In this month’s zine * Damien Outlaw reports back from the annual convergence at Lake Cowal against Barrick Gold’s destruction of Wiradjuri land. * Another Mayday passed and the good people from Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group have put out a statement about its ongoing significance in this time of economic crisis. 38 MAY 2009 * The Swine Flu isn’t just a virus. It’s an excuse for state repression in Mexico. Huevo Podrido reports. * Work at a call centre or make a pact with the devil... reports from there’s not much difference says Eastside Thunder. * Sydney’s first Anarchist Film Fest is coming up. Full desecrating INSIDE program inside. SydneyAnarchistilm Festival * More news, including Mayday actions around the L a ke Cowal F programme world plus reviews.

Black Rose Anarchist Library t e l e m a r k e t i n g : 22 Enmore Rd, Newtown corporate scams Swine Flu hysteria events to go to: June 21, 2pm Sydney Open meeting about the future of Black Rose Jura Books Followed by a screening of Dr 440 Paramatta Rd, Petersham Strangelove at 6pm May 28, 7.30pm Black & Re(a)d monthly reading group Come to our monthly acoustic night in at Black Rose: see the library, last Thursday of the month. for Bring a piece of wood with strings, a tube the next date & readings, or call into with holes, your humble vocal chards or Black Rose. just your ears to listen. There’ll be a headline performer, but aside from Jura/Black Rose Anarchist Film that, the night is open to whosoever Festival Queen’s Birthday long weekend turns up. If we get enough people 5-8 June then we may even spread downstairs See program inside! for some spoken word, poetry or just another performance space. Food and refreshments are available, donations are Melbourne appreciated to pay Jura’s mortgage and May 25, 6pm other bills. 15 Minute of Fame by M. Skelton 0410 758 461 / [email protected] Book launch Melbourne City Library reading room If the government doesn’t stop the war, We will stop the government. utiny is an anarchist collective based in Sydney. We started this zine to explore The Wire (seasons 1 to 3) WATCH. This was a 1 day workshop aimed utinyutiny isis anan anarchistanarchist collective based in Sydney. We started this zinezine toto exploreexplore TheThe Wire Wire (seasons (seasons 1 1 to to 3) 3) WATCH.WATCH. This This was was a a1 1day day workshop workshop aimed aimed utinydifferent is an avenues anarchist of collective disobedience based & inresistance, Sydney. We& to started encourage this zinepeople to exploreto write The Wire (seasons 1 to 3) WATCH. This was a 1 day workshop aimed MMdifferentdifferentutinyutiny is is an avenuesavenuesan anarchist anarchist of collectivedisobedience collective based based & inresistance, Sydney. We & Westartedto encourage started this zinethis peoplepeople tozine explore to toto explore writewrite different (TV(TVThe series)series) Wire (seasons 1 to 3) atWATCH. skilling-up This participants was a 1 day workshoponon economicseconomics aimed andand Maboututinydifferentutiny their isis ananideas, avenues anarchistanarchist actions of disobediencecollective & experiences. based & resistance, in Sydney. &We to startedencourage this people zinezine toto to exploreexplore write (TVTheThe series) Wire Wire (seasons (seasons 1 1 to to 3) 3) atWATCH.WATCH. skilling-up This This participants was was a a1 1day day workshopon workshop economics aimed aimed and aboutaboututiny avenuesdifferent theirtheir is ideas,ideas, an of avenues anarchist disobedience actionsactions of collective &disobedience experiences. & resistance, based & inresistance,& toSydney. encourage We& to startedpeople encourage tothis write zinepeople about to exploreto their write ideas, impress even more Propagandhi’sThe Wire lyric (seasons writing. 1 toare 3) dealt withatWATCH.the skilling-up onlyimpact asThis theyof participants wasorthodox arise, a 1 day without economic workshopon economics prior theories aimed and aboutMMdifferentdifferent their ideas, avenuesavenues actions of disobedience & experiences. & resistance, & to encourage peoplepeople toto writewrite (TV series) thetheat impactskilling-up impact of of orthodox orthodoxparticipants economic economic on economics theories theories and MMaboutdifferent their ideas, avenues actions of disobedience & experiences. & resistance, & to encourage people to write ‘Night Letters’, which kicks-off(TVShiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.(TVShiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. series)the series) album is brutally The Wire discussion atthe orat skilling-upplanning. skilling-upimpact of Letsch participantsorthodox participants continues, economic on on toeconomics economics say theories and and MutinyaboutaboutMactionsMutiny their theirbegan &began experiences. ideas,ideas, as as an actionsanactions anti-war anti-war & experiences. collective. collective. We’re We’re currently currently exploring exploring ways ways to to resist resist Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.(TV series) The Wire aton skilling-up the peoples participants of the world, on particularlyeconomics and the Mutinyabout their began ideas, as an actions anti-war & experiences. collective. We’re currently exploring ways to resist heavy and is about someoneis obviouslysuch a great very show. close Sothat ‘when onI onthethought the the impact peoples peoples about of howorthodoxof of the theI would world, world, economiceconomic deal particularly particularly with theories theories the the gentrification,Mutinygentrification, began asin in particularan particular anti-war the collective.the ‘redevelopment’ ‘redevelopment’ We’re currently proposed proposed exploring in in the theways Redfern Redfern to resist area area gentrication, by by the the isisShiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. such such a a great great show. Theshow. Wire So So theonthe the impactimpact peoples ofof orthodoxorthodox of the world, economiceconomic particularly theoriestheories the Mutinygentrification,Mutiny began began asin as anparticular an anti-war anti-war the collective. collective.‘redevelopment’ We’re We’re currently currentlyproposed exploring exploring in the Redfern ways ways to areato resist resist by the to bassist The Rod. It such of the a great difculties Theshow. Wire of So being lockedmajorityon up, the I somewhatpeoples world. of It selshly the was world, a jam-packed hoped particularly that dayday thewithwith RedfernMutinyinRedfern particular beganWaterloo Waterloo the as ‘redevelopment’ anAuthority. Authority. anti-war We’re collective.We’re proposed keen keen We’re to into workthe work currentlyRedfern with with other otherWaterloo exploring people people Authority. ways opposed opposed to We’re resist to to this keenthis to muchmuchis such cleverercleverer a great andshow. more So majorityonon the the peoples peoples world. of Itof the was the world, aworld, jam-packed particularly particularly day thewith the gentrification,Redferngentrification, Waterloo in in particular Authority.particular the We’rethe ‘redevelopment’ ‘redevelopment’ keen to work proposed withproposed other in inpeople the the Redfern Redfern opposed area area to by thisby the the an asylum seeker having escapedmuchisis such such cleverera a awar-torn great great andshow. show. home more So So my comradeson7 … speakersthe would peoples support including of the me. world, ProfessorOf course particularly thisFrank Stilwell the gentrification,workredevelopment with other in people &particular the opposeddisplacement, the to‘redevelopment’ this racism,redevelopment rent proposed hikes & the & displacement,inugliness the Redfern it involves. racism, area by Werent the meet hikes muchismature such cleverer a thangreat so andshow. many more So other 7 7majorityspeakers speakers world. including including It was Professor Professor a jam-packed Frank Frank Stilwell dayday Stilwell withwith redevelopmentredevelopmentgentrification,Redfern Waterloo in && particularthethe Authority. displacement,displacement, the We’re ‘redevelopment’ keenracism, to workrent proposed hikeswith other& ugliness in thepeople Redfern itit opposedinvolves.involves. area to WeWeby this themeetmeet trying to make a life in a newmaturematuremuch country, clevererthan than while so so manyand many their more other othermeant that Imajority7 had speakers to give world. the including same It inwas return. Professor a jam-packed Solidarity Frank day Stilwell with RedfernredevelopmentRedfernregularly: WaterlooWaterloo please & Authority.the displacement, us We’re on the keen racism,address to work rent below. withhikes other & ugliness people it opposed involves. toto We thisthis meet muchmaturemuch cleverer cleverer than so and andmany more more other majority(University7 speakers world. including of Sydney-Political It was Professor a jam-packed FrankEconomy), day Stilwell with regularly:regularly:Redfern&redevelopment ugliness Waterloo pleaseplease it involves. &contact contactAuthority. the We displacement, meetusus onWe’re regularly: the keenaddress racism, pleaseto work below. rent contact with hikes other us & on ugliness peoplethe address opposedit involves. below: to thisWe meet loved ones have been leftmuch shows.mature behind. cleverer But That’sthan let’s so and a many thingstart more at othersuddenly became(University7(University 7speakers speakers the most including ofincluding of Sydney-Political importantSydney-Political Professor Professor word that FrankEconomy), FrankEconomy), I Stilwell Stilwell redevelopmentregularly:redevelopment please && contactthethe displacement,displacement, us on the addressracism, hikes & ugliness itit involves.involves. WeWe meetmeet shows.matureshows.mature But thanBut than let’s let’s so so manystart manystart at otherat other (University7Professor speakers Janeincluding of Sydney-Political Kelsey Professor (University FrankEconomy), of StilwellAuckland redevelopmentregularly: please & the contact displacement, us on the racism,address rent below. hikes & ugliness it involves. We meet they do, tellingthe beginning: the stories ofthisshows.mature others is a But (realthancop let’s show,or so created) manystart yes, at other you knew.’ ThisProfessor Professor(University discussion Jane Jane of of theKelseySydney-Political Kelsey active (University (University practice Economy), of of of Auckland Auckland regularly:regularly: pleasepleasec/-c/- contactcontact PO c/-PO BoxPO usBoxus Boxon 4, 4,the Enmore, 4,Enmore, addressEnmore, below.NSW, NSW, NSW, 2042, 2042, AustraliaAustralia Australia thethe beginning: beginning: this thisshows. is is a a cop cop But show, show, let’s startyes, yes, you atyou (UniversityProfessor(University Jane of of Sydney-Political KelseySydney-Political (University Economy), Economy), of Auckland regularly: pleasec/- contact PO Box us on 4, the Enmore, address NSW,below. 2042, Australia with an empathy,the beginning: solidarity thisshows. even,shows. is a that copBut But can’t show,let’s let’s help start startyes, but at youat Solidarity, undoubtedly(University-Professor Law/Trade/Globalisation) oneJane of ofSydney-Political Kelseythe key values(University of& Economy),Jamesany of Auckland c/- PO 4, Enmore, NSW, 2042, Australia heard:the beginning: a cop show. thisshows. Nowis a But cop it’s let’s show,not startonly yes, atabout you -Professor -ProfessorLaw/Trade/Globalisation) Law/Trade/Globalisation) Jane Jane Kelsey Kelsey (University (University & & James James of of Auckland Auckland c/-c/- POPO 4, mutineers@grafti.netEnmore, NSW, 2042, Australia affect theheard:theheard:the listener. beginning: beginning: a a cop cop show. show. this this Nowis Nowis a a cop copit’s it’s show, not show,not only only yes, yes, about aboutyou youanarchist individual-Professor ArvanitakisLaw/Trade/Globalisation) or Jane collective, (Humanities Kelsey culminates (University at &the James with University of Auckland of c/- PO 4, Enmore, NSW, 2042, Australia heard:thecops beginning: – a it’s cop far show. morethis Nowis complicated a cop it’s show,not only thanyes, about youthat. ArvanitakisArvanitakis- Law/Trade/Globalisation) (Humanities (Humanities at at the the& UniversityJames University of of BackBack issues at at copscopsheard: – – it’s it’sa copfar far moreshow. more complicated Nowcomplicated it’s not than onlythan that.about that.the inspiring-Arvanitakis -thoughtLaw/Trade/Globalisation) Law/Trade/Globalisation) that ‘it(Humanities is these interactions, at the& & James University Jamesthe of utiny is an anarchistBackBack at in Sydney. We started this zine to explore ‘Potemkinheard:copsheard: City – ait’s a Limits’ cop cop far show. show.more (probablyThe Now complicatedNow Wire it’s meantit’s (seasonsnot not to only than only have about about that.1 to 3) WATCH.- WesternArvanitakisLaw/Trade/Globalisation) This Sydney). (Humanities was a 1 day workshopat &the James University aimed of ThanksBack issuesas at to Comrade Secretary & Juraboy heard:Seasonscops – a it’s cop 1 and far show. more3 are Now complicatedabout it’s the not drug only than tradeabout that.personal in one-on-oneWesternArvanitakisWesternArvanitakis Sydney). connections Sydney). (Humanities (Humanities we can at at the develop the University University of of Mdifferent avenuesBack of disobedience issues at & resistance,Editors: Goldielocks,& to encourage Mambutu, people to write been onSeasonscops Seasonscops the – previous– it’s it’s 1 1 and farand far album),more 3 more3 are(TV are complicated about series) complicatedabout might the the be drug thedrug than than best trade trade that. that. in in atWesternArvanitakis skilling-up Sydney). (Humanities participants at on the economics University and of utiny is an anarchistEditorsBackBack :issuescollective Exploded at based, inDumpstered Sydney. We Twin, started Mambutu, this zine to explore SeasonscopsBaltimore. – it’s 1 and far But more3 areThethe complicatedaboutshow Wire notthe (seasons onlydrug than looks trade that. 1 toat within 3) othersWATCH. Western that are This theSydney). most was a powerful 1 day workshop sites of aimed about their ideas,EditorsEditors actionsBack:: issuesExploded Exploded& experiences. at Cake, Dumpstered Solidarity, Twin, SourDough, Mambutu, Graf Cat, animal libBaltimore.Baltimore.Seasons lyrics ever 1 But andBut written, the 3the are show showwith about not anot soundthe only only drug muchlooks looks trade at at in WesternTheWestern morning Sydney). Sydney). session was a basic rundown of MdifferentMax avenuesEditors Solidarity, of: disobedienceExploded SourDough, Cake, & Graf resistance,DumpsteredEditors: Cat, Princess Goldielocks,& Twin,to encourage Mob, Mambutu, T Mambutu, with people Alice to write SeasonsBaltimore.Seasons 1 1 and andBut 3 3the are(TV are show about series)about not the the only drug drug looks trade trade at radicalin in change’.theTheatWesternThe skilling-up impact morning morning Sydney). of sessionorthodoxparticipants session was was economic a on abasic basic economics rundowntheories rundown and of of MaxMax Solidarity,Solidarity,Editors: ExplodedSourDough, Cake, GrafPrincess Dumpstered Cat, Princess Mob, Twin, DumpsteredMob, Mambutu, T with Alice AliceTwin like someSeasonscoppersBaltimore. of their 1 earlierworking, and But 3 more Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.arethe trying aboutshowcatchy tonot thepunk. make onlydrug The It theirtells looks Wiretrade futile at in economic theory, including a more detailed Mutinyabout their began Maxideas, as EditorsEditorsSolidarity, an actions anti-war:: Exploded Exploded &SourDough, experiences. collective. Cake, MaxGrafWe’re Dumpstered Solidarity,Cat, currently Princess Twin, SourDough,exploring Mob, Mambutu, T withways Graf Alice to resistCat, coppersBaltimore.coppersBaltimore. working, working, But But the the trying tryingshow show to not tonot make make only only their lookstheir looks futile futileat at oneconomiceconomicThe the morning peoples theory, theory, sessionof theincluding including world, was a a particularly basic amore more rundown detailed detailed the of Thanks asMax alwaysEditors Solidarity, to Jura: Exploded SourDough,Boy & ComradeCake, Graf Dumpstered Secretary, Cat, Princess Twin, & to Mob, distributorsMambutu, T with Alice & subscribers the storycoppersBaltimore. of Francis working, the But pig, the iswho trying such show escapes a to notgreat make a onlypiggery show. their looks to So futile at And in the theTheeconomicpiecesThe impact morning morning by Free theory, of aboutsessionorthodox session including his was 9 was economicyears a a basica basiclocked more rundowntheories rundown detailed of of gentrification,ThanksThanks asasMax Max alwaysalways in Solidarity,Solidarity, particular toto Jura SourDough,Boythe ‘redevelopment’& ComradeA big Graf shoutPrincess Secretary, Cat, proposedout Princess Mob, for & to all DumpsteredinMob, distributors the TRedfern birthdaywith Alice Alice Twin&& area subscriberssubscribers wishes by the jobscoppers count working, (or sometimesShiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. trying to bash make The as their manyWire futile heads lookeconomic at neo-liberalism. theory, including This asession more detailedfocused MutinyThanks began asMax always as Solidarity, an toanti-war Jura SourDough,Boy collective. & Comrade GrafWe’re Secretary, Cat, currently Princess & exploringto Mob, distributors T withways Alice &to subscribers resist live in freedomjobscoppersjobscoppers count count for working, working,5 (or(or months.(or sometimessometimes sometimes trying Itrying didn’t to torealise bashbash bashmake make asasFrancis as their manymanytheir many futile futile headsheads down,heads we aremajoritylookoneconomiclookeconomic shown the at at peoplesneo-liberalism. exactly theory, theory, whyof It the includingwas thoseincluding world, aThis relationships jam-packedThis asessionparticularly asessionmore more detailedfocused day detailedfocused thewith RedfernThanks(The Waterloo mutiny as always zine Authority. collective to Jura We’reBoydoes ¬ keenComrade necessarily& to presents work Secretary, agree with withMutinyother & allto peoplethe distributors Zine opinions opposed received. of & contributors. subscribers to this coppersin as they working, can) –muchis trying butsuch alsocleverer a to great themake story andshow. their more is So toldfutile from lookeconomicon the at neo-liberalism.down-falls theory, including of neo-liberalism This asession more detailedfocused such as gentrification,ThanksThanks(The(The mutinymutiny asas alwaysalways zineinzine particular collective collective toto Jura Boythedoesdoes ‘redevelopment’ ¬ ComradeA necessarilybig shout Secretary, agree proposedout with for & all toall in the distributors the opinionsopinions Redfern birthday ofof & & contributors.contributors.area subscriberssubscribers wishes by the was a pigininjobs foras as they atheycount while can) can) (orand – sometimes–that but but may also also be the the bashwhat story story makesas ismany is told toldof headsfrom fromsolidarity 7on onlookspeakersand the the supportat down-falls down-fallsneo-liberalism. including are so of important.of neo-liberalismProfessor neo-liberalism This Freesession Frank is such focusedsuchStilwell as as redevelopmentThanks(TheContributors mutiny as always zine &do the notcollective to displacement, necessarilyJura Boydoes ¬agree Comrade necessarilyracism, with all Secretary,rent the agree opinionshikes with && allof tougliness the distributors opinionsmutiny it involves. collective. of & contributors. subscribers We The meet jobsinjobs as count theycount can) (or(or (or sometimes sometimes –sometimes but also thebashbash bash story asas as manymany manyis told headsheads heads from majoritylookonlook the at at down-fallsneo-liberalism. It ofwas neo-liberalism aThis jam-packedThis session session suchfocused day focused withas RedfernContributorsContributors(The Waterloo mutiny dodo zine notnotAuthority. collective necessarilynecessarily We’redoes agree not keen withnecessarilyThank-you to all work the agreeopinions with so withother much of allthe peoplethe mutiny for opinions consistently opposed collective.collective. of contributors. to TheThe this it even morethein as perspectiveresonant they can) (or –mature muchmaybeof but the also clevererI’mpeople than thejust so workingstory slowand many more onis othertold ina and condentfrom look it’s writer, theoreticalat neo-liberalism. perhaps thanksbasis that to This the humans session amount only focused make regularly:(TheContributors(Themutiny mutinymutiny please collective zinezinedo contactnot collectivecollective doesn’t necessarily us agree doesdoes on agreethe notwith addressnecessarily allwith the& all presents opinions thebelow. agree opinions of with theMutiny of allmutiny the the mutiny Zineopinionsopinions collective.) collective.received. ofof contributors.contributors. The theinthein as asperspective perspective they they can) can) – of– of but butthe the also alsopeople people the the workingstory workingstory is is told intold in and andfrom from (Universityit’sit’son theoretical thetheoretical down-falls of Sydney-Politicalbasis basis of that thatneo-liberalism humans humans Economy), only only such make make as redevelopmentmutinymutiny(TheContributors mutiny collectivecollective zine &do the doesn’tdoesn’tnotcollective displacement, necessarily agree does with notagree all necessarilyracism, withthe opinions all rent the agree opinions hikesof withthe &mutiny allof ugliness the collective.)opinionsmutiny it involves. collective. of contributors. We The meet the uptake),theinrunning as perspectivethat they Francis’ thecan) drug life– ofshows. but theistrade. described also people But Fromthe let’s muchworkingstory the start likekidsis told at in in andof from the mail he 7onit’s receives onspeakers thetheoretical the down-falls down-falls and including replies basis of to!of thatneo-liberalismProfessor neo-liberalism Reading humans about Frank only such suchStilwell make as as ContributorsmutinyContributors collective dodo notnot doesn’t necessarilynecessarily agree agreewithsupporting all with Thank-youthe allopinions the theopinions of so zinethe much ofmutiny forthe mutiny the forcollective.) lastconsistently collective.collective. three TheThe years runningrunningthe perspective the the drug drugmature of trade. trade. the people Fromthan From so theworking the many kids kids otherin inin the andthe rationalit’s theoretical decisions basis and that are humans individualistic, only make regularly:Contributorsmutiny please collective do contactnot doesn’t necessarily us agree on agreethe with address allwith the all opinions thebelow. opinions of the of mutiny the mutiny collective.) collective. The any humantherunningthe worker perspective perspective the whose drug ofbody of trade.the the is people commodiedpeople From working workingthe kidsinto in inin andhis theand life as Professorrational(Universityit’s a rationalit’s political theoretical theoretical decisionsdecisions decisions prisonerJane of Sydney-Political basisKelsey basis wasandand and that that fascinating, (Universityareare are humans individualistic,humansindividualistic, individualistic, Economy), asonly of only Auckland make make mutinymutiny collectivecollectivec/- doesn’tdoesn’t PO Box agree 4, with Enmore, -all we the couldn’topinions NSW, of 2042,havethe mutiny done Australia collective.) it without your thethestreetsrunning beginning:perspective all the the drug thisway ofshows. the trade. isup a people tocop But theFrom show, let’s drugworking the start yes, lords. kids atyouin in Weand the it’sgreedy theoretical beings, basis that thatprivatisation humans onlyand make mutiny collective doesn’t agree withsupporting all the opinions the of zinethe mutiny for the collective.) last three years streetsrunningstreets all all the the the drug way way trade. up up to to theFrom the drug drug the lords. kidslords. in We We the -greedy greedyrationalLaw/Trade/Globalisation) beings, beings, decisions that that privatisationand privatisation are individualistic, & James and and mutineers@graffiti.nethelp (so keep your submissions coming). nothing heard:streetsrunningrunning more than aall copthe the the a drug machineshow.drug way trade. trade.up Now toto producetheFromit’s From notdrug the the surplusonly lords. kids kids about in Weinhe the the describes Professorrationalgreedyrational his existence beings, decisions decisionsJane inside thatKelsey and privatisationand as (Universityare ‘a are rareindividualistic, individualistic, breed and of Auckland c/- PO Box 4, Enmore,- we couldn’t NSW, 2042,have done Australia it without your theseestreets beginning: who all works, the thisway who isup asuffers tocop the show, anddrug whoyes, lords. We rationalderegulationgreedy beings,decisions are that goodand privatisation are and individualistic, that the and market will We hope to bring you many more. value. seestreetsseestreets who who all allworks, works, the the way way who who up up suffers suffersto to the the anddrug anddrug who wholords. lords. benefits. benefits. We Weof prisoner, Arvanitakisderegulation-greedy deregulationgreedyLaw/Trade/Globalisation) one convicted beings, beings, (Humanities are are that ofthatgood good crimesprivatisation privatisation and and at thatthat the that& James were theUniversity theand and market market ofwill will mutineers@graffiti.nethelp (so keep your submissions coming). copsheard:streetsWe see– it’saall thecop thefar culturesshow. moreway up Nowcomplicated and to theit’s families notdrug only than lords. of copsabout that. We and deregulationgreedysolve everything beings, are that good (which privatisation and it thatclearly the and doesn’t!). market will Back issues at I really We couldWesee see seewho write the the works, cultures acultures 5000 who word and and suffers essayfamilies families and about of whoof thiscops cops benefits. andcommitted and solveforderegulation seless everything and altruistic are (which good reasons’. andit clearly that In fact the doesn’t!). market will Reproduction of Issue 37’s cover... in cake form. seeWesee who seewho the works, works, cultures who who andsuffers suffers families and and who ofwho cops benefits. benefits. and WesternArvanitakisderegulationsolvesolvederegulation everything everything Sydney). (Humanities are are (whichgood (whichgood and andit atit clearlythat clearly thethat theUniversity the doesn’t!). doesn’t!).market market ofwill will ◄ We hope to bring you many more. album - SeasonscopsI drugWehaven’t see– traders. it’s even 1the and far culturesmentioned more 3We are see complicatedabout and mythe favourite familiespowerthe drug thanstruggles songof trade cops that. Free’sin and passingderegulationWe references then explored to are “prison good the politics” andidea that of isglobalisation thethe market will and Back issues at respect to Mambutu and Exploded Cake. drugWedrugWe see see traders. traders. the the cultures cultures We We see see and andthe the families power familiespower struggles strugglesof of cops cops and and WeWesolve then then everything explored explored (whichthe the idea idea it of clearly of globalisation globalisation doesn’t!). and and Editors: Exploded Cake, Dumpstered Twin, Mambutu, Baltimore.drugWein bureaucracysee traders. the Butcultures We the and see show and thethe familieswaynotpower onlypower struggles oflooks copsitself at andone is aspect WesternsolveofWesolve the then everythingzine everything Sydney).explored which I (whichwish (whichthe wasidea it it expanded,clearly of clearly globalisation doesn’t!). doesn’t!). and ◄Reproduction of Issue 37’s cover... in cake form. ‘Dear Coach’sSeasonsdrug Corner’traders. 1 and as 3We areChris see about returns the powerthe to drug his struggles love trade in ThesolvetheWe morning globalthen everything explored justice session (which movement, the was idea it a clearly basic of withglobalisation rundown doesn’t!). inspiring of and Max Solidarity, SourDough, Graf Cat, Princess Mob, T with Alice indrugindrug bureaucracy bureaucracy traders. traders. We We andand and see see thethe the the the wayway way power power powerpower power struggles struggles itselfitself itself isisas is he onlythe the briey global global discusses justice justice hismovement, movement, development with with of inspiring inspiring Front cover fromEditors a Mayday: Exploded Washington Cake, DCBig protest respectDumpstered poster, to Mambutureprinted Twin, Mambutu,in and Bragg Exploded Brief. Circa Cake. 1971. of ice hockey,coppersdrugorganised traders. with working, amakes letterWe seetrying tomost athe panel peopleto power make of aimpotent struggles sportstheir futile and economicWetheWe globalthen then explored theory,exploredjustice movement, includingthe the idea idea of aof globalisationmorewith globalisation inspiring detailed and and organisedBaltimore.organisedin bureaucracy makes makesBut the and most most show the people people waynot onlypower impotent impotent looks itself atand relationshipsand is Theexamplesthe with morning global prison fromjustice gangs session anti-capitalist and movement, washow ahis basic ability withmovements rundown inspiring of Max Solidarity, SourDough, Graf Cat, Princess Mob, T with Alice show askinginorganisedin bureaucracy bureaucracy how hemakes should and and most explainthe the peopleway way to power power hisimpotent niece itself itself andis is examplestheexamplesthe global global fromjustice fromjustice anti-capitalist anti-capitalist movement, movement, withmovements withmovements inspiring inspiring ThanksFront cover as always from a Maydayto Jura Washington Boy & Comrade DC protest Secretary, poster, reprinted & to distributors in Bragg Brief. & Circasubscribers 1971. jobscoppersinalienatedorganised bureaucracy count working, (oror makes worse. sometimes and trying most the waypeopleto bash make power asimpotent their many itself futile headsis and lookeconomicexamplesthecreating global at neo-liberalism. alternatives fromtheory,justice anti-capitalist movement,including to This capitalism asession morewithmovements inspiring detailedaroundfocused their constantalienatedorganisedalienated conjoining or makesor worse. worse. of most sport people with patriotism impotent andto ‘move withincreatingexamples various alternatives from factions anti-capitalist proved to capitalism extremely movements around (The mutiny zine collective does not necessarily agree with all the opinions of contributors. inalienatedorganisedorganised as they or can)makes makes worse. – but most most also people people the story impotent impotent is told and andfrom examplescreatingcreatingexamples alternatives alternativesfrom from anti-capitalist anti-capitalist to to capitalism capitalism movements movements around around Thanks as always to Jura Boy & Comrade Secretary, & to distributors & subscribers and militarism.jobsalienated count This album(oror worse. sometimes is everything bash I feel as about many headsbenecial whenonlookexamplesthe the down-falls cameneo-liberalism. from Thisto bringing anti-capitalist was of neo-liberalism followed themThis togethersession movementsby a session suchfocused as ContributorsCartoon from do the not wonderful necessarily Super agree Happy with allAnarcho the opinions Fun Pages of the: mutiny collective. The alienatedalienatedBut really or or the worse. worse. most interesting thing about thethecreating world. world. alternatives This This was was followed followed to capitalism by by a asession sessionaround CartoonCartoon fromfrom thethe wonderfulwonderful Super Happy Anarcho Fun Pages: revolutionarytheButalienatedBut perspectivereally really politics orthe the worse. atmost most of the the interesting momentinteresting people - working yep, thing thing you about about in andin a commonit’screatingthecreating cause’. theoreticalworld. alternativesYou alternatives This sense basis was that followedthat to toFree capitalismcapitalism humanscapitalism is bya man a onlysession aroundaround around make mutiny(TheCartoon mutiny collective from zine the doesn’tcollectivewonderful agree does Super with not Happy allnecessarily the Anarcho opinions agree Fun of withthePages mutiny all: collective.)opinions of contributors. inButThe as really theyWire can)the for mostme – but is interesting the also analysis the story thing it givesis abouttold us from ononthe the the world. down-falls global This financial was of neo-liberalism followed crisis, deliveredby a session such via as ContributorsCartoon from do the not wonderful necessarily Super agree Happy with allAnarcho the opinions Fun Pages of the: mutiny collective. The TheBut Wire really for the me most is the interesting analysis it thing gives about uswith many onthestoriesonthe the world.the world. toglobal global tell This This- financialperhaps financial was was followed some followed crisis, crisis, that deliveredby aren’t deliveredby a asession session via via CartoonCartoon fromfrom thethe wonderfulwonderful Super Happy Anarcho Fun Pages: really dorunningtheButTheTheBut have perspectivereally WirereallyWire to “keepthe for the forthe drug me onmemost most of truckin’ is trade. isthe the interesting theinteresting people analysis anyways”.analysisFrom working the thing it thingit giveskids gives about aboutin in us usand the rationalontheinternet the world. global decisions by This Jane financial was Kelseyand followed arecrisis, from individualistic, deliveredby New a session Zealand. via mutinyCartoon collective from the doesn’twonderful agree Super with Happy all the Anarcho opinions Fun of thePages mutiny: collective.) Butscope really for. the So mostmany interesting of the characters thing about andappropriate it’s foron theoretical the the global letters financialbasis that pass that crisis, throughhumans delivered the only make via Subscribe to Mutiny! Get the new zine every month, and help us pay streetsscopeThe Wire for. all theSo for many way me isup of the tothe theanalysis characters- SourDoughdrug itlords. gives and We us internetoninternetinterneton the the global global byby by JaneJane Jane financial financial KelseyKelsey Kelsey crisis, fromfromcrisis, from deliveredNewNew deliveredNew Zealand.Zealand. Zealand. via via SubscribeSubscribe toto MutinyMutiny! Get the new zine every month, and helphelp usus paypay runningThescopescopeThe Wire Wire for. for. the for So forSo drug memany manyme is the oftheof the theanalysis analysisFrom characters characters the it it giveskids gives and and inus us handsthe of thegreedyrationalon Janeprison the asked globalbeings,authorities! decisions a financial numberthat and privatisation areofcrisis, critical individualistic, delivered andquestions via Subscribefor printing andto Mutiny distribution! Get (please!) the new If zine you every can give month, out extraand help copies, us pay we can Therelationshipsscope Wire for. for So me manyand is repercussionsthe of analysisthe characters it ofgives actions and us Janeinternet asked by a Janenumber Kelsey of critical from New questions Zealand. forSubscribe printing and to distribution Mutiny! (please!)Get the new If you zine can every give month, out extra and copies, help us we pay can seerelationshipsscoperelationships who for. works, So manyand and who repercussions repercussions of suffers the characters and whoof of actions actions andbenefits. deregulationinternetJaneJaneinternet asked asked by by Janea aJane arenumber number Kelseygood Kelsey ofand of fromcritical fromcritical that New Newthe questions questions Zealand. market Zealand. will forSubscribeforSubscribe printingprinting andand toto distributiondistributionMutinyMutiny! Get (please!) the new If youzine canevery give month, out extra and helpcopies,help usus wepaywepay can can streetsrelationshipsscopescopeexplored for. for.all theSoin So the manyandwaymany show repercussionsup of of to the arethe the characters socharacters drug deep of lords. that actions and and allWeOther the piecesgreedyinternettoJane inexplore Notes…asked beings, by howJane a dealnumberthat the Kelsey withprivatisation crisis of from climate criticalis viewed, New and andquestions Zealand. eg. as a Subscribesendfor printing a number andto ofMutiny distribution zines for! Get no (please!) charge.the new If zine you every can give month, out extraand help copies, us pay we can exploredrelationships in the and show repercussions are so deep thatof actions all the toJaneto explore explore asked how ahow number the the crisis crisis of criticalis is viewed, viewed, questions eg. eg. as as a a sendsendfor printing aa numbernumber and ofof distribution zineszines for no (please!) charge. IfFree you tocan all give prisoners. out extra copies, we can Notes onWeseerelationshipsexploredexploredrelationships Prison, whosee the works, in in Justicecultures the the and and showwho show repercussions repercussionsand and suffers are are Climatefamilies so so anddeep deep who of ofthatof that actionscops actions benefits. all all andenvironmentthe the solvederegulationtoJanecrisis Janebased explore askedeverything askedinissues, capitalism how a a aarenumber themenumber the (whichgood crisis whichin of and it’sof it criticalis critical isclearly current thatviewed, familiar the questions questionsdoesn’t!). form marketeg. as or a a will forsendfor printingprinting a number andand of distributiondistribution zines for no (please!) charge. If you can give out extra copies, wewe cancan relationshipspeopleexplored who in theI and know show repercussions who are watch so deep the of that actionsshow all have the crisisto explore in capitalism how the in crisis it’s current is viewed, form eg. or as a a send a number of zines for no charge. Jeff Luersdrugpeopleexploredpeople & traders. Lilia who who in theILetsch I knowWe know show see who who theare watch powerwatchso deep the thestruggles that show show all have to thehave and sharedWetocrisiscrisisto explore byexplorethen in bothin capitalismexplored capitalism how writers. how the the the Free crisisin crisisin ideait’s it’s discusses is current is currentofviewed, viewed, globalisation the form form eg. eg. asor asor aa and a sendName:______sendName:______aa numbernumber ofof zineszines for no charge. Wepeopleexploredexploreddifferent see whothe in inand cultures theI the know relevant show show whoand are are analyses watchfamilies so so deep deep the about ofthat thatshow cops all theall have andthe the show solvetocontainable,crisis explore everything in capitalism how strictly the (which crisis in economic it’s it is clearlycurrent viewed, crisis. doesn’t!). form eg. The as or a finala Name:______Name:______send a number of zines for no charge. (zine) indifferentpeople bureaucracy who and Irelevant know and the who analyses way watch power about the itself show the isworldwide showhave containable,crisisrisecontainable, of incancer capitalism strictlyas strictly the result in economic economicit’s of current industrial crisis. crisis. form The Theor finala final drugpeopledifferentdifferentpeople traders. who who and and I I knowWerelevant knowrelevant see who who the analyses analyses watch powerwatch the about thestrugglesabout show show the the have haveshow show theWecontainable,crisissessioncrisis globalthen in in capitalismhadexplored capitalism justice strictlyan Australian movement, the in economicin ideait’s it’s current current offocus, withglobalisation crisis. form withinspiring form The aor orbrief finala and a Name:______people-different “it’s aboutwho and I alienatedknow relevant who labour”analyses watch theor about “it’s show about the havemanufacturing show sessioncontainable, procedures, had an strictlyand Australian Letsch economic follows focus, thiscrisis. with a The brief final Name:______Name:______Address:______This zineorganised-different- emerges“it’s “it’s about about fromand makes alienated alienated therelevant letter most writing labour” analyseslabour”people relationship orimpotent or about “it’s “it’s about the about and show containable,sessionsessioncontainable, had had an strictlyan strictly Australian Australian economic economic focus, focus, crisis. crisis. with with The a The abrief brieffinal final Address:______Address:______in-differentdifferent differing“it’s bureaucracy about and andstrategies alienated relevant relevant and the of labour” analyses capital”.analysesway power or about It’s about“it’s itself about about the the isnicely showlives show with examplesthecontainable, looksession a specicglobal at Australia’s had fromjustice account strictlyan anti-capitalist Australian movement, of trade economic how and the focus, with iconicaidmovements crisis. policies, withinspiring The a brief final and Address:______that hasdiffering developed- “it’s about strategies between alienated politicalof capital”. labour” prisoner It’sor “it’sabout Jeff about lives looksessionlook at at Australia’s had Australia’s an Australian trade trade and and focus, aid aid policies,with policies, a brief and and Address:______alienatedorganised-differingdiffering- “it’s “it’s about about strategiesorstrategies makes alienated worse.alienated most of of labour”capital”. capital”.labour”people orimpotent It’sor It’s “it’s “it’s about about about about and Tasmanianlives lives creatingDevillooksessionasession longer atis threatenedAustralia’s had alternativeshad discussion an an Australian Australianby trade a canceroussessionto capitalism and focus, focus, aboutaid Facial policies,with with around what a abrief we briefand can Address:______Address:______“Free” Luers- anddiffering“it’s and desiresabout Australian strategies alienated and poweractivist of labour” capital”. andLilia technology Letsch. or It’s “it’s about about and lives aexamples looklonger at Australia’sdiscussion from anti-capitalist sessiontrade and about aidmovements policies,what we andcan ______andalienateddifferingand desires desires strategies or and worse.and power power of capital”. and and technology technology It’s about and and Tumourlives Diseasethelookaalook longer longer world. linkedat at Australia’s Australia’sdiscussion discussion toThis the wasuse tradeof sessionfollowedtrade sessionPolybrominated and and about aidaboutby aid apolicies, sessionpolicies,what what we we and andcan can ______Cartoon from the wonderful Super Happy Anarcho Fun Pages: It containsButanddifferingdifferingso a many reallydesiresnumber strategies strategiesthings;the andof mostpieces power it’s interestingof of withabout capital”. capital”.and varying urbantechnology It’sthing It’s topics lives about about about inand lives ourlives creatinglookdoa longer towards at Australia’s alternatives discussion a more trade just sessionto capitalism andfuture. aboutaid This policies, aroundwhat teach-in we and can ______soand many desires things; and it’s power about and urban technology lives in andourBiphenyl Ethersdoado longer towards towards as discussion a amea amore more retardant just session just future. future. in about luxury This This what teach-in teach-in we can ______Email:______by eachandso soand writer, manymany desires desires all things; things; centred and and powerit’s powerit’s around about about and and the urban urbantechnology technology themes lives lives of in inand andour our onthedoawasa longer longerthetowards world. a globalfantastic, discussion discussion This a financialmore was if intensejust sessionfollowed session crisis, future. learning about aboutdeliveredby This a sessionwhat whatexperience,teach-in via we we can can Email:______Cartoon from the wonderful Super Happy Anarcho Fun Pages: TheButandfuckedso manyreallyWiredesires up forthings;the world. and me most poweris it’s Shiiiiiiiiit, theinteresting about analysisand urbantechnology just thingit watchgives lives about usinand our products.wasdo atowards fantastic,The zine a moreis if illustratedintense just future. learning by Free’s This experience, teach-in Email:______Email:______the title.fuckedso However, many up things; world.the topic it’s Shiiiiiiiiit, of about prison, urban justand watch prisonlives in some. our dowaswasdo towards towardsa a fantastic, fantastic, a amore more if if intense intensejust just future. future. learning learning This This experience, teach-inexperience, teach-in Email:______scopefuckedsofuckedso manymany for. up up things; things; Soworld. world. many it’s it’sShiiiiiiiiit, Shiiiiiiiiit, of about about the characters urban urban just just watch liveswatch lives and in some. ourdrawings, our andinternetondowith thetowards the amazing globalarticles by Janea financialmore arespeakers. Kelsey complementedjust crisis, future.from deliveredNew This by Zealand. teach-in via SubscribeEmail:______$5 (3 months) to Mutiny ! Get ___$10 the new (6zine months) every month, and $___help us (donation) pay support Thestandsfucked Wire out up foras world. the me central is Shiiiiiiiiit, the motivatoranalysis just itfor watchgives the us some. withwas amazing a fantastic, speakers. if intense learning experience, Email:______$5Email:______(3 months) ___$10 (6 months) $___ (donation) fucked up world. Shiiiiiiiiit, justby watch AngryNerd some.poems writtenJanewaswithwithwas by a amazingasked aFreefantastic,amazing fantastic, and a number others.speakers. speakers. if if intense intense As of a criticalpublication, learning learning questions experience, experience, ___$5for___$5 printing (3 (3 months) months) and distribution (please!) ___$10 If (6 you months) can give out extra $___ copies, (donation) we can text, mainlyrelationshipsscopefuckedfucked because for. up up Soworld. world. ofmanyand the Shiiiiiiiiit, repercussionsShiiiiiiiiit, of inspiring the characters just passionjustbyby ofwatch AngryNerdwatch AngryNerd actions ofand some. some. internetwith amazing by Jane speakers. Kelsey from New Zealand. Subscribe___$5 (3 months) to Mutiny ! Get ___$10 the new (6zine months) every month, and $___help us (donation) pay by AngryNerdthe text is clearlywithThe amazingevent laid out was andspeakers. extremely easy to read. popular, Come and will be ___$5Copies (3 each months) month: ___1 ___$10 (6 ___5 months) ___copies $___ (donation) Letsch forexplored the practice in the of showsolidarity. are Discussingso deepby that AngryNerdher all the toTheJanewithThewith explore event amazingaskedevent amazing washow wasa number speakers.extremely thespeakers. extremely crisis of critical ispopular, popular,viewed, questions and eg.and willas will a be be Copies___$5sendCopiesfor___$5 printing a number each (3each (3 months) months) andmonth:month: of distribution zines for___1 no (please!) ___$10 charge. If (6 you___5 months) can give out extra ___copies $___ copies, (donation) we can relationships and repercussionsbyby of AngryNerd AngryNerd actionsthe publicationTheheld of event againthis review was soon. extremely it Forshould more be popular, available info, or and to expresswill be Copies each month: ___1 ___5 ___copies involvementEconomics in the forest for campaigns Ordinary of TasmaniabyFolk AngryNerd crisisheldThe again eventin capitalism soon. was extremely For in more it’s current popular,info, or form to and express or will a be Copies each month: ___1 ___5 ___copies peopleEconomicsexploredEconomics who in theI forknow for show Ordinary Ordinary who are watch so deep Folk Folk the that show all have atthe your localtoTheheldheldThe explore Anarchist event again eventagain was howsoon. wassoon. . extremely the extremely For For crisis more It’s more is wellpopular, popular,info,viewed, info, worth or or and to eg. andto express willexpressas will a be be sendCopies a number each month: of zines Please for___1 sendno charge. well concealed ___5 cash only to: ___copies she writes(workshop) that ‘solidarity was not something that Theinterestheld event again in was ansoon. extremelyupcoming For more popular,workshop info, or and toemail expresswill be CopiesName:______Copies eacheach month:month:Please ___1 send well concealed ___5 cash only to: ___copies (workshop)Economics for Ordinary Folk containable,interestheld again in ansoon. strictly upcoming For economic more workshop info, crisis. or toemail Theexpress final PleasePlease send well concealed cash only to: differentpeopleEconomics(workshop)(workshop)Economics who and I forknowrelevant for Ordinary Ordinary who analyses watch Folk Folk theabout show the havereading show forcrisisinterestheld interestheld anyone again inagain incapitalism interestedin ansoon. ansoon. upcoming upcoming For For inin more it’s developingmore workshop currentworkshop info, info, or anformor to email toemail express expressor a POPlease Box 4 send / Enmore well concealed / NSW / 2042 cash /only Australia to: we talkedEconomics(workshop) about, it was for just Ordinaryassumed that Folk we were [email protected] in an upcoming workshop or lara@aidwatch. email Name:______POPlease Box 4 send / Enmore well concealed / NSW / 2042 cash /only Australia to: -(workshop) On“it’s 28th about March alienated “Economics labour” foror “it’sOrdinary aboutappreciation [email protected],interest [email protected] solidarity hadin an anand strictly upcoming Australian how it economic can workshopbe orfocus, achievedor lara@aidwatch. [email protected]. with email The a brief final Address:______POPOPleasePlease Box 4 send / Enmore well concealed / NSW / 2042 cash /only Australia to: all in itOndifferent(workshop) (workshop) together’. 28th Marchand This relevant “Economics is a situation analyses for which aboutOrdinary is the show [email protected] in in an an upcoming upcoming workshop workshopor lara@aidwatch. email email PO Box 4 / Enmore / NSW / 2042 / Australia OnOn 28th 28th March March “Economics “Economics for for Ordinary Ordinaryin practice [email protected] thatat Australia’s should be all trade of us! and or aid lara@aidwatch. policies, and Please write, or emailPO 4 / Enmore / NSW about /bulk 2042 distribution, / Australia international orders, if all too recognisablediffering- Folk”On“it’s 28th about was strategies March amongsthosted alienated “Economics by activistof AFTINETcapital”.labour” groups foror It’s (Australian where “it’sOrdinary about about lives Fair [email protected] had an Australian orfocus, or lara@aidwatch. lara@aidwatch. with a brief Address:______Please write, or emailPOPO Box 4 / Enmore / NSWabout bulk / 2042 distribution, / Australia international orders, if Folk”OnFolk” 28th was was March hosted hosted “Economics by by AFTINET AFTINET for (Australian (AustralianOrdinary Fair Fair [email protected]. or [email protected] red PleasePlease write,write, oror emailemailyou don’t have any money, or about for any bulk other distribution, special requests. international orders, ifif problems,andFolk”OnOnTrade such 28thdesires28th was as and March incarcerationMarch hosted andInvestment “Economicspower “Economics by AFTINET or and stateNetwork) technology repression,for for (Australian Ordinary Ordinary and AID/and Fair longer at Australia’s discussion trade session -and M. about Skeltonaid policies, what we and can ______Please write, oryou email don’t have any money, or for about any bulk other distribution, special requests. international orders, if TradedifferingFolk” and was strategies Investment hosted by of AFTINETcapital”. Network) It’s (Australian and about AID/ lives Fair xoxoxoxo red red PleasePlease write,write, oror you youemailemail don’tdon’t have any money, or aboutfor any bulk other distribution, special requests. international orders,orders, ifif Folk”TradeTradeFolk” was and wasand hosted Investment hostedInvestment by by AFTINET AFTINET Network) Network) (Australian (Australian and and AID/ AID/ Fair Fair do towards a more just future. This teach-inxoxo red ______Please write, or emailyou don’t have any money, or about for any bulk other distribution, special requests. international orders, if soandFolk”Trade many desires was and things; hosted andInvestment powerit’s by about AFTINET and Network) urban technology (Australian lives and in AID/and our Fair a longer discussion session about whatxoxo we canred Email:______youyou don’tdon’t have any money, or for any other special requests. TradeTrade and and Investment Investment Network) Network) and and AID/ AID/ was a fantastic, if intense learning experience,xoxoxoxo red red fuckedsoTrade many and up things; world. Investment it’s Shiiiiiiiiit, about Network) urban just watch livesand AID/in some. our do towards a more just future. This teach-in Email:______withwas a amazing fantastic, speakers. if intense learning experience, ___$5 (3 months) ___$10 (6 months) $___ (donation) fucked up world. Shiiiiiiiiit, justby watch AngryNerd some. Thewith event amazing was speakers. extremely popular, and will be Copies___$5 each (3 months) month: ___1 ___$10 (6 ___5 months) ___copies $___ (donation) by AngryNerd Economics for Ordinary Folk held again soon. For more info, or to express Copies each month: ___1 ___5 ___copies The event was extremely popular, and will be Please send well concealed cash only to: (workshop)Economics for Ordinary Folk interestheld again in ansoon. upcoming For more workshop info, or toemail express PO Box 4 / Enmore / NSW / 2042 / Australia [email protected] in an upcoming workshop or lara@aidwatch. email Please send well concealed cash only to: On(workshop) 28th March “Economics for Ordinary PO Box 4 / Enmore / NSW / 2042 / Australia [email protected] or lara@aidwatch. Please write, or email about bulk distribution, international orders, if Folk”On 28th was March hosted “Economics by AFTINET for (Australian Ordinary Fair xoxo red Please write, or youemail don’t have any money, or aboutfor any bulk other distribution, special requests. international orders, if TradeFolk” wasand hostedInvestment by AFTINET Network) (Australian and AID/ Fair you don’t have any money, or for any other special requests. Trade and Investment Network) and AID/ xoxo red 5 days you stayed subscribed to the service. No one wins shit, except hundreds of dollars added police harassment, & for more protection to their next phone bill. When they receive from theft & violence. On April 27 hundreds their next phone bill, they call their telephone Belgium of drivers fought police, blocked roads with company, which directs them to a telephone On May 12 Belgian & French Steelworkers, processions, attacked 50 vehicles, including police vans & bikes, & barricaded a busy number connecting them to me. angry about reduced hours & job insecurity, attempted to crash the Annual ArcelorMittal trafc intersection. They also clashed with A Hispanic sounding lady on a pension called shareholders meeting in Luxembourg. About the rickshaw vehicle renting companies (who me the other week demanding to know how 2,000 workers gathered at the headquarters sometimes rip off drivers by refusing to return I could live with myself, working for these of the world’s largest steelmaker. Throwing vehicle hire deposits or overcharging for them) & ransacked the ofces of a meter installation people. These people that steal, she wanted to recrackers, cobblestones & iron bars, a group company. know honestly, how I could work for them? tried to break through the front door but were She’d been scammed out of about a hundred driven off by riot police ofcers ring rubber 30 people have been arrested, including six bucks. The rule is that I’m only allowed to give a refund if they ask specifically for one, in those bullets & tear gas. union leaders, who had expressed workers’ words. All she asked for was for me to speak to her honestly, and this I could not do. Our calls The workers damaged the ornate front doors grievances while denying any responsibility are monitored by the supervisors, I couldn’t say shit. of the company headquarters, but the meeting for the strike, & sometimes trying to calm was not interrupted. It was the rst violent protests. The further through Hell I ventured with the devil I learned that it was not his hand I was demonstration in Luxembourg since Arcelor Edited from holding, nor by his side I was walking. On a leash he had me, his command enough for me to do steelworkers rioted in 2003. his evil upon any other human. Greece Bangladesh Prisoners, both condemned & pending trial, There’s another company we do customer service for at Contact Centres Australia. It’s City of On May 10 at the Rupashi Sweater factory held in the Police HQs of Salonica went Sydney parking fines. in Narayanganj (a river port town in central on hunger strike on May 7 in protest for Bangladesh & centre of jute & textiles the conditions in their cells. According to the Yep, we do all the scams at CCA. industries) bosses were attacked by a group inmates living conditions in the police-run of workers demanding their unpaid wages. institution are terrible, with a total disregard lyrics about the possibility of revolutionary change When they turned up for work they found for regulations. The premises lack basic Reviews of stuff occurring. themselves locked out of the factory. The hygienic facilities & standards & prisoners workers then marched to other factories - have no possibility to exercise or walk in the Supporting Caste I know of no band that lyrically articulates radical politics as well as Propagandhi. However, i do shouting slogans for higher wages - & brought fresh air in a yard. Propagandhi out thousands of other workers. 15,000 situate this album within a particular trajectory that The hunger strike comes as the rst since (album) workers came out on to the streets & around i feel they have moved along in their lyric writing the deluge of prison action last (northern I reckon the best punk music - the songs and bands 14 factories were attacked & vandalised. - from revolutionary and inspiring on their rst hemisphere) Autumn, when all prisons across that really move me - are dened by a compelling Two main inter-city highways were blocked couple of albums, to more angry but still hopeful the country went on an open-end hunger sense of urgency and immediacy. And what makes for four hours, becoming a battleground (Today’s Empires, Tomorrow’s Ashes), to angry but strike that forced the government to promise punk important is that this feeling doesn’t necessarily between police & paramilitary forces & also fairly despairing (Potemkin City Limits), to the release of more than half the prison have to be created through outstandingly, technical enraged workers. now, where i think the balance has shifted towards population of the country by the end of April. musicianship. It can be in a basic driving beat, a an overall bleakness and despair. Garment workers used similar tactics at Savar The promises have not materialised, & it is simple melody that rises above a wall of noise, or The title track is evidence of this mood, a clever (also in central Bangladesh, a center of textiles unlikely that the current government has any a gravel-throated scream that demands an active metaphor where the masses of history are equated & agriculture) over unpaid wages. These intention to see them through. response. to the supporting caste of a lm, “ushered on and incidents are entirely typical of the increasing Mexico Propagandhi have always attained this sense of swiftly off this stage”, they offer us “a piece of unrest in the garment industry. Real wages On May 7 thousands of police were sent in urgency, it’s just that for a couple of albums now advice: if you’re cast on thin ice, you may as well have declined as ination rises; indicating to remove Oaxacan civilians who had been this is in part created by ridiculously skilled playing dance”. Track 8, ‘The Funeral Procession’, has a how precarious & malnourished much of the blockading the Trinidad silver mine. The of their instruments. This doesn’t overwhelm the similar feel, with the narrator “resigned to the truth workforce is, workers are now being given Canadian-owned mine had been occupied politics of their lyrics but amplies it, so that in that i will not live to see the dawn of a better temporary food rations as an alternative to since March 16 by people concerned about Supporting Caste they have created a record that is day”, but nishing with the line “you gotta keep permanent wage increases. environmental contamination & dwindling unrelentingly intense whether what you’re hearing on truckin’ anyways”. Yep, i told you there’s a In late April thousands of auto rickshaw water resources. Eye-witnesses estimate that is super-fast rifng or a whisper over a quietly bleakness to this album and i’m not even going to drivers in the south-eastern port city of there were about 150 people from the strummed guitar. This isn’t obvious punk music - quote from the nal track, ‘Last Will and Testament’, Chittagong began a wildcat strike to press community at the mine when police were sent there’s a fracturing feeling to this album created that has a hauntingly, beautiful three-minute intro their demands for a higher meter rate, against in. with odd pauses, time changes, breakdowns, etc preceding a matching set of crushingly, sad lyrics. that reect a growing and obvious despair in their The songs on this album with more specic themes A call issued by Comité de Defensa de Los 5-year prison sentence - were issued as a Derechos del Pueblo (CODEP) describes how result of occupations at the ofces of Defense “twenty-ve hundred members of the federal Force Recruiting & Tenix, a war-proteer. police, AFI, judicial police, & the bomb corps When this trial is over one of the defendants CCA, Give Me Back My Soul entered the mine with a wealth of weapons: faces a second trial for allegedly assaulting using tear gas, shots from various types of police during the street demonstration. - Eastside Thunder rearms, police dogs, savagely beating the I have seen Hell and I have descended into its fiery depths and there I have seen the devil and One man, Akin Sari, remains in prison as a people, & searching the homes of the people witnessed some of his treachery. result of his G20 charges, He’s serving a 2 who were peacefully guarding access to the years & 4 month sentence. Write to him mine.” I work at a call centre in Surry Hills. We sell raffle tickets for charity. To do this, thousands upon c/-Corrections Victoria PO Box 123, thousands of people across Australia are telephoned each day and asked to pledge. You sit in G20 trial, Melbourne Melbourne 3001 Australia front of a computer screen with a headset on, while these thousands of people are automatically A court date has nally been conrmed for dialled on. When someone on the other end of the line picks up the phone, the connection is made the three people still facing charges relating to The G20 defense campaign continues to need and their details flash up on the screen for you to make a sale to. This method of fundraising is the G20 protests in Melbourne in November funds for legal & travel costs. Look out for (or designed to gain the maximum possible pledge rate out of communities, with the least amount 2006. organise!) a fundraiser in a town near you, or make donations to: of expense. The rst trial, of a woman charged with riot for participating in a street demonstration, Melbourne University Credit Union Each salesperson is given a quota of how many sales they need to make per hour. If we don’t begins on June 30 at Melbourne Magistrates Account name: G20 Arrestee Solidarity make the quota we’re sent home, and fired if it keeps happening. Through our minds and bodies Court. Two Sydney men who face charges of Network each shift will ache the desire to make a sale, the need is overpowering. aggravated burglary are due to start on July BSB 803-143 A/C number: 13291 (all 13. transfers) And through Hell I walked hand in hand with the devil and his treachery became mine and after cuscau2sxxx (if transferring from a time the burning, scalding flames of Hell became my own cravings for what I still understood These charges - which carry a maximum overseas) as evil. May Day Federation organised a meeting night where cars and rubbish A salesperson when confronted by a pensioner who clearly cannot afford to spend her meagre Chile at the Střelecký river island containers were set alight. allowance on even $15 worth of raffle tickets will still push further: ‘We can do 20 entries for About 10,000 Chileans in Prague, where anarchists On May Day morning 700 $50, 15 for 40 and we now have a special of 10 entries for $30’. We do have options for entries marched in Santiago in a have celebrated May Day anarchists blocked a railway less than $30, but we are told only to mention them as a last resort. since 1890. The May Day station in an attempt to sabotage protest organised by the Unified If asked by a potential customer how much of their pledge actually goes to the charity, we are told Festival afterwards featured a neo-Nazi march. Workers Confederation, to answer, ‘All of it’. This is a lie. In fact, the call centre is paid $24 000 for each raffle we do, speeches and bands including the country’s largest labour plus 3.8% of whatever we get in pledges, plus 90c for every telephone confederation Propagandhi from Canada. Greece Almost 8000 people visited Protest marches took to the call we make, regardless of the outcome. Needless to say most of our money is made on the 90c per call, seeing as we do literally hundreds Columbia the festival, more than twice as streets of all major Greek In Colombia, unions and many as last year. cities on Mayday 2009. In of thousands each day – about 100 million this year so far! If we retirees’ organisations mobilised Athens the independent break this down then only about half of the money people pledge thousands of workers with Ecuador march of anarchists, anarcho- goes to the charity – the rest goes to the corporate call centre, some slogans against unemployment, Thousands of workers marched syndicalists and autonomous going to our wages and most going to the directors and execs. in Ecuador’s main cities unions attracted over a President Alvaro Uribe’s bid After about two weeks I was promoted to the corporate side of the for re-election and the ongoing carrying signs with slogans thousand protesters in defiance such as “Let the gringos pay of anti-anarchist measures. The company. I was now to take inbound calls, i.e. be the customer violence against unionists. service for a company called Pixel Multimedia. Pixel Multimedia Marchers also called for a for the capitalist crisis,” and “anarchist May Day” protest send out millions of scratch cards across Australia. Free negotiated settlement to the “Reject the government’s labor marched through downtown scratch cards found in magazines or our mailboxes, armed conflict with leftist rebels policy”. immigrant neighbourhoods that such as the Revolutionary have been recently vilified by promising cars, money, mobile phones, gaming consoles Armed Forces of Colombia Germany the government and the media. as prizes for a winning card. Every card, when scratched, (FARC). Unions estimated that 484 000 is a winner. The card instructs you to send a txt message people took part in 400 protests Guadaloupe from your mobile phone with a code to claim the prize. Czech Republic across the country. Riots in 20 000 people celebrated the At the bottom of the card is written in small print that The Czech Anarchist Berlin began on Thursday 44-day that won when subscribed, you would be charged $10 for every an increase in the minimum coalition of 22 unions, held a which has successfully Australia has just been reported as I write, referred to as a “weak” case whereby wage and price reductions one-day general strike and a organised mostly immigrants the person recovered from it and is now okay) there is a need to be critical of the for basic necessities earlier in march to protest what unionists without papers, has won a long sensationalist information that is being reported in the press and how such a “crisis” the year. The demonstrators said was a plan by Governor standing dispute with the posh marched to Petit-Canal, the Luis Fortuño to respond to the Josefine restaurant in central is being used by the state and for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies. As burial site of unionist Jacques economic crisis by laying off 30 Stockholm. Josefine’s was due distrust and discontent for party politics rises in Mexico, the flu has allowed for Bino, who was killed on Feb 17 000-60 000 public employees to re-open on May1, yet the the state to try to reclaim some sense of legitimacy. Exactly how long controls of in a night of violence during the and by “the privatisation of threat of a blockade of more urban areas by police will be allowed is perhaps another story as the distortion of generally peaceful strike. the country’s essential public than a thousand syndicalists and services”. 30 000 people sympathisers obviously made information becomes increasingly evident. Haiti participated. the owner change his mind and In Port-au-Prince, Riot police promise back pay and proper Most importantly we need to place such a “crisis” in the context of other “crises” used tear gas to disperse a Russia contracts. that have gripped the world in the previous years: terrorism, anthrax, bird flu. It’s march of several hundred Mass arrests were made in students, teachers, unionist and St. Petersburg earlier on the Turkey important that we look critically at information and do not allow such crises to others demanding the increase day as people gathered in the In Istanbul, officers used teargas distract from more immediate struggle and organising against the state and capital. to minium wage. centre of the city to take part and water cannon to prevent Information in the media about the devastating effects of the economic crisis upon in demonstrations. A police protesters entering Taksim workers, the war in Afghanistan and Palestine, climate change and the intervention Honduras spokesman said they had Square. Riot police mounted in the NT are being side-tracked, yet there is crucial need for this resistance to Thousands of workers marched received inside information three charges against protesters in 11 cities in Honduras that anarchists were preparing who had joined organised continue; flu or no flu. with slogans against the an “active action” (i.e. violent ’s march. US-sponsored Dominican attack) against ultranationalists. Alternative information sourced from: Republic-Central America Free He said 100 anarchists and 20 USA (In Spanish) Trade Agreement (CAFTA). nationalists were detained, Tens of thousands marched for adding that some of the detained immigrant and workers’ rights, elpepiint/20090503elpepiint_10/Tes?print=1 Iraq nationalists had “self-defense” the largest being over 20 000 in About 1 000 people attended weapons in their possession. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They a march in Baghdad organised Anarchists denied any such were calling for legalisation o1pol by the Iraqi Communist Party, attack was planned, stating that of the undocumented and an the Iraqi Federation of Trade they were organising a street end to raids and deportations. (In English) Unions and other groups. party, in solidarity with Swedish Organisers credit the turnout torrent website Pirate Bay. to the hopes people have for Mexico Obama to pass immigration More than 30 000 Mexicans A reported thirty anarchists reform, the fear of consequences marched despite the suspension managed to escape when the for missing a day of work of May Day activities in Mexico police bus they were in got in difficult economic times, City due to fears of swine flu. In lost, and the police officers concerns about swine flu and a Puebla, 25 000 people from 15 accompanying it were busy general anti-immigrant climate unions and peasant and activist asking passers-by for directions. with record numbers of raids groups participated in a march and deportations. to the city’s main plaza. “Face Sweden masks aren’t enough to silence In Stockholm more than 3500 United Kingdom the conscience of the people” people marched with the Central In Brighton a demonstration and “More harmful than the Organisation of the Workers of was held against the EDO/ influenza—the government Sweden, an anarcho-syndicalist MBM bomb component factory. without shame” were among trade union federation, and the It continued through town and the chants. Swedish Anarcho-syndicalist paid visits to local branches of Youth Federation under a multi-national corporations, Puerto Rico banner proclaiming that “we including McDonalds, RBS, In San Juan, the Broad Front will not pay for your crisis!” HSBC and Lloyds which invest of Solidarity and Struggle, a in ITT, the owners of EDO. Also the Syndicalist Registry, May Day Statement Australia with increased military and police presence on the streets, new laws were passed Australia has also joined its trading partners by the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group allowing federal police to use surveillance of all telephone calls, mail, websites in recession. Banks, dependent on overseas and email addresses, and access to personal information from private companies. In the shadow of the crisis markets for funds, have cut back on credit. Along with this, the May 1st Parade, which was directed against the Calderon Today, on May Day, we dedicate ourselves Volumes and prices of mineral exports have to this , and the establishment of dropped substantially. The stock market has government, was cancelled. libertarian , a State-less society fallen savagely. The fallout from all this is where each contributes according to their serious and growing. Thousands of small On a global level the threat of infection has been used as a way to divert attention ability and receives according to their need. investors, and a few large ones, have been away from the global economic crisis which is leading towards a drastic increase ruined by corporate collapses. Millions of Chicago workers have found their retirement savings in poverty and unemployment; not to mention the war in the Middle East and May Day is International Workers Day. It disappearing as superannuation funds have the broader issue of US-NATO war crimes. The constant coverage in the media began in the U.S. With protests over the made large losses on the stock market. effectively draws attention from greater threats to capital, as we are meant framing and execution of Anarchist union And, like a spectre the capitalists thought to be paralysed by this apocalyptic threat. It is important however that this is organisers for the death of police killed by a banished into the past, mass unemployment contextualised within other recent events which have “threatened our lives” such bomb which exploded at a workers’ gathering has returned. Jobs are being destroyed at in Chicago. Since then, workers around the a frightening rate and employers are also as anthrax in 2004, whereby $40 million was spent in the US alone on developing world have used it to campaign around the beginning to go on the offensive over wages vaccines against the threat. issues of the day, celebrate working class and working conditions. solidarity and dedicate themselves to the Workers of the World, Unite! It also needs to be considered struggle for a better world. In the face of this gathering catastrophe, who will benefit from the Financial Crisis the relevance of May Day is thus once more pandemic virus as it spreads. Capitalism has fallen into a massive crisis. underlined. Workers around the world are Similar to the anthrax scandal, Losses from poor quality housing loans in finding the bosses of their country have pharmaceutical companies will the U.S. have led to the exposure of reckless proven themselves their enemies, while the be the principal beneficiaries and sometimes fraudulent financial practices. allies they need are amongst the workers of Banks and insurance companies in the other countries. Capitalism, as well as being in any vaccine created. The U.S. have fallen. Entire national economies unjust, is inherently crisis-prone. Only a vast accessibility and cost of such of second-ranking countries like Iceland, revolution of the working class, across the a vaccine also raises important Hungary and Ireland have imploded. Despite world, can throw it into the dustbin of history. issues. This is especially massive financial bail-outs, the system Today, on May Day, we dedicate ourselves important in relation to remains shaky and further collapses cannot to this revolution, and the establishment of be ruled out. The financial shock has knocked libertarian communism, a State-less society where the virus supposedly the world into the worst recession since where each contributes according to their originated, in La Gloria, a World War II, with Asian and African countries ability and receives according to their need. small rural town in central untouched by the financial crisis being drawn WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! Mexico. in by collapsing export markets. Capitalist predictions of recovery are more statements Contact MACG on: macg1984 at yahoo dot com dot au of hope than conviction. Perhaps one of the more obvious effects that this “crisis” will have relates to PO Box 2120 Lygon St North the foreign policies between the US and Mexico. As it currently stands, the US/ Mexico border is becoming increasingly militarised, as construction of the fence continues to prevent people crossing. The response from the Right in the US has been predicable consisting of the call to not allow anyone to cross the border from Mexico, and for greater policing of the border using military personnel. This has essentially played upon the notion of danger associated with the South, and the idea that to “contain” the Other is the necessary solution. As reports continue to come in about the spread of the virus, (the first case in Flu or No Flu: Black Rose and Jura Books present the first A Crisis that the State Benefits From sydney By Huevo Podrido

Over the past few weeks we have witnessed in the world press a constant stream of reports of a new crisis gripping the world and threatening life on a global scale: the $5Anarchist - $8 / movie Film swine flu. Reported to have originated in central Mexico, the “pandemic” flu has OR been spreading through Mexico, and throughout the world as result of travel. While Weekend pass - $25 this news seems drastic there are greater issues at play here. It’s important to look at Festival what is happening on the ground in Mexico as the state tries to “control” this risk, Queens Birthday Opening Night Friday June 5 the response of governments globally, how responses are connected to capital and Long Weekend An evening of local short films and fun what it has meant for social movements in Mexico. June 5-8

On the 29th April the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced an increase Black Rose Saturday June 6 to their second highest alert phase, Phase 5, meaning “there is sustained human- 22 Enmore Rd, Newtown 12pm Living Utopia Black Rose to-human spread in at least two countries and that global outbreak of the disease is 12pm Manufacturing Consent Jura Books imminent... It also signals an increased effort to produce a vaccine.” By this stage 3pm Viva Zapata Black Rose various figures were being reported in the newspapers globally, with numbers Jura Books generally ranging from 150 to 160 dead in Mexico and 2400 reported cases. 440 Parramatta Rd, Petersham 3pm Angry Brigade Documentary Jura Books Predictions from one WHO official, Neil Ferguson, stated that “40 per cent of 6pm Panther Black Rose people in the UK could be infected within the next six months if the country was hit Be sure to check the web for up to date info 6pm Born In Flames Jura Books by a pandemic”. Essentially, these reports were sensationalist and based upon little evidence. Of the 152 dead, only 8 had been confirmed dead from the swine flu, and the 2400 reports were of influenza in general on a national level within Mexico. Sunday June 7 The flu also needs to be placed in the context of general influenza which kills an 12pm This Revolution Black Rose estimated 500 000 globally every year. 12pm Paris is Burning Jura Books Apart from media disinformation which has lead to a state of global panic, it’s 3pm Land and Freedom Black Rose important to consider what the Mexican government of Felipe Calderón has 3pm Libertarias Jura Books implemented. Coming to power in 2006 through widely acknowledged electoral 6pm The Weather Underground Black Rose fraud, the government has been increasingly losing control politically, as social 6pm Free voice of Labour Jura Books movements and popular opposition have been growing in power in contesting the government’s legitimacy. Statements of the “inevitable spread” of the disease have created, quite deliberately, an atmosphere of fear, insecurity and panic. The Closing Night Monday June 8 swine flu emergency measures have “closed down” entire urban areas, and are 6pm Lucio Anarquista Jura Books widely perceived within the Mexican left as a pretext to curb mounting social dissent against one of the most corrupt administrations in Mexican history. Along In 2008 Barrick submitted an Environmental Assessment along with a proposal to modify and expand the Lake Cowal gold mine. The proposed Lake Cowal gold mine expansion or “E42 Modification”, would involve the expansion of the following: LAKE COWAL • Life of the mine from 13 years to 24 years Damien Outlaw • Gold production from a total of 2.7 million ounces to 3.5 million ounces of gold Lake Cowal forms part of a large ephemeral inland • Tailings produced from mining from 76 million tonnes to 129 million tonnes wetland system in the Lachlan Catchment and is the • Total waste rock to be removed from the open pit from 128 million tonnes to 184 million tonnes largest, natural, inland lake in NSW. Lake Cowal is a • Total surface area of the open pit, from 70 hectares to 130 hectares, from 1km long to 1.25 km long, sacred site for the Wiradjuri Nation. It is known as the from 850m wide to 1.35km wide, from 325m deep to 440m deep sacred Heartland of the Wiradjuri Nation, and well known for its abundance of artefacts, strong history of initiations Uncle Neville Chappy Williams, a Traditional Owner of Lake Cowal and dedicated opponent to the and cultural importance. Gold Mine at Lake Cowal, has again challenged the Government’s involvement with Barrick’s Lake Cowal Gold Mine; this time through the NSW Land and Environment Court. Lake Cowal is located in Central Western NSW, 45km North- West of West Wyalong, approx 600km West of Sydney. The lake is In February this year victory against Barrick in Australia occurred, when a judge ruled in favour of approximately 14 km long and 8 km wide with an average depth of Wiradjuri Traditional Owner, Neville “Chappy” Williams. The NSW Land and Environment Court around 2m. It is said to be inundated seven years out of ten. Significant granted an injunction that now restrains the NSW Minister for Planning from making a determination concentrations of wildlife and waterbirds make the lake their home. Lake on the proposed E42 modification, effectively restraining the proposed expansion of Barrick Gold’s Cowal is listed on the Register of the National Estate for its biodiversity and mine in Lake Cowal. the number of species that inhabit the lake. Current International campaigns involving Barrick Gold include: GATHERING Australia: Lake Cowal, NSW and Super-pit, Kalgoorlie, WA. Ongoing campaigning for the protection of Lake Cowal has been going since United States: Cortez Mine, Nevada. Expansion into sacred lands. 1998 with the campaign taking off in 2002 after an embassy was set up on site. New Mexico: Communities battle subsidiary Homestake’s legacy of uranium contamination. Continued campaigning has included yearly convergences, , awareness and Alaska: Donlin Creek gold project. $87 million exploration and development program. fundraising events as well as two visits to Barrick Gold’s AGM in Toronto, in solidarity Tanzania: Bulyanhulu and North Mara mines. with Tanzania, Porgera PNG, Chile and the Philippines. Chile: Pascua Lama/Valedero Project. Argentina: Mount Famatina and Pascua Lama/Valedero Project. Sixty people from all over the east coast and as far as Adelaide, converged at Lake Cowal over Papua New Guinea: illegal dumping of toxic mine tailings into rivers. the Easter Weekend, from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th April 2009, to fight for the protection of the Peru: Protesters die in confrontations with police during mining strikes in the Ancash lake and surrounding lands from gold mining and cyanide leaching. The convergence also wanted region. to speak out about indigenous rights to ceremony, to challenge ‘consent to destroy’ permissions, to Canada: Eskey Creek, Northern British Columbia and the Helmo Joint venture, North address water issues, the mine expansion, native title and many other issues. shore of Lake Superior, Ontario. Philippines: Placer Dome mine (1969-1996), lawsuit against Barrick Gold Corp. The brave sleepy protesters staged an early morning action, a walk-on to the mine site stopping work Initiated by provincial authorities of Marinduque for causing immense damage to for hours and halted a shift change at one of the gates. There were 28 people arrested on the Easter the island and it’s people. Sunday and charged with offences relating to the action involving trespass. Dominican Republic: Barrick Gold Corp. will reopen the Pueblo Viejo mine. Russia: reports surface of mine workers being trapped in underground mine BARRICK fires. Barrick Gold Corporation, based in Canada, is the world’s largest gold mining company. Its Lake Cowal mine has been in full operation in this sacred and environmentally significant place since 2006. The fight for the protection of Lake Cowal continues stronger than ever. A travelling exhibition of Lake Cowal images will start in Melbourne According to Neville “Chappy” Williams, the Wiradjuri Traditional Owner: “Barrick is desecrating and will be visiting Sydney in early July, then Newcastle and beyond. our sacred site and Dreaming Place and denying us access to our traditional lands. The company has moved or destroyed more than 10 000 artefacts including marked trees; damaging the integrity of the To find out more about Lake area forever. Cowal, and how you can support and build this campaign, make the “What we are doing is our ancient cultural duty to protect our sacred Country for the generations links: to come. We are also raising awareness of the dangers of cyanide leach gold mining and the mine’s excessive use of precious water in the middle of the worst drought on record. The fullest dams, in the very parched countryside between Condobolin and the mine, are the toxic tailings ponds west of the open-cut pit – which extends into the lakebed.”