Note Tissuespeci€C Mrna Expression Pro€Les of Human Nuclear Receptor Subfamilies

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Note Tissuespeci€C Mrna Expression Pro€Les of Human Nuclear Receptor Subfamilies Drug Metab. Pharmacokin. 19(2): 135149(2004). Note Tissue­specic mRNA Expression Proles of Human Nuclear Receptor Subfamilies Masuhiro NISHIMURA1,*, Shinsaku NAITO1 and Tsuyoshi YOKOI2 1Department of Drug Metabolism, Division of Pharmacology, Drug Safety and Metabolism, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc., Tokushima, Japan 2Division of Drug Metabolism, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan Full text of this paper is available at Summary: Pairs of forward and reverse primers and TaqMan probes specic to each human nuclear receptor were prepared. Analysis of the mRNA expression level of each target of 43 nuclear receptors in total RNA from single and pooled specimens of various human organs (liver, kidney, adrenal gland, lung, heart, brain, cerebellum, skeletal muscle, spleen, thymus, thyroid gland, prostate, testis, uterus, placen­ ta, bone marrow, trachea, and salivary gland) was performed by real­time reverse transcription PCR using an ABI PRISM 7700 sequence detector system. The mRNA expression of 33 nuclear receptors (NR1A1,1A2,1B1,1B2,1B3,1C1,1C2,1C3,1D1,1D2,1F1,1F2,1F3,1H2,1H3,1I1,1I2,2B1,2B2, 2B3, 2C1, 2C2, 2F1, 2F2, 3A2, 3B1, 3C1, 3C2, 3C4, 4A1, 4A2, 4A3, and 6A1) was successfully detected in all of the tissues by this method. NR1H4, 2A1, and 3C3 mRNAs were not detectable in the heart, heart, and liver, respectively. NR5A2 mRNA was not detectable in either the brain or cerebellum. NR3A1 mRNA was not detectable in the small intestine, colon, brain, and cerebellum. NR5A1 mRNA was not detectable in the kidney, stomach, small intestine, and colon. NR1I3 mRNA was detected in the liver, kidney, stomach, small intestine, adrenal gland, lung, brain, skeletal muscle, thymus, thyroid gland, prostate, testis, placenta, and trachea. NR2A2 mRNA was detected in the liver, kidney, prostate, testis, uterus, and trachea. NR2E1 mRNA was detected in the adrenal gland, brain, cerebellum, testis, placenta, and bone marrow. NR2E3 mRNA was detected in the adrenal gland, thyroid gland, prostate, testis, uterus, trachea, and salivary gland. This study provides information concerning the tissue distribution of the mRNA expression of 43 human nuclear receptors. The mRNA expression proles of CYP3A4, CYP3A5 and ABC­transporters are also shown. These results are valuable for establishing a nuclear receptor­mediated screening system for new chemical entities in new drug development. Key words: nuclear receptor; mRNA expression; tissue distribution; quantication experimental condition. Introduction Recently, a relationship between NR1C (PPAR) and Recently, nuclear receptors are established as im­ CYP4A was reported by Waxman.18) The NR1Is, such portant transcription factors that regulate such widely as VDR, PXR and CAR has been reported to be diverse physiological functions as the control of cell involved in the transcriptional regulation of CYP3A dierentiation and homeostasis as well as the expression (Drocourt et al.19) and Pascussi et al.20) Arelationship of Phase I and Phase II enzymes and transporters. Over between NR1I3 (CAR) and CYP2B was reported by 70 distinct members of the nuclear receptor superfamily Sueyoshi et al.21) A considerable degree of cross talk have been identied to date.1) The nomenclature is sum­ between nuclear receptors and drug metabolizing marized in Table 1. The tissue distributions of many enzymes and transporters would be expected to exist. In nuclear receptors such as the NR1Cs,2,3) NR1Fs,47) addition, the process of induction is not a single recep­ NR2As,810) NR2Bs,11,12) NR4As,1316) and NR6A117) have tor­protein relationship. Thus, the mRNA expression been reported. However, the tissue distribution of the proles of nuclear receptors constitute important infor­ mRNA expression of large numbers of human nuclear mation to study the regulation mechanisms of drug receptors has not been evaluated in the same metabolizing enzymes and transporters and to establish Received; August 29, 2003, Accepted; January 17, 2004 *To whomall correspondence should be addressed :MasuhiroNISHIMURA,Ph.D.,Division of Pharmacology, Drug Safety and Metabolism, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc., Naruto, Tokushima 772­8601, Japan. Tel. {81­88­685­1151 ext 335, Fax. {81­88­686­8176, E­mail: 135 136 Masuhiro NISHIMURA, et al. Table 1. A Nomenclature for nuclear receptors Subfamily and Group Gene Name Trivial Name 1A NR1A1 THRA, TRa,c­erbA­1 NR1A2 THRB, TRb,c­erbA­2 1B NR1B1 RARA, RARa NR1B2 RARb,HAP NR1B3RAR g, RARD, RARG 1C NR1C1 PPARa NR1C2 PPARb, PPARd,NUC1,FAAR NR1C3PPAR g 1D NR1D1 RevErba, EAR1, EAR1A NR1D2 RevErbb,EARb, BD72, HZF2, RVR, EAR­1r 1F NR1F1 RORA, RORa,RZRa NR1F2 RORB, RORb,RZRb NR1F3RORC, ROR g,TOR 1H NR1H2 Ner­I, LXRb, UR, NER, RIP15, OR1 NR1H3LXR a,RLD1 NR1H4 HRR­1, FXR, RIP14 1I NR1I1 VDR NR1I2 PXR NR1I3CAR 2A NR2A1 HNF4A, HNF4a NR2A2 HNF4G, HNF4g 2B NR2B1 RXRa NR2B2 RXRb, H2RIIBP NR2B3RXR g 2C NR2C1 TR2, TR211, TR2a NR2C2 TR4, TR2b, TAK1, TR2R1 2E NR2E1 TLX, TLL NR2E3 2F NR2F1 COUP­TFa, COUP­TFI, COUPTFA, EAR3, SVP44 NR2F2 COUP­TFb, COUP­TFII, COUPTFB, ARP1, SVP40 3A NR3A1 ESR1 NR3A2 ESR2 3B NR3B1 ESRRA 3C NR3C1 GRa NR3C2 MR NR3C3 PGR NR3C4 AR 4A NR4A1 NGFI­B, NUR77, N10, TR3, NAK1, TIS1 NR4A2 NURR1, NOT, RNR1, HZF­3, TINUR, TR3b NR4A3NOR­1, MINOR, TEC, CHN 5A NR5A1 FTZ­F1, SF1, ELP, AD4BP NR5A2 FTF, LRH1, PHR1, CPF, FFLR 6A NR6A1 RTR, GCNF a nuclear receptor­mediated screening system for new from CLONTECH Laboratories, Inc. (Hilden, Palo chemical entities. Alto, CA, USA). The total RNA source information for The present study was therefore undertaken to inves­ these human tissues is shown in Table 2.YeasttRNA tigate the tissue distribution of mRNA expression of 43 was purchased from Life Technologies, Inc. (Rockville, human nuclear receptors, CYP3As and ABC­transport­ MD, USA), and the TaqMan One­Step RT­PCR Master ers using high­sensitivity real­time reverse transcription Mix Reagents Kit, TaqMan GAPDH Control Reagents PCR (RT­PCR). (Part No. 402869), TaqMan b­Actin Control Reagents (Part No. 401846), Micro Amp} Optical 96­Well Materials and Methods Reaction Plates, Optical Adhesive Covers, and Optical Materials: Pooled total RNA prepared from adult Cover Compression Pads were purchased from Applied human tissues (liver, kidney, adrenal gland, lung, heart, Biosystems (Foster City, CA, USA). All other chemicals brain, cerebellum, skeletal muscle, spleen, thymus, used in this study were of reagent grade. thyroid gland, prostate, testis, uterus, placenta, bone Oligonucleotides: The pairs of primers and the Taq­ marrow, trachea, and salivary gland) was purchased Man probes for the target mRNAs were designed from mRNA Expression Proles of Human Nuclear Receptors 137 Table 2. Total RNA source information for various tissues the human mRNA sequence (Table 3)usingPrimer Express software (Applied Biosystems). GenBank acces­ Tissue Pool size Age Sex Race sion number and position from the initiation codon are Liver 1 27 M A shown in Table 3. The primer andWor probe was homol­ Kidney1 32 M A ogysearched byan NCBI BLAST search to ensure that Stomach 1 50 M C Small intestine 5 2061 F, M C it was specic for the target mRNA transcript. The Colon 3 20, 35, 55 F, M C primers and TaqMan probes were synthesized by QIA­ Adrenal gland 62 1561 F, M C GEN (Tokyo, Japan). The TaqMan probes contained Lung 1 27 M A 6­carboxyuorescein (FAM) at the 5? end and 6­carbox­ Heart 1 25 M A ytetramethylrhodamine (TAMRA) at the 3? end and Brain 1 28 M A Cerebellum 24 1670 F, M C were designed to hybridize to a sequence located be­ Skeletal muscle 2 43, 46 F, M C tween the PCR primers. Spleen 14 3066 F, M C Experimental conditions for TaqMan RT­PCR: Thymus 9 1525 F, M C The total RNAs obtained from adult human tissues Thyroid gland 65 1561 F, M C were diluted with RNase­free water to 20 mgWmL, then Prostate 47 1457 M C Testis 19 1761 M C further diluted with 50 mgWmL yeast tRNA. To prepare Uterus 10 1577 F C the calibration curve, various amounts of 50 mgWmL Placenta 7 2235 F C yeast tRNA ranging from 1.28 to 100,000 pg total RNA Bone marrow 7 1854 F, M C were used. For the RT­PCR reaction, the TaqMan Trachea 1854 F, M C One­Step RT­PCR Master Mix Reagents Kit (Applied Salivarygland 24 1560 F, M C Biosystems) containing 300 nM forward primer, 900 nM ,nodata;F,female;M,male;C,Caucasian;A,Asian. reverse primer, and 200 nM TaqMan probe was used at Table 3. Primers and probes used for RT­PCR analysis. mRNA Sequence Position Housekeeping genes B2M (beta­2­microglobulin) (GenBank accession number NMä004048) Forward primer 5?­TGCTCGCGCTACTCTCTCTTT­3? 2646 Reverse primer 5?­ATGTCGGATGGATGAAACCC­3? 164145 Probe 5?­CCTGGAGGCTATCCAGCGTACTCCAAAGAT­3? 5180 GUSB (glucuronidase, beta) (GenBank accession number NMä000181) Forward primer 5?­TCTGTCAAGGGCAGTAACCTG­3? 745765 Reverse primer 5?­CGCCACGACTTTGTTTTCTG­3? 813794 Probe 5?­TCAAGTTGGAAGTGCGTCTTTTGGATGC­3? 767794 HPRT1 (hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1) (GenBank accession number NMä000194) Forward primer 5?­GAACGTCTTGCTCGAGATGTG­3? 139159 Reverse primer 5?­CCAGCAGGTCAGCAAAGAATT­3? 238218 Probe 5?­AGGCCATCACATTGTAGCCCTCTGTG­3? 174199 PPIA (peptidylprolyl isomerase A) (GenBank accession number NMä021130) Forward primer 5?­TCCTGGCATCTTGTCCATG­3? 282300 Reverse primer 5?­CCATCCAACCACTCAGTCTTG­3? 371351 Probe 5?­CAAATGCTGGACCCAACACAAATGG­3? 302326 TFRC (transferrin receptor) (GenBank accession number NMä003234) Forward primer 5?­TTGGACATGCTCATCTGGG­3? 893911 Reverse primer 5?­ATGACCGAGATGGTGGAAACT­3? 979959 Probe 5?­ACCCTTACACACCTGGATTCCCTTCCTTC­3? 920948 Nuclear Receptors NR1A1 (GenBank accession number NMä003250) Forward primer 5?­GGGACAAGGCAACTGGTTATC­3? 170190 Reverse primer 5?­GGAGGTTCTTCTGGATTGTGC­3? 256236 Probe 5?­ACTTGTGAGGGCTGCAAGGGCTTCTT­3? 205230 NR1A2 (GenBank accession number X04707) Forward primer 5?­CAGATCATCCTCCTCAAAGGC­3? 886906 Reverse primer 5?­AAAGTCTCACTTTCCGGGTCA­3? 968948 Probe 5?­TGCATGGAGATCATGTCCCTTCGC­3? 910933 NR1B1 (GenBank accession number NMä000964) Forward primer 5?­CAGCTGGGCAAATACACTACG­3? 610630 138 Masuhiro NISHIMURA, et al. Table 3.
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