Keshvinder may be unhappy with DAP - Najib June 16, 2010

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said the State Assemblyman for Malim Nawar, Perak, Keshvinder Singh, left the DAP probably because he was not satisfied or had lost confidence in the party.

"(You) have to ask him, there must be a reason for him to leave," he said briefly when asked to comment on Keshvinder's announcement that he was leaving the DAP to become an Independent Assemblyman who is friendly to the (BN).

Najib said this after attending a meeting with Kafa (religious) teachers at the national level, in Kuala Lumpur today.

'More will leave Pakatan'

Meanwhile, the Independent Consensus, comprising five Independent members of Parliament, asked the people to respect the decision of the Malim Nawar Assemblyman who left the DAP as he was disappointed with the DAP top leadership, whom he claimed did not help him in discharging his responsibility as an elected representative.

In a statement today, the Independent Consensus believed more state assemblymen and members of Parliament (MPs) from the would leave the party as they were fed up with the excessive politicking adopted by the top leadership.

The Independent Consensus also described the PKR, the party that is leading the Pakatan Rakyat, as a failure and no longer capable of leading the Pakatan Rakyat.

The Independent Consensus also reminded the Pakatan Rakyat to re-evaluate itself and not to spread lies and slanders that the State Assemblymen and MPs who left the Pakatan Rakyat had been bought and bribed by the BN. vk lingam hearing wee choo keong pc thirunama 180108 stern"Such accusations are merely to avoid the real issue that the State Assemblymen and MPs as well as supporters of the Pakatan Rakyat have lost confidence in the Pakatan Rakyat leadership, particularly Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who is the leader of the Pakatan Rakyat," the statement said.

The Independent Consensus comprises the Independent Members of Parliament for Bayan Baru Zahrain Mohamed Hashim, Wee Choo Keong (Wangsa Maju) (left), Zulkifli Noordin (Kulim Bandar Bharu), Tan Tee Beng () and Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri (Bagan Serai).

- Bernama

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