate in whatever is uled across the state. The Lima Avenue, Findlay 45840; cil is an eight-member board Industry Square to talk about Now we need more to make it going on. We want to listen open houses will be held on 419-424-5000; that approves all ODNR Divi- Latino-themed issues and a 100 percent radio station.” to the community, their Saturday, March 3, between • Northeast Ohio: Wildlife sion of Wildlife proposed events. But that show ended Ms. Parra is organizing ideas, and try to make that noon and 3 p.m., and online District Three office, 912 Por- rules and regulations. The in 2014, when Ms. Parra de- another upcoming fundraiser happen. If they want to do comments will be accepted tage Lakes Drive, Akron council will vote on the pro- cided to no longer pay for the to better equip the radio sta- something, if they want to from now through Sunday, 44319; 330-644-2293; posed rules and season dates air time and focus instead on tion. A benefit dinner for make an opinion, then we’ll March 4, 2018. • Southeast Ohio: Wildlife during its meeting on saving for the equipment nec- Nuestra Gente is scheduled support you and give you Open houses provide op- District Four office, 360 E. Wednesday, April 11, after essary to start her own small for Monday, March 19, 2018 the microphone to make it portunities for anyone inter- State Street, Athens 45701; considering public input. - radio station. at El Camino Real restaurant, happen—but everything in ested in sharing input and 740-589-9930; Council meetings are open to “Now we need to buy more Douglas Rd. and Sylvania a positive way.” participating in Ohio’s pro- • Southwest Ohio: Greene the public. Individuals who equipment to keep operating Ave., 5:30 to 10 p.m. The $20 On the Internet: http:// fessional fish and wildlife County Fish and Game, 1538 want to provide comments better,” she said. “We need a admission price includes din- www.nuestragentecommunity- management process. ODNR Union Road, Xenia 45385; on a topic that is currently computer, we need a printer. ner and a door prize. Division of Wildlife biolo- 937-372-9261. being considered by council gists and law enforcement Directions to the open are asked to preregister at least officers will be available to houses can be found at two days prior to the meeting answer questions and re- or by calling by calling 614-265-6304. All ceive comments. Those un- 800-WILDLIFE (945-3543). comments are required to be able to attend an open house Public input gathered at these three minutes or less. can provide comments open houses and online is criti- ODNR ensures a balance online at All cal and will be considered dur- between wise use and protec- interested Ohioans are en- ing the formation of future tion of our natural resources couraged to participate. hunting and fishing for the benefit of all. Visit the Open house location in- regulations. ODNR website at formation for March 3: A statewide hearing on all LA PRENSA SALES: LORAIN 440-320-8221 • CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 or 419-870-2797 Página 8 La Prensa February 23, 2018

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3237 West Sylvania, Suite 200 (419) 407 – 4141 LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO • LORAIN/CLEVELAND • COLUMBUS 419-870-2797 23 de febrero, 2018 La Prensa Página 9 Page 10 La Prensa—NE OHIO February 23, 2018

LCCC students win big at Culinary Classic and Serve Up Local Eats at Sage & Seed Feb. 13, 2018: Lorain dancer. He was one of the “I love competing. I want County Community bronze medal winners from to be the best,” gold medal LCCC’s Stocker Arts Center hosts Helen College’s culinary students LCCC in the culinary compe- winner Wagner said. “Any were awarded seven medals tition, along with Antonia time I have a chance to suc- Welch “Superstar: Celebrating the Music of at the Greater Ohio Culi- Hajnikova, Charlene Rein- ceed, I’ll take it because I like the Carpenters” nary Classic, including hard, Laurence Fenderson, to work on improving my Lorain County Com- the Carpenters. The show Only Just Begun,” “Su- LCCC’s first gold medals in and Shontae Jackson. craft.” munity College’s Stocker highlights all of the songs perstar,” “Yesterday the competition, earned by “Even if you don’t place, I Even though the compe- Arts Center presents Karen Carpenter fans Once More,” “Top of the Jack Wagner and Jordan always tell fellow students to tition is stressful, bronze win- Helen Welch – “Super- know and love, along World” and many more. Krystowski. do it,” Jacobsen said. “It forces ner Reinhard said she’s star: Celebrating the with some fascinating LCCC hosted the event you to be more organized and proud to take part and wel- Music of the Carpenters” stories about the brother/ Tickets are $20 each; at the Norton Culinary Arts more focused and puts you comes the challenge to stay on Saturday, March 3, sister duo. Helen’s dis- $10 for LCCC for students Center in mid-January and ahead of people who don’t focused. 2018 at 7 p.m. at the Hoke tinctive alto voice settles with a valid ID, children took home five bronze med- compete.” “Competition raises your Theatre of Stocker Arts in perfectly amidst the 18 and under and active als, as well — meaning all Hajnikova agreed. “You skills up to another plateau,” Center. precise, lush arrange- duty military with a valid LCCC culinary students who feel you’re part of something bronze medal winner Broadway vocalist ments provided by her ID. To learn more or to competed earned medals big. People from all over the Laurence added. “It’s more and Grammy nominee band performing Carpen- order tickets, visit from the American Culinary country come,” she said. than just cooking; it’s art.” Ms. Welch celebrates ters classics such as or Federation competition. The competition was “a In October, students will the magic and music of “Close To You,” “We’ve call (440) 366-4040. big win for our program and compete at the Columbus More than 20 profession- a statement of our direction,” Culinary Institute. als attended the competition among 15 local students. “It’s chef and director of the LCCC For more information on not like TV. We have one Culinary Arts Institute Adam the culinary arts at LCCC, hour and 10 minutes to make Schmith said. “Our students visit MEXICAN MUTUAL SOCIETY (MMS) two plates,” said applied performed with a high level culinary. 1820 East 28th Street, business and culinary stu- of integrity, skill and pas- PHOTO CREDITS on Lorain, OH 44052, dent Donald Jacobsen, who sion for the industry and were page 1: LCCC culinary stu- crafted a currant-stuffed amazing ambassadors to all dents Laurence Fenderson, 440-277-7375 chicken breast for the com- of the public that visited the Antonia Hajnikova, Donald petition. All of the dishes culinary campus.” Jacobsen, Charlene Rein- “SAVE THE CLUB!” CAMPAIGN consisted of chicken, a veg- Training was a two-month hard, Jordan Krystowski February 2018 etable and a starch, he said. long, three-day-a-week pro- and Shontae Jackson were Contestants were also evalu- cess for up to four hours a day, awarded medals at the FUNDRAISER EVENT CALENDAR ated for sanitation, cleanli- said Schmith. He is proud of Greater Ohio Culinary Clas- Public Welcome! ness, technique and more. the commitment of his stu- sic competition held at the Preparing for competi- dents, he said. This was the Norton Culinary Arts Cen- The Mexican Mutual Society (MMS) “SAVE THE CLUB!” Campaign focuses on tion is a regular part of his third year his students have ter in mid-January. Photo fundraising events to help sustain the operation of the MMS’s home in South Lorain. life, Jacobsen said, since he competed and won awards at provided by Lorain County Founded in 1928, it is one of the few remaining historical ethnic clubs in Lorain. also competes as an Irish the national competition. Community College. CELEBRITY BARTENDER EVENTS: The public is invited to join in the fun on the following Friday nights from 6-9 pm. with NEO LaunchNET hosts business competition the Celebrity Bartenders as the crowd cheers and the big bell rings as the tip donations for Promising Entrepreneurial Students role in for the Mexican Mutual Society! Delicious Mexican food is available. Lorain County Commu- ness idea by themselves or as dents on November 17, 2015. February 16, 2018: Lupe Veliz and Family. nity College’s entrepreneur- part of a team (up to five NEO LaunchNET is located February 23, 2018: The Santana Brothers, Checo, and Steve. ial-launching business ma- people) before a panel of on the first floor of The Bass chine will host its annual judges for the opportunity to Library/Community Re- CULTURAL PROGRAMS, by EILEEN TORRES: business competition, Idea win cash prizes of $1000 (first source Center. NEO The MMS is pleased to present ongoing cultural presentations by Eileen Torres, a Lorain Labs, from 1-5 p.m. on Thurs- place), $500 (second place) LaunchNET is supported by native, who has returned home after 30 years professionally performing Latin dance and day, March 8, 2018 in room and $250 (third place).” The the Burton D. Morgan Foun- lecturing on Latin culture and history. Eileen has spoken at hundreds of colleges and 122 of The Nord Advanced winning team will then ad- dation. universities, and numerous Federal government agencies. The video/lectures are both Technologies Center. vance to the Idea Labs regional For more information, entertaining and educational and will be presented from 7-8:30 pm Friday evenings “All LCCC students, re- business competition, where call the NEO LaunchNET and are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. The 2018 presentations will be: gardless of major, are invited they will have the opportu- office at (440) 366-4900 or to participate in this event,” nity to win almost $6000 in visit March 9, 2018. Eighteen Women in Salsa. said NEO LaunchNET pro- cash prizes. To participate in Idea Labs, April 13, 2018. Latinos in Rock and Roll. gram director Janice Lapina. NEO LaunchNET at fill out the information re- May 11, 2018 From Ranchera to Salsa. “Students can present a busi- LCCC opened its doors to stu- quested on the “Join Us” tab. July 27, 2018 Influences of Latin Rhythms on American Popular Music.

CALL FOR ACTION! MMS CLUBHOUSE NEEDS HEAT! Lorain Community Business Schools Partnership Funds continue to be raised for replacement of the Heating, Ventilation and Air st Conditioning unit. Donations are being accepted. Call or text Joel at 440-371-2553 to meet February 21 from 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. or email him at [email protected] with your pledge. Join us as we continue the work of the Lorain C|B|S Partnership together! During this next gath- 2018 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: Mexican Mutual Society’s membership drive is in full ering, we will continue our discussion about how swing! The MMS is a non-profit organization sustained by fundraisers, ethnic programs we can empower Lorain C|B|S Partners to take and private donations. YOUR MEMBERSHIP KEEPS THE MMS ALIVE ! “Social action on specific priorities within The Lorain Membership” is ONLY $10. “Active Membership” available to persons of Mexican Promise, the district’s strategic plan.Mark your descent is $15. Applications are available at the Club. calendar for Wednesday, February 21st, begin- Fundraiser Events are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! ning promptly at 8:00 a.m. in the Performing Arts Atrium at Lorain High School. If you plan to attend this event, RSVP by emailing Elena González at [email protected]. CELEBRATING 90 YEARS! 1928-2018 23 de febrero, 2018 La Prensa—NE OHIO Page 11

Students traveling to aid post-hurricane Puerto Rico CMSD NEWS BU- REAU, 2/12/2018: In- side a vacant, dilapidated home in Cleveland’s Detroit-Shoreway neigh- borhood, Lincoln-West School of Global Stud- ies students hauled out debris and swept the floors of a house that will be renovated for a family of refugees. The students are help- ing out their own com- munity, but they are also preparing for an upcom- ing trip to Puerto Rico. Seven students and four A Lincoln-West School of Global Studies student teachers will fly to the paints a home in Cleveland to gain experience for island in late March to volunteer work in Puerto Rico. volunteer in communi- ties recovering from Hur- At the orphanage, which For another sopho- ricane Maria, which Morales-Cruz says has seen more, Kenneth, the trip struck the island in Octo- an influx of children since will be more personal. He ber and left a path of de- the storm, they will paint a is looking forward to vis- struction. mural and plant a garden, iting family members The students are all in working alongside the chil- whom he last saw three a Spanish class taught by dren. And at the elementary years ago, when he left the Rosa Morales-Cruz. The school, the students will island for Cleveland. class, coincidentally, paint classrooms and create Many of his family mem- was studying Puerto a bilingual Spanish and En- bers and friends are still Rico when the hurricane glish library to help suffering the effects of the hit, amplifying students’ children communicate better storm. feelings of devastation with family members who “I feel sad because my when they saw news cov- have moved to the United family lost their house,” erage of the storm and its States. he said. “I’m looking for- aftermath, Morales-Cruz To prepare for these ward to helping more said. Many of the students projects, the school turned people.” also have Puerto Rican to community organizations The trip, which the heritage, including one that have been partners in class calls “Youth Lifting student who moved from the past, including Mustard Puerto Rico” is one way the island just three years Seed Development and the school is fulfilling its ago. Greater Cleveland Habitat mission to transform stu- “They felt like they for Humanity. dents into global citizens needed to do something Mustard Seed buys houses with a passion for service, IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS? about it,” Morales-Cruz at below-market rates and Morales-Cruz said. When said. “Our community then rehabilitates them to the group returns, she was doing a lot — send- rent out to newcomers in the hopes that they will con- ing food and money — community. Mustard Seed tinue working with Mus- but we knew we needed Development Director Daryl tard Seed Development to to see it and have our Anderson opened up two renovate homes for refu- kids there to help.” homes where students spent gees. So the planning be- a morning learning how to “My goal is for the stu- gan. Morales-Cruz was safely paint, demolish and dents to see that no matter born in Puerto Rico and remove debris from a house what goes on around the so was familiar with some that had been flooded — a world, we have so many of the most common problem in post- blessings. We should take significant challenges Maria Puerto Rico. care of what we have al- facing the community The Hearty Hearts Home ready and see how we can where her family lives, in Health agency trained the make a difference,” Mo- a city called Juana Díaz. group in CPR. rales-Cruz said. Students chose parts of The trip will offer a bounty Another teacher going the island that appeared of cultural and educational on the trip, Wilda Morales, to be receiving little as- experiences for the students, also has family in Puerto SVETLANA SCHREIBER sistance, including including a trip to Casa Rico who suffered serious Juana Díaz, and identi- Museo de los Santos Reyes, a losses in the storm. She fied problems to address museum in Juana Díaz. The hopes the trip will bring Preguntas o problemas de Inmigración during their trip. They students will have opportu- joy and healing to Puerto also began organizing nities to practice their Span- Ricans and stir up a hu- Hablamos español fundraisers to pay for ish during gatherings with manitarian spirit in the stu- their travel expenses. native Puerto Ricans to learn dents. • Asylum • Visas • Business The class plans to about dancing, food, art and “I’m envisioning that visit a senior home, an the economy of the island. the students can under- • Deportation • Family • Same Sex Marriage elementary school and The teachers have also sched- stand and take hold that an orphanage. At the se- uled a visit to the University not only in Puerto Rico nior home, they will help of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras. are there so many chal- ¡Consulta Gratis! Free Consultation build a community cen- Jonathan, a Global Stud- lenges, but also in our ter where residents can ies sophomore, is excited to community,” she said. “I communicate via video travel to a new place and hope they’ll start asking, ABOGADA SVETLANA SCHREIBER chat with family mem- work on his Spanish, which, ‘How can we build our bers who relocated to once he perfects it, will be- community from the 2510 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44114 216-621-7292 the United States after come his sixth language. ground up?’ ” 1-866-553-4643 the hurricane. They also “I’m excited to see a new Have a story idea for will help the senior citi- experience and see how they the CMSD News Bureau? For consideration of the Deferred DREAM zens learn how to use live, what they eat, the cul- Email it to newstips@ the technology. ture — everything,” he said. Application, contact us today! Page 12 La Prensa February 23, 2018 White House threatens veto of Senate Crespo honra a Diomedes Díaz, celebra 20 immigration compromise años de Suavemente By ALAN FRAM and KEVIN FREKING, Associated Press Por SIGAL RATNER-ARIAS, Associated Press NUEVA YORK, 15 II 18 herido”, “La ventana a ella le encantó la idea”, WASHINGTON, DC, Feb. his wall, it would dole it out needed for it to prevail if it is (AP): Un golpe de inspiración marroncita”, “Simulación”, relató. 15, 2018 (AP): Donald Trump over 10 years and lacks most of backed by all 47 Democrats de última hora cambió hace “Tú eres la reina”, “La juntera”, Al homenaje a Díaz se suma would veto a bipartisan Sen- the limits Trump is seeking on and the two independents 20 años la suerte de Elvis “Fantasía” y “Sin medir un nuevo éxito que dijo que ate compromise that would legal immigration. who usually support them. Crespo y le mereció un éxito distancias”. lo tiene viviendo “un help young “DREAMer” im- Senate Minority Leader The centrist proposal was que ha trascendido “Yo vengo conociendo la momento mágico”: su migrants and build his cov- Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said produced by a group led by generaciones: el clásico del música de Diomedes desde Ia reciente colaboración con eted border wall, the White Trump has “stood in the way of Sens. Susan Collins, R- merengue “Suavemente”. niñez porque El Gran Combo Steve Aoki, Daddy Yankee y House threatened on Thurs- every single proposal that has Maine, and Joe Manchin, D- “Es una canción muy es- de Puerto Rico grabó Play-N-Skillz “Azukita”. day, fueling doubts that any had a chance of becoming law.” W.Va., that spent weeks seek- pecial en mi vida que salió de ‘Simulación’ en salsa y El Gran “Me está dando la immigration measures would He added, “The American ing middle ground. Besides mi fragilidad como a las 12 Combo fue una gran influencia oportunidad de llegar a una en mi adolescencia”, dijo survive showdown votes. people will blame President its path to citizenship and del mediodía. El disco estaba multitud de oídos nuevos”, ya grabado y tuve que Crespo, quien ha destacado la dijo del tema dance/ In a written statement, the Trump and no one else for the border security money, it convencer a los productores coincidencia de que su padre electrónico, al tiempo que White House labeled the pro- failure to protect DREAMers.” would bar Dreamers from de que volviéramos al estudio se llama Diomedes y su madre destacó el “gran momento” posal “dangerous policy that Overnight, the Department sponsoring their parents for para grabarla”, recordó el se apellida Díaz. que está viviendo la música will harm the nation.” It of Homeland Security said in citizenship, far narrower than astro puertorriqueño nacido El artista y había incluido latina. “La música en español singled out a provision that an emailed statement that the Trump’s proposal to prevent en Nueva York sobre su 1999 el tema “No comprendo” es una potencia y la música en directs the government to bipartisan proposal would be all legal immigrants from primer álbum, que terminó del icono colombiano en su este momento lo está prioritize enforcement efforts “the end of immigration en- bringing parents and sib- llevando el mismo título del disco ganador del Grammy presentando de esa forma. against immigrants who ar- forcement in America.” lings to the U.S. tema. “Píntame”, así como “Ay la Somos una potencia mundial. rive illegally beginning in That drew fire from Sen. The moderates’ measure “Esta canción cambió mi vida” en el álbum “Tatuaje” Ya los franceses quieren hablar July. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., one does not alter a lottery that vida completamente”, del 2014. español, los rusos quieren Senate leaders were hop- of eight GOP co-sponsors of distributes about 55,000 vi- añadió. “Estoy agradecido “Siempre la canciones de aprender español...”. ing to hold votes Thursday the bipartisan plan. “Instead of sas annually to people from con Dios por haberme Diomedes son buenas amigas”, El 14 de abril, en el 20mo expresó. aniversario de “Suavemente”, on Trump’s immigration pro- diverse countries. Trump has permitido tener una canción offering thoughts and advice— (tan representativa), pues hay La idea para el nuevo Crespo planea celebrar por posal, along with the biparti- or even constructive criti- proposed ending it and re- excelente cantantes que no homenaje surgió hace unos dos partida doble, pues su esposa san compromise and two cism—they are acting more distributing its visas to other tienen una canción, y yo no años, cuando su esposa lo sentó además estará cumpliendo other measures. In an omi- like a political organization immigrants, including some soy un excelente cantante a ver la telenovela “Cacique cuatro décadas de vida. nous sign, the leaders opened intent on poisoning the well,” who are admitted based on pero tengo ‘Suavemente’”. de la Junta”, sobre la vida de “Haremos una fiesta the day’s debate by trading Graham said in a statement. job skills, not family ties. La semana pasada Crespo Díaz. llamada ’40 y 20'”, dijo con blame, as prospects seemed The bipartisan compromise Also in play is a more lanzó el álbum “Ahí entendí la historia de evidente entusiasmo, to grow that the chamber’s was announced Wednesday by modest plan by McCain and “Diomedizao”, un homenaje Diomedes, cómo vino de haciendo un guiño a otro long-awaited debate on the 16 senators with centrist views Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del. It al difunto músico abajo, de la pobreza, igual que clásico del repertorio pop hot-button issue would end on the issue and was winning would let many Dreamers colombiano Diomedes Díaz, yo que poquito a poco fui latinoamericano, esta vez de in stalemate. support from many Democrats, qualify for permanent resi- con ocho canciones de logrando mis sueños a fuerza José José. Senate Majority Leader but it faced an uncertain fate. dency and direct federal vallenato y cumbia de trabajo. Le dije a mi esposa, Sigal Ratner-Arias está en ‘Siento que aquí hay un disco Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as- Besides opposition by the agencies to more effectively adaptadas al merengue: “Por Twitter como https:// qué razón”, “El cóndor de Diomedes, un homenaje. Y sailed Democrats for failing administration and leading Re- control the border by 2020. to offer “a single proposal publicans, the bipartisan plan But it doesn’t offer a special that gives us a realistic chance prompted qualms among citizenship pathway for to make law.” Instead, he said, Democrats. The party’s No. 2 DREAMers, raise border se- Democrats should back Senate leader, Dick Durbin of curity funds or make sweep- Trump’s “extremely gener- Illinois, said some Democrats ing changes in legal immi- ous” proposal. had “serious issues” with parts gration rules. Trump would offer 1.8 mil- of the plan. Those concerns The White House said it lion DREAMers a 10- to 12- focused on its spending for opposes the McCain- year process for gaining citi- Trump’s wall and its prohibi- Coons plan, saying it zenship, provide $25 billion tion against Dreamers spon- would “increase illegal to build his coveted U.S.- soring their parents for legal immigration” and cause Mexico border wall and re- residency. other problems. strict legal immigration. So far, neither Trump’s plan Another vote would be DREAMers are immigrants nor the bipartisan measure taken on a proposal by Sen. brought to the U.S. without seemed to have support from Pat Toomey, R-Pa., that documentation as children 60 senators, the number that would add language block- who risk deportation because will be needed to prevail. Re- ing federal grants to “sanc- they lack permanent authori- publicans control the chamber tuary cities,” communities zation to stay in the U.S. 51-49, though Sen. John that don’t cooperate with Instead, Democratic lead- McCain, R-Ariz., has missed federal efforts to enforce ers rallied behind a biparti- the last several weeks while immigration laws. The san plan that would also give battling cancer. amendment is considered 1.8 million DREAMers a The bipartisan measure’s sure to lose. chance for citizenship. But sponsors included eight GOP Associated Press writer while it would provide the senators. That meant just three Andrew Taylor contributed $25 billion Trump wants for more Republicans would be to this report. Racism killed early childhood education proposal By RUSSELL CONTRERAS, Associated Press ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., A constitutional amend- expand early childhood pro- Feb. 15, 2018 (AP): The head ment to increase annual distri- grams despite public pres- of the New Mexico Confer- butions from the $17 billion sure and polls showing sup- ence of Catholic Bishops be- Land Grant Permanent Fund port. lieves racism helped killed a to early childhood education Javier Benavidez, a cam- proposal to expand early programs would have gone to paign manager at the Inclu- childhood education in the the voters in November. But sive Democracy Project, said state. the proposal died in the Senate advocates have to target mod- Allen Sánchez, executive Finance Committee after panel erate Senate Democrats who director of the group, said he chair, Democratic Sen. John have repeatedly opposed the thinks wealthy whites op- Arthur Smith, declined to give measure with liberal candi- posed the plan that would it a hearing. dates in 2020 primary elec- have helped the state’s poor He said he didn’t know if tions. Hispanic and Native Ameri- wealthy lawmakers opposed Sánchez said the Senate can children by offering ex- the plan or if racism was a fac- Democratic leadership could panded preschool options. tor. have brought the proposal to “We feel there’s an ele- “My reasons are about fis- the whole Senate floor for a ment of racism here,” cal concerns,” Smith said. “We vote. “Them not doing so Sánchez said Wednesday at already give back the federal tells you’re their priorities,” a candlelight vigil outside government millions from he said. the New Mexico Statehouse. Head Start. We need to get our Associated Press writer “If you look at the footage of (Public Education Department) Russell Contreras is a mem- the hearings around this pro- and the federal government to ber of the AP’s race and posal, the opposition came fix this.” ethnicity team. Follow him from people with power and This was the eighth time on Twitter at http:// wealth. They don’t under- anti-poverty advocates were stand what is going on in our unable to convince lawmak- rcontreras communities with poverty.” ers to endorse a measure to 23 de febrero, 2018 La Prensa—EVENTS Page 13 Mud Hens and Tigers extend affiliation TOLEDO, Feb. 16, for the Major 2018: The League level and and the have we’re thrilled that extended their player de- Mud Hens’ fans velopment agreement will continue to through the 2020 season, have the opportu- cementing a relationship nity to watch Ti- between these two historic gers’ stars of to- franchises that dates back morrow for the more than 30 years. Toledo years to come.” has served as Detroit’s top Toledo has minor league affiliate since made the post-sea- 1987. son four times (2002, 2005, Efren Navarro, Tyler “We have always had a 2006, and 2007) and has won Collins, Jacoby Jones, Matt great working relationship the International League’s den Dekker. with the Tigers and look Governors’ Cup twice (2005 forward to continuing it,” & 2006) while at Fifth Third (21): said Erik Ibsen, Toledo Mud Field. Matthew Boyd, Anibal Hens general manager and The Toledo Mud Hens Sánchez, Daniel Stumpf, executive vice president. recently completed their Chad Bell, Daniel Norris, “We’re excited for this up- 16th season at Fifth Third Warwick Saupold, Buck Toledo History Museum hosts forum on coming season with the in- Field in downtown Toledo Farmer, Drew VerHagen, Moses Fleetwood Walker and Negro flux of minor league talent with a 70-71 record. Blaine Hardy, Joe Jiménez, the Tigers have added to The team has drawn over Bruce Rondón, Myles Jaye, Leagues their system, that our fans a half a million fans each Artie Lewicki, Zac TOLEDO: In honor of 46-58 record in 1884. The clude baseball historians have the potential of see- season to Fifth Third Field Reininger, Jeff Ferrell, Vic- Black History Month, the team returned to the minors to discuss Walker and this ing more prospects coming since moving downtown in tor Alcántara, Arcenio León, Toledo History Museum the next year and disbanded divisive era in baseball.” through Toledo before 2002. The Mud Hens drew , Jairo will host a forum of local after the 1885 season. The forum is free and open heading to Detroit.” 533,014 fans in 70 games Labourt, Kyle Ryan, Will- baseball historians dis- Walker played in the mi- to the public. In 2017, a total of 32 this past season for an aver- iam Cuevas. cussing Fleet Walker and nor leagues until 1889, and Forum guests include players saw action in both a age of 7,614 per game. Negro Leagues Baseball was the last African-Ameri- local baseball historian, Detroit and Toledo uni- Toledo opens its 17th sea- Toledo Affiliation on Monday, February 26, can to participate on the John Husman; Detroit form— 11 position players son at Fifth Third Field on History 2018 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm major league level before baseball historian, Gary and 21 pitchers (full list Thursday, April 12 against 1987-Current – Detroit in the McMaster Center at Jackie Robinson broke Gillette; and Ron Teasley, below). the Pawtucket Red Sox, with 1978-1986 – Minnesota the Toledo Lucas County baseball’s color line in 1947. a 91-year-old former Ne- Detroit Tigers Vice Presi- new skipper Doug 1976-1977 – Cleveland Main Library. After his baseball career, he gro Leagues player for the dent of Player Development Mientkiewicz at the helm, 1974-1975 – Philadelphia Before a “gentleman’s became a successful busi- New York Cubans. Dave Littlefield, “We are joined by Pitching Coach 1967-1973 – Detroit agreement” among nessman, newspaper editor, excited to be continuing Jeff Pico, Hitting Coach Brian 1965-1966 – New York League owners upheld Jim and inventor. About the Toledo His- our partnership with the Harper, Third Base Coach 1956-1964 – No baseball Crow segregation in the During the period of seg- tory Museum: The To- Toledo Mud Hens through Basilio Cabrera, Strength in Toledo national pastime until regation in baseball, Afri- ledo History Museum is a the 2020 season. The rela- and Conditioning Coach 1953-1955 – Milwaukee 1947, Moses Fleetwood can-American stars like nonprofit membership or- tionship between the Tigers Jeff Mathers, and Athletic 1949-1952 – Detroit Walker is credited with Satchel Paige, Josh Gibson, ganization that cares for, and Mud Hens dates back Trainer Chris McDonald. 1940-1948 – St. Louis being one of the first black and Buck O’Neill earned a showcases, and interprets to 1987, making it the 1936-1939 – Detroit men to play in Major living playing for Negro authentic pieces of Toledo fourth-longest active Position players (11): 1883-1935 – No affiliation League Baseball (MLB). League teams like the Kan- and U.S. history. Its rich Triple-A affiliate across Jeimer Candelario, Alex A native of Mount sas City Monarchs, Home- offerings of programs and baseball. The Mud Hens Presley, J.D. Martínez, John For more information go Pleasant, Ohio, and a star stead Grays, and the New- exhibitions are accessible play a significant role in Hicks, James McCann, to or athlete at Oberlin College ark Eagles. to all. The goal of the developing our prospects Bryan Holaday, Jim Adduci, call 419-725-4367. as well as the University of “We wanted to host an museum is to build a sense Michigan, Walker played event that connected Black of excitement for local his- for semi-professional and history and Toledo,” said tory and stewardship of the AARP praises some Health Care minor league baseball Eric Wagner, Chairman of area’s legacy for genera- clubs before joining the the Toledo History tions to come. It is located Provisions in budget bill Toledo Blue Stockings for Museum’s Programming at 2001 Collingwood Bou- WASHINGTON, DC, Feb. 2018: AARP Executive Vice President and Chief their 1884 season—the Committee. “Fleet Walker’s levard (Collingwood and Advocacy & Engagement Officer Nancy LeaMond released the following state- year they joined the major story is engaging and it has Woodruff Avenue). For ment in response to passage of the continuing resolution budget bill: league American Associa- a local connection. The his- more information, call “AARP applauds Congress for including a number of health-related issues tion (AA). The Blue Stock- tory of the Negro Leagues is (419) 215-2437 or visit important to older adults in the budget bill. ings finished 8th with a a bonus. Our forum will in- “We are particularly pleased that this legislation permanently repeals Medicare’s therapy caps, something that AARP has long supported. Millions of vulnerable patients who need occupational, physical, and speech-language therapy will now Reporte detalla afectaciones a diplomáticos de be protected from an arbitrary limit on how much Medicare will pay for needed therapy. EEUU en Cuba “AARP is also pleased that Congress expedited the closing of the Medicare (Continuación de p.3) productos químicos, los doctores diseñaron una del artículo pero lo revisó prescription drug coverage gap known as the ‘donut hole,’ which will now close escribió el equipo de terapia personalizada de para asegurarse de que no in 2019, one year earlier than currently scheduled. Medicare beneficiaries will Smith, aunque no pueden rehabilitación que, contenía información soon get permanent relief from higher out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs. “excluirse de manera aparentemente, fue de ayuda. confidencial, emitió el We also applaud the provision that adds biosimilar drugs to the Medicare Part D sistemática”. El doctor S. Andrew Jo- miércoles una alerta de Coverage Gap Discount Program. This change will lower out-of-pocket costs and Las tomografías sephson, presidente de salud con base en el encourage the development and use of these drugs. tomadas detectaron neurología en la Universidad reporte “a fin de informar “We look forward to working with Congress to further reduce prescription drug “algunos” cambios en lo de California, campus San a los ciudadanos prices to lower costs for older Americans and save Medicare and taxpayer money.” que se conoce como tractos Francisco, y que no estuvo estadounidenses y About AARP: AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization de sustancia blanca de involucrado en el estudio, proveedores médicos”. dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they algunos de los pacientes, y dijo que el reporte es “un “Alentamos a todos los age. With nearly 38 million members and offices in every state, the District of en tres de ellos se observó paso realmente importante”, ciudadanos estadounidenses Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP works to strengthen más de lo que se prevé para ya que describe de manera que hayan viajado a Cuba y communities and advocate for what matters most to families with a focus on health personas de su edad, de cuidadosa los hallazgos que estén preocupados security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also works for indi- acuerdo con el reporte. Sin médicos y demuestra que son respecto a sus síntomas, a viduals in the marketplace by sparking new solutions and allowing carefully embargo, los autores sumamente similares entre el compartir este reporte con sus chosen, high-quality products and services to carry the AARP name. As a trusted reconocieron que esas grupo de pacientes. doctores”, dijo el source for news and information, AARP produces the nation’s largest circulation anormalidades pueden “Nos acerca a entender Departamento de Estado. publications, AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, deberse a eventos previos cuáles pueden ser las posibles El periodista de Asso- visit or follow @AARP and @AARPadvocates on social media. durante su vida. causas”, destacó. ciated Press Malcolm For further information: AARP Me- Muchos de los El Departamento de Ritter contribuyó a este dia Relations, 202-434-2560, pacientes presentaron Estado, que no estuvo despacho desde Nueva [email protected], @AARPMedia síntomas durante meses, y involucrado en la redacción York. Page 14 La Prensa—CLASSIFIED February 23, 2018


Full time employment available NOW. We are a local 32 year company expanding territory. We are hiring in our fast paced production department. It is a physical labor year around job that requires great attendance and attitude. Full benefits package offered including Medi- Join the Movement – To Victory!! With a commitment to improving the human cal, Dental, Life Insurance, paid vacation, 401k The next FLOC LOBOS & Homies Associate condition, The University of Toledo and retirement and WEEKLY PAY with WEEKLY Members meeting is Thursday, February 22, 2018 University Medical Center are seeking quali- BONUSES AVAILABLE!! at 6PM at the FLOC office, 1221 Broadway Street, fied candidates for multiple positions. Toledo. Let me know if you are planning to attend. APPLY TODAY. WE ARE READY TO HIRE. The University of Toledo offers an excellent salary CALL for details Tiffany (419)841-6055. Unete al Movimiento – and benefit package, which includes the Ohio Public Hasta la Victoria!! Employees Retirement System and State Teachers La proxima reunion de Miembros Asociados de Retirement System for faculty with employer contri- Trabajo General FLOC LOBOS & Homies es el jueves 22 de bution, medical coverage, paid sick and vacation febrero de 2018 a las 6 de la tarde en la oficina del time, tuition waiver is available to UT employees and Empleo de tiempo completo disponibles AHORA. FLOC, 1221 Broadway Street, Toledo. Avisame si their eligible spouses and dependents and 10 paid Somos una empresa local con 32 años que se planeas asistir. holidays. encuentra en expansión de su territorio. Estamos contratando en nuestro acelerado departamento de Ramón Pérez, FLOC For a complete listing of our openings and desired producción. Es para trabajo físico durante todo el qualifications or to apply, please proceed to our año en una posición que requiere de gran asistencia website at y actitud. Ofrecemos un paquete completo de beneficios que incluye; Seguro médico, dental, We ask that applications and required documents seguro de vida, vacaciones pagadas, retiro 401k y be submitted electronically. PAGO SEMANAL con ¡BONOS SEMANALES DISPONIBLES! SOLICITA ESTE EMPLEO HOY UT and UTMC are EO/AA employers and MISMO. ESTAMOS LISTOS PARA CONTRATAR. educators M/F/D/V Para detalles Llame a Tiffany al (419) 841-6055. Margaret Wong & Assoc, premier immigration The Maids law firm with office locations throughout the US, Business Analyst House Cleaning. seek a full time Administrative Assistant and Do you love to clean? Paralegal for our Cleveland and Columbus Professional needed to analyze data and business Do you like to have evenings and weekends off? offices. Assist attorneys, translate and help file processes to promote the efficient and accurate We provide all supplies and company car - visas to USCIS. Preferably speak Spanish and collection of information. Also assists Director with we just need you! can translate documents from Spanish to English financial planning. Successful candidate will have a For more information call 419-873-7000, M-F, 9-4. and vice versa. Bachelors degree preferred. Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Business EOE. Excellent benefits package offered. Resumes to Administration or related area plus three (3) years of [email protected] related project management experience. See our Press Person Needed for website at for further information on our mission and vision. Candidates must submit Maumee Municipal Court Established Cleaners application for employment, résumé and cover letter, including salary requirement via http:// Maumee Municipal Court in Maumee, Ohio is We need press person; experienced preferred but If in need of ADA accommo- accepting applications for the following positions: not necessary. Village 1 Hr. Cleaners, 576 W. dations, contact us directly at 419-380-4033. Appli- Clerk of Court/Administrator, Chief Bailiff, Deputy Dussel Dr., Maumee OH 43537. English: 419-891- cation deadline is March 2, 2018. Clerk (Criminal and Civil), Deputy Clerk- 0106 and ask for Sharon; para español, pregunta Supervision (Probation), Part-time Bookkeeper. por Griselda, 567-249-8694. EOE Job descriptions are available online at Advertise in ESTABLISHED BUSINESS SEEKING La Prensa Applications must be received by 4:30 pm on EXPERIENCED MARKETING REP March 12, 2018. Submit applications and résumés • Good Benefits Call (419) 870-2797 to: City of Maumee, Human Resources, 400 • Good pay Visit us online Conant Street, Maumee, OH 43537. Maumee Municipal Court is an EO/AA employer. Mail résumé to PO Box 9416, Toledo OH 43697 at Help want ad for alternate bartender at Latins United in Toledo

PROBATION UNIT SUPERVISOR Latins United is looking for an enthusiastic, alternate bartender who is honest and reliable. An alternate covers vacations and sick days for our regular bartenders. Toledo Municipal Court Therefore hours will vary. Hours of operation for Latins United are Monday & Tuesday 5 pm to 1 am, Friday and Saturday, day shift 1 pm to 7 pm, night shift Supervises and coordinates work of probation staff and programming, develops 7 pm to 1 am and Sunday 1 pm to 6 pm and 6 pm to 12 am. staff and collaborates in the development of programs, Department policies and procedures and administers quality control of data and supervision. Demon- Please call Latins United at 419-255-5746 between the hours listed above and strated skill in leadership, knowledge of evidence-based practices and the ability leave a message for Chevo Torres or Mark Sholl or apply at Latins United 706 to establish and maintain effective working relationships with others in a South St. Clair Street. demanding and fast-paced environment required. Bachelor’s degree in psychol- ogy, social work, criminal justice or a related field required. Master’s degree in Volunteer for the CIFF psychology, social work, criminal justice, related field or a management related discipline, preferred, but not required. Five (5) years experience in probation case management, counseling, social work, criminal justice or related work required, CLEVELAND, Jan. 30, 2018: Want to be part of the best crew in town? Then with 2 of the 5 years experience in supervision/management preferred, but not sign up to be a CIFF42 volunteer team member! CIFF42 is scheduled for required. Probation experience preferred, but not required. Must be LEADS April 4 to 15, 2018. certifiable. Starting salary $54,329.60 - $60,365.76. In addition to a CIFF volunteer t-shirt, volunteers will receive the following Submit résumé with cover letter describing how you meet the qualifications for each shift worked: outlined above by 4:30 p.m., Friday, March 16, 2018 to The Court Administrator’s • Two CIFF42 vouchers Office, (Attn: HR-Unit Sup), Toledo Municipal Court Judges’ Division, 2nd Floor, • FREE Tower City Center parking or RTA pass 555 North Erie, Toledo, OH 43604. Email applications not accepted. Equal • Plenty of delicious food to keep you fueled Opportunity Employer. For complete job description go to Register today – it only takes a few minutes! support-us/volunteer LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 419-870-6565 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 23 de febrero, 2018 La Prensa—CLASSIFIED Page 15

Drivers CDL-A: Looking for an incredible career? Don’t Wait! Earn Top Pay & Great Benefits: Health, Life, Dental & Vision Insurance, 401K and More! Must have at least 1yr recent (in past 3yrs) CDL driving experience with X-end. Tanker a plus! EOE 866-448-4068

Chita Martínez con hija Isabella Reina Salinas

¡Feliz Cumpleaños! “17 years ago a meeting with David Lutton changed the course of my life. I nervously walked into the North office with a basket of Happy Mary Kay corporate gift ideas, and left with a career that I not only fell in love with, but shaped the future of my (and my family’s) life. Birthday! I am blessed!” — Julie Neller Picknell

Mary High School Teachers sought: English, Math, Theresa Science & Foreign Language, Neller June 11 – July 19, 2018; afternoons approximately 16 hours per week, DiVeto $25/hr for UT Upward Bound Math Science Program. Email (.pdf) letter of interest, résumé, certification & THREE th Feb. 28 REFERENCES to [email protected]. Place UBMS Teacher Application in email subject line.

Friends of the Library February Book Sale! February 22 - 24 FOL Book Center • 1301 N. Reynolds Rd. • 419.259.5455 Shop the Friends of the Library February Book Sale and help support your Library. Thursday, February 22, 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. (Thursday - members only noon - 4 p.m.) ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS Friday, February 23, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. TOLEDO-LUCAS COUNTY PORT AUTHORITY Saturday, February 24, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. TOLEDO, OHIO (Saturday Bag Sale! $8/bag) Feel free to bring your own bag (the size of a large brown paper grocery bag). Books $1 & $.50 Also available: CDs, DVDs, audiobooks, records and more! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sealed Bids will be received by the Toledo- Lucas County Port Authority for all labor, material, insurance, and equipment Proceeds benefit Friends of the Library and help support Library programs such as the necessary for the Platform Renovations project located at Dr. Martin Luther Children’s Summer Reading Challenge and Authors! Authors! Find us on Facebook at King, Jr. Dr. in Toledo, OH 43604, in accordance with the approved plans and Don’t forget to Shop the Friends Store online! specifications. The engineer’s estimate for the base bid for the project is approximately $862,339.00 and the alternates are approximately $205,532.00.

Bids will be received at the Port Authority’s administrative offices at One Maritime Plaza, 7th floor Toledo, OH 43604 until Monday, March 12, 2018 at 10:00 AM, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

Plans, Specifications, Instructions to Proposers, and Forms of Proposal and Contract are on file and may be obtained by either (1) obtaining hard copies from Becker Impressions, 4646 Angola Road, Toledo, OH 43615, phone 419.385.5303, during normal business hours, or (2) ordering from Becker Impressions, via their website at the cost for reproduction.

Please note that there will be a pre-bid meeting for this project for all prospective bidders on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 10:00 AM at the Port Authority’s administrative offices at One Maritime Plaza, 7th floor, Toledo, OH 43604. Attendance is suggested, but not necessary. Please submit all questions to the Port Authority, Tina Perkins, at [email protected] by Friday, March 2, 2018 at 10:00 AM local time. Additional information can be found at

Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority Paul L. Toth, Jr., P.E., President & CEO LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO ADRIANNE@419-870-2797 or 216-688-9045 February/febrero 23, 2018 La Prensa Página 16