RNI Registration No. MAHMUL/2004/13413

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Website: www.milchar.com ~ E.Mail: [email protected]

Vol. III, No. 5 ' Official Organ of KPA, Mumbai' Sept-Oct 2006

Mouth-watering Peaches - A Taste of Kashmir

Project ZAAN: Website : www.zaan.net E-mail: [email protected] feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR MILCHAR In this issue

Official organ of g Message from the President Kashmiri Pandits' Association, Mumbai v Between Ourselves (Regd. Charitable Trust. Regn. No: A-2815-BOM) - M. L. Mattoo Page 3 E.Mail: [email protected] g Editorial ☯☯ v Ah! Kachroo Sahib Editorial Board - M.K.Raina Page 4 g A Memoir Editor-in-Chief : P. N. Wali - T.N.Bhan Page 5 Executive Editor : J. L. Manwati g Reaching Out Coordinating Editor : M. K. Raina v Imperfect Mankind Members : T.N.Bhan - S.P.Kachru Page 6 Basanti Raina g Our Heritage S. P. Kachru v Preservation of Culture ... Consulting Editor : J.N.Raina (Pune) - Prof. R.N.Bhat Page 7 Sp. Correspondent : Vivek Raina, Jammu g Poem v 26 January 1997 Webmaster : Sunil Fotedar, USA - Dr. K.L.Chowdhury Page 8

g Matrimonial Page 8 Milchar Development Committee g Book review Surinder Wazir, Basanti Raina, v M.K.Raina's 'kénh nón kénh són' S.P.Kachru, Sunil Kher, Neena Kher, - Dr. B.K.Moza Page 9 Vinod Razdan g Terror Scenario v Terrorism in Kashmir Yearly Subscription Rs. 200 - Dr. Shiben K. Raina Page 14 Life-time Subscription Rs. 2000 g Remembering our Roots v Some Famous Teerthas Advertisement Tariff - Arjan Dev Majboor Page 17

Matrimonial (upto 50 words) Rs. 100 g From the Pages of History v Satanic Holocaust of Kashmiri Pandits Each Extra word Rs. 5 - Dr. Satish Ganjoo Page 20 Back Cover Rs. 1500 Back Inside Cover Rs. 1000 g Viewpoint v Nisar: Too Good To Be Spared Inside Page Rs. 750 - B.K.Dass Page 23 Inside Half Page Rs. 500 g Counterview Views expressed in the signed v Nisar: Too Good To Be Spared articles are not necessarily those of the - Kapil Kaul Page 24 Kashmiri Pandits' Association g Biradari News Page 26 or Milchar. g Letters Page 28 Articles can also be e-mailed to: [email protected] g Hindi-Kashmiri Section Page 30

Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 2 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Message from the President - M.L.Mattoo N Between Ourselves

amaskar. Wish you all a high integrity and Happy Diwali. dedication and we will N My recent trip to Jammu has always miss him. given me further insight of how things have started changing in Kharghar Project: Our particular to Samoohik Maikhla. I was architects have already invited by All State Kashmiri Pandit issued a tender notice Conference to attend this community in 2 newspapers (Free Yagneopavit function. It was preceded Press Journal and a Marathi daily) on by performing all functions like 7th October 2006 and we are awaiting Mehandiraat, Devagon etc. In this builders' response for the construction function, 21 boys participated, who work. We as a community have been were from different parts of the world. complacent regarding the collection of One boy was from US, 2 boys were from funds after the initial impetus. Kashmir valley and the rest were from Repeatedly we have been requesting Jammu. The KP community should be the members about their thankful to ASKPC organisers for such contributions, but it seems members reformist activity and congratulate are waiting for the work to start. With them for doing so year after year. They the present funds available, it will not also take lead in conducting marriages be possible to start the construction of poor girls. on continuous basis, in case we decide This trip gave me another to start piling work on 9th December opportunity to meet various sick and 2006, the Mahurat date. destitute families in the Camps at NOIDA Association has also Muthi, Purkhoo, Mishriwala, Nagrota purchased a piece of land at NOIDA. I and Udhampur. On behalf of KPA, a met their working committee monettary help of about Rs. 15000.00 members who have been collecting was offered to various deserving funds for their project. I was really families. surprised that in the last 4 Sundays, Last month once again, we they have moved from door to door and witnessed the sad demise of Shri have collected Rs. 20 Lacs. The J.N.Kachroo, a founder-member of community population there is about Project Zaan and Member of the 800 families, but their life- Milchar Editorial Board. Shri Kachroo membership is about 400. I would used to take lot of interest in KPA request our biradari to pick up further activities and was a regular contributor initiative from here and send their to Milchar. Father of Shri Suriender cheques to KPA by the time we arrange Kachroo, our Ex-General Secretary, for door to door collection. Kachroo Sahib was the man of very ll

Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 3 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Editorial - M.K.Raina N Ah! Kachroo Sahib

he Editorial Board, 'Milchar' tic members of Lalla Ded Educational announces with deep regret, and Welfare Trust, under the inspir- T the sad demise of its ing guidance of Shri Kachroo Sahib, seniormost member Shri conceived the idea of organising some J.N.Kachroo on 14th September 2006 sort of 'Story-telling' or 'Quiz Contest' at Mumbai. Shri Kachroo in Kashmiri language to in- Sahib's departure from the culcate interest in our scene has been a great loss youngsters in their mother- to the Mumbai biradari in tongue. Initially, one page general and the Kashmiri hand-outs were released Pandits' Association in par- along with the Milchar, giv- ticular. ing tit-bit information about Shri Kachroo Sahib got our culture, language, birth associated with 'Milchar' in place etc. to our youngsters. the year 2001, when its Edi- These hand-outs created in- torial Board was re-consti- terest not only in our young tuted to bring in profession- generation, but also in the alism in its publication. senior members of the com- Apart from the valuable Shri munity. It was here when guidance he provided to the Shri Kachroo Sahib and his Board, Kachroo Sahib ini- Kachroo Sahib team discussed the blue tiated the column 'From the was instrumental print of the project with Pages of Histrory' in in launching the Kashmiri Pandits' Associa- 'Milchar' in January 2001 tion for the larger interest and continued it till August Project Zaan, of the community, and KPA 2005 when he could not a Kashmiri literary decided to give logistic sup- concentrate much on writ- port to this laudable effort. ing due to his ill-health. His platforn in the Consequently, on 30th contribution to refurbish year 2000 April, 2000, Project Zaan the journal has been enor- in Mumbai. was re-launched as a joint mous. The vacuum created project of Lalla Ded Educa- by his departure as far as 'Milchar' is tional & Welfare Trust and the concerned, can not be filled for a long Kashmiri Pandits' Association, time to come. Mumbai. Apart from his contribution to The periodical 'Hand-outs' ulti- Milchar, Shri Kachroo Sahib was in- mately gave way to the 'Information strumental in launching the Project Digest Series', of which 5 volumes have Zaan, a Kashmiri literary platforn in been published till date. This also in- the year 2000 in Mumbai. It was actu- cludes the publication of 'Basic Reader ally in late 1998 that some enthusias- for Kashmiri Language', the first of its Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 4 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR kind in the country incorporating the prizes for various events, it would be Standardised Devanagari-Kashmiri worthwhile, if some sort of Award is Script, in March 2001, . The 'Reader' also started in the name of Shri was further revised and republished Kachroo Sahib. It is hoped that the in June 2004. organisers will not find the commu- From the start, Shri Kachroo Sahib nity wanting and many well-wishers had the young boys and girls of the will come forward to finance the community in mind, who he wanted to Project. If such a thing happens, it will be in touch with their language and be a humble tribute to the great per- their roots. So he conceived the idea sonality of Kachroo Sahib on behalf of of conducting quiz programmes on the the Mumbai biradari. yearly basis, where these youngsters could recite stories, poems, riddles etc. in Kashmiri, and also answer A Memoir question related to Kashmir and That night on 14 Kashmiri, based on the information September 2006, suddenly given in 'Information Digests'. Thus my world stood still, my started the 'Quiz Contests' of Project life came crumbling down Zaan, which were held year after year, like a building of cards and I was initially for only youngsters, and finally shattered. Boitoth (Shri J.N.Kachroo), for seniors as well. First such Quiz the dearest person who was my friend, Contest was held at Kashyap Bhawan guide and philosopher for the last over on 30 April 2000 at the re-launch of five and a half decades was recalled Project Zaan itself. With the help of to the eternal home by his Creator. Shri Sunil Fotedar of Texas, USA, the What the Lord giveth, He taketh back Project was also put on internet in the and so it had to be ! year 2001. Besides teaching me academic Though the Project Zaan could not subjects from first principles, he do well during the last couple of years taught me precept and practice, how mainly due to lack of funds, it was to live a fullfilling life, by loving without hoped that the things would move in expectations and service before self. the right direction once the revised I owe him immense gratitude for blue-print, which Shri Kachroo Sahib having touched my life in so many had lately thought upon, was ready. meaningful ways which defy definition But the Almighty did not allow us com- and description. He was the one who pany of Shri Kachroo Sahib for long and accepted me despite all my faults and the Project got yet another setback. flaws. He showered on me loving care In keeping with the hopes and as- as no one else, during my formative pirations of Shri Kachroo Sahib, this years; thus moulding my character is the right time that the organisers nearest to his heart's desire. revive the Quiz Contests, induce more "Adieu dear SIR, till we meet in interest in our youngsters and add far beyond at the Elysian Fields, never more volumes to the Information Di- to part again." gest Series. Since the Project Zaan has T.N.Bhan already some capital for introducing Gauri Aparts., Eksar Road, Borivali Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 5 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Reaching Out - S.P.Kachru N Imperfect Mankind

ver since human beings continue to remain as started thinking about their far away from what E identities and values, they people actually should have been aiming for an ideal be or could become. – the perfect human being, whom all Modernity has provided other human beings should strive to a garb that men now imitate. There is only one concrete have a shower and a result of this deliberation upon which shave before going to everyone in the human race will agree, attack another fellow human being. however-namely that mankind as it The ethics of those who are on lives and behaves on this planet today, their way to becoming perfect human has not yet become perfect. No wonder beings seem thus to be imperfect , a that while nature does fact that will clearly attain perfection but we There is a perfect ant, prevent these ethics from people never do. becoming fully effective. There is a perfect ant, a perfect bee etc. etc. One of the main a perfect bee etc. etc. but but mankind is shortcoming probably is mankind is perpetually that , ethics are, as a unfinished. Imaginatively, perpetually rule, preached to when mankind’s spirit unfinished. others,hoping that they awoke to life, a concept will take them to heart was born that became known as thus underlining that we have two ethics. Ethics can serve as a signpost sets of morality, one which we preach on the way to becoming perfect. and the other which we practice but Imperfect or as some may want to seldom preach. Every human being, address unfinished man requires however, has his or her own unique ethics because the consciousness of experience to guide their ethical self prompts people to think of practices. There may not be any society themselves first and only then – if at where morals are not contravened all – to think of others. Despite Ethics, daily. We are, thus, forced to admit crimes like wars, murder, mayhem that crime is unavoidable hence and better not to mention lesser rated routine. Consequently, there is no ones like dishonesty, continue to exist point in referring to the unavoidable & grow, unabated. The only thing that imperfection of human nature as a has continuously changed & will disease too since if it were so, we all continue to change is the way in which would have contracted this disease as morals are interpreted, justified and imperfection reigns everywhere. implemented. Unfinished mankind, In short, the perfect human being however, has remained & will will never exist. ss

Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 6 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Our Heritage - Prof. Raj Nath Bhat NPreservation of Culture, Identity & Heritage - 2

n 1990, we were forced to flee A friend of mine from the Valley, to sever our ties Jammu expressed his I with our ancestral land where astonishment at seeing our pedigree had lived for over young kids appearing five thousand years. Shaiva Kashmiri from nowhere early in was there even before Kashmir knew the morning and their any Buddhists, Sikhs or Muslims. The parents escorting them land was known not only for her their way to some bountiful rivers and mountains but also nearby school, in most cases, a tent for the scholarship that it cultivated school. This has been and may for over three thousand years. It is continue to be the basic desire of our recorded that when biradari - pursuit of Patanjali completed his In the present education, knowledge and commentary materialistic world, gyan and understanding. ‘Mahabhashya’ on Panini’s Sanskrit has been the Ashtaadhyaya, he went parents assume language of intellection of over to Kashmir to consult that engineering, our ancestors. This fact and seek the approval of medicine, and must not be ignored. It is the pundits in Kashmir management are an august duty of our before ‘releasing’ it to the generation to inspire and world of scholarship at the only worthy persuade our young minds large. A Buddhist scholar, areas that their to study Sanskrit and Kumar Jeev who was wards ought to opt master it. Our ancestors trained in Kashmir, is a for. It is an ill mastered many languages legend in Chinese history. simultaneously and He, it is believed, conceived thought Sanskrit occupied a pride translated over a hundred whose of place there. In the Pali texts into Chinese, consequences can present materialistic which saw Buddhism world, parents assume flourish in China. The be fatal for our that engineering, Pandits have been a peace progeny. medicine, and loving ethnic group, fond of management are the only good foods, fruits and flowers, and worthy areas that their wards ought above all scholarship. You may recall to opt for. It is an ill conceived thought that after the displacement of 1990, whose consequences can be fatal for the uprooted community was our progeny. The areas of knowledge extremely concerned about the are many. We should aim at excelling education of their wards, food and in all areas including the study of shelter was accorded a second priority. Shastras and Vedas. This will ensure

Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 7 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR glory to our future generation and those that follow them. Matrimonial There are many communities in Wanted suitable KP alliance for our own country that have suffered the H a slightly Manglik, good looking, trauma of displacement but they smart girl, 5'-5", 10 August 1976 ensure that their kids learn the born, M.A. (Economics), B.Ed. mother tongue at home. Can we (Jammu University), working as emulate their example? Instances are Lecturer in Degree College, many, but I bring forward just two: Mumbai. Correspond with Tekni/ Bengalis who had to run away from Kolawali to Mr. Raina, Mumbai. what is now Bangladesh and Sindhis Tel: (Res.) 022-65716118. who flew Sindh in Pakistan. Bengalis Mob: 09223230640. are scattered in various states, so are E-mail: [email protected] Sindhis yet they speak their respective mother tongues at home. There are H Suitable alliance is invited for many other communities that deserve my son, born November 1977, to be emulated in this respect. height 5'-3", B.E. Electronics, Instances are : Malayalis, Tamils, working as Senior Engineer in Punjabis, Gujaratis to name a few. MNC and posted at Mumbai. Please I was amazed to find that just four contact Mrs. Susheela Kachroo, C/ Gujarati families in Asmara, North o Shri S.K.Garyali, Flat No. 701, East Africa had successfully preserved Bldg. No. 38, NRI Complex, their mother tongue after nearly a Seawood Estates, Nerul, Navi hundred years of migration there! And Mumbai 400706. Tel: 39220056. their kids spoke chaste Hindi too just because, as they put it, they were amply exposed to Hindi Films right 26 January 1997 through their childhood and youth. ... Dr. K.L.Chowdhury ... The families sought brides for their You amaze me, my country sons and grooms for their daughters that not only you grant immunity from Gujarat. There was not a single to a dreaded Ghazi case of inter-community marriage who spawned the insurgency, reported. conspired and took up arms against you, May our renewed quest for looted, burned and raped preservation of our culture, identity and gunned down innocent denizens, and heritage make it happen across with impunity - the country and abroad so that our but also accord him the privilege progeny does not suffer the pangs of a and the highest honour lack of identity, as do many to take the salute today, communities in several countries in the Republic Day parade across Europe and the Americas. right in this borough here, Love Kashmiri, Learn Kashmiri! so near to where Be a rightful heir to your legacy and his victims shiver history and culture! in the refugee tents. oo Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 8 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Book Review - Dr. B.K.Moza N M.K.Raina's 'kénh nón, kénh són'

am thrilled to receive a copy become a well-known person in our of, yet, another book of Short Kashmiri circles, he is associated I Stories by Shri M. K. Raina, with. Born in 1948 in Kashmir, he is written in streamlined by profession an engineer. Till 1990, Devanagri script of Kashmiri language. he remained engaged in Kashmir with It is, indeed a great pleasure and postings in different parts of Kashmir privilege to put forth my thoughts that which provided his keen eyes an this latest publication of Shri Raina abundance of Nature and its bounties has aroused in my mind and review, that Kashmir abounds in. This as far as possible, its contents. A employment, however, did not last hundred paged book, published by longer and with exodus of Kashmiri “Expressions”, Vasai, Dist. Thane and Pandits, he was also displaced priced at Rs. 30.00, contains five short internally, firstly to Jammu for five stories in Kashmiri language, revolving years as a refugee and then with a on the theme, that the title of this book shade of better circumstances, he upholds. The five stories reveal five migrated to Mumbai where he is commonly occurring situations, with presently based apparently under in-depth focus on the psyche that is satisfactory environs of opportunities associated with Kashmiri life and the which he has been in keen look out realities thereof. whole of his life. He has created a ‘kénh nón, kénh són’, literally world of his own in Kashmiri literally means “something apparent and circles, as a writer of Kashmiri prose something underneath the depths”, and poetry, as a linguist for Kashmiri but if one ponders on this thoughtfully, language, its streamlined Devnagri it shapes as a philosophy, a reality script and computer friendly fonts, which everyone realizes in life that, reproducing Kashmiri classics, present in our every day happenings there is day literature that is, surprisingly, as much invisible under the layers of getting generated abundantly in time and space as is apparent to the different scripts and fonts of Kashmiri naked eye. As the surface of an ocean language. He is associated with many reveals a magnitude of panorama as journals that our Kashmiri seen by the eyes, but, underneath in Organizations bring out at different its depths, there is a phenomena of places in the country, being a prolific time and space which reveals itself writer of Kashmiri prose and poetry of differently and diversely at different contemporary interests. It is always occasions, as one goes into the depths refreshing to visit his website and looks around with binoculars of www.mkraina.com perceptions and observation. This apparent, vast and varied Mr. M. K. Raina does not require background has provided him an an introduction as, by now, he has invisible insight with depth, in looking Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 9 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR around the minute details of every day behind his outstanding contributions, life in general and in particular the there is a woman, his outstanding practices and nuances of a Kashmiri partner of life and a happy family. This as it obtained in Kashmir before apparent acknowledgement of women terrorism over there, and now in a greatness is, rightly, becoming visible widespread diaspora, consequent to and focused in his short stories, so Kashmiri Pandit exodus from their are the intense situations through ancient homeland. His professional which the down-trodden in our society expertise has provided him a unique pass. know-how of engineering and reverse With this as the background, the engineering as required in first story in this book is about ‘Thuk- constructing intense plots for complex shukur’ which beautifully describes situations, getting in to attachments the feudal practices followed by land- and detachments, with microscopic lords and money lenders in general details and photo-finishing of and in this situation in Kashmir, in conceived relations and dramas particular. “Interest on loan and thereof, layer by layer, with high interest on interests” used to enslave powered lens of his perceptions and the common man in debts required for observations with visionary breadth of performing the marriages of their heart and head. This is necessary for young ones. Though the system was constructing a macro structure of eradicated in Kashmir immediately happenings of day to day lives as it after the partition of the country, when obtained once upon a time and as it the people’s government came in power prevails presently. His literary over there in 1947, the practice is still language is simple and sweet, as of a relevant speaking generally. With common man in every day life. Having changed times the values have also researched Kashmiri Proverbs, Vaaks changed and this is revealed with and Shrukhs, he very skillfully chisels great insight in this story where one into the depths and engraves jewels brother of old values suffers the pangs of Kashmiri idiom appropriately, to of this cruel system. But his vagabond broad band complex situations brother, whilst totally disrespecting remarkably and humorously. Though these values, offers timely succor to a sufferer of Kashmiri Pandit internal his brother, in volunteering himself to displacement, his writings reveal serve the money lender to pay off the broad mindedness, associated with loans, and contrarily makes the life of Kashmiriyat, maintaining in word and the money lender miserable by spirit the tenets of communal following the literal meaning of the harmony. He has a keen eye on the proverbial commands, the latter injustice that our women-folk have generally gives, causing great harm to received and the focus is visible to him. The situation, in the process, reform the society in this respect. His becomes as tense for the money lender life has been a visible struggle, as he as he prefers to forego the debt and lost his father in early childhood and get riddance from the vagabond was brought up under the care of his employee whose services he had great mother and as the saying goes agreed to exploit in place of his older Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 10 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR brother who was growing weak under brother has no alternative other than the burden of age and prevailing returning to Jammu for his survival. circumstances caused by his With better conditions he works hard, adherence to old values and respect does well and succeeds in having his for the employer. Kashmiri language own residence. On the inauguration is remarkable for its treasures of day, he invites the elder brother’s quality proverbs and idioms which, at family who visit them with an ulterior times, convey differently than what motive. However, the brotherly relation they literally mean. Mr. Raina has very reveals, blood is thicker than water commendably chosen many such and the strained relations get once proverbs which the younger brother is again corrected with changed making use of in turning the tables in circumstances. The story ends on an confronting his master by following the optimistic note when the elder brother literal meaning of the proverbs. The wills his Delhi property amongst the whole drama thus provides a two sons, one his own and the other humorous, interesting and literary that of his brother. The whole is a piece of literature. brilliant plot of events and details, The second story, ‘Vath’ is focusing revealing the pains, migration and on a social situation, faced by Kashmiri exodus of Kashmiri Pandits, has Pandits, due to their being caused in their real lives. discriminated for jobs leading to their The third story ‘Tabdeeli’ is migration beyond the limits of the revealing a fascinating drama caused state, in search of bread and butter by the transfer, (Tabdeeli) of a and subsequently by internal dedicated officer in Kashmiri displacement after the onset of ambience, who had risen from a terrorism in the state, which caused mechanic to a Head Clerk over thirty their large scale exodus from the seven years of his service. By dint of valley in 1990. The story describes the his dedicated services, attachment of pains of this migration and affection and love for his colleagues displacement and reveals the values and moral integrity, he created a of ‘relationship’, which prove mostly niche for himself in the office. As used superficial at the moments of trials and to happen, this long service had made tribulations. Even amongst the him possessive of his job and was, brothers, sharing the accommodation therefore, very much upset with the which a migrant brother had created transfer order, a new boss had allowed at Delhi becomes unpleasant causing to take place. As his all efforts to crafty set back to his brother who was reverse this order, appeared to have displaced, lock stock and barrel by not proved purposeful, the dedicated exodus. Though the sister-in-laws had officer gathers courage to accept the very sympathetic relationship among reality and prepare himself to face the themselves, the relations grew sour, challenge caused by the transfer. The as generally happens under such story reveals the clash of egos and situations, between haves and have such sensitivities very delicately. He nots. In the process the parents suffer visits the office in another town of and die a sad death and the younger Kashmir, in preparation of his move, Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 11 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR and is thrilled to find some of the old referred to as ‘Kashmiriyat’. It details colleagues who had served him and the lives of two families in Kashmir, the respect he was still commanding one a Hindu and the other a Muslim, upon them. As per the Kashmiri both living as very close relatives, calendar, which is an obsession with always at the beck and call of each Kashmiri psyche, it was very other. Both have only a daughter, auspicious for him to shift to his new which grow together as very close office, by noon on a particular day. To friends. After graduating from the be on time he sends his family and college, the parents make intense some necessities of house hold to the efforts, as is the usual practice, to site of his transfer assuming he would search for the matches of their rush as soon as the new boss gives daughters and both are married with him the relieving orders, and reach great expectations. The Hindu timely to suit the limitations caused daughter, Tosha, migrates to Kolkata by the calendar. The boss remained where her husband finds a suitable busy with some urgent meetings, job and the Muslim daughter, could be in connection with the efforts Shamima, settles with her husband he had decided to make in reversing who, as desired by her parents, was a the transfer orders of this Head Clerk, business man. Though distances who was an asset to his organization. create visible barriers, the two families Just before noon, the boss reaches the and their daughters remain in close office and instead of signing the and constant touch with each other. relieving orders, he gives him the Tosha, in course of time, gives birth to message that he had got his transfer a son and Shamima to a daughter. For orders reversed. What a climax! He is some time things are apparently all visibly upset and all his colleagues right, but under the covers, the things heave a sigh of relief and congratulate turn volcanic with Shamima, as her him for having been retained in the husband wants to give her a divorce same office. The story again is and marry other girl for whom he had revealing the values old order hath long standing infatuation. A storm gets and what it means to keep pace with created in both the families but the changing times. It also describes Shamima, being a lady, is destined to artistically the relationships that used suffer. However, the deal is settled to exist in offices providing stability, and divorce entitles Shamima to security and self–respect. Even the monetary benefits and also with the peon was respected and he was possession of her daughter, Bunty. extended all courtesies that used to Shamima’s parents feel distressed be in vogue amongst the top heirarchy. with this happening. Shamima, Mr. Raina has succeeded in picturing however, gathers courage and she the emotions and feelings as an artist stands by her parents, consoling them of appropriate words, expressions and that she was, as if, their son, always meaningful proverbs. with them for all intents and The fourth story, ‘Shamima’ purposes. Lot happens in between and describes the communal harmony we she finally joins the school as a used to have in Kashmir which is also teacher despite lot of opposition from Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 12 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR her parents. The Head Mistress sister. This makes her feel that though develops a great liking for Shamima her husband was much senior to her and in her mind wishes her to marry in age, he was still with a human heart her brother who had recently lost his and she develops great admiration and wife.The Head mistress, creates the affection for her husband. With this situations and gets the remarriage of happy feeling, the story comes to a her brother, though much senior in conclusion with optimism that still age, solemnized with Shamima despite there is humanity left in our society. all apparent opposition. Originally, it The fifth story is ‘Zaan-Ded’, which was agreed that Shamima’s daughter literally means the ‘mother of identity’. would also live with her mother but It portrays the tragedy which our this does not become acceptable to her heritage is suffering due to our husband as someone advises him that changed circumstances, this would deprive his son, from his displacements and exodus. Zaan Ded deceased wife, of love and affection weathers the onslaughts in her from Shamima as she would in that homeland, refusing to come out, as did case be partial to her own daughter. happen to the people who were taking Despite all efforts to the contrary, her care but were compelled to get Shamima has to reconcile, being a displaced for so many reasons. She woman, to leave her daughter under weathers the snow storms and the care of her parents and pass the typhoons but remains in her abode and days with her new husband at the cost all the migrants in far off corners fail of her happiness. Days pass on like to reach her to take possession of the this and one day to make the Eid heritage that is thus left in the purchases, Shamima’s husband was homeland. Whosoever, tries to bring waiting for her to return from school, her reaches her alone or when it is when he looks upwards to the nest of too late and in the process they only a sparrow on the ceiling of his get killed unable to carry her through verandah ,where he was waiting. The the frost and bite of the times. Still, mother sparrow was comforting her Zaan Ded is hoping against hope that young one when the husband orders one moonlit night her heirs will appear to get the nest uprooted. This causes crossing the barriers of time and space a commotion to the mother sparrow and give her a helping hand. who apparently gets broken down and Mr. M. K. Raina deserves all kudos breast beaten to find her young one in creating these diverse situations killed. This creates a change of heart and describing the same in such a in Shamima’s husband who now lucid language which leaves a deep realizes the pain that Shamima must impression on the minds, difficult to be having, being separated from her describe. He is now bringing out every daughter. He immediately reverses year a new publication of his own his aversions and brings her daughter besides doing the outstanding work of to live with them. Shamima returns a Karamayogi, in rendering our from her school and finds to her classical and contemporary literature immense joy, her daughter and step in streamlined Devnagri and putting son playing together as brother and Contd. on Page 29 Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 13 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Terror Scenario - Dr. Shiben Krishen Raina NTerrorism in Kashmir: Origin & Growth

roadly speaking, when justice people. Needless to and right are denied to a mention here that acts B person over a longer period of of terror are carried out time, the person is left with by people who are two options: bear the situation indoctrinated to the patiently, or the reaction is anguish, extent of following a and that reaction, in the process strategy of dying to kill. culminates into terrorism. Besides They are the ones who other things, spreading of communal have become pawns in the hands of hatred, religious frenzy, separatist their masters who direct their paths, tendency etc. are the tools which sitting in the comforts of far off places terrorists generally use. Guns too are with all the facilities available to them. used to achieve the so-called specified Masters have their vested political mission. Fanaticism, extremism, interests while as pawns seemingly radicalism, separatism, militancy, have nothing to gain except suffer for activism etc. are its other names or a cause about which they themselves manifestations. This is one side of the don’t know or know very little. picture of terrorism (terrorists fighting Terrorism in Kashmir is almost 18 Modern terrorism has resorted to other option of intimidation, i.e. influence the mass media, in an effort to amplify and broadcast feelings of intense fear and anger among the people.

for a genuine cause i.e. liberating years old now and has likeness to the themselves, their society/country second side of the picture. It has a from the oppressor/ perpetrator). history long enough to be traced from Another side of the picture is the date when partition was forced disgusting and questionable. Over the resulting in the emergence of two years terrorism has emerged as a nations, and Pakistan, after the systematic use or threatened use of sub-continent freed itself from the violence to intimidate a population, colonial rule of the British Empire. It community or government and thereby may not be out of context here to probe effect political, religious or ideological into the consequences in detail that change just to achieve personal gains. gave rise to terrorism in Kashmir. But Modern terrorism has resorted to again, before that, giving a brief other option of intimidation, i.e. introduction of this widely known influence the mass media, in an effort beautiful valley would be too apt. to amplify and broadcast feelings of Kashmir - Paradise on Earth intense fear and anger among the (Switzerland of Asia), Nature’s grand Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 14 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR finale of beauty is a masterpiece of Diversity. Its different cultural forms earth’s creation of charm and like art and architecture, fair and loveliness. Famous for its beauty and festivals, rites and rituals, seers and natural scenery throughout the world sages, languages and literatures, and for its high snow-clad mountains, embedded in ageless period of history, scenic spots, beautiful valleys, rivers speak of endless unity and diversity with ice-cold water, attractive lakes with unparalleled cultural cohesion and springs and ever-green fields, and amicability. Kashmir has been a dense forests and beautiful health great centre of learning. A treasure of resorts, enhance its grandeur and are a source of great attraction for tourists. It is also widely known for its Kashmir has been a different kinds of agricultural great centre of learning. products, fruit, vegetables, saffron, herbs, and minerals, precious stones A treasure of rich handicrafts like woollen carpets, Sanskrit literature is to shawls and finest kind of embroidery be found here. Early on clothes. During summer, one can enjoy the beauty of nature, trout Indo-Aryanic fishing, big and small game hunting civilization has etc.; during winter climbing mountain peaks and sports like skating and originated and skiing on snow slopes are commonly flourished in this land. enjoyed. In addition to the above, Pilgrimage to famous religious shrines of the Hindus and the Muslims make rich Sanskrit literature is to be found Kashmir a great tourist attraction. here. Early Indo-Aryanic civilization About Kashmir Sheikh Sadie a great has originated and flourished in this Persian poet is believed to have said, land. It has also been embracing point “If there is any heaven on earth, it is of advent of Islam bringing its here in Kashmir, in Kashmir in traditions of Persian civilization, Kashmir only.” tolerance, brotherhood and sacrifice. Apart from natural beauty, Jammu After the British withdrew from and Kashmir has a unique cultural the Indian subcontinent in 1947 and blend which makes it different from India and Pakistan emerged as two the rest of the country (India). It is separate countries, princely states not only distinct in cultural forms and were given an option to choose the heritage, but in geographical, country they wanted to stay on. demographical, ethnical, social Obviously, the states falling entities, forming a distinct spectrum geographically within had no other of diversity. The people of Kashmir, option but to merge with the country Jammu and Ladakh, all follow diverse they were situated. Border states like religion, language and culture, but Kashmir, Jodhpur etc. took time to continuously intermingling which come out with their firm decisions symbolizes Indian Unity amidst probably because they wanted to enjoy Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 15 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR the status of an independent Zindabaad—” Beware you attackers! Statehood. In the case of Kashmir, We Kashmiris are ready to counter where Maharaja (King) Hari Singh was you—Long live the Unity of Hindus, the ruler, situation worsened Muslims and Sikhs-!!— At Hazuri considerably. Territorial disputes over Bagh, before a large crowd Kashmir had already started brewing, on October 1, 1947, Sher-i-Kashmir Pakistan claiming that Kashmir should proclaimed: "Till the last drop of my go to his side since Muslims were in blood, I will not believe in two-nation majority there. Apprehending that theory." It was a rebuff to Mr. Jinnah- Maharaja might opt for an accession father of the nation of Pakistan, who to India, Pakistan prepared for an was watching the developments so aggression in a bid to capture the State closely from his country side. Finding forcibly hoping that masses, mainly their designs on Kashmir not fructifying, Pakistan rulers launched The Instrument of Accession an armed attack on Jammu and executed by Maharaja Hari Kashmir to annex it. Tribes in thousands along with Pak regular Singh was the same which troops entered the State on October was signed by other rulers 22, 1947 from several points and indulged in loot, arson, rape, bloodshed of the other princely States. and mayhem. Bowing before the Similarly, the acceptance wishes of the people and seeing his own regular army being out-numbered of the Instrument of and to push back the invaders, the Accession by the Governor Maharaja signed the Instrument of Accession in favour of India on October General was also identical 26, 1947 on the prescribed terms and in respect of all such conditions. This was accepted by the Governor General of India, Lord instruments. Mountbatten the next day. The Muslims, would support its mission but Instrument of Accession executed by that didn’t happen. Secular forces Maharaja Hari Singh was the same headed by the then popular mass which was signed by other rulers of leader Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah the other princely States. Similarly, fondly known as Sher-i-Kashmir the acceptance of the Instrument of motivated the Kashmiri people Accession by the Governor General (Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs) to rise was also identical in respect of all to the occasion and stand united to such instruments. counter and frustrate the evil designs With J&K becoming legal and of the enemy who was marching to the constitutional part of Union of India, capital city Srinagar indulging in Indian army rushed to the State to bloodshed and mayhem. A new slogan push back the invaders and vacate echoed the entire valley: “Hamlavar aggression from the territory of the khabardaar, hum Kashmiri hai tayaar- State. Hindu Muslim Sikh Ithaad, Naya Kashmir (To be continued) Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 16 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Remembering our Roots - Arjan Dev Majboor NSome Famous Tirthas of Kupwara & Handwara

ashmir has remained a cradle place in the olden of Teerthas. Being surrounded times. It was still a K by small and big mountain place of KP devotees. ranges, lush green forests and This Teertha has been meadows full of flowers, attraction mentioned in some towards spiritualism has remained histories on Kashmir. throughout its history. According to Zurhom : 'hom' is the Abul Fazal there were seven hundred word derived from Teerthas at that time in Kashmir. Ashram. Ashrams were constructed Neelmata gives the details of hundreds for saints and learned scholars so that of Vaishnava Teerthas situated in they could carry on the meditation and

Kashmir has remained a cradle of Teerthas. Being surrounded by small and big mountain ranges, lush green forests and meadows full of flowers, attration towards spiritualism has remained throughout its history.

Kashmir. creative work at ease, away from the The Kashmir Mahaatmeyas— hustle and bustle of towns and cities. written by renowned scholar Sh. Anant Zurhom (Kupwara) is a famous Teertha Ram Shastri has collected Sanskrit which was the last station to reach Mahatmeys written in praise of various the world famous teertha of ‘Sharda’ famous Teerthas. It is a great service which is under the control of Pakistan to the scholar of Kashmir. Mahatmeys now. From Zurhama about six hours not only praise the Deities, but also journey on foot comes Sharda give a full detail of the place and its (Sharda—Desa of Kashmir). importance. During recent excavations made at In this article I am going to give Zurhama by the state Archaeology brief details of some Teerthas Department, important statues have surrounding Kupwara and Handwara been found. These are: 1) Bhagwan of North Kashmir. I have not been able Vishnu riding on ‘Garuda’. 2) to see these places personally, but Meditative Budha in ‘Mudra’ and 3) have collected information from some Yakhsha Mukh Shiva (a very migrant K.P’s of this area. interesting find). There was a Devi Zolur : This place is about nine Mandir also, where devotees used to kilometers from Sopore. It seems that come. Finds of sculptures of Vishnu, it might have remained a Buddhist Shiva and Budha show the tolerances Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 17 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR of various faiths in Kashmir of that Charvan’ was taken to this place by age. According to Neelmat Puran, the people of Handwara and Kupwara. Vaishnavism was the religion of the It is interesting to note that migrants people in the times of king Neela. Even from this area, even go from Jammu Shivratri at that time was not to pay their obscene to this great observed as a grand festival of K.P’s Goddess. The teertha is on the hill. in the later period uptill now. One Km. distance of ascending the hill Buddhism has a great impact on our is covered by foot. BSF has constructed Kashmiri culture. a new temple on the grand There were great ‘Viharas’, According statue of Kali. ‘Chaiteys’ and Gumpas in whole to Neelmat Saadeh Maaleyun : It is a very of Kashmir. I personally have famous teertha of Kashmir. This Puran, seen a statue of Budha, two feet is a wonderful place, where high having a small Vihara at Vaishnavism Sadhu Ganga (rivulet) flows. Bus its back. It was found while was the from Handwara to Saadeh digging in a Pyrithrum Form at religion of Maleyun is available. One and a Zainapora (District Pulwama). the people half kilometer distance is to be Later I met the curator of in the tracked on foot from the bus stop Lalmandi Museum Sh. to this auspicious place. Many J.L.Bhan, a friend of mine, who times of poets, including me have used got the statue in the museum. king this name in various creative It was stated that the statue was Neela. pieces of poetry. As is clearly fourteen hundred years old. It Even known from the name, the place is about ten years prior to Shivratri at was famous, as many saints lived migration. What I mean to say that time there for Sadhana. It is said that is that the statues of Buddha a large piece of land was were made with aesthetic sense was not attached to this place for the of art from stone, metal, wood observed maintenance of the Ashram. and ivory in Kashmir and many as a grand Langar was run daily to give food of these master pieces exist in festival of to the saints and the devotees, the famous museums of the K.P’s in who attended this Teertha. world. This shows that the later Some years back it is said, that Buddhism had stretched its the Pujari of this great place of roots in the whole Valley. There period worship was hanged to death. is much more to say on this uptill now. Nobody goes to this place of peace account, but this article is and beauty now. Saadeh restricted to the teerthas of Northern Maaleyun will remain in the books, but Kashmir only. our younger generation must be made Bhadrakali : Kali is the Goddess aware of our great heritage. revered everywhere in our country. Tikkar (Kupwara) : About two kms Bhadra-Kali is about seven kilometers from Kupwara on the Kupwara- from Handwara. The statue of Kali is Chowkibal road is Tikkar. The place is said to be natural on the top of the in a forest. It was told to me that there hill. On Mahanawmi ‘ Teher and was a temple of Raagneya Bhagwati Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 18 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR at this fine place. Tikkar was seen by (old name Amravati). There is a statue people even up to the year when mass of Shiva and one gets remedy from pain migration of Pandits took place. There while bathing in the near by seven was a beautiful Ashram, some great springs. saints dwelt here and devotees would Harvan, the forest of Hara (Shiva) is come from far off places to see this near the village Tujar. There is a Ashram of learning. Sh. Moti Lal Saqi spring, and Shiv Lingam at this place has told me that he used to visit this changes sides. Devotees used to visit place almost once or twice a year. He this place of wonder. would tell me the wonder-stories of Chandigham : One and a half km from this place of importance. Sogam, where there is a Mahaganesha Ram Takht (Seat of Rama) : The temple, Chandigham is reached. place is situated in the forest of Chandi means the ferocious mood of Kralpora. Ram-Kund and Sita-Kund Kali to destroy demons. At this place are also situated here. Due to big is a spring of ‘ Chandi Mata’ down the snakes rare people have seen this hill. About twenty Pandit houses were place. there prior to migration. One Pandit Kashi Nath, who is a Wilchgam : It is situated at a distance Brahmin told me at Udhampur, that of 3 kms from Kralpora village. There

Some of the facts of various Teerthas mentioned in this article were told to me by Sh. Omkar Nath Pandit Darvesh and his worthy Mrs and daughter. Darvesh (a Saint) is their ancestral name of their great grand father - Jewan Pandit Darvesh, who was a spiritual saint of high order.

he has visited this place once after is an old temple of Nandkeshwara. The facing many dangers in the way famous temple of this deity is near leading to this place. One can not say, Sumbal and Dr. Agni Shekhar has whether Lord Rama has come to this written a book in Hindi on the great place or the Teertha has been named devotee of Shiva. on the name of this famous king of Gushi : Gushi was a big village of K.Ps. Ayodheya. They were the Masters of grand Bumy : It is a very famous village. It orchards. Mangala Devi Temple is has its own history. Gouripur (Now situated in Gushi. There is the story called Goorepur-a place of milk sellers) of a ‘Devdaar Tree’ which gave blood is near Bumy. It was told to me that when cut by some local people and in Swami Nand Lal of village Hashru did the morning the tree was again seen his long course of Meditation here. standing by these people. They were SHIV, Harvan : These are two places frightened to see this wonder. dedicated to lord Shiva. ‘ Shiva’ is at rr one kilometer distance from Yembran Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 19 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR From the pages of history - Dr. Satish Ganjoo Satanic Holocaust of Kashmiri Pandits - 4

raqi had even issued orders of those eight hundred that everyday about 1500 to Hindus who had been I 2000 Brahmans be brought to massacred during his doorsteps, remove their Ashura a year before. sacred threads, administer Kalima to Poet-historian Suka them, circumcise them and make says about this them eat beef. These decrees cataclysm, were ferociously and brutally In this "Ganga was carried out. The Hindu article, the oppressed with hunger, as it religious scriptures from 7th was after a long time that she century AD onwards and about author, had devoured bones; she 18 magnificent temples were Dr. Satish surely devoured the men also destroyed, property Ganjoo has who carried the bones.” It was confiscated and ladies after a gap of many years that abused. Thousands of detailed the the people were allowed to go Brahmans killed themselves systematic and on a pilgrimage to Harmukh to evade this horrific satanic lake, which ended in the most barbarism and thousands devastating tragedy. migrated to other places, holocaust of Qazi Chak, the founder of resulting in their third tragic Kashmiri Chak rule in Kashmir (AD mass exodus from the Saffron 1553-1586), carried on Valley of Kashmir. Those who Pandits over a ferocious religious policy and stayed behind were not only period made conversion of many forced to pay jazia, but their spanning Hindus to Shia sect of Islam. noses and ears were chopped According to Suka, one off. To escape the tremendous centuries. The thousand cows were used to be pain and agony, they cried. “I write-up is killed everyday without any am not a Hindu.” being carried in opposition under the orders of After Kashmir, the next the Chak rulers, who were destination of Iraqi for war Milchar in Shias, just to injure the against so-called infidelity instalments. religious sentiments of the was Kargil. It is now a Shia – Kashmiri Pandits. These dominated area and there are celebrated and highly educated Aryan frequent sectarian clashes between Saraswat Brahmans were made the them and the Buddhists. objects of laughter and reproach. They In AD 1519, about ten thousand were publicly taunted, abused and Kashmiri Pandits died during humiliated. The last Chak ruler, pilgrimage to Harmukh Ganga, where Yaqub Chak, had a bigoted zeal for the they had gone to immerse the ashes propagation of Shia sect and planned

Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 20 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR mass conversion of the Hindus. changed with the accession of However, he could not administer his Aurangzeb to the throne. With his criminal designs because of the bigoted fanatic and dogmatic approach, Mughal annexation. the Kashmiri Pandits were once again Akbar was tremendously made vulnerable. Iftkar Khan, the influenced by the amazing moral Mughal governor of Kashmir during the supremacy of the Kashmiri Pandits. reign of Aurangzeb, brutally tyrannized Abul Fazl records in Ain-i-Akbari, "The over the Brahmans to such an extent most respectable class in this country that they approached Guru Teg (Kashmir) is that of the Pandits, who, Bhahadur, the ninth Sikh Guru, at notwithstanding their need for Anandpur in Punjab and solicited his freedom from the bonds of tradition and custom, are Abul Fazl records in Ain-i-Akbari, the true worshippers of God. They do not loosen “The most respectable class in this their tongue of calumny country (Kashmir) is that of the against those not of their faith, nor beg, nor Pandits, who, notwithstanding their importune. They employ themselves in planting need for freedom from the bonds of fruit trees and are tradition and custom, are the true generally a source of inspiration for others”. worshippers of God ...... " The great Mughal Emperor abolished jazia and other personal intervention with the unjust taxes imposed upon the Emperor. This ultimately led to the Hindus. He also evinced great interest Guru’s martyrdom and made Guru in the rehabilitation of the Pandits. Gobid Singh to create the Khalsa to Suka says, “ The Emperor announced fight the oppressors. Muzaffer Khan, that he would without delay reward Nassar Khan and Ibrahim Khan were those who would respect the other governors of Aurangzeb who Brahmans in Kashmir and that he ferociously terrorized the Kashmiri would instantly pull down the houses Pandits. These celebrated scapegoats of those who would demand the annual were once again forced to migrate from tribute from them.” the land of their origin. It was the The greatness of Akbar lies in his fourth disastrous mass exodus of the magnificent and fascinating policy of Aryan Saraswat Brahmans from religious tolerance. Jahangir and Kashmir. Shah Jahan were not so tolerant. But During the rule of later Mughals, their religious enthusiasm cannot be Kashmir witnessed the outbreak of termed as fanatic. During this period, the worst kind of religious intolerance. the Brahmans could perform their In AD 1720, Mullah Abdul Nabi, also religious ceremonies after paying called Muhat Khan, a non-resident some tribute. But the whole scenario Kashmiri Muslim, was appointed as Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 21 çÆcçuçò]®ççj cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Shaikh-ul-Islam. In order to assert his the most horrific and terrible religious authority, he asked the conditions generated by the Mullah Deputy Governor, Mir Ahmed Khan, to and his gang. But soon he was start a campaign of persecution of the assassinated by his rivals and his son, Kafirs (infidels) - as the Kashmiri Sharif-ud-Din, become the new Pandits were called. In order to satisfy Shaikhul-Islam. The son improved his satanic ego, the Mulla issued six upon the brutal methods of his father commandments: and inflicted most barbaric, cruel and 1. No Hindu should ride a horse, nor inhuman tortures upon the vulnerable should a Hindu wear a shoe; Brahmans. The plight of the Kashmiri 2. That they should not wear Jama Pandits during this period became (Mughal costume); tremendously miserable and tragic. 3. That they should move bare arms; The Afghan rule in Kashmir (AD 4. That they should not visit any 1753-1819) was a period of cruelty, garden; homicide and anarchy. W.R. Lawrence 5. That they should not have tilak mark calls it the “reign of brutal tyranny.” on their foreheads; The barbarous Afghans employed every 6. That their children should not wild, inhuman, primitive, ferocious, receive any education. cruel and brutal method to suppress But Ahmed Khan refused to execute the Kashmiri Brahmans. A pitcher the mischievous decree. The Mullah filled with ordure was placed on the then excited his followers against the head of a Pandit and stones were pelt Kashmiri Pandits. He established his on it, till it broke and the unfortunate seat in a mosque, assumed the duties Brahman become wet with filth. Their of the administrator under the title of brutality and atrocity crossed the Dindar Khan and let loose the reign extreme limits when Hindus were tied of terror. The Hindus were wickedly up in grass sacks, two and two, and tormented, their houses burnt and drowned in the Dal Lake. property looted. Hundreds of The victimized Hindu were forced Brahmans were killed, prostrated, to flee the country or were killed or maimed and humiliated. They began converted to Islam. There was horrible to run away in large numbers and hide mass exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits, Their (Afghans') brutality and atrocity crossed the extreme limits when Hindus were tied up in grass sacks, two and two, and drowned in the Dal Lake.

themselves in mountainous terrain. sixth one, to far away places like This was the fifth dreadful mass Delhi, Allahabad, etc. Many covered exodus of the legendary Kashmiri the long distances on foot. Pandits from their mystic motherland. Those who remained behind lived in (To be continued) Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 22 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Viewpoint - B.K.Dass N Nisar : Too Good To Be Spared

utumn 1988. The environment telecast of Ramanand around at the newly sprung up Sagar’s Ramayan was A colony at Zainakot Srinagar eagerly awaited by both was live with golden pastures the Muslims and the and humming bees. New Pundits. The neighbours were all around Imam, in the giving a cosmopolitan colour to Nisar dead of night the colony. One Sunday, a new raised an started on the neighbour, Ghulam Qadir objection public audio system: “We the Karwani managed a meeting of Muslims have the lonely Allah all the residents of the area to to the and His Prophet Mohammad to form a welfare committee. Imam’s worship. Unlike Islam, Pundits Amongst many, the gathering style of have number of Gods in the form consisted of the Ex. Chief of Monkeys, Bears….and what Secretary, the late Poshkar preaching. not. Some have snake necklace Nath Koul and his brother Moti He around their neck”. Nisar Krishan Koul. Kouls welcomed raised an objection to the the formation of the Welfare pleaded: Imam’s style of preaching. He Committee, but did not accept “Imam pleaded: “Imam Sahib, you are any of the posts. Election was Sahib, you an outsider. Preach Islam held and by voice vote Ghulam without attacking or criticizing Qadir was elected as the are an any other religion. Don’t hurt president and I was elected as outsider. the sentiments of our Non- the Vice-President. Ghulam Muslim neighbours”. Soon the Qadir proposed the name of Preach gathering in the mosque got Nisar Ahmad Shah in his Islam divided, some in favour and absence for the post of the without some against Nisar. Violent, General Secretary for his being enthusiastic and energetic as an enthusiastic young and attacking he was, he struck the head of energetic one. With voice vote or the President’s brother with the Nisar was elected as the criticizing amplifier. The brother went into General Secretary of the coma and recovered his nonpolitical and nonreligious any other consciousness after fifteen Welfare Committee in absentia. religion. days at Soura Medical The Committee worked well Institute. In the meantime until some IMAM was invited Nisar went into hiding. during the holy month of Ramadan to January 1990. We all migrated and preach Islam in the newly constructed left behind Nisar to the care of mosque on the auspicious Jumat-ul- vultures. One afternoon Nisar was vida Shab. Those were the days when about to have his lunch when Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 23 çÆcçuçò]®ççj cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Mujahids barged in and asked him to remained friends. Even when our come out for some important task. He ways separated in pursuit of our was packed on a horse-driven cart and careers, we remained in touch by taken to a nearby village Mallur on correspondence. And whenever we Sumbal Road . He was laid on the road met back home in Srinagar, we hugged and his veins were slit with a razor. and rejoiced in rejoining old friends - When the people around objected they nay - brothers and sisters! were directed not to bother for he was Majid liked to eat the food my a Batta (A Kashmiri Pandit). There are mother had prepared at my home. And so many Muslims who had to sacrifice he was not the only one. Shafi, in spite their precious lives for their of being an introvert and a staunch humanitarian and secular thinking. mind never hesitated to knock at my Kuka Parey, a Kashmiri Muslim should door - or even me at his for that matter not be forgotten. He died a true Indian - whenever and for whatever reasons, and a champion of anti-terrorism. studies or going to cinema. Riyaz was Even today there are many Nisars & Kuka Pareys in the valley. Recently And when I did meet one or the one’s ear-lobe was amputated. Many other, they seemed to be very had to be contented without noses. indifferent. Some kind of Let us not poison our mind because transformation had taken of ignorance. All Muslims are not good, place. but all are not bad. Any community is the mixture of good and bad. This is my precious experience of sixty-seven a nephew of late MP Shamim Ahmad years. Shamim from Shopian. He was progressive and good at debating on topics. Hamid was from Tanki Pora and Counterview interested in acting. Abdal Ahmad I remember was a peaceful and gentle Too Good To Be Spared fellow. We were the only two .... Kapil Kaul .... graduating students in Sanskrit. He was the grand son of the popular was a student of S.P. College Kashmiri poet Mahjoor. He would come in Srinagar during early 70’s. to my home where my father helped I I had my best us understand Sanskrit texts. friends among We were friends and being Hindu Muslims as well. We or Muslim was a thought that never used to visit each others stood as an obstacle in our homes freely, as friends relationship. When the wind of my every where do. During arrival struck the ears of my friends, the exams we learned particularly Muslim friends, they together and supported would instantly drop in at my each other. We had both fun as well residence. as rivalry now and then, which experts Until in the summer of 1987, there say is healthy. But as a whole we was none of them. And when I did Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 24 çÆcçuçò]®ççj cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR meet one or the other, they seemed room uncongenially gave me to to be very indifferent. Some kind of understand that I should better go transformation had taken place. Was than keep waiting for the person. I it they had grown older or matured? penned down a note and left back a Was it I had returned after a couple package of bananas on the table for of years and the change had come my friend. Majid never showed up. about within me? Lots of questions Half a year later in 1988 Majid had but no answers. In retrospection it was to rush to Chandigarh. His father had our ignorance. No one among us been taken ill and he was referred realizing the dirty trick that was from Soura Hospital to PGI. At Srinagar shaping unabatedly to swallow us up. he had collected my brother's address In 1985 when I asked some of my from my friend Ashwani. At KP friends why the Muslims had Chandigarh he along with his cousin changed their dress code, wearing and another friend had dropped in long shirts and silwars, I was told that without hesitation at my brother's it was a Bollywood film influence. I had place to seek his help at PGI. They seen on TV news from Pakistan that were served tea and promised help by the city image was similar than it used my brother. My father wrote this to to be in Srinagar. me, “Majid told me that you had been I went to see Majid at his Cultural to his office twice but he had been out. Academy office of Lal Mandi. An He told me here to write to you for a orderly told me that he was upstairs pardon.” in his office. A wooden veranda led to Another friend known as Mehboob his room at the end. The chair where told me that some time back Majid had he was supposed to sit was empty. gone to “a foreign country”. He did not Suddenly he had vanished ? In the elucidate except saying that Majid was room there was another curtained saying if Kapil could go to a foreign door, may be leading to some other country, why couldn’t he? It could be rooms. For the sake of courtesy I didn’t that he had been to Iran or to POK touch the curtain. I waited and waited illegally, I guess! but he did not turn up. The adjoining I went to Shafi’s home at Fateh room was filled with about ten to Kadal. Earlier his mother Lalla would twelve persons whose glimpse I had have embraced me and his two sisters, caught before entering Majid’s room. I would have come out running and looked around from the veranda and smiling. but this time they even did again saw the room with persons. not get up to greet me. There was room Although it was an office, the persons only for a formal conversation that seemed to fuss over some matters took place, they sitting in their wot and other than culture or office work? me standing outside the window in Some of them did not seem to be like their house compound. I felt uneasy Kashmiri Muslims at all. because I had not known them like I realised afterwards that my this ever before! Mohd. Shafi took me presence had caused some sort of stir. to a room on the first floor. I noticed I was an irritant. One of them in the Contd. on Page 29 Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 25 feyp+kjò cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Biradari News Biradari News

l Justice 4 Priyadarshini Mattoo - public reaction, and had triggered a Santosh Singh awarded Death debate on whether justice was beyond sentence in Mattoo murder case : the reach of the common man. Priyadarshini Mattoo has finally got Although the CBI, which had been justice. The Delhi High Court pulled up for its handling of the case, convicted Santosh Kumar Singh of the filed an appeal against the verdict in rape and murder of Priyadarshini 10 the high court in 2000, the case was years ago. Delivering the verdict in a brought out of cold storage only this packed courtroom, a division bench of year after a sustained public campaign. justices R.S.Sodhi and P.K.Bhasin The acquittals in the Jessica Lall strongly criticised the judgment of the murder case this year added to the trial court that had acquitted Santosh public uproar. (Input courtesy: seven years ago for lack of evidence hindustatimes.com) against him. The prosecuting agency, Latest: On 30th October 2006, the the Central Bureau of Investigation Honourable High Court of Delhi (CBI), was seeking death sentence for awarded Death sentence to Santosh Santosh. On December 3, 1999, Singh, citing it as a 'Rarest of the Rare' Additional Sessions Judge G.P.Thareja case. KPA and Milchar congratulate had given Santosh the 'benefit of those young people of the community doubt', although the judge said he especially Aditya Kaul and Indu Jalali, knew the accused 'was the person who spear-headed the movement who committed the crime'. The high 'Justice 4 Priyadarshini Mattoo' and court said the trial court was wrong mobilised public opinion for severe in doing so. “By acquitting the punishment to the culprit. accused, despite being convinced that there was no doubt in the l S.N.Pandit's book released : prosecution’s case, the trial court has Kashmir Hindu Sanskars (Rituals, mauled justice. Its decision has Rites and Customs) - A Study by Shri shocked the conscience of the court,” S.N.Pandit was released by a reputed the bench said. The court said it was Kashmiri scholar Prof. (Dr) B.L.Koul on clear that police had initially tried to 8th October 2006 at Sanjeevani Sharda sabotage the probe under the Kendra, Anand Nagar, Bohri, Jammu influence of Santosh’s father, then an at a special function attended by a IPS officer. Some key witnesses were galaxy of scholars, writers, poets and not examined to help the accused. But intellectuals. Reputed Sanskrit scholar the trial judge had 'quite amazingly and social worker Prof. (Dr) Ved given a perverse judgment' even after Kumari Ghai was the Chief Guest of holding all the circumstantial Honour. evidence in favour of the prosecution. The book of 464 pages, priced at Santosh’s acquittal had led to strong Rs. 475.00 deals with a brief historical Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 26 çÆcçuçò]®ççj cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR background of every ritual and the December 2006 followed by a KP allied subjects but the main thrust is Conference on 25th December 2006. on rituals which otherwise would have On this occasion, special issues of been lost to coming generations. There NAAD and VITASTA will also be is no doubt that the book will serve released. Kashmir Sabha, Kolkata has researchers and dispersed KPs all over offered to arrange the accommodation the world for a long time. for the participating guests.

l Nuptials : l Photo Exhibition 'Sakshaatkaar - ] Ruchi, D/o Smt. Vijay & Dr. Tej An Encounter with Truth': This Kuchru of Oshiwara, Andheri, Mumbai exhibition, organised by Panun was married to Puneet, S/o Smt. Kashmir was held at Ravindra Natya Pushpa & Shri Ganesh Kaul of Jammu Mandir, Prabhadevi, Dadar, Mumbai on 2nd October, 2006 at Jammu. from 21st September 2006 to 23rd ] Monica, D/o Smt. Nimmy & Shri September 2006. According to Panun Ravinder Takoo and grandson of Shri Kashmir, this Photo-exhibition could be Pran Nath Takoo of Kandivli, Mumbai possible only after a protracted survey was married to Sumeet, S/o Smt. Rita for three years conducted by a team & Shri C.L.Razdan on 29th September, lead by Dr. Ajay Chrungoo, Chairman 2006 at Jammu. of Panun Kashmir. The exhibition depicted the various facets of religious KPA congratulates the couples and their cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus in parents. Kashmir valley. The calamitous events that lead to exodus, the struggle to l AGM of KPA Mumbai : survive in refugee camps and recreate The AGM of the Kashmiri Pandits' a dignified life in exile, were laid bare Association, Mumbai was held on 17th in the exhibition. September, 2006 at Kashyap Bhawan, Bhawani Nagar, Andheri. In addition l AIKS Mehfil-e-Mushaira : to other normal business, Audit Report A Mehfil-e-Mushaira was organised by and Balance Sheet were placed on the the All India Kashmiri Samaj as part table. The Income & Expenditure of its silver-jublee celebrations on 14th Statement for the year ending 31st October 2006 at India International March 2006 showed an income of Centre, . A host of Kashmiri Rs.24,21,640.00 (compared to poets participated. ee Rs.10,31,437.00 for the previous year) and the expenditure of Rs.8,73,029.00 (compared to Rs.8,31,669.00 for the He Left Us previous year). Shri Jagan Nath Dhar S/o Late Raghu Nath Dhar (originally of l AIKS AGM : Vicharnag, Srinagar) left for his According to a notification issued by heavenly abode on 8th October, the General Secretary, AIKS, New 2006 at Delhi. Shri Dhar was ex- Chief of Operations, International Delhi, the EC and AGM of the Samaj Airports Authority of India. will be held at Kolkata on 24th Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 27 çÆcçuçò]®ççj cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR who had the courage to dream this. * Letters * It is my observation that there is an invisible divide between KPs living East of Chembur and those on the * Homage to Late Shri J.N.Kachroo: West. This year the Annual Hawan was I first met Shri Kachroo about 1997- held at Khargar for the very first time 1998. He was a handsome man with a (would be Home for Sharda Sadan). I noble bearing and always reminded noticed very little attendance by KPs me of my maternal grandfather Pt. living in the West. Quid Pro Quo. You Nand Lalji Kitroo, a great Educationist don’t come to my Hawan why should I in his times. come to yours. Perhaps ?? I once read Shri Kachroo’s article For Fund raising KPA has set up a about his sad experience at Baramulla Core group of Nine. Under the able in 1947. My heart took a leap into the leadership of Shri Makhan Lal Matoo, past. My Father who was a Lecturer the group will certainly do KPA proud. at St. Joseph’s College, Baramulla Their Conviction, Influence and escaped the holocaust by a whisker. Honesty of Purpose will fetch them the We fled Baramulla on Sunday morning desired/required Crore, no mean and the Qaballis (Raiders) landed on achievement. Monday night. However not withstanding all My association with Shri Kachroo above, it is my humble opinion that this was limited to Lalla Ded Educational Project can wait. After all KP Refugees & Welfare Trust activities. His post-Independence waited over 3 enthusiasm was enormous. It egged decades to achieve their dream me on. I remember him when we Kashyap Bhavan. So what is the hurry. visited Vasai-Virar area in search for Displaced KPs post-1989 can wait a land for the School. He always walked decade if need be. There are more in the lead giving others courage and Serious and Pressing concerns at hope. Had the Trust succeeded in its hand - the Displaced KPs or Migrants endeavour, surely Shri Kachroo would still living in miserable conditions in have been its first Principal and Jammu Camps. I request the KPA Trust advisor. to urgently deliberate on this and if Shri Kachroo is no more amidst us. deemed fit do the necessary. Take this Lalla Ded Educational & Welfare Trust Crore and head for Jammu. Construct is also no more in effect. Nonetheless may be 40 or more Pucca/decent his absence will be felt whenever we structures of about 500 sft (no frills) think of his best contribution to the on the land already occupied by these Community - 'PROJECT ZAAN'. Lucky migrants. Give them some relief and are those born in Shri Kachroo’s respectable surroundings to live in. Family. May God Bless and give them The Community can provide free courage. of cost – Planners, Architects, Civil - Avtar K. Misri Engineers, Logistic Support Supervisors etc. Material may be * 'Sharda Sadan' : purchased at a discount from some The name itself makes one stand local sympathetic suppliers. Let proud and tall. I congratulate those Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 28 çÆcçuçò]®ççj cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR Mumbai KPs lead the way * Shri N.N.Pandit : - Avtar K. Misri I feel the death of Shri Niranjan Nath Pandit as a personal loss to myself, for, * Kashmiri Literature : Pt. Niranjan Nath during my stay at Dear M.K.Raina "órzù, dór kóth". Mumbai around late 1940's looked on I have no words to thank you for the me as his brother. I am determined to work you are doing to preserve the speak that he always stood up for the literature written during the period of weak and oppressed. I deeply mourn migration of Kashmiri Pandits. his death and share the grief with his Your selfless and honorary work family. May God bless his soul. I will will be written in golden letters, when cherish for ever his magnetic charm somebody like you writes the history and the qualities that made him such of this crucial period in black & white a wonderful companion and a true i.e. very honestly but critically. As for friend. I say, he is not dead, he is just I am concerned, I did not do much away. during the last 16 years but only the - Manmohan Ambardar, Satara. tragedy of driving away the oldest community of Kashmir in our own Book Review ... From Page 13 country remained, cutting my each nerve day and night. During the past it on net for benefit of the general two years after spending nearly two masses. His publications have a place lac rupees, doctors could not give me in our libraries and in the curriculum bit of relief from my trouble. But the of Kashmiri language courses. The day pen did not stop to write whatever I is nearing fast when his works will be felt. It was Kashmir only which recognized for literary awards and crunched me always. Bearing the rewards. It is an eye opener that he heaviness of my left arm, I wrote what has to spend from his pocket for came to my mind. It is your grace that bringing out all these treasures of our it is now preserved on internet for the contemporary Kashmiri literature. researchers of the coming times to do Whilst bringing awareness to this justice to it. shocking reality, I wish Maharaj My total works are nearly twenty. Krishen Ji all the best and many The 'Neelmat Puran' is coming this year. The album 'Sangarmaal' is now laurels and recognitions he deserves. complete and will be released soon. The 'vàvas kún' (To the Wind) attached View & Counterview ... From Page 25 herewith, is a longer statemental the old house had undergone some poem, sending my words through the modifications. He had joined Kashmir wind. I wish some organisation comes Administrative Services (KAS) after forward to featurise the poem. doing MA in English from KU. We sat, I once again thank you for your good talked about this and that, God and wishes for me and the work you are the world. We never met again. It was doing to preserve Kashmiri language, a relationship like a knife that had culture and history. turned blunt. You could no longer use - Arjan Dev Majboor, Jammu. it. ;; Sept. - Oct. 2006 cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd Page 29 çÆcçuçò]®ççj cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdc MILCHAR

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