Università Degli Studi Di Trieste Xxxii Ciclo Del Dottorato Di Ricerca

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Università Degli Studi Di Trieste Xxxii Ciclo Del Dottorato Di Ricerca UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TRIESTE XXXII CICLO DEL DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN AMBIENTE E VITA UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TRIESTE XXXII CICLO DEL DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN ALPINE LAKES, INDICATORSAMBIENT OF GLOBALE E VITA CHANGE: ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTALALPINE PRESSURES LAKES, IN TWO LAKES INDICATORS OF GLOBAL CHANGE: FROM ITALIAN ALPS ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTALSettore scientifico-disciplinare PRESSURES: BIO/07 - ECOLOG IN TWOIA LAKES FROM ITALIAN ALPS Settore scientifico-disciplinare: BIO/07 - ECOLOGIA DOTTORANDO PAOLODOTTORANDO PASTORINO PAOLO PASTORINO COORDINATORECOORDINATORE PROF. PROF.GIORGIO GIORGIO ALBERTI ALBERTI SUPERVISORE DI TESI SUPERVISOREPROF. PIERO DI GIUTESILIO GIULIANINI PROF. PIERO GIULIO GIULIANINI CO-SUPERVISORI DI TESI PROF.SSA ELISABETTA PIZZUL CO-SUPERVISORDR. MARINO IPREARO DI TESI PROF.SSA ELISABETTA PIZZUL DR. MARINO PREARO ANNO ACCADEMICO 2018/2019 ANNO ACCADEMICO 2018/2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 1 1. INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Alpine lakes, climate changes and anthropogenic impacts 3 1.1.1 Climate change 4 1.1.2 Introduction of alien species in freshwater ecosystems 5 Introduction of fish in fishless Alpine lakes 7 1.1.3 Contaminants input and Alpine lakes 9 Trace elements in aquatic ecosystems and associated risks to fish consumption 10 1.2 Aims and objectives of the PhD project 12 2. STUDY AREAS 13 2.1 Dimon Lake 13 2.2 Balma Lake 14 3. COMPLETE 3D RECONSTRUCTION OF THE EXTERNAL AND SUBMERGED DIGITAL TERRAIN MODEL OF THE LAKES 16 3.1 Preface 16 3.2 Material and Methods 17 3.3 Results 21 4. SELECTION OF SAMPLING SITES 24 5. HYDROCHEMISTRY, SEDIMENT CORE CHEMISTRY AND DATING 30 5.1 Preface 30 5.2 Material and Methods 31 5.3 Results 33 5.4 Discussion 40 6. MACROBENTHIC INVERTEBRATES 44 6.1 Characterization of macrobenthic invertebrates’ communities 44 6.1.1 Preface 44 6.1.2 Material and Methods 45 6.1.3 Results 46 6.1.4 Discussion 55 6.2 Consequences of fish introduction on macrobenthic invertebrates: a paleolimnological approach 58 6.2.1 Preface 58 6.2.2 Material and Methods 58 6.2.3 Results 60 6.2.4 Discussion 65 6.3 Macrobenthic invertebrates: bioindicators of trace elements 69 6.3.1 Preface 69 6.3.2 Material and Methods 69 6.3.3 Results 71 6.3.4 Discussion 76 7 FISH 81 7.1 Assessment of fish assemblages 81 7.1.1 Preface 81 7.1.2 Qualitative fish sampling 81 Material and Methods 81 Results 83 Discussion 86 7.1.3 Quantitative fish sampling 89 Preface 89 Material and Methods 89 Results 92 Discussion 99 7.2 Hepatic steatosis in bullhead from Dimon Lake 103 7.2.1 Preface 103 7.2.2 Material and Methods 103 7.2.3 Results 105 7.2.4 Discussion 110 7.3 Oxidative stress ecology in brook trout 113 7.3.1 Preface 113 7.3.2 Material and Methods 114 7.3.3 Results 116 7.3.4 Discussion 123 8. CONCLUSIONS 127 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 129 REFERENCES 130 APPENDIX I 154 APPENDIX II 156 ABSTRACT Alpine lakes are among the most remote aquatic environments in Europe. Although remote, their small size and the high turnover of surface waters render Alpine catchments extremely receptive and vulnerable to anthropogenic impact on a local (i.e., water abstraction, tourism, introduction of alien species) and a global scale (long-range transport of pollutants, acid rain, global warming). Alpine lakes are indicators of global environmental change and “early warning systems” for the mountain environment. Many studies have considered single lakes or groups of lakes; however, because of the wide extent of the Italian Alpine area together with the difficulty of sampling, there have been few studies of the Alpine lakes as a whole. Since it was not possible to extend the research to all Italian Alpine lakes, two lakes (Balma Lake, Cottian Alps, 2100 m a.s.l. and Dimon Lake, Carnic Alps, 1872 m a.s.l.) were selected for this study according to the following criteria: a) the geographic location of the research groups involved in the project, Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste and Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d’Aosta; b) site geomorphology and accessibility; 3) presence of fish after introduction for recreational fishing. The main aims of this PhD project were: a) conduct ecological characterization based on biotic components (macrobenthic invertebrates and fish); b) study the pressures and changes via analysis of biotic components; c) obtain background data for future research. The overarching objectives were: 1) obtain topographic and bathymetric maps of lakes using new technologies (drones); 2) characterize the hydrochemistry; 3) characterize macrobenthic invertebrates since typical biological components of Alpine lakes and widely used to assess ecological status of surface freshwater; 4) investigate changes in chironomids composition over time based on paleolimnological analysis. These biological components can yield information to different perturbations and, given a good time-control, it is possible to estimate phases and amplitudes of disturbance; 5) investigate environmental contamination through trace elements detection in macrobenthic invertebrates; 6) characterize fish communities, obtaining information about their biological and sanitary condition. Sampling was performed during the ice-free season (summer and autumn of 2017 and 2018) at both lakes. The physicochemical features of the lakes were in line with published literature but differed from each other due to the geo-lithological context of the two areas. The biodiversity of the littoral macrobenthic communities was comparable with other high- altitude environments, where Diptera Chironomidae and Oligochaeta generally predominate. Paleolimnological analysis of Balma Lake highlighted significant differences in subfossil chironomid communities before and after the introduction of fish and between modern and subfossil communities, with a significant reduction in diversity. Macrobenthic invertebrates from the two lakes were found to differ in trace element concentration, which was higher in Dimon Lake. Individuals of bullhead (Cottus gobio) and minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) were captured from Dimon Lake, whereas only 1 brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were captured from Balma Lake, with individuals belonging to age classes 0+ to 4+. Health monitoring revealed hepatic steatosis in C. gobio from Dimon Lake, probably linked to an adaptation of the fish to the winter season. This PhD thesis has produced new data about the ecology and conservation status of two Alpine lakes, which may guide local administrations in their decisions to implement conservation and monitoring plans. 2 1. INTRODUCTION Alpine lakes are remote and extreme ecosystems subject to harsh climatic conditions located in the alpine belt above the tree line (Boggero et al., 2005) where, due to the extreme winter temperatures, only alpine prairies or sparse vegetation can grow (Hinder et al., 1999). During most of the year (from October-November to June-July) the snow and ice cover the lakes, blocking sunlight from penetrating the underlying water column (Felip et al., 2002). Without the penetration of light, photosynthesis cannot take place and the lakes remain in darkness (Ventelä et al., 1998), becoming heterotrophic systems isolated from the surrounding area until the ice cover breaks. When the snow melts in early summer, the lakes quickly shift from extremely low to extremely high solar irradiance, with increasing levels of UV radiation directly correlated to altitude (Caldwell et al., 1980). The light can penetrate to great depth thanks to the low attenuation coefficient in clear water (Scully and Lean, 1994). The ice-free season lasts for a few months, generally from mid-June to late October. During this brief period of ideal conditions, some aquatic organisms can complete their life cycle before the snow covers the lakes again. The harsh environmental conditions and the insular nature of alpine regions limit the biodiversity of these ecosystems. Moreover, Starkweather (1990) underlined a negative correlation between altitude and species richness, since high-altitude communities have scarce resource availability, lower habitat complexity, and exist under extreme physicochemical conditions. 1.1 Alpine lakes, climate change, and anthropogenic impact Mountain regions are recognized as environments sensitive to climate change (Haeberli et al., 2007). Because the hydrochemistry of Alpine lakes is highly conditioned by the chemical composition of atmospheric deposition and by climate factors (Rogora et al., 2003), they are early response indicators of climate change (McGregor et al., 1995), atmospheric deposition, and air pollutants (Rogora et al., 2008). Though mountain lakes are generally much less influenced by human activities than other habitats, global and local anthropogenic threats can alter their natural condition. The most alarming threats are water exploitation (CIPRA, 1992), alien species introduction (Eby et al., 2006; Pastorino et al., 2016, 2017a), climate change (Rogora et al., 2003, 2018), and medium-long range atmospheric transport of contaminates (Ørbæk et al., 2007; Camarero et al., 2009a). Originally fishless because they are isolated ecosystems (Brancelj, 1999), Alpine lakes are sensitive to ecological damage caused by the invasion of alien species (Simberloff, 2001). The low taxon richness of Alpine freshwaters suggests that these habitats are not species saturated and are 3 susceptible to invasive species or species that are expanding their
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