Intolerable Acts


Letter from the Dais ...... 3

Background ...... 4 Introduction ...... 5 Leading Up to The War ...... 5 ...... 5 Genecoide ...... 8

Case Study ...... 9 Previous International Action ...... 9 Aftermath of the Genocide ...... 11 Possible Solutions ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Questions to Consider ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Bloc Positions ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

References ...... 14

Letter from the Dais

Dear Delegates, Welcome to SciMUNC 2020! We’re so excited to have you all here and

hope this will be a great experience for every one of you. As you all know, this year our conference is online. Still, we are committed to making this the best

Krish Shah SciMUNC conference to date and we hope you feel take a lot out of this. We are

Secretary -General so excited to be your chairs for this conference and we know you will all do a

Byul Sak great job in this specialized committee about the Rwandan Genocide.

Directors -General Hello delegates. I’m Lucas Schwed and I’ll be chairing the UNHRC

specialized committee this SCIMUNC. This will be my first time chairing an Omar Darwish USG of Administration event, but I have worked as members of a backroom in the past. Any questions

Vincent Harwood you may have on any topic I would be happy to answer, my email address is

Deputy-USG of Administration [email protected]. My interests mainly pertain to European history and

international relations, but I’d love to hear about your passions. It’s a shame that Benjamin Raab

SCIMUNC will have to be online this year but believe me when I say our team is USG of General Assemblies and Specialized Committees doing its very best to make it an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Karen Phua Hi everyone! My name is Julia Gallent and I am so excited to be your vice

Deputy-USG of General chair! This is my second-year chairing SciMUNC- last year I chaired the Munich Assemblies and Specialized Committees Conference committee. I joined Model UN my freshman year and am now a junior. Since then, I have had the pleasure of attending conferences and learning Lars Zeana -Schliep

USG of Crisis Committees all about foreign diplomacy. Outside of MUN I enjoy singing and playing softball. I look forward to engaging in discussion with all of you, and I cannot wait to see Rehan Yazdani what you guys will accomplish. Deputy- USG of Crisis Committees

Diane D. Steiker Sincerely,

Faculty Advisor Lucas and Julia

75 West 205th Street Bronx, NY 10468 [email protected] www.scimun.com SciMUNC XIV | 4

Committee Description CCol UNHRC The United Nations Human Rights Council, in its own words, is an “inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe” that meets in Geneva, Switzerland. A relatively new organization, the UNHRC replaced the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNHCR) after there were, ironically, complaints that countries with poor human rights were members of it. Accountability is mainly represented in the form of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of all 193 UN member states and an available Complaint Procedure. The UNHRC cannot take major action if a violation of human rights is uncovered, that is left up to the Security Council. All in all, the organization is an essential part of the United Nations, and the nations within have a very important responsibility to the rest of the world. The UNHRC is imperative to further cooperation within the global community.


5 | UNHRC | Rwandan Genocide

Background CCol Introduction they did not see the other as the enemy, this outlook of the groups’ relationship did not This committee is set during the events of the prevail Rwandan Civil War and Genocide. You will The tension between the Tutsi and adopt the standpoint of one of many countries escalated when European (Belgian) present in the conflict, and this can range colonizers came to in 1884. The from military, political, and civilian Tutsi were allowed to be part of the new personnel. The objective is to achieve your colonial government and therefore gained self-designed goals and engage with the power over the . This power dynamic committee to the fullest extent possible, combined with the racial messages that the ultimately (hopefully) being in a more two groups were taking on led to a rivalry favorable position than you were at the start. between them. Don’t be afraid to be ambitious! A specialized In 1959, after years of the Tutsi’s committee can be incredibly fun, all it takes minority rule, Grégoire Kayibanda, an ethnic is your own effort. the fun of a GA Hutu, led the Party for Hutu Emancipation committee, all the scheming and and overthrew the Tutsi’s feudal monarchy. backstabbing makes it all worthwhile in the In 1960, elections were held, and the Hutu end. Use whatever tools you can, research gained overwhelming political power. Two your character to enhance portfolio powers. years later, with the Belgian government’s Leading Up to The War approval, Rwanda gained its independence In order to understand what motivated people under a Hutu majority rule. The Tutsi fled to act the way they did in the Rwandan Rwanda after a loss of their central power and Genocide; one has to look at all of the moved into neighboring countries. circumstances that led up to it. The two main The Tutsis, who became refugees in social groups in Rwanda, the Hutu and the Uganda, created a group called the Rwandan Tutsi, were always divided. They started as Patriotic Front, or RPF (first known as the two separate groups from neighboring Rwandan Refugees Welfare Association and regions with different origins, histories, and then the Rwandan Alliance for National moral and ethical features. While at first, it Unity), in 1979 to protect themselves from seemed as though, despite their differences, discrimination by the then-president of


Uganda, Milton Obote. The Tutsis were The Rwandan Civil War suspected of collaborating with Obote’s cruel On October 1st, 1990, preparations were predecessor, Idi Amin (sometimes referred to finished. RPF rebels deserted Ugandan army as “the butcher of Uganda”). Rwandan posts and crossed into Rwanda— beginning refugees Fred Rwigyema and the invasion. However, the following day joined Yoweri Museveni’s rebellion, the Rwigyema was killed whilst Kagame Front for National Salvation (FRONASA), remained in the United States, stalling the which was formed after Museveni left invasion and lowering overall morale. On government when Obote won the disputed October 15th, the RPF began losing ground 1980 elections. Together the three individuals and Kagame returned to organize a retreat of formed the National Resistance Army (NRA) his forces. Habyarimana declared victory to overthrow Obote —beginning the over the rebels by October 30th. The Ugandan Bush War in October of 1980 and Rwandan government used the attack as inviting many Tutsi refugees to join the army. justification for the arrest of some 8,000 Tutsi After a six-year campaign, Obote won the political opponents, and Radio Rwanda began conflict in 1986 and subsequently promoted rallying Hutus to commit ethnic massacres many Rwandans to senior officer positions. against their so-called “enemies.” Yet, after strong opposition from many Unbeknownst to Habyarimana, Kagame had Ugandans and suspicious inquiries by hidden in the Virunga mountains, rebuilding Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana, his military and political strength. New Rwigyema and Kagame were demoted, only soldiers and funds came from exiled Tutsi pushing them to accelerate their plan for an communities all over. Slowly but surely the attack against Rwanda. Museveni knew of a RPF began reorganizing for a second possible RPF plan to invade Rwanda, so he campaign. ordered RPF leadership to attend an officer training course at Fort Leavenworth in the By January 1991, Kagame’s preparations United States. Rwigyema managed to were ready. He began a guerilla campaign convince Museveni to let him stay, but to with raids on the nearby town of Ruhengeri, avoid discovery of the RPF’s plans Kagame freed political prisoners, and struck a blow to left instead. the surprised Rwandan regime that thought

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that the RPF was wiped out. The fighting military effectiveness. A major factor during went slowly but well, and Kagame continued the civil war was French support for the his campaign until July 1992. Then, he agreed Habyarimana government which hindered to a cease-fire so that negotiations could be Kagame’s military operations severely. discussed. The so-called Arusha Accords France was actually Rwanda’s closest ally taking place in Tanzania were hindered by and went out of its way to help the regime. In Habyarimana’s decision in mid-1991 to the first few days of fighting the cities of introduce multi-party politics to Rwanda. Ruhengeri and Byumba were taken and by Multiple factions in the peace talks had their February 20th, the RPF was only 30 own initiative to achieve their own goals. kilometers from the Rwandan capital, . Talks broke down after a new far-right party Kagame reasoned that taking the city via named the Coalition for the Defense of the direct assault would be far too costly, thus by Republic (CDR) was excluded from the the end of February 1993, a cease-fire was proposed transitional government. This declared and negotiations began anew. The breakdown led hardliners in Habyarimana’s Arusha Accord talks were resumed, centering own MRND party to reject the plan, including around how to share power between the the party’s national secretary. The MRND, as rebels and the Rwandan government. well as the CDR mobilized military and During the arbitrations, President public support, renewed massacres against Habyarimana sought to strengthen his power Tutsi populations in the North-West of against the RPF by improving his standing Rwanda. Upon receiving reports of the with senior Rwandan officials. Unbeknownst renewed killings, Kagame pulled out of the to him, many of Rwanda’s political parties Arusha Accords and prepared to resume had begun forming “moderate” and “Power” offensive operations. (short for Hutu Power) wings, with the Power Although they lacked both a numerical and wing signifying far-right hardliners of each material advantage, the offensive that the party. Additionally, Interahamwe and RPF launched in February of 1993 found Impuzamugambi youth militias formed, success; economic problems in Rwanda attached to Habyarimana’s National cultivated issues with the government paying Republican Movement for Democracy and its soldiers, which both lowered morale and Development party (MRND in French) and


the CDR in that order. These forces were then ordered the systematic killings of Tutsis, trained by the Rwandan and French armies, and Uwilingiyimana was killed by the although the Europeans did not know the Presidential Guard overnight. On April 7th, purpose of these militias was for perpetrating Kagame warned both the UN and Rwanda ethnic massacres against Tutsis across the government that the RPF would resume nation. Starting in October 1993 the newly military action if the mass killings did not formed United Nations Assistance Mission stop, and the next day he resumed his for Rwanda (UNAMIR) was deployed to offensive. The rebels encircled Kigali and UN decrease tensions, but to no avail. The troops remained in their camps to avoid being assassination of Burundian President caught in the crossfire. After vicious fighting, Melchior Ndadaye on October 21 in a coup on July 4th, the Rwandan Army in Kigali was attempt by Tutsi officers led to many CDR defeated whilst the rest of Rwanda rested and MRND hardliners to begin planning a under RPF control with the opposition “final solution” against the Tutsis that they government fleeing to Zaire (modern Congo). viewed with increasing suspicion. The only part of Rwanda out of RPF hands at that point was the Zone Turquoise, where an Genocide UN-mandated mission by the French Military The uneasy peace did not last. On April 6th, in June 1994 occupied a fifth of Rwanda in 1994, a plane carrying presidents the South West to protect refugees. Many Habyarimana and Burundian Cyprien viewed the operation with suspicion, Ntaryamira was allegedly shot down by Hutu believing the French to be harboring Hutu hardliners. Mere hours later, violence erupted allies and perpetrators of the genocide. After across the country in what is now known as remaining hostile to all RPF forces French the Rwandan Genocide. The Military Crisis personnel withdrew Opération Turquoise on committee headed by Colonel Théoneste August 21st, 1994. The devastation left by the Bagosora barred Prime Minister Agathe civil war was massive. In a few months, Uwilingiyimana from assuming leadership. between 500,000 to 1,000,000 Rwandans Even with UN commander General Dallaire’s were killed in the genocide alone, with up to insistence that she be placed in charge, half a million women being victims of sexual Bagasora refused. Bagasora’s government crimes.

9 | UNHRC | Rwandan Genocide

Case Study CCol Holding Countries Accountable Their role was broadly defined as maintaining law and order and security in Previous International Action the country. In this position, the UN

The United Nations took lots of slack for the followed through, complete with a study of little they had done to prevent the genocide in the human rights situation in the country. its early phases, only helping Rwanda after This human rights report stated that multiple the event. In a report, the United Nations violations were occurring in Rwanda attributed their lack of action in Rwanda as a including massacres and the targeting of the result of multiple issues: a lack of resources Tutsi population. The writer of this report, and commitment to Rwanda’s developments, Waly Bacre Ndiaye, warned of a serious risk an unwillingness from member states of the of genocide and provided steps that should Security Council to act (which then affected be taken to prevent it. Although this report the Secretariat’s decision process), and last was issued only a week after the Arusha but not least, difficulty in getting the Accords were signed, it was largely ignored necessary troops for UNAMIR. by UN officials. The United Nations was involved in a It was not until the end of the few peacekeeping measures before the transitional period that this report was taken Rwandan Genocide. In the Arusha Accords, into account and UNAMIR was created. The the UN supervised the transitional period UN failed to recognize the need for the with an emphasis on helping the two-armed necessity of the recovery of arms in Rwanda, forces merge into one. meaning that the genocide, if it were to occur, would be less militarized. Instead, they focused on watching over the government. This leads us to the day that President Habyarimana’s plane was shot and killed. Many officials were scared and requested protection from the United

Nations. The Prime Minister, Agathe Uwilingiyimana, at first was protected in her

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own home —with troops outside. But after a fire. A week later, the Security Council threat to her security, she retreated to the decided to reduce the number of troops to United Nation Volunteer compound. While 270, this time acknowledging the thousands Uwilingiyimana was there, Rwandan of innocent lives taken already. By the end soldiers distracted UN officials on the of April, the Secretary-General had noted the phone, while other soldiers snuck in and shot hundreds of thousands of deaths (estimated her. This is just one execution that UNAMIR 200,000) and recommended a reversal of the was unable to stop. Other officials abused or act that withdrew forces. He emphasized that killed by radicals include the Minister for the UN could no longer be neutral and had to Labour and Social Affairs, the Vice- bring an end to the massacre. President of the Liberal Party, and Judge The Security Council noted his Kavaruganda. concern and said they would address that at UNAMIR also received information a later date. They couldn’t even agree to call on threats to other politicians. They could this a genocide yet. The main reason for the not protect all of them in their different inaction is due to the international houses, so the politicians were sent to the community. No one could agree upon what Ecole Technique Officielle (ETO). This is to do or even the severity of the war. In also where civilians went for protection from May, however, the Council adopted a UNAMIR against the Rwandan militia. The resolution to impose an arms embargo on protection did not help, however, because Rwanda and increase the UNAMIR troops. both the French and Belgian forces working Once again, due to the unwillingness of the there evacuated on April 11th, leaving about international community, they barely 2,000 people to fend for themselves against doubled the number of troops to 550 (1/10 of the militia. (The Belgian forces in UNAMIR what they called for). would fully withdraw within 2 days of this event.) On April 15, the UN made no statements about the massacres, only a plea for the RPF and government to reaffirm their pledges to the Arusha Accords by ceasing

11 | UNHRC | Rwandan Genocide

After countless attempts, including many suffering from the trauma of losing Operation Turquoise, and thousands of their loved ones. refugees, the UN was able to communicate It was only after the Genocide that that if Kagame did not stop, France would outside forces got involved to rebuild the intervene by force. It was at this point that country. Schools and buildings were rebuilt, there was a ceasefire. countries got involved with the restoration of As a result of the lack of political the land, and the country started to pick itself resources in Rwanda of the international up again over many years. community, the genocide was unable to be Outside of Rwanda, in Zaire put down until 800,000 had been (Democratic Republic of the Congo), where slaughtered. The United Nations knew the many refugees escaped to, violence started severity of the situation yet still allowed it to up again in 1996 between the Rwandan continue for many months. Since then, in Government and the offenders of genocide 2005, the UN created an outreach program who escaped there. It is estimated that over 5 for the survivors of the Rwandan Genocide million people have died in this violence. to assist them and admitted their failures in The Rwandan Genocide is attributed to be a preventing the Genocide. large factor as to why the conflict started in the first place. The Aftermath of the Genocide The RPF ended the Genocide with Much like the Genocide itself, the aftermath control of most of the country and created a was not pretty. Over 40% of the country’s new government with Kagame as the Vice population was killed, leaving a rough President. In 2000, he became the President economy and abandoned infrastructure. of Rwanda and has stayed in this position Along with this, there were mass migrations, ever since. The new government’s policy diseases, and environmental destruction. was “unity and reconciliation,” so they Relief missions such as World Vision were created a new constitution and stabilized sent into Rwanda, first to help the children. what was left of the country. During the time Not only did the children have poor physical of restabilization, however, many health and a need for food and water, but government officials faced accusations of they also were in terrible mental states, human rights violations from the Genocide.

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The International Criminal Court set up by 5. A balance of Hutus and Tutsis the United Nations was created long after the participating in government will genocide, so it was hard to bring people to prevent more power grabbing things justice. However, the International Criminal like this in the future Tribunal established by the Security Council indicted 93 people for Genocide, with Questions to Consider thousands more who died in prison. 1. How much of the blame should be As a way to bring about justice assigned to the international locally, the Rwandan government created a community for failure to prevent the system called “Gacaca.” In these community Rwandan Genocide? hearings, people are publicly tried. Almost 2 2. How will Rwanda be able to rebuild million people were put on trial in this its infrastructure and economy with a system since its implementation in 2001, depleted population? with 65 percent found guilty of their crimes. 3. Is it the job of the international This has been a way for the people affected community to help Rwanda in the by the genocide to get closure and for the aftermath of the war? What is owed country to heal. to Rwanda?

4. How will people in Rwanda be held Possible Solutions accountable for their war crimes on 1. Possible cooperation with other both the Hutu and Tutsi sides? countries to rebuild infrastructure 5. What can be done to prevent such a 2. Returning refugees and displaced terrible war, either in Rwanda or in persons to their homes in Rwanda other parts of the world, from 3. Preventing violence amongst ethnic happening again? groups through peacekeepers or other education initiatives 4. Bringing war criminals to justice will simmer down tensions

13 | UNHRC | Rwandan Genocide

Bloc Positions

In this committee there will be a multitude Félicien Kabuga of individuals with different nationalities, each with their own agendas. They are as David Rawson follows: Alexis Kanyarengwe

Paul Kagame

Théoneste Bagosora

Roméo Dallaire

Kofi Annan

Boutros Boutros-Ghali Madeleine Albright

Jean Luc Dehaene

Yoweri Museveni

Mobutu Sese Seko

Jean-Bernard Mérimée

Ferdinand Nahimana

Faustin Twagiramungu

Anthony Lake

David Hannay

Sylvestre Ntibantunganya

Augustin Ndindiliyimana

Agathe Habayirmana

Jean Kambanda

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References CCol

Lemarchand, René, and Daniel Clay. “Rwanda under German and Belgian Control.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 26 Feb. 2020, www.britannica.com/place/Rwanda/Rwanda-under-German-and-Belgian-control.

“Report of the Independent Inquiry into the Actions of the United Nations during the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda [S/1999/1257] Peacekeeping.” United Nations, United Nations, 16 Dec. 1999, peacekeeping.un.org/en/report-of-independent-inquiry-actions-of-united-nations-during- 1994-genocide-rwanda-s19991257.

“Rwanda: 20 Years Later.” World Vision, 23 Jan. 2019, www.worldvision.org/disaster-relief- news-stories/rwanda-20-years-later.

“Unity, Reconciliation, And Justice.” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, www.ushmm.org/genocide-prevention/countries/rwanda/case- study/aftermath/unity-reconciliation-justice.

Uvin, Peter. “Reading the Rwandan Genocide.” JSTOR, International Studies Review, 3.3 Wiley, 2001, www.jstor.org/stable/3186243?Search=yes&resultItemClick=true&searchText=rwandan&search Text=genocide&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Drwandan%2Bgenocide %26amp%3Bacc%3Don%26amp%3Bwc%3Don%26amp%3Bfc%3Doff%26amp%3Bgroup%3 Dnone&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_SYC- 5187%2Fcontrol&refreqid=search%3A90295b58346c9dd66f096129eb345340&seq=1#metadata _info_tab_contents.