PAPER PIONEERING STEM FOR PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS Pioneering STEM Education for Pre-Service Teachers Armando Paulino Preciado Babb, Miwa Aoki Takeuchi, Gabriela Alnoso Yáñez, Krista Francis, Dianne Gereluk, Sharon Friesen of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,

Abstract—While there have been numerous initiatives to targeted school teachers and comprised four components: promote and recruit students into postsecondary studies in conceptual knowledge; process; systematic docu- , technology, and (STEM) mentation; and independent reflective learning. Programs around the world, traditional programs of studies for both for teacher professional learning involving similar com- K to 12 school and still lack an integrative ponents have engaged teachers in co-designing science approach to these disciplines. Addressing this concern, the projects based on the engineering design process. One Werklund School of Education of the example of this is a project for high started to offer a course in STEM education for the under- school reported in [5], where the authors proposed that graduate Bachelor of Education program. The purpose of teachers should be educated to conduct this type of project this article is to document the first iterations of this course. as part of their professional learning. We draw from narratives of four instructors, including the Although the examples of outreach initiatives and pro- coordinator of the course, and administrators who were grams described above have the potential of impacting on actively involved in creation and approval of the course. We many students, we know little about possibilities and chal- describe the course and its connection to the philosophy of the program, examine the context in which this course was lenges to make STEM education an integral part of teach- conceived—including both national and provincial policy— er preparation at the university level. This topic is under- and address some challenges and possibilities experienced explored because STEM education courses have not been by administrators, instructors and students during the crea- part of traditional pre-service teacher education. In the fall tion and implementation of the course. of 2014 the Werklund School of Education (WSE) at the University of Calgary pioneered a mandatory STEM Index Terms—STEM education; teacher education; curricu- course for all undergraduate students in the Bachelor of lum; soft skills. Education Program. National policy on STEM as well as regulations and directions on education at the provincial I. INTRODUCTION level were key factors in the creation of the course. Addi- tionally, the integrative approach to STEM and the philos- The interest in attracting students into science, technol- ophy behind the pre-service education program were high- ogy, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) postsecond- ly compatible. Yet, there were several challenges faced by ary studies permeates through academic journals and in- administrators, instructors and students in the implementa- ternational conferences. This interest has been evident in tion of the course. In this article we extend from a presen- recent and diverse interventions and outreach programs tation at the EDUCON conference ([6]) discussing possi- around the world. Some programs, for instance, have bilities and constraints in implementing this STEM educa- addressed the issue of stereotyped perceptions of the work tion course from the collective narratives of the authors. of engineering, which could impact students’ decisions to These narratives can inform other academics and leaders pursue STEM careers, such as the intervention described who are interested in the design of STEM education pro- in [1] that involved 565 students from to grams for future teachers. Grade 12. By presenting computer-based multimedia, this intervention showed that perceptions toward the work of The authors of this article were four instructors— engineering could be changed—especially among students including the course coordinator—the associate dean of in the early grades. Other outreach initiatives have in- the undergraduate program, and the vice dean of WSE. volved students in engineering-like activities, such as the We documented diverse perspectives unique to the roles summer camp organized by six European institutions that each of us played in the design and implementation of reported in [2]. The camp focused on team-oriented activi- the STEM education course. The administrators provided ties; a multidisciplinary and multicultural approach; prob- accounts of the creation of this new course in terms of lem-based learning; an intensive schedule; and contact provincial policy and tensions within faculty members. with and feedback from experts. Various partnerships They also commented on perceptions from students who between elementary and secondary schools and other participated in focus group conversation during the im- institutions have been implemented also as outreach pro- plementation of the course. The coordinator and the in- grams, as documented in [3]. These partnerships involved structors described some of the challenges and possibili- institutions such as provincial government, community ties of the collaborative work required to teach the course industry, small business, and global industries. Other and also provided some anecdotal evidences of students’ interventions have focused on teachers, such as the tech- experiences from their classrooms. nological projects for high school described in [4] that


This article is organized as follows. We start by de- study concluded indicating that there was little evidence scribing STEM education in the Canadian context and that STEM education existed in the involved schools. In a defining its integrative approach. Then, we provide a different study involving 220 faculty members at institu- description of the Bachelor of Education program and the tions of , reported in [14], authors found STEM Education course, with a rationale for its assign- that even within faculty members involved in STEM edu- ments and assessment. Subsequently, we discuss chal- cation, there was no operational definition or consistent lenges and possibilities we experienced in creation and conceptualization of STEM education. They also found implementation of the course. This article concludes with that faculty members with a negative perception on STEM some implications for teacher education and difficulties in education considered that STEM was encroaching their researching the impact of this course. funding and importance within the university. We situate the perspective adopted in the course de- II. STEM EDUCATION IN THE CANADIAN CONTEXT scribed in this article by drawing from the integrative Canada is not unique in promoting STEM education in approach to STEM education. While different authors recent years. However, the motivations and goals driving have proposed different classifications for the approaches the discourse in this emergent field differ from one coun- to STEM education, there is a consistency in one particu- try to another. A review of eight international journals in lar approach that combines STEM in a way that trans- 2012 found that the majority of research in STEM educa- cends individual disciplines. Bybee, for instance, de- tion was conducted in the [7]. The motiva- scribed five approaches to STEM education in [8]: tion in the United States has risen in eminence since the Coordinate - Two subjects taught in separate courses Sputnik-spurred education reforms during the 1960s ([8], are coordinated so content in one subject synchronizes [9]), which focused on science and mathematics. This with what is needed in another subject. focus is reflected in the current goals and plans that the Complete - While teaching the main content of one sub- US Department of Education published in its website. In ject, the content of another subject is introduced to com- February 2016 this website indicated that “few American plement the primary subject. students pursue expertise in STEM fields—and we have an inadequate pipeline of teachers skilled in those sub- Correlate - Two subjects with similar themes, contents, jects. That’s why President Obama has set a priority of or processes are taught so students understand their simi- increasing the number of students and teachers who are larities and differences. proficient in these vital fields” [10]. In the website it is Connections - Use one discipline to connect other dis- clear that STEM education is situated in relation to low ciplines, such as using technology as the connection be- academic scores in mathematics and science in interna- tween science and mathematics tional high-stakes testing. The goal remains focused on Combine - This approach combines two or more STEM mathematics and science: “move from the middle to the disciplines using projects, themes, procedures, or other top of the pack in science and math.” organizing foci. In contrast, the Canadian discourse around STEM edu- These approaches are similar to the levels of STEM in- cation is not necessarily situated in the performance in tegration described by Vasquez, Sneider and Comer, who international tests. Canadian students have historically proposed, in [15], four levels of integration: disciplinary, been performing well in both mathematics and , multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary. scoring above the average in the Programme for Interna- The transdisciplinary level corresponds to the ‘combine’ tional Student Assessment test by the Organisation for approach described by Bybee. In this level the integration Economic Co-operation and Development. After the eco- is fully embraced and students engage in an inquiry based nomic crisis that began in 2008, STEM-related fields project combining STEM subjects in meaningful ways. started to be viewed as a cornerstone to “bounce back The inquiry transcends individual disciplines in address- quickly from the current global economic downturn” by ing an issue or problem. This approach not only involves the Science Technology and Innovation Council, [11]. factual knowledge and skills across different disciplines, This council stressed the role of Canada in harnessing but also has an emphasis on the so called 21st Century “science, technology and innovation to drive economic skills ([16])—or soft skills—such as: collaboration; criti- prosperity and enhance societal well-being” [12]. Consid- cal thinking, problem solving, communication, digital ering its unique contextual affordance, it is important to literacy, creativity, and innovation. This level of full inte- understand how STEM education manifests within Cana- gration is also known as the integrative approach to da. The case of the WSE mandatory course in pre-service STEM education. teacher education provides insights into the values and The engineering design process (see for example [17]) philosophies of STEM education consistent with the Ca- provides an appropriate structure for the integrative ap- nadian context. proach to STEM education. This is a recognized process III. INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO STEM in engineering and has different variants. However, sever- al authors agree that this process should focus on a prob- There is a widespread advocacy for STEM education; lem or issue to be addressed involving at least one cycle of yet, there has been a discrepancy among different stake- improvement. For instance, Truesdell, in [17], describes holders about what it is and how it should be taught. For the following steps for the design process: instance, the study reported in [13] found that STEM 1. Define a problem education was not well understood among teachers and school administrators. Based on 172 interviews with 2. Brainstorm teachers and school administrators, the study also found 3. Research and generate ideas that there was not a shared vision on STEM education 4. Identify criteria and specify constraints even among those who believed it was important. The 5. Explore possibilities


6. Select an approach for the whole program among the following list: early 7. Develop a design proposal childhood education, English as an additional language, 8. Make a model or prototype English language, arts, French, inclusive education, math- ematics, , science, second languages, 9. Test and evaluate the design using specifications and social studies. While students receive targeted courses 10. Refine the design for their specialization, they are also required to take 11. Create or make the solution common courses. 12. Communicate process and results The STEM Education course was offered in the first semester of the Bachelor of Education Program. It was Although the process is presented in sequential steps, in spurred by a recognition that teaching is a professional the practice the order may not be followed and some steps activity that involves particular characteristics, situational- may be skipped, depending on the nature and circum- contextual factors, legal and ethical obligations, approach- stances of the problem. The redesign cycle is iterative and es to teaching and student performance, collaboration, some of the steps may be repeated a number of times. passion, and commitment. It was also an innovation across The redesign principle of the engineering design pro- Canada, being the only compulsory course of STEM edu- cess is also present in scientific innovation. For instance, cation in a program for teacher education offered at the the Museum of Paleontology of the University of Califor- time this manuscript was written. nia has developed a flow chart of how science works On a philosophical level, the introduction of such a (available in [18]), in which the redesign principle is ap- course was well aligned with the overall principles that plied to the process of data collection and interpretation: underpinned the Bachelor of Education Program at WSE. preliminary findings inform further data collection, in- Specifically, the program was premised on “dimensions of cluding methods and instruments. For the interested read- engaged inquiry.” So framed, learning to teach is con- er, Galileo Educational Network Association, an organiza- ceived in terms of engagement with interpretations and tion that provides professional development for teachers, populations, in a manner consistent with what Henry Jen- has produced video examples of the implementation of the kins and colleagues [21] described as a ‘participatory engineering design process in projects co-designed with culture.’ Inquiry entails building knowledge, creativity, teachers; the videos are publicly available in [19]. innovation, and critical thought in a manner that allows for In the pre-service teacher education course implement- the development of deep, conceptual and relational under- ed at WSE, there is an emphasis on the integrative ap- standing. Dimension (see below) flags the diversity and proach to STEM education by meaningfully integrating not-always-parallel natures of the many sorts of engage- different disciplines. For instance, one of the learning ment associated with learning to teach. The aim is that the activities is a design which, in addition to the sophistication and complexity of understandings are integrative approach, focuses on the unique cognitive hinged to the levels or dimensions with which one is will- processes of computational thinking theorized in [20]. ing to engage. Briefly stated, five dimensions of engaged This integrative approach is consistent with the philoso- learning framed the conceptualization of the program: phy of the Bachelor of Education program, as explained in 1. Engaged in learning about learning the following section. 2. Engaged with/in specializations IV. THE STEM EDUCATION COURSE 3. Engaged with contemporary contexts The WSE undergraduate Bachelor of Education pro- 4. Engaged with/in teaching and learning communities gram has placed emphasis and care around critical aware- 5. Engaged in ethical action ness of the many and varied contexts in which teaching and learning happens. The school has committed to the The implementation of the STEM course had clear development of excellence in teaching and learning; spe- alignment with these broader goals. The STEM course cialized expertise in their subject areas with an interdisci- would make explicit and examine how the design process plinary approach to learning; and a recognition of the informs teachers’ understanding of learning and teaching expectations as a teaching professional. Upon completing as ‘designers of learning’ rather than as simply ‘imple- the program, students can earn interim teacher certifica- menters of learning.’ The interdisciplinary nature of tion in the province of Alberta (western Canada). The STEM aimed at addressing the broader issues in society Bachelor of Education Program is also valid for teacher and providing relevance for students to design meaningful certification in other provinces in Canada and around the learning experiences within the broader contemporary world. contexts found in society. These initial premises helped to conceptualize the alignment of STEM to the broader pro- The WSE philosophy conceives teaching as a collabo- grammatic features of the Bachelor of Education program. rative and life-long learning profession. Teachers are Further, the rationale provided to the broader faculty was considered experts of learning in specializations for the that students already had a mandatory first year course in elementary and secondary routes. This approach to teacher the , but had no similar course for the STEM education reflects a perception of teacher knowledge as disciplines. By creating a STEM course, its intent was to distributed across disciplines—contrasted to the perspec- rebalance and reposition the value of both the humanities tive that all teachers should know exactly the same. In and sciences as a necessary, complementary and essential order to obtain the certificate in the Bachelor Education component to being a teacher. Mandating such a course Program, students have to complete an undergraduate required that all students would develop an awareness and degree in a subject different from education, or its equiva- understanding for dealing with the world as it is, and the lence in a number of courses from a different faculty. This responsibility and capacities to teach well about these requirement assures that student teachers have an exper- broader societal issues. In this way, there was a reciprocal tise in a particular field. Students choose a specialization responsibility that this course was intended to achieve. On

6 PAPER PIONEERING STEM EDUCATION FOR PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS the one hand, all pre-service teachers would need to un- There were differences among the early childhood sec- derstand how STEM informs their own subject area. On tions, the elementary sections and the secondary sections the other, it also created an opening for how their subject of the course. For early childhood and elementary sec- area could inform the STEM discipline. tions, the STEM Concept Study assignment focused on mathematics, whereas in the secondary sections students A. Course Design were asked to choose a concept from any of the STEM The course intended to equip pre-service teachers with disciplines. pedagogical knowledge and STEM literacy skills so that All the assignments were conducted in teams of two to when they move into their teaching careers, they were three students. The Robotics Process and Curricu- ready to integrate STEM into their day-to-day instruction lum Connections had an individual component consisting through co-curricular planning and interdisciplinary lesson of a narrative. The other components of the course were design. Through this course students were expected to: assessed as teamwork. 1. Develop a foundational understanding of the nature 1) Learning Task #1 Concept Study of discourse in STEM disciplines as related to teach- ing and learning, including STEM literacy, STEM Concept Study [22] is a collaborative learning ap- identity, and transferring understandings across dis- proach for teachers. This approach conceptualizes ciplines; knowledge of mathematics teachers as complex, distribut- ed, and situated in practice. Mathematics knowledge for 2. Understand and appreciate how the engineering de- teachers is a contested field internationally. Although sign process can contribute to teaching and learning there is still a debate on its nature and how teachers should mathematics and science; learn it, a number of replicated studies has shown that this 3. Design learning environments in STEM; knowledge is not about advanced mathematics—further 4. Identify concepts and make explicit the connections accounts of this topic may be found in several sources in across disciplines; and, the specialized literature, for instance [22]–[24]. Rather, 5. Apply introductory literature related to the teaching this knowledge entails nuanced distinctions of critical of STEM with an emphasis on the implementation of features needed to understand mathematical concepts. In resources, the classroom environment, diverse and particular, this mathematical knowledge for teachers in- innovative methods of teaching within STEM, and an volves understanding the variety of meanings, images, introduction to the Alberta Program of Studies. metaphors, and analogies associated with a mathematical concept. This strategy comprises a collective, deep study The STEM course focused on the processes of learning, of a major concept or topic comprising its historical de- rather than on the accumulation of knowledge. For in- velopment; cognitive obstacles and student's common stance, each learning task required students to analyze, mistakes and misunderstandings; images, analogies, meta- synthesize, and critically evaluate information. Students phors and exemplars used for mathematics and mathemat- were required to continuously make connections among ics education; contemporary role/place outside school; and STEM concepts, apply their understanding of such con- development through the whole . Although cepts, and reflect on their learning progression. In addi- concept study has been developed for mathematics educa- tion, the STEM learning tasks required them to perform tion, this approach can be used for concepts in other written communication subtasks and to share their learn- STEM areas. ing through technology and other means. Students in the elementary and early child sections were A focus on processes of learning was also considered in expected to learn about the concept of multiplication the design of the STEM tasks and assessment. At the (which was deemed essential for the integration with other beginning of the course, students received the assessment STEM subjects); but most importantly, they were ex- rubrics for each learning task. The rubrics provided stu- pected to learn about concept study as a strategy for future dents with expectations for each task, and were also used learning in other mathematics concepts. This learning task to provide ongoing feedback to students during class. attended a provincial government requirement of mathe- One central assessment strategy throughout the imple- matics content for undergraduate programs for teacher mentation of the STEM course was the collective review education. of students’ work by the team of instructors. Instructors Concept Study involves iterative steps of analysis that met once a week during the course sharing information have been refined into five levels [22]: meanings, land- and discussing students’ work. This process allowed dis- scapes, analogical entailments, conceptual blends, and cussion around diverse perspectives on assessment for pedagogical problem solving. The first level, meanings, is each assignment. This strategy intended to provide trans- an exploration of all possible meanings of the concepts, parency and consistency for assessment across the differ- inside and beyond mathematics. These different meanings ent sections of the course. are mapped across and beyond the curriculum in the land- B. Learning Tasks scapes level. Such mapping shows the development of the concepts at different school grades. The conceptual blends The course comprised three learning tasks: level refers to the process of blending mathematical con- 1. STEM Concept Study Digital Slide Show (35% of cepts to create a new concept. For instance, the infinite set final grade) of solutions of a linear equation in two variables and a 2. Robotics Design Process and Curriculum Connec- straight-line blend as one object in the Cartesian plane. At tions (35% of final grade) the pedagogical problem solving level, teachers identify 3. STEM Integration Showcase (30% of final grade) issues in mathematics learning and propose solutions based on their knowledge of the concept.


Although students were expected to conduct Concept engaged in multiple conversations discussing our own Study, the final product did not include all their work in experiences and also shared individually written narra- the concept. Rather, students had to use what they have tives. We also brought student evaluations and discussed learned to pick a rich mathematics or science problem (as common themes across different sections of the course. described by Piggott in [25]) and create a narrated and These conversations and narratives helped to identify a animated digital slide show presentation. The presentation number of challenges and enhanced opportunities at dif- had to show the problem and a rationale for choosing it. ferent levels. The associate dean of the Bachelor of Edu- 2) Learning Task #2 Robotics Design Process cation Program and the vice-dean of WSE focused on the process of creation of the course. The instructors who For this learning task students were required to use authored this article provided accounts on both their indi- LEGO MindStorm NXT or EV3 for elementary and sec- vidual experiences and the collaborative work by the team ondary levels. Students in the early child specialization of instructors teaching the course. We were able to com- used LEGO We-Do. The library of the WSE provided the ment also on students’ experiences, based on our interac- LEGO kits for each team of students. In this assignment, tions with students as both instructors and administrators. students had to create their own robot challenge scenario following the robot design process described in [26]: 1) As follows, we offer our narratives on what we learned defining the problem, 2) researching and designing, 3) from the implementation of the STEM Education course. creating a prototype, 4) building the robot, 5) programing We present diverse perspectives toward the design and and testing the robot, and 6) evaluating the robot. Students implementation of this course. We also brought in some were required to design, build, and program a robot that students’ voices in own narratives. can complete a challenge. Then, they had to identify three A. Institutional context: Perspectives from concepts from the STEM disciplines addressed in the administrators Robot Design Process and create a concept map that iden- tifies STEM topics and concepts addressed in the design The creation of a STEM education course needed more of robots. The concept map had to include concepts con- than desire and commitment. Although the general idea of tained in circles and relationships represented by lines the course fit well within the Bachelor in Education Pro- joining the circles with words describing the relationship. gram approach, provincial requirements in mathematics The concept map was the product of the team used for and other academic subjects had to be met, constraining assessment—instead of the actual robot. the scope in content and time for the course. In addition to the concept map, each student was re- The recommendation to implement STEM, however, quired to submit a 500-word maximum narrative justify- was a site of strong contestation among faculty. The ra- ing the relationships in the map and explaining the key tionale for implementing this mandatory course for all ways in which this robotics design connected to the design first year education students raised much debate among process and STEM concepts, as well as the nature of par- colleagues and students. Some of the critiques from col- ticipatory work and the kinds of dispositions and habits leagues had a clear concern about the rise of the STEM that individuals working in teams need to hone. As indi- disciplines in teacher education, which they feared was cated before, this narrative was the only component of the part of a bandwagon attempt to create an elevated status of course assessed individually. STEM to the demise of other disciplines. Of particular concern was the removal of one of the psychology founda- 3) Learning Task #3 STEM integration showcase tions courses, which had remained steadfast in traditional In the last assignment students were expected to devel- teacher education programs, in order to make room for the op an idea for a STEM project that could be implemented new STEM course. The content from this course was, in the K to 12 classrooms. The project had to be presented nevertheless, integrated into two other psychology-based in a poster illustrating how it could be used for teaching. courses. This tension is similar to the perceptions of facul- The poster was showcased in a demonstration incorporat- ty members described in [14]. ing the engineering design process—identify a prob- lem/issue/question, design, build, test and revise—in B. Design process: A perspective from the course which K to 12 students would engage in, included a proto- coordinator typical solution to the problem/issue/question. The show- Similar to results reported by Brown in [6], the defini- case was an open public event where pre-service teachers tions of “STEM education” across instructors varied and demonstrated their developed competencies in STEM the visions and implementations of STEM education were education teaching in front of K to 12 teachers and stu- not necessarily common. Having a team of educators with dents, teacher educators, researchers and their peers. The different expertise certainly enriched the design, but it was process and product of the STEM showcase were demon- also a challenge, as everyone wanted to include very im- strated through social media. By presenting their project in portant aspects from their fields in a course with limited front of audience, pre-service teachers transformed their scope in time and content. This discussion has been alive learning into public knowledge. amid the team of instructors teaching the STEM education course. While the course has been designed and imple- V. OUR EXPERIENCES mented, the team remained in the continuous process of We, the authors, gathered as a team and provided our refining a common definition of STEM education. narratives based on our own experiences in designing and Activities and for the course were negotiated implementing this course. We brought diverse perspec- during its initial design. The list of readings in the first tives by providing accounts from instructors, the coordina- year of the implementation, for instance, seemed at a tor of the course, and administrators from WSE. In doing times disconnected from the assignments of the course. so, we included multi-faceted accounts of experiences at Initially, the course readings and content focussed on different stages of the course, and the course design. We defining how each discipline was represented in the tasks.


However, some of the presentations for the STEM integra- ing. Trial-and-error and multiple iterations of design were tion showcase reflected students’ weak understandings of initially met with frustration and failure, especially given engineering education. For instance, many students super- the time constraints those pre-service teachers face during ficially considered any type of building to be engineering the intense teacher education program. Over time, those education (such as building structures with toothpicks and who were intrigued by the design of robots started to em- marshmallows without any rationale for the purpose and brace the “failure” of their attempts and feel a sense of connection to science or mathematics). To further stu- accomplishment and joy of discovering a new path dents' understandings of this topic, we followed the rec- through multiple experiments and adjustments. ommendations of the Committee on Standards for K-12 Pre-service teachers who participated in the section of Engineering Education, [27], that the engineering design the course that was focused on Early Childhood faced process should support the learning of mathematics and additional challenges when tailoring or adapting activities science. The choice of course textbooks and readings for to create developmentally appropriate robotics tasks for the second year that the course was taught reflected this early learners. Challenges included the selection of math- shift in focus from understanding different definitions of ematics and science content that matched the cognitive STEM (multi-, inter-, intra- or trans-disciplinary) to a capacities of early learners, as well as the limited literature focus on understanding the design process. The articula- available on Early Childhood STEM education to supports tions of the engineering design process reflected in the or guide teacher’s practice: Most text-books and course prototypes and posters of STEM integration showcase readings focused on elementary and indicated a much stronger understanding of engineering settings. education in the second year. The Robotics challenge scenarios that students formu- Consistent with the engineering redesign process, this lated were diverse and reflected their personal interests. course is also under constant revision. For the third itera- For example, one group conducted research on how to tion of the course, we intend that students further their clean oil-spills in our waters and learned, from their own understandings of how mathematical concepts are mod- research, how to use hay to soak oil-spills and clean up the elled in their projects presented at the STEM integration water. This group designed a Robotics challenge scenario showcase. This involves changes to the course readings, of carrying the hay to the oil-spill area and collecting the the learning task descriptions, and the assessment criteria oil-soaked hays. For this group, their awareness of envi- to reflect the intended deepening of learning. A new text is ronmental issues motivated them to take on this challenge. being written to support our notions of how disciplines Similarly, another group also designed a Robotics chal- inform STEM (including mathematical modelling) and to lenge scenario based on their interests in environmental provide a Canadian context for the students. issues. The challenge scenario focused on categorizing Another challenge faced by the team of instructors composts to facilitate recycling, by using color sensors. teaching the course was related to the open nature of the Another group simulated a nursing robot that can pick up tasks. For instance, in the Robotics Design Process stu- a patient from a bed and carry the person to another place. dents chose their own challenges and many questions This group tried multiple attempts to adjust the speed and regarding programming the LEGO MindStorm robots angle of the robot’s arm so that the patient would be com- were very particular to their interests, making it difficult fortably carried. for instructor to provide support to these students. The Students were encouraged to bring their own expertise weekly meetings with other instructors certainly helped in the project. This helped them to engage in an integra- finding suggestions for students. tive approach to STEM education in this learning task. For C. Challenging students’ pre-conceptions: Perspectives instance, a team decided to create a catapult robot that could be used to extinguish a fire. The design of the robot from course instructors was informed by a historical review of the different types The STEM education course challenged some of the of catapults, including shape and materials. This was an ways in which students conceptualized learning and teach- important link that they related to during proto- ing. Early focus interview groups following the first itera- type design. Another group that designed a recycling tion of the course suggested that students seemed to see robot combined their knowledge of mathematics for pro- the relevance and applicability both to the STEM disci- gramming with their interests in science and environmen- pline and to inform their teaching more broadly. Some tal issues in a meaningful way. students stated that they were initially skeptical of rele- As described earlier, at the beginning of the course vance and applicability of the STEM education course to many pre-service teachers expressed fear and anxiety their teaching careers. Those students who were not from towards STEM disciplines because the majority of them sciences backgrounds had tremendous anxiety and fear came from a humanities and/or social sciences back- about how they would successfully engage in the course ground. Only a few received postsecondary science and content. Ironically, some students from sciences back- . Considering the huge amount of grounds struggled. They had preconceived notions that the fear and anxiety they expressed at the beginning of this course would be easy and condescending to them, who course, their engagement and creativity exhibited through had taken many courses in the area of science, technology, the Robotics module were outstanding. Although we faced engineering and mathematics. However, as illustrated time constraints, which could hinder pre-service teachers earlier, this course has not been focused on particular to fully explore the design process through multiple itera- content of individual STEM disciplines, but rather on tions of design processes, engaging in Robotics projects STEM literacy, with a focus on the engineering design challenged the way in which pre-service teachers concep- process. tualize learning and teaching. During the course of the Robotics module, some pre- service teachers changed their conceptualization of learn-


The Robotics challenge task offered pre-service teach- been a complex and complicated endeavour. Provincial ers an opportunity to evaluate the pre-conceived notion of government requirements and local circumstances in the teaching as well, where the teacher is the center of exper- WSE shaped, but also constrained the content and scope tise and acquisition of knowledge as a unidirectional pro- of the course. The diverse perspectives on STEM educa- cess. The central guideline used for the Robotics module tion held by the team of teacher educators have informed was the Design Process. Working successfully with others and will keep informing the design and implementation of was a challenge for some groups of students and they the course. Instructors’ anecdotal accounts demonstrate were prompted to reflect on what successful group work how some of the students’ pre-conceived notions of learn- would look like and how each member of a group could ing and teaching were challenged through the course, by contribute to generating a meaningful learning experience. emphasizing STEM literacy. Supporting a meaningful collaboration and teamwork The integration of STEM at school level can provide an among students has been a challenge, as this course heavi- opportunity for students to engage in authentic tasks with ly uses group work. a focus on developing both hard and soft skills. Discipli- It is worth reminding that the course did not assess the nary knowledge is required to engage in the tasks. At the actual robot. Rather, the assessment focused on the design same time, 21st Century learning skills such as organiza- process and the connections between the STEM concepts tion, communication, group-work, and project monitoring involved in the project. It is plausible that students’ levels can be fostered in STEM projects. Teachers need to de- of stress were reduced and students were more willing to velop particular skills and knowledge to design and enact take risks, due to this focus. such projects in the classroom. Early childhood STEM When three of the instructors reviewed students’ evalu- education is critical for building a foundation of concepts, ations together, we came up with one common thread knowledge, and skills related to STEM subjects. However, across students’ comments on the course: STEM integra- our experience with pre-service teachers working with tion. Students became aware of how different disciplines early learners showed that for many teachers, the integra- in STEM could be meaningfully connected and showed tion of robotics and computational-programming activities interests in exploring this integration further. was challenging given the demands of early learners. The STEM course has an additional value to teacher VI. CONCLUSION student education. The engineering redesign process can In this article we described possibilities and constraints be a fundamental part not only for STEM education, but we experienced in implementing a STEM education also as a strategy for design teaching learning environ- course in a pre-service teacher education program, by ments for other fields—such as Language Arts and Social examining the case of WSE, wherein a first STEM educa- Sciences. tion course started to be implemented in a teacher educa- The description of the STEM Education course that we tion program. We provided multiple perspectives from offered in this article is based on our own narratives. This administrators, the course coordinator, and instructors. article is our first step in documenting this innovative The course represented innovation in teacher education. course and we believe that it is a valuable contribution for While an integrative approach to education is not new, a other scholars, teacher educators and educational institu- compulsory course on STEM—with an integrative ap- tions who are interested in implementing an integrative proach—for pre-service teachers was not offered previ- approach to STEM education. However, further research ously in Canada, as far as we know. on this innovation is required to provide stronger evidence In the STEM education course there was a focus on on the impact of this innovation, as well as the strategies connecting and integrating ideas from a variety of disci- that would support the implementation of similar pro- plines, professions or technologies turning that into usable grams. One of the significant research venues will be on knowledge to undertake a provocative question, address a the impact on pre-service teachers’ teaching practices. contentious issue, solve a complex problem or accomplish While we can document what pre-service teachers learn in a complex task. This approach contrasts to a common the course, it is imperative to study how they implement denomination of STEM careers, which include under- this learning in both other courses in the Bachelor of Edu- graduate program in science and mathematics, with little cation program and in their own classrooms. Another or no connection to each other, or to technology and engi- venue for future research is the development of STEM neering. education course design as we have implemented this The implementation of a STEM Education course was course twice and will continue redesigning and re- implementing it in the subsequent years. well connected with the overarching philosophy of the teacher education program. The REFERENCES program at the WSE conceives teachers as experts of learning in specializations for the elementary and second- [1] A. M. Johnson, G. Ozogul, M. D. DiDonato, and M. Reisslein, “Engineering perceptions of female and male K-12 students: ary routes. 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