T.C.HSU KURT BENIRSCHKE Section of Cytology, Department Department of Obstetrics of Biology, The University of & Gynecology, School of Medicine, Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and University of California, San Diego, Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas La Jolla, California

SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC 1971 All rights rescrvtd, especially that of translation into foreign languages. It i.s also forbidden to rtproduce this book, either whole or in part, by photomechanical means (photostat, microfilm, and,/or microcard) or by other procedure without written pcrmission from Springer-VerlagSpringer Science+Business New York Media, Inc. LLC. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67·19307

© 1971 by Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Springer-Verlag New York Inc. in 1971 Softcoverreprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1971

ISBN 978-1-4684-7991-1 ISBN 978-1-4612-9824-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-9824-3 Contents, Valurne 6

MARSUPIALIA Folio No. DIDELPHIDAE Didelphis albiventris 251 Marmosa robinsoni (Robinson's opossum) 252 Monadelphis brevicaudata (Short-tailed opossum) 253 Phifander opossum (Four-eyed opossum) 254 DASYURIDAE Dasyurops maculatus (Spotted-tailed Australian native cat) 255 Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Fat-tailed marsupial mouse) 256 INSECTIVORA SORICIDAE Suncus murinus (Indian house shrew) 257 EDENTATA DASYPODIDAE Euphractus sexcinctus (Six-banded armadillo) 258 CHIROPTERA NATALIDAE Natalus tumidirostris 259 PHYLLOSTOMIDAE Mesophylla macconnelli 260 Uroderma bilobatum 261 Uroderma magnirostrum 262 VESPERTILIONIDAE Myotis macrodactylus 263 LAGOMORPHA OCHOTONIDAE Ochotona hyperborea (Japanese pika) 264 Ochotona princeps (American pika) 265 RODENTIA SCIURIDAE Eutamias amoenus (Yellow-pine chipmunk) 266 Sciurus niger ( squirrel) 267 Akodon urichi (Vole mouse) 268 Cricetulus migratorius ( Armenian hamster) 269 polionotus ( Old field mouse) 270 M icrotus canicaudus ( Gray-tailed meadow mouse) 271 Microtus ochrogaster (Prairie vole) 272 Phenacomys intermedius (Heather vole) 273 Meriones unguiculatus (Clawed jird, Mongolian gerbil) 274 Acomys cahirinus (Spiny mouse) 275 A comys cahirinus ( Spiny mouse) 27 6

V vi I Contents Folio No. A podemus agrarius ( Striped field mouse) 277 Apodemus flavicollis (Yellow-necked mouse) 278 Apodemus microps 279 Apodemus speciosus 280 CHINCHILLIDAE Lagastamus maximus ( Viscacha) 281 CAPROMYIDAE Capromys pilorides ( Cuban hutias) 282 CETACEA BALAENOPTERIDAE Balaenoptera physalus (Fin whale) 283 CARNIVORA MUSTELIDAE Eira barbara ( Tayra) 284 Enhydra lutris ( Sea otter) 285 Martes americana (American marten) 286 M elogale moschata (Chinese or golden-bellied ferret badger) 287 PROBOSCIDEA ELEPHANTIDAE Loxodonta africana ( African elephant) 288 HYRACOIDEA PROCAVIIDAE Procavia capensis (Rock hyrax) 289 PERISSODACTYLA EQUIDAE Equus grevyi (Grevy's zebra) 290 ARTIODACTYLA CERVIDAE Muntiacus muntjak (Indian or red muntjac) 291 BOVIDAE Connochaetes gnou (White-tailed gnu) 292 Damaliscus dorcas (Blesbok) 293 Ovis orientaUs (Red sheep; Asiatic moufion) 294 Taurotragusoryx (Eland) 295 Tragelaphus angasi (Nyala) 296 Tragelaphus strepsiceros ( Greater kudu) 297 PRIMATES CEBIDAE Aotus trivirgatus (Owl monkey) 298 CERCOPITHECIDAE Allenopithecus nigroviridis (Allen's swamp monkey) 299 Cercopithecus ascanius (Red-tailed guenon) 300 Cumulative Contents (Volumes 1 to 6) Folio MARSUPIALIA


Caluromys derbianus (Woolly opossum) 101 Didelphis albiventris 251 Didelphis marsupialis (Opossum) 201 Didelphis marsupialis virginiana (American opossum) 51 Marmosa alstoni (Alston 1s opossum) 202 Marmosa murina (Mouse opossum) 203 Marmosa robinsoni (Robinson's mouse opossum) 252 Monodeiphis brevicaudata (Short-tailed opossum) 253 Philander opossum (Four-eyed opossum) 254 DASYURIDAE

Dasyurops maculatus (Spotted-tailed Australian native cat) 255 Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Fat-tailed marsupial mouse) 256 PERAMELIDAE

Perameles nasuta (Long-nosed bandicoot) 151 MACROPODIDAE

Macropus rufus (Red kangaroo) 102 Potorous tridactylis (Rat kangaroo) 1 Wallabia (Protemnodon) bicolor (Black-tailed wallaby) 152 Wallabia eugenii (Dama wallaby, Tammar) 103 INSECTIVORA


Erinaceus europaeus europaeus (Western European hedgehog) 52 Erinaceus europaeus roamanicus (Eastern European hedgehog) 53 TALPIDAE

Talpa europaea (European mole) 54 TENRECIDAE

Centetes ecaudatus 153 Microgale dobsoni 154 SORICIDAE

Cryptotis parva (Least shrew) 155 Neomys fodiens (Old World water shrew) 204 Sorex caecutiens (Masked shrew, Laxmann's shrew) 205 ~s murinus (Indian house shrew) 257

vü viii 1 Cumulative ConterJts Folio PHYLLOSTOMIDAE

Artibeus jamaicensis (Jamaican fruit-eating bat) 55 Artibeus 1ituratus (Big fruit-eating bat) 104 Artibeus turpis (Teapa fruit-eating bat) 206 Caro11ia perspici11ata (Seba's short-tai1ed bat) 105 Chiroderma vi11osum 207 G1ossophaga soricina (Pa11as' 1ong-tongued bat) 208 Mesophy11a macconnel1i 260 Pteronotus parne1li (Greater mustached bat) 209 Sturnira 1i1ium (Ye11ow-shou1dered bat) 156 Uroderma bi1obatum 261 Uroderma magnirostrum 262


Desmodus rotundus (Vampire bat) 2


Nata1us tumidirostris 259


Antrozous pa11idus (Pa1lid bat) 56 Eptesicus fuscus (Big brown bat) 157 Lasiurus intermedius (Ye11ow bat) 158 Lasiurus semino1us (Semino1e bat) 106 Myotis grisescens (Gray myotis) 57 Myotis macrodacty1us 263 MYOtis ve1ifer (Cave bat) 3 Nycticeius humera1is (Evening bat) 210 Pipistre11us subf1avus (Eastern pipistre11e) 4


Tadarida brazi1iensis (Mexican free-tai1ed bat) 159



Cho1eopus hoffmanni (Hoffmann's two-toed s1oth) 160


Cabassous centralis (Centra1 American soft- tailed armadillo) 107 Dasypus novemcinctus (Nine-banded armadi11o) 5 Euphractus sexcinctus (Six-banded armadi11o) 258


Tamandua tetradactyla (Co11ared anteater) 108 ix I Cumulative Contents Folio OCHOTONIDAE

Ochotona hyperborea (Japanese pika) 264 Ochotona princeps (American pika) 265


Lepus alleni (Antelope jackrabbit) 6 Lepus americanus (Snowshoe hare) 161 Lepus californicus (Black-tailed jackrabbit) 7 Lepus townsendii (White-tailed jackrabbit) 211 Oryctolagus cuniculus (Laboratory rabbit) 8 Sylvilagus floridanus (Eastern cottontail) 212



Ammospermophilus harrisii (Harris' antelope squirrel) 213 Callospermophilus (Citellus) lateralis (Golden-mantled ground squirrel) 214 Cynomys gunnisoni (Gunnison's prairie dog) 215 Eutamias amoenus (Yellow-pine chipmunk) 266 Eutamias minimus (Least chipmunk) 109 Eutamias ruficaudus (Red-tailed chipmunk) 216 Marmota monax (Northeastern American woodchuck) 9 Sciurus niger (Fox squirrel) 267 Sciurus vulgaris (Hokkaido squirrel) 162 Spermophilus beldingi (Belding's ground squirrel) 110 Spermophilus richardsonii (Richardson's ground squirrel) 111 Tamias sibiricus (Asian chipmunk) 217 Tamiasciurus hudsonicus streatori (Red squirrel) 10


Dipodemys merriami (Merriam's ) 163 Peragnatbus arenarius (Little desert packet mouse) 164 Peragnatbus intermedius (Rock packet mause) 11 Peragnatbus penicillatus (Desert packet mouse) 58 Peragnatbus spinatus (Spiny packet mause) 165


Castor canadensis (Beaver) 59



Akodon urichi (Vole mause) 268 taylori (Northern pygmy mause) 12 Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster) 13 Cricetulus migratorius (Armenian hamster) 269 Cricetus cricetus (European or black-bellied hamster) 166 Mesocricetus auratus (Syrian or golden hamster) 14 MWstromys albicaudatus (White-tailed rat) 60 x I Cumulative Contents Folio

Neotoma albigula (White-throated woodrat) 61 Neotoma floridana () 167 Neotoma mexicana () 113 Neotoma micropus () 62 Ochrotomys nuttalli () 114 Onychomys leucogaster (Northern ) 16 Onychomys torridus (Southern grasshopper mouse) 63 Oryzomys palustris (Marsh rice rat) 117 Peromyscus boylei () 65 Peromyscus californicus (California mouse) 115 Peromyscus eremicus () 64 Peromyscus floridanus ( mouse) 218 Peromyscus gossypinus () 66 Peromyscus melanophrys (Plateau mouse) 219 Peromyscus ochraventer (El Carrizo deer mouse) 116 Peromyscus polionotus (Old field mouse) 270 Peromyscus truei (Pinon mouse) 168 fulvescens () 67 Reithrodontomys megalotis () 169 Sigmodon hispidus (Hispid ) 68 Sigmodon minimus (Least cotton rat) 118


Arvicola terrestris (Water vole) 220 Clethrionomys gapperi (Gapper's red-backed mouse) 171 C1ethrionomys g1areo1us (Bank vo1e) 172 C1ethrionomys rufocanus (Red back mouse) 119 E11obius 1utescens (Mo1e-vo1e) 112 Lagurus curtatus (Sagebrush vo1e) 221 Lagurus 1agurus (Steppe 1emming) 222 Microtus agrestis (Common fie1d vo1e) 69 Microtus arva1is (Common vo1e) 173 Microtus canicaudus (Gray-tai1ed meadow mouse) 271 Microtus 1ongicaudus (Long-tai1ed vo1e) 120 Microtus montanus (Montane vo1e) 70 Microtus montebe11i (Korean vo1e) 174 Microtus ochrogaster (Prairie vo1e) 272 Microtus oeconomus (Northern vo1e) 175 Microtus oregoni (Creeping vo1e) 121 Microtus pennsy1vanicus (Meadow vo1e) 15 Microtus townsendii (Townsend's vo1e) 223 Ondatra zibethicus (Muskrat) 224 Phenacomys intermedius (Heather vo1e) 273


Meriones hurrianae (Indian desert gerbi1) 225 Meriones 1ibycus (Libyan jird) 226 Meriones shawi (Shaw's jird) 227 Meriones unguicu1atus (C1awed jird, Mongo1ian gerbi1) 274 Psammomys obesus (Sand rat) 170


Acomys cahirinus (Spiny mouse) 275 Acomys cahirinus (Spiny mouse) 276 xi f Cumulative Contents Folio

Apodemus agrarius (Striped field mouse 277 Apodemus flavicollis (Yellow-necked mouse) 278 Apodemus microps 279 Apodemus speciosus 280 Apodemus sylvaticus (Field mouse) 176 Mus cervicolor 228 Mus musculus (Mouse) 17 Mus poschiavinus (Tobacco mouse) 177 Rattus (Mastomys) natalensis (African mouse, Mastomys) 71 Rattus norvegicus (Rat) 18 Rattus rattus (Black rat) 229


Erethizon dorsatum (North American porcupine) 72


Cavia porcellus (Guinea pig) 73


Dasyprocta aguti (Orange-rumped agouti) 74 Myoprocta acouchy (Red acouchy) 75


Chinchilla laniger (Chinchilla) 19 Lagostomus maximus (Viscacha) 281


Capromys pilorides (Cuban hutias) 282 MWocastor coypus (Coypu) 76



Balaenoptera physalus (Fin whale) 283



Atelocynus microtis (Round-eared or small-eared dog) 178 Canis familiaris (Dog) 20 Canis latrans (Coyote) 21 Lycaon pictus (African or Cape hunting dog) 179 Nyctereutes procyonoides ( dog) 230 Otocyon megalotis (Bat-eared fox) 122 Urocyon cinereoargentateus (Eastern gray fox) 180


Helaretos malayanus (Sun bear) 181 Selenaretos thibetanus (Asiatic black bear) 22 Ursus americanus (American black bear) 23 xii / Cumulative Contents Folio


Ailurus fulgens (Lesser panda) 182 Bassariscus astutus (Ringtailed cat) 24 Nasua nasua (Coatimundi) 183 Potos ~s (Kinkajou) 77 Procyon lotor (North American raccoon) 25


Crocuta crocuta (Spotted hyena) 78 Proteles cristatus (Aardwolf) 123


Amblonyx cinerea (Oriental clawless otter) 79 Eira barbara (Tayra) 284 Enhydra lutris (Sea otter) 285 Gulo gulo (Wolverine) 184 Martes americana (American marten) 286 Melogale moschata (Chinese or golden-bellied ferret badger) 287 Mephitis mephitis (Striped ) 26 Mustela erminea (Short-tailed weasel) 80 Mustela frenata (Long-tailed weasel) 231 Mustela putorius furo (Ferret) 27 Mustela vison (Mink) 81 Spilogal~orius (Spotted skunk) 28


Arctictis binturong (Binturong) 29 Atilax paludinosus (Marsh mongoose) 124 Bdeogale ~· (Black-footed mongoose) 232 Fossa fossa (Malagasy civet, Fanaloka) 125 Genetta genetta (Small-spotted genet) 126 Herpestes auropunctatus (Indian mongoose) 185 Paradoxurus hermaphroditus (Palm civet) 233 Prionodon linsang (Banded linsang) 127 Suricata suricatta (Mierkat) 30 Viverricula indica (Small Indian civet) 128


Acinonyx jubatus (Cheetah) 234 Felis bengalensis ( 82 Felis cattus (Domestic cat) 31 Felis concolor (Puma) 129 Felis geoffroyi (Geoffroy's cat) 130 Felis nigripes (Black-footed cat) 83 Felis pardalis (Ocelot) 32 Felis serval (Serval) 235 Felis viverrina (Fishing cat) 236 Felis (Leopardus) wiedii (Marguay cat) 237 Felis yagouaroundi (Jaguarundi) 186 Lynx rufus () 187 Panthera pardus (Leopard) 84 Panthera tigris (Tiger) 85 xiii I Cumulative Contents Folio PINNIPEDIA


Callorhinus ursinus (Northern seal) 131 TUBULIDENTATA


Orycteropus afer (Aardvark) 238 PROBOSCIDEA


Elephas maximus (Indian elephant) 239 Loxodonta africana (African elephant) 288 HYRACOIDEA


Procavia capensis (Rock hyrax) 289 PERISSODACTYIA


Equus asinus (Donkey) 33 Equus caballas (Domestic horse) 34 Eguus grevyi (Grevy's zebra) 290 Eguus hemionus onager (Persian wild ass, Onager) 35 Equus przewalskii (Mongolian wild horse) 36 Eguus quagga (Burchell's zebra, Plains zebra) 240 Equus zebra hartmannae (Mrs. Hartmann's mountain zebra) 37



Sus scrofa (Domestic pig) 38 Sus scrofa (European wild boar) 39


Tayassu tajacu (Collared peccary) 132


Vicugna vicugna (Vicuna) 40


Alces alces (North American moose) 133 ~o~apreolus (Roe deer) 86 Cervus duvauceli (Barasingha) 87 xiv / Cumulative Contents Folio

Cervus elaphus (Red deer) 134 Dama dama (Fallow deer) 41 ET;ph~ davidianus (Pere David's deer) 241 Muntiacus muntjak (Indian or red muntjac) 291 Muntiacus reevesi (Reeve's muntjac) 88 Odocoileus hemionus (Mule deer) 42 Odocoileus virginianus (Whitetailed deer) 43 Rangifer tarandus (Reindeer) 135


Antilocapra americana (Pronghorn antelope) 136


Aepyceros melampus (Impala) 188 Ammotragus lervia (Barbary sheep) 137 Antidorcas marsupialis (Springbok) 89 Bison bison (American bison) 138 Bos in~ (Zebu) 90 Bos taurus (Cattle) 44 ~elaphus tragocamelus (Nilgai) 91 Bubalus bubalis (Asiatic swamp buffalo) 139' 189 Capra hircus (Goat) 92 Capra ibex (Ibex) 140 Cephalophus silvicultor (Yellow-backed duiker) 242 Connochaetes gnou (White-tailed gnu) 292 Damaliscus dorcas (Blesbok) 293 Gazella thomsoni (Thomson's gazelle) 93 Hemitragus jemlahicus (Himalayan tahr) 141 Hippotragus niger (Sable antelope) 142 Kobus kob (Buffon's kob) 143 ~~americanus (Rocky Mountain goat) 190 ~ gazella (Cape oryx, Gemsbok) 94 Ovibos moschatus (Musk ox) 95 Ovis ~ (aries) cycloceros (Afghanistan wild sheep) 191 Ovis ~ (aries) nigrimontana (Kara-Tan wild sheep) 144 Ovis aries (Domestic sheep) 45 Ovis ~talis (Red sheep; Asiatic mouf1on) 294 Rupicapra rupicapra (Chamois) 243 Syncerus caffer caffer (African buffa1o) 145 Syncerus caffer ~ (Congo buffa1o) 192 Taurotragus ~ (E1and) 295 Tetracerus quadricornis (Four-horned ante1ope) 96 Trage1aphus angasi (Nya1a) 296 Trage1aphus strepsiceros (Greater kudu) 297



Tupaia chinensis 146 Tupaia g1is (Tree shrew) 97 Tupaia montana 193 xv Cumulative Contents I Folio


Lemur catta (Ringtailed lemur) 194 Lemur ~s fulvus (Chamois) 244


Aotus trivirgatus (Owl monkey) 298 Ateles geoffroyi (Black-handed spider monkey) 98


Callithrix argentata (Silver marmoset) 195 Callithrix humeralifer (White-shouldered marmoset) 196 Callithrix jacchus (Common marmoset) 46 Cebuella pygmaea (Pygmy marmoset) 47 Leontocebus rosalia (Golden marmoset) 245 Saguinus fuscicollis (Brown-headed tamarin) 197 Saguinus oedipus (Cottontop pinch~) 198 Tamarinus mystax (Mustached tamarin) 99 Tamarinus nigricollis (Black-and-red tamarin) 100


Allenopithecus nigroviridis (Allen's swamp monkey) 299 Cereccebus torguatus (Red-crowned mangabey) 246 Cercopithecus aethiops (Vervet monkey, African green monkey) 48 Cercopithecus ascanius (Red-tailed guenon) 300 Cercopithecus cephus (Moustached guenon) 247 Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey) 147 Miopithecus (Cercopithecus) talapoin (Talapoin monkey, Ozem) 248 Papio ~· (Baboon) 148


Presbytis cristatus (Silvered leaf-monkey) 199 Presbytis obscurus (Dusky langur) 249


Gorilla gorilla gorilla (Lowland gorilla) 150 Hylobates concolor (Crested gibbon) 149 Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee) 49 Pongo pygmaeus (Orang utan) 250 Symphalangus brachytanites (Hylobates klossii) (Dwarf siamang) 200


Homo sapiens (Man) 50 New References for Previous Volumes

In Valurne 6 there are 50 new species of various orders. These should be integrated with the Folios of Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. A new cumulative index is supplied, hence the old index should be discarded. In addition to the new Folios, 14 pages of references for the Folios of Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have been prepared to keep the Atlas up-to-date and useful. These references are arranged in such a fashion that they can be cut out and pasted into the previous Folios in proper sequence. MARSUPIALIA

Vol. 2, Folio 51

10} Thrasher, J.D.: Preliminary estimates of the mean duration of the S-phase in the opossum, Didelphis virginiana. Exp. Cell Res. 21:441, 1969.


Vol. 1, Folio 1

13) Levan, G.: Gontributions to the chromosomal characterization of the PTK-1 rat-kangaroo cell line. Hereditas 64:85, 1970.


Vol. 3, Folio 103

3) Sharman, G.B., Robinson, E.S., Walton, S.M. and Berger, P.J.: Sex chromosomes and reproductive anatomy of some intersexual marsupials. J. Reprod. Fertil. ~:57, 1970.


Vol. 2, Folio 52

11) Orlov, V.N.: Chromosome complements of the hedgehogs from East Europe. In The . Evolution, Karyology, , Fauna. N.N. Vorontsov, ed. Acad. Sei. USSR, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, 1969.


Vol. 2, Folio 53

10} Orlov, V.N.: Chromosome complements of the hedgehogs from East Europe. In The Mammals. Evolution, Karyology, Taxonomy, Fauna. N.N. Vorontsov, ed. Acad. Sei. USSR, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, 1969.


Vol. 2, Folio 56

2) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970. CHIROPTERA

Vol. 2, Folio 55

2) Kiblisky, P.: Chromosome patterns of 7 species of leaf-nosed bats of Venezuela (Chiroptera - Phyllostomidae). Experientia 25:1203, 1969.

3) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970.

4) Baker, R.J. and Hsu, T.C.: Further studies on the sex-chromosome systems of the American leaf-nosed bats (Chiroptera, Phyllostomatidae). Cytogenetics 2:131, 1970.


Vol. 3, Folio 104

4) Kiblisky, P.: Chromosome patterns of 7 species of leaf-nosed bats of Venezuela (Chiroptera - Phyllostomidae). Experientia 25:1203, 1969.

5) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23:79, 1970.

6) Baker, R.J. and Hsu, T.C.: Further studies on the sex-chromosome systems of the American leaf-nosed bats (Chiroptera, Phyllostomatidae). Cytogenetics 2:131, 1970.


Vol. 5, Folio 206

3) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970.


Vol. 3, Folio 105

3) Kiblisky, P.: Chromosome patterns of 7 species of leaf-nosed bats of Venezuela (Chiroptera - Phyllostomidae). Experientia 25:1203, 1969.

4) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia ~: 79, 1970.

5) Baker, R.J. and Hsu, T.C.: Further studies on the sex-chromosome systems of the American leaf-nosed bats (Chiroptera, Phyllostomatidae). Cytogenetics 2:131, 1970. CHIROPTERA

Vol. 5, Folio 207

3) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970.


Vol. 1, Folio 2

1) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970.


Vol. 4, Folio 157

2) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970.


Vol. 5, Folio 208

3) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia ~: 79, 1970.


Vol. 4, Folio 158

2) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970.


Vol. 3, Folio 106

2) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970. CHIROPTERA

Vol. 2, Folio 57

2) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970.


Vol. 1, Folio 3

2) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970.


Vol. 5, Folio 210

2) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970.


Vol. 1, Folio 4

2) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 32: 79, 1970.


Vol. 5, Folio 209

3) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 32: 79, 1970.


Vol. 4, Folio 156

3) Kiblisky, P.: Chromosome patterns of 7 species of leaf-nosed bats of Venezuela (Chiroptera - Phyllostomidae). Experientia 25:1203, 1969.

4) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970. CHIROPTERA

Vol, 4, Folio 159

1) Capanna, E. and Civitelli, M.V.: Chromosomal mechanisms in the evolution of chiropteran karyotype. Chromosomal tables of Chiroptera. Caryologia 23: 79, 1970.


Vol. 1, Folio 5

3) Datta, M.: Study of meiotic chromosomes of the nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus, Linn. The Nucleus ~:69, 1969.


Vol. 1, Folio 8

19) Konstantinova, B.P. and Kassabov, L.L.: Chromosome mosaic in a rabbit - 44/45. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 10:248, 1969.

20) Venge, 0.: A simplified method for spreading the chromosomes in the rabbit blastocyst. Nature 174:608, 1954.


Vol. 4, Folio 176

1) Matthey, R.: Le probl~me des heterochromosomes chez les mammif~res. Arch. Biol. 47:319, 1936.

2) Koller, P.C.: The genetical and mechanical properties of the sex chromosomes. VII. Apodemus sylvaticus and A. hebridensis. J. Genet. 41: 375, 1941.

3) Jewell, P.A. and Fullagar, P.J.: Fertility among races of the field mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) and their failure to form hybrids with the yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis). Evolution l2:175, 1965.


Vol. 2, Folio 73

10) Eurenius, K., McManus, N.H. and Mcintyre, O.R.: Phytohemagglutinin• induced transformation and aggregation of guinea pig lymphocytes. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 132:749, 1969.

11) Fernandez, D.R. and Spotorno, O.A.: Heteromorfismo en el par cromosico No. 1 del Cavia porcellus L.: Arch. Biol. Med. Exper. 1:81, 1968. RODENTIA

Vol. 1, Folio 13

19) Brooks, A.L. and Mead, D.K.: The metaphase chromosomes of Chinese hamster liver cells following partial hepatectomy. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 11:794, 1969.

20) Stubblefield, E. and Gay, M.: Quantitativetritium autoradiography of mammalian chromosomes. II. The kinetics of DNS synthesis in individual chromosomes of Chinese hamster fibroblasts. Chromosoma 11:79, 1970.


Vol. 4, Folio 166

4) Ivanov, V.G.: The karyotype of Cricetus cricetus stavropolicus Satunin (1907). In The Mammals. Evolution, Karyology, Taxonomy, Fauna. N.N. Vorontsov, ed. Acad. Sei. USSR, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, 1969.


Vol. 4, Folio 163

1) Jackson, L. and Hunsaker II., D.: Chromosomes in the Dipodomys. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter !!:66, 1970.


Vol. 3, Folio 113

9) Vorontsov, N.N., Liapounova, E.A., Zakarjan, G.G., and Ivanov, V.G.: The karyology and taxonomy of the genus Ellobious (Microtinae, Rodentia). In The Mammals. Evolution, Karyology, Taxonomy, Fauna. N.N. Vorontsov, ed. Acad. Sei. USSR, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, 1969.


Vol. 3, Folio 109

1) Sutton, D.A. and Nadler, C.F.: Chromosomes of the North American chiprounk genus Eutamias. J. . 50:524, 1969.


Vol. 5, Folio 216

3) Sutton, D.A. and Nadler, C.F.: Chromosomes of the North American chiprounk genus Eutamias. J. Mammal. 50:524, 1969. RODENTIA

Vol. 1, Folio 14

17) Raicu, P., Ionescu-Varo, M. and Duma, D.: Interspecific crosses between the Rumanian and Syrian hamster. J. Hered. 60:149, 1969.


Vol. 2, Folio 69

12) Pera, F.: Deletion und Translokation heterochromatischer Chromosomen• abschnitte bei Microtus agrestis. Humangenetik ~:217, 1969.

13) Sieger, M., Pera, F. and Schwarzacher, H.G.: Genetic inactivity of heterochromatin and heteropycnosis in Microtus agrestis. Chromosoma 29: 349, 1970.

14) Comings, D.E.: Quantitative autoradiography of heterochromatin replication in Microtus agrestis. Chromosoma 29:434, 1970.

15) Fredga, K. and Hansen-Melander, E.: The Lund Y chromosome of Microtus agrestis. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter !1:106, 1970.


Vol. 4, Folio 173

4) Matthey, R.: Existe-t-il des chromosomes sexuels multiples chez le campagnol, Microtus arvalis Pallas? Genetica 40:517, 1969.

5) Orlov, V.N.: Possible homology of the 46 - and 54- chromosome Microtus arvalis Pall. In The Mammals. Evolution, Karyology, Taxonomy, Fauna. N.N. Vorontsov, ed. Acad. Sei. USSR, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, 1969.

6) Orlov, V.N. and Malygen, V.M.: Two forms of the 46-chromosome Microtus arvalis Pall. In The Mammals. Evolution, Karyology, Taxonomy, Fauna. N.N. Vorontsov, ed. Acad. Sei. USSR, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, 1969.


Vol. 1, Folio 17

25) Yosida, T.H., Tsuchiya, K., Imai, H., Moriwaki, K. and Udagawa, T.: Chromosome numbers of species in South East Asia and Oceania. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 10:217, 1969.

26) Solari, A.J.: Changes in the sex chromosomes during meiotic prophase in mouse spermatocytes. Genetics (suppl.) §!:113, 1969.

27) Costachel, 0., Kitulescu, I., Voiculet, N., Liciu, F., Encut, I. and Popescu, N.C.: Replicarea cromozomilor sexuali in tesuturi somatice de soarece. Genetica (Bukarest) ~:97, 1967.

28) Jagiello, G.M.: Inhibition of reduction in female mouse meiosis. Experientia 25:695, 1969. 29) Wroblewska, J.: Chromosome preparations from mouse embryos during early organogenesis: dissociation after fixation, followed by air drying. Stain Technol. 44:147, 1969.

30) Hungerford, D.A.: Chromosomenumbers of ten-day fetal mouse cells. J. Morph. 22:497, 1955.

31) Hayry, P., Kirolainen, M. and Defendi, V.: Method for chromosome preparation from mouse peripheral lymphocytes. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 133:637, 1970.

32) Nesbitt, M.N. and Gartler, S.M.: Replication of the mouse sex chromosomes early in the S period. Cytogenetics 2:212, 1970.

33) Tettenborn, U. and Gropp, A.: Meiotic nondisjunction in mice and mouse hybrids. Cytogenetics 2:272, 1970.

34) Prasad, N. and Bushong, S.C.: Direct preparation of chromosomes from mouse peripheral blood. Acta Cytol. 14:523, 1970.


Vol. 4, Folio 177

3) Tettenborn, U. and Gropp, A.: Meiotic nondisjunction in mice and mouse hybrids. Cytogenetics 2:272, 1970.


Vol. 2, Folio 62

2) Baker, R.J., Mascarello, J.T. and Jordan, R.G.: Polymorphism in the somatic chromosomes of Neotoma micropus Baird, the plains woodrat. Experientia 26:426, 1970.


Vol. 5, Folio 224

7) Gustavsson, I.: Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the muskrat (Ondatra zibethica). Acta Vet. Scand. lQ:l81, 1969.

8) Sutton, D.A.: Chromosomes of a male muskrat (Ondatra zibethica L., Microtinae, Rodentia). Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter !!:24, 1970.

9) Dewald, G.W. and Jalal, S.M.: Karyotypes of North American muskrat. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter !!:37, 1970. RODENTIA

Vol. 4, Folio 164

2) Patton, J.L.: Karyotypes of five species of packet mice, genus Perognathus (Rodentia: Heteromyidae), and a summary of chromosome data for the genus. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 11:3, 1970.


Vol. 4, Folio 165

2) Patton, J.L.: Karyotypes of five species of packet mice, genus Perognathus (Rodentia: Heteromyidae), and a summary of chromosome data for the genus. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 11:3, 1970.


Vol. 4, Folio 170

2) Zahavi, A. and Wahrman, J.: The cytotaxonomy, ecology and evolution of the gerhils and jirds of Israel (Rodentia: Gerhillinae). Mammalia 21: 341, 1957.


Vol. 1, Folio 18

22) Yosida, T.H., Tsuchiya, K., Imai, H., Moriwaki, K. and Udagawa, T.: Chromesame numhers of rodent species in South East Asia and Oceania. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 10:217, 1969.

23) Sellyci, M., H:jjas, M. and Laszl~, E.: The chromosomes of the rat's somatic cells. Acta Morphol. ~:173, 1968.

24) Tanaka, T.: A study of the somatic chromosomes of rats. Cytologia 18:343, 1953.

25) Petersen, K.W.: Repeatahle hone marrow hiopsy, with noncultured cell preparations for cytogenetic studies in the rat. Stain Technol. 44: 308, 1969.

26) Bianchi, N.O. and de Bianchi, M.S.: Y chromosome replication and chromosome arrangement in germ line cells and sperm of the rat. Chromesoma 28:370, 1969.


Vol. 5, Folio 229

8) Young, H.S. and Dhaliwal, S.S.: Chromosomal polymorphism in the Malayan hause rat Rattus (rattus) diardii (Jentik). Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 1!:30, 1970. 9) Yosida, T.H., Moriwaki, K., Imai, H.T., Tsuchiya, K. and Sakata, H.: Scientific expedition for the study of to South East Asia and Oceania I-VI. Ann. Rep. Nat. Inst. Genet., Japan No. 19:9, 40, 1969.

10) Capanna, E., Civitelli, M.V. and Nozer, R.: The karyotype of the black rat (Rattus rattus, L.). Another population with a 38-chromosome complement. Experientia 26:422, 1970.

11) Paulete-Vanrell, J.: Reduction of chromosome number in Brazilian Rattus rattus rattus, Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 1!:99, 1970.

12) Gropp, A., Olbrich, M., Santadusit, A., Manyanondha, K., Flatz, G. and Marshall, J.: Chromosomes of the hause rat, Rattus rattus: Finding in an Asiatic population. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter !!:111, 1970.

13) Badr, F.M. and Badr, R.S.: The somatic chromosomes of a wild population of rats: numerical polymorphism. Chromesoma 30:465, 1970.


Vol. 4, Folio 162

3) Sasaki, M., Shimba, H. and Itoh, M.: Karyotypes of two species of Asiatic squirrels. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 10:227, 1960.


Vol. 2, Folio 68

1) Kiblisky, P.: The chromosomes of the hispid cotton rat, Sigmadon hispidus, from two localities in Venezuela. J. Mammal. 50:810, 1969.


Vol. 1, Folio 20

18) Clough, E., Pyle, R.L., Rare, W.C.D., Kelly, D.F. and Patterson, D.F.: An XXY sex-chromosome constitution in a dog with testicular hypoplasia and congenital heart disease. Cytogenetics 1:71, 1970.


Vol. 5, Folio 238

2) Benirschke, K., Wurster, D.H., Low, R.J. and Atkin, N.B.: The chromosome complement of the aardvark, Orycteropus ~· Chromesoma ll:68, 1970. PERISSODACTYLA

Vol. 1, Folio 34

10) Basrur, P.K., Kanagawa, H. and Gilman, J.P.W.: An equine intersex with unilateral gonadal agenesis. Canad. J. Comp. Med. 33:297, 1969.

11) Vandeplassche, M., Podliachouk, L. and Beaud, R.: Some aspects of twin• gestation in the mare. Canad. J. Compar. Med. 34:218, 1970.


Vol. 5, Folio 240

5) Heinichen, I.G.: Karyotype of the South West African plains zebra and mountain zebra: Their cytogenetic relationship to Chapman's zebra and the Cradock mountain zebra. Madoqua 1:47, 1969.


Vol. 1, Folio 37

4) Heinichen, I.G.: Karyotype of the South West African plains zebra and mountain zebra: Their cytogenetic relationship to Chapman's zebra and the Cradock mountain zebra. Madoqua 1:47, 1969.


Vol. 1, Folio 44

28) Gustavsson, I.: Cytogenetics, distribution and phenotypic effects of a translocation in Swedish cattle. Hereditas 63:68, 1969.

29) Mori, M., Sasaki, M., Makino, S., Ishikawa, T. and Kawata, K.: Autosomal trisomy in a malformed newborn calf. Proc. Japan Acad. 45:955, 1969.


Vol. 1, Folio 45

23) Dain, A.R. and Tucker, E.M.: Cytogenetics, anatomical and blood group studies of sheep twin chimeras. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 175:183, 1970.


Vol. 2, Folio 92

17) Datta, M.: Reinvestigation of meiosis in the male goat, Capra hircus, Linn., with special reference to chiasma formation in the sex and autosomal bivalents. Cytologia 35:344, 1970. ARTIODACTYLA

Vol. 1, Folio 38

25) Morata, G.: Chromosomal dimorphism in anormal female of domestic pig. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 10:219, 1969.

~ 26) Haag, J. and Mizza, P.: Le caryotype du porc normal. Ann. Genet.~ 12: 242, 1969.

27) Paraipan, V.: A new cellular source for establishment of the karyotype in the sow. J. Reprod. Fertil. 20:535, 1969.

28) Haag, J., Bresson, A. and Mizza, P.: Swine chromosome classification. A contribution toward standardization. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 11: 35, 1970.


Vol. 1, Folio 39

5) Zivkovic, S., Isakovic, I., Joranovic, V. and Milosevic, M.: Chromosomes of the European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.). Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 1!:102, 1970.


Vol. 1, Folio 48

12) Markarian, D.S., Matchavariani, M.G. and Avdzhian, M.V.: The normal karyotype of the green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops). Genetika 1:143, 1969.


Vol. 1, Folio 50

12) Passarge, E., La Rock, J. and German, J.: Autoradiographie studies of human chromosomes. V. Nonrandom localization of DNA synthesis during the final minutes of the S-period. Chromosoma 28:37, 1969.

13) Ford, L., Cacheiro, N., Norby, D. and Heller, C.G.: Identification of normal human pachytene chromosomes. I. The normal human karyotype. The Nucleus !!:83, 1968.

14) Ohnuki, Y.: Structure of chromosomes. I. Morphological studies of the spiral structure of human somatic chromosomes. Chromosoma 25:402, 1968. PRIMATES

Vol. 5, Folio 245

4) Hsu, T.C. and Hampton, S.H.: Chromosomes of Callithricidae with special reference to and XX/'XO' sex chromosome system in Goeldi's marmoset (Callimico goeldii Thomas 1904). Fol. Primatol. !2:183, 1970.


Vol. 4, Folio 147

12) Brandorn, W.F., Gaude, Y. and Parrott, M.W.: Chromosome preparations from short-term bone marrow cultures of Macaca mulatta. Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter !!:113, 1970.

13) Ruffie, J., Colombies, P., Ginoux-Mounie, Ch. and Charles-Trochain, E.: Etude cytogenetique~ ~ de 4 especes' de primates. Comparaisons avec le caryotype humain. Ann. Genet. 13:3, 1970.


Vol. 1, Folio 49

7) Low, R.J. and Benirschke, K.: The replication pattern of the chromosomes of Pan troglodytes. Proc. 2nd Int. Congr. Primat. Atlanta, Ga., 1968, Vol. ~: 95, 1969, Karger, Basel.

8) Ruffie, J., Colombies, P., Ginoux-Mounie, Ch. and Charles-Trochain, E.: Etude cytog~netique de 4 esp~ces de primates. Comparisons avec le caryotype humain. Ann. G~net. !2:3, 1970.


Vol. 3, Folio 148

9) Ruffie, J., Colombies, P., Ginoux-Mounie, Ch. and Charles-Trochain, E.: Etude cytog~netique de 4 esp~ces de primates. Comparaisons avec le caryotype humain. Ann. G~n~t. !2:3, 1970.


Vol. 5, Folio 250

7) Heinrichs, W.L. and Dillingham, L.A.: Bornean orang-utan twins born in captivity. Folia. Primat. !2:150, 1970. PRIMATES

Vol. 4, Folio 197

5) Gengozian, N., Batson, J.S., Greene, C.T. and Gosslee, D.G.: Hemopoietic chimerism in imported and laboratory-bred marmosets. Transplantation ~:633, 1969.


Vol. 2, Folio 67. Reithrodontomys fulvescens.

It has been found recently by heterochromatin staining and by n3-thymidine autoradiography that the Y chromosome of this species is a long acrocentric, not the one arranged in the original plate.

Vol. 5, Folio 250. Presbytis ohscurus.

2n=48, not 44.