Football Programs
HOMECOMING 50c SATURDAY OCT. 31 t ~:. ,,...- - Cleaner, fresher,\ NORTHWESTERN w ·ir WrLBUR E S - OHIO STATE Job~•F ~ Woodruff NYPP, Editor Nat" ummel ___----- A~verti1in M Don Snal Adverti1~--itrculatio! M anaeer pencer Co., 2!1 epre!entarive anager The Presld New York 16 ::•~son Ave Ohio Stnle es\'s Page ' . ., orthwesl alls -- ~i\dcal p~~fil Officials--· __ 110 tale Hes - ·- 4 S, ' ~""w•orthwes,.rnle •;•~m<o,layers ------ .. G, 8 M•,~••< Brn Uo<,enU, -- - 0 •••••Ohio .,"•St P<o,enand al J-1 omewm;O,• - ---- 12 ' ' <8, "'· "10 ,,coo::::•••••Com~•• · ate--Norl c., ..... K . h,, r"- f·•~·.. - '" ·-s i--;i,s- - - " • ,-.. " •-. ; .... "· "· :U: The Ba;ens' Records ears -- --- 20, 2• ~rchin-g e~!~I~ Outlook- - =-·- ----- 22 Hi~•too State RostePrersonncl-·--- 2~ V ort~we~ .,stern"l;fersily u -ea.I --------- ----- --··--·-·· ---- 34, '"3:15 ars1ty osier -----·- ·- f~~~!~~:J~~~ilo;;-·--=- -_ ~--- ___ :_ - :~ Sw<mm;o, ::•=<meoO- --• -- • ··-· "6f. The Golf co:f;s°erds ····- - -- 64--77 _-::::.::-·--··--------=-- --------- 67 --- 6!171 E T T E S co .. 11., THE AMERICAN TOBACCO 3 ~~~~ COM~ANY THE PRESIDENT'S PAGE W . W . HAYES, Head Coach ESCO SARKKINEN, HARRY L. STROBEL, WILLIAM R. HESS, End Coach Defensive Line Coach Freshma n Coach DOYT L. PERRY, Ba ckfield Coach I the stands today are thou ands of alumni of Ohio State University. To them I want to extend an especial greeting on this traditional Homecoming occasion. Throughout the campus today and tonight there will be scenes of reunion. I want to join in wishing all alumni a pleasant return to their Alma Mater.
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