M Teefy Latest from Scotland. amount of grease," but if this matter is not attended to it will be used up in five or six David Reid, for a great number of years years. Lard should never be used in a a well-known chemist and druggist in waggon, for it will penetrate the hub and Aberdeen, is dead. work its way out around the tenons of the Mr. James Arthur, of Barsbaw, intends apokea and wheel. Tallow is the best to build a model lodging-house in Paisley, lubricrator for wooden axle trees and oastor and present it as a gift to the town. oil for iron hubs, but many of the present axle greases are аіво excellent and have the The translation of the Queen’s new book merit of being cheaper and easier to into Gaelic has beeu entrusted by Her handle. Just grease enough should be Majesty to Мгв. Mury Maokellar, the applied to the spindle of a waggon to give Gaelic poetess. THE HEEALD. it a alight coating. This ia better than Miss Harris, sister of the late William more, for the surplus put on will work out Яаггів, who gave £20,000 to Dundee High at the ends and be foroed by the shoulder Sahool, has given .£200 to provide two gold bands and nut washer into the hub around medals annually to the dux boy and girl the outside of the boxes. To oil an iron in the sohool. axle'tree, first wipe the spindle dean with Invercauld Forest from Inveroauld House VOL. XXVII. RICHMOND IIILL THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1884. WHOLE NO 1,357 NO. 5. a piece of oloth wet with spirits of turpen­ past Loch Bulig to the top of Benabourd, tine, and then apply a few dropB of oastor and along the frontier of Mars Forest to oil near the shoulder and end. One tea- Allanmore, ia to be converted into a cattle spoonful is sufficient for the whole. grazing. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY GREAT FLOODS IN THE RORTHWEST, ÜIANIX’OBA ANDTHG NOKTIIWE8T. THE CHOLERA. FARM AND GARDEN. Other Rural Notée. Mr. J. C. Neilson, Superintendent of the Man Killed by Lightning nnd Three In­ John Norris, of Winterset, Iowa, has a Airdrie Burgh Police, died on the llCh. $100,000 Dnrangf Done iu the Neighbor­ Undoubtedly the Asiatic Type Prevalent yearling oolt weighing 1,800 pounds that he hood of Calgary. jured—!;. P. K. and the Cuetome- in France. T h e Kest Roses for Oiat of Door Mr. Neilson had been in the Burgh Police Guilty of Murder by Stabbing. has been working since it was 10 months Latest News from A ll Cultivation. old. Force for thirty years, and was highly A Winnipeg despatch says : Advices CANADIAN VISITATIONS IN THE PAST. respected. from Calgary report considerable damage A Winnipeg despatch says : A heavy Locusts are oreating muoh damage in the Over the W orld. thunderstorm passed over the greater por­ llev. Wiliiam Holdom, parish miuieter by floods west of that point. Railway TAST VISITATIONS IN CANADA. etate of Vera Cruz, and ooffee, tobacoo, and tion of the Northwest last night, doing S-A.I_iT FOR. Ы Ѵ Д STO O K . at Grangemouth, died on tbe 8ch, after an bridges up the Bow River have boen swept sugar crops are threatened. They originated muoh good to the сгорв. The lightning The London Free Press says : It is now illness of four weeks, at an advanced age. away, and аіво the railway bridgeB over the in Yuoatan, and probably they will extend The number of steam ѵѳввеів added to struok a small house at St. Boniface, killed many years since cholera visited CanaHa, He has labored in Grangemouth with muoh Bow aud Elbow Rivers at Calgary, also the north through the State of Yamulahas into the Dominion during 1883 was І01, with Evangeliste Gaghon and injured three but in past timea it has claimed many hun Utilizing Bones, Keeping Chickens and acceptance for over thirty years. 1,610 horse power. traffio bridge over the Elbow there was dreds of viotims in this oountry. The C»rowing Sugar Beets. Texas, or«ta far as the hot climate permits. partially destroyed and traffio stopped. men sleeping in the same room. Gagnon The Glasgow Water Commissioners con­ A verdiot for $2,000 damageB haa been years 1832, 1834 and again in 1848 and In Sweden, when several dairy farms are The total damage is about $100.000. Five was unmarried. His family formerly lived template applying to Parliament for entered against Mr. Cummings, Chief Con- near Montreal. The lightning also killed 1856 were marked by fatal and looated on lakes or navigable streams, the inohes of rain fell in Bow River Valley i A Practical Agriculturist's W eekly Budget ) authority to extend their works at Looh atable of St. Catharines, for false arreat. several cattle near Portage la Prairie. The alarming visitations, when the death milk ia oolleoted and taken to f& otorieB by between Sunday and Wednesday night. oart, with its little yellow flag, w К t,trine, во as to permit of an increased On Wedneaday at Kingston, Col. Buel, of wind did some damage to barns and houses Country Girls—The Girls tor Us* persons who run small boats. Milk is Bupply of water for tbe oity to the extent of Traffio will likely be re-established by a familiar object in the streets of our injured leas by being oarried on the water Ganancque, showed very valuable speci- Monday. in the Weetbourne distriot. Up in the morning early, 25,000,000 gallons a day. ment of gold and platinum pioked up on The C. P. R. authorities refuse longer to cities, when fires of tar were kept burning Just at the peep of day, than over the laud, even if the roads are In his closing address to the General the claim in Morristown. pay the customs offioials for examining the in front of dwellings, and gunpowder was Straining the milk in the dairy, good and the oarriages are provided with SIXTEEN ANO TWELVE. discharged in great quantities from oannon Turning the cows away, springs. Assembly the'Moderator said : “ We miss Rev. J. P. Wilson, of Kingston, and Rev. trains on Sunday3 or holidays or after Sweeping the floor of the kitchen, from our гапкв in this Assembly one of the iflarriage of Two Children—The Bride­ offioe hours. Colleotor Mingaye says the ав a disinfecting agent. Dr. Fenwiok, of Making the beds upstairs, The recent inorease of birds in the vioin­ W. R. Young, Newburg, were made hand­ this oity, who passed through two or three W ashing tlie breakfast dishes, very genii of the plaoe—the imperf-oaation some money presents on Wednesday night groom Soundly Switched. work will not be done without extra pay. Dusting tUe parlor chairs. ity of Chioago is remarkable. In many of Scottish gooduess, piety, aud solid worth Travellers wil 1 therefore be detained at St. of the epidemics referred to, speaka confi­ localities bobolinks have beoome almost as on ohanging appointments per order of A despatch from Wheeling, West Vir­ dently of the theory that the disease is —the late Sheriff Barolay.” Conference. ginia, savs : “ Monongahela County, known Vincent and Gretna or come through with­ Brushing the crumbs from the pantry plenty as they are in the New England out baggage. Importera here complain atmospheric. Investigators of the period Hunting for egtis at the barn, States, though they were very scarce only Markinch Auld Kirk is about to be ав the Athene of West Virginia, is agitated Cleaning the turnips for dinner, The membera of the Now York Preaa that freight is unnecessarily delayed by the at Quebec tested this point by sending up a few уеагв ago. The robin-redbreast is renovated externally and internally. Fifty Association, with their wives, arrived in over a novel elopement. The families of small pieces of meat fastened to oaptive Spinning stocking yarn, years ago thie was the only church in the Wm. Jonea and Mra. James McCormick, a C. P. R. at St. Vincent. Consignments take Spreading the whitened linen, also increasing very fast. Luring the past Montreal yesterday morning, and joined eleven days for the sixty-six miles. The balloons, quite out of the reaoh, aa sup- Down on the bushes below, few years orows have put in an appearanoe. parish ; now there are three in the village, the exouraiouieta down the river, the mem­ widow, are residents on adjoining farms. posed, of any impurity conneoted with the Ransacking every meadow besides one at Thornton, another ai Milton The former had a son aged 16 and the feeling here is that both тоѵев are intended W here the red strawberries grow. It ia found in praotioe that beans are not bers öf the looal ргева and officers of the to discourage the all-rail traffic, the C. P . R. ground. Wben these oame down they were and a mission hall at Balcurvie. St. Jean Baptiste Sooiety doing the honors. latter a daughter aged 12. Jones is found to be excessively putrid, showing, as a good orop to preoede wheat. One reason wealthy and Mrs. MoCormiok is poor. being willing to put the publio to any in­ Starching the fixtures for Sunday, ponsibly is that they leave the aoil in too Mr. Thomas Soutar, banker, Blairgowrie, Aooording to returns just published, the convenience to favor the lake route. wae claimed, the existence of the diaeaae Churning the snowy cream, mysteriously disappeared in Edinburgh on Young Jones conceived a violent passion germ in the atmosphere. Another reason Rinsing the pail and strainer, loose a condition, for the roots w ill not hold number of wrecka and casualties occurring for Miss MoCormiok, whioh was encour­ The coroner’s jury at Port Arthur found Down in the lim pid stream, in winter. But the chief objection to beans the 23rd May, and he has not since been in Canadian waters to British, Canadian why the cholera was thought to be in the Feeding the geese and turkeys, heard of. Mr. Soutar, who was a man of aged by her mother, and arrangements James guilty of wilfully murdering as a fallow orop is that they rob the soil of and foreign aea goiug vessels aud to Cana­ John Hiokey by stabbing the night before air was in the faot that even the raftsmen Making the pumpkiu pies, exoellent character, was attending the sit* were made for eloping to the Jogging the young one’s cradle, precisely the food that the wheat plant dian веа going vessels in other waters,during laat. He waa aent down for trial. far up the river Ottawa and other lumber tings of the General Assembly. nearest town beyond the border of regions were stricken down with it. Driving away the flies. requires—phosphate and nitrogen. Farm­ the year 1883, were 245, occasioning a loss the State into Pennsylvania. The Rain ia badly wanted in thia region, but ers wlio grow b e a n s this summer B hould The subject of a harbor of refuge for the of 200 livea and $1,382,153 of property. in Northern Manitoba it has been descend­ On April 30th fatal cases of cholera Grace in every motion, girl first disappeared, and the mother gave ocourred on the British tro o p B h ip Crocodile, Music in every tone, save their land for Spring grain, whiob will east ooast of Sootland, whioh has been The viaitorB who are m Montreal to cele­ ing m abudanoe. Reports from Mooeejaw, it out that she was lost. The neighborhood from Bombay, aa ahe waa entering the port Beauty in form and feature, give opportunity for more plant food to uuder consideration for a considerable brate the St. Jean Baptiste Society joined turned out to search for her. The boy Swift Current and Maple Creek say that Thousands may covet to own, time, has now been deoided upon. As was of Plymouth, England. The cable haa aooumulate before the pests are started in the looal membera aud went off on an seoured a horse from Іііз father on the pre­ the crops there are withering. The Brandon Cheeks that rival spring roses, search of it. expected, Peterhead has been chosen, or at and Broadview districts are also parched, been reoently quite silent as to the devel­ Teeth, the whitest of pearl — exouraion on the St. Lawreuoe yeater- tence of joining in the searoh. He followed One of these oountry maids is worth An Englishman who has given great least the South Bay at Peterhead. The day. The oongreBB held its session, when and unless ram oomes soon the magnifi­ opment of any new oases at Plymouth. the girl to a prearranged hiding place, and All investigations of oholera epidemics A sccre of your city-bred girls. attention to the manufacture of sugar iu worke will be constructed by Sootoh convict eloquent addresses were delivered by pro­ cent crop prospects will vanish.— Winnipeg went to Pennsylvania, where they were appear clearly to show, as a prominent Salt for Live Stock. different oountries thinks its production iu labor. minent statesmen and others on patriotic Sun. married. They oame home the next day authority ваув, that the prime factor of Great Britain and the United States will Bubjeota. About 10,000 регвопв were “ What are all those lambs doing around with the marriage certificate. The father its outbreak is “ the introduction into the never be profitable if the beet is relied ou TI1E TORONTO TRAGEDY. aboard the fleet of river ateamers, and DAB1NG STREET KU1IBËHY. that blaok object over there ?” inquired a cut a switch and gave the boy a thrashing. looality of the speoifio infecting matter, oity friend who a day or two ago was walk, to furnish the saccharine material. He enjoyed the trip down the river amazingly. He theu Bent him to a military school at Montreal Bank Messenger Kobbed ot V r M w c e G iven a t the T oron to A »Nixe« this being aooomplished in general by the iug through the Bheepfold with us. “ Oh,” says that the steaming prooess, whioh has The captain and offioera of the steamship St. Albany. The girl’s mother instituted a $3,000 in Broad Daylight. arrival of infeoted persons.” Theories we replied, “ they are waiting their turn to been tried on a large soale in Germany, Yesterday—Tbe Prisoners l>ischai-gcd Titania, now in port at Montreal, have suit againat Jonea, in behalf of her daughter, A Montreal telegram tof Wednesday have been propounded to acoount for the get to the salt.” He was somewhat sur­ has disappointed the hopes entertaiued reoeived letters of thanks from the survivors for damagea, laying the suit at $5,000, and A Toronto despatch says : Chief Justioe night’s date ваув : One of the boldest rob­ extension of oholera by the prevalence of prised when we reaohed the “ blaok objeot ” respecting it. Cameron held court yesterday from 10 a.m. and their friends of the shipwrecked steam­ alleging the alienation of the husband’s abnormal atmospheric conditions. High to вее a large, roofed box with open sides, affection. A license is not required in beries that has taken plaoe here for some A poultry-keeper says that many flocks till 9 o’olock last nigbt. The Curr murder ship State of Florida, several of whom the temperature, it is stated, favors the spread resting on wheels, and containing a lump of fowls are affaoted with всаіу legs or Titania landed at that port. The surgeon Pennsylvania for marriage. Jonea claims time past occurred to-day on Craig street, oase being on, the Court-room was as full as ав Mr. Fuller, a messenger of the Mer­ of the disease, and so far ав excessive heat of coarse, reddish rook-salt, weighing, per­ “ soab.” This ia the work of a small para­ of the Florida (Dr. Steele) addressed a very that it ів a scheme to mulct him. The the constables would permit. Hattie chants’ Bank, was proceeding on his daily debilitates the system or aids in vitiating haps, half a hundredweight, and во well sitic worm which burrows in the skiu and kind letter to Capt. McLean, as also did girl ів pretty, but illiterate. The boy is Jeffrey, who looks as if her confinement rounds presenting promissory notes for the atmosphere this no doubt is true. But lioked that its surfaoe was all ourves and oauses it to Іоовеп in scales. It oan be Mr. Bennet, of London, Ont., whoae letter intelligent and popular.” had done her good, oame into Court neatly payment. In passing a post on the side­ it is well known that some of the most fatal no corners. No doubt all stook-keepers oured еавііу and tffeotually by rubbing the attired, and took a seat in the prisoner’s waa acoompanied with a handeome present oholera epidemics have raged through who understand the oravings of horses, G A B F I E L D ’S T O illB . walk that was deoorated with evergreens a lega of affeoted fowls with the following dock. John Falvey also seems to have of furniture to Capt. McLean and other rigorous winters. cattle and sheep take oare that salt Bhall mixture : A tablespoonful of petroleum offioers. branoh fell on him, whioh he proceeded to braoed up since his incarceration in Castle replace. As he was engaged in the aot a A Washington correspondent telegraphs : always be within their reanh, though it is aud a half ounoe of lard thoroughly min­ Green. He was allotted a seat beside The indications are that the Bordeaux A Grand nnd Mausoleum for the Martyred President’« Bemains. horde of American sharpers, who have , In the oourse of a conversation upon the seldom necessary to foroe it on their -atten­ gled. Four or five applications during five Мгв. Jeffrey. Detective Reburn, who wine crop of 1884 will be abundant and of been here sinoe the carnival picking pockets, I subject Surgeon-General Hamilton said tion. Young stook are particularly fond weeks will generally clean the legs of soalt ». Ьав worked indefatigably on this oase, exoellent quality. A Cleveland despatch says : The Garfield aurrounded him ав if to give him aaaiatanoe. that he did not believe that the cholera, of it, and when lambs are folded on a rioh The petroleum whitens the akin for a time, assisted Crown Counsel Irving with the Mr. Gladstone says the Government has National Monument Asaooiation to-day After his work waa accompliahed he put hie reported to have appeared at Toulon, would green breadth of vetches, trifolium and win­ and Bulphur may be substituted for the oil, oase, and Mr. E. F. Galbraith appeared for on the Franchiae Bill tried its best to avoid deoided upon the designs for the monu­ hand in his pocket and found that hia book, extend beyond the control of the French ter barley, as in the oase just referred to, being just as efficacious in killing the para­ the defenoe. The day was spent in exam­ a conflict with the House of Lords. ment. It will be of tower form, carved and containing notes and ohequea for $3,000, health officers. It had probably been or on oabbage or rape, they always appear Bite and not discoloring the skin of fowls. ining Crown witnesses. Not a single new M. Ferry stated in the Chamber of De­ sculptured. The tomb is made the princi­ -had been abstracted. The documents are brought from Egypt in the troop B hips to us to pay special attention to the aalt- fact was elicited. The deaf mute Mont­ puties yesterday that the Patenotre had pal object of the memorial. The tower fortunately endorsed as payable to the returning to France from that oountry. box. We have Been a lamb go to the slat ав gomery was examined at three-hours’ The Vicissitudes ot a Race Horse. been ordered to Pekin to demand satisfac­ rises from broad terraces, reaohed by wide- bank, and therefore are of no use to the There was little danger of a direct im ­ often as onoe and even twioe an hour ; he length with the aid of his son as interpre­ tion for the Langson affair. • spreading steps. A projecting porch at the thieves, and it will be no loss to the bank portation of the disease from Egypt into doesn’t take muoh of the mineral at eaoh The career of St. Gatien, who divided the ter. He failed to positively identify either base contains the veatibule, on the side of if they are not returned, as payment of tbe United StateB, for the reason that our visit, simply licking the lump three or four Derby after a dead heat with Harvester, Mrs. Jeffrey or Falvey as the persons he The Dublin polioe regard Jas. R-.id, who which is the keeper’s offioe. On the them has been stopped. So careful were imports from that oountry are confined to times, then paueing and looking round with affords a remarkable illustration of the he B aw quarrelling opposite hie house. He asked protection at Plymouth from the vioiBsitudes of a raoe horse. In additiou to other is a room for the relics and the bankers here to-day that they would rags, whioh aje rigidly inspected by Gov­ an appearanoe of quiet Batisfaotion sur­ oould not identify Falvey’s olothing, Iuvinoiblea ав a harmless lunatic. They visitors’ register. The vestibule leads doubtful and unfashionable parentage he вау he had a sunstroke in America, which not entrust messengers with the money, ernment offioers. The Surgeon-General rounding him, and üually walking off for although the latter wore wbibe pants and into the round vaulted chamber, the stone lest they might be attapK^.by tl e totori- added that oholera w as, of all diseases, fresh supplies of green food, but only pre­ was B uoh a mean, -looking year­ vest on the morning of Curr’s murder. The affected hia mind. roof of which ia carried on eight massive ous paok of scoundrels that have been perhaps the most diffioult to quarantine sently to return again. A email modicum ling that his breeder ordered his trainer to mystery surrounding the оаве веетв to ba An infernal machine waa placed on the polished granite oolums, in a circle around against, and localities threatened by it of salt in or with the food is essential to sell the oolt by auotion during one of tha atreet car track in Bradford, Eng., yeater- attracted to the oity to reap a harvest as deep as ever. The jury were looked up the sculptured tomb in the centre. The from the influx of strangers, who are pro­ should adopt every precaution in the way tbe life of the highest animals. It is com­ autumn meetings at Newmarket, soon after for the night. day. The oar, whioh waa filled with people, pavement is tiled in harmonious oolors and verbially fleeced when from home. Detec­ of perfeot cleanliness and attention to posed of the metal sodium and the non- he wae broken. The oolt had previously Our own correspondent telegraphs to-day fortunately p a a B e d over the machine with­ designs, the whole being lighted by riohly been offered for sale privately at £100 to tive Kellart is said to be on the track of the hygienio conditions. metal chlorine, the former being an indis­ The Curr mystery is a mystery still. The out exploding it. several people at Newmarket, including mullioued windows. A spiral stone stair­ parties. UNQUESTIONABLY ASIATIC CHOLERA. pensable constituent of that important trial of the prisoners Falvey and Hattie Prince Jerome (Plon Plon) holds that case leads from the aisle to the top of the digestive fluid, the bile, whioh is secreted Hayhoe (Mr. Rothaohild’s trainer), who Jeffery was continued this morning before Prince Yiotor has brought publio odium tower, 250 feet from the ground. The band A telegram from says : Dr. Ger­ consented to take the youngster in liquida­ TI1E MORMONS COMING. main, physician at the Hotel Dieu, being by the liver, and the latter entering into Mr. Justice Cameron, but the evidence upon himself as a faithlees, dishonorable on the frieze of the soulpture is six feet in the composition of the gastrio juice whioh tion of an acoount of £50, but deoliued to was not of of a new or interesting breaker of pledges. Prinoe Victor’s reply height, extending around the base of the Contemplated £ xorius from fJtali to the questioned this morning, thought that the give the " century.” As Sherwood had epidemic at Toulon was unquestionably ів poured into the stomaoh from the nature. The deaf and dumb man, George to Plon PI ou ’b chargee ів expected aoon. tower, whioh is forty feet square. The Northwest—An Alleged Understanding only two or three horses at the time, he Asiatio oholera. In the event of its spread­ seoretory oells of its lining membranes. Bromtield,was reoalled and confronted with frieze is divided into panels, with bass- with the Canadian Government. The elements of oommon salt also enter consented to train the oolt at 30 shillings The AnarohiBta on trial at Gratz have ing through Paris, he reoommends the the testimony given by him at the inquest. reliefs representing Garfield as an educa­ into tbe constitution of the blood. Of the a week, instead of at the standard He was very oontradiotory, and at the con­ been acquitted on the charge of attempting A Chicago telegram ваув: I have just immediate closing of all the barraoks, to take the life of the Emperor of Auatria, tor, soldier and Btateaman. Garfield’s ordinary foods given to farm stook, oommon oharge of 50 shillings, on oondition clusion of his examination Mr. Galbraith remains will be enclosed in the orypt below had an interview with a prominent lawyer schools, workshops and ргівопв in whioh it that Major Bruoe made it up to him if but were B e n te n o e d to prison for oonBpiring salt is most abundant in mangels, but even submitted that the evidence was the level of the ohamber under the oarved of this city, who acts as counsel for the might break out, and the dispersal of St. Gatien turned out well. He won all to diBturb the peace. Mormon Churoh in Utah. He has been the people inhabiting them ; also the free then in small quantity ; iu grass and other wholey insufficient to establish the tomb. A family vault is provided at the green fodder its proportion ia even less, the three raoes for which he started at 2 Dr. Smith, of Sioux City, Iowa, ia to entrusted with many deJioate matters by use of diBinfeotants, Buoh as corrosive identity of the prisoners with the back of the chamber. while in wheat, barley, oats and in meals уеагв old, and ав his owner oontinued ixurdereiB, and without calling any deliver au addreoa before the Cobden Club, them, has been several times out со Salt sublimate, protoxide of mercury or pure anxious to sail, St. Gatien was purchased Loudon, next Saturday evening on the Lake City, and knows their whole Ьивіпевв iodine and suboutaneaus injections of made from these grains, as also in potatoes, witnesses for the defenoe asked that T IRKING A WOMAN. salt is absent. Vast herds of buffaloes will by Mr. Hammond for £1,400 during the the Crown be non-suited. His Lordship desirability and necessity of free trade in thoroughly. He says that it is their inten­ morphia. It would be useless, he says, to winter, with a contingency of “ another developing the agricultural resources of the Jealousy of a D ivorced Wife and Its tion, if the United States Congress passes change one’s ordinary habits from the fear travel hundreds of miles to reaoh the salt concurred, and in addressing the jury springs of Northwest Âmerioa, and in the thousand ” if be won the Derby I Har­ told them that the main witness, Western Statee of America. R esu lts. and enforces an Anti-Polygamy Bill, to of disease. As a precaution against con­ vester, on the other hand, cost 8,000 guineas make an exodus out of Utah into theCana- central parta of South Africa the hunter Bromlield, was unreliable, and that Iu the Frenoh Chamber of Deputies last An Aurora, Ind., despatch says : In a tagion, he would advise the attendants on at auotion only a month before the Darby, adian Northwest Territory, provided they patients to relieve eaoh other in attendance who оопоеаів himself beeide a brine spring hia testimony was во disjointed evening, M. De la Fosse attacked the Anglo- Fourth B tre e t tenement house there lives never has to wait long for his prey. Let and the dead heat between the pair has that no weight should be attached to it-. French agreement with regard to Egypt. can make suitable arrangements with the frequently. been waggishly compared to Herring’s well John Horton and his divorced wife in Canadian Government by Beouring them ­ the animals find they oan get salt when After other witnessea he did not coneider M. Ferry defeuded the agreement and B aid separate apartments and a Mrs. Owens. THE ORIGIN OF THE EPIDEMIC. they require it and they will be виге to known piotureB of “ St. Giles and St. that the Btoriea connected the prisoners Franoe would go to the Conference unfet­ selves in their religion and in their James.” Sir John Willoughby is an officer For some time the former Mrs. Horton In an interview with M. Pasteur, the take suoh quantity as nature demands, direotly with the crime. He then instructed tered with fiuanoial engagements. A vote had suspected her late husband of inti­ polygamous practices. They olaim they in the Guards, but unlike the MaoNabs, oave had indireot assurances made to them famous Frenoh medical investigator, yes­ while their own inetinot will guard them the jury to return a verdict of acquittal, of oonfideuce iu the Government waa pro­ macy with Mrs. Owens. She beoame very w h o boast of the роввеввіоп of a boat of that the Canadian Government will give terday, a correspondent said : All medical from erring on the side of exoess. Oar whioh they did without leaving the box, and posed and met with unanimoua favor. jealous, and to-day, with three women their own at the flood, Mr. Hammond began them favorable consideration, and it is authorities who have been consulted, live stock, like ourselves, ehould take their the prisoners were discharged. friends, went to Mrs. Owens’ room, ehut life in Golding’s stable at Newmarket. A despatch via London ваув the former likely that a delegation will leave Salt Lake among them Sir William Gull, of London, food cum grano salis. the door, gagged her, tore her garments From that employment he worked his way Bedouin lieutenant of Hicke Pasha has City for Canada in a few days. They will agreed in ridiculing the idea that quaran­ Н овее. from her aud poured tar over her writhing into the position of confidential commis­ A Flsliy Problem, arrived at Wadahalfa. He reports that El propose to the Canadian Government to tine is efficacious in stopping oholera. body, using a large paint brush to paint her A oommittee of the Maasachuaetta Horti­ sioner to many of the trainers and jookeya Madhi made an attack on Khartoum, but take up a large section of country, induce M. Pasteur replied : All the French Along tbe west and north shore of Lake was repulsed with heavy loaa. The date of effectually. It was intended to apply cultural Sooiety recommended the following at Newmarket—a vein of raoing one whioh Ontario, from Niagara to below Belleville, immigration, make it blossom as the rose, faoulty are absolutely of the opposite for outdoor oulture as the best hardy roses has secured him a fortune.— London World. the attack/and particulars are not given. feathers ав well, but the woman who pro­ opinion. The English have a happy knack the water ia almost covered w i t h dead shad, as they have done in Utah, and that they for general cultivation : Hostile tribes are massing in the vicinity of mised to bring the feathers failed to do so. of defending theories convenient to them commonly called “ shiners.” Muoh con­ will be peaceable and law-abiding citizens The ('ominous 11 .Tlasher.” Dongola. The Nile ів rising rapidly. When their work was oompleted the and their oommeroe. It ів universally Alfred Colomb,* Marie Baumann,* jecture has been indulged in garding the in every way, provided they are given Anna de D.esbach, Marquise de Castellano, r Ruasian advances iu the far east are women released their viotim, after many recognized that the oholera has been One of the moat singular figures in the phenomenon. The most plausible reason liberty in matters of their own religion Annie Wood, M aurice Bernardin, again attracting much attention in threats of punishment if she B h o u ld disclose Baron de Bonetetten, Mme. Gabriel Luizet, House of Lords is Lord Henry Lennox, who that baa yet been adduced for the unwonted and in regard to their views of marriage. imported from India, though the English diplomatic oirolea. It is believed in Eng­ their names. She was too mad to keep her doctors commissioned to investigate the Baroness Rothschild, Mme. Hippolyte Jam ain, was announced for some time in the sooiety mortality among thia speoies of fish is that land that Russia, being emboldened by the promise, however,and as quickly as роввіЫе Oharloe Lefebyre. Mine. Victor Verdier,* journals as affianced to Mrs. Hicks Lord, it has been largely oaused by a parasite STABBED SIXTEEN TIMES. matter report that it originated last year in Duke of Edinburgh, Mone. Boncenne, su c ce sB of Franoe in Tonquin, is deliber­ procured assistance and told who her and who has reoently married another which attaches itself to the gills. The Egypt. What does Sir William Gull know Etienne Levet, Mons. E. Y. Teas,* ately attempting to pick a quarrel with assailants were. The women will be arrested Lying nt the Point of Death—The Would- about cholera ? He ia merely Court phy- Fisher Holmes,* Faul Neyron, very wealthy widow. He has beeu known p a r a B ite is Bupposed to be bred in ріасев to-morrow if Mrs. Owens sucoeeds by that be at Large. Francois Miclielon,* Rev. J. В. M. Camm,* as the Spider from as far baok as 1852, China in expectation of adding to Russian sioian. Besides, I don’t believe that the Gen. Jacqueminot*, Tbom as Mills, where sewage waa permitted to flow into territory in Aaia. Frequent collisions have time iu ridding herself of enough of the tar when he was private seoretary to Disraeli the water. There is also a slight mortality A Belleville telegram of Wednesday English dootors would dare stick to their John Hooper, Louis Van Houtte,! occurred on the Russo-Chineae frontier, to enable her to appear and swear out Jules M arg.ttin, Mile. Marie Rady,! on his first assumption of office, and aoted among the small suufiah and reek basa in night’s date says : A stabbing affray whicb theories now. and there are other indications of an warrants against them. Correspondent—Admitting your views to La Rosiere, *Pierro Notting.l as his cup bearer, supplying him with Lake Simooe. The Natural Hiatory ів almost oertain to result fatally ocourred draughts of port wine to sustain him in his approach of вегіоиѳ hostilities. at about 8.30 yesterday evening on the pre­ be correct, would it not be in logical order Those marked * are also recommended Society, of Toronto, will make an investi­ Bismarck's Children. memorable speech in defenoe of his first J. Miller Kelly, President of the Board mises of Mioha6l Kennedy, 4th con. of for the quarantine laws to be applied to as continuous bloomers. The last three gation B h o r tly , when the result will be The Prinoe has three children—a daugh­ budget. The Spider oombines the age of of Aldermen, Rochester, has been indioted Tyendinaga, about 16 miles from this oity. towns where the oholera is raging, just as marked t are Bomewhat tender or un­ made public. ter, the Countess Mary, who was born in 63 with the vivaoity, not to say tho vanity, uuder the new code for agreeing to accept a in the oase of вЬірв ? certain, but the oommittee added them on 1848, and married about four years ago to There had been a logging bee during the of 20. He recalls Mr. Dombey’s noble bribe of $2,000 from the Baltimore & Ohio day, and two men, named John MoAulay M. Paeteur—That would be a return to acoount of their excellence. It ів not death that makea the martyr Count Rantzau, and two вопв, Counts the barbarism of the Middle Ages and an llliliziug It»1114. relative, Cousin Feenix ; he also recalls Lord Telegraph Company to permit its lmee to Herbert and William, both of whom are and James Alexander, engaged in a fight, Verisopht, and makes a distinot suggestion but the oauRe. run into RocheBter. A benoh warrant has in whioh the former bit one of the latter’B outrage on modern ideas of individual Not many years ago the bones of animale youi g e r than their B ister, and uumarried. liberty. of Dundreary. His patent leather boots Rahway, N.J., compromises $2,000,000 of been îasued and the bail fixed at $10,000. ‘ The former is in the diplomatic service, fingers. Joseph Morden, one of th e by­ had no money value and were considered are the nattiest in the House ; his olothes Kelly ia confined to hia houae by віскпевв. standers, upbraided MoAulay for his mode Correspondent—Do you think the disease debt to $550,000 and has in his official oapaoity been uselesB rubbish. Later they came into use are of the out o f the m o B t accomplished of fighting, and in response to a challenge will spread very far ? Judge Ardagh set Cosae’a bail at $6,000, He waa appointed the new manager of the attached to several embassies, and recently for making buttons, knife-handles, oommon masher ; his hair,whioh is of a lovely brown Western House of Refuge a year ago. engaged in a conflict with MoAulay, who M. PaBteur—If it be the real Asiatic whioh he has not obtained, and B till re­ to that in London. The latter, who bears piano keys, eto. -, then to supply —what there is of it—is parted down the Tne damage from the flood in the vioinity drew a knife and stabbed him sixteen times oholera, about whioh we shall know more for friotion matches and other purpoees, mains in Barrie jail. a strong personal resemblance to hia father, to morrow, it will spread all over Franoe, middle ; his manners have the repose of York, Pa., will aggregate at least $500,- has devoted himself to the legal profession, in the face, B h o u ld e rs and upper part o f the the demand for them increasing very becoming the Deveres and people of that Good breeding ia the art of showing men body, one of the wounds being in the left doubtless, but with what degree of viru 000. The submerged district includes, aud has been a member of the German rapidly. Soon their value as fertilizers class. In short, Lord Henry is at all times by external signs, the internal regard lung. Medical men were summoned from lenoe it ia impoaaible to вау. The old­ was reoognized, and now the farmer who we.have for them. It arisea from good besides numerous private геьійепоѳв, stores, Parliament. Both Berved at first as pri- and under all oiroumstanoes an interesting lumber yards aud some of the large fac­ Deseronto, who gave it ав their opinion fangled notion that B uch and suoh diaeaaes does not save and make good uae of all the a;nse, improved by converaing with good vatee in the Dragoon Guards in the last always rage with the вате intensity has objeot and an instructive atudy, deserving tories. Eight bridges, including one of the war, during which the Prince evinced that the victinà could not survive. MoAulay bones he oan find on Ьів plaoe ia behind the the observation of Amerioan visitors to the company. made his esoape, and up to latest accounts been exploded. The virus may be of any Pennsylvania Railroad, have been swept much anxiety on their behalf, riding out timea. In the ргооеввев where large quan­ House. A company in Connecticut manufactures away. Much Jive stock has perished. had not boen captured. degree of intensity, from zero upward. I tities of bones are used, they supply a nearly all the liquorice uaed in the United after them as often as circumstances per­ have in these (pointing to hia laboratory) Thousands of feet of lumber have been mitted. Both of them work from time to valuable by-produot in the way of fate or An Enormous Fish* Statea—17,000,000 pounda a year. Con washed away, and the valuable contents of rabiea virus almoat іппооаоив, and some fatty acida, whioh are extensively used feotionery and medioines take about 1,500, time iu the immediate neighborhood of the A Bull Fight. infinitely more terrible than that dogà die The Port Elgin Free Press sajs: A many buildiugs wholly ruined. Much dis­ Prince, in whose bureau hie son-in-law also in the manufacture of soaps and oouple of weeks ago Capt. W. П, McLeod, 000 pounds, and the remainder goes iuto tress wi 1 ensue. A correspondent of the Parie Temps de­ of. Tbis outbreak may possibly be a weak other articles of oommeroe. Two tobacco. fouud employment. I may mention, too, scribes a Spanieh bull fight which took one. who is running one of the fishing boats Joseph Rer li, a handsome young blaok- that the Prinoe is the happy possessor of prominent bone produots enter largely belonging to Mr. D. McLeod, an extensive Opinion deceivee us more than things amith jiving iu Greenville веоііоп of Jersey plaoe the other day at Nismes. Though there into daily use, viz , glue and animal char- grandohildren, fine, sturdy little fellows, were 10,000 spectators present, the perfor­ The Policeman and the Goat. fish dealer in Southampton, oaught an im | So comes our sense to be more oertain than City, yesterday caused Police Justice Sùila- the eldest of whom oooasionally pays ooal. The value of these two produots mense salmon trout, weighing 80 pounds, our reason. Men differ more about cir iug to issue a warrant for the arrest of mers were h isB e d , and three f o u r th B of the Mr. ChilderB, the English Chancellor of aggregates millions of dollars annually. visit at hia graudfather’a palaoe, with the lookera-on left the сігоив before the close measuring from the point of its nose to the oumstanceB than about the matter. The Mark Schmidt, a barber in Greenville, on a oap of the yellow ouirassiera on his fair, the Exchequer, has a gray goat whioh paces Suoh facts show the value of things too end of ite tail 5 feet, 2 inches, and around corruptions of our minds misguide the oharge of malicious mischief. Up to Satur­ of the slaughter. The Temps correspondent up and down opposite his residence in often overlooked, or so little esteemed as young head. describes the animals as having been weary the thiokest part of its body 34 inohes. reeult of our reason. We put a fallaoy, by day laet JoBeph was the possessor of a Piccadilly, and is a great pet with the to be permitted to go to waste. Farmers The head was 10 inohes iu length, and the a false argument, upon our understanding, handsome black moustache. After going Icebergs iu the Gulf. creatures, fatigued by the journey, and public in that looality. He has also a generally understand that the chief fertiliz­ without the strength to defend themselvea width of the tail, from point to point, was According to the Pharmaceutical Record, to Sohmidt’s plaoe to be shaved on Satur­ The steamship Lake Nepigon, of the . . policeman similarly pacing up and down, ing property of bonee ia the phosphate of 12 inohes. This is the largest fish of this day last he fell asleep, and while he slept Beaver Line, just arrived in Montreal, and aa haying been slaughtered in the .placed there by a considerate nation to lime they oontain, amounting to half their a New York patent medioine manufac most revolting and cowardly manner. speoies ever oaught here and Mr. D. Mc­ turer, being about to die, was asked by hia one of the barbers removed the pr/zed reports having passed numerous icebergs, protect him from dynamiters. The diffi­ dry weight. The organio part, that whioh Leod may well feel proud of having oaught culty whioh this policeman has in dividing oan be burned out, or will deoay out in friends how he would like to be buried, moustache. Schmidt will be brought some fro m two to three m ile s long, off Cape Buch a grand speoimen of the finny tribe. Demanding a New Trial. his protective attentions and seeing that “ Inaert me,” he said faintly, “ at top of before the magistrate. Race ; also, t h a t on the 20th June ehe time, containa muoh nitrogen, oarbon, The m o n B te r was paoked in ioe and con­ column, next to readi> g matter, 52 times, George Smith, of New York, Treasurer passed the derelict barquentine Ethel A verdict of murder had just been brought the goat is not in misohief, and that, while hydrogen and sulphur, the nitrogen being signed to Mr. Furev, of Woodstock, where eleotro by mail.” Then he quietly expired. of the Sylvester Grove Lodge, Freemasons, Blanche, of Charlottetown. The Nepigon in. во Seeing; Mr. Childers may not get into valuable as a fertilizer. The reduction of it is now held for exhibition, and is after­ was aooused of embezzlement in Jefferson passed quite dose to the wreok and sounded “ Your Honor,” said the prisoner’s coun­ trouble, and vice versa, affords muoh amuee|~ bones goes on rapidly in oontaot with fer­ wards to be preserved and plaoed in the Tuscon is the pride of all Arizonians. Market Police Court yesterday. The Junior her whistle repeatedly, but obtained no sel, rising and addressing the Court, “ I ment. menting matters. They should be broken museum in Rochester, N. Y. They even claim it to be the oldest oity in Warden of the lodge made an affidavit, answer. Two aftermastB of the Ethel demand a new trial.” up and plaoed in a oompaot oompost heap America, aud deolare that its origin stating that Smith reoeived from hiB pre­ Blanohe r e m a in standing. “ On what ground ?” asked the Judge. At a meeting of the Eric Railway share­ with ashes, then oovered with a thiok layer The laziest man ie on a Western paper. antedates that of Santa Fé. Before the of earth and the mass kept moist. It is decessor in offioe two Tenneaaee coupon “ On the ground that some members of holders in London yesterday much com- H j spells photograph “ 4tograph.” There advent of Атегіоапв it was a Mexican bouda of $1 000 eaoh, and worth $1,500, There are other things besides beauty the jury are incompetent to render a just plaint w a s e x p re B s e d at the fall of the better if moistened with liquid manure. have been only three woree than he. Oue hamlet, and still earlier it was an Indian and one Ball and Asylum bond worth with which to captivate the hearts of men. verdiot. Among them are an undertaker, a securities of tbe oompany. An inquiry Oiling Waggon-Wheela. lived out in Kansas, aud dated his letters village. No traoes of its first occupante $1,000, and from the Searetary $2 360, all The Italians have a saying, “ Fair is not rope manufacturer, a florist, aud a dealer wae demanded, and a committee wa» A well-made wheel will endure constant “llworth,” another spelt Tennessee are to be seen to day, but the adobe houses of whioh he did appropriate to his own use. fair, but that whioh pleaseth.”—Ninon de in mourning goods.” appointed to protect the interests of the wear from ten to twenty-five years if oare “ lOeO,” and the other wrote Wyaudotte and narrow, winding streets are Mexican. Smith was paroled until July 14th. Lenzlos. A new trial wae granted. shareholders. is taken to uae the right kind and proper “ Y&.”