Equivalent-Circuit Models for Split-Ring Resonators And
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 53, NO. 4, APRIL 2005 1451 Equivalent-Circuit Models for Split-Ring Resonators and Complementary Split-Ring Resonators Coupled to Planar Transmission Lines Juan Domingo Baena, Jordi Bonache, Ferran Martín, Ricardo Marqués Sillero, Member, IEEE, Francisco Falcone, Txema Lopetegi, Member, IEEE, Miguel A. G. Laso, Member, IEEE, Joan García–García, Ignacio Gil, Maria Flores Portillo, and Mario Sorolla, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—In this paper, a new approach for the development expected for left-handed metamaterials (LHMs); namely, inver- of planar metamaterial structures is developed. For this pur- sion of the Snell law, inversion of the Doppler effect, and back- pose, split-ring resonators (SRRs) and complementary split-ring ward Cherenkov radiation. It is also worth mentioning the con- resonators (CSRRs) coupled to planar transmission lines are investigated. The electromagnetic behavior of these elements, as troversy originated four years ago from the paper published by well as their coupling to the host transmission line, are studied, Pendry [2], where amplification of evanescent waves in LHMs and analytical equivalent-circuit models are proposed for the is pointed out [3]–[6]. isolated and coupled SRRs/CSRRs. From these models, the In spite of these interesting properties, it was not until 2000 stopband/passband characteristics of the analyzed SRR/CSRR that the first experimental evidence of left-handedness was loaded transmission lines are derived. It is shown that, in the long wavelength limit, these stopbands/passbands can be interpreted as demonstrated [7]. Following this seminal paper, other artifi- due to the presence of negative/positive values for the effective cially fabricated structures exhibiting a left-handed behavior and of the line.
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