Notice on Printing and Issuing the City Twelfth Five-Year Plan Outline for National Economic and Social Development

Jiang Fu [2011] No. 21

To the City People's Government, District People's Government and various city units: The Jiangmen City Twelfth Five-Year Plan Outline for National Economic and Social Development has been adopted at the 6th Session of the 13th National People's Congress of Jiangmen, is now issued to you, please implement accordingly.

Jiangmen People's Government August 8, 2011

Jiangmen City Twelfth Five-Year Plan Outline for National Economic and Social Development

The 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) is the critical period for Jiangmen to forge ahead and fully construct a more well-off society and basically achieve socialist modernization, an important period to deeply implement the Industrial Layout Integration Plan (2008-2020) (hereinafter referred to as the “Planning Outline of Pearl River Delta”). This Plan outline s established in accordance with the Jiangmen City Party Committee Recommendations on Formulating the 12th Five-Year Plan on National Economic and Social Development, which is the magnificent blueprint for the economic and social development of Jiangmen in the next five years, and the important basis for the government to fulfill the responsibilities of economic regulation, market supervision, social management, and public services.

Chapter I Development Foundation and Development Environment

Section 1 Development Foundation

The “11th Five-Year Plan” period saw five years of marvelous development of Jiangmen. Facing complex and changing domestic and international environments, our city persevered according to the Scientific Outlook on Development leading the overall situation, strengthened the city with industries, enriched the city with private capital and foreign capital, powered the city with science and education, optimized the city with favorable environment, prospered the city with coordination, properly dealt with the severe impact of the international financial crisis, actively implemented the Planning Outline of Pearl River Delta, improved the comprehensive economic strength, made major breakthroughs in industrial structure adjustment, upgraded the city’s competitiveness, developed social enterprise, improved people's living standards, and successfully achieved the main goals of the “11th Five-Year Plan”, which have further laid a solid foundation to the development during the “12th Five-Year Plan” Period.

--Economic comprehensive strength has moved into a historic new level. [We] achieved major economic indicators in the “11th Five-Year Plan” one year in advance. GDP reached 100 billion RMB and 150 billion RMB; per capita GDP reached 37,000 RMB, doubling that of the year 2000 and achieving the goal three years ahead of time. Industrial added value, total retail sales of consumer goods, fixed-asset investments, and the general revenue of local public finance have rapidly grown, which has doubled that of the end of the “10th Five-year Plan” Period.

--New achievements have been made in the adjustment of industrial structure. The modern industrial system has been rapidly accelerated, and six new national industrial bases have been established. Equipment manufacturing and other advanced manufacturing industries have rapidly risen. Strategic emerging industries like the Taishan nuclear power and green (semiconductor) light source industry represent accelerated development in new energy resources and new light sources; 6 traditional industries such as machine electricity and spinning have been optimized and improved; modern logistics, tourism and real estate, and other modern service industries have continued to develop and grow; modern agriculture has quickened its pace, and the first national modern agriculture demonstration zone and the and Taiwan agricultural experimental sites have been created. The capability of indigenous innovation has been markedly enhanced. Compared with that of the end of “10th Five-year Plan” Period, the proportion of the added value of the high and new technology industry in industrial added value has increased by 10.5%. The Jiangmen Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone has successfully upgraded to a national-level high-tech zone.

--New breakthroughs have been achieved in infrastructure construction. Transportation positioning conditions have been improved significantly, and the -Zhuhai intercity light rail, Jiang Zhu highway, Jiang Zhao highway have been open to traffic. The channel dredging project of at the 5,000 tonner level has been completed, and Jiangmen has become a national road transport hub. Significant development has been made in the energy base construction and nuclear power, thermal power, and wind electricity are in the comprehensive construction period. The capacity of electric power total installed capacity has been doubled, and the power transmission and transformation and power transmission capacities have ranked at the front in the whole province. Security assurances of the city and countryside have been significantly improved, and 21 water conservancy projects for the prevention and reduction of natural disasters of urban and rural areas have been completed. Remarkable achievements have been made in the integrated construction of information infrastructure.

--The coordinated development of urban and rural areas has a new look. The construction of the livable city and the countryside has been accelerated, and human settlement has been further improved, the city has taken on a brand-new look, and both the position of the city and competitive power have been improved significantly. Bingjiang Avenue has been completed and is in service, and the new district construction of Binjiang has been comprehensively carried out. Urban integration is steadily progressing, aimed at “covering the living area within 1.5 hours.” Provincial green roads measuring 286 kilometers have been brought into use. The total length of city roads is 2120 kilometers. New rural community construction has been steadily boosted, the “Five Changes” (road construction, water construction, house construction, toilet construction, and kitchen construction) of the country have been basically accomplished, and the environment of towns and villages has been continuously improved. [We have] actively promoted the integration of Pearl River Delta, and achieved remarkable results in traffic docking.

--A new situation has been achieved in the construction of green Jiangmen. The goals and tasks of energy conservation and emission reduction has been achieved in a timely manner, and chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emissions have respectively declined 9.1% and 18.2% compared to that at the end of “12th Five-Year Plan” Period. Sewage treatment facilities have been significantly strengthened, with the use ratio of industrial wastewater discharge of over 90% and the utilization rate of industrial solid wastes of more than 95%. A number of high energy consumption and heavy pollution projects have been eliminated, and the circular economy has been accelerated. The degree of dependence of energy consumption and environmental influence to the economic growth has been gradually decreased.

--Living [conditions] of urban and rural residents have been improved. Urban per capita disposable income and rural per capita net income has respectively reached 21,153 RMB and 8,589 RMB, with an average annual growth of 10.4% and 9.98% respectively. Foreign currency saving deposits of urban and rural residents was 151.672 billion RMB, an increase of 56.476 billion RMB than that of the end of “10th Five-Year Plan” Period. The results of employment and reemployment work were remarkable, with a registered unemployment rate of urban and rural residents less than 2.49%. The construction of the social security system has been accelerated, and the fraction of coverage in pensions, medical treatment, and unemployment insurance has been greatly improved. Urban residents’ basic medical insurance has been fully covered. [We have] vigorously promoted the construction in low-cost housing and affordable housing, and the housing security standard has been improved to 12 square meters per capita. The investments of financial departments at all levels and people’s livelihoods have been continuously increased, and citizens have received more benefits.

--New progress has been made to social construction. [We have] successfully created a civilized city in Guangdong Province and become an “Advanced City of to Establish National Civilized Cities.” and Diaolou [villages] have become the world’s first Culture Heritage Projects, and a number of important cultural facilities have been built, such as the [Jiangmen] Wu Yi Overseas Chinese Museum. [We have] successfully created a city strong in education in the whole, and fully realized free compulsory education. Medical and health system reform has been fully carried out, urban and rural medical health system has been further improved, and national fitness activities have been vigorously developed. The construction of democracy and the legal system has been further strengthened. The construction of “Safe Jiangmen” has been carried out steadily to maintain the social harmony and stability. Undertakings have been achieved such as population family planning, overseas Chinese affairs, ethnic group religion, and helping the poor, women, and children.

--New progress has been made in reform and opening up. The city and prefecture-level restructuring of government administration has been completed, which has become the reform pilot approval method of provincial innovation, and 85% of approval matters have been issued to cities and areas. The reform of the economic system has been deepened and 45 city-owned and state-owned enterprises have directly implemented the system reform. The private economy has been further expanded, and the number of private enterprises and registered capital has respectively increased by 66.89% and 1.88 times than that of the end of “10th Five-Year Plan” Period. The financial environment has been significantly improved, and banks and many other financial institutions have located in Jiangmen, and [Jiangmen has] added one domestically-listed company. The reform pilot of rural land contractual management rights has been changed and the reform of collective forestry property right has been completed. The level of opening to the outside world has been continuously improved, which has further strengthened the cooperation with Hong Kong, , and Taiwan. The accumulative total of the actual utilized foreign direct investment has reached $ 4.521 billion, including 209 projects of over ten million dollars.

Special Column 1 Achievements of Main Targets of the Jiangmen City “11th Five-Year Plan” Average “11th Annual Five- Growth Type Index 2005 Year 2010 during the Plan” “11th Five- Target Year Plan” (%) Economic Gross regional domestic 805.37 1352 1570.42 13 Development product (hundred million RMB) Per Capita GDP (RMB) 19546 31000 37313 12.4 Proportion of tertiary 9:53.1:37.9 6:53:41 7.5:55.5:37 industry (%) Appropriation expenditure 0.54 1.8 0. 9 of R&D in the proportion to the total output value (%) Energy consumption of 0.8 0.715 total output value of 10 thousand RMB (ton of standard coal equivalent) Total retail sales of 309.82 546 655.86 16.2 consumer goods (100 million RMB) Consumer Price Index 102.8 103 103.2 (above year is 100) Total volume of foreign 90.5 146 143.4 9.1 trade (100 million dollars) Urbanization rate (census 52 65 51.75 register caliber, %) Social Permanent resident 410.29 431 430 Development population (10 thousand) Natural population growth 3.22 4.38 2.5 rate (%) Registered urban 2.67 3.8 2.49 unemployment rate (%) Popularization of higher 27.19 35 36.58 education (%) Gross enrollment rate of 77.61 85 94.88 high school and secondary vocational education (%) People’s Urban per capita disposable 12903 18000 21153 10.4 Livelihood income(RMB) Annual rural net income 5366 6850 8589 9.98 per capita (RMB) Treatment rate of domestic 32.44 70 71.23 sewage (%) Area of park land per 9.3 10 11 capita (square meter)

Section 2 Development Environment

“12th Five-Year Plan” Period is a crucial period for Jiangmen to deepen reform and opening up and accelerate the mode of change of economic development. The development environment continues to experience deep changes and faces a rare historical opportunity, and also many risks and challenges.

Jiangmen is in a period of important strategic opportunity with many achievements. The overall favorable domestic and international situation may provide a relatively stable external environment to further the development of our city. The changes of the world economy situation in the later financial crisis benefited the peaceful development of , and created conditions for our city to make better use of international resources and promote industry transformation and upgrading. China’s political society was stable, and industrialization, informatization, urbanization, marketization, and internationalization have deeply developed. With the deep implementation of expanding the strategy of boosting domestic demand and improving people’s livelihood, the domestic market has continuously expanded, which has achieved a good macro environment for our city’s leapfrog development. The implementation of the Pearl River Delta Planning Outline has given new vitality and power for Jiangmen’s further development. Our city’s functional status in the integrated construction in Pearl River Delta has been significantly improved; geographic conditions have been enhanced; cooperation between Jiangmen, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan has been continuously deepened; and the orientation of a national-level advanced manufacturing base has been clearly defined, which has created a rare opportunity to further enhance the level of development. The 30 years of reform and opening up, particularly the rapid development of the “11th Five-Year Plan” Period, has also played a solid foundation for the further development of Jiangmen. Our city’s infrastructure has improved, the scale of the fixed-asset investments has rapidly expanded, large projects have continuously expanded, and the financial environment has significantly improved. People’s livelihoods have continuously improved and supporting capacity and stamina for economic development has been greatly enhanced. With many available resources in our city, rather wide space for development, rather stronger environmental carrying capacity, and other inherent advantages, the development of the economy and society in Jiangmen has gone to a new level.

There are also some contradictions and challenges in the development of Jiangmen. Our city is smaller in economic scale, unreasonable in structure, not strong in innovative capabilities, rather weak in industry competitive, and rather slow in urbanization. Under the trends of difficulty to sustain the rapid growth of external demand, adjustment of the national macroeconomic policy, and intense regional competition, there is increased pressure and difficulty in the adjustment of industrial structure, and it is difficult to sustain the development pattern by means of the high input, high consumption, and high emissions to achieve high growth. As the current social structure has rapidly changed and the interest groups have diversified, the pressure of our social management has increased and the difficulty of coordination of interest relationships of has increased. Our city’s reform also faces deep-layered contradictions, and there are many obstacles in the system and mechanism of scientific development, with burdensome reform tasks in the system of administrative control, state-owned business system, social management system, which have increased the difficulty of the adjustment of existing benefit structures.

Our city is in a new historical starting point of great development and new leaping [forward], and in facing a rare historical opportunity and complicated domestic and international environment, [we] must establish a sense of awareness and opportunity to enhance the sense of urgency and confidence of the opportunities, correctly grasp the trends, seize the rare opportunity to properly handle challenges and effectively resolve conflicts, and energetically create a new situation of scientific development in home towns of overseas Chinese.

Chapter II General Requirements and Development Targets

Section 1 Guiding Ideology

Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of the Three Represents, and thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development. With the main theme of scientific development and accelerating the transformation of economic development as the main line, fully implement the Pearl River Delta Planning Outline, and build key development areas of the advanced manufacturing industry and ecological, livable, and model cities of the Pearl River Delta, strive to achieve “speeding up the transformation development and building a home town of overseas Chinese,” and lay a more solid foundation on building a well-off society in an all-around way and taking the lead in realizing socialist modernization.

Section 2 General Requirements

Focus on accelerating the change of the mode of economic development, pay more attention to people first, pursue comprehensive, balanced, and sustainable development, place emphasis on overall planning and all-round consideration, pay attention to ensuring and improving people’s livelihood, insist on promoting the changes in development and transformation as well as enhance the level of economic and social development of Jiangmen. To this end, [we] shall adhere to the following principles:

--Must strengthen the optimization and upgrade the industrial structure, and achieve new breakthroughs in the transformation of the economic development mode. Persist in strategic restructuring of the economy as the main direction to accelerate the change of the mode of economic growth, and make great efforts to promote economic growth into domestic demand and consumption power. Accelerate the transformation and development, promote the strategic emerging industrial scale, high-end traditional industries, service industry modernization and agricultural high efficiency, and form a modern industrial system with Jiangmen characteristics.

--Must strengthen and improve substantial innovation capabilities, achieve new breakthroughs in the innovative construction of Jiangmen. Adhere to scientific and technological progress and innovation as the important support, quicken the development to the changes on the economic development mode, and mainly rely on the scientific and technological progress, improvement of the educational level of workers, transformation of management innovation, improvement of the supporting capacity of industry transformation and upgrade and science and technology and talents, and accelerate the formation of new competitive advantages with scientific and technological progress and innovation as cores.

--Must strengthen “people first” and people’s livelihood, realize new breakthroughs in social construction. Adhere to protecting and improving people’s livelihood as the starting point and end point for the change of the economic development mode, deeply implement the strategy of “wealthy people, strong city,” have enhancing the level of income of urban and rural residents as the key, have realizing equalization of basic public services as the goal, [we shall] vigorously develop social undertakings, improve social management, and allow all the city’s people to benefit from the fruits of the reforms.

--Must strengthen energy and resource conservation and environmental protection, achieve new breakthroughs in the green construction of Jiangmen. Adhere to building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society as a focus to accelerate the method of change of the mode of economic development, make great efforts to achieve industrial agglomeration, intensive development, ecological optimization, strengthen sustainable development capacities, and construct a model of an ecological, livable, and model city.

--Must strengthen efforts to create a national civilized city, achieve new breakthroughs in the construction of cultural cities of overseas Chinese. Adhere to enhancing cultural soft power as an important point to accelerate the transformation of the mode economic development, build cultural brand with characteristics of overseas Chinese, establish a public service system of culture, and build a stronger and more competitive culture industry system.

--Must further reforms in difficult areas of key fields, achieve new breakthroughs to the institutional innovation. Adhere to making reform and opening up a powerful driving force to accelerate the change of the mode of economic development, be early and first to try, combine the intensity of reforms and speed of development with the degree of social tolerance, accelerate construction of systems and mechanisms conducive to scientific development.

Section 3 Goals of Development

By 2015, the city’s per capita GDP quadruples to that of 2000. Dramatic breakthroughs made to the transformation of economic development. The comprehensiveness, harmony, and sustainability of development improve, and a moderately prosperous society is built, the economy is more developed, culture is more prosperous, environment is more beautiful, livelihoods are wealthier, and society is more civilized.

--Comprehensive economic strength to increase markedly. By 2015, GDP to reach 300 billion RMB, an increase of per capita GDP of 15%, per capita GDP of 70,000 RMB and an average annual increase of 14%; industrial added value to be 170 billion RMB, an average annual increase of 16%; total retail sales of consumer goods to be 136 billion RMB, an average annual increase of 16%; total investment in the fixed assets to be 190 billion RMB, an average annual increase of 25%; the general budget revenue of the local budget to be 20 billion RMB, an average annual increase of 15%.

--Further optimize economic structure. Form the economic structure with the advanced manufacturing industry and the harmonious development of modern service industry, and increase the proportion of the added value of service industry to the gross value of production to 42%; and improve innovation ability. Improve the proportion of appropriation expenditure in R&D to the total output value to 2%. Proportion of added value of high-tech manufacturing industry to the industrial added value to reach 10%.

--Significantly enhance the level of resource utilization and environmental protection. Increase markedly the energy consumption of unit total output value, and total amount of discharge of the key pollutants to achieve national and provincial objectives and tasks. Significant improvement to be made to the ecological and environmental quality. The required newly-increased construction land needed to the total output value of the newly-increased 100 million total output value to be further decreased. The sustainable development capacity to be enhanced and the construction of eco-livable model city to be accelerated.

--Development of urban and rural region to be more coordinated. The “trilateral” distribution of industry (riverside, railway, expressway and littoral) to be developed to form a new pattern of harmonious development to optimizing configuration of resource factors and advantage of locality; urbanization process to be accelerated, and the proportion of the urban population to the permanent resident population to be more than 55%; significant progress to be made to the livable cities and towns and new rural construction, and the gap between the public service of town and country to be narrowed.

--Continuously improve people’s living standards. Social employment to be more sufficient, with the registered urban unemployment rate of 4%; increased resident incomes and economic development to be realized, and labor reward increases and labor productivity to be improved. The urban per capita disposable income and an average annual increase of rural per capita net income to both reach 12%; social undertakings to be developed fully, and the equalization of basic public services to be basically achieved. The social security system is to cover both urban and rural areas and resident happiness to be continuously improved.

--Make remarkable results to cultural development. The quality of citizen civilization and degree of urban civilization to be enhanced significantly, and successfully create a national civilized city; the public service system of culture to be further enhanced, and the proportion of culture industrial added value to the total output value to be significantly increased, and new achievements of the construction of cultural city to be obtained.

--Make new progress to the construction of democracy and law. Make more robust the socialist democracy and the socialist legal, citizens’ participation in political affairs to be expanded, and people’s rights and interests to be effectively protected; create a social environment of civilized rule of law, justice, tolerance, integrity, security and stability. Improve responses to sudden incidents, further optimize public security and safety production, and achieve new progress in building a harmonious society.

--Further deepen reform and opening up policy. Create new breakthroughs to administrative restructuring, and achieve new progress to the economic system and social management system, which can ensure further improvement to the system and mechanism of scientific development. The cooperation of Jiangmen, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan to be closer, and the level of the open economy to be improved significantly. In 2015, the total export-import volume to reach $ 22 billion, with an average annual increase of 10%.

Special Column 2 Main Table of Targets of the Economic and Social Development of the “12th Five-Year Plan” of Jiangmen City Average

Category Indicator annual Property 2010 2015 growth (%) Economic Gross regional domestic 1570.42 3000 Anticipation development product (100 million Yuan) 15 Per Capita GDP (Yuan) 37313 70000 14 Anticipation Consumer price index 103.2 103 Anticipation (Above year is 100) Economic Total retail sales of 655.86 1360 16 Anticipation structure consumer goods (100 million Yuan) Total export-import volume 143.4 220 10 Anticipation (100 million dollar) Industrial added value (100 829.78 1700 16 Anticipation million yuan) Total Investment in Fixed 631.77 1900 25 Anticipation Assets (100 million Yuan) General budget revenue of 104.29 200 15 Anticipation local finance (100 million Yuan) Proportion of the tertiary 37 42 Anticipation industrial added value (%) Urbanization rate (%) 51.75 55

Proportion of appropriation 0.9 2 expenditure of R&D to total output value (%) Proportion of the added 5.4 10 value of high-tech manufacturing industry to industrial added value (%) Patent for an invention 98 112 2.9 application quantity per million population (piece) Proportion of 27.22 28.75 Anticipation

fundamental public Social service to financial development general budget expenditure (%) Urban per capita 21153 36600 12 Anticipation disposable income (Yuan) Rural per capita net 8589 14600 12 Anticipation income (Yuan) Registered urban 2.49 4 Anticipation unemployment rate (%) Accumulation of transfer 4.3 10 Anticipation agricultural labor force (10 thousand people) Popularization of higher 36.58 40 Anticipation education (%) Gross enrollment rate of 94.88 Anticipation 97 high school and secondary vocational education (%) Fraction of coverage of 99.73 100 Binding New Rural Cooperative Medical System (%) Permanent resident 430 450 Anticipation population (100,00 people) Natural population growth 2.5 6 Binding rate (‰) Energy consumption of 0.715 Complete Binding

unit total output value task Resource (ton of standard coal assigned environment equivalent/100,000 Yuan) by the province Reduction of water Complete Complete Binding consumption in unit total task task output value*(%) assigned assigned by the by the province province Anticipation Proportion of energy consumption in non-fossil energy (%) Least cultivated areas 20.97 19.59 Binding (100,000 hectare) Processing ratio of 60 90 Anticipation domestic sewage in cities and towns (%) Harmless processing ratio 55 90 Anticipation of household refuse in cities and towns (%) Reduction of carbon Complete Complete Binding dioxide emissions in unit task task assigned by assigned by total output value *(%) the the province province Reduction of Binding accumulation of the total amount of discharge to key pollutants* (%) Sulfur dioxide Chemical oxygen demand Nitric oxide Ammonia nitrogen Forest coverage rate (%) 0.422 0.425 Binding Area of park land per 11 12.5 capita (square meter) Anticipation

Note: marked with “*”is the cumulative number.

Chapter III Have Accelerating the Construction of the National-Level Advanced Manufacturing Bases as the Goal, Create a Modern Industry New City

Section 1 Vigorously Develop the Equipment Manufacturing Industry

Enhance the scale and power of the industry of equipment manufacturing for transportation. Vigorously develop the repair and manufacturing industry of track traffic vehicles, construct the industry clusters mainly serving South China and orienting the track transportation at home and abroad, create industry parks of track transportation in Guangdong. Integrate and improve the motorcycle industry, vigorously develop energy saving vehicles, promote industry integration and enterprise reorganization, accelerate the construction of the “China Motorcycle Industry Demonstration Base.” Enlarge the scale of manufacturing industry of ships and ancillary equipment, focus on the manufacturing of mid- and small-sized ships, special ships and middle-and-high- grade yachts, construct the industry base of mid- and small-sized ships and ancillary equipment in Yinzhou Lake and Bay. With Taishan Fuhua Heavy Industry as the key point, construct an industry base of automobile parts. With the manufacturing of auxiliary equipment of nuclear power as the key point, create the industry base of equipment for clean energy (nuclear power) in Taishan. Accelerate the cluster development of the equipment of middle- and low-voltage power transmission and distribution, electrical control, and cables, improve the level of mechanical manufacturing, and focus on developing universal mechanical equipment, moulds, and special equipment for oil drilling.

Section 2 Cultivate and Develop Strategic Emerging Industries

Taking extraordinary measures, and promote the rapid development of the industry of green (semiconductor) light sources. Strengthen the cooperative construction of province and city, create a green (semiconductor) light source industry base by taking Jiangmen High-Tech Industry Development Zone as the focus, mainly develop middle- and high-end products for packaging, chip, epitaxial wafer ,and illumination and form a national-leading industry cluster with high international competitive power. Exploit and develop new energy industries of nuclear power, wind power, solar photovoltaic, etc. Cultivate and develop power battery materials for new energy vehicles and, new materials for chemical industry, electronics, textiles, rare earth functional materials, magnetic materials, high-performance structural materials, and other new material industries, creating a production base of special fiber. Actively develop the petrochemical industry, vigorously develop low-pollution petrochemical midstream and downstream products and liquid chemicals, and focus on constructing the Guanghai Bay petrochemical base and Yinzhou Lake fine chemicals base. With the creation of the state electronic information industry base as the key point, enlarge and strengthen the advantageous industries of electronic information materials, electronic information electromechanical products, computer external equipment, etc. With Infinitus (China) Co., Ltd as the leading enterprise, create a biomedicine and health products R&D production base. Explore the development of the universal aviation industry.

Section 3 Comprehensively Improve Traditional Advantageous Industries

Implement and cultivate the Top 100 Plan of enterprises in scale, and create a batch of famous brand and leading enterprises, and construct 16 national-level industry bases. Improve the development of metal products, and make efforts create national-level industry bases of processing and producing metal materials, mainly focusing in aluminum materials, containers, stainless steel products, bathroom plumbing products, metal fittings, etc.

The textile industry [shall] focus on developing high-grade fabrics with high technology and high attached value, novel functional fiber, textile products for industry and household textile products, to create a nationwide production base for chemical fiber textile clothing. Promote the industry cluster and technology upgrading in the papermaking industry, and focus on constructing the production base for high-end cultural life paper, newsprint, and paperboard. Vigorously promote the healthy food industry, promote the modernization of traditional techniques, and mainly develop toward characterized, healthcare and convenient foods. Household appliances [shall promote] digitization and intellectualization as the guiding direction, and develop new energy saving and environment protection products. With classic mahogany furniture as the support, create a furniture R&D base and procurement center with international influence. Improve the product grade of the construction material industry, strengthen pollution control, and reduce energy consumption, and form a new type of industry cluster for construction materials.

Section 4 Develop the Modern Services Industry

Vigorously develop the productive services industry, and continuously improve the finance environment, improve service quality, and perfect the finance service system. Develop the industry of harbor storage transportation logistics, reinforce the construction of logistics parks and professional markets, develop the third party logistics, bonded logistics, and logistic finance services, and construct a logistics pivot radiating from the Pearl River Delta to west Guangdong and even the big southwest. Actively develop industry design and other service industries, accelerate the development of the technology service industry, and promote the construction of the engineering R&D centers, key laboratories, and public information service platforms. Construct professional industry bases and key projects with competitive power and cluster effects, such as Jiangmen modern information service parks, cloud computing centers, RFID service and application, etc. Supported by industry clusters with our city’s characteristics, actively develop regional professional exhibitions, create the base for exhibition and trade of motorcycles, and construct the center of exhibition and trade of green light sources. By 2015, the proportion of increased value of the modern service industry to the increased value of the service industry [will be] higher than 50%.

Vigorously improve the development of tourism. Sufficiently give play to the international influence of Kaiping Watchtower and village world cultural heritage, and construct the international cultural tourism city with high influence under the support of watchtower, hot springs, and coastal beaches, creating new hotspots for ecological and leisure tourism. Develop the tourism of seashores and islands, actively introduce the investment of large enterprises, strengthen the development of scenic spots, and improve the service level.

Special Column 3 Significant Projects and Bases of the Modern Industry System

Advanced manufacturing industry  Manufacturing of traffic and marine equipment: Guangdong Track Transportation Industry Base (Jiangmen), China Motorcycle Industry Demonstration Base, Guangdong Middle and Small-Sized Ships and Ancillary Equipment Base (Jiangmen), South China International Base of Automobile Manufacturing (Jiangmen Automobile Accessories).  Manufacturing of electrical equipment: Jiangmen Taishan clear energy (nuclear power) equipment industry base and Guangdong production base of ancillary equipment for power transmission and distribution (Jiangmen).  Petrochemicals: Taishan Guanghaiwan petrochemical base, Xinhui Yizhou Lake fine chemicals base, Xinhui caprolactam project and production base of organosilicon monomers

Strategic Emerging Industries and high-tech industry electronic information  Electronic information: National electronic information industry base (Jiangmen).  New energy: Green (semiconductor) light source illumination industry base in the Jiangmen High-Tech Development Zone.  New materials: Jiangmen New Materials Base.

Advantageous traditional industries  Guangdong (Jiangmen) Industry Transferring Industry Park.  Food and beverage: Production base of spices in the west shore of the Pearl River Mouth (Jiangmen).  Construction material: Jiangmen () novel constructional material industry city.  Metal products: State metal material processing and product industry base (Jiangmen), provincial demonstration zone of Kaiping, Jiangmen, Bathroom Plumbing Industry Cluster and demonstration zone of Xinhui, Jiangmen, Hardware Stainless Steel Product Industry Cluster.  Papermaking: Jiangmen (Yinzhou Lake) paper industry base.

Modern services industry  Exhibition services: Jiangmen motorcycle exhibition and trade base, China (Jiangmen) international green light source exhibition and trade center.  Educational services: Occupational educational base of the Pearl River Delta.  Tourism services: Kaiping Watchtowers and villages, and Xiachuan Island tourism resort, yacht leisure resort of Yinhuwan Wetland Park of Xinhui, Taishan Hailongwan tourism resort, Enping subterranean heat ecological tourism resort and Heshan Gulao Waterland.  Circulation services: Yinzhou Lake logistics base of Jiangmen, Guangdong coal collecting and distributing base, Heshan modern logistics center.

Modern agriculture  Jiangmen state modern agricultural park of modern agriculture, Jiangmen (Heshan) modern agriculture demonstration zone and high-quality vegetable planting base, Jiangmen high- quality rice production base, Heshan state standardized pig breeding base of Jiangmen, Jiangmen fresh water aquaculture zone and coastal mariculture base.

Section 5 Make Efforts to Improve Industrial Concentration and Competitive Power

Enhance the level of industry zone planning. According to the requirements of the overall plan for land utilization, industrial layout planning, and the development planning of cities and towns and coordination of convergence, rely on the locational conditions and resource superiority to build industrial parks with clear construction functions and prominent leading industries. Increase the effort of park integration, focus on strengthening the high-tech zone, Jiangsha Industrial Corridor, Jiangsha Demonstration District of the Advanced Manufacturing Industry, Silver Island Lake Development Zone, Xinning Industrial Park and the Guanghaiwan Industrial Park, Heshan Industrial City, and Jiangmen Industrial Industry Transposition Park. Accelerate investment promotion and focus on introduction of the transnational corporations, multinational, national, and provincial enterprises, large-scale listed companies, private backbone enterprises, and high-growth enterprises. Strengthen the industry attraction of the rich region of Pearl River Delta and play a driving effect of the major projects and improve the agglomeration degree of strategic emerging industry.

By enhancing the competitive industries and cultivating the potential business, close down outdated production facilities to promote the adjustment of enterprise organizational structure, acquisition, reorganization, and industrial concentration. Implement the Top 100 modern industries project planning, form a batch of advantageous enterprises with core technology, innovation, strong competitiveness, and flexible mechanisms. Through the core effects of industry chain in the large enterprises, drive the rapid growth of small- and medium-sized enterprises, which will form the cooperative system with the leading of large enterprises and the professionalization of middle and small-sized enterprises. By 2015, form the Three Top industries with hundred billion Yuan of new light sources, new energy resources, and high-end equipment manufacturing, and form three to five industrial clusters of over 50 billion RMB, and five enterprises whose main business income is over 10 billion RMB. The whole competitiveness of the industry is significantly enhanced.

Chapter IV Improve the indigenous Innovation Capabilities as the Core and Build an Innovative Jiangmen

Section 1 Enhance the Level of Enterprise Technological Innovation

Strengthen the dominant position of enterprise indigenous innovation, and guide innovation resources into agglomeration of enterprises, and enhance the enterprise innovation ability. Focus on supporting the leading enterprises Great Yangtze River, Moda, Neo-Neon, Infinitus and LEO to establish engineering and technological research centers, enterprise technology centers, and post-doctoral workstations. Make robust “government-industry-university-research” coordination mechanisms, construct technological innovation alliances, and promote a group of research institutions to be included on the list of provincial level scientific and technological innovation system construction planning. Accelerate the construction of major public platforms for regional innovation, quicken the major scientific and technological projects, and organize and implement the key technical innovation projects. Make efforts to seize industry technology competition to commanding heights in the fields of equipment manufacturing, green light sources, and other key technologies.

Strengthen infrastructure construction of innovation ability in the pillar industries and emerging industries, and create supporting conditions that are beneficial to foster industrial core technology and improve industrial competitiveness. Accelerate the development of various types of comprehensive and professional technology incubators, build a number of parks with characteristics, such as university science parks and torch innovation parks. Build a number of specialized and open platforms such as the National Key Laboratory of detection in semiconductor optoelectronics products of Jiangmen, and many national and provincial key laboratories (testing centers).

Section 2 Enhance Indigenous Innovation Capacities to Support Industrial Upgrading

Accelerate the second undertaking to build the Jiangmen High-tech Zone as our city’s demonstration area for indigenous innovation and high-tech industrialization. Speed up the construction of innovation-type industrial parks such as the Jiangsha demonstration district of the advanced manufacturing industry of Jiangmen to form a “one core and multi zones” system with the core being Jiangmen High-tech Zone and other innovation-type industrial parks as supporters, promote high and new technology industries to develop better and faster, and steadily improve the proportion of added value of the high-tech manufacturing industry to industrial added value.

Implement innovation technology transformation system construction projects and high technology industrialization demonstration projects, and promote the development of high and new technology emerging industries, and strengthen already existing advantageous industries. By means of high-tech and advanced applicable technologies, and with the focus of popularization and application in modern information technology, accelerate the pace of promotion of transformation of the traditional industries. Support enterprises to introduce the digestion and absorption of technology and re-innovation, promoting external technology to be internalized, optimize the enterprise value chain, and elevate the overall competitiveness of the industry.

Section 3 Strengthen Innovation Talent Team Construction

Improve the flexible mechanism of talent introduction, and organize and implement a plan to introduce high level and shortage of high-level personnel and focus on introduction of the leading figures, innovative research team, and middle and high ranking talents needed in the development of Strategic Emerging Industries. Strengthen the construction of high-level personnel as vehicles to provide a platform for all kinds of high-level scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurial talents. Play a role in supporting and strengthening colleges and universities, intensify the construction of discipline and professionalism in the Strategic Emerging Industries. Formulate policies to encourage enterprise participation in talent cultivation, establish the new system of unity to train talents between the enterprises and universities, and vigorously train innovative, practical, compound, and skillful talents. Make robust the incentive mechanism, improve the excellent talent incentive system, and create a good atmosphere that respects knowledge, talents, and encourages innovation.

Section 4 Prioritize Creating the Basic Innovation Environment

Improve the science and technology steady growth input mechanism, and create a diversified technology investment system with the guidance of government investment, main focus on enterprise input, support of financial (risk) capital, and the positive participation of social capital. The proportion of appropriation expenditure of social R&D to GDP [will be] increased to above 2%. Establish and perfect a special fund to support innovation and enterprise indigenous innovation through subsidies, incentives, interest subsidies, loans and investment; encourage domestic and foreign investors to set up venture capital institutions in our city to provide financial support for innovation; implement policies to encourage finance and taxation and preferential policies to traditional industries of the high-tech and advanced applicable technologies for technology transformation.

Improve the policy system supporting innovation, strengthen intellectual property protection, and begin the patented technology implementation plan project. Support the development of key fields and industrial technical standards, encourage enterprises to actively participate in formulation of various standards, and establish testing institutions for technical standards. Promote enterprises to adopt international standards and foreign advanced standards, and improve the international competitiveness of their products. Implement a supportive and innovative government procurement policy and support enterprises to create famous brands.

Implement the bringing in of innovation resources and development engineering. Promote the Jiangmen (Academician) Advisory Committee System and establish the Jiangmen Economic and Social Development Advisory Organ to strengthen economic and social development research. Bring in domestic and foreign universities and research institutes to set up branches for cooperative education, strive to introduce more national and provincial innovative institutions, high-level talents and high-tech projects, and create a knowledge city of Jiangmen that combines with substance with theory.

Chapter V With Improving the Level of the Private Economy Development as the Key, Promote Internal and External Coordinated Economic Development

Section 1 Enhance the Economic Development level of the Private Economy

Implement policies and measures to promote the development of private economy, and support the development and growth of private economy. Further relax controls on market access, broaden the scope and range of private investment, and guide private investment into the basic industries, infrastructure, city public utilities, social undertakings, financial services, agriculture and rural areas, technological innovation, ecological environmental protection, and resource conservation. Encourage private enterprises to improve the capabilities of indigenous innovation, strengthen technological innovation, optimize product structure, promote modern management, create well-known brands, and enhance core competitiveness. Support the cooperation between the private enterprises and transnational corporations and improve the ability of international competition. Give play to the role of the government, people’s organizations, and industry associations to offer high-quality services to private enterprises in financing, technology, information, and talents. Actively support the listing of private enterprises, and expand the proportion of direct financing.

Section 2 Enhance the Role of Domestic Demand

Expand consumer demand. Nurture culture, education, tourism, automobile, and other new consumption hotspots, guide the upgrading of consumption structure. Strengthen the construction of market circulation system, improve the commercial network planning, gradually build the central business district in the central urban area, reasonably adjust the structure and layout of the commercial network, and optimize the city consumption supply. Focus on convenience service for the public, and accelerate the development of community health, housekeeping, nurseries and kindergarten, food distribution, repair and recycle of waste materials, and other services. Effectively improve the consumption environment in rural and urban areas, promote agricultural products, rural distribution network construction of modern agricultural production, consumer goods and renewable resources, recycling, etc., continuously implementing the countryside activities of special commodity and supporting the development of logistics distribution center for rural areas and improving the level of rural consumption. Develop new commercial activities and distribution methods, accelerate the development of e-commerce, and promote network consumption.

Maintain the rather rapid growth of investment. Give full play to the leading role of government investment, increase investment and construction to the public service facilities such as transportation, city administration, eco-environment protection, and social undertakings. Vigorously activate private investment, optimize investment structures, and improve the quality and benefit of investment. Insist on large projects to drive and accelerate the construction of major infrastructure and major industrial projects. Increase the local financial supply and send up the corporate financing assurance to promote broad heading through stock right securitization financing or the lease financing and franchises to increaseconstruction funding. For city public projects, implement Building - Operation - Transfer (BOT), Building - Transfer (BT) and Transfer - Operate - Transfer (TOT) through competitive mechanisms to introduce social capital to attract business investment with strengths and operational experiences.

Section 3 Deepen Cooperation between Jiangmen, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan

Effectively give play many advantages of compatriots from Hong Kong and Macau with their native place, and deepen cooperation of Jiangmen, Hong Kong, and Macau. Implement the cooperation agreement and memorandum of four chambers of commerce in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Productivity Council, and Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, to promote cooperation in R&D, sales, finance and tourism, and other fields between Jiangmen, and Hong Kong, and Macau. Vigorously push ahead cooperation between Jiangmen with to Taiwan, make use of the two-way “Three Direct Links” and Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) to vigorously promote the cooperation in the advanced manufacturing industry, Strategic Emerging Industries, modern services industry, and modern agriculture between Jiangmen and Taiwan to expand the scale of trade toward Taiwan and investment from Taiwan.

Section 4 Enhance the Level of Foreign Economic Development

Accelerate the transformation of the mode of foreign trade growth. Optimize market structures, consolidate and develop the traditional markets of Hong Kong, Europe, and America and vigorously develop the emerging markets of ASEAN, Africa, South America, Russia, India, and the Middle East. Optimize export commodity structured and continuously improve the technological content and added value of export products. Vigorously develop services trade and actively promote the export of high value-added services such as software, culture and animation, and expand technology imports.

Promote the transformation and upgrading of processing trade. Extend the processing trade industrial value chain, and quicken the extension from the single processing and manufacturing to the R&D and brand marketing. Encourage trade processing enterprises to establish brands sold in domestic market, establishing the domestic marketing and logistics system, and increasing domestic procurement as well as having the deep processing business. Support private processing trade enterprises that are scientific and possess indigenous intellectual property rights to develop processing trade.

Enhance the utilization of foreign capital. Closely integrate the combination of funds and enhancing the innovation capability, actively introduce the key technology and devices of transnational corporations, encourage the foreign investment in the advanced manufacturing industry, Strategic Emerging Industries, modern services industry and modern agriculture, and encourage multinational corporations to set up head offices, regional headquarters, and R&D centers in our city. Rely on major projects, bases, and parks to strengthen attracting in the investment of industry and parks. Guide enterprises to “go global” and support excellent enterprises through mergers and acquisition, restructuring the strategic cooperation to obtain foreign famous brands, advanced technology, marketing channel, and high-end talents. Establish an overseas marketing network and foster international competitive transnational corporations.

Chapter VI With Raising the Level of Agricultural Modernization as the Foundation, Vigorously Promote New Rural Construction

Section 1 Improve the Modern Agricultural Industry System

Promote the adjustment of agricultural structure strategy. Focus on urban, export-oriented, and eco- tourism agriculture, positively develop the horticulture industry of flowers and plants and nursery-grown plant and organic green agricultural products with local characteristics. Accelerate the development of ventures in agroindustry, enhance the added value of agricultural products, strive to build the supply base of fresh agricultural products of the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong, and Macau, and build a strong agricultural city.

Accelerate the development of modern agriculture and create a number of national or provincial modern agricultural demonstration zones, focusing on building the National Modern Agricultural Demonstration Zone of Kaiping in Guangdong (Jiangmen) and the Guangdong and Taiwan agricultural cooperation experimental zone. Establish an agricultural science and technology innovation system, explore the establishment of agricultural science and technology innovation fund to support the scientific research of key areas, the important products and core technologies, strengthening the village operative technology and agriculture high-tech training. Accelerate the development of rural specialized cooperative economic organization, foster the agricultural leading enterprises, vigorously cultivating the agricultural brand to strive for the national leading enterprises and the national and provincial agriculture famous trademark. In 2015, attain eight agricultural leading enterprises with annual sales of over 10 billion RMB. Improve the modern circulation system of agricultural products and rely on Xinhui Silver Island Lake, Nanxin District, and Heshan Garden logistics center to create the main distributing center of the key agricultural products with the warehousing, cold storage, wholesale and distribution in the Pearl River Delta and the west of Guangdong Province, with the center of agricultural products circulation with a scale of 20-30 billion RMB.

Strengthen agricultural infrastructure. Establish and improve the incentive mechanism to increase investments in agricultural infrastructure, strengthen irrigation improvement, road transport, power supply, and water delivery, focusing on building river (sea) embankments and reservoir reinforcement projects. In 2015, the standard of the important flood protection dike area (tide) [is to] attain the standard of one instance in 50 to 100 years, and at the county-level city, one instance in every 50 years.

Section 2 Make Solid Progress in New Rural Construction

Accelerate village development planning and comprehensive improvement of rural environment. By 2015, the planning formulation [will be] completed by and 90%, and village and remediation [will be] completed in 80% of villages. Strengthen the construction of the rural information network, further improve the “rural information direct train” and other agricultural information service platforms. Promote the balanced development of rural education and improve the quality of compulsory education in rural areas, accelerate the vocational education free process like secondary vocational education. Strengthen the construction of rural three-tier health service network, improve the social security system in rural areas and gradually raising the security standard, further promote the development-oriented poverty relief, and increase the efforts toward the city’s poor villages and low income families.

Section 3 Continuously Deepen Comprehensive Rural Reform

Deepen land management system reforms, establish and improve the land market of city and countryside unification, actively promote the circulation of the right of collectively-owned construction land and carrying out the pilot reform of rural collective property rights system. Perfect the agricultural input guarantee system and establish the new system among the agricultural leading enterprises of the financial and the financial support and farmer's specialized cooperative organization as well as supporting the qualified cooperative association to set up the rural loan society. Deepen rural credit cooperatives reform to change qualified rural credit cooperatives into the rural commercial banks, leading the investment of social funds to set up the new rural financial organization needed in the “issues of agriculture.” Develop rural insurance businesses, and accelerate the establishment of agricultural reinsurance and catastrophe- risk mechanism for risk diversification. Gradually establish a unified public service system and explore the establishment of an effective mechanism under the new situation of village-level public welfare construction.

Chapter VII With the Coordinated Development of the Land and Sea as the Direction, Construct a Strong Marine Economic City

Section 1 Accelerate the Construction of a Modern Coastal Industrial Belt

Make efforts to build the province’s marine economic comprehensive demonstration zone. Construct the coastal petrochemical industry key development regions and electric energy industry bases in Guangdong Province, strive to become the province's Silver Island Lake area,and optimize and upgrade the traditional ocean industrial demonstration zones. Guanghaiwan region [is to] become the provincial development strategic marine emerging industry demonstration area. Accelerate the pace of the Shangxiachuan region’s development, construct the demonstration area of development and protection in the provincial island, and explore the integrated development of uninhabited islands. In the Huangmao Coastal Sea region, focus on the development of sea tourism, ecological breeding industry, and nuclear power. In Zhen Haiwan, accelerate the development of ecological fishery and ecological tourism. Actively support the development of marine biomedicine, marine health food, marine biological products and other emerging industries. Implement the scientific and rational reclamation of marine land. In 2015, the proportion of marine economic added value to the entire city’s GDP [is to] reach more than 20%.

Section 2 Optimize the Development of Marine Aquaculture

Vigorously develop the aquaculture industry. Build the coastal mariculture base and freshwater aquaculture belt, and accelerate the introduction, breeding, and promoting of famous aquatic products and strongly develop the sea eel industry. Developing the fish processing industry and improve the proportion of the secondary and tertiary industries in the fishery economy. Implement the standardized construction of fish ponds and strive to renovate low-yield and salty landfills by 10,000 mu every year. Implement the standardized fishing port construction project plan and construct three to four national first-level or second-level fishing ports, develop the modern fishing port economic zone with trade of fisheries goods, logistics, aquatic product processing, catering, and tourism. By 2015, the entire city’s fishery economy output value [is to] reach 16 billion RMB, with an average annual growth of 8%.

Section 3 Strengthen Marine Ecological Environment Protection

Establish the system of total quantity control of contaminant emission, set up the maritime incident emergency system, improve the ocean and fishery environment monitoring network system ,and build the Guanghaiwan coastal wetland ecological protection region, the germplasm resources zone of Zhenhai Wan oyster aquatic product, and the Silver Bay Coastal Wetland Park. Raise the overall level of protection of rare and endangered aquatic wildlife living species in oceans, such as Chinese white dolphins. Strengthen the construction and management of artificial fish reef areas, increase the degree of proliferation, and implement protection plans of coastal artificial fish reefs, protection zone of juvenile fish and juvenile prawn, aquatic product resource conservation region, and as shellfish and precious marine product breeding blanket.

Chapter VIII With focus on the Construction of Energy and Information Transportation System, Promote the Modernization of Infrastructure

Section 1 Improve Regional Traffic Infrastructure

Strengthen joint transportation links with the core area and surrounding area of the Pearl River Delta, create the traffic pivot of the west shore of the Pearl River Mouth. Accelerate the construction of highways such as the Jiangluo highway, Zhongkai highway, and Xinhui branch line, north extension lines of the Jiangfan and Jiangzhu highways, construction of the motorway of the west ring road of Jiangmen section of Guangfojiang highway and Jiangshun Bridge which circles Yinzhou Lake. Develop the planning and construction of the north extension line of Gaolan Harbor, the north extension line of Jiangzhao expressway, and the connection line of Jiangmen side of Gangzhu’ao Bridge, and ensure that the Guangzhu railway is constructed and put into use on time. Accelerate the construction of the railway from Jiangmen to Nansha and provincial cooperation to build the west coastal railway together and the planning and construction of intercity track of Guangfojiangzhu. Deepen the early phase work of the Jiang’en intercity track (including Taishan branch line); reinforce the traffic communication with highsways and tracks of west Guangdong and Pan-Pearl River area to form the expressway, which connects with Guangzhou, Foshan, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and construct the 1-hour arrival circle of Jiangmen and Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Guangzhou, Zhaoqing, etc. Seize the opportunity that the low altitude area is opened by the state; start the planning and decide the site for constructing the universal airport, and reinforce the status of comprehensive transportation of traffic pivot.

Comprehensively promote the construction of the comprehensive traffic transportation system in the city area. Strengthen the construction of channel, network and pivot, optimize traffic layout and promote the effective connection of transportation way. Fcus on promoting the new construction and modified construction of 11-longitudinal and 12-transverse trunk ways, and construct the road network, which takes expressway as the main skeleton; continuously perfect the construction of the network roads between villages and towns and the linkage and coordination of inner road network in the city area of countryside road with hard bottoms; develop city track transportation, and promote the bus track transportation planning and construction in the city; construct one-stop comprehensive traffic transportation systems with perfected networks, high effectiveness of operations, and smooth outside connections, and realize the target of arriving city centers within 1 hour from all parts of the city as well as 15 minutes to the highway in the area of the main city.

Give priority to the development of public transportation. Construct bus systems of middle and high- transportation capacity, and realize rapid transference of various public modes of transportation and the reasonable connection with outside land, sea or air transportation systems. Accelerate the construction and modification of transportation infrastructures of road network, bridge, flyover, electronic monitoring facilities, public parking lot, community parking lot, etc. Relieve problems of traffic jams, inconvenience of parking, etc. and promote the equalization of basic transportation services. Make stations available in all towns as well as shelters in all villages.

Positively promote the construction of harbors and waterways. Strengthen the division of cooperation with main harbors of the Pearl River Delta, such as Nansha Harbor, Gaolan Harbor, etc., and realize resource sharing, Focus on constructing the Yinzhou Lake Harbor and Guanghaiwan Harbor, accelerate the early-phase work of the construction of coastal water way and deep water harbor of which the tonner is higher than 50 thousand, and promote the starting construction of the waterway of which the tonner is higher than 30 thousand. Accelerate the construction of the railways for evacuation of cargoes from port and expressways, perfect the inland transportation system of the harbor, and improve the capability of multiple-way transportation of waterways, highways, and railways.

Section 2 Construct a Clean and Safe Energy Safeguard System

Vigorously develop new energy and reproducible energy which is represented by nuclear power, wind power, solar power, etc., and continuously develop high effect but low energy consumption large-scale key fire-power and thermal-power coproduction unit, coal gas power generation units, and natural gas power generation units. Focus on promoting the construction of Taishan nuclear power, the Second Phase of Taishan power plant, Xinhui Power Plant, Shuangshui Power Plant, land and offshore wind power, pumped storage and other significant projects. Grasp well the pilot programs of thermal power coproduction of Yinzhou Lake paper base, Enping chemical park, etc. By 2015, the installed capacity of power supply [is to] reach 12-million KW, the utilization of nuclear power and wind power [will be] at the top in the province, and the important base of green energy industry [will be] completed in Guangdong Province.

Construct a system of energy storage and transportation. Promote the construction of the provincial energy storage and transportation base of oil gas and Yinzhou Lake collection and distribution base of coal. Further optimize the construction of power grids, develop super-high voltage and intelligent power grid and green power grids, and focus on the transmission and distribution engineering of the 500 Kv line from Shiyang to Wuyi, auxiliary project of Nuozadu DC receiving end. Vigorously promote the construction of the regional pipeline gas engineering of the Pearl River Delta area, and accelerate the construction and transformation of urban and rural gas network. Jiangmen urban area [is to] be fully covered by civil gas pipe network, and the basic framework of civil gas pipe network of the central urban area of county-level city [will be] basically formed.

Special Column 4 Key Traffic and Energy Infrastructure Engineering Projects Traffic projects  Track traffics: Jiangmen section of Guangzhu Railway, Jiangmen section of coastal railway of west Guangdong, Jiangmen-Nansha railway, Jiangmen section of Guangfojiangzhu intercity track, Jiang’en intercity track (including Taishan branch line), and railway from Xinxing to Guanghai.  Highway and motorway: Jiangmen section of Jiangluo highway, Zhongkai expressway and Xinhui branch line, Jiangbei section of north extension line of Jiangfan and Jiangzhu highway, south extension line of Xintai expressway, Taien highway, Hetai highway, Jiangmen section of motorway of Guangfojiang (motorway of west ring road, Jiangshun Bridge), north extension line of Gaolan Harbor, and Jiangzhao south extension line.  Harbor and waterway: Regulation engineering of 30-thousand-ton water way of Xinhuiyamen, public container terminal of Jiangmen high-tech zone, engineering of 50-thousand universal wharf, breakwater and waterway in Guanghaiwan harbor, engineering of Guanghaiwan deepwater harbor of Taishan City, extension of Enping Harbor and waterway dredging.  City public traffic: Upgrading and transformation of bus station and bus facilities, and construction and transformation of road network of urban area, bridge, flyover, public parking lot and community parking lots.  Airport: Planning of universal aviation airport.

Energy Projects  Power supply: First and second phases of Taishan nuclear power, Taishan power plant units 6 to 9, extension of Shuangshui power plant, natural gas unit and coal gas unit of Xinhui power plant, Chuandao wind power, Taishan and Enping land wind power, thermal power coproduction of Enping chemical park, Xinhui pumped storage power plant, and offshore wind power.  Power grids: 500kv line from Shiyang to Wuyi, connect-in system of second phase of 500kv Taishan power plant, power transmission and distribution engineering of Nuozadu DC receiving end, connect-in system of first phase of 500kv Taishan nuclear power, connect-in system of 500kv Yangjiang nuclear power (including Enping switching station),connect-in system of second phase of 500kv Taishan power plant, ancillary power transmission and distribution engineering of Nuozhadu DC receiving end, connect-in system of first phase of 500kv Taishan power and connect-in system of 500kv Yangjiang nuclear power (including Enping switching station).  Storage and transportation: Jiangmen section of Zhuhai liquefied natural gas project, Jiangmen section of 2nd line of West-East natural gas transmission project of CNPC, coal collecting and distributing base of Yinzhou Lake, gas storage and transportation bases and city gas pipeline network of four cities and three districts.

Section 3 Strengthen Urban and Rural Safeguard Facilities Construction

Strengthen the city government’s disaster prevention system. Accelerate city government facilities construction such as water supply, power supply, air supply, sewage treatment, and garbage disposal. By 2015, the popularizing rate of the urban running water [will be] over 95% and that of rural areas [will be] more than 90%. Establish the engineering system of urban and rural prevention and reduction of natural disasters that is harmonious with the economic society. Comprehensively improve the ability of natural hazards and emergencies, focusing on establishing the ability of prevention and reduction of natural disasters such as flood control, drought relief, and natural disaster warning rescue, ecological protection; the prevention and control of epidemic diseases, insects, and pests; and constructing the hazardous waste disposal center and nuclear emergency center. Improve the capacity of urban flood control and drainage to effectively solve the “water logging in the street” problem. Strengthen meteorological services and enhance the ability of the defense against meteorological disasters. Strengthen surveillance and control of geological disasters to ensure the geological security of the living environment.

Section 4 Boost the Information Infrastructure Construction

Accelerate the construction of fiber optic trunk cables covering both urban and rural areas, speed up construction of broadband communication networks, digital television networks, and next-generation information, and facilitate the interconnection of communication networks, radio networks, high-speed Internet, and business applications. Vigorously develop the Internet of Things, improve logistics information platforms, continuously promote the urban construction of the national informationization demonstration (pilot), and actively promote the construction of the “Wisdom of Jiangmen.” Promote the comprehensive information of government, business, community, and service by “Digital Jiangmen” information engineering construction. Establishing and improve the effective mechanism of information resource exploitation and utilization, and improve the information safety security system. By 2015, the coverage of the city's Internet penetration and the wireless broadband of the coverage rate of the population [is to] attain 75% and 80%, respectively.

Chapter IX With Focus on Improving the Level of Urbanization, Promote the Coordinated Development between Urban and Rural Areas and between Different Regions

Section 1 Build a “Three-side” Development Framework for Industrial Distribution

First, accelerate the implementation of the “three-side” development strategy. Speed up the development of green light (semiconductors), household appliances, electro mechanics, producer services, and cultural creative industry along the riverside, with Pengjiang City, Jianghai City and the east of Heshan City as key areas and the Binjiang New Area, Jiangmen National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Jiangsha Industrial Corridor, and Jiangsha Demonstration Area of City Advanced Manufacturing Industry as important vehicles. Second, strive to develop the manufacturing and maintenance of rail transit vehicles, undertake quality industrial project transfer and transform, improve the traditional industries including textile and garment, hardware, bathroom accessory, electro-acoustical equipment, foods, shoemaking, and building materials through information technology and high-tech technology, with the industrial clusters in and Taishan, Kaiping, Heshan and Enping Cities as the important areas along the railway and expressway. Third, speed up the development of heavy chemical industries such as nuclear power equipment, auto parts, shipbuilding, papermaking, and fine chemical industry, with Yinzhou Lake of Xinhui District and Guanghai Wan of Taishan City as the important areas along the seaside, with an aim to greatly develop marine economy and build Jiangmen City into a strong marine economy city. Guide the rational cross-regional flow and effective gathering of production factors, and form supplementary and positively interactive regional coordinated development mechanisms.

Section 2 Improve the Level of Urbanization

Strengthen the function of central cities, and optimize the space layout of urban and rural construction. Reasonably expand the scale of central cities and build Jiangmen City into one of the central cities in the west part of Pearl River Delta. Strengthen the construction of Taishan, Pingkai, Heshan and Enping Cities, make a scientific plan for city-function positioning and industrial distribution, improve the carrying capacity of industry and population, and enhance factor agglomeration and production and service functions. Vigorously strengthen the construction of central towns and major professional towns, improve the agglomeration of industry and commerce, enhance public services and living functions, and develop a batch of satellite towns with strong abilities to absorb and shift rural population and a relatively developed economy. Balance urban and rural hukou [household registration] management, establish a system for unified registration of urban and rural households, actively promote the method for migrant workers obtaining urban hukou through a points system, loosen the conditions of obtaining residence registration, attract more local migrant workers to settle down in towns, and allow migrant workers who have stable jobs and live in the towns to obtain the urban hukou in an orderly way.

Section 3 Implement Main Functional Area Planning

In accordance with national and provincial main functional areas and the natural attributes of different national land spaces in different cities, formulate a specific implementation plan. Guide optimized development areas such as Pengjiang, Jianghai and Xinhui to take the lead in development and strengthen their radiation capacity; promote the key development area in Heshan to actively undertake the industrial transfer in Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolis Circle and improve the development level; comprehensively invigorate the important development areas in the north of Kaiping and Taishan Cities, give full play to those areas as the main carriers to undertake the industrial transfer in developed areas and rural population shift in local and west part of the city, and form a new hub of economy and population as soon as possible. Give support to the rising of important development areas in the south of Taishan City and build them into important areas of heavy industry in our city; and support the rapid development of the important development areas in Enping City and promote the transfer of resource advantages into industrial advantages. Implement the supporting policy of developing, managing, and evaluating different functional areas based on the categorization, and form a spatial development pattern with clear main function positioning and coordination between the population, economy, resources, and environment.

Section 4 Implement Pearl River Delta Integration Work

With traffic integration as the guide and industrial integration as the focus, in accordance with the requirements set out in the Planning Outline for the Pearl River Delta, carefully implement five integration plans for Pearl River Delta: Urban and rural planning, infrastructure construction, industrial development layout, environmental protection, and basic public services. Promote cross-regional cooperation with the direction of “Connecting Zhuhai and Zhongshan in the right and Guangzhou and Foshan in the left.” Play a positive role in the cooperation of the “Zhuhai-Zhongshan-Jiangmen Economic Circle”, implement the cooperative agreement in relevant areas and continue to promote the communication integration in Zhuhai, Zhongshan, and Jiangmen and the integrated urban water supply network in Zhuhai, Zhongshan, and Jiangmen. Significantly strengthen the deep cooperation with Guangzhou and Foshan and accept the radiation of the Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolis Circle.

Chapter X With Green Development as the Channel, Construct an Ecological and Livable Model City

Section 1 Promote Low-carbon Development

With focus on existing high-energy-consumption and high-emission industries and enterprises, strengthen the low-carbon transformation of traditional industries. Strengthen the technological transformation of traditional industries such as thermal power generation, papermaking, food processing, chemical fiber and garment, building materials, and fine chemical industry, and improve the energy efficiency. Strengthen the industry entry requirements, set up the admittance criteria for low-carbon and green development in a scientific and reasonable way, curb the excessive growth of high-energy-consumption industry, and strive to make the newly-built larger projects enter the advanced rank in clean production and carbon emission at home. Effectively administer energy conservation in key fields, strengthen the responsibility assessment respecting energy conservation goals, and improve the market mechanism for energy conservation and relevant incentive and restraint mechanism targeting enterprises. With emphasis on Jiangmen National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Binjiang New District, and new urban areas of all cities (and districts) and newly-built industrial zones, promote low-carbon pilot programs.

Actively develop the low-carbon services industry. Work hard to promote the low-carbon transformation of transportation services and develop new energy public transport. Properly lay out logistics parks and specialized markets and build a green and seamless logistics system integrating cargo transportation, station service, product exhibition and distribution processing. Give great impetus to green commerce, guiding manufacturers, and merchants to formulate green marketing strategies and advocating green packaging. Encourage the development of the carbon asset management industry, study and set up the statistical, monitoring, and evaluation system for low-carbon development, actively explore effective ways to integrate into the carbon trading market, and improve the ability to manage carbon assets and to address climate change.

Advocate a green lifestyle. Increase efforts in publicity and education to popularize low-carbon knowledge and guide residents to form an economical, low-carbon lifestyle and consumption model. Set convenient collection points in communities to improve the recycling system for renewable living resources. Launch the pilot program of establishing green and ecological communities, and promote the establishment of green buildings, community forestry and facilities concerning domestic pollution treatment and alike. Intensify the promotion and application of green and energy-saving lighting products, and promote the construction of urban main roads and green landscape lighting projects.

Section 2 Improve the Level of Resource Saving and Recycling

Strive to promote the concept of saving raw materials, encourage the production and application of energy-saving, water-saving, and material-saving products and recycled products, and reduce the utilization of disposable goods and packaging materials. Build a water-saving society by raising the repeating utilization factor of industrial water and promote agricultural water-saving and urban water- saving. Strengthen the target assessment of land conservation, tighten the annual planning and use control, spend efforts to revitalize the stock construction land, grasp well the work of hill land utilization, and further improve the investment intensity and output benefits of construction land.

Promote the typical mode of circular economy. Strengthen policy support regarding aspects such as planning, guidance, taxation and finance, and promote the development of the circular economy in all links such as production, circulation, and consumption. Promote the establishment of a framework of circular economy featuring “enterprise-park-industry-society,” optimize and promote the circular economy development mode of the Yinhu Papermaking Base, and advance the application of the collective heat and power supply mode in the industrial zone. Strengthen the comprehensive utilization and management of waste resources, establish a trading platform of waste resources, develop the waste recycling and processing industry, and support the development of the ship and vehicle dismantling industry.

Section 3 Strengthen Comprehensive Environment Management and Ecological Protection

Strengthen comprehensive water environment treatment and improve the hydro-ecological function system. Continue promoting the “Tanjiang Model” that features joint treatment, and advance the ecological water conservancy construction, water resources protection, and soil and water conservation by focusing on ecological watercourse engineering and soil and water conservation projects. Implement urban inland river transformation and pollution treatment projects represented by the water diversion and flow increase transformation of Tiansha River, and the urban riverfront landscape belt project in Binjiang New District and along Jiangmen River. Scientifically delimit and adjust drinking water conservation areas, carry out strict management in the conservation areas, give priority to the safety of drinking water, and establish and improve the emergency warning mechanism. Place the planning environmental impact assessment system into practice and standardize industrial environment protection entry requirements. Strengthen the monitoring of key air and water pollution sources, speed up the phasing out of small coal- fired boilers, small kilns, and small coal-fired power stations, launch waste-to-energy pilots, and improve the level of industrial solid waste treatment and disposal safety. Accelerate the construction of sewage treatment facilities, improve supporting pipeline collection systems, and by 2015, attain a treatment rate of domestic sewage in of more than 90%.

Section 4 Promote the Construction of Ecological and Livable Model City

Improve the level of urban planning and construction, strengthen comprehensive urban strength, improve public service facilities and urban functions, promote the orderly transformation of the “three olds” [old towns, factories and villages], greatly optimize the living environment, plan and grow urban landscape forests, public green land and protective areas, green belts in the suburb, improve greenway networks, with the aim to build Jiangmen City into a modern city featuring a prosperous economy, harmonious society, good ecological environment, and special characteristics.

Speed up the construction of the Binjiang New District conforming to high standards. With road network construction as a breakthrough point, advance infrastructure and public facility construction and enhance the agglomeration and radiation effects of Binjiang New District in connecting developed areas. Build culture and art centers, sports centers, grand theaters, schools, hospitals, and other large facilities covering the whole city on a high level, and strengthen the leading role of Binjiang New District in scientific research, innovation and culture. Highlight the development of finance, business and trade, science and technology, and culture and entertainment industries, give great impetus to the planning and construction of such modern service programs as star hotels, commercial centers and residential communities. Strengthen the protection and rational utilization of the ecological environment, featuring the riverfront and build Binjiang New District into the core development area of a modern, ecological city.

Special Column 5 Key projects in the Binjiang New District Public facility: Binjiang Sports Center, Jiangmen Grand Theater, New Jiangmen Library, Binjiang Secondary School, Binjiang Primary School, Binjiang Hospital and others.

Service facility: Business hotels, shopping centers, residential projects and others.

Road network construction: Tianshahe Road, Xinnan Road, Second Guihua Road, north extension project of Fengle Road, Guanjun Road, Xinchang Road, Shitou Road, Fourth and Fifth Guihua Road, North and South Road of Artificial Lake and others.

Landscape engineering: Landscape at both banks of Tiansha River, including projects for embankment construction, river widening and green landscape, and artificial water system and landscape engineering in the core areas.

Chapter XI With the Purpose of Protecting and Improving People’s Livelihood, Promote the Development of Various Social Undertakings

Section 1 Raise Education Modernization Levels

Place priority on developing education, make efforts to promote educational equality, and improve the quality of education comprehensively. Increase government spending on education, while encourage non- government entities to run schools and improve the multi-input mechanism featuring government leadership and social participation. Reasonably allocate public education resources, and with villages as focus and strengthen the construction of educational facilities, transform the dangerous buildings of primary and secondary schools comprehensively, and improve the teaching conditions. Strengthen the construction of key subjects in Wuyi University and support Jiangmen Vocational Technical College to make a provincial model higher vocational college. Promote the higher education institutions’ capacity of scientific research and serving the local economic and social development, optimize vocational and technical education, accelerate the reform of secondary vocational education, strengthen the development of their basic capacities, and create an important vocational and technical education base of the whole province. Support the cooperation between Wuyi University and other domestic universities, especially universities in the Hong Kong and Macau regions, and create a demonstration pilot featuring higher education cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau. Promote the formation of a learning society and form a modern national education system and a lifelong education system. Train and accelerate the introduction of talents, and build a teaching faculty of reasonable structure and good quality. Speed up the construction of information infrastructure in schools and promote the full integration of IT and education.

Section 2 Promote Full Employment

Actively implement various policies and measures to promote employment, create more jobs through multiple channels, emphasize and promote the employment of college graduates and the re-employment of laid-off workers, encourage self-employment, and continue deepening the employment project of “thousands of enterprises helping thousands of villages.” Improve the human resources market system, and construct the employment promotion system and vocational ability enhancement system covering the urban and rural workers of all types. Give full play to the government, labor unions, and enterprises to build a benefit-sharing mechanism between businesses and employees to create harmonious labor relations.

Section 3 Improve the Income of Urban and Rural Residents

With farmers’ income as the focus in coordinating the urban and rural development and promoting social harmony and stability, expand the channel to increase the farmers’ production and operation income, increase the farmers’ salary income through “double shifts,” and explore ways to promote the marketization of rural assets to increase the farmers’ property income. Make efforts to improve the income of low-income citizens, establish the linkage mechanism between the minimum wage standard and economic development, promote the collective wage negotiation system and payment security system regarding enterprise employees, and protect the normal growth and payment of employees’ salaries. Establish and improve the normal adjustment mechanism regarding the basic pension of enterprise retirees and the lowest insurance standard of urban and rural residents. Actively and steadily implement a performance-based salary system in public institutions.

Section 4 Make Robust the Social Security System for Urban and Rural Residents

Build a basic old-age insurance system for both rural and urban residents. Establish a new rural social pension insurance system, achieve full coverage of the new agricultural insurance, increase the level of old-age social insurance of rural residents step by step, and further improve the retirement pension system of the land-expropriated farmers. Explore ways to establish the social pension insurance system for urban residents, resolve the pension insurance issue of aged urban residents who have no incomes, improve the urban and rural medical insurance system, and achieve full coverage of the basic medical insurance. According to the level of economic development, gradually improve the standard of poverty alleviation, the standard in supporting the “five guaranteed” and the minimum living standard. Improve the social assistance and social welfare system, encourage the social forces to contribute to the social and welfare services, expand the community volunteer services, and support the development of philanthropy. Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children, support the career development of the disabled, and protect their rights and interests. Expand the coverage of affordable housing, increase low-rent housing, accelerate the development of the public rental housing, and boost the construction of economically affordable housing and low-cost commercial residential buildings. Steadily bring migrant workers and rural labor force who have lived for a long time in towns and cities and have gained stable job and income into the urban social security system, and bridge the urban and rural social security.

Section 5 Improve the Health Levels of the of Urban and Rural Resident

Comprehensively deepen medical and health system reform. Adhere to the nonprofit nature of public health and medical services, accelerate the reform of pilot public hospitals, and improve the essential drug system so as to provide people with satisfactory basic medical care and health services. Coordinate the medical and health resources allocation between urban and rural areas, comprehensively establish the rural medical and health service network, and achieve the full coverage of health services in urban communities. Increase financial investment and improve the compensation mechanisms and operating mechanisms of primary health care institutions. Comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy city, continue implementing the Outline of the Nationwide Exercise Plan, develop sports activities, perfect the urban and rural sports service system step by step, and build the 15-minute healthy service circle and the 10-minute physical fitness circle. Stabilize low fertility levels, create a family planning public service system with complete coverage, and boost the urban and rural aging service business and industry.

Section 6 Maintain Social Harmony and Stability

Perfect the social management system featuring the party committee’s leadership, governmental responsibility, social coordination and public participation. Strengthen the construction of a socialist democracy, guarantee the people’s rights to information, participation, expression and supervision, and maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the masses. Deepen education of laws, handle well the contradictions among the people under the new situation, and improve the social interest coordination mechanism and the social disputes resolution mechanism. Improve community service coordination and build a harmonious community. Strengthen the comprehensive rectification of the public order, improve the social security protection system, enhance the capability to guarantee public safety and social order, forcibly prevent and crack down on various criminal activities, and construct a safe Jiangmen governed by law. Deepen the management of safe production, strengthen and implement the responsibility system to achieve steady improvement in safe production. Enhance the national defense mobilization capacity and improve the economic mobilization mechanism. Strengthen the construction of civil air defense. Establish and improve the emergency management system and mechanism covering both urban and rural areas, strengthen important material reserves, enhance the public’s the ability for self-help and mutual aid, enhance the government’s capabilities in handling natural disasters, accidents, disasters, and incidents concerning public health, food and drug safety, social security, and environmental security.

Chapter XII With Creating National Civilized City as an Opportunity, Build an Overseas Chinese Cultural City

Section 1 Intensify Efforts to Create a National Civilized city

Strengthen organization and leadership to create a national civilized city and achieve the institutionalization and normalization of the work. Adhere to “creation for the people, and education of the people as the foundation”, with the fundamental starting point and the overall goal of constructing the “public’s satisfactory city”, to extensively mobilize the people to build a civilized city. Further regulate the city’s management and renovate the public order, optimizing the city’s environment, improving the city’s quality, and striving to create a better home for the people of the city and become one of the national civilized cities in 2011.

Section 2 Improve Civilized Citizens

Lead the socialist core value system, cultivate and carry forward the cultural spirit of the hometown of overseas Chinese of “loving country and village, adoring literacy and charity, openness and inclusiveness, harmony and civilization, entrepreneurship and hard work”, vigorously carry out the publicity and education of “innovation, entrepreneurship and creation” and inherit and innovate the spirit of hometown of overseas Chinese. Thoroughly carry out the building of mass spiritual civilization, and actively implement civic moral construction and constantly improve the citizen’s ideological and moral qualities. Strengthen adolescent ideological education and carry out extensive moral activities Adhere and do well the “book festival of the hometown of overseas Chinese” to train the reading ethos of all the people and create “literary reputation of Jiangmen”, generally improving the people’s civilization quality and humanities cultivation.

Section 3 Boost cultural Undertaking of the Hometown of Overseas Chinese

Strengthen the research, conservation, development, and utilization of the outstanding cultural heritage of the hometown of overseas Chinese and make overall plans for the protection and utilization of Kaiping, Diaolou, and villages. Encourage the people to create literature and art works with the theme of celebrities’ historic culture of Wuyi Overseas and the real life in the hometown of overseas Chinese and to establish and improve the supporting mechanism of literary works and the mechanism of appraisal and election of literature and art boutique award. Cultivate professionals of the city culture and introduce cultural professionals from other places as well as encourage the social forces to invest in the vocational education related to cultural industries. Hold mass cultural activities to promote the folk culture of Wuyi with the characteristics of the hometown of overseas Chinese. Strengthen the research of philosophy and social sciences, and have the research achievement related to the major theoretical and practical issues of social development every year. Let the role of the research base of Guangdong Overseas Chinese culture come into play, research the history and culture of the hometown of overseas Chinese, and promote the prosperity and development of overseas Chinese cultural studies. Strengthen the construction of important news media, focus on the construction, application and management of the new media such as the Internet, grasp the correct guidance of public opinion, and improve the ability to communicate.

Section 4 Develop and Expand the Cultural Industry

Promote the development of cultural industry cluster and build the cultural industry system with strength and competitiveness. Vigorously develop industries, such as printing and distribution, cultural tourism, movie and TV media, cartoon game, advertising and exhibition, creative design, performing arts and entertainment, to make the cultural industry an important industry. Cultivate a number of cultural leading enterprises, develop many cultural industry projects and create several large-scale cultural industry clusters, with an annual average increase of culture industry of above 12%. Begin the construction of cultural industrial parks (bases), focusing on promoting the project construction such as cultural and creative areas, film and television animation industrial parks, Golden Harvest Studios, Chikan Studio City, display area of Pengjiang overseas Chinese cultural city , Kaiping overseas Chinese cultural and ecological protection areas, and Taishan Overseas Chinese cultural and ecological protection zone, and encourage foreign and private capital enterprises to actively engage in cultural industries.

Section 5 Construct the Public Culture Service System

Construct key cultural facilities that are modern, high-class, and iconic to improve the city’s cultural function and the city’s taste. Accelerate the construction of the Phase III Project of Overseas Chinese Museum, Guest Plaza, Jiangmen Performance and Art Center, anime theme parks, archives, libraries, science museums, and cultural centers. Accelerate the planning and construction of key cultural facilities of cities and districts and build the Four-level Public Service System of Culture of “City - prefecture (district) - town - village”. Promote the “culture benefits the masses” project and push forward the construction of exemplary township and village (street) comprehensive cultural stations, village (community) cultural activity rooms and speed up the implementation efforts to cultural works such as motion picture projection, farm-book houses, radio and television coverage, and research and protection of the intangible cultural heritage. Strengthen the construction and management of the playground for minors. By 2015, build “ten- minute cultural circle” in the city and “ten-mile cultural circle” in the village to build a national public cultural service demonstration area, and the indicators of the primary-level cultural undertakings [are to] attain an advanced level in the whole province.

Special Column 6 Cultural undertaking and industrial key projects Key cultural facilities: City Archives, New Museum of City Cultural Center, City Science Museum, Phase III Project of Overseas Chinese Museum, Phase III Project of Chen Baisha Memorial Hall, Guest Plaza, Jiangmen Performing Center, Jiangmen Anime Theme Park, Cultural New District of Enping, Xinhui Cultural Arts Center.

Cultural industry projects: City cultural and creative areas, animation and film and television industrial parks, Golden Harvest Studios, Kaiping Chikan Studio City, Heshan Printing Industry Base.

Sports facilities: Xinhui Swimming and Dibing Gym, Sports Stadium, Taishan New Stadium and Heshan Sports Center.

Basic-level cultural people-benefit projects: Town (street) comprehensive cultural stations, village (community) cultural activity rooms and the basic level bases of cultural information resources sharing project. Chapter XIII With Structural Reform and System Innovation as the Driving Forces, Strive for Scientific Development [as the] New Advantage

Section 1 Deepen Administrative Management System Reform

Improve the administrative management system. Promote the reform of the super-ministries system to have the full implementation of Peng Jiang and JiangHai pilots. Reasonably adjust administrative divisions and further straighten out the relationship between the management and authority of office of the city’s same level and prefecture-level city (district), boost decentralization in the city management, social management and micro-economic management, and actively promote the reform of authority of office sin rich countries and towns, expanding the economic and social administration authority of the prefecture-and-town level government. Deepen the reform of the administrative approval system, carry out the approval method for innovation, and implement electronic approving and joint examination and approvals. Improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve collective decision-making on major issues, expert advice, public notices and hearing of witnesses as well as the accountability system of decision-making errors. Actively and steadily push forward reform in separate categories in public institutions, and improve the personnel employment institutional norm and position setting and management. Carry forward the institutional reform of official business vehicles in Party and government offices, and explore the socialization of logistics services of government offices.

Promote urban integration. Accelerate the integration and urban integration of urban planning, industrial distribution, infrastructure, environmental protection and public services of city districts. According to the requirements of sharing resource, increasing efficiency, and suiting the people’s convenience, give scientific planning and rational allocation for important infrastructure. Accelerate the city integration of the standard of charges in tap water, wired television, and public transportation in city districts.

Section 2 Speed up Economic System Reform

Deepen the reform of the investment and financing system, strengthen the management of government- invested projects, and establish the expert appraisal system and the publicity system for major projects. Accelerate the progress of socialization and market-oriented reform in city public utilities and gradually establish a diversified development mechanism of the investment subject and financing channels. Implement the listing cultivation project and strive for ten newly listed companies to integrate the existing resources of the listed companies and support the qualified enterprises to issue bonds. Develop all types of financing institutions such as rural banks, small loan companies and middle and small-sized investment companies. Introduce and establish the guidance fund of venture capital investment, develop venture capital investment and establish the credit guaranty fund of small and medium-sized enterprises. Deepen the reform of the prices of resource products and environmental protection charge and carry out a pilot project of emissions trading.

Increase the intensity of financial restructuring reform, and improve the fiscal administration system suitable to the financial resources and authority of office and optimize downtown financial system. Adapt the requirements of equalization of basic public services and construction of subjectivity function areas and complete the public finance system, gradually creating the system of tax sharing in the major projects and form the system of pooling resources of the whole city to solve major problems.

Further deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, reasonably adjust the layout of state-owned property, accelerate the government capital to quit from the general competitive fields and improve supervision system of state-owned property. Grasp the transformation opportunities of “the three olds” through land replacement and reservation to build a new state-owned assets operating platform.

Section 3 Strengthen and Innovate Social Management

Accelerate the construction of a service-oriented government and let the government play a leading role in the social management. Foster, support, and manage the social organization according to law, improve the registration and management of social organizations, and gradually simplify registration procedures. Let the social norm play a role in social management and promote social construction of honesty and faithfulness. Promote the reform of the basic level social management system and improve the system of community self-governance organization, strengthen the base-level self-governance function and improve the base-level social management and services of neighborhood (village) committee. Support trade unions, the Communist Youth League and the Women’s Federation to participate in activities and encourage them to actively participate in the social management and public services. Strengthen the building of social qualified personnel and improve the social voluntary service system, build the joint working mechanism of schools, families and social interaction, and care for stay-at-home children and left-behind elderly.

Reform fundamental public service delivery, play a role in guiding and promoting financial fund and attract social funds to participate in social management and construction. Through the introduction of competition mechanism, entrusting provision of social organizations and government purchases, form diversified public service providers and supply modes and improve the capacity and efficiency of public services. Carry forward the market reform of the non-basic public services, strengthen multi-level supply capacity, and meet the diverse needs of the masses.

Chapter XIV Planning Implementation and Safeguard Measures

Governments at all levels shall strengthen the organization and leadership of the planning and implementation of the work and give full play to the guiding role of planning in resource allocation, strengthening supervision and inspection and uniting all forces to ensure the effective implementation of the plan.

Section 1 Give Full Play to the Guiding Role of the Plan

--Actively guide market demands. Expand domestic demand as a long-term strategy to stimulate the economic development and guide people to expand the consumer demand, further optimize the investment structure and pay more focus on improving the quality and efficiency of investment.

--Formulate related policies. Focus on the objectives and tasks in this plan, study and formulate the supporting policies in finance, banking, industry, land use and environmental protection, and the rational allocation of public resources is effectively guide the social resources and ensure the achievement of the planning objectives.

--Have reasonable arrangements for the budget. Maintain mutual cooperation and coordination of the public financial resources allocation and public policies, focusing on ensuring expenditures on scientific and technological progress, improving people’s livelihood, environment and public safety and so on. Integrate special funds to ensure their investment in key areas and weak links, to maximize the value of financial fund.

Section 2 Strengthen Coordination and Convergence of the Plan

--Formulate regional and special plans. City and district governments and the relevant organizations shall make sure the development direction, goal of development, work focus and policy measures according to the Plan to formulate the related special plans, and take the special planning as an important basis for project approval and funding arrangements.

--Strengthen the coordination of the Plann and adhere to the principles of the lower level planning obeying their superiors planning, the regional planning and special planning conforming to the overall planning and the inter-coordination of planning. The lower overall plan shall be related to the superior comprehensive planning in the binding targets, spatial functional orientation, and the major infrastructure construction; the special planning shall be related to overall planning in the goal of development, spatial layout, and construction of the major projects. Correctly handle the relationship among the development planning, urban planning and land use planning, to ensure consistency in the direction of the overall requirements, coordination with each other in the spatial allocation and reasonable scheduling.

Section 3 Strengthen the Support for Major Projects

--Scientifically plan the major projects. Adhere to Plan-led project construction to facilitate project implementation by project construction. Strengthen preliminary work and improve the reserves of major projects to implement planned major projects to the annual major projects, which will a rolling mechanism of completion, launching, and reserves. During the period of “12th Five-Year Plan”, initially arrange 249 key construction projects, with a total investment of 731.8 billion yuan, including 491.7 billion yuan of planned investment during the period of “12th Five-Year Plan”.

--Innovate project management mechanisms. Implement the construction work of liability system in the key projects and the subject of liability and implement the system of evaluation and reward and punishment. Establish an advisory assessment, expert appraisal and public notice system of major projects by the government investment and implement the supervision and management in the whole process of major projects.

Section 4 Strengthen Organization and Implementation of Planning

--Strengthen supervision and inspection. The development targets and major tasks proposed in the Planning Outline are arranged by the city government according to the year who also supervise and urge the implementation by city and district governments. Improve the annual assessment and interim assessment system, check the planning implementation and the project implementation, and analyze the results of planning implementation to present the suggestions to solve the problems and improve the scientificity and effectiveness of the planning.

--Improve the assessment mechanism. According to the Scientific Outlook on Development, combine the Jiangmen City Government Leaders and Leading Cadres Measures on the Comprehensive Appraisal of Scientific Outlook on Development and the assessment method of the index system to build a happy Jiangmen, and focus on assessing and ensuring the completion of the obligatory targets proposed by the Plan.

--Mobilize social participation. Through a variety of forms, widely publicize the main spirit and basic contents of the plan and promptly announce the implementation and the related information to the society, enhance the communication and interaction between the government and the public, accept social supervision, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to support and participation in the Plan.