M Teefy Latest from Scotland. amount of grease," but if this matter is not attended to it will be used up in five or six David Reid, for a great number of years years. Lard should never be used in a a well-known chemist and druggist in waggon, for it will penetrate the hub and Aberdeen, is dead. work its way out around the tenons of the Mr. James Arthur, of Barsbaw, intends apokea and wheel. Tallow is the best to build a model lodging-house in Paisley, lubricrator for wooden axle trees and oastor and present it as a gift to the town. oil for iron hubs, but many of the present axle greases are аіво excellent and have the The translation of the Queen’s new book merit of being cheaper and easier to into Gaelic has beeu entrusted by Her handle. Just grease enough should be Majesty to Мгв. Mury Maokellar, the applied to the spindle of a waggon to give Gaelic poetess. THE HEEALD. it a alight coating. This ia better than Miss Harris, sister of the late William more, for the surplus put on will work out Яаггів, who gave £20,000 to Dundee High at the ends and be foroed by the shoulder Sahool, has given .£200 to provide two gold bands and nut washer into the hub around medals annually to the dux boy and girl the outside of the boxes. To oil an iron in the sohool. axle'tree, first wipe the spindle dean with Invercauld Forest from Inveroauld House VOL. XXVII. RICHMOND IIILL THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1884. WHOLE NO 1,357 NO. 5. a piece of oloth wet with spirits of turpen­ past Loch Bulig to the top of Benabourd, tine, and then apply a few dropB of oastor and along the frontier of Mars Forest to oil near the shoulder and end. One tea- Allanmore, ia to be converted into a cattle spoonful is sufficient for the whole. grazing. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY GREAT FLOODS IN THE RORTHWEST, ÜIANIX’OBA ANDTHG NOKTIIWE8T. THE CHOLERA. FARM AND GARDEN. Other Rural Notée. Mr. J. C. Neilson, Superintendent of the Man Killed by Lightning nnd Three In­ John Norris, of Winterset, Iowa, has a Airdrie Burgh Police, died on the llCh. $100,000 Dnrangf Done iu the Neighbor­ Undoubtedly the Asiatic Type Prevalent yearling oolt weighing 1,800 pounds that he hood of Calgary. jured—!;. P. K. and the Cuetome- in France. T h e Kest Roses for Oiat of Door Mr. Neilson had been in the Burgh Police Guilty of Murder by Stabbing. has been working since it was 10 months Latest News from A ll Cultivation. old. Force for thirty years, and was highly A Winnipeg despatch says : Advices CANADIAN VISITATIONS IN THE PAST. respected. from Calgary report considerable damage A Winnipeg despatch says : A heavy Locusts are oreating muoh damage in the Over the W orld. thunderstorm passed over the greater por­ llev. Wiliiam Holdom, parish miuieter by floods west of that point. Railway TAST VISITATIONS IN CANADA. etate of Vera Cruz, and ooffee, tobacoo, and tion of the Northwest last night, doing S-A.I_iT FOR. Ы Ѵ Д STO O K . at Grangemouth, died on tbe 8ch, after an bridges up the Bow River have boen swept sugar crops are threatened. They originated muoh good to the сгорв. The lightning The London Free Press says : It is now illness of four weeks, at an advanced age. away, and аіво the railway bridgeB over the in Yuoatan, and probably they will extend The number of steam ѵѳввеів added to struok a small house at St. Boniface, killed many years since cholera visited CanaHa, He has labored in Grangemouth with muoh Bow aud Elbow Rivers at Calgary, also the north through the State of Yamulahas into the Dominion during 1883 was І01, with Evangeliste Gaghon and injured three but in past timea it has claimed many hun Utilizing Bones, Keeping Chickens and acceptance for over thirty years. 1,610 horse power. traffio bridge over the Elbow there was dreds of viotims in this oountry. The C»rowing Sugar Beets. Texas, or«ta far as the hot climate permits. partially destroyed and traffio stopped. men sleeping in the same room. Gagnon The Glasgow Water Commissioners con­ A verdiot for $2,000 damageB haa been years 1832, 1834 and again in 1848 and In Sweden, when several dairy farms are The total damage is about $100.000. Five was unmarried. His family formerly lived template applying to Parliament for entered against Mr. Cummings, Chief Con- near Montreal. The lightning also killed 1856 were marked by fatal and looated on lakes or navigable streams, the inohes of rain fell in Bow River Valley i A Practical Agriculturist's W eekly Budget ) authority to extend their works at Looh atable of St. Catharines, for false arreat. several cattle near Portage la Prairie. The alarming visitations, when the death milk ia oolleoted and taken to f& otorieB by between Sunday and Wednesday night. oart, with its little yellow flag, w К t,trine, во as to permit of an increased On Wedneaday at Kingston, Col. Buel, of wind did some damage to barns and houses Country Girls—The Girls tor Us* persons who run small boats. Milk is Bupply of water for tbe oity to the extent of Traffio will likely be re-established by a familiar object in the streets of our injured leas by being oarried on the water Ganancque, showed very valuable speci- Monday. in the Weetbourne distriot. Up in the morning early, 25,000,000 gallons a day. ment of gold and platinum pioked up on The C. P. R. authorities refuse longer to cities, when fires of tar were kept burning Just at the peep of day, than over the laud, even if the roads are In his closing address to the General the claim in Morristown. pay the customs offioials for examining the in front of dwellings, and gunpowder was Straining the milk in the dairy, good and the oarriages are provided with SIXTEEN ANO TWELVE. discharged in great quantities from oannon Turning the cows away, springs. Assembly the'Moderator said : “ We miss Rev. J. P. Wilson, of Kingston, and Rev. trains on Sunday3 or holidays or after Sweeping the floor of the kitchen, from our гапкв in this Assembly one of the iflarriage of Two Children—The Bride­ offioe hours. Colleotor Mingaye says the ав a disinfecting agent. Dr. Fenwiok, of Making the beds upstairs, The recent inorease of birds in the vioin­ W. R. Young, Newburg, were made hand­ this oity, who passed through two or three W ashing tlie breakfast dishes, very genii of the plaoe—the imperf-oaation some money presents on Wednesday night groom Soundly Switched. work will not be done without extra pay. Dusting tUe parlor chairs. ity of Chioago is remarkable. In many of Scottish gooduess, piety, aud solid worth Travellers wil 1 therefore be detained at St. of the epidemics referred to, speaka confi­ localities bobolinks have beoome almost as on ohanging appointments per order of A despatch from Wheeling, West Vir­ dently of the theory that the disease is —the late Sheriff Barolay.” Conference. ginia, savs : “ Monongahela County, known Vincent and Gretna or come through with­ Brushing the crumbs from the pantry plenty as they are in the New England out baggage. Importera here complain atmospheric. Investigators of the period Hunting for egtis at the barn, States, though they were very scarce only Markinch Auld Kirk is about to be ав the Athene of West Virginia, is agitated Cleaning the turnips for dinner, The membera of the Now York Preaa that freight is unnecessarily delayed by the at Quebec tested this point by sending up a few уеагв ago. The robin-redbreast is renovated externally and internally. Fifty Association, with their wives, arrived in over a novel elopement. The families of small pieces of meat fastened to oaptive Spinning stocking yarn, years ago thie was the only church in the Wm. Jonea and Mra. James McCormick, a C. P. R. at St. Vincent. Consignments take Spreading the whitened linen, also increasing very fast. Luring the past Montreal yesterday morning, and joined eleven days for the sixty-six miles. The balloons, quite out of the reaoh, aa sup- Down on the bushes below, few years orows have put in an appearanoe. parish ; now there are three in the village, the exouraiouieta down the river, the mem­ widow, are residents on adjoining farms. posed, of any impurity conneoted with the Ransacking every meadow besides one at Thornton, another ai Milton The former had a son aged 16 and the feeling here is that both тоѵев are intended W here the red strawberries grow. It ia found in praotioe that beans are not bers öf the looal ргева and officers of the to discourage the all-rail traffic, the C. P . R. ground. Wben these oame down they were and a mission hall at Balcurvie. St. Jean Baptiste Sooiety doing the honors. latter a daughter aged 12. Jones is found to be excessively putrid, showing, as a good orop to preoede wheat. One reason wealthy and Mrs. MoCormiok is poor. being willing to put the publio to any in­ Starching the fixtures for Sunday, ponsibly is that they leave the aoil in too Mr. Thomas Soutar, banker, Blairgowrie, Aooording to returns just published, the convenience to favor the lake route. wae claimed, the existence of the diaeaae Churning the snowy cream, mysteriously disappeared in Edinburgh on Young Jones conceived a violent passion germ in the atmosphere.
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