Impulsebased Dynamic Simulation of Rigid Bo dy Systems


Brian Vincent Mirtich

BSE Arizona State University

MS University of California Berkeley

A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the

requirements for the degree of

Do ctor of Philosophy


Computer Science

in the


of the


Committee in charge

Professor John F Canny Chair

Professor David Forsyth

Professor Alan Weinstein


The dissertation of Brian Vincent Mirtichisapproved

Chair Date



University of California at Berkeley


Impulsebased Dynamic Simulation of Rigid Bo dy Systems

Copyright Fall


Brian Vincent Mirtich


Impulsebased Dynamic Simulation of Rigid Bo dy Systems


Brian Vincent Mirtich

Do ctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

University of California at Berkeley

Professor John F Canny Chair

Dynamic simulation is a p owerful application of to days computers with uses in elds rang

ing from engineering to animation to virtual reality This intro duces a new paradigm

for dynamic simulation called impulsebased simulation The paradigm is designed to meet

the twin goals of physical accuracy and computational eciency Obtaining physically ac

curate results is often the whole reason for p erforming a simulation however in many

applications computational eciency is equally imp ortant Impulsebased simulation is

designed to simulate mo derately complex systems at interactive sp eeds To achieve this

p erformance certain restrictions are made on the systems to be simulated The strongest

restriction is that they comprise only rigid b o dies

The hardest part of rigid b o dy simulation is mo deling the interactions that o ccur

between b o dies in contact The most commonly used approaches are p enalty metho ds

followed by analytic metho ds Both of these approaches are constraintbased meaning

that constraint forces at the contact p oints are continually computed and applied to deter

mine the accelerations of the b o dies Impulsebased simulation is a departure from these

approaches in that there are no explicit constraints to be maintained at contact points

Rather all contact interactions b etween b o dies are aected through collisions rolling slid

ing resting and colliding contact are all mo deled in this way The approach has several

advantages including simplicity robustness parallelizability and an ability to eciently

simulate classes of systems that are dicult to simulate using constraintbased metho ds

The accuracy of impulsebased simulation has b een exp erimentally tested and is sucient

for many applications

The pro cessing of collisions is a critical asp ect of the impulsebased approach E

cient are needed for detecting the large numb er of collisions that o ccur without

missing any Furthermore the physical accuracy of the simulator rests up on the accuracy of

the collision resp onse algorithms This thesis describ es these essential algorithms and their

underlying theory It describ es how the algorithms for simple rigid b o dy simulation maybe

extended to systems of articulated rigid b o dies To prove the metho d is truly practical the

algorithms have b een implemented in the prototyp e simulator Impulse Many exp eriments

p erformed with Impulse are describ ed

Professor John F Canny Dissertation Committee Chair



List of Figures vi

List of Tables ix

Intro duction

Constraintbased contact mo dels

Nonp enetration contact forces

The impulsebased approach

Impulses versus constraints

Overview of the thesis

Collision Detection

Intro duction and related work

Collision detection in Impulse

The LinCanny

Collision detection and coherence

Extensions to the LinCanny algorithm

Prioritizing collision checks

The collision heap

Estimating time of impact

Bounding ballistic angular velo city

Bounding b oxtechniques

Finding static b oxintersections

Coherence and the tiling scheme

Maintaining the collision heap

Spatial hashing versus co ordinate sorting

Generalizing collision detection

Collision Resp onse

Assumptions of collision resp onse mo del

Computing collision impulses

The equations of collision

Sliding mo de

Sticking mo de


Collision integration

Work done by collision forces

Integrating collisions using dierent parameters

Sliding mo de under u and W parameterizations

z z

Handling sticking during collision integration

Sticking stabilityandrays of constant sliding

The u ellipse

Directions of constant sliding

Static contact and micro collisions

Constrained Bo dy Dynamics

Constrained forward dynamics

Velo city and acceleration propagation

Spatial algebra

Spatial formulation of acceleration propagation

The Featherstone algorithm

Base case

Inductive case

Forward dynamics algorithm

Extension to treelike linkages

Velo city and acceleration propagation through trees

Articulated inertias and za forces for tree linkages

Forward dynamics algorithm for tree linkages

Extension to oating linkages

Hybrid Simulation

A sp ectrum of physical systems

Collision detection

Constrained b o dy swept volumes

Constrained b o dy TOI co ecients

Collision resp onse

Collision resp onse a rob otics p ersp ective

Articulated b o dy collision dynamics

Computing K


Propagating impulses through multib o dies

Supp orting control systems

Typ es of controllers

Controller scheduling

Impulses control supp ort architecture

Computation of Mass Prop erties for Polyhedral Bo dies

Rigidb o dy mass parameters

Derivation of the algorithm

Reduction to surface integrals

Reduction to pro jection integrals


Reduction to line integrals

Evaluation of integrals from vertex co ordinates

Pseudo co de and online C co de

Test results

Examples and Results

Pure impulsebased simulation

Passivehybrid simulation

Controlled hybrid simulation

Execution times

Estimating p ose statistics


Quasistatic algorithms

Dynamic simulation

Exp erimental results and discussion

Other part feeding exp eriments

Future Work

Paradigm switching

Collision detection issues

Interpreted control and ob ject encapsulation

Physical simulation for animation and VR

A Mathematical Preliminaries

A Vectors matrices and frames

A Representing cross pro ducts as matrices

A Rigid b o dy dynamics

A Quaternions and integration of orientation



List of Figures

A disassembled double p endulum

A system of falling dominos

A table with nonunique contact force congurations

A vibrational part feeder

Various contact mo des b etween ball and terrain

A blo ck diagram of Impulses collision detection system

A p olygon and its Voronoi regions

The LinCanny algorithm for p olygons

The threedimensional LinCanny algorithm

The eect of coherence on LinCanny p erformance

A onesided approach to nding collision times

Impulses narrow phase collision detection system

Closest p ointvelo cities and time of impact

Finding a lower b ound on the time of impact of con vex b o dies

The b o dy angular velo cityvector remains on an ellipsoid

A onedimensional example of a hierarchical spatial hash table

Avariant of the hierarchical hash table scheme

The swept volume b ounding b ox during a ballistic tra jectory

The advance algorithm

Collision heap hysteresis

Broad phase collision check culling during a coin simulation

Atwo dimensional version of ICOLLIDEs b ounding b oxcheck

A bad case for co ordinate sorting

The axes aligned b ounding rectangles in the xy plane for a cycler b o dy

Velo city force impulse and work during collision

A collision b etween two b o dies

Solution tra jectories of the ODE system of Theorem

Relativetangential velo city that increases during a collision

Tra jectories through relativecontact velo city space for dierent collisions

The life cycle of a collision and the collision integration

Avelo cityowwithtwo converging rays and no diverging rays


Avelo cityowwithtwo converging rays and two diverging rays

A sequence of transformations to generate the u ellipse

Testing whether the u ellipse circles the origin Lemma

The lighthouse analogy for rays of constant sliding direction

Proving there can b e no more than one diverging ray

The co ecient of restitution is articially increased

Standard collision impulses will cause the blo ck to creep down the ramp

Data from the blo ck on ramp exp erimentusingImpulse

The link and joint indexing conventions for serial linkages

Quantities for propagating velo cities and accelerations

Expressing velo city and acceleration in dierent frames

The compSerialLinkVelocities algorithm

The free b o dy diagram of the last link of the serial linkage

The free b o dy diagram of an inner link of the serial linkage

The initSerialLinks algorithm

The serialFwdDynamics algorithm

A complex p endulum with a treelike top ology

The numberLinks algorithm

The compTreeLinkVelocities algorithm

The free b o dy diagram of a treelinkage handle

The initTreeLinks algorithm

The treeFwdDynamics algorithm

A hinge joint

A sp ectrum of physical systems

Checking p erformed to detect aggressive b ounding b ox violations

The updateSlack algorithm

A rob ot in contact with its environment

The path for computing za impulses

The impulseResponse algorithm

The b o dy frame of a colliding link and the collision frame

The compMultibodyKi algorithm

The propagateImpulse algorithm

The entire pro cedure for resolving collisions involving a multib o dy

A situation in which the multib o dy collision matrix is rank decient

The coupling of a lowlevel controller to a multib o dy system

APDcontrolled joint loaded with a static weight

The control supp ort architecture of Impulse

The strategy for evaluating volume integrals

Maximizing a faces pro jected shadowinthe plane

Notation for computing a pro jection integral as a sum of line integrals

The CompVolumeIntegrals algorithm

The CompFaceIntegrals algorithm


The CompProjectionIntegrals algorithm

Snapshots from the dominos simulation

Snapshots from the block drop simulation

Snapshots from the block on ramp simulation

Snapshots from the chain of bal ls simulation

Snapshots from the bal ls in dish simulation

Snapshots from the coins simulation

Snapshots from the pool break simulation

The frequency of collision checks during a p o ol break

Snapshots from the bow ling simulation

Bowling exp eriments p erformed with Impulse

Tra jectories of a ball on a spinning platter

Snapshots from the rattleback top simulation

Snapshots from the part feeder chute simulation

Snapshots from the exploding text simulation

Snapshots from the seesaw simulation

Snapshots from the part sorter simulation

Snapshots from the triple pendulum simulation

Snapshots from the furniture arrangement simulation

Snapshots from the bicycle simulation

The kinematic structure of the bicycle

The forward velo city prole as the biketraversed the obstacle course

The roll angle prole as the biketraversed the obstacle course

Snapshots from the creature war simulation

Side view of a bug and kinematic tree

Side view of the rover and kinematic tree

The high level state machine controller for the rover

The C functions that implement the rovers high level control

The Adept Rob otics exible part feeding system

Estimating p ose statistics using a sphere pro jection metho d

The p erturb ed quasistatic metho d

Parts used in the p ose statistics exp eriments

A snapshot taken during a MEM motion array exp eriment

The evolution of the states do es not have to pro ceed in lo ckstep

Interpreted ob ject sp ecication allows generality and p ortability

A conception of a creature design environment


List of Tables

Comparison of hashing schemes

Notation used in Chapter

Theoretical values of volume integrals for simple test p olyhedra

Data for successive approximations of a unit sphere

Simulation times for examples

How the simulation pro cessing time is sp ent

Orange insulator cap data

White stereo button data

Rectangular black stereo button data

Square black stereo button data



This thesis would not have been p ossible without the help of many p eople I thank my

advisor John Canny who was an endless source of wisdom and inspiration I thank the

many great friends who made my seven years at Berkeley an exp erience to be treasured

Finally I thank my family for their supp ort and esp ecially Caroline die mein Leb en mit

Freude erfullt


Intro duction

The eld of classical dynamics is one of the success stories of mo dern mathematics

Dynamical systems exhibit a great deal of b eautiful structure and dynamicists have devel

op ed a b o dy of knowledge that can predict the b ehavior of many of these systems to great

accuracy The ability to know in advance how our universe or some part of it will evolve

is certainly one of the most powerful skills humans have learned The mo dern computer

with its p ower to p erform computations at blinding sp eed and display realistic images has

greatly increased our predictivepower But it has revealed holes in our knowledge as well

places where our predictivepower breaks down Predicting with certainty the outcome of

a simple coin toss is at the limits of our current abilities if not b eyond them

This thesis is ab out predicting the future or more preciselyphysical simulation

It deals with very simple systems and very simple mo dels The systems are comprised of

rigid b o dies macroscopic deformations o ccurring in materials like cloth or rubb er are not

allowed Dierent rigid b o dies may however be connected by joints to form articulated

b o dies Friction is mo deled according to the Coulomb law restitution is mo deled using a

single co ecient The latter provides a crude way of accounting for microscopic deformation

during a collision Despite these simplications the predictivepower is quite go o d for many

applications One common but signicant simplication is also dropp ed the qualication

that one is only interested in the b ehavior of the system over some limited modeling interval

Most textb o ok problems are concerned with the b ehavior of a system over an interval where

a single mo del applies determine the velo city of the wrecking ball before it collides with the

wall or determine the acceleration of the ho op down the ramp assuming slipping do es not

o ccur For the simulation problems addressed in this thesis the analysis is not restricted

in this manner The simulator must pro duce correct motion for whatever situation and

system the user describ es even in the presence of discontinuities pro duced by collisions or

changes in contact state

The external inuences that aect the motion of physical ob jects can be divided

into two groups based on whether or not they arise through physical contact Forces due

to gravity external electric elds or air resistance are examples of noncontact forces The

motion of isolated rigid b o dies sub ject only to these noncontact forces is well understo o d

For example an accurate analytic mo del exists for the motion of a rigid b o dy in a uniform

gravitational eld The remaining inuences on the motion of ob jects result from contact

The contacts between dierent ob jects are where all of the interesting behavior arises

and correct mo deling of these contacts is critical to accurate physical simulation Contact

mo deling is also where all of the dicult problems are The mo dels for contact are less

accurate and more equivo cal than those for the dynamics of isolated b o dies Much of the

research in dynamic simulation has b een devoted to contact mo deling

In studying contact interactions there is the typical tradeo b etween accuracy and

eciency Finite element metho ds FEMs and related approaches are among the most

accurate metho ds for studying contact interactions but they require signicant computation

time They are not feasible for example in interactivesimulation where a user would like

to watch a system evolve at a sp eed near the true sp eed at whichitevolves in the physical

world This thesis is concerned with physically accurate simulation sub ject to the constraint

of interactiveoreven real time p erformance The accuracy of the metho ds is less than the

t This thesis accuracy of for instance nite element metho ds but the goals are dieren

demonstrates that dynamic simulations can b e computed at interactive sp eeds and retain

adequate physical realism and predictive power for real engineering applications One of

the fundamental assumptions made for computational eciency is that all b o dies are rigid

Impulsebased simulation is a departure from the typical approach for p erforming

interactive dynamic simulation The greatest dierence lies in how the contacts are mo deled

Rather than computing explicit constraint forces to be applied at contact p oints contact

interactions are mo deled exclusively through collision impulses applied b etween b o dies To

understand why this approach might b e useful it is necessary to understand the standard

constraintbased approaches and their limitations

Air resistance might b e mo deled as a contact force resulting from collisions of a b o dy with air particles

But it is more common to mo del it as an aggregate noncontact force based on the b o dys state

Constraintbased contact mo dels

Physically accurate interactive simulation has received muchattention in the elds

of engineering and computer science The standard approach uses a constraintbased mo del

for contact an outgrowth of the classical mo del for constrained dynamics The latter is

useful in computing the forward dynamics of articulated b o dies given the current p ositions

and velo cities of all parts of a physical system nd the current accelerations of all of the

parts Consider for example the planar double p endulum shown in Figure Supp ose



x2 f3 f2 x3



Figure A disassembled double pendulum Although the pendulum is an articulated rigid

body its dynamics can be derived from the formulation for simple rigid bodies rst the

constraint forces f are computed and then the links are treated as individual rigid bodies


x and x are p oints that are on dierent b o dies of the p endulum but which are attached

at a joint However the two links move the constraint

x x

must b e enforced This is done byintro ducing constraint forces that are transmitted through

joints maintaining the constraints Once the constraint forces are known the links of the

system may be analyzed separately and their motion determined from the NewtonEuler

equations of rigid body motion Some metho ds do not explicitly solve for the constraint

forces but pro duce the link accelerations directly Usually the value of the constraint forces

is not imp ortant as long as the constraints are enforced so these metho ds are suitable and

even preferable if computations can b e reduced General applications of the constraintbased

approach to dynamic simulation and mo deling are in BB CS Gle IC WGW

Nonp enetration contact forces

Sometimes b o dies are not p ermanently attached to each other but come into con

tact during the course of their motion The row of dominos in Figure is an example

These contacts give rise to nonpenetration constraints Unlike a nonp enetration

Figure For this system of dominos there are no permanent constraints between bod

ies but the contacts indicated by dots give rise to temporary nonpenetration constraints

between bodies

constraint is fundamentally an inequality rather than an equalitythatinvolves the acceler

ations of the b o dies In addition there are restrictions on the constraint force it can only

act in a direction which tends to push the ob jects apart not pull them together If a pulling

force is required to hold the ob jects in contact the contact will merely break For these

reasons nonp enetration constraints can not b e handled using the classical approaches for

constrained dynamics

o main approaches to mo deling nonp enetration with con There have been tw

straints The older and simpler approach is the family of penalty methods These metho ds

do not strictly enforce nonp enetration instead they keep p enetrations small enough so

that they are not noticeable relative to the scale of the system With this practical goal

in mind it is not surprising that the easytoimplement p enalty metho ds have dominated

the computer animation eld where motion that lo oks right is often sucient Penalty

metho ds vary in details however the rough idea is the same A sti spring is attached

at the contact so that as two b o dies move into one another the spring attempts to push

them apart The more p enetration the stronger the restoring force If the b o dies move

apart the spring is destroyed Penalty metho ds are used for rigid body simulation in

RH MW MZ and are also commonly employed in deformable b o dy simulation

Penalty metho ds have a few problems The very large spring constants that are

needed to keep the p enetration suciently small generate large forces leading to sti equa

tions that are numerically intractable to integrate WGW Integration problems are

exacerbated by the fact that springs can be created and destroyed in a very transient

are manner Furthermore cho osing the spring constants is a black art Constants that

satisfactory for one situation may be to o high or to o low for another and the problem

b ecomes worse when multiple b o dies are in contact simultaneously These spring constants

do not corresp ond to familiar physical prop erties that can b e measured like the co ecient

of friction Another subtle problem of p enalty metho ds arises b ecause of the way collision

detection is typically p erformed Usually collision checks are done at discrete times rather

than continuously over time intervals As a result contact is not detected until a nite

amount of p enetration has o ccurred Under p enalty metho ds this causes forces that are

larger than the true forces in the continuous system causing instability

Alternatives to the p enalty metho ds are the analytic or exact metho ds for com

puting nonp enetration contact forces rst studied byLotstedt Lot The idea is to cast

the nonp enetration constraints as a linear complementarity problem LCP

a Af b



f a

Here a is a vector of the relative normal accelerations at the contact points and f is a

vector of corresp onding normal force comp onents at these contacts A and b are matrix

and vector constants which are determined from the known conguration of the system

For the cursory treatmentgiven here Bara s simpler notation is used Bar

The constraint a prevents motion that would cause p enetration at the contact points

The constraint f means that contact forces can only try to push b o dies apart not hold


them together The complementarity constraint f a means that at eachcontact p oint

either a force is acting and the relative acceleration is zero or the b o dies are separating

and the force is zero The former case means the contact will p ersist beyond the current

instant the latter means the contact is ending Lotstedt gives an algorithm for solving the

LCP based on the principal pivoting metho d of Cottle and Dantzig see CPS for

a detailed treatment of LCPs Lotstedts algorithm in the context of rigid b o dy simulation

is describ ed in Lot Bara has also used LCP approaches for simulation of rigid b o dy

systems Bar Bar Bar

When there is no friction in the system the LCP alwa ys has a solution for the

contact forces and this solution is unique sub ject to certain nondegeneracy constraints

Bar When friction is added to the mo del the corresp onding LCP may not have a

solution and if a solution exists it may not b e unique Lotstedt Lot gives existence and

uniqueness conditions which Bara Bar generalizes The most comprehensive results on

the existence and uniqueness of solutions for rigid b o dy contact forces using the Coulomb

friction mo del are given byPang and Trinkle PT and Trinkle et al TPSL Roughly

sp eaking existence and uniqueness can b e guaranteed if the co ecients of friction are small

enough Certain problems such as the static stability problem in whichthe b o dies in the

system are at rest always have solutions

When there is no friction the LCP is convex and solutions can b e computed using

algorithms that run in worst case exp onential time but exp ected p olynomial time in the

tacts Convexity breaks down with the addition of friction Bara proved that number of con

the problem of determining the existence of a valid set of contact forces that ob ey Coulomb

friction laws at the contacts is NPhard when there is sliding friction Toavoid this problem

Bara suggests a new mo del for consistency that includes noncolliding impulsive forces at

some of the contacts Under this mo del he gives an algorithm to nd a valid solution to

the contact force problem Its complexityisnotknown although it app ears to b e practical

in many examples Bar Bar None of the algorithms prop osed for computing contact

forces with friction are guaranteed to correctly terminate Trinkle et al give quantitative

results using an approach based on Lemkes algorithm this is also Bara s approach and

also a feasible interior p oint metho d TPSL In general the reliability of the algorithms

decrease as the number of contact points increase

Approximations are made to the Coulomb friction law in order to form an LCP

for the contact forces Under sticking conditions Coulomb friction imp oses the nonlinear


kf kkf k

t n

where f and f are the tangential and normal forces at the collision p oint To cast this

t n

into the LCP framework a linear approximation to the friction cone is typically employed

such as a friction pyramid This has the eect of making friction anisotropic for three

dimensional systems Another common approximation is that up on the transition from

sticking to sliding the frictional forces are only partially instead of directly opp osed to

the tangential acceleration Bar PT

Even without friction analytic metho ds may not nd the correct set of contact

forces due to contact degeneracy Consider the idealized system of a table resting on a

o or where b oth ob jects are p erfectly rigid the table leg lengths are equal and the o or

is at Figure Here there are multiple sets of contact forces satisfying the constraints

of the LCP the forces are all p ositive and prevent acceleration of the table into the o or

Without friction the acceleration of the system is provably unique even when the contact

(a) (b) (c)


w/4 w/8 3w/8 w/4 w/2 w/4

w/2 3w/8 w/8 w/4

Figure For a symmetric table of weight w thereare innite contact forcecongurations

that satisfy the nonpenetration LCP Three are shown here

forces are not Bar in all three cases of Figure the net acceleration of the table

is Analytic metho ds may not be reliable however for computing the contact forces

Force conguration c of Figure is the correct one scales placed under each leg of the

table would all read the same weight Analytic metho ds can compute dierent solutions

such as those shown in parts a and b of the gure b ecause the contact conguration is

degenerate On the other hand p enalty metho ds and the impulsebased metho d describ ed

in the next section always compute conguration c The idealized case is an imp ortant one

to handle correctly it is mathematically natural and the one often employed in simulations

It is an accurate approximation of certain real situations for instance when the table

lengths are approximately equal and the contacts are soft This would be the case if the

table leg tips are deformable as on a folding table or if the table rests on carp et or linoleum

If the table and o or are hardwo o d and the leg lengths are dierent or the o or is warp ed

then the idealized mo del is not accurate as the true forces on the legs may vary greatly

Such a system is not degenerate and any of the simulation metho ds describ ed will compute

the correct contact forces

With friction there maybemultiple contact force solutions that do not lead to the

same accelerations This indeterminacy that can arise in an analytic solution seems counter

intuitive to a deterministic view of the world The inconsistency is even more disturbing

how can there be no valid solutions to the contact force problem for a physical system

Certainly these forces always exist and are measurable for any physical system one can

construct These anomalies of the contact LCP reect the limitations of the rigid body

assumption and the Coulomb friction law which are only approximations to reality

In dynamic simulation exploiting coherence of the problem instances b ecomes

critical for analytic metho ds Solving a linear program is more dicult than solving a

linear system of the same size and solving LCPs is harder still Solving a fresh linear

tarity problem at every time step would b e prohibitively slow Mucheort can complemen

be saved by using the results from the previous time step For example in the pivoting

algorithms of Lotstedt and Bara basic solutions to the LCP can b e used from the previous

time step if they change relatively infrequently Even more imp ortant when friction is

present there may be multiple solutions to the LCP In order to preserve continuity of

the accelerations of the b o dies the solution at the current time step must be computed

with knowledge of the solution at the previous time step Bar Practically sp eaking this

dep endence on contact coherence is p erhaps the greatest limitation of the analytic metho ds

Tangentially related to this discussion is work of Peshkin and Sanderson PS who have elegantly

characterized the motion of parts sliding on a at surface in the presence of Coulomb friction Assuming

nothing ab out the pressure distribution on the part they compute an envelop e of p ossible instantaneous

centers of rotation thereby b ounding the p ossible motions of the part Unfortunately their metho d is based

on a quasistatic assumption and the minimum power principle PS which prevents application to many dynamic systems

The impulsebased approach

Consider the vibrational part feeder of Figure This machine shakes parts into

Figure A vibrational part feeder that shakes parts into recesses to be picked up by a

manipulator The system exhibits very transient contact modes

recesses so that they can be picked up by a manipulator Simulating this device requires

mo deling the extremely transient contacts between the parts and the feeder The contact

interactions are dominated by collisions The congurations of noncolliding contact exist

only for short time intervals before changing In short the coherence between time steps

that the analytic metho ds need for eciency is destroyed This part feeder example was

one of the original examples that inspired the research describ ed in this thesis A metho d

was desired for eciently simulating these typ es of systems The result is impulsebased


The fundamental idea of impulsebased simulation is that all contact between

b o dies is mo deled through collisions at contact points Nonp enetration constraints do

not exist collisions are what enforce nonp enetration between dierent b o dies Between

collisions the b o dies move along ballistic tra jectories inuenced only bygravity As might

be exp ected the metho d adeptly handles systems like the parts feeder describ ed ab ove

where the b o dies truly are unconstrained most of the time and collisions are frequent More

surprising is the fact that impulsebased simulation can b e used to mo del cases of continuous

contact it is a viable and p owerful simulation paradigm for many applications In the case

of a book resting on a table the corners of the book exp erience rapid collisions with the

table whichprevent the b o dies from p enetrating The rolling ball of Figure rolls along

the ground and up the ramp b ecomes airb orne then b ounces along the ground eventually

settling into a roll sliding between the ball and terrain may also occur at various points

during this evolution Under an impulsebased mo del all of these mo des and transitions are

handled by pro cessing collisions A macroscopic rolling constraintisnever enforced Rather

the macroscopic behavior results from treating the underlying collisions with a physically

accurate mo del

Figure Under impulsebased simulation the various contact modes between the bal l and

terrain and the transitions between them are aected through a physical ly accurate model

for col lisions

Hahn pioneered this simulation paradigm This thesis expands up on his work and

improves the metho ds for collision detection and collision resp onse describ ed in Hah

The collision detection and resp onse mo dules are critical comp onents of an impulsebased

simulator due to the central role collisions play in the simulation These mo dules must b e

very fast due to the frequency of collisions and also physically accurate since collisions

are the sole means bywhich contact forces are transmitted

The top level impulsebased simulation lo op is extremely simple It comprises

three steps

Collision detection Determine a maximum time interval over which the physical

system may be integrated such that no collision b etween two b o dies will b e missed

At the end of the interval a pair of b o dies called the critical pair must b e checked for


Dynamic evolution Evolve the system forward in time byintegrating the equations

of motion for eachbody For rigid b o dies this tra jectory is a simple ballistic one

Collision resp onse Check to see if the critical pair of b o dies has collided If so

compute and apply a pair of collision impulses to them

These three steps are rep eated throughout the course of the simulation The

collision detection mo dule works by maintaining an estimated time of impact for each pair

of nearby b o dies This is only an estimate and it is rened as the b o dies move closer but it

is guaranteed to b e conservative the b o dies can not collide any so oner than the computed

time of impact The integration step is determined bythe earliest time of impact b etween

any pair of b o dies The b o dies that have the minimum time of impact b ecome the critical


Once the integration interval is determined all of the b o dies in the system can

be evolved without regard to collisions since none will occur during the interval More

precisely the surfaces of any b o dies that collide during the interval will still be touching

within some sp ecied tolerance at the end of the interval The dynamic evolution step

is very simple b ecause the b o dies are treated as unconstrained and so their motion is

easy to compute For example isolated rigid b o dies follow ballistic tra jectories during the

integration step The dynamic integration step is highly parallelizable since the b o dies are

moving indep endently during the integration In a computer with multiple pro cessors the

b o dies can b e parceled among the pro cessors and the entire system can b e integrated with

out any need for interpro cessor communication This can result in a substantial sp eedup

It is an advantage over constraintbased metho ds for physical systems with many ob jects

which need the state information of many b o dies in order to compute the motion of each


If the critical pair of b o dies are touching after the integration step and have ve

lo cities that indicate a collision should occur at the contact point the collision resp onse

mo dule computes a pair of equal and opp osite collision impulses to apply at the contact

points These impulses instantaneously change the velo cities of the colliding b o dies send

This statement will b e relaxed slightly in the context of hybrid simulation But in b oth pure impulse

based simulation and hybrid simulation there is no interaction between b o dies through nonp enetration


ing them along new tra jectories For physical realism the collision resp onse mo dule should

account for friction and energy loss during collision Much of the work in rigid b o dy sim

ulation uses a simple mo del for collision resolution The typical mo del assumes pre and

p ostcollision velo cities can b e related with algebraic equations without regard to the un

derlying physical pro cesses that occur during collision Simple restitution laws that can

add energy to the system are typically used For impulsebased simulation the collision

resp onse mo del is critical to the physical accuracy of the simulator and b etter metho ds are

needed Collisions are resolved by integrating the dynamic state according to dierential

equations that hold during the colliding contact These equations are derived directly from

the underlying frictional and restitutional laws they are more accurate than the algebraic


One might argue that impulsebased simulation is not a valid contact mo del Arock

sitting on a table is not undergoing a series of col lisions Its just not moving period This

is certainly true although all approaches to simulation make approximations and deviate

from reality esp ecially those that achieve interactive simulation The question is what

information is desired from the mo del Summing the collision impulses delivered from the

ground to the ro ckover some time interval and dividing by the time interval will yield the

same average force delivered to the ro ck as a constraintbased approachwould The average

velo city of the center of mass of the ro ck also vanishes as in constraintbased metho ds

Finally the piecewise ballistic tra jectory of the ro ck results in little displacement of the ro ck

erage p osition With a small enough collision tolerance the displacementcanbe from its av

made less than a pixel so that the motion of the ro ck on a graphics display is imp erceptible

Although the impulsebased mo del deviates from reality it preserves imp ortant physical

quantities related to forces and the motion of b o dies

Based on the literature the impulsebased metho d has b een more carefully tested

against reality than the constraintbased interactive simulation metho ds Many comparisons

of impulsebased simulation to physical exp eriments or theoretical predictions are given

later in this thesis More comparisons to physical exp eriments are certainly needed for

b oth simulation paradigms

Impulses versus constraints

There are several advantages of the impulsebased approach

No contact coherence required Analytic metho ds rely on contact coherence for

interactive sp eed and even more imp ortantlyforevolving the system in a physically

plausible way when multiple solutions exist to the contact LCP Bar Contact

coherence is not required for impulsebased simulation extremely transient contact

mo des cause no slowdown This is esp ecially useful in situations where ob jects settle

as they make a transition to a resting state

Computational robustness As with the p enalty metho ds nothing can go wrong

in computing contact interactions Given the dynamic states of the colliding b o dies

and the material dep endent parameters a unique impulse to resolve the collision can

always b e computed the collision resolution algorithm always terminates with a valid

solution The NPhard problem of computing noncolliding contact forces is avoided

as are the indeterminacy and inconsistency asso ciated with analytic metho ds The

sti dierential equations of p enalty metho ds are also avoided

Colliding contact naturally handled With constraintbased metho ds collisions

must be handled separately b efore any contact force analysis b egins But under

impulsebased simulation colliding contact is naturally handled since collisions are

used to mo del all contact

Nonp enetration strictly enforced Like analytic approaches but unlike p enalty

metho ds impulsebased simulation strictly enforces nonp enetration In addition if

aheavy ob ject and a light ob ject are sitting on a table b oth will exp erience collisions

with the table at roughly the same frequency the heavy ob ject do es not require more


Decoupling of b o dies Unlike constraintbased approaches b o dies are evolved inde

pendently during dynamic integration under impulsebased simulation This natural

decoupling facilitates parallelization Collisions are also pro cessed using a completely

needed to lo cal mo del so the global state of a system of contacting b o dies is not

compute the impulses A description of preliminary work in parallel impulsebased

simulation is in Pau

Simple design The impulsebased paradigm is conceptually simpler than analytic

metho ds making it easy to co de Advanced numerical metho ds are not required All

macroscopic contact mo des rolling sliding resting and colliding are handled with

a single lo cal collision resp onse algorithm

Physically valid contact forces Likepenalty metho ds the impulsebased metho d

is not sub ject to the contact degeneracies that analytic metho ds are In the example of

Figure the physically valid contact forces will b e computed Forces are computed

by time averaging impulses over a short interval

Extension to constrained b o dies The metho ds of pure impulsebased simulation

are easily extended to handle systems of rigid b o dies linked together byjoints

Though not an inherent prop erty of impulsebased simulation the collision re

sp onse mo del presented in this thesis is a more accurate mo del than those typically em

ployed in interactivesimulation It would b e useful in other simulation paradigms as well

There are also disadvantages to the impulsebased metho d as compared to constraintbased

metho ds In particular

Po or handling of stable and simultaneous con tact Impulsebased metho ds are

less ecient than constraintbased metho ds for certain typ es of prolonged stable or

simultaneous contact in some cases the impulsebased metho ds are not even feasible

The canonical example is a stack of blo cks at rest

Static friction creep Artifacts of the impulsebased approach app ear when mo d

eling static friction in certain cases A blo ck will creep down a ramp even if static

friction should hold it in place

These limitations are signicant and this thesis do es not claim that the impulsebased

approach is a replacement for constraintbased approaches There are cases where impulse

based simulation is the most natural approach for mo deling nonp enetration and where

same can be said of it leads to faster simulation sp eeds based on rep orted data The

constraintbased metho ds In the literature it is evident that constraintbased approaches

have b een applied to problems they are well suited to and the same is true of impulsebased

approaches Any contest between the two metho ds would be decided before it b egan by

the choice of physical system to simulate Furthermore sucha contest would b e p ointless

since the metho ds are complementary more than they are comp eting the situations for

which one approach works p o orly are exactly those for which the other approach works

well Previous work has demonstrated what can b e done with constraintbased techniques

less has app eared on what can not b e done easily One purp ose of this thesis is to describ e

what can and can not b e done with impulsebased techniques

Much of this thesis deals with theoretical issues surrounding impulsebased simu

lation however there is a practical comp onent as well The ideas discussed in the thesis

have b een implemented in Impulse a prototyp e impulsebased dynamic simulator Impulse

served as a pro of by example during the research phase of this thesis only through imple

mentation could the techniques b e proven practical While many of the discussions refer to

this sp ecic implementation they apply to any impulsebased simulator

Overview of the thesis

The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows

Chapter describ es collision detection in the context of impulsebased simulation

using the broad phase and narrow phase detection systems in Impulse as examples In

particular the chapter discusses how collision checking may be p erformed conservatively

so that collisions are guaranteed to b e detected

Chapter describ es the collision resp onse mo del used in Impulse A physically

accurate resp onse mo del is critical to accurate impulsebased simulation The mo del incor

p orates friction and restitution and analyzes the dynamics that o ccur during a collision

Chapter derives Featherstones algorithm for the forward dynamics of con

strained b o dies from the rst principles of Newtonian physics This is a key ingredient

for the simulation of constrained b o dies and also serves as the basis for constrained b o dy

collision resp onse

Chapter describ es hybrid simulation a metho d of applying impulsebased sim

ulation to systems of constrained rigid b o dies It discusses necessary mo dications to the

collision detection and collision resp onse algorithms describ ed earlier as well as a framework

for supp orting control and b ehavior systems

Chapter is selfcontained and presents algorithms for computing the center of

The algo mass and moments of inertia for arbitrary uniformdensity p olyhedral b o dies

rithms are very fast and naturally minimize numerical errors they are useful for any rigid

b o dy simulator

Chapter discusses many examples of simulations and exp eriments p erformed

with Impulse illustrating the strengths and weaknesses of the impulsebased approach

Accuracy is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively execution times are provided and

several real applications from the partfeeding domain are discussed

Chapter concludes the thesis and discusses future work

App endix A provides a variety of basic information relevant to dynamic simula

tion including the NewtonEuler equations for rigid b o dy motion and how orientation is

parameterized and evolved using a quaternion representation


Collision Detection

A fundamental problem in the simulation of physical systems is the collision detec

tion problem determining when and where two b o dies come into contact This problem has

its ro ots in computational geometry and rob otics Typically in the former setting a group

of static ob jects are tested for intersection while in the latter setting the time of contact

must be rep orted between b o dies following tra jectories that are closed form functions of

time In simulation the physical system is certainly not static and the paths of the ob jects

are describ ed with dierential equations instead of closed form tra jectories The sp eed re

quirements that interactive simulation demands are also formidable Hahn found collision

detection to b e the b ottleneckinsimulation of physical systems Hah in his exp eriments

collision detection often accounted for over of the computation time Collision detec

tion algorithms have improved since then how ever they remain the b ottleneck in many


This chapter describ es how collision detection may be p erformed in an impulse

based simulator using the system in Impulse as an example The main contribution is an

algorithm than can eciently detect a large numb er of collisions and that is guaranteed not

to miss any collisions To meet this guarantee lower b ounds on the time of impact of two

ballistic rigid b o dies are derived from the principles of dynamics Metho ds of generalizing

this approach to other typ es of motion are describ ed This chapter also develops a fast

bounding box technique for culling most of the collision checks in a simulation with many

b o dies Two variants of the algorithm are describ ed and compared and the algorithm is

also compared to other b ounding b oxtechniques

Intro duction and related work

Hubbard gives a comprehensive reference list of work in collision detection Hub

Early approaches to collision detection for simulation solved problem instances from scratch

at every time step An example is the p olyhedral collision detection algorithm of Mo ore

and Wilhelms that is O n where n is the numb er of features on b oth p olyhedra MW

Hahns metho d tests every edge of one p olyhedron against every face of the other when

bounding boxes can not guarantee the absence of collision and therefore also has quadratic

complexity Hah These typ es of algorithms are to o slow for many simulation applica

tions Using b ounding b oxes or spheres helps but is not enough Gilb ert et al prop osed a

O n algorithm for determining the distance b etween convex p olyhedra which also provides

a measure of p enetration when p olyhedra overlap GJK The biggest improv ementover

these early algorithms came from the realization that coherence could be used to greatly

reduce the computations In simulation the collision detection system solves a series of re

lated problems each one only slightly dierent than the one b efore For convex p olyhedra

coherence is combined with lo cality using lo cal prop erties to verify separation between

b o dies or lack thereof Gilb ert et al describ e an adaptation of their algorithm to take

advantage of coherence when it exists however the rep orted sp eedups are fairly mo dest

GJK Coherence is used more eectively in Bara s witness plane algorithm Bar

and is thoroughly exploited in the LinCanny closest features algorithm LC Lin

collision detection algorithm is only called at discrete sample For simulation the

points Even if invo cation o ccurs more than once per frame it is still p ossible to miss

collisions One pathological example is a bullet sp eeding toward a thin wall No matter

what the minimum sampling p erio d of the collision detection system the minimum temporal

resolution Hub one can cho ose a bullet sp eed and wall thickness suchthat the bullet

passes completely through the wall between collision checks One correct solution is to

apply detection algorithms to the fourdimensional hyp erp olyhedra swept out in spacetime

Can These metho ds are to o slow and have not been used in any dynamic simulators

describ ed in the literature Most simulators systems handle the problem of missing collisions

by ignoring it CS MW Hah Bar

Ignoring the problem is not a go o d solution esp ecially in an impulsebased paradigm

where collisions are used to mo del contact forces Von Herzen et al HBZ present an

algorithm that uses Lipschitz b ounds to derive limits on how far parts of a parametric sur

faces can move over atimeinterval their system is guaranteed to catch all collisions The

b ounds must b e supplied by the user when the surface is dened The algorithm of Snyder

et al uses an interval version of Newtons metho d for ro ot nding to achieve the same

goal guaranteeing that the very next collision will b e detected SWF Here Lipschitz

b ounds are not needed since the exact tra jectories of the surfaces over time are input data

for the problem These approaches are similar to the one used in Impulse and discussed in

this chapter Lower b ounds on the times of impact b etween b o dies are maintained and used

to ensure collisions are not missed The user is not required to provide Lipschitz b ounds

nor the exact tra jectories of the b o dies over time Physical laws such as the conservation

of momentum pro vide enough information to b ound the times of impact Like the systems

describ ed in HBZ SWF Impulse uses a heap structure to schedule collision checks

between b o dies

Collision detection in Impulse

For computational sp eed Impulse restricts b o dies in the simulation to be rigid

and p olyhedral Rigidity allows much computation to be p erformed ahead of time only

once The p olyhedral restriction is is fairly mild one since any more general shap e such

as a parametric surface or CSGstyle solid can be approximated to arbitrary closeness

with a p olyhedral mo del Of course the complexity of the p olyhedral mo del may growvery

large but the algorithms used by Impulse are quite insensitive to this complexity Impulses

exact meaning that the underlying p olyhedral mo dels of the collision detection system is

ob jects are eventually used if the ob jects are close enough These metho ds are in contrast to

approximate metho ds which are less concerned with lo cating the exact collision p ointand

more concerned with p erformance Hubbards metho d based on b ounding sphere hierarchies

is one approximate metho d which is able to p erform collision checking b etween very complex

b o dies at frame rates Hub Hubbard makes a go o d case for using approximate metho ds

in many timecritical applications Such approximate metho ds were not used in Impulse

which was designed to have value as a simulation to ol Inaccuracies in the position of

contact points can have large rep ercussions in the course of the simulation

Ecient collision detection systems employ some typ e of multilevel strategy

Bounding boxes b ounding spheres o ctrees or similar metho ds are used to prune most

of the p otential collision checks between a group of b o dies A more sophisticated but ex

p ensive collision detection algorithm is applied to pairs of b o dies that can not b e dismissed

by the simple technique This chapter uses Hubbards terminology referring to these two

levels of checking as the broad phase and the narrow phase For a simulation with n b o dies

the broad phase prunes most of the O n pairs and the narrow phase is applied to the

pairs that remain

In the broad phase Impulse computes b ounding boxes for the swept volumes

of b o dies over a time interval and nds intersections of these boxes using a hierarchical

hash table The swept v olume technique is dierent than a fourdimensional spacetime

intersection test in two resp ects First the b ounding b oxes are only conservative estimates

of the swept volumes of the b o dies with much simpler geometry than the true swept

volumes Second since the b oxes are not b eing used to compute the time of collision but

only to signal that one mighthave o ccurred during some time interval one can pro ject the

true swept volume in spacetime along the time axis into the physical space The analysis

is simplied byworking in threedimensional physical space rather than in fourdimensional

spacetime The hashing technique employed for detecting b ounding b oxoverlaps is based

on a strategy Overmars prop oses for solving the static p oint lo cation problem Ove

Impulses narrow phase collision detection is based on the LinCanny algorithm

closest features between convex It is one of the fastest algorithms known for tracking the

p olyhedra in a setting where coherence can be exploited The algorithms output can

easily b e used to compute the distance b etween the p olyhedra which serves as a basis for

collision detection The very co de which implements the LinCanny algorithm in Impulse

was subsequently used for the lowlevel core of the ICOLLIDE collision detection package

for largescale environments CLMP

Both the broad and narrow phases of Impulses collision detection system rely

heavily on dynamics as well Dynamics are used to compute b ounding b oxes that enclose

b o dies swept volumes during the broad phase Dynamics are used to determine when the

next collision check should b e p erformed b etween a pair of ob jects during the narrow phase

b e missed This coupling b etween collision de in a way that guarantees collisions will not

tection and dynamics is unfortunate from a mo dularity standp oint Collision detection can

not b e isolated as a strict geometric problem the detection system must have information

ab out the dynamics of the simulated bodies The coupling however allows for a very

ecient collision detection system tailored to the needs of dynamic simulation

A blo ck diagram of Impulses entire collision detection system is shown in Fig

ure The LinCanny algorithm is used to compute geometric information ab out the

dynamic state

bounding box 123456 computer


1−2 Lin− 3 5−6 Canny 1 2 5 TOI 1−5 estimator 2 active collision heap

1 5 5 6 close 4 counters

hierarchical hash table

inactive object pairs

Figure A block diagram of Impulses col lision detection system Arrows represent

data ows Numbers designate indices of bodies in the simulation The LinCanny algo

rithm TOI estimator and active col lision heap perform narrow phase col lision detection

the bounding box computer hierarchical hash table and close counters are used for the broad


separation of a pair b o dies it is describ ed in detail in Section This geometric informa

tion plus the dynamic state of the b o dies is used to estimate a time of impact TOI for the

pair Pending collision checks b etween pairs of b o dies are maintained in the collision heap

sorted by the pairs TOI Time of impact estimation and the collision heap are discussed in

Section The b ounding b ox computer hierarchical hash table and close counters form

the broad phase collision detection system They typically prune most of the pairs of b o d

ies from the active collision heap using inexp ensive tests These comp onents are describ ed

in Section The section also presen ts a comparison between the spatial hashing tech

nique used in Impulses broad phase and a common technique based on co ordinate sorting

Throughout most of the chapter the fo cus is on collision detection b etween ballistic b o dies

which are ubiquitous in impulsebased simulation Section describ es how the algorithms

may b e extended to more general typ es of motion

The LinCanny algorithm

The heart of Impulses collision detection scheme is the LinCanny closest features

algorithm Lin LC an extremely fast metho d for tracking the features faces edges or

vertices between a pair of convex p olyhedra moving through space The principle b ehind

the algorithm is b est describ ed with a twodimensional example A fundamental concept

in the LinCanny algorithm is that of a Voronoi region Consider the p olygon shown in

Figure The p olygon has eight features four vertices and four edges For each

V( v 1 )

e v1 4 v e1 4

v2 e3 v e2 3

V(e 3 )

Figure Apolygon and its Voronoi regions

feature F the set of p oints closer to F than to any other feature of the p olygon is called

the Voronoi region of F and denoted V F The shap es of the Voronoi regions are easily

deduced for p olygonal b o dies From eachvertex extend tworays outward from the p olygon

each p erp endicular to one of the edges incident to the vertex These rays form b oundaries

between the Voronoi regions The Voronoi region of a vertex is the innite cone lying

between the two rays emanating from that vertex The Voronoi region of an edge is the

semiinnite rectangle lying b etween two parallel rays passing through the edges endp oints

Collectively the Voronoi regions partition the space outside the p olygon

Theorem Given nonintersecting polygons A and B let a and b be the closest points

respectively If a and b are the closest points between feature F of Aandfeature F of B



between A and B then a V F and b V F



Proof Supp ose a V F Then a is in some other Voronoi region say V F and a is



closer to F than to any other feature on B Since b F b F andsoa and b can not

c c


b e closest p oints A similar results holds if b V F


The fundamental basis of the LinCanny algorithm is the converse of Theorem

which is true for convex ob jects see Lin for the pro of

Theorem Given nonintersecting convex polygons A and B let a and b be the closest

points between feature F of A and feature F of B respectively If a V F and b


b b

V F then a and b are the closest points between A and B


points between convex p olygons Theorem suggests an algorithm for nding the closest

Consider the situation on the left of Figure Here closest p oint candidates a and b

polygon A a

b y b v

polygon B a e polygon B

polygon A

Figure Left Theorem implies a and b are the closest points between A and B Right

a V F and so a and b are no longer closest points The closest feature on B wil l be


updated from vertex v to edge e

For simplicity degenerate cases where the p oints are on the b oundary of Voronoi regions are ignored

here Lin for more details

each lie in the Voronoi region of the others containing feature By Theorem they are the

closest p oints In the situation depicted on the right b is still in the Voronoi region of F


however a is no longer in the Voronoi region of F Sp ecically a lies on the wrong side of


ray y In this case the LinCanny algorithm sp ecies that feature F should b e up dated to


the feature on the other side of ray y namely the edge e At this p oint the closest points

between the new features are computed and the Voronoi check is made again This pro cess

can continue for many iterations however it is guaranteed to eventually terminate with

a F b F and a and b the closest points b etween A and B The threedimensional



version of the algorithm is a natural extension of the twodimensional case The b o dies in

question are p olyhedra the features are vertices edges and faces the Voronoi regions are

innite regions of space b ounded by constraint planes rather than rays Figure The

voronoi plane

old closest feature

closest point

new closest feature

Figure Tracking closest features of polyhedra with the LinCanny algorithm

basic algorithm remains the same For details see Lin LC

Although designed to track the closest features the LinCanny algorithm is easily

extended to a collision detection algorithm The distance between two p olyhedra is com

putable from simple geometric formulas given the closest features The closest points are

obtained as a bypro duct of these calculations With nite precision arithmetic a col lision

epsilon must b e used The collision detection system rep orts a p ossible collision when the


interp olyhedral distance falls b elow The particular value of is not critical a value is

c c

chosen based on how large a gap is tolerable For animation purp oses the collision epsilon

should b e smaller than a pixel width so that the ob jects app ear to touch when colliding

For the simulation examples describ ed later in the thesis was two to three orders of mag


nitude smaller than the dimensions of the ob jects For example in the b owling simulation

which used a standard fo ot alley and inch pins was one millimeter


Collision detection and coherence

F or ecient collision detection for simulation it is extremely imp ortant to take

advantage of geometric coherence also called temporal or frametoframe coherence The

problem instances presented to the collision detection algorithm are a series of closely related

problems In LinCanny terms the closest features b etween a given pair of ob jects usually

change relatively infrequently Even if the features are changing up on every invo cation

of the algorithm due to highly discretized p olyhedral mo dels or high velo cities the pair

p oint for of closest features from the last invo cation of the algorithm is a good starting

the search for the current pair of closest features In Impulse a twodimensional table of

closest feature pairs is maintained For every pair of bodies in the simulation there is a

corresp onding table entry containing the closest feature pair for these b o dies computed

from the last invo cation of the algorithm Figure illustrates the eect of coherence on

tracking the closest features

The LinCanny algorithm has b een describ ed as taking exp ected constant time to

rep ort a pair of closest features This claim stems from coherence often the closest features

do not change between successive calls and the algorithm veries this fact in constant

This is a bit misleading Consider tracking closest features b etween a small satellite time

orbiting the Earth over its equator If the Earth is mo deled as a tessellated sphere with N

facets then during one orbit of the satellite tracking on the Earth must progress through


O N features As the resolution of the Earth mo del increases more work is clearly

Running Time of Lin−Canny Algorithm


50 1280 faces 3842 features 45


35 320 faces 962 features 30


20 80 faces 242 features 15

average time per call (microseconds) 10


0 0 5 10 15 20

rotation between calls (degrees)

Figure This graph shows the eect of coherence on the performance of the LinCanny

algorithm The algorithm was used to track the closest features between a xed cube and a

polyhedral model of a sphere as the sphere rotated on an axis paral lel to the nearest surface

of the cube The amount of sphere rotation between successive cal ls to the algorithm was

variedfrom one to degrees in one degr ee steps This experiment was performed for three

dierent discretization resolutions for the sphere as indicated above The performance of

the algorithm decreases as the rotation speed increases due to a decrease in coherence

Also note the insensitivity of the algorithm to polyhedron complexity when coherencecan be

exploited Ata rotational speedofonedegreebetween cal ls a fold increase in complexity

results in a increase in execution time

b eing done to track the closest feature as it circumnavigates the planet even if the satellite


sp eed remains constant In this case the LinCanny algorithm is O N Figure and

Graph in Cohen et al CLMP also illustrate that the running time of the LinCanny

algorithm dep ends on the number of features One diculty of assigning a complexity to

the algorithm is that it is very dep endent on how the ob jects are moving If the satellite

mentioned ab ove falls straight down toward Earth the algorithm is again constant time

The claim of exp ected constant time raises more questions than it answers however and


almost constant time is a b etter description In the satellite example the co ecienton N

is probably extremely small compared to the constant term In exp eriments with Impulse

there is negligible slowdown in simulation sp eed when p olyhedral mo dels of spheres with

a few hundred facets are replaced with p olyhedral mo dels with over facets over

features The latter mo dels are used in many of the simulations describ ed later in

the thesis

Extensions to the LinCanny algorithm

The extension of the basic LinCanny algorithm to curved ob jects has b een studied

by Lin and Mano cha LM Curved b o dies are approximated with a p olyhedral mesh

and closest p oints are tracked b etween these meshes The closest p oints on the meshes are

pro jected onto the actual curved surfaces and a numerical ro ot nding metho d uses these

points as a starting p oint to lo cate the true closest p oints A general form of this algorithm

has not b een implemented

the extension to nonconvex b o dies As Another extension used in Impulse is

suming nonconvex b o dies can b e decomp osed into a group of convex pieces LinCannycan

still b e used to compute the distance b etween a pair of b o dies If b o dy A is decomp osed into

m convex pieces A A andbodyB is decomp osed into n convex pieces B B

m n

then the distance b etween A and B canbecomputedas

dA B min dA B

i j


j n

In other words the distance computation is broken into m n standard LinCanny compu

tations b etween convex b o dies Because of this reduction of the nonconvex case to a group

of convex cases the rest of this chapter assumes convex b o dies

ver this naivescheme is p ossible by computing the convex Signicantimprovemento

hulls of each of the nonconvex b o dies and computing the distance between b o dies as the

distances b etween their hulls This requires only one LinCannyinvo cation and since A is

enclosed by its convex hull the distance to the convex hull is a lower b ound a conservative

estimate on the true distance to A Only if the distance between the hulls reaches zero

must the b o dies b e unwrapp ed and treated as a collections of convex pieces For complex

b o dies this scheme can b e applied recursively to obtain an entire tree structure for a non

convex b o dy A The inner no des of the tree are convex hulls of various subsets of the entire

body and if a particular convex hull is pierced that tree no de is replaced by its children

The leaves of the tree represent the underlying convex decomp osition of the entire body

and the ro ot of the tree is the convex hull of the entire b o dy With sucha structure only

as much of the body is unwrapp ed as needs to be to determine distance the rest of the

concavities remained wrapp ed in convex hulls Details of this scheme may be found in

Ponamgi et al PML At present a general version of this algorithm do es not exist

although one is being develop ed as part of ICOLLIDE CLMP In Impulse the naive

approach represented by Equation is used to handle nonconvex b o dies

checks Prioritizing collision

For simulation the collision detection algorithm must determine the time t at


which a collision o ccurs b etween b o dies The typical approach is akin to the approach taken

in numerical ro ot nding Assume there exists a function that takes two b o dies and returns

a b o olean value indicating if they are p enetrating or not If the b o dies are not p enetrating

at time t dynamic integration of the system state continues to some time t If at this

point the bodies are retested and p enetration is detected than a collision has o ccurred

t t t t between them at some time t with t t t In this case a new p oin

m c c

is chosen and dynamic integration is p erformed from t to t Based on the result of a


collision test at the time t the pro cess is rep eated recursively on the interval t t or

m m

t t The pro cess is rep eated until the width of the interval falls b elow some tolerance


The time t maybechosen as the midp ointoftheinterval t t however Bara rep orts


much faster convergence using an interp olation metho d instead of simple interval bisection

Bar If the p enetration function returns a distance of separation or p enetration rather

than a simple b o olean value one can more accurately estimate the moment of collision by

The distance of separation is well dened for convex examining this distance at t and t

b o dies distance of p enetration can b e dened as in SSCK

A particular trait of the LinCanny closest features algorithm as originally sp eci

ed had a strong impact on the way collision detection is p erformed in Impulse When the

algorithm is passed two p olyhedra that are p enetrating it cycles between pairs of closest

features never terminating The pro ofs which guarantee convergence and termination rest

on the assumption that the b o dies are nonp enetrating Lin motivates the solution to this

problem based on constructing internal pseudoVoronoi regions that partition the space in

side of the p olyhedron and matching eachinterior region with a feature on the p olyhedron

Lin This extension to the original algorithm is nontrivial and it was not pursued at

the time the collision detection subsystem of Impulse was develop ed

Instead the collision detection subsystem in Impulse was designed to detect col

lision before it o ccurred This is done by obtaining successively closer approximations to

the exact collision time t without ever integrating b eyond t The situation is as depicted

c c

in Figure in which the function dt represents the distance b etween two b o dies nega

tive values and zero crossings corresp ond to p enetration and collisions resp ectively The


t t t t t

1 2 3 4 tc t’c

Figure A onesided approach to root nding is used to nd col lision times in Impulse

The function dt is the separation distance between two bodies over time the zero at t


indicates a col lision The velocities of the two bodies at time t are used to compute a


of the parabola gives t parabola that is less than dt for t t The next zero crossing

i i

a closer approximation to t that is guaranteed not to exceed t

c c

derivativeof dt is a measure of the velo city of approach of the b o dies In Impulse a series

of approximations t t t is made to the actual collision time t such that no t exceeds

n c i

t At each t the current velo cities of the relevant b o dies are used to compute a second

c i

order function which is a lower b ound on the separation distance between the b o dies for

t t The abscissa of the next zero crossing of the corresp onding parab ola b ecomes t

i i

The series of closer approximations to t ends when the distance between the b o dies falls


b elow Using a NewtonRhapson approach to ro ot nding it is p ossible to miss a zero


crossing in dt for example the crossing at t in Figure is likely to be missed This


ro ot can also b e missed if there is a minimum time interval b etween collision checks With

the onesided approach every ro ot of t is found

The collision heap

When collision checking reveals that the distance b etween two b o dies exceeds the

collision epsilon alower b ound on their time of impact TOI is automatically computed


and returned In terms of Figure the current time is t and the value returned is t

i i

Assume a TOI estimator exists which takes as inputs the dynamic states of two b o dies

along with the closest p oints b etween them It returns a lower b ound on the time of impact

based on the assumption that the b o dies will follow ballistic tra jectories until the moment

of impact The returned TOI estimates can b e used to adaptively control the frequency of

ks while integrating the dynamic system collision chec

Collision checks are scheduled in a col lision heap Corresp onding to each pair of

b o dies in the simulation is an element in the heap containing a eld with the last computed

TOI for that pair The TOI eld is a lower b ound on the true time of impact for the b o dies

which is unknown The heap is sorted on this TOI eld so that no collisions can o ccur

b efore the time in the TOI eld of the top heap element Figure The top level

simulation lo op is very simple The system is evolved to the time in the TOI eld of the top

heap element at which p oint collision checking is p erformed for this top top pair of b o dies

If the distance b etween the b o dies is b elow the collision epsilon a collision is declared and

is handled by the collision resolution system In any case the TOI for the body pair is

recomputed p ossibly causing it to drop down in the heap and the pro cess is rep eated

This scheme adapts the frequency of collision checks appropriately when a pair of b o dies

are far apart or moving slowly collision checks between them will be infrequent as the

b o dies approach checks increase as necessary

dynamic state

1234 current time, t 0 − TOI 2−4 +

1−2 Lin− 3−4 Canny TOI 1−3 integration estimator 2−3 step, ∆ t closest points 1−4

collision heap

Figure Impulses narrow phase col lision detection system prioritizes col lision checks in

aheap based on estimated times of impact Thetimeofimpact of the top heap element de

termines the size of the next integration step Numbers designate the indices of the dierent

bodies in the simulation

Estimating time of impact

For the remainder of this chapter the following notation is used

t A general time variable The p ositions and velo cities

of all b o dies are functions of t

t The current time in the simulation The p ositions and

velo cities of all b o dies are known at time t

t The time of the next collision b etween two b o dies


t Some time step into the future Often the motion of

b o dies over the interval t t t is reasoned ab out

ust b e solved in order to apply the collision heap scheme is The key problem that m

Problem Given The current positions and velocities of two bal listic convex bodies and

the closest points between the bodies Compute A lower bound on the time of impact of the

two bodies assuming they continue their current bal listic trajectories

One diculty is that the p oints on the bodies that will ultimately collide are not readily

found from the given information Figure illustrates a bad case the linear and angular

velo cities of the b o dies are such that the closest p oints with total velo cities u and u are

moving apart However another pair of p oints not even considered by the closest features

algorithm are almost as close as the closest p oints and are approaching each other quickly

body 1 ω v 1 1


ω 2 u2


body 2

Figure The velocities of the closest points only is insucient for predicting time of


One metho d of b ounding the time of impact relies on the convexity of the b o dies

Consider the bodies shown in Figure Call the closest points on the two bodies c

and c and let d c c Since b o dy is convex it must lie entirely on one side of the

plane passing through c and p erp endicular to the vector d The same is true for body

and the corresp onding plane through c Let x and x b e the p oints at which the b o dies

will ultimately collide No matter where these points are lo cated and what their path to

There are closed form solutions for the orientation of a rigid b o dy as a function of time that use elliptic

integrals MR Using these equations with some metho d of evaluating elliptic integrals might lead to

tighter b ounds than the ones discussed here

body 1 x1

c1 d x2


body 2

Figure Finding a lower bound on the time of impact of convex bodies

impact will b e they will have to cover the distance d kdk in the direction of d Let d

be a unit vector along d Let D t be an upp er bound on the distance traveled by any

pointonbody along d during the interval t t Let D t similarly b ound the distance

t traveled by any point on b o dy along d If a collision o ccurs at time


D t D t d

c c

A lower b ound on the time of impact can be found by replacing this inequality with an

equality and solving for t To facilitate this the functions D t should be kept simple

c i

Impulse uses quadratic functions

Problem TOI co ecients Given The position and velocity of a body at the current

time t and a direction specied by the unit vector d Find Co ecients A and B such

that the distancetraveled by any point on the body in the direction d over the interval t t


D t At t B t t

Consider the case of a ballistic b o dy The total velo city ut of an arbitrary p oint

x on the b o dy is given by

utv t t rt

Here v and are the linear centerofmassvelo city and angular velo cityofthebodyandr

is the p osition vector from the b o dys center of mass to x all sp ecied in a xed reference

frame Since the b o dy is ballistic

v tv t g t t

where g is the vector acceleration of gravity in the reference frame Thus the velo cityofx

in the direction d is given by

ut d v t g t t d t r t d

Letting r be the maximum distance of any pointonthe b o dy from the center of mass


and be the maximum magnitude of the b o dys angular velo city during the current


ballistic phase

u t d v t g t t d r

max max

body The next section dis The quantity r may be precomputed and stored for each


cusses the computation of Integrating the ab ove equation over time



h i


g dt t v t d r t t u d d

max max


The function on the right hand side is a suitable choice for D t For ballistic b o dies the

TOI co ecient routine returns

A g d

B v t d r

max max

Other typ es of motion b esides ballistic motion can b e accommo dated by the same scheme

and are discussed later

To compute a lower b ound on the time of impact b etween body and body a

TOI co ecient routine is called for each of the b o dies In computing the TOI co ecients

for b o dy d is used in place of d Call the co ecients for b o dy A and B call those

for body A and B The lower b ound TOI is the smallest real ro ot tt of the quadratic


A A t t B B t t d

If both b o dies are ballistic a common case in impulsebased simulation the gravitational

contributions for each b o dy cancel and A A In this case only a linear equation must

b e solved If the ab ove equation has no real ro ots greater than t then the b o dies can never

collide given their current tra jectories In this case the time of impact routine returns

innity If one of the b o dies collides with some other body in the environment however

the time of impact b etween bodies and must b e recomputed and may b e reduced to a

nite value

Bounding ballistic angular velo city

The TOI calculations of the last section assume knowledge of the maximum mag

nitude of the angular velo city of a b o dy during a ballistic tra jectory

Problem Given The current angular velocity of a bal listical ly moving body Find A

bound on the maximum magnitude of while the body moves in its current trajectory

Since only the magnitude of the b o dys angular velo cityvector is needed can b e expressed

in the most convenient frame in this case the b o dy frame Below vectors and tensors are

expressed in this frame unless otherwise noted

The angular momentum of the b o dy is given by

LtI t

where I is the b o dy frame inertia tensor see App endix A There is no time dep endence in

this matrix Since the only external force acting on the b o dy is gravity which acts through

the center of mass the angular momentum is conserved in the inertial frame Although

angular momentum is not conserved in the b o dy frame it is related to the constant inertial

timevarying rotation matrix Hence the magnitude of the angular momentum through a

b o dy angular momentum is conserved Therefore

kLt k kI tk

The b o dy inertia tensor I is diagonal Calling its diagonal elements I I andI the ab ove

x y z

equation can b e rewritten

t t t

x y z

kLt k kLt k kLt k



x y z

Thus the body angular velo city vector is constrained to lie on an ellipsoid in R Fig

ure The maximum value of k tk is just the length of the semima jor axis of this ω z

ω y ω

x ω(t)

Figure The body angular velocity vector remains on an el lipsoid over a bal listic


ellipsoid thus


I t I t I t

x y z

x y z

kLt k

k tk

minI I I minI I I

x y z x y z

This b ound was rep orted in MCb however a slight improvement is p ossible

The conservation of energy denes a dierent ellipsoid on which the angular velo citymust

lie Since there is no net torque acting on a body in a ballistic tra jectory the rotational

kinetic energy is constant given by


t I t E

Since the b o dy inertia tensor is diagonal

E I t I t I t

x x y y z z

Writing this in the general form of an ellipsoid gives

t t t

y z x

q q q






x z

The maximum value of k tk is the length of the semima jor axis of this ellipsoid



E I t I t I t

x x y y z z

k tk

minI I I minI I I

x y z x y z

Let I minI I I and I maxI I I The ratio of the angular

min x y z max x y z

kinetic energy b ound to the angular momentum b ound is


I t I t I t I

x x y y z z min


I t I t I t

x y z

x y z

This implies







The angular kinetic energy b ound is always at least as tight as the angular momentum

bound The b ounds are the same when the body is rotating exactly ab out the axis of

minimum inertia and the b ounds are most dierent when the rotation is exactly ab out the

axis of maximum inertia The two b ounds are always equivalentif the diagonal entries of

the b o dy inertia tensor are all equal as is the case for a uniform density sphere or cub e

Bounding box techniques

The TOI estimation describ ed ab ove assumes that b o dies follow ballistic tra jec

and in tories between collisions Supp ose collision detection is p erformed on b o dies

dicating they are not yet colliding and let t be the computed time of impact for these


two b o dies The time t reects the so onest time these b o dies may collide assuming they


continue along their current ballistic tra jectories It is p ossible however that b o dy may

collide with some other bodysay body before t is reached A collision impulse will b e


applied to body sending it on a new ballistic tra jectory Thus t is invalid and must


b e recomputed In fact all TOIs that involve b o dy or b o dy must b e recomputed The

collision heap is actually a priority queue since the keys are not static but can increase or

decrease causing heap elements to rise or fall b efore ever reaching the top

Early versions of Impulse p erformed O n TOI up dates up on every collision in an

n b o dy simulation but the metho d scales p o orly Consider a group of coins tossed onto a

large at surface Even if the coins are separated by large distances as they b egin to settle

on the surface collisions b ecome frequent Every time a coin collides with the surface the

TOIs b etween that coin and every other coin must b e recomputed even when the coins are

in no danger of colliding The problem is that spatial lo cality is not b eing exploited When

a coin exp eriences a collision with the surface it is reasonable to recompute its TOI with

nearby coins but not with ones that are far away A related ineciency is that collision

checks are p erformed b etween b o dies very far apart and in no danger of colliding The heap

scheme reduces the frequency of checks between such bodies however they are still made

at regular intervals Bounding box techniques may be used to reduce these sup eruous

collision checks and TOI up dates The metho d used in Impulse is based on a hashing

scheme prop osed byOvermars for solving p oint lo cation problems Ove The technique

is rst discussed in a static context and then the extension to moving b o dies is describ ed

Finding static box intersections

Point lo cation problems o ccur frequently in computational geometry One variant

is expressed as follows

Problem Point Lo cation Given a number of nonintersecting cel ls in space store

the arrangement such that for a given query point p the cel l containing p if any can be

determined eciently

Here a cel l is a connected region of space Overmars presents two solutions to this problem

ecient solution involves under the restriction that the cells are fat Ove The more

surrounding each cell by an axesaligned b ounding box and storing the lo cation of these

boxes in a hash table The technique can be extended to solve a more useful problem for

collision detection

Problem Static box intersections Given n axesalignedrectangular boxes B B


xedinspace store this arrangement such that the boxes that intersect a specied query box

B can be determined eciently


Toattack this problem consider partitioning space into a cubical tiling with resolu

tion Anypointx y z in space b elongs to a unique tile sp ecied byinteger co ordinates

under the tiling map

x bxc

y byc

z bzc

The tiles that b ox B intersects are found by computing the images under of two


of B s corners the one of minimum x y and z co ordinates and the one of maximum x


y andz co ordinates The two tiles containing these corners and the other tiles b etween

them are the tiles that intersect B A tile with co ordinates a b cisbetween the two tiles


with co ordinates a b c anda b c if and only if a a a b b b and

c c c There are an innite number of tiles in unb ounded space but only a nite

numb er that are intersected by at least one b ox For each tile that a b oxintersects the b oxs

lab el is stored in the hash table hashed under the tiles integer co ordinates The query

box B can also b e mapp ed to a set S of hash buckets according to which tiles it overlaps


The union of all b oxes whose lab els app ear in buckets of S can b e quickly determined and

this set forms a candidate set of b oxes for Problem The candidate set is further checked

against B using more exp ensiveboxintersection tests


Howtocho ose the tiling resolution is not obvious and in fact this can b e prob

lematic when the sizes of the b oxes vary widely If is small the larger b oxes mayintersect

ahuge numb er of tiles and thus require a large amount of storage in the hash table In ad

dition when the static assumption is relaxed up dating the p ositions of these large moving

t On the other hand if is large the tiling will have p o or resolution boxes will b e inecien

power for the smaller b oxes Many small b oxes may hash to the same tile so the initially

computed set S is large and the more exp ensive box intersection test will be p erformed

on many pairs Overmars solves this problem by partitioning the set of cells into groups of

similar size and creating one hash table for each group For collision detection however

any one of the boxes may need to be checked for intersection with any otherthis is not

to disjoint groups is not true in the point lo cation problemand so partitioning boxes in

helpful The solution is to build a hierarchical hash table comprising several resolutions

and checking for intersections among b oxes at dierent resolutions

To understand the metho d consider the one dimensional example shown in Fig

ure Here the six b oxes that is line segments p opulating space are lab eled A

through F Let X denote an arbitrary box from this set and dene szX as the size in

this case length of X As a prepro cessing step one cho oses constants and and a

minimal sequence of tiling resolutions such that


ρ 1 1 C C

2 FF

3 EE

r e s o l u t i n 4 ABB D ρ


Figure A onedimensional example of a hierarchical spatial hash table with four reso

lutions The value is the size of the tiles at resolution i The cel ls which must be checked


when box E is stored in the table are shaded


and so that for eachbox X there exists an integer k n with



The integer k is called the resolution of b ox X abbreviated resX In Figure

and This means that eachbox X must have a length that is from to times

the width of the cells at resolution resX The constraints are met bycho osing four

tiling resolutions as shown in the gure with resA resB resD resE

resF and resC The lo cation of box X is hashed at tiling resolution resX

In two or three dimensions the idea is the same The cells are squares or cub es of side

or box X length and the boxes to be stored are rectangles or rectangular prisms F


szX is the maximum distance b etween two opp osite edges or faces of the b ox In what

follows d denotes the dimension of the b oxes and ambient space

When a b ox is stored in the hash table overlap with other b oxes must b e checked

some of whichmay be stored at other resolutions Assume the boxes are hashed in order

of increasing resolution When b ox X is hashed all enclosing cells at resolutions less than

or equal to resX must b e checked for other b oxes In Figure the cells that must b e

checked when box E is stored are shaded Since body C overlaps one of these cells the

b o dies E and C are rep orted as close meaning the hash table is unable to v erify that the

boxes do not overlap Formally

Denition Boxes X and Y are close if and only if they overlap a common cel l at

resolution minres X res Y

When b oxes are close full collision detection must b e p erformed b etween the corresp onding

b o dies The storage requirements and relevant time complexities for a hierarchical spatial

hash table scheme are now analyzed assuming p erfect hashing

Lemma Let sz and sz be the sizes of the smal lest and largest boxes to be stored in

min max

the hierarchical hash table If n is the the number of resolutions required



n log



Proof Cho ose sz and subsequent tile resolutions such that the constraint


i i

is satised for i n In this way an appropriate k can b e found to satisfy for any

box dimension in the interval sz an n is needed such that sz From

min n n max



Substituting sz for and using sz yields

min n max


sz sz

max min

The lemma follows

Lemma gives an imp ortant theoretical b ound but it is not always tight For

instance if all boxes are one of three sizes small medium or large than at most three

resolutions are required for the hierarchical spatial hash table regardless of the ratio of the

dimensions of the largest to smallest b ox

Theorem For a set of boxes to be stored in a hierarchical spatial hash table let R be the

ratio of the largest to smal lest box dimension Then the total number of hash buckets which


log R must be checked for other boxes when storing a box in the hash table is O

oof When b ox X is stored cells at resolutions i k where k resX must b e checked Pr


for other boxes By szX and so box X overlaps at most cells at k

resolution k The number of cells overlapp ed at a given resolution ik can not be more

than this and since there are O log R resolutions by Lemma the number of overlapp ed


cells is O log R Each cell check corresp onds to one bucket check in the hash table and

the theorem follows

Theorem Treating and R as constants a hierarchical hash table can report al l pairs

of close boxes among n boxes in O n c time where c is the number of close pairs

Proof By Theorem a constantnum b er of hash buckets must b e examined up on storing

each box the total number of buckets checked is O n The time sp ent rep orting closest

pairs among these buckets is O c

A nal theorem relates the resolution p ower of the hierarchical hash table to the


Theorem The hierarchical spatial hash table can guarantee that two boxes X and Y do

not intersect if the distance between them exceeds


d maxszX sz Y

Proof Without loss of generality assume szX sz Y so that resX resY Assume

X and Y are rep orted as close Then they overlap a common cell at resolution resX The


d and so the distance d maximum distance between any two points in this cell is


between b oxes X and Y satises




d szX





and the theorem follows

The tradeos involved in cho osing the parameters and are now apparent

Recall that and By Theorem the closer is to the minimum value of

the fewer cells must be checked when storing b oxes By Theorem the closer is to the

upp er b ound the b etter the resolving p ower of the hash table Finally Lemma implies

that the larger the ratio the fewer resolutions are required to store all of the b oxes

Coherence and the tiling scheme

In simulation applications a slight variant of the hierarchical hash table scheme

can improve p erformance by taking advantage of coherence between problem instances

Instead of storing box X s lab el in buckets at resX and only checking the appropriate

buckets at lower resolutions the lab el is stored in all buckets that are checked Using the

example of Figure the lab els are stored as shown in Figure Boxes X and Y are ρ 1 1 A BC C D E F



r e s o l u t i n 4 A BB D ρ


Figure In a variant of the hierarchical hash table scheme the labels of each box are

stored in every bucket that is checked for other boxes

rep orted as close if and only if their lab els app ear in a common hash bucket at resolution

minresX res Y the close pairs returned by the algorithm are exactly the same as with

the original version A twodimensional array of close counters tracks which boxes are

close Each time X is stored into a hash bucket at resolution i that already contains Y if

resX res Y then the counter corresp onding to the pair X Y is incremented i min

When X is removed from such a bucket the counter is decremented Pairs of boxes for

which the corresp onding counter is zero are not close and narrow phase collision checking

is not p erformed b etween the corresp onding b o dies When a counter is incremented from

zero to one the pair enters the set of bodies on which narrow phase collision checking is

p erformed

This scheme retains the state of the b oxes b etween invo cations If a b oxintersects

the same cells that it did on the last call no additional work needs to be done to store

that box on the current call If the box has moved into new cells or left old ones only

buckets corresp onding to these cells must b e changed Boxes corresp onding to xed b o dies

need only b e stored into the hash table once The disadvantage of this scheme is that more

pro cessing is sometimes required to store a boxs lab el into a bucket In Figure even

though D and E are veried as not close at resolution they must b e stored in common

buckets at resolutions and requiring extra pro cessing and adjustment of close counters

For this reason the claim of Theorem is not valid or at least not readily apparent for

this variant on the algorithm However this variant is quite ecient in practice as shown in

Table The table shows the numb er of cycles sp ent on broad phase collision detection for

millions of cycles

standard coherence

example hashing hashing ratio




part feeder chute

Table Comparison of hashing schemes

some example simulations using both the standard hashing algorithm and the coherence

hashing algorithm The simulations themselves are describ ed in detail in Chapter From

the table the coherence hashing algorithm is signicantly b etter consistently running six

or more times faster than the standard hashing algorithm For this reason the coherence

hashing algorithm is used in Impulse

Maintaining the collision heap

The hierarchical spatial hash table describ ed in the last section can b e used to cull

unnecessary collision checks and TOI up dates for a group of moving b o dies in a simulation

Up on each call to the integrator the state of the system is evolved from the current time

t to some future time t t The step t is determined by the earliest TOI eld on the

After t is computed but b efore the integrator is called for each top of the collision heap

body an axes aligned b ounding box is computed that is guaranteed to enclose the swept

volume of the b o dy during the up coming integration

Consider ballistic body i with b ounding box B The center of mass of body i


follows a parab olic tra jectory that is known from the current state of the b o dy B is found


by noting the p osition of b o dy is center of mass at the currenttime t at the time t t

and p ossibly at the ap ex of its parab olic tra jectory should this occur during the interval

t t t The b ox which b ounds these two or three p oints is grown by r the maximum


radius of b o dy i to obtain B Figure Clearly computing B involves a xed number

i i



time t 0 ri

ri ri f ri ∆ time t 0 + t


Figure The bounding box for body is swept volume during a segment of a bal listic


of op erations and can be done in constant time This fact and Theorem imply that all

bounding boxes can b e computed stored in the hash table and close pairs rep orted all in

O n c time for an nbody simulation c is the number of close boxes This is done at

the b eginning of eachintegration step For static b o dies suchaswalls or platforms it is not

necessary to grow the b ounding b oxby the b o dy radius and the resulting b ounding b oxes

are much tighter also b oxes for xed b o dies need never b e up dated

For each pair of b o dies that the hash table deems close there is a corresp onding

t maintained in the collision heap Pairs not deemed close are in no danger of elemen

colliding during the next integration step When the close counter for a particular pair is

incremented from zero to one the TOI for that pair is computed and the pair is added

to the heap if it is not there already Since pairs in the heap are kept sorted on the TOI

eld no pair can collide any so oner than the pair at the top of the heap The advance

algorithm Figure is p erformed at the currentintegration step As can b e seen from

the algorithm new pairs are inserted into the active collision heap before any integration

o ccurs This is b ecause the computed TOI for suchapairmight precede the TOI previously


t TOI at top of heap t

for each body i

compute bounding box B over interval t t t


store B in hierarchical hash table


for each j such that closeCountsi j was incremented to

if pair i j is not in heap

compute TOI between bodies i and j

store pair in collision heap

since top TOI might have decreased due to new pairs

t TOI at top of heap t

t t t integrate state of system over

Figure advance Advance the state of the system forward in time as far as p ossible

while guaranteeing no collisions are missed

at the top of the heap in which case the integration step must b e shortened

The question of when pairs should be removed from the heap remains One ap

proach would b e to remove pairs as so on as the hash table indicates the b o dies b oxes are

no longer close This can cause pairs of bodies to rapidly move in and out of the heap

esp ecially when one of the boxes is close to the b oundary of a tiling cell Figure To

avoid this inecient behavior hysteresis is applied to the collision heap A body pair is

pair may not be removed added to the heap whenever the boxes become close but the

b efore it bubbles up to the top of the heap After a collision check for the top heap element

is made the closest counter status for that pair is examined If it is nonzero the boxes

are still close and the pair is reinserted into the heap after computing the new TOI If the

closest counter for that pair is zero the pair leaves the heap

The hierarchical hashing scheme also reduces TOI up dates up on collision Recall

that without the hashing scheme whenever bodies i and j collided all TOIs involving

either one of these b o dies must be recomputed However with the hashing scheme TOIs

spatial partitioning

body 1

body 2

Figure If body is bouncing on xed body the pair of boxes corresponding to these

bodies may rapid ly toggle between close and not close status To avoid this jittering hys

teresis is applied to the col lision heap

are only maintained for pairs in the heap As a result if b o dies i and j collide TOIs are

only recomputed b etween these b o dies and nearby b o dies This greatly reduces the cost of

pro cessing collisions

the The sizes of the b ounding boxes dep end on the current linear velo cities of

b o dies These can not b e known for all time at the b eginning of the simulation As a result

tiling resolutions can not b e chosen as describ ed in Lemma In practice this is not such

a problem In Impulse the tiling resolutions are based simply up on the maximum radii of

the b o dies Unless the b o dies are moving at an extremely fast sp eed the number of tiles

intersected by the various b oxes remains small Figure shows the reduction in narrow

phase collision detection due to the hierarchical hashing scheme

Spatial hashing versus co ordinate sorting

In addition to the hashing scheme describ ed ab ove there is another algorithm for

nding intersections of axesaligned b ounding b oxes The algorithm is based on sorting the

co ordinates of edges of the b ounding b oxes along each of the three co ordinate axes it is used

in the ICOLLIDE system CLMP and also in Bar The algorithm works as follows

The minimum and maximum xco ordinates of each axesaligned box are maintained in a

and z co ordinates Two boxes overlap if and only sorted list The same is done for the y

if their co ordinates overlap in each of the three co ordinate directions A twodimensional

Figure Snapshots taken during the simulation of eight coins tossed ontoaatsurface

The lines indicate the tracking of closest points between bodies each line corresponds to

one element in the active col lision heap The left gure was produced with the broad phase

col lision detection deactivated and the right one with the broad phase activated The broad

phase greatly cul ls col lision checks Also when abody experiences a col lision impulse only

onnected to it by lines need be updated the TOIs with bodies c

example is shown in Figure For example since x the maximum xco ordinate of b ox

B is less than x the minimum xco ordinate of b ox B these boxes can not overlap On

the other hand x x x and y y y Thus boxes B and B overlap in b oth

the x and y co ordinates and therefore the b oxes themselves overlap Cohen et al discuss

a body at any the relative merits of using a xed size cubical b ox that can accommo date

orientation versus tighter tting b oxesthatchange in shap e as the b o dy rotates CLMP

Coherence is exploited by up dating previously sorted lists to obtain new sorted

lists In this waythenumb er of exchanges needed to obtain the new sorted list is exp ected

to b e O n It can however b e O n Consider the situation depicted in Figure The

maximum and minimum y co ordinates of all the b oxes are clustered closely together Even

with very small motions from one time step to the next O n exchanges result in resorting

the y co ordinates coherence breaks down This example is not contrived Imagine throwing

a group of dice onto a at horizontal surface As the dice come to rest their b ounding

Since co ordinate sorting is based boxes will tend to cluster along the vertical co ordinate

on dimension reduction the co ordinates may b e clustered even when the original b oxes are

not the clustering b ecomes worse in higher dimensions One way of handling the clustering

problem is to p erform a less drastic dimension reduction pro jecting the threedimensional

boxes rst into twodimensional rectangles in the plane and rep orting intersections among

y’4 4 y4


y’2 3

y’1 2 y 3 1 y2


x1 x4 x3 x’1 x’4 x’3 x2 x’2

Figure A two dimensional version of ICOLLIDEs bounding box check Two boxes

overlap if and only if their projections onto the xand y axes overlap

the rectangles in O n log n k time where k is the number of intersections Ede Hashing

schemes do not suer from the clustering problem Coherence always results in ecient

up dating of the hash table unless the number of boxoverlaps in three dimensions is large

Co ordinate sorting do es have one advantage over hashing no hashing scheme culls

as many b o dy pairs as co ordinate sorting Cohen et al claim that cho osing a nearoptimal

cell size is dicult and failing to do so results in large memory usage and computational

ineciency These claims are largely mitigated with a hierarchical hash table based on

multiple cell sizes A very ecient collision detection scheme based on boxes that are not axes aligned is describ ed in GLM


1 3 2 4 5


Figure A bad case for coordinate sorting The dense clustering of box extrema along

the y axis results in O n exchanges for each new sort of the coordinates

Generalizing collision detection

The collision detection techniques describ ed thus far are tailored to ballistic b o dies

which are ubiquitous in impulsebased simulation The techniques are extensible to other

typ es of motion with the denition of two routines

A swept volume routine This takes the state of the body at the current time t

and a time interval t and returns an axesaligned box that encloses the center of

masss tra jectory during the time interval t t t

A time of impact co ecients routine This takes the current state of the body

and a directional vector d It returns two co ecients A and B such that the distance

anypoint on the body travels in the direction of d is b ounded by the expression

At t B t t tt

The swept volume routine is needed during the broad phase of collision detection and the

narrow phase Previous sections describ ed TOI co ecient routine is needed during the

how the swept volume and TOI co ecients are estimated for ballistic b o dies For xed

b o dies the routines are trivial the swept volume is always the currentvolume o ccupied by

the body and the TOI co ecients are both zero The swept volume and TOI co ecient

routines for b o dies connected byjoints are discussed in Chapter

Another typ e of motion is scripted motion Scripted bodies follow unalterable

tra jectories through state space they are imp ervious to external forces like gravity and

collisions with other b o dies An example application of a scripted b o dy is a vibrating part

feeder Since the mass of the feeder is much greater than the mass of the small parts it

vibrates along a track one could neglect the eects on the feeder of collisions with the parts

Instead the feeder might execute some prescrib ed sinusoidal motion Impulse pro vides

several typ es of scripted b o dies and others could b e added for sp ecic applications Some

simulations with scripted b o dies are describ ed in Chapter One typ e of scripted b o dy is a

cycler A cyclers center of mass follows an elliptical path through space while the cyclers

orientation remains constant For illustration consider the case where the path is a circle

in the xy plane Let r b e the radius of this circle and let b e the angular sp eed at which

the centerofmassmoves around the circle This is not the same as the angular velo cityof

the body which is zero since the orientation is held constant

First consider the swept volume routine Since the center of mass remains in the

xy plane the minimum and maximum z co ordinates of the center of mass are b oth The

minimum and maximum x and y co ordinates are inferred from the smallest axes aligned

the rectangle in the xy plane which encloses several points pt the current lo cation of

center of mass pt t the lo cation of the center of mass at a time t in the future

and any crossings of the tra jectory with the x and y axes over the interval t t t

Figure All of these p oints are easily computed since the tra jectory in the xy plane

y y y p(t + ∆ t ) 0 p(t 0 )

p(t 0 ) x x x p ∆ (t 0 + t ) p(t 0 ) p ∆

(t 0 + t )

Figure The axes alignedbounding rectangles in the xy plane for a cycler body Three

dierent cases are shown The point pt is the current position of the center of mass and

the point pt t is the position of the center of mass a time t in the future

is known in closed form

r cos t x

r sin t y

Now consider the TOI co ecients for this cycler Since the angular velo city of

a cycler is zero every point on the body has the same velo city as the center of mass at

all times Thus it suces to b ound the motion of the center of mass along the directional

vector d There are dierentways to do this Let v tbethelinear velo cityof the center

of mass of the body The magnitude of v t is a constant equal to r Therefore if D is

the distance that any p ointonthebodytravels in the direction d

D r t t

This b ound suggests cho osing the TOI co ecients in to b e A and B r

A second metho d for b ounding motion is to observe that the currentvelo city of the

center of mass in the direction d is given by v t d The magnitude of the acceleration of

the center of mass is b ounded by r This is the centrip etal acceleration always directed

toward the center of rotation Thus

D r t t v t dt t

r and B v t d This suggests cho osing the TOI co ecients A

The co ecients indicated by and are for a linear and quadratic mo del

for distance traveled resp ectively In general the quadratic mo del has a smaller linear term

and will b e a tighter b ound on the distance traveled up to some time After that time the

quadratic term will dominate and the quadratic bound will overtake the linear one To

decide which mo del to apply one can use the current distance d to the other b o dy Impulse

checks the distance at which the quadratic mo del overtakes the linear one If this is greater

than d the quadratic co ecients are returned otherwise the linear co ecients are returned

The time at which the two mo dels are equal is obtained by equating the right hand sides

of and

r t t r t t v t dt t

which yields

h i

r v t d

t t


At this time the distance b ound given by b oth mo dels is

h i

r v t d


If this b ound is less than the distance to the other b o dy the cycler TOI co ecients routine

returns the co ecients of t and t in otherwise the co ecients in are returned

This strategy gives whichever b ound is likely to b e tighter

Other typ es of motion may b e handled in the same way the analyses are similar

to the one for cyclers describ ed ab ove It is not necessary to p erform analyses based on

pairs of motion typ es for instance for cyclerballistic pairs cyclerxed pairs ballisticxed

pairs and so on Rather the swept volume and TOI co ecient routines are dened for

each single motion typ e and then collision detection can be p erformed between this typ e

and all other motion typ es For n typ es of motion only O n analyses are required instead

n This feature is also shared by the collision detection algorithm of Von Herzen of O

et al HBZ Lipschitz b ounds need only be computed on a per body basis not on a

p er b o dy pair basis The b ounds for individual typ es are combined to form the b ound for a particular pair


Collision Resp onse

The collision resp onse problem is concerned with computing the pair of equal and

opp osite impulses that should b e applied to the colliding b o dies in order to prevent p ene

tration Like contact forces collision impulses are sub ject to frictional constraints as well

as other constraints governing the energy dissipation during collisions Collision resp onse

algorithms fall into two broad categories The rst category makes the constant sliding di

rection assumption the direction of the relative tangential velo citybetween colliding b o dies

at the contact p oint remains constant during a collision This assumption is convenientbe

cause the direction of the frictional force varies with the sliding direction Holding these

directions xed allows one to solve for the collision impulse and p ostcollision velo cities of

the b o dies by solving a system of algebraic equations Many v ariations on this theme are

describ ed byBrach Bra In the context of interactive dynamic simulation this approach

is used almost exclusively Bar CS Hah LRK MW NM It is often a fairly

strong approximation particularly for collisions b etween threedimensional b o dies

Just as a collision impulse changes the relative normal velo city between colliding

b o dies it also changes the relative tangential velo cities the direction of the latter is not

constant The second class of collision resp onse metho ds use dierential equations that

describ e the collision pro cess They account for the change in sliding direction and the

p ossibility of transientsticking that can o ccur during impact These approaches date backto

Routh Rou and have b een studied bymany others BK Kel MCa Str WM

accurate collision mo del is required for physically valid For impulsebased simulation an


This chapter describ es a suitable collision resolution algorithm for an impulse

based simulator which has been implemented in Impulse The main contribution is a

computational mo del for the dierential analysis of the collision pro cess this approach is

more accurate than the algebraic one Building on work of Routh and Keller new equations

are derived that are suitable for numeric integration The algorithm presented here also

incorp orates Strongs improved mo del for restitution To accomplish this the collision

integration is divided into three phases and two dierent parameterizations are used This

chapter also presents new results concerning the determinacy of collision dynamics under

the Coulomb friction mo del Recently Bhatt and Ko echling ha ve explored these issues

BK BKb and in BKa they rep ort some of the same results The geometric

pro ofs given in this chapter dier signicantly from theirs which are based on the ro ots of

p olynomials in our opinion the geometric pro ofs are simpler and more intuitive Finally

this chapter discusses some approaches for mo deling static friction in an impulsebased


Assumptions of collision resp onse mo del

The physical phenomena that o ccur between bodies in contact result from com

plex interactions at the atomic level Finite element metho ds are a rst step toward a

to be used in the context of tractable mo del but are still to o computationally exp ensive

interactive simulation A much greater approximation but one which signicantly reduces

computational costs is the rigid b o dy mo del This mo del is reasonable for many everyday

physical systems it is most tenuous during collisions b etween b o dies whichinvolve surface

deformations Still manyphysical phenomena can b e captured with a rigid b o dy mo del it

has wide application in engineering and it is the mo del used by Impulse

Assumption Rigid b o dies Al l physical objects in the simulation are perfectly rigid

This mo del has several implications When two ob jects collide the duration of the collision

is innitesimal and the forces needed to prevent p enetration are impulsive instantaneously

changing the velo cities of the colliding b o dies Since velo cities are nite the p ositions of

t during the collision Nonimpulsive forces like gravity the colliding b o dies are constan

have no eect over innitesimal intervals and may thus be ignored in collision analysis

The rigid b o dy assumption is made frequently in collision analysis

When two real b o dies collide there is a p erio d of deformation during which elastic

energy is stored in the b o dies followed by a p erio d of restitution during which some of this

energy is returned as kinetic energy as the b o dies reb ound o each other Figure The

1 1 1

2 2 2 compression restitution


0 t tmc tf

p z


0 t tmc tf Wz 0 t

tmc tf

Figure The normal velocity force impulse and work during the compression and

restitution phases of a col lision The z subscript denotes the normal direction at the

col lision point

rigid body assumption is usually coupled with a mo del to approximate this pro cess The

simplest mo del and the one used in most elementary physics texts is Newtons impact law

u t eu

z z


Here u is the normal comp onent of the relative velo city between the b o dies u t

z z

means the b o dies are moving toward another at time t and u t means they are


separating The collision starts at time zero and ends at time t The p oint of maximum


compression t is the p oint at which the normal velo city changes sign and the phase


changes from compression to restitution The constant e is called the coecient of resti

tution and make take values between and dep ending on material prop erties of the

colliding b o dies Newtons law is linear and lends itself nicely to an algebraic solution for

the p ostcollision velo cities

Poissons hyp othesis an alternative restitution law uses e as a ratio between

impulses rather than velo cities

p t p t ep t

z z mc z mc


Here p is the normal impulse the time integral of the normal force f delivered from

z z

one body to another Poissons hyp othesis states that the normal comp onent of impulse

delivered during the restitution phase is e times the normal comp onent of impulse delivered

during the compression phase This is equivalent to Newtons law for frictionless collisions

Keller uses Poissons hyp othesis to derive equations of collision with friction Kel

Both Newtons impact lawandPoissons h yp othesis can cause the total energy of

the colliding b o dies to increase during a collision when friction is present To correct this

defect Stronge prop oses a new denition of the co ecient of restitution as a ratio of the

work done by the normal comp onents of impulse Str

Assumption Stronges hyp othesis Let W t be the work done by the normal com


ponents of the equal and opposite col lision impulses during a col lision Then

W t W t e W t

z z mc z mc


The p ositive work done during the restitution phase is e times the negative work done

during compression Unlikethe other mo dels Stronges mo del guarantees that the eects

of the normal forces like the tangential frictional forces are always dissipative they can

not add energy to the system This agrees with the description of the physical pro cess of

collision Stronges mo del is employed by the simulator Impulse

The tangential comp onents of fore and impulse that develop during a collision are

governed by a friction law A very common friction formulation and the one employed in

Impulse is the Coulomb friction law

Assumption Coulomb friction law At some instant during a col lision between bod

ies and letu be the contact point velocity of bo dy relative to the contact point velocity

of body Let u be the tangential component of u and let u be a unit vector in the di

t t

rection of u Let f and f be the normal and tangential frictional components of force

t z t

exerted by body on body respectively Then

u f kf ku

t t n t

u kf kkf k

t t n

where is the coecient of friction

In order the equations ab ove corresp ond to dynamic and static friction While the b o dies

are sliding relative to one another the frictional force is exactly opp osed to the direction

of sliding If the relative tangential velo city is zero all that is known is that the total force

lies in a friction cone

Computing collision impulses

Collision pro cessing is initiated when two criteria are met

The collision detection system rep orts that the distance between two b o dies is less

than the collision epsilon

The velo cities of these b o dies are such that the distance b etween the closest p oints is


The job of the collision resolution system is to compute a pair of equal and opp osite collision

impulses to be applied to the colliding b o dies at the contact points These impulses must

prevent p enetration of the b o dies and also satisfy the physical laws discussed in the previous

section This section describ es a metho d for computing these impulses The situation is as

depicted in Figure The collision frame F has its origin at the collision p oint and its


z axis aligned with the mutual surface normal at this p oint pointing from b o dy toward

body body For nonsmo oth b o dies such as p olyhedra the surface normal is dened to

lie along the line b etween the closest p oints For b o dy i m is the mass of the b o dy I is

i i

the mass matrix describ ed in App endix A v is the linear velo cityof the enter of


is the angular velo city of the b o dy u is the absolute velo city of the contact p oint mass

i i

on the b o dy and r is the oset vector from the b o dys center of mass to the contact p oint


Also p is the collision impulse delivered from body to body and p is the reaction

impulse delivered from body to body Throughout this section it is assumed that all

vectors and tensors are resolved in the collision frame

body 1

v1 m 1 , I1 ω r1 1

Fcoll z y −p +p x

u 1

body 2

Figure A col lision between two bodies indicating some of the quantities used during

col lision analysis The col lision frame F is chosen so that the z axis is aligned with the

col l

surface normals at the col lision point

The equations of collision

Basic Newtonian physics dictate how collision velo cities and impulses evolve Dur

ing a collision all nonimpulsive forces acting on body are negligible only the collision

force f t needs to b e considered which also induces a torque of r f t From the Newton

Euler equations App endix A

f t ma t

r f t I  t t I t

where a and  are the linear and angular accelerations of body The last term in

the second equation comprises inertial forces which are also negligible during collision it

may be dropp ed Also m I and r are constants With these facts in mind the ab ove

equations can b e integrated over time to give

pt m v t

r p t I t

where p is the collision impulse



p t f d

These equations relate the impulse delivered up to some time t to b o dy s velo c

ity changes up to that point Using time as a parameter is valid for the ab o ve derivation

in which a collision is a event of nite duration during which large but b ounded forces

act For the rigid body mo del however a collision is really the limit of this pro cess as

t approaches zero and the collision forces become innite Diculties in analysis arise


b ecause the collision o ccurs over a zero time interval and the velo cities b ecome discontin

uous functions of time These problems are remedied bycho osing a new parameterization

for the collision A collision parameter is chosen which monotonically increases during

the course of the collision All velo cities of the colliding b o dies as well as the accumulated

impulse are expressed as functions of One natural choice p the normal comp onent


of p Clearly p b egins at zero and monotonically increases during a collision it is the


integral of the normal comp onent of force exerted by body on body and this force

comp onent is always p ositive in F Figure because the b o dies can only push on


each other Furthermore velo cities will be shown to be continuous functions of this pa

rameter during a collision Other collision parameters will b e used as well when generality

used to is required denotes an arbitrary collision parameter A prime is sometimes

denote dierentiation with resp ect to the collision parameter

Rewriting and and changing to the new collision parameter

v p


I r pt

The contact pointvelo city u is given by

u v r

Combining the ab ove three equations

u p I r pt r


p r I r


where r is the crosspro duct matrix corresp onding to r App endix A and is the

identity matrix The same derivation can be p erformed for body the only dierence is

that p is replaced with the reaction p The result is

u p r I r


Letting u denote the relative contact p ointvelo city that is u u

r r r I r I p u

m m



or more succinctly

u Kp

The matrix K is called the collision matrix it plays a central role in computing the

impulse to resolve the collision

Theorem prop erties of K For a given col lision the col lision matrix K dened by

is constant nonsingular symmetric and positive denite

Proof Constancy of K is evident from it dep ends only on the masses mass distribu

tions and contact p oint lo cations of the colliding b o dies all of which are constant during a

collision For the other claims note that K is the sum of three matrices a p ositive scalar

multiple of the identity matrix which is clearly symmetric p ositive denite A r I r

and A r I r The mass matrices I are also symmetric p ositive denite see Chap



ter therefore so are their inverses Since r is skewsymmetric it follows that A A

i i


so A is symmetric For an arbitrary vector x




x A x x r I r x r x I r x w I w

i i i i i

i i i

where w r v Since I is p ositive denite the right hand side is nonnegative and



therefore A is p ositive semidenite Finally since K is the sum of three symmetric ma


trices of whichone is p ositive denite and two are p ositive semidenite K is symmetric

p ositive denite which also implies nonsingularity

The main result of this section is emb o died in the following theorem

Theorem equations of collision During a col lision parameterized by the relative

contact point velocity and the col lision impulse evolve according to

d d

u K p

d d

d d

p K u

d d

Proof From u u u Kp Since K is constant dierentiating

with resp ect to yields the rst equation of the theorem Since K is also nonsingular this

equation maybeinverted yielding the second equation

Sliding mo de

Bo dies and are sliding relative to one another when the tangential comp onent

of relativecontact velo city u is nonzero In this case it is p ossible to derive a rst order

dierential equation for uusingp as the collision parameter


Denition Let be the relative sliding direction at some point during a col lision that

is Tan u u where the arctangent returns values in four quadrants Dene the

y x

sliding vector  as


u u u



x y


u u sin u


x y

where is the coecient of friction

The signicance of the sliding vector is seen in the next lemma

Lemma Let p be the relative sliding direction during a col lision While the bodies


are sliding relative to each other


p p  p

z z

dp z

Proof By the chain rule

d d dt dt

pp p p p f p p

z z z z z

dp dt dp dp

z z z

where f p is the collision force the time derivative of impulse By the Coulomb friction



cos p f p

z z z

f p

sin p f p


z z z

f p

z z

under sliding conditions Combining these equations and noting that dtdp p f p

z z z z

proves the lemma

Combining Theorem and Lemma pro duces

sliding ODE wrt p While two col liding bodies are in sliding contact Theorem


the derivatives of u with respect to p are given by



u u u


x y



u K  K

u u u


x y



This system of three nonlinear rstorder ODEs describ e how the relativevelo city

evolves during a collision By numerically integrating these equations using p as the inde


p endent variable u can be tracked over the course of the collision as long as the sliding

velo city is nonzero Figure shows solution tra jectories of the ODE system pro jected into

the u u plane For this example was chosen as and

x y


initial values for u and u at the b eginning The diamonds in the gure mark dierent

x y

of the collision The ow lines showhow the relative tangential velo cityevolves during the

collision For a given collision only one of the ow lines is followed

One counterintuitive asp ect of Figure is that manyoftheow lines diverge from

the origin indicating that the magnitude of the sliding velo city increases during collision

The explicit dep endence of u and on p is eliminated for clarity z

Evolution of Tangential Velocity






0 y velocity -2





-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10

x velocity

Figure Solution trajectories of the ODE system of Theorem projected into the u u

x y


This b ehavior seems contrary to the laws of friction which stipulate frictional force opp ose

sliding The b ehavior is understo o d from Figure In this case the tangential velo city

is zero at the b eginning of the collision but nonzero at the end of the collision Although

the frictional force opp oses the motion it can not overcome the eects of the normal force

which induces an angular velo city that causes the ro d to slip

Sticking mo de

When the tangential comp onent of relativecontact velo city u vanishes the b o dies

are sticking and the analysis of the previous section is not valid Under sticking

conditions the Coulomb friction mo del do es not completely determine the frictional force

but only requires that its magnitude not exceed times the magnitude of the normal force

a ω ω = 0 α v v u u t t = 0 ft


before collision during collision after collision

Figure A situation where the tangential relative contact velocity of the rodu starts at


zero and increases during the course of the col lision even though the frictional forceresists

this change in velocity

When sticking occurs we assume as do es Routh that if the frictional forces are strong

enough to maintain the sticking condition they will do so Rou If they are not strong

enough sliding will resume The following theorem provides the means to test which of

these b ehaviors o ccurs

Theorem Stable sticking For a particular col lision with col lision matrix K the fric

tional col lision forces can maintain sticking if and only if


where K denotes the i j element of the inverse col lision matrix K


Proof Consider the collision force f p at point p in the collision From the Coulomb

z z

friction law if there is no sliding the comp onents of f must satisfy

f p f p f p

x z y z z z

ulated impulse or expressing force as the time derivativeofaccum

dp dp dp

y z x

p p p

z z z

dt dt dt

Multiplying the ab ove inequalitybydtdp


dp dp dp

y z x

p p p

z z z

dp dp dp

z z z

If the sticking condition is stable the derivatives of relative tangential velo city vanish

u p u p In this case Theorem implies

z z

x y



pp K u p


z z




u p K



Combining the previous two equations proves the theorem

Collision integration

The collision resp onse calculation is based on tracking the relative contact velo c

each p oint ity u during a collision Figure depicts relative contact velo city space

u u u in this space corresp onds to a particular relativecontact p ointvelo citybetween

x y z

body and body The gure also depicts the tra jectories u for three dierent col

lisions For all of these collisions u at the b eginning of the tra jectory since that the


b o dies are moving toward each other and u at the end of the tra jectory since the b o d


ies are separating The plane u is the plane of maximum compression as u crosses


this plane the collision phase changes from compression to restitution cf Figure

is evolved according to sliding equations such As long u and u are not b oth zero u

x y

as those given by Theorem Path A is a case for which sliding o ccurs throughout the

collision If while tracking u u and u both vanish then u lies on the u axis also

x y z

called the line of sticking In this case Theorem is not applicable instead the test of

Theorem is p erformed to determine if the sticking condition is stable If it is u will

remain on the line of sticking for the duration of the collision path C exhibits this b ehavior

If the sticking is not stable meaning the frictional forces are not strong enough to prevent

tangential slip the p oint u leaves the line of sticking again moving according to sliding

equations Path B exhibits this b ehavior The question of exactly how u leaves the line

of sticking has not b een discussed this is a deep question that will b e treated in Section

If the paths of Figure are pro jected into the u u plane one obtains ow lines like the

x y

ones in Figure

This pro cess of tracking the p oint u during collision is called col lision inte

gration Given u the initial relative contact point velo city and u the value of



B medium friction

uy line of sticking plane of max. ux compression

A C low friction

high friction

Figure Trajectories through relative contact velocity space for three dierent col lisions

relativecontact p ointvelo city at the end of the collision the collision impulse may b e easily

determined Inverting

p K u K u u


Since p is the total impulse delivered during the collision computing p is the

f f

ultimate goal of the collision resolution system The collision integration pro cess describ ed

ab ove is somewhat simplied and the purp ose of this section is to describ e the pro cess in

more detail Pro cedures to handle stable and transient sticking are develop ed as well as

the termination conditions that indicate when the integration is to stop The latter are

based on Stronges hyp othesis for restitution

Work done by collision forces

Consider a force f applied to a particle that moves along a continuous path xt

through space The total work p erformed by this force on the particle over the time interval

t isgiven by





W f t xt dt


If xt is a line segment and f t a constant force directed along this segment this boils

collision f is a down to the familiar work equals forces times distance rule During a

collision force applied to a b o dy at the contact point and x is the absolute velo city of the

contact point for example u on body The formulation for work given ab ove is not

usable during a rigid body collision b ecause the collision forces are innite and the time

interval is innitesimal This can b e remedied with the familiar tactic of reparameterizing

the collision with a dierentvariable With this change of variables




W f u d


Replacing f withddtp applying the chain rule and rearranging gives


f f


W u p d u p d


This expresses the work done by the collision impulse on b o dy Similarly the work done

by the reaction impulse on b o dy is given by



W u p d

Combining the ab ove two equations and recalling that u u u the total work done

by the collision impulse on b oth b o dies is



u p d W

The dierential form of this equation will b e useful

Theorem The derivative of work done by the col lision impulse with respect to the col

lision parameter is given by


u p u K u d

Since K is a known constant and the path u completely determines u

Theorem implies that knowing the complete path u is enough to sp ecify the total

work done on the colliding b o dies In fact knowing even less is sucient

Theorem path indep endence of W Suppose the relative contact velocity u pro

ceeds from u to u during a col lision over some arbitrary path let u

f f

u u The total work done by the col lision forces is independent of the path taken


and is given by


u u K u W

f f

Proof From Theorem

h i



u K u u K u u K u


Transp osing the second term in bracketsa scalarand observing the symmetry of K

h i



u K u u K u


Since K is a constant

h i

dW d


u K u

d d

By the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus the total work done over the interval is


h i



Evaluating this expression u K u j


W u K u u K u

f f


u K u u K u u K u u K u

f f f f


u K u u K u


Finally transp osing the second scalar term of the nal equation yields the desired result

An imp ortant corollary concerns a sp ecial energy preserving collision

Corollary If during a col lision the r elative contact velocity is exactly reversed that is

u u then the col lision forces do no net work on the col liding bodies and the


energy of the system is therefore unchanged by the col lision

Stronges hyp othesis is used to determine when the collision integration should

stop This hyp othesis is not a statement ab out the total work done by collision forces but

ab out the normal work that is the work done by the normal comp onent of the collision

force The normal work is denoted W


Theorem The derivative of the normal work with respect to the col lision parameter

is given by



u p




Proof From Theorem and the chain rule

dt dW

u p u f

d d

The dierential work done only by the normal z comp onent of the force is therefore

dW dt

u f u p

z z z


d d

Integrating collisions using dierent parameters

To this p oint the only quantitymentioned as a p ossible collision parameter is p


the normal comp onent of impulse This is a natural choice since p is clearly monoton


ically increasing during the collision There are however other choices for the collision

parameter and most of the results derived thus far apply equally well for other valid pa

rameterizations For a parameter to b e valid it must b e monotonically increasing during

the collision and the quantities b eing integrated suchasu must b e continuous These

and bythechain rule implies that prop erties have already b een shown for the parameter p


any other parameter with the prop erty that d dp is p ositive and nite is also valid As


an example consider the parameter u the normal comp onent of relative velo city From




u K K K 




As long as the right hand side is p ositive u is a valid parameter As a second example


consider the parameter W the normal work done during the collision Applying Theo


This is true for almost all collisions indep endent of the sliding angle Section deals with the case when it is not

rem with p


d d

W u p u

z z z z

dp dp

z z

Therefore W is a valid parameter as long as u this is the case for instance throughout

z z

the restitution phase of the collision

Since the equations of collision have already b een develop ed using p as a param


eter why b other with other parameterizations The reason has to do with how collision

integrations are terminated Stronges hyp othesis Assumption dictates the pro cess by

which the collision integration should pro ceed

Integrate the compression phase of the integration which terminates at the p ointof

maximum compression when u Record the normal work done during this phase


Integrate the restitution phase of the integration which terminates when the nor

e times the normal work done during mal work done during restitution reaches


Numerical integrators integrate over an interval a b and the endp oints must b e sp ecied

when the integrator is called The values of p at the end of the compression phase and at


the end of the restitution phase are not known a priori hence p is not a useful parameter


On the other hand the value of u is known at the end of the compression phase it is


zero Thus u is a suitable parameter for the compression integration At the end of the


compression phase the normal work done during compression is known and from this the

normal total work which must be done over the entire collision can be computed The

work W is therefore a suitable parameter for the restitution integration The next sections


reformulates the equations of collision for these new parameters and also showhow sticking

is handled It will b e useful to partition the collision matrix K into rowvectors








The expressions K and K resp ectively denote the i j th entries of K and K



Sliding mo de under u and W parameterizations

z z

The equations of sliding must b e reformulated for the new parameterizations The

compression integration is p erformed with u as a parameter During this integration u

z x

and u are considered functions of u Since the value of W at the end of compression

y z z

is needed this quantity must also be tracked as a function of u Of course u need not

z z

be explicitly integrated since it is the indep endent variable From the chain rule and


du du dp k 

x x z x

du du dp k 

z z z z

The derivative du du is derived analogously Lastly from Theorem with u

y z z

dp u dW

z z x



du du k 

z z z

Summarizing the results

u k 

x x


u k 

y y

du k 

z z

W u

z z

The restitution integration is p erformed with W as a parameter The three com


ponents of u must be integrated with resp ect to this variable From Theorem and the

chain rule

d d d dp


u K p K p

dW dW dp dW

z z z z

From dp dW u as a result

z z





u K



dW u u

z z z



The ab ove equation is valid for u but it is not well b ehaved near u

z z

Toavoid using this equation near this singularity u is retained as the integration variable


slightly beyond the compression phase into the early restitution phase After u is safely


p ositive the restitution integration can complete using W as a parameter Care must be


en that the small extension integration with resp ect to u do es not cause W to exceed tak

z z

its nal value The following lemma computes a safe upp er limit for u for the extension


integration The complete life cycle of a collision is depicted in Figure

Lemma Let W denote the normal work which to be done during the entire restitution


phase Suppose integration with respect to u is extended into the restitution phase until


u bwhere




K W K K b


Then the normal work wil l not exceed W during this extension integration


Proof Supp ose dW du Cu for some p ositive constant C Separating the variables

z z z

and integrating as u varies over b yields


W Cb


To insure that W do es not exceed W itsucestocho ose

z r


b W C


All that is needed is C From the last of Equations


dW u

z z

u K K K


du k 

z z

The co ecientofu on the right hand side is a valid choice for C the lemma follows z

start of max. compression end of collision u zz < 0 u = 0 u z > 0 collision

compression phase restitution phase

latch W z extension integration

compression integration restitution integration

integrate u xy , u , W z integrate u xy , u , u z

w.r.t. uz w.r.t. Wz

Figure The physical life cycle of a col lision and the corresponding col lision integration

The compression and extension integrations are performed using and the restitution

integration is performed using The value of W latched at the point of maximum


compression is used to determine the upper limit of W that ends the restitution integration


according to Stronges hypothesis The value of u that terminates the extension integration


is given by Lemma

Handling sticking during collision integration

Wehave not yet discussed what happ ens if sticking o ccurs at some p oint during the

compression extension or restitution integrations Practically sticking is detected when

the magnitude of the tangential comp onent of relative contact velo city falls b elow some

tolerance At this p oint the collision resolution algorithm determines if the sticking is


stable or not Theorem and pro ceeds accordingly In either case the normal sliding

integration halts and the evolution of the variables for the remainder of the collision may

b e computed by solving simple algebraic equations The solutions of three rst order ODEs

will be useful the claims of the following observation are veried by separating variables

and integrating BD

Observation solutions of rst order ODEs Let y be a dierentiable function of an

independent variable that varies over the a b and C bea constant Then


C y by aC b a



C y by a C b a



dy C

y a C b a y b

d y

First consider the case of stable sticking There are two varieties dep ending on

whether the sticking was detected during integration with resp ect to u or W integration

z z

Supp ose a u integration was in progress Let a b e the currentvalue of u when sticking was

z z

detected and let b b e the upp er limit of u for the currentintegration b if sticking was


detected during the compression integration or a p ositivenumber if sticking was detected

during the extension integration The goal is to determine u b u b and W b Stable

x y z

bu b By Theorem sticking implies u

y x

dW dp

z z



du du

z z


Since du du under stable sticking Theorem implies dp du K Thus

z z z



K u




and applying the second rule of Observation gives

W bW a K b a

z z

Next supp ose that stable sticking prevails at the b eginning of the restitution in

tegration or that it occurs during it Let a b e the current value of W and b be the nal


value The goal is to compute ub and again u bu b b ecause sticking is stable

x y

Rewriting as

K du


dW u

z z

and applying the third rule of Observation gives


u b u a b a

z z


Instable sticking o ccurs if the contact force required to maintain the sticking lies

outside the friction cone in this case sliding must resume How this happ ens is not obvious

but the tra jectory plots in Figure give a clue Sticking o ccurs for this collision if the

tangential velo city point reaches the origin For the K and that generate that plot

sticking is instable and the tangential velo city point must leave the origin In the plot

there are tworays along which the sliding direction is constant Referenced to the p ositive

there is one ray at and one ray at If the tangential velo city p ointison xaxis

either of these rays the direction of sliding remains constant and the p ointnever leaves the

ray The ray is called a converging ray since velo citypointmoves along it toward the

origin and the ray is a diverging ray since the velo city point moves along it away

from the origin If the velo city point is not on one of these rays the direction of sliding

changing The tangential velo city p oint can only leave the origin along a is continuously

diverging ray Leaving in any other direction would mean crossing ow lines or owing in

the wrong direction along a converging ray For any K and the sliding plot resembles

the one in Figure although the number of converging and diverging rays may vary

implies that After instable sticking sliding can only resume along a diverging ray which

the direction of sliding is constant after instable sticking Fortunately resuming sliding is

a deterministic pro cess When sticking is instable there is exactly one diverging ray along

which sliding may resume The next section proves this claim and gives an algorithm for

computing the direction of the ray Taking the claim on faith for now call the direction

of the unique diverging ray whichcan take on anyvalue mo dulo To resume sliding

to lie on the diverging after instable sticking one option is to set the values of u and u

y x

rayvery close to the origin

u cos


u sin


for some very small Then the normal sliding mo de integration could b e resumed as the

tangential velo city ows away from the origin A b etter approach is to use the knowl

edge that the sliding direction is constant after instable sticking in order to solve for the

subsequent motion of the velo city p oint algebraically

First consider the case of instable sticking o ccurring during integration with resp ect

to u Let a b e the currentvalue of u andb the upp er limit of the integration The goal

z z

is to compute u B u b and W b From the chain rule and Theorem

x y z

du du dp k 

x x z x

du du dp k 

z z z z

Since after instable sticking the right hand side is constant Applying the rst rule

of Observation



u bu a b a

x x



The value u b is derived analogously




u bu a b a

y y



From Theorems and

dW dp u u

z z z z



du du du dp k 

z z z z z

Applying the second rule of Observation gives

b a

W bW a

z z



Finally consider instable sticking o ccurring b efore or during the restitution inte

gration Let a b e the currentvalue of W andb b e the upp er limit of the integration The


goal is to compute ub Inverting

du k 

z z

dW u

z z

Applying the third rule of Observation gives


u a k  b a u b

z z z

Once u b is known u b and u b can again b e computed using the same technique as

z x y

b efore



u b u a u b u a

x x z z





u b u a u b u a

z z y y

k  z

Sticking stability and rays of constant sliding

The previous section intro duced the problem of deciding how to resume sliding

when instable sticking is detected during a collision integration the tangential velo city

point leaves the origin along a diverging ray of constant sliding direction For the plot of

Figure this is p ossible b ecause there is exactly one such ray Consider the tangential

velo cityow in Figure Here there are no diverging rays and so it is imp ossible for the

Evolution of Tangential Velocity






0 y velocity -2





-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10

x velocity

Figure A tangential velocity ow plot with two converging rays and no diverging rays

tangential velo citypoint to escap e from the origin For the K and used to generate this

plot sticking is stable and so the lackofdiverging rays is of no consequence But can this

situation arise in an instable sticking case Next consider the velo city ow in Figure

Here there would app ear to b e indeterminacy after instable sticking b ecause there are two

diverging rays The K used to generate this plot is symmetric but not p ositive denite

Evolution of Tangential Velocity






0 y velocity -2





-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10

x velocity

Figure A tangential velocity ow plot with two converging rays and two diverging rays

hence it is not even a valid choice But it is imp ortant to verify that such indeterminacy

can never o ccur with valid K This section addresses these questions

The issues addressed in this section have also been extensively studied by Bhatt

and Ko echling BK BKb BKa Their approach is to parameterize the space of all

threedimensional rigid b o dy collisions into regions that are qualitatively similar such as the

set of collisions where there are no diverging rays From their partitioning the qualitative

character of the collision can b e determined a priori from the initial conditions One of the

main results of this section is a pro of that the behavior is determinate in cases of instable

proved this long standing sticking Theorem Bhatt and Ko echling have also recently

conjecture using a purely algebraic metho d the pro of in this section is more geometric

Wang and Mason also partitioning collision space based on qualitative b ehavior but for the

caseoftwodimensional collisions WM

The u ellipse

For the remainder of this section the entries of the collision matrix are given by

a f e


f b d

e d c

To study the evolution of sliding velo city during collision the most convenient parameteri

zation to use is the one based on p and sp ecied by Theorem Using the ab ove denition


of K the theorem implies

u a f cos e


u f b sin d


z z



where M and s are the designated submatrices of K To simplify notation the explicit

dep endence of u and on p is dropp ed in the rest of the analysis primes denote derivatives


with resp ect to p Since only the tangential velo city is b eing studied the the third normal



comp onentofrelativevelo city is dropp ed so that u u u andu u u Since

x y

x y

M is a ma jor submatrix of the p ositive denite matrix K it is also positive denite





diagonal matrix with p ositiveentries along the diagonal and R is the where M is a


orthogonal two dimensional rotation matrix for some angle

cos sin


sin cos

See HJ for justication of these assertions concerning p ositive denite matrices Com

bining results

u cos



R M R s


u sin


As the sliding direction varies over u traces out an ellipse in a counter

clo ckwise direction It is not the case that or u actually vary in this manner during a

collision but the analysis to come is based on howthepoint u behaves as a function of

Calling the diagonal entries of M a and b the series of transformations indicated by the

d d d

ab ove equation is shown in Figure

(C) (A) (B) µ bd

θ−α µ θ µ µ ad

θ − cosθ − cos − cosθ µ T µ θ µ T MdRα − sin θ − sin Rα − sin θ

(D) (E)

α d

θ e T − cos µRα Rα θ Md − sin θ µ T − cos

RαMdRα − sin θ + s


Figure A sequence of transformations applied to the point cos sin in order


to produce the velocity derivatives u u The latter traceoutacounterclockwise el lipse

x y

as varies over

Lemma The u el lipse shown in Figure E circles the origin if and only if the

entries of the col lision matrix K satisfy

b f e a f d a bfde jMj

Proof Establish a new frame G lo cated at the center of the u ellipse and rotated an angle

relative to the original frame F as shown in Figure The co ordinates of the origin

of frame F expressed in frame G are given by




o Rs R s



The ellipse encircles this p oint if and only if

o o

y x

a b

G µa’ µb’ α d



Figure Testing whether the u el lipse circles the origin Lemma

Since the diagonal elements of M are a and b this criterion can b e written



kM o k M o M oo M o

d d d d


From M R M R Again rephrasing the criterion




R s R M R R s

whichconveniently reduces to


s M s

M is given by

b f


jM j

f a

and so the criterion b ecomes

b f


s jM j s

f a


Straightforward computation with s e d gives the lemma

The criterion of this lemma seems cryptic but it can b e expressed much more simply

Theorem The u el lipse circles the origin if and only if sticking is stable

Proof By the direct inversion formula



f e a e a f

b d f d f b

where the dots mark entries which are irrelevant Notice that the determinant in the lower

right corner of the matrix is jMj In terms of the entries of K the stable sticking criterion

given by Theorem can b e written

f e a e




b d f d





jKj jKj jKj



Multiplying through by jKj and expanding the determinants on the left hand side leads to

the same criterion given in Lemma

Directions of constant sliding

Let Tan y x denote the four quadrant arctangent function which returns the

unique angle in such that y r sin and x r cos for some p ositive constant r

The sliding direction is given by

Tan u u

y x

If u is in the same direction as u or exactly opp osed to it Then one of the following holds

Tan u u

y x

mo d Tan u u

y x

If either of these relations hold then the direction of u remains constant during collision

integration Values of which satisfy these relations dene the lo cation of diverging and


converging rays resp ectively Let u cos sin be the unit vector aligned with u

Then one of the ab ove relations is satised if and only if u u The particular relation

which holds can be determined by the sign of u u if it is p ositive the rst one holds

if it is negativ e the second one holds These results along with yield the following


Theorem lo cation of rays Rays of constant sliding direction are located at angles

satisfying the equation

u u a b cos sin fsin cos d cos e sin

At such values of if

f cos sin d sin e cos u u a cos b sin

is positive the ray is diverging otherwise it is converging

Corollary There can be no more than four rays of constant sliding direction

Proof The cross pro duct criterion of Theorem can b e converted to a p olynomial equa

tion by making a standard change of variables t tan cos t t

ving at most sin t t This leads to a fourth order p olynomial equation in tha

four ro ots

The ab ove corollary also gives an ecient algorithm for computing the directions

of the converging and diverging rays The ro ots of a fourth order p olynomial are computed

algebraically These give the directions of the rays which are then easily classied as

converging or diverging based on the test of Theorem The lighthouse analogy of

Figure is useful in understanding the rays of constant sliding direction A lighthouse

at the origin rotates counterclo ckwise sweeping a white beam across the plane It also

emits a red beam in the opp osite direction of the white b eam The lo cation white beam

in the plane and as the represents the sliding direction The u ellipsoid is also lo cated

varies the point u moves around this ellipsoid in a counterclo ckwise direction Let

b e the angle this p ointmakes with the p ositive xaxis If at a particular value the

u’ ellipse

u’( θ )

white beam β(θ) θ lighthouse

red beam

Figure The lighthouse analogy for rays of constant sliding direction

white b eam directly illuminates the p oint u there is a diverging rayat If at a particular

value the red b eam directly illuminates the p oint u then there is a converging ray

Lemma Consider the point u moving counterclockwise around the el lipse shown in

Figure as goes from to Then implies d d In other words

am can not be increasing when the point is il luminated by the white be

Proof Tan u u and so

y x

u du d u du d u

d d

y y x x y

d d u

u u


y x

u u

y x



d du



sgn sgn u u

x y

d d d

Dierentiating gives

a sin f cos u




u f sin b cos


and so

h i


sgn sgn f sin b cos u a sin f cos u

x y


If then u r cos and u r sin for some p ositive constant r Substituting

x y

these values into the ab ove equation dividing the argument of the right hand sgn by the

p ositive quantity r yields


sgnb cos a sin f cos sin sgn





ab jf j Thus M is p ositive denite so its determinant ab f is p ositive and


D b cos a sin ab j cos jjsin j



b j cos j a j sin j

This implies d d

Theorem If sticking is stable there arenodiverging rays of constant sliding direction

Proof If sticking is stable the u ellipse circles the origin lighthouse by Theorem For

this case d d must b e p ositive during the entire counterclo ckwise circuit of the p oint u

around the ellipse and therefore byLemma can never equal

Theorem If sticking is instable there is exactly one diverging ray of constant sliding


Proof If sticking is stable the u ellipse do es not circle the origin lighthouse by Theo

rem In this case with Clearly as the white

min max max min

b eam sweeps over the range it must illuminate the p oint u at least once and

min max

so there is at least one value of for which To see that there is not more than

one consider the graph shown in Figure Lemma implies that the graph of can


β(θ) = θ

β max β(θ) < π

β min

β(θ) = θ dβ/ dθ < 0

0 2π θ

Figure Proving therecan be no more than one diverging ray when sticking is instable

never cross the line while is increasing and therefore it can cross only once

More crossings would b e p ossible if the graph of wrapp ed around over an interval

of but this is imp ossible since The conclusion is that there is exactly

max min

one value of for which

Theorem guarantees that Figure is representative of all ow plot when

sticking is stable rays only converge to the origin none diverge Theorem proves that

when sticking is not stable there is exactly one diverging ray as in Figure Thus there

is a well dened direction along which sliding resumes after instable sticking This result

had been previously conjectured in BK MCa Recently Bhatt and Ko echling have

devised an alternative algebraic pro of of this result BKa The previous two theorems

also prove that ows like the one of Figure never o ccur for valid K which are p ositive denite

A nal lo ose end to tie up is how to handle situations where du d is nega


tive at the b eginning of a collision This paradoxical situation occurs when the collision

force initially accelerates the b o dies into each other instead of away from each other The

phenomenon is well known see Bar for a sp ecic example

Theorem For values of for which the dot product discriminant of Theorem is

positive du dp is also positive

z z

Proof The hyp othesis can b e rephrased as

a cos b sin f cos sin d sin e cos


Since K is p ositive denite  K is p ositive Expanding this pro duct yields

a cos b sin f cos sin c e cos d sin

Adding these two inequalities

e cos d sin c

From Theorem du dp is p ositive exactly when the ab ove inequality is satised

z z

As the collision is integrated the relative tangential velo citypoin t asymptotically

approaches the rays of constant sliding direction This is evident in the ows of Figures

and If it approaches a diverging ray then in some neighborhood of the ray the

conditions of Theorem will b e met and u will increase for the remainder of the collision


If it approaches a converging ray the point will eventually reach the origin If sticking is

not stable the p ointleaves along a diverging rayandu will again increase for the duration



of the collision If sticking is stable then by denition u travels in the direction

for the duration of the collision Hence in any case u eventual ly increases and remains


for the duration of the collision To handle cases for which u is is initially increasing


decreasingand these are extremely rare p is chosen as the initial integration param


eter and is used until du dp becomes p ositive At this point the normal compression

z z

integration with resp ect to u can b egin and the rest of the collision integration is handled


as b efore

In the vast ma jority of simulations p erformed with Impulse including all of those describ ed in the

Chapter collisions in which u is initially decreasing never o ccur z

Static contact and micro collisions

Under impulsebased simulation continuous contact suchasthatbetween a b o ok

and the table is rests on is mo deled through trains of collisions In this case the collision

impulses mo del a constant reaction force which do es no work on the stationary ob jects

The collision resolution metho d describ ed thus far is not completely suitable for mo deling

such static contact forces To understand the problem consider the b o ok on table example

Through collisions the energy of the b o ok steadily decreases as the b o ok sinks further and

further into the collision envelop e of the table The decreased distance b etween the b o dies

causes time of impact estimates to decrease increasing collision checks b etween the b o dies

The simulator would b e brought to a grinding halt as the separation distance and the time

between impacts approached zero

To alleviate this problem microcol lisions are prop osed as a way of mo deling static

contact forces Micro collision impulses are not computed in the standard way For a collision

to be a micro collision candidate the initial relative normal velo city at the contact p oin t

must be small since static contact o ccurs only as ob jects settle onto one another high

relative normal velo cities at the contact point corresp ond to colliding contact In Impulse

this criterion is dened precisely as


u g

z c

where g is the acceleration of gravity The right hand side is the velo city that an ob ject

acquires as it falls from rest through the collision envelop e Since the distance between

ob jects in static contact is approximately this seems a reasonable velo city b ound


For micro collisions the co ecient of restitution is articially increased based on

the p enetration of the b o dies within the collision envelop e as shown in Figure The

graph shows e the actual co ecient of restitution used in resolving the collision as a

function of the p enetration depth which is in the range The value e



e is the default value for e based on material prop erties of the ob jects The value


e is the maximum value e may assume As shown in the graph e is a second order


curve with vanishing derivativeat This is so that e can b e made fairly large for deep

p enetrations while still remaining close to its default value for most collisions whichhave

small p enetrations In Impulse e was chosen as This value is enough to prevent the


simulation sp eed from slowing down noticeably when ob jects come to rest on other ob jects


edef coefficient of restitution (e)

0 ε

envelope penetration ( δ )

Figure The coecient of restitution is articial ly increasedtoprevent prolonged deep

penetration into the col lision envelope

The resting ob ject vibrates on its supp orting ob ject with a vibration amplitude on the order

of for most views this amplitude is less than a pixel and so the ob ject app ears at rest


A related problem is that of a blo ck on a ramp Figure If the co ecient

ft gt g

fn n g

Figure Standard col lision impulses wil l cause the block to creep down the ramp no

matter what the coecient of friction is

of friction is high enough the blo ck should be brought to rest on the ramp the static

friction force opp osing the force of gravity Again the contact forces do no work once the

b o dies are stationary At most collisions the resp onse algorithm describ ed thus far will

bring the tangential velo city at the contact pointto zero As the collision ends the blo ck

again b ecomes airb orne following a ballistic tra jectory During this interval gravity is

unchecked and will impart a linear acceleration with a comp onent do wn the ramp Up on

the next collision the downward velo city will again b e halted but the blo ck motion during

the ballistic phase remains uncorrected Since the velo city of the blo ck down the ramp

varies between and some small p ositive the blo ck will creep slowly down the ramp

much as a real blo ckwould if placed on a vibrating ramp

To correct this problem a second typ e of micro collision is employed When the

initial relative normal velo city satises the unique impulse p that reverses this


u velo city is computed This impulse is given by with u

p K u


The cost of computing p is much less than that of p erforming a standard collision inte


gration Furthermore by Corollary p do es no net work on the colliding b o dies like


the static force is mo dels If p lies within the friction cone it is applied otherwise the


impulse is computed through collision integration with a b o osted co ecient of restitution

ramp canceling The reversing micro collisions give the blo ck a small kick back up the

the eects of gravity during the ballistic phase Creep is still present but is very small


The decision to classify a collision as a micro collision is based only on lo cal in

formation at the contact point This is in keeping with the impulsebased approachofnot

explicitly classifying macroscopic state but instead generating correct macroscopic b ehavior

through collisions When one ob ject settles on another the pro cess is a smo oth transition

from a situation in which virtually all collisions are ordinary collisions to a situation in which

virtually all collisions are micro collisions Having to make explicit decisions ab out when an

ob ject is resting on another or whether a contact is of a rolling or sliding nature creates

articially sharp transitions in system b ehavior and leads to the consistency problems that

arise in constraintbased simulation

The ordinary collision resp onse computations derived in this chapter are on a solid

theoretical framework given the assumptions made Micro collisions are harder to justify

Position of Block Velocity of Block 600 550 550 500 500 450 450 400 400 350 350 300 300 250 250 position (cm)

200 velocity (cm/s) 200 150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0

0 12345 0 1 2 3 4 5

time (s) time (s)

Figure Data from the block on ramp experiment using Impulse A block is launched

down a ramp with an initial sliding velocity of cms with and g

cms Theoretical ly the block should experience constant deceleration for seconds

coming to rest after traveling cm The simulators results agree closely although the

plots reveal slight creep in the position of the block

from a physical standp oint Imp ortant prop erties are preserved when using micro collisions

for example the contact forces on the b o dies still lie within friction cones even when micro

collisions are used But ultimately micro collisions are an adho c waytomake impulsebased

simulation feasible for mo deling prolonged contact b etween b o dies There are limitations of

what can b e done even using micro collisions The creeping problem although slight may

b e unacceptable for some applications The static contact b etween a b o ok and a table p oses

no problem nor do es a stack of two books By three b o oks the simulation is noticeably

slower and four or more causes it to grind to a halt Too many collision impulses must

b e propagated up and down the stack of b o oks and the weight of the other b o oks on the

deep envelop e p enetration between the b ottom book and the table bottom book causes

This p enetration could be reduced by increasing e but to o high a value adds instabil


ity to ordinary situations Furthermore parameter tuning has been eschewed through the

development of Impulse A stack of books on a table is a situation which is much more

naturally and eciently handled with a constraintbased approach


Constrained Bo dy Dynamics

Impulsebased simulation can not eciently mo del tightly constrained contact

such as that o ccurring at a hinge joint It is useful however when combined with a classical

metho d for mo deling this constrained contact This combination is called hybrid simula

tion and is discussed in Chapter The present chapter develops the forward dynamics

algorithms for several classes of multibodies collections of rigid b o dies connected byjoints

The algorithms presented here are the original work of Featherstone Fea

Featherstones algorithm is a generalized co ordinate approach meaning that there

are as many state variables as degrees of freedom in the system The advantage of this

approach is that there are no inv alid state congurations the constraints are automatically

enforced Maximal co ordinate metho ds also called multiplier metho ds can also b e used to

derive the dynamics of constrained b o dy systems These employ more state variables than

there are degrees of freedom and so constraints must b e continuously enforced Multiplier

metho ds are more naturally applied to more general kinematic structures such as those

with kinematic lo ops They suer however from drift problems due to the co ordinate

redundancy Some dierentialalgebraic equation DAE solvers such as MEXX LNPE

employ sophisticated metho ds for maintaining constraints at the price of added complexity

A summary of the pros and cons of generalized and maximal co ordinate approaches is in

Bar Clear comparisons of the sp eed and accuracy of the two metho ds have not b een

published the b est choice may b e application dep endent

o reasons The The results of this chapter are not original but are included for tw

rst is tutorial Featherstones algorithm has been presented by him as well as by several

other dynamicists BJO LilJR yet the algorithm remains confusing and dicult to

implement for many who are not sp ecialists in the area The sources mentioned ab ovehave

a tendency to describ e the algorithm from a very theoretical viewp oint or to sacrice detail

and completeness for brevity This chapter derives Featherstones equations by taking a very

dierent path the equations are derived from the basic principles of rigid b o dy dynamics

taughtinanyphysics course Spatial notation is adopted only after a thorough nonspatial

treatment of the underlying quantities Extensions of the basic serial chain algorithm to

handle treelike linkages and oating linkages are explicitly describ ed The second reason

for this chapter is to provide a foundation for multib o dy dynamics which will be used in

Chapter to develop the collision resp onse mo del for hybrid simulation

Section describ es the basic forward dynamics problem for constrained linkages

Section details how the absolute velo cities of all links are determined from the joint

p ositions and velo cities a pro cedure which is omitted in most exp ositions on constrained

dynamics Acceleration propagation equations are also derived Section intro duces

spatial algebra Section derives Featherstones complete algorithm for grounded serial

linkages from rst principles of rigid b o dy mechanics Sections and extend the basic

algorithm to treelike linkages and oating linkages resp ectively

Constrained forward dynamics

Consider the serial linkage shown in Figure The links are numb ered from

to n where link is attached to a xed base called link and link n is the outermost

i n link i has an inboard joint link The joints are also lab eled from to n For

whichis closer to the base and an outb oard joint whichis closer to the other end of the

linkage link n hasonlyaninb oard joint The inb oard joint of link i is joint i i n

and the outb oard jointoflinki is joint i in When each joint only allows one

degree of freedom a compact parameterization of the conguration space of the linkage is


the vector of joint p ositions q q q The problem to b e solved is


Problem Forward dynamics Given The positions q and velocities q of the n joints

of a serial linkage the external forces acting on the linkage and the forces and torques being

applied by the joint actuators Find The resulting accelerations of the joints q

Bara also makes this p ointinBar

joint i joint i+1

link i

link 1 link n

joint n joint 1 link 0

(base) inboard outboard

Figure The link and joint indexing conventions for serial linkages

A ma jor hurdle in understanding the dynamics of linked rigid body systems is

the complex notation that is required For convenience Table summarizes the notation

whichisintro duced and used throughout this chapter

Velo city and acceleration propagation

To solve the forward dynamics problem one must rst determine the absolute

motion of all of the links of the linkage The linear and angular velo cities of the links

dep end only on q and q The linear and angular accelerations of the links dep end on these

accelerations can still quantities and also on q Although q is initially unknown the link

b e expressed in terms of it

Denition Attached to each link i is a body frame F with origin at the links center


of mass and axes aligned with the principle axes of inertia for the link Vectors expressed

in link co ordinates have coordinates resolved relative to this body frame

The immediate goal is to solve this subproblem

Problem Velo city and acceleration propagation Given The joint positions q

link the linear velocity v angular velocities q and accelerations q Compute For each


velocity linear acceleration a and angular acceleration  al l relative to an inertial

i i i


n numb er of links of serial linkage

v linear velo city of link i


angular velo city of link i


a linear acceleration of link i


 angular acceleration of link i


v relative linear velo cityoflinki Denition


relative angular velo city of link i Denition


m mass of link i


M matricized mass of link i Equation


I diagonalized b o dy frame inertia tensor of link i App endix A


d vector from link i inb oard joint to link i com Figure


r vector from link i com to link i com Figure


u unit vector in direction of joint i axis Figure


I spatial isolated inertia of link i Denition



I spatial articulated inertia of link i Theorem


Z spatial isolated zeroacceleration za force of link i Denition



Z spatial articulated zeroacceleration za force of link i Theorem



f spatial force applied byinb oard joint to link i Denitions



f spatial force applied by outb oard jointtolinki Denitions


v spatial velo city of link i Denition


a spatial acceleration of link i Denitions


s spatial joint axis of joint i Denition


c spatial Coriolis force for link i Denition


q scalar p osition of joint i


q scalar velo cityofjoint i


q scalar acceleration of joint i


 vector velo cityofjoint i Equation


 vector acceleration of joint i Equation


O inertial reference frame

F b o dy frame of link i Denition


X spatial transformation from frame F to frame G Denition


X spatial transformation from frame F to frame F

j i i j

Table Notation used in Chapter

The quantities v a and  describ e the motion of frame F relative to an

i i i i i

inertial frame O The strategy for solving this problem is straightforward The velo cities

and accelerations of link i are completely determined by the velo cities and accelerations of

link i and the motion of joint i Since the velo cities and accelerations of the base link

are the base link is a starting p oint and one pro ceeds inductively from there

A few additional vectors are needed as shown in Figure Let u denote the i

link i ui link i−1 joint i

d i

F Fi

i−1 ri

Figure Quantities for propagating velocities and accelerations

unit vector in the direction of the axis of joint i r denote the vector from the origin of


F to the origin of F andd denote some vector from the axis of joint i to the origin of

i i i



The motion of link i may b e divided into two parts one due to the motion of link

i and one due to the motion of joint i The latter comp onent is called the relative


ar cen Denition Relative velo cities The linear relativevelo cityv is the line


ter of mass velocity of link i due only to the motion of joint i that is the linear center of

mass velocity that link i would have if link i were held xed The angular relative

velo city is the angular velocity of link i due only do the motion of joint i that is the


angular velocity that link i would have if link i were held xed

The angular velo city of link i is the angular velo cityoflinki plus the angular

velo city induced byrotationatthejoint

i i rel

Propagating linear velo city is similar but there is an added term due to the rotation of

link i

v v r v

i i i i


The formula for propagating angular acceleration is obtained by dierentiating


i i


The formula for propagating linear acceleration is obtained by dierentiating

a a  r r v

i i i i i i


Since r v v whichbyis r v the ab ove equation can b e rewritten

i i i i i


a a  r r v v

i i i i i i i i

rel rel

Equations express link is motion in terms of link i s motion and

the relative motion due to joint i All that remains is to dene v and their time

rel rel

derivatives for prismatic and revolute joints To this end dene twovectors along the axis

of joint i

 q u

i i i

 q u

i i


Supp ose joint i is prismatic Alone it imparts no angular velo city to link i only a linear

center of mass velo city From Figure and Denition





On the other hand a revolute joint i imparts b oth an angular velo city and a linear center

of mass velo city to link i From Figure and Denition



v  d

i i


The following lemma is useful in computing and v

rel rel

Lemma For prismatic or revolute joints


i i i


Furthermore for revolute joints


 d  d  d   d

i i i i i i i i i



Proof Dierentiating

u u  q  q u q

i i i i i i i


Since the joint axis u rotates with link i u u Substituting this result into

i i i

the ab ove equation proves the rst claim of the lemma For the second claim note


 d  d  d

i i i i i i


Now  is given by the rst claim and d rotates with link i

i i

d d  d

i i i i i i

The second equality ab ove follows from and Substituting for  and d into

i i

distributing the cross pro ducts and applying the identity


proves the second claim

The results of Equations plus Lemma are summarized b elow

joint i prismatic joint i revolute



v   d

i i i



i i



v    d  d   d

i i i i i i i i i

i i


Substituting these quantities into equations pro duce the propagation formulae

that givelinkis motion in terms of link i s motion and the motion of joint i If joint i

is prismatic

i i

v v r 

i i i i i


i i

 a a  r  r

i i i i i i i i i i

If joint i is revolute

i i i

v v r  d

i i i i i i


i i i i


a a  r  d

i i i i i


r  d   d

i i i i i i i i i

In Equations all velo city and acceleration vectors are absolute mean

ing they are taken relative to the inertial frame O In computations however the co

ordinates of the vectors may be expressed relative to any convenient co ordinate frame

Computations are simplied if all vectors are expressed in F the b o dy frame attached to


link i

As an example consider the planar linkage of Figure Assuming joint

link 1


F1 v1 x

d1 a1 q 1




Figure The vectors v and a describe the motion of the center of mass of link relative

to the inertial frame O But the coordinates of these vectors may beexpressed in any frame

rotates counterclo ckwise with constant angular velo city the expressions for v and a in

O s co ordinates are

q d cos q q d sin q

a v

q d sin q q d cos q

The same vectors expressed in F s co ordinates are


q d

a v

q d

These latter expressions are simpler b ecause F rotates with link Also the vectors d and


u are xed in F somany of the sub expressions app earing in may b e precom

i i

puted The only catchisthatvector co ordinates expressed in F must b e transformed to


frame F b efore they can b e used in computations with other vectors expressed in F This

i i

amounts to multiplying the four vectors v  and a by a rotation matrix

i i i i

b efore using them in If joint i is prismatic this rotation matrix is constantand

may also b e precomputed if join i is revolute the matrix dep ends on q


The rst step in the forward dynamics algorithm is the computation of the absolute

linear and angular velo cities of all links These are determined from the known dynamic

centrip etal and Coriolis forces acting on the links The state q q and determine the

algorithm for computing these velo cities follows directly from Equations and

and is shown in Figure The derived acceleration propagation equations

involve the unknown joint accelerations through the term  These will be be needed in


deriving the rest of the forward dynamics algorithm

Spatial algebra

Spatial algebra is a p owerful notation for describing quantities and relations rele

vant to the dynamics of threedimensional systems A spatial vector is sixdimensional and

replaces two ordinary vectors in R The spatial acceleration of a rigid b o dy describ es b oth

its linear and angular accelerations The spatial force applied to a rigid b o dy describ es b oth

the applied ordinary D force and the applied D moment Throughout this chapter

Featherstones convention of denoting spatial quantities with a caret is used

space with a frame F attached to it let Denition For a rigid body moving through

v a and  be the linear velocity angular velocity linear acceleration and angular


v  a

for i to n

R rotation matrix from F to F

i i

r radius vector from F to F in F coordinates

i i i


i i

v Rv r

i i i

if joint i is prismatic

v v q u

i i i i

else joint i is revolute

q u

i i i i

v v q u d

i i i i i

Figure compSerialLinkVelocities Compute the absolute linear and angular velo c

ities of all links of a serial linkage in link co ordinates Input data are the dynamic state

q q Output data are the velo cities and v for eachlink

i i

acceleration of frame F relative to an inertial frame O Then the spatial velo city v and

spatial acceleration a of the body expressed in frame F are given by

v a

v a

Now consider a rigid body moving through space with two frames F and G at

tached to it where G is displaced but not rotated relative to F Let v and v be the


linear velo cities of the origins of these frames let be the common angular velo city of

the frames and let r be the oset vector from the origin of F to the origin of G Then

v v r and so




v v r r v


is the identity matrix see App endix A for a denition of r The matrix on

the right hand side is a spatial matrix If G is also rotated relative to F and R is

the rotation matrix that transforms vector co ordinates in F to vector co ordinates in G the

vector on the right hand side must b e premultiplied by the spatial matrix



in order to account for the rotation of G relativetoF This leads to the following denition

Denition Let F and G be two frames let r be the oset ve ctor from the origin of F

to the origin of G expressed in G s coordinates and let R be the rotation matrix

transforming nonspatial vectors from F to G Then the spatial transformation

matrix from F to G is given by




r R rR R

With this notation the spatial velo city transformation shown ab ove can b e written

v X v


A spatial transformation matrix is the analog of an ordinary rotation matrix it transforms

X transforms the co ordinates of a spatial vector from one frame to another The matrix


spatial accelerations from frame F to frame G in the same way as it transforms velo cities

Spatial vectors are also useful for describing external inuences acting on rigid b o dies Given

a rigid b o dy with an attached frame F one can express the total external inuences on the

b o dy as a force with line of action passing through the origin of F and a torque

Denition For a rigid body with attached frame F let the total external inuences on

the body be given by a force f with line of action passing through the origin of F and a

torque  Then the spatial force acting on the body expressed in frame F is



Let G b e a second frame attached to the rigid b o dy and let r b e the oset vector

from the origin of F to the origin of G The force acting through the origin of F may be

displaced to act through the origin of G if a correction torque of r f is added the torque

 requires no adjustment see MK for details Therefore

f f f



 r f r  


X that trans The parallel to is obvious the same spatial transformation matrix


forms spatial accelerations from frame F to frame G also transforms spatial forces from

frame F to frame G

Denition Let




be the coordinate representation of a spatial vector with a b R The spatial transp ose

of x denoted by x is

h i


x b a

The spatial inner pro duct of two spatial vectors x and y is given by x y

To transp ose a spatial vector one swaps its two halves and transp oses each of them this

y of a body and f is a is typically what one wants For example if v is the spatial velo cit

spatial force applied to the b o dy the inner pro duct of spatial force and spatial velo cityis

i h



 f v f v  f

v  v

whichispower as with ordinary D vectors

Spatial formulation of acceleration propagation

The acceleration propagation equations develop ed in Section are compactly

expressed with spatial algebra If joint i is prismatic equations can b e written


i i



r  u r a  a

i i i i i i i i i i

If joint i is revolute equations can b e written


i i i



u d r  a a

i i i i i i

i i

r  d   d

i i i i i i i i i

Equations and are unied with the help of the following denitions

Denition The spatial joint axis of joint i is the spatial vector





if the joint is prismatic and the spatial vector





u d

i i

if the joint is revolute

Denition The spatial Coriolis force of link i is the spatial vector




i i i i i

if the inboard joint i is prismatic and the spatial vector

i i



r  d   d

i i i i i i i i i

if the inboard joint i is revolute

The rst vector on the right hand sides of and is just the spatial

acceleration of link i transformed to frame F Using the shorthand X for X this

i j i F F

j i

vector can b e written X a Thus and can b oth b e written as

i i i

X a q s c a

i i i i i i i

This compact result encapsulates the acceleration propagation equations derived in Sec

tion One advantage of the spatial form is that prismatic and revolute joints are put

into a common framework dierences only app ear in the underlying expressions for s and


c By the established convention vectors subscripted i are expressed in frame F Hence

i i

s is constant and may be precomputed The vector c comprises Coriolis and centrip etal

i i

acceleration terms It involves velo cities of link i whichmust b e transformed into frame

F andvelo cities of link i It dep ends on the p ositions and velo cities of joints through i


but not on anyjoint accelerations

The Featherstone algorithm

The Featherstone algorithm is a metho d of solving the forward dynamics problem

in O n time for an n link manipulator It is one of a family of metho ds called structural ly

recursive algorithms These metho ds are alternatives to the O n algorithms that explicitly

build the mass matrix for the system and must invert it to solve for joint accelerations


Denition Articulated body of a serial linkage For a serial linkage with n links

sever the linkage at joint i and consider the connected subchain comprising links in

in isolation detached from the xed base This subchain is cal led an articulated body

of the original linkage and link i is cal led the handle of the articulated body The trivial

articulated body with link n as a hand le is simply the isolated rigid body of link n

Featherstones algorithm works by considering successive articulated b o dies of the

original linkage b eginning with the trivial case of link n alone and adding inb oard links

one by one The key idea is to relate the spatial acceleration of the handle to the spatial

force applied at its inb oard joint The links outb oard to the handle will have an eect on

this relation

Denition Per link spatial vectors The spatial acceleration of link i is denoted


a the spatial force exerted on link i through its inboard joint is f and the spatial force




exerted on link i through its outboard joint is f The co ordinates of all of these spatial


vectors are expressed in frame F



Even though the inb oard inuences on link i are exerted at the joint i the spatial force f




are the equivalent force and torque applied at the and  where f  is given by f

i i

i i


origin of F the line of action of f passes through the origin of F The same is true for

i i



the outb oard spatial force f


Theorem Serial linkage articulated motion Consider the articulated body of a


serial linkage that has link i as a hand le i n There exists a spatial matrix I and



a spatial vector Z such that




f I a Z


i i i


I is cal led the spatial articulated inertia of link i and is independent of the joint



velocities and accelerations Z is cal ledthespatial articulated zeroacceleration za


force of link iand is independent of the joint accelerations

The adjective articulated indicates that the entire sub chain b eginning at the handle


is b eing considered as opp osed to the handle in isolation Z is so named since byit


is the force whichmust b e exerted by the inb oard jointonlinki if link i is not to accelerate

a The pro of of Theorem is involved but constructive an algorithm will follow


directly from the pro of The pro of is by induction on i b eginning with the trivial sub chain

comprising only the outermost link and then adding links on the inb oard side one by one

until the entire linkage is considered

Base case

For the base case of the induction i n and the sub chain being considered is

simply the last link of the chain as shown in Figure This free b o dy diagram depicts

all of the forces and torques acting on the link those applied by the inboard joint but

resolved at the origin of F and those due to external inuences likegravity The motion


of the body is given by the NewtonEuler equations describ ed in App endix A In link

co ordinates


f m g m a

n n n



 I  I

n n n n n


where m is the mass of the link nandI is the inertia tensor in link co ordinates These

n n

equations can b e written as a single spatial equation If

M m

i i

Featherstone calls these spatial articulated za forces bias forces and denotes them P i

τI n

m n g

I inboard fn

joint link n

Figure The freebody diagram of the last link of the serial linkage It is the hand le of a

trivial subchain



M  m g f

n n n



 I a I

n n n n n


or more compactly


f I a Z

n n

n n


Note that Z is indep endent of the acceleration of link n and therefore indep endent of the



is indep endent of the join joint accelerations I t velo cities and accelerations In fact it


dep ends only on the mass prop erties of link n and may b e precomputed Thus Theorem

holds for the base case i n Two expressions ab ove will be useful later and are given

sp ecial names

Denition The spatial isolated inertia of link i is dened as the spatial matrix





I i

The spatial isolated zeroacceleration za force of link i is dened as the spatial


m g





i i i


except that and Z These two quantities are similar to their articulated counterparts I

i i

I and Z apply to link i in isolation with no outb oard links attached For the sp ecial case

i i


Z I and Z of i n the denitions coincide I

i i

i i

Inductive case

Assume Theorem is true for i and consider link i Figure In addition

outboard link i−1 joint

fO i−1 τO i−1

I fi−1 m i−1 g τI inboard i−1 joint


Figure The free body diagram of an inner link of the serial linkage It is the hand le of

a nontrivial subchain

to gravity and the force and torque applied through the inboard joint there are also the



and  As b efore all forces force and torque applied through the outb oard joint f



and torques are resolved at the origin of the link frame Again using the NewtonEuler

equations the equations of motion of link i are given by


f f m g  M

i i i

i i


  a I I

i i i i i

i i

Using spatial notation and rearranging yields


f I a Z f

i i i

i i


Hence is the equal but opp osite reaction force to f The force f

i i


f X f

i i

i i

Combining the ab ovetwo equations


f I a Z X f

i i i i i

i i

Invoking the inductivehyp othesis for link i gives


a Z I a Z X I f

i i i i i i

i i i

To put this equation in the form of the acceleration a must be eliminated from


the right hand side This is done by expressing a in terms of a using the acceleration

i i

propagation equation Substituting into the ab ove equation and rearranging gives

i h


s q c I I X a Z X Z I X I f

i i i i i i i i i i i i

i i i i i

Now q must b e eliminated from the right hand side The following lemma will help


Lemma Atevery joint


Q f s


i i

where Q is the magnitude of the force exerted by the prismatic joint actuator or the mag


nitude of the torque exerted by the revolute joint actuator

Proof Supp ose a force f and a torque  are applied to link i at the inboard joint These

give rise to a spatial inb oard force resolved in the b o dy frame of





 d f i

If joint i is prismatic



s f f u


i i

u  d f

i i

The right handsideisthe comp onent of the applied force along the joint axis This force

must b e supp orted by the actuator hence it is Q If joint i is revolute


f u



s f u f d  d f u

i i i i

i i

u d  d f

i i

The right hand side reduces to  u the comp onent of the applied torque along the joint


axis This torque must b e supp orted by the actuator hence it is Q


Substituting equation for link is spatial acceleration into yields



f I X a q s c Z

i i i i i i

i i i

Premultiplying b oth sides by s and applying Lemma gives



Z I X a q s c s Q s

i i i i i i i

i i i i

from which q may b e determined



Z Q s I X a s I c

i i i i i

i i i i i




s I s


i i

Substituting this expression for q into and rearranging gives



I s s I




i i i


X a f I X I

i i i i i i

i i


s I s


i i

h i


I s Q s Z I c

i i i

i i i i


Z X Z I c

i i i i

i i


s I s


i i

Comparing this to the desired form


I s s I



i i i



i i i i i

i i


s I s


i i

h i


I s Z I c Q s

i i i

i i i i


c I X Z Z Z

i i i i

i i i


I s s


i i

These equations compute the articulated inertia and articulated za force for link i of

X X and the chain given those same quantities for link i I and s are constants

i i i i i i

dep end only on joint p ositions and c dep ends only on joint p ositions and velo cities It



follows that if I is indep endent of jointvelo cities and accelerations then so is I Also

i i


Thus if Theorem is true for is indep endent of joint accelerations then so is Z if Z

i i

a handle at link i it is also true for a handle at link i By induction the theorem is

true for a handle at any link

Forward dynamics algorithm

The pro of of Theorem gives an algorithm for computing forward dynamics of

a serial linkage Problem The algorithm comprises four main steps

Iterating from the base to the tip of the linkage compute the velo cities of all links

algorithm compSerialLinkVelocities Figure

Initialize each links articulated inertia and articulated za force to their isolated coun

terparts Also compute the Coriolis vector for each link algorithm initSerialLinks


Iterating from the tip to the base of the linkage compute the articulated inertia and

articulated za forces of each link algorithm serialFwdDynamics Figure

Iterating from the base to the tip of the linkage compute the acceleration of each joint

and the spatial acceleration of each link algorithm serialFwdDynamics Figure


s and Q s Z I c should only b e computed once I The common sub expressions s

i i i

i i i i i

per call

Extension to treelike linkages

The previous sections solve the forward dynamics of serial linkages such as the one

in Figure The results can b e extended to encompass a more general class of kinematic

structures treeshaped linkages Consider the complex p endulum shown on the left side of

Figure This is not a serial linkage but it do es have a treelike top ology Attached


for i to n

m g






i i i








if joint i is prismatic c



i i i i i

i i

else c


r  d   d

i i i i i i i i i

Figure initSerialLinks Initialize the articulated spatial inertias and articulated

za forces to their isolated counterparts for all links in a serial linkage Also compute the

spatial Coriolis vector for eachlink

to each link i is a unique link h that is closer to the xed base link Letting h be the

parent of i one can construct a tree representing the linkage as shown on the right side

of Figure Each link b ecomes a no de of the tree and each joint b ecomes an edge The

links are numb ered using the depthrst recursion shown in Figure

Denition Tree linkage indices Let the links of a tree linkage be indexed using the

of the unique link outboard to it algorithm of Figure and assign each joint the index

Index the inertial frame as link Then the fol lowing hold

The n moving links of the structure and the n joints are numbered n

For any joint i the link outboard to the joint the child link is indexed i and the link

inboard to the joint the parent link is indexed h with hi

The forward dynamic algorithm for serial linkages was studied in terms of links

h link in tip to base or base to tip order The Iterations were p erformed by visiting eac

algorithm can also be viewed as enumerating over joints since in a serial linkage there is

exactly one joint between every two links and viceversa In studying tree linkages there


call compSerialLinkVelocities compute all link velocities


call initSerialLinks initialize I Z and c for all links


i i

for i n downto


I s s I



i i i


i i i i

i i i


s I s


i i


I s Q s Z I c


i i i

i i i i

Z Z X Z I c

i i i

i i i i


s I s


i i


for i to n


Q s I X a s Z I c

i i i i i

i i i i i




s I s


i i

a X a c q s

i i i i i i i

Figure serialFwdDynamics Compute the accelerations of joints n of a se

rial linkage Input data are the joint p ositions q joint velo cities q and joint actuator

i i

forcestorques Q output data are the joint accelerations q i n

i i

is an advantage to the jointcentric viewp oint For these there is not always a unique

choice for the next link in a basetotip recursion nor is there a unique starting link for

joint still has exactly one inb oard link and exactly one a tip to base recursion But every

outb oard link By describing the algorithms in terms of computations to be done at each

joint and visiting the joints in a particular order the serial linkage algorithm generalizes

to tree linkages Using the joint indexing scheme describ ed ab ove the algorithm visits the

joints in increasing or decreasing order Pointers to the unique inb oard and outb oard links

to eachjoint should b e stored with the joint

0 1 1

1 9 2 2 2 9 8 389 12 3 4 10 5 4 11 4 7 10 6 56 11 12


Figure Left A complex pendulum with a treelike topology The moving links are

numberedthrough as are the joints Four of the joint indices areindicated with circled

numbers Right The corresponding tree representing the kinematic structure

int numberLinkstree idx

r root link of tree

ridx idx

idx idx

for each child c of r

idx numberLinksc idx

return idx

Figure int numberLinkstree idx Recursively number the links of a kinematic

tree so that every link has higher index than its parent The routine returns the integer

one greater than the highest index in the tree The routine should initially b e called with

the entire original tree and idx

Velo city and acceleration propagation through trees

The rst step of the forward dynamics algorithm is to compute the absolute ve

lo cities of all the links in the structure This was done in Section for serial linkages

A little reection on Figure reveals that Let h be the index of the parent of link i

the absolute velo city of link i may be determined from the absolute velo city of its parent

link h and the velo city of joint i Thus the velo city propagation equations

and still hold with the subscript i replaced by h

The order in which the velo cities are propagated through links must b e chosen so

that the velo city of a link is always computed b efore it is needed This is accomplished by

iterating over the joints in increasing order and at each joint propagating the velo cityfrom

its inb oard link to its outb oard link The algorithm is shown in Figure The same

quantities may b e precomputed as in the serial linkage algorithm


v  a

for i to n

h index of link inboard to joint i

h index of parent link i index of joint child link

R rotation matrix from F to F



r radius vector from F to F in F coordinates

i i





v Rv r

i i


if joint i is prismatic

v v q u

i i i i

joint i is revolute else

q u

i i i i

v v q u d

i i i i i

Figure compTreeLinkVelocities Compute the absolute linear and angular velo cities

of all links of a tree linkage in link co ordinates Input data are the dynamic state q q

Output data are the velo cities and v for each link

i i

Propagating accelerations through tree linkages is also analogous to the case for

serial linkages If link h is the parent of link i the acceleration of link i can b e determined

from the p ositions velo cities and accelerations of link h and joint i The derivation for

acceleration propagation is identical to that for the serial linkage case the end result is cf


X a q s c a

i i i i i

h h

Articulated inertias and za forces for tree linkages

The next step of the forward dynamics algorithm is to compute the articulated

inertias and za forces for all links For serial linkages this is done using a tip to base

recursion For a tree linkage articulated inertias and za forces may b e computed directly

for links that are the leaves of the tree for an inner link the quantities are computed by

combining the quan tities from the links children

Denition Articulated body of a tree linkage For a tree linkage break the tree

at joint i and consider the connected subtree rooted at link i in isolation detached from

the xed base This subtree is an articulated body of the original tree and link i is the

ody is trivial handle of the articulated body If link i is a leaf of the tree the articulated b

and is simply the the isolated rigid body of link i

The central result to b e proved is the counterpart to Theorem

Theorem Tree linkage articulated motion Consider the articulatedbody of a tree


linkage that has link h as a hand le h n There exists a spatial matrix I and a



spatial vector Z such that




f I a Z


h h h


is independent of the joint velocities and accelerations and Z is indepen Furthermore I

h h

dent of the joint accelerations

Theorem will b e proved by induction on the height of the articulated b o dy the maximum

numb er of no des along a simple path from the handle to some leaf of the subtree For the

base case consider the heighttobe Then the articulated b o dy is trivial it is simply an

isolated rigid b o dy that is a leaf of the original linkage There is no dierence b etween this

case and the case of the isolated tip link of a serial linkage Thus the pro of of Section

go es through unchanged for this base case

For the inductive case consider the more general articulated b o dy handle shown

in Figure The handle link hmay haveseveral links outb oard to it these links are

joint h

IIτ link h O1 τO1 fh , h fh , h Om τOm fh , h

O2 τO2 fh , h m h g

joint i1 joint im

joint i2

Figure The free body diagram of a nontrivial hand le of an articulated body from a

tree linkage

indexed i i i The inuences applied to link h come from gravity as well as forces


and torques transmitted through the one inb oard and m outb oard joints Resolving these

inuences at the origin of frame F the equations of motion of link h are given by the


NewtonEuler equations



m I


f M  f m g

h h h






  I a I

j h h h h h



where the sup erscript O denotes forces or torques imparted through the outb oard joint i

j j

Using spatial notation and rearranging yields





f I a Z f

h h h

h h




Since f is the reaction force to f

h i




f f X



i h



Combining the ab ovetwo equations




X f f I a Z


h h h h

i h




Each of the child links i is the handle of a subtree of smaller height than the subtree with


link h as a handle The inductive hyp othesis may be invoked for these child links





a Z X I I a Z f

i i

h h h h

i i h

j j

j j


Using the acceleration propagation equation to express a in terms of a and rear




ranging gives

m m

h i





f I X I a Z X X Z I c q I s

i i i i i i

h h h h h h

h i i i i

j j j j j j

j j j j

j j

The derivation of joint accelerations see Lemma and the subsequent discussion makes

no assumptions ab out the top ology of the linkage it applies equally well to tree linkages

The main result stated in the current notation is


Q s I X a s Z I c

i i i

h h

i i i i i

j j j

j j j j j





s I s


i i


j j

Combining the ab ovetwo equations and rearranging gives




I I s s




i i i


j j j


X a I X I f

i i

h h h h

i h

j j



s I s



i i


j j

i h



Z I c I Q s s


i i i

i i i i

j j j


j j j j

Z I c X Z

i i

h h

i i

j j

j j


s I s



i i


j j

Comparing this to the desired form




s s I I



i i i


j j j



i i

h h h

i h

j j



I s s



i i


j j

i h



c I Z s Q s I


i i i

i i i i

j j j


j j j j

c I Z Z Z X

i i

h h

i i h

j j

j j


s s I



i i


j j

These equations compute the articulated inertia and articulated za forces for link h of the


are indep en linkage given those same quantities for its children links i i If the I





are indep endent of joint dent of jointvelo cities and accelerations than so is I If the Z

h i



accelerations then so is Z By induction on the height of the subtrees of the handles


Theorem is true for a handle at anylink

Forward dynamics algorithm for tree linkages

At rst glance the recursive equations seem to imply a more complex

computation for tree linkages than for serial ones multiple articulated inertias and za

forces of child links must be combined to compute the corresp onding quantities for the

parent But in fact the same numb er of back propagations are p erformed one for each joint

the algorithm is still O n The only dierence from the serial algorithm is the order in which

inertias forces and accelerations are propagated The forward dynamics algorithm for tree

linkages is shown in Figure It iterates using a jointcentric approach The articulated

inertia and za force of a given link h are accumulated over several iterations as the

contributions from all of link hs c hildren are propagated back Link hs articulated inertia

and za force will reach their nal values b efore they are propagated back to hs parent

When propagating accelerations link hs acceleration is known b efore the accelerations of

its children are computed These claims follow from the joint indexing scheme describ ed in

Denition The algorithm comprises four steps

Iterating over the joints in increasing order of index compute the spatial velo cities of

all links algorithm compTreeLinkVelocities Figure

Initialize each links articulated inertia and articulated za force to their isolated coun

terparts Also compute the Coriolis vector for each link algorithm initTreeLinks


Iterating over the joints in decreasing order of index back propagate the articulated

inertia and za forces from the link outb oard to the jointto the link inb oard to the

joint algorithm treeFwdDynamics Figure

the acceleration of Iterating over the joints in increasing order of index compute

each joint and the spatial acceleration of the link outb oard to the joint algorithm

treeFwdDynamics Figure

Extension to oating linkages

The algorithms discussed thus far assume grounded linkages link is attached

to the inertial frame through a one degreeoffreedom joint A oating linkage is one in


for i to n

m g






i i i








h index of link inboard to joint i link h is link is parent

if joint i is prismatic c



i i

h h h



else c


r  d   d

i i i i i i

h h h

Figure initTreeLinks Initialize the articulated spatial inertias and articulated za

forces to their isolated counterparts for all links in a tree linkage Also compute the spatial

Coriolis vector for each link

which link is not attached to the inertial frame An example of such a system is a

mechanical bug jointed legs are attached to a b o dy link which is free to move around

an environment Dynamics of such systems are easily mo deled with only slightchanges to

the previous algorithms These changes are discussed below for the tree linkage forward

dynamics algorithm which is more general than the serial linkage one

A minimal description of the dynamic state of an nlink oating linkage comprises

the p osition orientation linear velo city and angular velo city of the base link plus the

p ositions and velo cities of the joints

q v q r 

Here r is the p osition of the origin of b o dy frame F and  is some parameterization of

the orientation of this frame b oth of these are relative to some xed frame O The joint

p osition vector q is now only n dimensional The vectors v and are the linear and

angular velo cities of frame F and q is the n dimensional jointvelo cityvector If unit

quaternions see App endix A are used to parameterize the orientation of the base link the


call compTreeLinkVelocities compute all link velocities


call initTreeLinks initialize I Z and c for all links


i i

for i n downto

h index of link inboard to joint i link i is outboard


I s s I



i i i


i i

h h

h h i


s I s


i i


c I Z s Q s I


i i i

i i i i

Z I c Z Z X

i i


i i h h


s I s


i i


for i to n

h index of link inboard to joint i link i is outboard


c I X a s Z Q s I

i i i

h h

i i i i i




s I s


i i

a X a c q s

i i i i i

h h

Figure treeFwdDynamics Compute the accelerations of joints n of a tree link

age Input data are the joint p ositions q jointvelo cities q and joint actuator forcestorques

i i

Q output data are the joint accelerations q i n

i i

total dynamic state of an nlink oating linkage has n parameters as opp osed to the n

parameters of a grounded linkage For a grounded linkage the forward dynamics algorithm

uses the dynamic state to compute q the ndimensional joint acceleration vector For a

oating linkage the algorithm must compute a and  the linear and angular accelerations

of frame F plus q the n dimensional joint acceleration vector

Changes to the velo city propagation algorithm to handle a oating linkage are

minimal The strategy for computing link velo cities is to calculate v and from v

i i

h h

and q where link h is the parent of link i For grounded linkages the inertial frame serves


as the parent of link and v starts the iteration For oating linkages the

velo cities v and are already part of the dynamic state vector and so do not need to b e

computed The iteration simply starts at joint and pro ceeds to joint n at which p oint

the velo cities of all the other links will b e known

The calculation of the articulated inertias and articulated za forces for the links

needs no adjustment for oating linkages Featherstones algorithm always considers artic

ulated b o dies which are collections of connected links that are detached from the inertial

frame Note that in the lo op which computes articulated inertias and za forces in Fig

ure information ab out joint the connection between link and the inertial frame

is never used

In the second lo op accelerations are propagated outward toward the leaf links of

the tree For grounded linkages the algorithm b egins b y setting a to and then computes

q a q a and so on For a oating linkage joint do esnt exist and the iteration must

b e b o otstrapp ed in a dierent manner The solution comes from Equation applied to



f I a Z

Since link is disconnected from the inertial frame the spatial force applied through the

inb oard jointmust b e Thus


a I Z

As long as the individual links all have nonsingular mass matrices which is the case for


all real ob jects I is invertible Fea Once the spatial acceleration a is determined

the acceleration propagation pro ceeds exactly as in the grounded case The second lo op

continues b eginning with joint The algorithm remains O n since the inversion of the


I takes constant time


Hybrid Simulation

While there is a large range of contact interactions that can b e mo deled via trains of

impulses there are also limitations of this approach Constraints are the natural vehicle for

describing many typ es of contact interactions This chapter intro duces hybrid simulation

a metho d of combining the impulse and constraintbased simulation paradigms Impulses

are used to transmit unilateral contact forces that arise between separate b o dies while

constraints are used to mo del forces which can push or pull such as those o ccurring in a

joint b earing Each metho d is applied to the contact it is most adept at handling One

main contribution of this chapter is a metho d for computing lower b ounds on the times of

impact b etween rigid b o dies that are part of linked structures Unlike the case for isolated

rigid b o dies the initial b ounds are sometimes violated however these violations can always

b e detected The collision detection algorithms of Chapter can thus b e extended to handle

linked b o dies A second ma jor contribution is a dierential approach for computing collision

impulses arising b etween rigid b o dies that are part of linked structures This extension of

the results presented in Chapter dep ends on computing a multib o dy collision matrix

that encapsulates the collision dynamics at the contact p oint An algorithm for computing

this matrix is given that runs in O n m time where n and m are the numb er of links in

the two colliding linked structures Finally the chapter describ es how amultilevel control

architecture can be easily added to an impulsebased simulator using the one in Impulse as an example

A sp ectrum of physical systems

Consider a simple hinge joint Figure In principle the joint could be

Figure In practice it is not feasible to model the contact interactions at a hinge joint

using an impulsebased approach

mo deled in an impulsebased way enforcing the hinge constraint through collisions b etween

the hinge pin and sheath Due to the enormous amount of collision pro cessing that would

be necessary however impulsebased simulation would be far to o slow Constraintbased

metho ds should b e used instead

Figure depicts a sp ectrum of physical systems On the right end are jointed

manipulators a class of systems for which constraintbased simulation approaches are clearly

appropriate The motion of these systems of rigid links is governed by bilateral equality

constraints imp osed at the joints Techniques to handle bilateral constraints are more de

ts velop ed and robust than those for unilateral inequality constraints The joint constrain

are also permanent facilitating ecient constraintbased simulation Computing the for

ward dynamics of these systems is a classical problem of rob otics and a varietyofmethods

exist for doing so The interaction b etween the manipulator and the environmenttypically

o ccurring at the end eector is not so clearly a constraintbased interaction it is often

transient and only expressible through unilateral constraints Over limited intervals of mo

tion however the contacts can be mo deled through bilateral constraints and closedlo op

metho ds exist for computing the resulting manipulator dynamics Lil

Slightly to the left on the sp ectrum lie mechanisms a class of systems which

colliding contact constrained contact

impulse−based domain constraint−based domain

billiards & interactive jointed

part feeders bowling environments mechanisms manipulators

Figure Aspectrum of physical systems

are also highly constrained Unilateral constraints are more common in this case The

constraints are also more transient top ologically distinct contact congurations may o ccur

during a complete cycle of the mechanism Nonetheless there is still a fair amount of contact

coherence and constraintbased approaches can therefore work well Bara s blockfeeder

and doubleaction jack are go o d examples of constrainedbased simulation of D mechanisms


On the other end of the sp ectrum are highly unconstrained collision intensive

systems like part feeders In these typ es of systems the almost complete lack of contact

coherence makes constraintbased metho ds dicult to apply Mo deling frictional collisions

accurately is crucial to correct simulation For these applications impulsebased simulation

tly to the right on the sp ectrum lie systems likea bowling alley or is the natural choice Sligh

a billiards table In these systems collisions still o ccur frequently and accurate mo deling of

them is imp ortant Some prolonged contact do es o ccur but contact coherence is still fairly

low particularly in critical intervals of the simulation such as when the b owling ball strikes

the pins Impulsebased simulation can adeptly handle these typ es of systems including

the rolling and sliding contacts that o ccur

From a dynamic simulation standp oint the middle ground of the sp ectrum has

been the least studied This is probably because no existing simulation paradigms are

a natural t for the interesting applications that lie there Consider simulating a user

controlled agent within an interactive virtual environment A simulator must resp ond to

erratic unpredictable b ehavior on the part of the usercontrolled agent or other autonomous

agents in the environment Collisions provide muchofthe interaction b etween agents and

their environment The agents may bump into eachotheror other ob jects and maymove

or throw ob jects around Contact mo des are transient as agents grab push or pull ob jects

Settling phases as ob jects come to rest after b eing p ositioned or dropp ed byagents involve

more transient contact There are also manytyp es of contact b est mo deled with constraints

Hinged do ors b etween ro oms simple mechanical structures likelevers and the joints of the

agents all en tail p ermanent bilateral constraints There maybestacks of ob jects or other

situations where contact coherence is high and constrainedbased metho ds can eectively

mo del the nonp enetration b etween b o dies

An interactive virtual environment is just one example of an application that seems

to require b oth impulsebased and constraintbased techniques for ecient simulation ways

are needed to blend the approaches This chapter discusses hybrid simulation which is a

rst step in this direction Hybrid simulation extends the pure impulsebased metho ds

discussed thus far to accommo date p ermanent bilateral constraints Thus systems of rigid

b o dies connected byjoints may b e handled Adjustments to the collision detection scheme

are required Also the calculation of collision impulses must account for the dynamics of

the colliding b o dies A connection to the simple rigid body the b o dies that are linked to

collision resp onse algorithm is made through the collision matrix Kmuch of the the theory

discussed in Chapter then carries over to the case of linked b o dies Finally once the

impulses are computed they must be propagated through the linked systems of b o dies

instantaneously changing the velo cities of all b o dies in the linkage

Collections of linked rigid bodies are called multib o dies In this chapter multi

b o dies are restricted to the following denition

Denition A multib o dy system or multibody is a col lection of rigid bodies linked

gree of freedom revolute or prismatic joints with treelike topology together through one de

That is the system is a single connected piece with no loops among the links One link is

specied as the base link and this link may beconnected to an inertial frame via a revolute

or prismatic joint or via a ful l six degreeoffreedom joint resulting in a oating multibody

The restrictions imp osed by this denition are not essential but facilitate use of the forward

dynamics algorithms discussed in the last chapter There are extensions of Featherstones

algorithm for more general joints Lil JR There are also metho ds of computing linkage

dynamics in the presence of kinematic lo ops Lil LNPE dJB Bar Multibody

impulses could still b e computed in cases of these more general systems the construction of

the collision matrix K would involve using more the general forward dynamics algorithms

instead of those presented in the last chapter

Collision detection

For collision detection purp oses a multib o dy is broken into its comp onent rigid

b o dies When a body passes in the vicinity of a multib o dy the narrow phase collision

detection system will track closest p oints b etween the b o dy and the nearbymultib o dy links

Links that are not close to the body will be discarded from consideration b y the broad

phase detection The collision detection system can be extended to handle multib o dies

using the twointerface routines describ ed in Section aswept volume routine and a TOI

co ecients routine

The motion of a rigid b o dy that is part of a multib o dy is much more complex that

that of a rigid b o dy or scripted b o dy Conservative b ounds on swept volumes and TOIs are

dicult to derive and the requirement that these b ounds b e conservative is abandoned for

multib o dies Instead Impulse makes aggressive predictions that are hop efully valid b ounds

in the average case If an aggressive b ound is violated this violation must b e detected

and the simulator must recover gracefully

Constrained body swept volumes

Recall the goal of the swept volume routine Given the state of a body at the

and a time interval t the routine returns an axesaligned b ounding b ox currenttimet

which encloses the b o dys center of mass during the interval t t t For b o dies moving

ballistically or along simple scripted tra jectories this can be done For b o dies which are

part of a multib o dyitisvery dicult But one can assume the co ordinates of the center

of mass r will follow secondorder tra jectories

r t r t r t t t r t t t

x x x x

r t t t r t r t r t t t

y y y y

r t r t r t t t r t t t

z z z z

The quantities rt andrt are inferred from the current dynamic state of the multib o dy

and rt isabypro duct of the forward dynamics algorithm it is just the linear acceleration

a of the link These accelerations can be stored so that their current values are always


Using these secondorder approximations make it easy to predict the minimum

t t It makes sense to pad and maximum r r and r values over the interval t

x y z

these values somewhat b ecause of the higher order terms which are neglected in the ab ove

equations this means returning a slightly larger b ounding b ox than that predicted by the

mo del The tradeo is that as b ox size increases so do es the chance that more b o dy pairs

will b e promoted to the active collision heap p erhaps unnecessarily The padding scheme

used in Impulse is to scale rt and rt by a factor b efore using them in the ab ove


The p osition and velo cityofamultib o dy is numerically integrated using a deriva

tive evaluation routine such as treeFwdDynamics Chapter Each time the derivative

evaluation routine is called the p ositions of the links are determined The minimum and

maximum co ordinate values of each links center of mass are tracked over the entire integra

tion interval at the end of the integration it is easy to check if these co ordinates remained

within the b ounding b ox predicted bytheswept volume routine

When a violation do es o ccur the correct b ounding b ox for the interval is known

since the minimum and maximum center of mass co ordinate values are known The b ound

ing b ox in the spatial hash table is up dated to reect this new information If the new b ox

intersects no other b oxes than the old b ox did then no b o dy pairs should b e added to the

collision heap and the integration is still valid If new p ossible collision pairs are discovered

then the times to impact between these new pairs are computed and the pairs are added

to the collision heap If this do es not cause the b o dy pair at the top of the heap to change

the integration is still valid Otherwise a new collision check whichwas previously missed

b ecause of the incorrect b ounding b ox has b een discovered and this collision check should

ending time of the last integration In this case have been p erformed earlier than the

the simulation must be backed up The bodies states are restored to their values at the

b eginning of the last integration and the integration is redone this time stopping in time

for the earlier collision check After this second integration there will b e no b ounding b ox

violations since all of the invalid a priori boxes have b een replaced by the valid a posteri

ones Figure details the entire pro cess

update predict bounding box in bounding box hash table

integrate dynamics, tracking actual have new possible collision pairs bounding box n been detected?


was predicted y box violated? recompute TOIs for new pairs


n has soonest y continue collision time back up simulation


Figure The checking performed to detect aggressive bounding box violations and to

determine if the simulation should bebacked up as a result of the violation

Constrained body TOI co ecients

The narrow phase collision detection system requires a time of impact co ecient

routine given the dynamic state of a b o dy at the currenttimet and directional vector d

return co ecients A and B such that the distance that any p oint on the b o dy travels along

the direction d is b ounded ab oveby

At t B t t

can b e calculated for ballistic b o dies and certain scripted Conservativevalues for A and B

b o dies for constrained bodies this remains an op en problem The approach taken in

Impulse is to abandon the requirement that the predictions be conservative and attempt

to compute reasonable co ecients which are usually valid A second order mo del of motion

is again used The co ecients computed for constrained b o dies are

A at d

B v t d r k t k


These are very similar to the co ecients for ballistic rigid b o dies One dierence

is that the gravity vector g is replaced with the current acceleration of the body at a

more general acceleration which also includes the eects of gravity The term is


replaced with k t k the current angular velo city since it is dicult to compute a tight

b ound the angular velo city ofamultib o dy link over some future time interval Because of

the approximations made in this mo del the co ecients are padded by a safety factor In

Impulse A and B are computed as ab ove and then increased by times their resp ective

absolute value This reduces the chance that the co ecients will b e violated

The strategy for detecting time of impact violations is similar to that for detecting

bounding box violations the discrete data provided during numerical integration is tracked

TOI predictions are monitored using slack structures For each TOI estimate made for a

constrained b o dy there is a slack structure that tracks the progress of p oints on this b o dy

in the direction d The comp onents of a slack structure are

The unit vector d along whose direction motion of p oints of the b o dy is monitored

ts on the b o dy in The constants A and B which b ound the distance traveled by p oin

the direction d

The base time t at which the slackwas initialized


An upp er b ound on the distance traveled byanypoint on the b o dy in the direction

d since time t This is a truly conservative b ound based on values tracked during


dynamic integration

The time t at which the slack b ound as last up dated


When a TOI prediction involving a constrained b o dy B is made a slack is initial

ized The co ecients A and B are computed as describ ed ab ove the base time t and last


time t are set to the current time and the slack b ound is set to During integration the


maximum and minimum values of each comp onent of the b o dys linear and angular velo city

y point on the body could have are tracked After the integration maximum distance an

traveled along d is computed using the tracked integration values this distance is added

to Acheck is made to insure

At t B t t

b b

where t is the current time If this check fails a TOI violation has o ccurred The algorithm

to up date the slackisshown in Figure


dt t t


if dt return

v minimum components of linear velocity over last integration


v maximum components of linear velocity over last integration


maximum magnitude components of angular velocity


over last integration


if d k k v d else k k v d

x min x max x

x x

else k k v d if d k k v d

max y y min y

y y

if d k k v d else k k v d

z min z max z

z z

q q


k k r d d d

max max max max

x y z

x y z

k dt

if At t B t t signal violation

b b

else t t


Figure updateSlack Up date a slack structure and signal a TOI violation if necessary

The variables t A B andt are all elds of the slack structure The variable t is the

l b

currentsimulation time

When a violation is detected the oending TOI is recomputed using the now

known values for its motion during the integration step The simulation is backed up to the

state at the b eginning of the integration interval in whichthe violation o ccurred and the

integration is redone In this way the collision detection system avoids missing collisions

do to overly aggressive TOI co ecients

Collision resp onse

The algorithms develop ed in Chapter address the dynamics of multib o dies in

isolation but say nothing ab out their dynamics when they come into contact with other

b o dies Contact forces can be added to the mo del if one has a way to compute them

Impulsebased simulation adopts an alternative approach all contacts are mo deled through

trains of collision impulses Chapter describ ed how to compute these impulses for the

case of rigid b o dy collisions this section handles the case of multib o dy collisions

Problem Multib o dy collision resp onse Given two col liding rigid bodies each of

which may be part of a larger multibody compute the impulse pair to be applied at the two

contact points and the instantaneous changes in velocity of the col liding bodies as wel l as

any changes in the velocity of other links of the multibodies

The resp onse of a multib o dy to an impulse is simpler than its resp onse to an applied

The joint accelerations dep end force Consider applying some force to a link of a multibody

on this force but b ecause of other forces due to gravity and p ossibly joint actuators and

b ecause of the velo city dep endent Coriolis and centrip etal forces the joint accelerations

are not linear functions of the applied force On the other hand when a collision impulse

is applied to the multibody it dominates all other ordinary magnitude forces that are

acting on the multib o dy including the external forces and the velo city dep endent forces

Unlike impulses ordinary magnitude forces have no eect on dynamics over an innitesimal

interval As a result all of the nonlinear terms drop out of the dynamic equations during

interval of collision resulting in a linear relationship b etween the applied impulse and the

the instantaneous changes in joint velo cities This implies a linear relationship between

applied impulse and change in contact p oint velo city and the linearity can be exploited

just as it was for rigid b o dy collision resp onse

For physical realism friction and nonelastic b ehavior at the contact p oint should

be included in the mo del just as they were for rigid body collisions Much of physical

derivation b ehind rigid body collision resp onse can be applied directly to the multibody

case The key is computing the multib o dy collision matrix the counterpart to the rigid

b o dy collision matrix

Collision resp onse a rob otics p ersp ective

The existence of the multib o dy collision matrix can be shown using the classical

rob otics formulation of multib o dy dynamics Consider a rob ot in contact with its envi

ronment as in Figure The equations of motion for the rob ot in this situation are


Figure Arobot in contact with its environment


h i


q tH qt Qt Cq t q tq t Gq t J qt f t

Here q is the vector of joint p ositions H is the jointspace inertia matrix C is the Coriolis

matrix and Cq contains all of Coriolis and centrip etal acceleration terms G describ es the

eects of external forces likegravity J is the n Jacobian matrix at the end eector f is

the external force and torque applied to the end eector the caret is a reminder that this

is a spatial force and Q is a vector of the magnitudes of forces and torques applied

by the joint actuators All quantities on the righthand side are known or computable from

the dynamic state so this equation can be directly integrated to determine the forward

dynamics of the rob ot This equation also shows that the joint accelerations are not a

linear function of the force f applied to the end eector

Supp ose in Figure that the end eector is col liding with the blo ck The collision

pro duces a very large external force f acting on the multib o dy for a short p erio d of time t c

For rigid b o dies the collision time is innitesimal consider the limit as t The change


in jointvelo cities during the collision is




q t dt q lim



In the limit the collision force grows arbitrarily large and the terms Qt Cq t q t

and Gq t b ecome negligible The same assumption is made in rigid b o dy collisions when

nite magnitude forces likegravity are ignored over the duration of a collision Substituting

into the ab oveintegral and dropping negligible terms





q lim H q t J q t f t dt



In the limit qt is a constant just as the p ositions of the b o dies are constant during

isolated rigid b o dy collisions Pulling constants outside the integral





q H q J q lim f t dt H q J q p



where p is the spatial collision impulse

hange in jointvelo cities The change in the end eector velo city is related to the c

through the Jacobian


Jqq Jq H q J q p



The matrix Jq H q J q on the righthand side is the inverse of the op erational

space inertia matrix develop ed by Khatib Kha This matrix describ es the apparent

mass of the end eector to an observer exerting forces and torques on it

The rob ot is one of two bodies involved in the collision on the rob ot call the

velo city at the con tact point u The change in u is related to the change in the end

eectors velo cities by

u v r

where r is the oset vector of the collision p oint in the end eector frame Letting denote

the identity matrix this can b e written as a matrix equation

u r



r Jq H q J q p

z W

The last equation shows the linear relationship between the collision impulse p and the

change in contact pointvelo city u they are related by a constant matrix W The

impulse p is a spatial quantity containing b oth force and torque comp onents Both com

ponents might b e useful for example when mo deling torsional friction during impact For

rigidb o dy collisions a simpler mo del is typically used only pure forces can be generated


at the contact p oint For this case p p where p is a pure force impulse with only

three comp onents Denoting the left submatrix of W by K

u K p

The other body involved in the collision also exp eriences a collision impulse and

a corresp onding change in contact p oint velo city By Newtons third law the impulse

exp erienced by the second body must be p Calling the contact point velo city on the

second b o dy u one nds

u K p

by the pro cess If the second colliding body is a link of a multib o dy K can be derived

describ ed ab ove for K ifitisjustarigidbody the formulas from Chapter may b e used

Since the relative contact p ointvelo city u between the two bodies is given by

u u u

The ab ove three equations imply

p u K K



Compare this equation with its counterpart derived for simple rigid b o dies

they are identical In both cases the change in relative contact point velo city is related

to the total impulse applied at the contact point through a constant matrix Once this

connection is made the collision impulse can be found by forming the collision ODE and

p erforming a collision integration as describ ed in Section The same algorithm for

computing collision impulses b etween rigid b o dies can b e applied to colliding multib o dies

The ab ove derivation is valid for multib o dies that collide at any of their links not only the

In the current derivation the explicit dep endence of p and u on a collision parameter has b een

suppressed for clarity

at end eectors The only change to the ab ove analysis is that the Jacobian in must

b e referenced to the colliding link

One nice feature of hybrid simulation is that some kinematic lo ops are handled

automatically Consider again the manipulator of Figure When it contacts the environ

ment it forms a kinematic lo op with the environment With a constraintbased approach

this situation requires sp ecial handling the manipulator dynamics must b e combined with

the kinematic constraint imp osed at the end eector Lil Under hybrid simulation the

contact force between the end eector and the environment is mo deled with collision im

pulses that are propagated through the manipulator Once the collision resp onse algorithm

is develop ed no changes are needed in the manipulator forward dynamics algorithms This

same technique is used to mo del the dynamics of wheeled vehicles that form kinematic lo ops

with the ground examples are describ ed in Chapter

Articulated body collision dynamics

The previous section demonstrated the existence of the multib o dy collision matrix

K an algorithm for computing it is now develop ed Only half the problem is considered

computing the matrix K which relates the impulse applied to one of the colliding


b o dies to the change in contact point velo city on that body This problem is solved once

for each body and K and K are combined to form the nal multib o dy collision matrix

K as in One way to compute K has been shown already it is the left half of the




Jq H q J q W r

Computing this pro duct explicitly however results in an O n algorithm for an nlink

multib o dy due to the inversion of Hq Since collisions o ccur so frequently in an impulse

based simulation computing K eciently is imp ortant By studying the dynamics of


articulated b o dies of the full multib o dy during a collision an O n algorithm for computing

K may b e derived The algorithm will b e derived for treelike multib o dies these include


serial multib o dies as a sub class

Consider the dynamics of a treelike articulated body during a collision From


t t t

c c c



Z dt I a dt lim dt lim f lim


h h h

t t t

c c c

In the limit as t approaches zero the collision force acting on the body is innite which


gives rise to innite collision forces acting through joints of the linkage Call the limit of


the integral on the left hand side p the spatial impulse exerted on link h through the



inb oard joint The articulated inertia I dep ends on link masses and joint p ositions which


are constantast thus



t t

c c



a dt lim p I Z dt


h h h







I v lim Z dt


h h



The quantityv is the total change in spatial velo city of link h during the collision it is


the limit of innite accelerations integrated over an innitesimal interval The integral of

za forces contain some terms which vanish in the limit and others which remain From

the last term in the ab ove equation is

i h





Z I c I Q s s

X c

i i i

i i i i

j j j


j j j j

Z dt X lim Z I c

i i

h h

i i

j j

j j




I s s



i i


j j

Velo cities remain nite in magnitude during a collision therefore so do the spatial Coriolis

forces c The joint actuators can not apply impulses so the Q are also nite The

i i

j j


quantities X I and s are all constant as t Pulling these constants outside the

i i c



j j


integrals and dropping the nite terms that vanish in the limit




t t t

c c X c

s s I



i i


j j

lim Z dt lim Z dt lim X Z dt


h h

h i




t t t

c c c

s I s



i i


j j

where is the identity matrix Dening the isolated and articulated zero acceleration

za impulses as




Y lim Z dt

h h







Y lim Z dt

h h



b ecomes




s I s



i i


j j



h h

h i




I s s



i i


j j

Lemma Consider atree linkage that experiences acol lision impulse at link k Let p

col l

be the spatial vector comprising the impulsive col lision force and torque resolved at the

center of the body frame of link k Then the isolated za impulses of the links are given by

i k



p i k

col l

Proof By denition Z is the force applied at the inb oard joint that cancels out the Cori


olis gravitational and external forces acting on link i when link i is considered detached

from the rest of the linkage Y is the integral of this force over time as t The force

i c

needed to opp ose the nite magnitude Coriolis and gravitational forces may be ignored

since they vanish in the limit If i k than there are no other external forces acting on

the link and so Y If i k then Z must also cancel the spatial collision force This

i i

force b ecomes the impulse p in the limit thus Y p


coll coll

Consider a tree linkage that experiences a col lision impulse at link k If link k Lemma


is not in the subtree rooted at link h Y


Proof The pro of is by induction on the height of the subtree ro oted at link h If the


height is link h is a leaf link with no descendents By Y Y Since h k



by Lemma Supp ose now the height of link h is greater than Index link hs Y


children i i Each of the children is the ro ot of a subtree of lesser height which also



do es not contain link k By the inductive hyp othesis Y j m From







Lemma implies that articulated za impulses need only b e calculated along the

chain from the colliding link k up to the base link the articulated za impulse for all other


for all children i of the colliding link k Y Y Figure Since Y links is



k i


by By Lemma


Y p



Now consider link h a prop er ancestor of link k It has exactly one child link which

is a not necessarily prop er ancestor of link k any other children are ro ots of subtrees which


by Lemma Thus only one do not contain link k For these other children i Y


i j

1 propagation of z.a. impulses 2

3 89 colliding link 4 7 10

56 11 12

Figure The za impulses need only be computed along the path from the col liding link

to the base of the linkage The gray links are not the col liding link or ancestors of it for

these links the articulated za impulse is

term of the summation in is nonvanishing Since h k Y by Lemma The


simplied expression for the articulated za impulse of link h a prop er ancestor of k is


I s s








h i


s I s


i i

where i is the unique child of link h whichisonthepathfromh to k

Computing the articulated za impulses is half of the work it is also necessary to

compute the instantaneous changes of velo city due to a collision impulse This is also done

by taking the limit of dynamic equations for articulated b o dies From



t t

I c X a s Z I Q s

c c

i i i

h h

i i i i i

lim dt q dt lim



t t

c c

s I s


i i


X ands are constants that can The nite magnitude Q and c vanish in the limit I

i i i i

h i

b e pulled outside of the integral The resulting change in link velo cityis

h i




q I X v Y

i i

h h

i i


s I s


i i

where v is the limit of the innite acceleration a integrated over an innitesimal interval

h h

The change in link is spatial velo city is obtained by applying the same technique to


t t

c c

lim a dt lim dt X a q s c

i i i i i

h h

t t

c c

and simplifying Again dropping terms that vanish as t


X v q s v

i i i i

h h

At this point a pro cedure can be describ ed for determining the instantaneous

change in a links velo city when a spatial collision impulse P is applied to it


Compute the articulated inertias of all links of the multib o dy

Compute the articulated za impulses of the chain b eginning at the colliding link

and ending at the base link Equations

Propagate instantaneous changes in joint and link velo cities along the path b eginning

at the ro ot link and ending at the colliding link Equations

Although most pro cessing o ccurs along the path from the base link to the colliding link the

eects of the other links enter through the articulated inertias of the path links An algo

rithm for implementing the strategy is shown in Figure Step is not included b ecause

articulated inertias of all links are assumed available from the last dynamic integration

Computing K


of Figure relates a spatial collision impulse The impulseResponse algorithm

to a spatial change in velo city But the collision matrix K relates nonspatial quantities


Figure depicts the body frame F of the colliding link as well as the collision frame


F Let R be the rotation matrix taking vectors in F to vectors in F and let


coll coll

r b e the vector from the origin of F to the origin of F in F s co ordinates In frame

k k


F there is an impulsive force p R but no impulsive torque In frame F there is an



r Rp or in spatial notation impulsiveforce Rp and an impulsive torque


p R




rR R



Y p



i k

while link i has a parent

h index of parent of link i


s s I



i i




i h


s I s


i i

i h




i index of child of link h on path to link k

i h




I X v Y q

i i

h h

i i


s s I


i i

v X v q s

i i i i

h h

h i

until i k

Figure impulseResponse Compute v the instantaneous change in spatial velo city


of link k when it exp eriences a collision impulse p This routine assumes that the


articulated inertias of all links are already computed

The matrix is just the spatial transformation X This equation shows how the

k col l

nonspatial impulse p is mapp ed into a spatial impulse p The spatial change in velo city



v v computed by impulseResponse must then be converted into a non

k k k

Since and v are expressed in frame F spatial change in velo city at the contact p oint

k k k

the change in velo city at the contact p ointis


v r u R

k k


r R v R

k k

link k

y Fcoll

y z x p r Fk x


Figure The body frame of a col liding link and the col lision frame

This is just the lower comp onent of the spatial pro duct





R r R v


The upp er comp onent of the pro duct is the change in angular velo city at the con

tact point which is not used in the collision mo del It is easily veried that the spatial

transformation matrix in the ab ove equation is X the spatial transformation from F

col l k k

to F


The ab ove observations along with the algorithm impulseResponse provide a

waytocomputeu R the change in contact p ointvelo citygiven p R an impulse

applied at the contact p oint But the matrix K relates changes in velo city to an arbitrary


collision impulse Since velo city changes at the contact point are linear in the applied

collision impulse it is only necessary to compute the resp onse to asetof basis impulses at

the collision point Let R R be the mapping from applied impulse to change in

contact pointvelo city An arbitrary impulse p may b e decomp osed as

p p e p e p e

x x y y x z

where e e and e are the canonical basis vectors of the collision frame Then

x y z

p p e p e p e

x x y y z z

By building the matrix K as



e e e


x y z

it follows that

pK p


for any p R Thus the impulse resp onse of the colliding body may be completely

characterized by the impulse resp onse to three test impulses each a unit vector in one of

the canonical basis directions

Finallythe algorithm for computing K may be completely written It is shown


in Figure After K and K are computed the complete multib o dy collision matrix is

given by their sum Once K is known a collision integration can b e p erformed to determine

the collision impulse whether either of the colliding b o dies are multib o dies or simple rigid

b o dies all of the necessary dynamic information is enco ded in K

Propagating impulses through multib o dies

impulse p is determined it must be propagated through the After the collision

multib o dy to determine the instantaneous change in jointvelo cities The machinery to do

this has already b een develop ed The algorithm propagateImpulse Figure is similar

to the impulseResponse algorithm except that the eects are propagated throughout the

entire tree linkage rather than just along the path to the colliding link The iteration is

p erformed by enumerating over the joints in increasing order as in the forward dynamics

algorithms of Chapter

Figure summarizes the entire pro cess of resolving a collision that involves

multibody collide the a link of a multib o dy When and n link and an n link two


compute the articulated inertias for all links of the multibody

X from R and r X and compute

k col l col l k

for i to



X p

col l k


call impulseResponse to compute v


 lower component of X v

col l k k





Figure compMultibodyKi Compute K half of the collision matrix corresp onding to


one of the b o dies in the collision Inputs are k the index of the colliding link and R and

rwhich sp ecify the relative p ositions of the collision and b o dy frame

total cost of pro cessing the collision is O n n C where C is the cost of p erforming

a collision integration A linear time multib o dy collision resp onse algorithm allows the

ecientsimulation of large articulated structures in an impulsebased setting

For oating linkages the same adjustment that was made for the forward dynam

ics algorithm must be made in the collision resp onse algorithms No change is required

hanges for articulated inertia and za impulse propagation When computing velo city c

however the base link must b e handled as a sp ecial case Since there is no inb oard impulse

applied to the base link


Y v I

For all joints and other links velo citychange propagation needs no adjustment

With simple rigid b o dies the collision matrix is always p ositive denite however

the multib o dy collision matrix is only guaranteed to be p ositive semidenite Thus the

invertibilityof K b ecomes an issue Figure shows an example where K can b e singular



Y p



i k

while link i has a parent

h index of parent of link i


s s I



i i




i h


s I s


i i

i h


for all links i not on path from base link to link k Y



for i to n

h index of link inboard to joint i link i is outboard

h i




q I X v Y

i i

h h

i i


s I s


i i

v X v q s

i i i i

h h

Figure propagateImpulse Compute the instantaneous change in spatial velo city of

joints of a tree linkage when link k exp eriences a spatial collision impulse p p is

coll coll

computed from p via Equation This algorithm assumes that the articulated inertias

of all links are already computed

The twolink multib o dy falls and collides with the xed horizontal plate Because there are

only two degrees of freedom in the multib o dy motion no matter what impulse p is applied

at the contact p oint the total change in relative contact p oint velo city u can have no

comp onent in the y direction Since u Kpthe matrix K only has rank two But

K the collision integration algorithms require K This is not a problem in practice Let

b e the canonical inverse of K obtained by singular value decomp osition SVD PTVF

Then K u gives the minimum norm p that causes the given uthep computed in this

manner has no comp onent in the null space of K This gives the exp ected results in the

1 1 A B z.a. impulses articulated 2 2 inertias

3 89 3 89

4 7 10 test impulse 4 7 10

56 11 12 56 11 12


C velocity D changes 2

3 89 collision K p integration 4 7 10

56 11 12

1 1 E F z.a. impulses velocity 2 changes 2

3 89 3 89

4 7 10 4 7 10


56coll 11 12 56 11 12

Figure The entireprocedure for resolving col lisions involving a multibody here link

is the col liding link A Propagate articulated inertias This step can be eliminated by

saving inertias from the forward dynamics algorithm B Apply test impulse to the col liding

link and propagate za impulses up to the base link C Propagate joint and link velocity

changes back to the col liding link Steps B and C areperformedthree times for test impulses

in the x y and z directions afterwards K is known K is found similarly and these are

combined to give K D Col lision integration determines p E Propagate za impulses

from p up to base link F Propagate velocity changes throughout the tree

col l

collision of Figure the collision impulse will lie in the xz plane The same approach can b e used when the collision matrix has rank one

z y x


Figure A situation in which the multibody col lision matrix is rank decient

Supp orting control systems

To animate multib o dies it is usually necessary to apply control forces or torques

at the joints in order to achieve the desired physical motion For the rest of this section

force is used in a generalized sense to mean force or torque dep ending on whether a joint

is prismatic or revolute Using the collision check scheduler that is already present in an

impulsebased simulator a exible control architecture can b e built on top of the dynamic


Typ es of controllers

There are several typ es of controllers that can be used to control m ultib o dies

More information than app ears here can b e found in Cra Many systems contain passive

elements such as springs and damp ers attached at the joints of a multib o dy These are not

controllers in a strict sense however they inuence the dynamics of the system in a similar

way They may b e undesirable but unavoidable characteristics of the system such as friction

in joint b earings or they may b e elements intentionally added to the system by a designer

such as the sho ckabsorb ers on a car Passive controllers are characterized by the force f

applied given the p osition q and velo city q of a joint such as

f sgnq

f q

f k q q




q q


In order these equations corresp ond to constant friction viscous damping a linear spring

and a hard spring which arises for example in a sealed prismatic cylinder this latter force

has b een exploited for hopping rob ot control Rai

Passivecontrollers are most accurately mo deled by placing the force computations

within the inner lo op of the dynamic integration For example every time the integrator

calls treeFwdDyn to compute q passivecontrollers forces are recomputed based on q and

q These control forces may be lump ed in with actuator forces Q since they mo dify the

dynamics in the same way The control laws for these passive elements are simple so

even in the inner integration lo op the cost of recomputing the control forces is a negligible

part of computing the forward dynamics

At the lowest level of a control system are elements whichcontrol external forces to

ts in order to maintain desired joint p ositions or velo cities Prop ortional b e applied at join

derivative PD or prop ortionalintegralderivative PID controllers are two common typ es

PD controllers are used for example in the human athlete mo dels of Ho dgins et al

HWBO The basic op eration of a lowlevel controller is depicted in Figure

Supp ose a particular joint is to be maintained at some desired p osition q


One approach would be to attach a spring with natural length q to the joint The


stier the spring the harder the joint would be forced to the desired value To prevent

oscillations a damp er could also be added to the system A p ositional PD controller

mimics the b ehavior of this springdamp er system In control parlance the spring constant

and damping constant are called k and k resp ectively p for p osition and v for velo city

p v

The actuator force calculation for a p ositional PD controller is given by

Q k q q k q

p v des

actuator forces/torques Q

physical low level q system controller des or

qdes or q q q , , qdes

joint positions, velocities, & accelerations

Figure The coupling of a low level control ler to a multibody system The control ler

takes as inputs the position velocity and possibly acceleration of a particular joint and

computes a torque to be applied at that joint based on the control law and desired motion

In some cases a PD controller is insucient for maintaining q Consider the


prismatic joint in Figure It is easily veried that the external force results in an

equilibrium p osition of






The static error is made arbitrarily small bycho osing a very large k however this can lead


to instability in the system and numerical stiness in the equations Instead a prop ortional

derivativeintegral PID controller can b e used This typ e of controller augments the spring

and damp er comp onents with an integral term that is based on the static error accumulated

over time



q q d Qtk q t q k q t k

p v i

des des

A PID controller provides eventual convergence to the q in cases such as the one in


Figure although they are more dicult to analyze and intro duce new stability concerns

Another typ e of low level controller is a computed torque controller which shields

a higher level controller from the internal dynamics of a system The dynamics of a p oint

mass are trivial To make the masss acceleration equal to a a force f ma is applied For a

multib o dy the dynamics are more complicated and joint accelerations are not prop ortional

to joint forces A computed torque controller hides this complexity so that a higher level

controller can directly sp ecify the desired accelerations of the system If the desired joint




Figure APDcontrol ler with position constant k causes the unweighted joint to attain


a value of q butit can not do so when the joint is loaded with a static weight


accelerations of a multib o dy system are q the computed torque lawis



Q Hq q Cq qq Gq J q f


Substituting into Equation shows that with these joint forces q q A computed


torque controller requires much more computation than PD and PID controllers since a

dynamic mo del of the multib o dy must b e analyzed to determine the joint forces

Unlike passive elements like springs controllers run at nite rates A controller is

up dated with new values of q and q at regular intervals and it commands actuator forces

which will p ersist until the next up date even though q and q change over the interval The

up date rate must b e fast enough so that the controller has reasonably current information

otherwise instability results The required rate dep ends roughly on the mass of the system

and on the controller gains Less massive systems and higher gains require higher up date rates

High level controllers are needed to give multib o dy systems intelligent behavior

While a lowlevel controllers might allowahuman gure to stand a high level controller is

necessary to makeitwalk toward a goal High level controllers are less concerned with the

dynamic stability of the system and more concerned with the overall b ehavior They run at

rates slower than the rates of the lowlevel controllers For example a rob otic controller that

examines machine vision input would have a fairly slow up date rate High level controllers

are more varied than low level controllers and there are few canonical typ es Finite state

machine controllers have enjoyed recent success as high level controllers for hopping rob ots

Rai and mo dels of human athletes HWBO These track the phase of the o verall

system such as ight or loading and send commands to lowlevel PD controllers based on

the phase Use of state machines for higher level b ehavior control is describ ed by Bro oks in

the context of rob ot planning Bro and by Ahmad et al for scenario control ACH

Controller scheduling

There maybemany dierentcontrollers for a system running in parallel at dier

ent rates In simulation controllers are software routines that compute applied forces from

the current state These routines must b e called to recompute the control forces at arate

matching that of the real controller they mo del Scheduling control up date events is simple

in an impulsebased simulator As discussed in Chapter the integration intervals are

determined by the collision heap The system is integrated to the p oint in time indicated

top heap element at which point a collision check is p erformed by the TOI eld of the

between two b o dies The simulator guarantees that no heap events are missed

Control up date events can be added to the collision check events in the heap

Supp ose a PD controller is to up date joint torques at a kHz rate A structure for this

control event is placed into the heap with a time eld set to the current time plus

seconds Using the same scheduling algorithm the simulation will b e stopp ed at the appro

k priate time and the PD up date pro cedure can b e called The control event is placed bac

into the heap with the time eld incremented by s In this way the simulator can

manage avarietycontrollers running indep endently and at dierent rates Adding control

up date events to the heap do es not signicantly aect the size of the integration steps

collision check events still dominate the top of the heap For simulations with a only few

b o dies collision checks can b e made at rates on the order of kHz This is far higher than

typical controller frequencies The passivecontroller forces are computed within the inner

integration lo op so they are not scheduled in the heap

Impulses control supp ort architecture

Impulse shields the designer of a control system from the inner workings of the

control lawscheduler and the dynamic integration lo op through a layer of interface routines

Standard typ es of low level controllers are provided The designer writes high level control

routines as C functions that are compiled and linked with the rest of the simulator co de

When a high level controller is instantiated it is registered with the scheduler so that it

may be called back at the desired rate The high lev el control routine can instantiate low

level controllers and interact with them Impulses control library contains

Routines to create passiveelements and attach them to sp ecied joints of a multib o dy

Parameters like spring constants and damping co ecients are user sp ecied

Routines to create low level controllers PD and PID controllers are available in

b oth p osition and velo citycontrol varieties Computed torque controllers are also

provided The rates and gains of these controllers are sp ecied when they are created

Communication with these controllers is handled through routines that command

desired p ositions velo cities or accelerations to an existing controller and disable or

enable the controller Ahighlevel controller typically calls these interface routines

Routines to execute general high level controllers at sp ecied rates through a call back

mechanism The high level controller routines currently C functions are written by

the designer When called these high level controller routines are passed a p ointer to

the ob ject b eing controlled so that the same control function can be used for many

clones of a particular ob ject

With these library routines one can build up interesting control systems with a

few lines of C co de Figure is a system level view of the control supp ort architecture

The lowest level is the simulation engine whichcontains mo dules to compute the dynamics

of rigid bodies and multib o dies and to p erform collision detection and collision resp onse

between b o dies On top of this layer is the control library describ ed ab ove The designer

sp ecies high level controllers on top of the library A high level controller may do nothing

tiate some lowlevel controllers and send them initial commanded values more than instan


high level p, v control f

control computed P D P I D library torque

simulation collision dynamics collision

engine detection engine response

Figure The control support architecture of Impulse Lower level control lers are pro

vided on top of the simulation engine and the designer writes the high level control lers

The dotted line indicates control lers that are scheduled in the heap

Or it can p erform complex computations involving the state of the system and environment

to determine b ehavior The designer is free to create new typ es of lowlevel controllers or a

control layer b etween the levels shown Examples that use this control supp ort architecture are describ ed in Chapter


Computation of Mass Prop erties

for Polyhedral Bo dies

For dynamic simulation involving rigid b o dies it is necessary to know several pa

rameters describing the mass distribution of these b o dies A common formulation comprises

ten parameters the total mass a scalar the lo cation of the center of mass three param

eters and the moments and pro ducts of inertia ab out the center of mass six parameters

One can always nd a b o dy frame with origin at the b o dys center of mass and axes aligned

with its principle axes of inertia In this waytheentire mass distribution can b e describ ed

with a reduced set of four parameters however the larger parameterization is still needed

as a starting p oint

The problem of computing mass prop erties of solid ob jects has been studied ex

tensively Lee and Requicha note that the algorithms are closely tied to the underlying

representation of solid ob jects and give an excellentsurvey of the various families of algo

rithms in existence LRa Representations based up on primitive instancing and simple

sw eeping have small domain of application only simple canned ob jects may b e describ ed

Algorithms based on decomp osition fall into two categories according to whether the de

comp osition is exact or approximate Exact decomp ositions are dicult to obtain for general

ob jects and usually require considerable human lab or LK Approximate decomp ositions

such as spatial enumerations or octree metho ds may be easier to generate but yield only

estimates of the desired integral prop erties LRb The resolution of these representations

determine the accuracy of the estimate and errors in the representation tend to dominate

numerical errors LRa Algorithms that op erate directly on CSG representations are

computationally exp ensive indeed the b est algorithms for CSG op erate by rst converting

the CSG representations into approximate cell decomp ositions Integrals over solid regions

can also be evaluated using Monte Carlo techniques based on sampling p oints inside a

volume containing the solid Accuracy increases with the number of sample points but

convergence is slow and long execution times are required for accurate results LRa

Algorithms based on b oundary representations Breps remain the metho d of

choice for exact ecient computation of integrals over solids This is fortunate since most

graphical rendering algorithms require Breps as do many ecient collision detection algo

rithms LinVan Thus for applications such as dynamic simulation Breps are likely

to be a vailable Lien and Ka jiya give an algorithm for computing integrals over arbitrary

nonconvex p olyhedra based on a Brep LK It is O n in the p olyhedron complexityand

works by pro jecting triangular faces to the origin forming tetrahedra and summing the

contributions of these tetrahedra to the comp osite integrals Numerical errors increase in

near degenerate situations where the tetrahedra are long and thin These errors are reduced

by shifting the pro jection origin to the barycenter of the ob ject however tetrahedra of high

asp ect ratio can still o ccur esp ecially for highly tessellated ob jects Also the algorithm

essentially triangulates any nontriangular faces of the original p olyhedron and the manner

in which this is done may also generate long thin tetrahedra Nevertheless the algorithm

prop osed by Lien and Ka jiya is fairly easy to co de and generalizes to higher dimensions It

i j k

ver the solid region in may b e easily adapted to compute anyintegral of the form x y z o

addition to the integrals arising when computing mass prop erties

This chapter presents an exact algorithm for computing mass prop erties of uniform

density p olyhedra based on a b oundary representation of the solid Like Lien and Ka jiyas

algorithm it is exact and linear in the number of vertices edges or faces of the p olyhedron

The p olyhedron may be nonconvex and the faces may have any number of sides The

only assumptions made on the representation are that one can enumerate over all faces of

the b oundary and that given a face one can enumerate over all edges in counterclo ckwise

order In contrast to Lien and Ka jiyas algorithm the algorithm is optimized for computing

the mass prop erties required for dynamic simulation namely mass center of mass and

during a moments and pro ducts of inertia These quantities are all computed in parallel

single traversal of the p olyhedron so that common sub expressions are exploited it is very

fast In addition the algorithm presentedhereadaptively changes the pro jection direction

minimizing degeneracy and reducing numerical errors over those in Lien and Ka jiyas and

other algorithms

Rigidb o dy mass parameters

See App endix A for an overview of rigid b o dy dynamics Key quantities in rigid

b o dy dynamics are a b o dys mass mcenter of mass r and inertia tensor I also called the


mass matrix In order to formulate the equations of motion for the body these quantities

must b e determined The initial problem may b e expressed as follows

Problem Given A rigid body comprising N parts B B each a uniform density


polyhedron There are no restrictions on the convexity or genus of the polyhedra nor on

the shape of the bounding faces For e ach polyhedron B either its density or mass m is

i i i

specied and the geometries of al l of the polyhedraarespeciedrelative to a single reference

frame Compute The mass m and the referenceframe coordinates of the center of mass r

and inertia tensor I for the entire rigid body


The mass m and density of p olyhedral part B are related by m V where

i i i i i i

V is the volume of the p olyhedron Assuming one can compute



V dV






the masses and densities of each p olyhedron can b e found The total mass is m m



The co ordinates of the center of mass r for the entire b o dy are





r xdm y dm z dm



i i i


The integrals ab ove are the sums over all dierential mass elements of the body but for

uniform density p olyhedra these are easily converted to volume integrals For body B


dm dV Thus






z dV y dV xdV r




i i i


The inertia tensor is a symmetric matrix containing the moments and pro ducts

of inertia


xx xy zx



xy yy yz


zx yz zz

The moments of the inertia are given by




I y z dm y z dV




i i

i i




I z x dm z x dV




i i

i i




I x y dm x y dV




i i

i i

Finally the pro ducts of inertia are given by




xy dm xy dV I




i i

i i




I yz dm yz dV




i i

i i




I zx dm zx dV




i i

i i

not exactly the values app earing in the inertia The primed inertia quantities ab ove are

tensor The primed values are computed relative to the given reference frame but the

values in the inertia tensor must b e computed relative to a frame with origin at the center

of mass One way to accomplish this is to rst compute the lo cation of the center of mass

in the given frame and then to apply a translation to the body which brings the center

of mass to the origin After p erforming this transformation the primed quantities can be

directly inserted into the inertia tensor

A b etter solution is to use the transferofaxis relations for transferring a moment

or pro duct of inertia ab out one axis to a corresp onding one ab out a parallel axis To transfer

the primed values computed ab ove to a frame at the center of mass one uses MK

I I mr r

I I mr r


xy x y

xx y z


I I mr r

I I mr r


yz y z

yy z x


I I mr r

I I mr r


zx z x

zz x y


The unprimed quantities are inserted into the inertia tensor If the transferofaxis relations

are used it is not necessary to explicitly transform the vertices of the p olyhedron after

computing the center of mass hence all of the integrals can b e computed simultaneously

Although not explicitly allowed in the problem statement p oint masses placed at

various lo cations on the rigid b o dy are easily handled Supp ose the comp onent body B is


a p oint mass rather than a p olyhedron lo cated at p osition r in the reference frame All of


the required mass integrals can still b e computed since for a p ointmass


f dm m f r

i i



where f is any scalar function of x y and z This substitution may b e used to compute all

integrals over B


Rigid b o dy dynamics can b e computed more eciently with a reduced set of mass

prop erties based on a b o dy frame This is a co ordinate system attached to the bodywith

origin at the bodys center of mass and axes aligned with the b o dys principle axes of

inertia In this case all of the pro ducts of inertia vanish and the inertia tensor is diagonal

To compute the b o dy frame one must rst compute r and I as ab ove and then nd and


a rotation matrix R such that




is diagonal In this case I is the diagonalized mass matrix and R is the rotation matrix

transforming vectors in the body frame to vectors in the original reference frame the

columns of R are the i j and k unit vectors of the b o dy frame expressed in the reference

co ordinates The diagonal elements of I are the moments of inertia ab out the principle axes

of the b o dy Since these are p ositive I and I are p ositive denite Diagonalizing a matrix


that is nding R is a classical problem of linear algebra The Jacobi metho d works quite

well for this application since I is real symmetric and of mo derate size See PTVF for


a complete discussion of this technique as well as an implementation

Derivation of the algorithm

From the previous section all required mass prop erties can be found from ten

integrals over volume for each of the individual p olyhedral comp onents To simplify no

tation the p olyhedron index is henceforth dropp ed and only a single p olyhedral b o dy is

considered The domain of integration is written V as a reminder that it is a volume The

remainder of this chapter describ es an ecient exact algorithm for calculating these ten




T dV



T x dV T xy dV





T xdV




T  y dV T yz dV





T y dV




T z dV T z x dV




T z dV



Note that each isanintegral of a monomial in x y and z The basic idea is to use

the divergence theorem to reduce each of the volume integrals to a sum of surface integrals

over the individual faces of the p olyhedron Eac h of these surface integrals are evaluated

in terms of integrals over a planar pro jection of the surface For p olygons in the plane

Greens theorem reduces the planar integration to a sum of line integrals around the edges

of the p olygon Finally these line integrals are evaluated directly from the co ordinates of

the pro jected vertices of the original p olyhedron Figure illustrates the approach the

volume integral is ultimately reduced to a collection of line integrals in the plane and the

values from these integrations are propagated back into the value of the desired volume


integral reduction

divergence projection Green’s theorem theorem

value propagation

Figure The strategy for evaluating volume integrals Complicated integrals are decom

posed into successively simpler ones and the values from evaluating the simplest integrals

are combined and propagated back to evaluate the original ones

Reduction to surface integrals

The rst reduction is from an integral over the threedimensional p olyhedral vol

ume to a sum of integrals over its twodimensional planar faces This reduction is easily

accomplished with the divergence theorem Ste

Theorem Divergence Let V bea region in space bounded by the surface V Let n

denote the exterior normal of V along its boundary V Then


r F dV F n dA


for any vector eld F dened on V

For a p olyhedral volume the righthand side of can be broken up into a

summation over faces of constant normal so n can be pulled outside the integral The


integrals to be computed for example x dV do not immediately app ear to be of the


form in the theorem But one can nd manyvector elds whose divergence is the function


x a particularly simple choice is Fx y z x This choice has the added

advantage that two of its comp onents are identically zero so that the dot pro duct on the

righthand side of b ecomes a scalar multiplication By making similar choices for the

other integrals and applying the divergence theorem Equations b ecome



T n x dA







n xdA T n y dA T

x y






T n x dA T  n z dA

x x z






T T n n y dA x y dA

y xy y x





n n z dA y z dA T T

z y z yz





n T z xdA

z zx



Reduction to pro jection integrals

Greens theorem reduces an integral over a planar region to an integral around its

onedimensional b oundary however one must start with a region in the plane Although

the planar faces of the p olyhedron are in threespace one can pro ject them onto one of

the co ordinate planes The next theorem relates integrations over the original face to

integrations over the pro jection

Theorem Let F bea polygonal region in space with surface normal n and lying

in the plane

n n n w

Let be the projection of F into the plane Then


dA f f h d d

jn j



h n n w


Proof The p oints h lie in the plane of F soF is the graph of h over From

EP Section Formula



h h

d d f dA f h


The square ro ot in the integrand reduces to jn j and the theorem follows

This theorem provides the reduction of the integral of a p olynomial in and

over the face F to the integral of a p olynomial in and over the pro jected region

From the constant w can b e computed w n p where p is any p oint on the face

F Numerical inaccuracy or oating point errors can occur when the face normal n has

little or no comp onent in the pro jection direction in the extreme situation n the

face pro jects to a line segment To reduce such errors for a given face the co ordinates

are always chosen as a righthanded permutation of the of the xy z co ordinates such that

jn j is maximized This choice maximizes the area of the pro jected shadowinthe plane


see Figure Note that a choice can always b e found such that jn j

Recall the needed integrals over the region F Indep endent of the three

p ossible corresp ondences between the xy z and co ordinates they all can be found

This means  

by computing the following integrals


dA dA dA dA



dA dA dA dA



dA dA dA dA


Using Theorem these face integrals can all b e reduced to integrals over the pro jection

region For instance


n n w

dA jn j d d




jn j n n d d n d d w d d

jn j n n  n  w 



f dA


The complete set of face integrals reduced to pro jection integrals with Theorem

is shown b elow


dA jn j



dA jn j



dA jn j n n n w



dA jn j



dA jn j



dA jn j n n n n n n w n w w




dA jn j



dA jn j



n  n n  n n  n  n w  dA jn j n


n n w n w n w n w w


dA jn j



n  n  w  dA jn j n



dA jn j n n  n n  n  n w  n w w


Reduction to line integrals

The nal step is to reduce an integral ov er a p olygonal pro jection region in the

plane to a sum of line integrals over the edges b ounding the region The following notation

is used see Figure The edges of are lab eled E through E Edge E is the directed

K e

line segment from to and note

e e e e e e e e e e

that Finally edge E has length L and exterior unit normal m

K K e e e

Greens theorem Ste provides the nal integration reduction

Sometimes more formally called Greens theorem in the plane Additionally some texts call this Greens

lemma reserving Greens theorem for a more general D result WB

γ n





Figure The axes are a righthanded permutation of the xy z axes chosen to

maximize the size of the faces projected shadow in the plane

Theorem Greens Let be a region in the plane bounded by the single curve

Let m denote the exterior normal along the boundary Then


r H dA H m ds

denedonwhere the line integral traverses the boundary counter for any vector eld H


This theorem is a twodimensional version of the divergence theorem and the p olyhedral

application again provides simplication Since is p olygonal the righthand side of

maybebroken into a summation over edges of constant normal and byalways cho osing H

so that one comp onentisidentically zero the dot pro duct b ecomes a scalar multiplication

From and all integrals of the form


p q

p q


β (α , β ) (α , β ) 1 1 K K ε K ε 1

(α , β ) Π e+1 e+1 ε e ∆β e m e (α , β ) ∆α e e e


Figure Notation for computing a projection integral as a sum of line integrals

are needed for nonnegative integers p and q with p q Consider rst the case q

p T

By cho osing H and applying Greens theorem to the p olygonal region





p p

m dA s ds






In the righthand integral the integration variable s is arc length and runs from to L


the length of the edge s is the co ordinate of the p oint on the edge that is a distance s

from the starting p oint Letting the variable be sL one can change integration variables


ds L dtoget





p p

m L L d dA

e e e



Now m L where the plus or minus dep ends on whether the vertices of are

e e e

indexed in counterclo ckwise or clo ckwise order resp ectively By convention assume that the

vertices of the original face F are indexed in counterclo ckwise order thus the vertices of

will b e indexed in counterclo ckwise order exactly when the sign ofn is p ositive Figure

helps in visualizing this situation Hence m L sgnn and

e e e




sgn n

p p

L d dA

e e



p T

The case with q is similar except one cho oses H Finally one can


derive analogous equations for the cases when p or p The results are





q q

L d dA

e e







p p

dA L L d

e e e







q q

dA L L d

e e e



Evaluation of integrals from vertex co ordinates

The original volume integrals have been successively reduced to face integrals

pro jection integrals and nally line integrals The latter can b e directly evaluated in terms

of vertex co ordinates with the help of the following theorem

Theorem Let L be the length of the directedlinesegment from to

e e e e e

Let s and s bethe and coordinates of the point on this segment a distance s from

the starting point Then for nonnegative integers p and q

p q



p q

X X i j


p q i pi q j

L L d

e e

e e e


p q

p q

i j


i j

Proof Denoting the integral on the lefthand side by I


p q

I d

e e e e


p q


j p q

q j i pi

d B B

e e e


i j

i j

where the B s are Bernstein polynomials


n k nk



k k

Two imp ortant prop erties of these p olynomials are FR Far

p q


i j

q p pq


j i ij

p q


i j



B d



Expanding the pro duct in and applying gives

p q



q p

i j X X

j pq

i pi q j

I d B

e e e



p q

j i


i j

Evaluating the integrals using proves the theorem

All of the line integrals app earing in are sp ecial cases of Theorem

with either p or q settoor Sp ecically




i pi p


e e







q q j







p p


p i pi i pi

d i p i

e e

e e e e

p p

i i


q q


j j

q j q j q

j q j d

e e

e e

e e

q q

j j

Making these substitutions into give all of the needed pro jection integrals in

terms of the co ordinates of the pro jection vertices






e e e







e e e

e e







e e e

e e






a dA

e e e

e e e e








e e e e

e e



e e e

e e






e e e

e e e e







e e e

e e e e e e








e e e e

e e e e



e e e

e e e e







e e e e

e e e e



e e e

e e e e






e e e

e e e e e e


Pseudo co de and online C co de

The derivations of the previous section sp ecify a complete algorithm for computing

the ten desired volume integrals The algorithm comprises three routines

CompVolumeIntegralsV Figure computes the required volume integrals for a

p olyhedron by summing surface integrals over its faces as detailed in Equations

CompFaceIntegralsF Figure computes the required surface integrals over a

p olyhedral face from the integrals over its pro jection as detailed in Equations

CompProjectionIntegralsF Figure computes the required integrals over a

face pro jection from the co ordinates of the pro jections vertices as detailed in Equa


This algorithm contains a minor simplication over the presented derivation When Equa

tions are substituted into the computation of sgnn and jn j b ecomes un

necessary since these factors always app ear together in a pro duct giving simplyn Thus

no signs or absolute values are computed in the routines CompFaceIntegrals and Comp


ANSI C source co de for the algorithm describ ed in this pap er and detailed in

Figures is publicly available from two web sites


httpwwwcsberkeleyedu mirtichmassPropshtml

Also included is an interface to build up p olyhedra using a simple data structure from

ASCI I sp ecications examples are provided The co de is public domain and may b e used

as is or in mo died form

Test results

This section analyzes the sp eed and accuracy of the algorithm for various test

cases These tests were run on an SGI Indigo II with a MHz R CPU and double

ere used for the calculations precision oating p ointnumb ers w

The set of p olyhedral ob jects that have volume integrals which are commonly

tabulated or easy to compute by hand is rather limited The algorithm was run on two

such ob jects an axesaligned cub e units on a side and centered at the origin and a

tetrahedron dened by the convex hull of the origin and the vectors i j and k The

theoretical values for these ob jects are shown in Table For these two examples all

T T ob ject T T T T T T T T


x y z xy yz zx

z y x

cub e


Table Theoretical values of volume integrals for simple test p olyhedra

values computed by the algorithm were correct to at least signicant gures The total

time required to compute all ten volume integrals was s for the tetrahedron and

s for the cub e

For a more interesting test the algorithm was applied to several p olyhedral ap

proximations of a unit radius sphere centered at the origin In this case there are two

sources of error numerical errors from the algorithm and approximation errors inherentin

the geometric mo del which is not a true sphere These latter errors should not b e attributed

to the algorithm itself For a p erfect unit sphere the integrals T T T T T and T

x y z xy yz zx

anish while T and T  T  T  The algorithm was applied should v

x y z

to a series of successive approximations to the sphere b eginning with an icosahedron and

obtaining each ner approximation by pro jecting the midp ointofeach p olyhedral edge onto

the unit sphere and taking a convex hull The computed values of a representative set of

volume integrals for each p olyhedron are shown in Table

Without numerical error the integrals T and T would vanish for all six p olyhe

x yz

dral approximations of the sphere due to symmetry From Table the absolute values of

these computed values are all less than The theoretical values in the table corresp ond

to the sphere which circumscrib es the p olyhedra For each p olyhedron the corresp onding

values for the inscrib ed sphere were also determined and the computed values for T and

to lie between the b ounding values for these two spheres For approximation T veried


the dierence in values for the inscrib ed and circumscrib ed sphere is for T

These values are upp er b ounds on the numerical errors of the al and for T


gorithm Note that the deviations b etween theoretical and computed values for T and T


are reduced as the complexityof the p olyhedron increases while numerical error from the

algorithm should increase with complexity In light of the very small errors incurred in the

computation of T and T the deviations b etween the computed and theoretical values of

x yz

T and T are almost certainly due mainly to the p olyhedral approximation rather than to


numerical errors

approx verts edges faces T T T T time

x yz








theoretical values for sphere

Table Data for successiveapproximations of a unit sphere

The execution times shown in Table are the total times for computing all ten

volume integrals for each p olyhedron The O n nature of the algorithm is evident from

approximation on the time ratios b etween successive renements very closely follow the

ratio in the number of faces The algorithm is also very fast all ten integrals are

computed for a p olyhedron with over faces in only ms

Acknowledgments This chapter originally app eared as the pap er Mir We thank

Aristides Requicha for a valuable literature survey on this topic and David Bara for

useful commen ts on the initial draft of this pap er We esp ecially thank John Hughes for his

detailed review and many suggestions for improving the pap er




x y z xy yz zx

x y z

for each face F on the boundary of V

righthanded permutation of x y z that maximizes jn j


if x T T n F

else if x T T n F

else T T n F

T T n F

T T n F

T T n F 

n F T T


T T n F


T  T  n F 

T T n F

T T n F

n F T T


x y z x y z



x y z x y z


xy yz zx xy yz zx

Figure CompVolumeIntegralsV Compute the required volume integrals for a p oly

hedron See Equations



w n p for some point p on F

k n k k k k k k k k k

F k

F k

F k n n w

F  k 

F k


F k n n n n n w n w w


F  k 

F k


n F k n n n n n


n w  n n w n w  n w n w w

F k


F k n n w


F k n n n n n w n w w


Figure CompFaceIntegralsF Compute the required surface integrals over a p oly

hedral face See Equations




for each edge E in CCW order around F

coordinate of start point of E

coordinate of start point of E

coordinate of end point of E

coordinate of end point of E

















C a a a K























Figure CompProjectionIntegralsF Compute the required integrals over a face

pro jection See Equations


Examples and Results

The ideas and theory presented in this thesis have b een put into practice through

the prototyp e Impulse an exp erimental impulsebased dynamic simulator Impulse is writ

ten in ANSI C and runs on SGI and HP platforms This chapter describ es several examples

of simulations pro duced using Impulsewhich fall into three categories pure impulsebased

simulation passive hybrid simulation and controlled hybrid simulation Snapshots of the

simulations are included and most of the simulations describ ed here can be viewed as

MPEG movies available from the Impulse web site

httpwwwcsb erkeleyedu mirtichimpulsehtml

Many of these simulations were designed to test sp ecic asp ects of the impulsebased ap

proach Beyond these test cases Impulse has been used as an engineering to ol for real

applications in the parts feeding domain These applications and some results are describ ed

here All of the simulations described here were run using the identical algorithms with

absolutely no tuning of parameters

Pure impulsebased simulation

Pure impulsebased simulation means that all contact interaction is handled through

trains of collision impulses there are no explicit constraints governing the relative motion of

dierent b o dies All b o dies in the simulation are either xed in space or execute piecewise

ballistic tra jectories between collisions This basic paradigm adeptly handles colliding and

transient contact and can also mo del manytyp es of continuous contact including sliding

Figure Snapshots from the dominos simulation

rolling and resting contact


The dominos simulation involves a rowofseven dominos that fall over Figure

While the dominos are falling there are many simultaneous contacts between them which

are mo deled as individual collisions The eects of the friction are evident in the simulation

after all dominos have fallen they come to rest on the supp orting surface Mo deling friction

is critical to realism as can be seen by comparing this simulation movie to a simulation

Figure Snapshots from the blo ck drop simulation

movie of frictionless dominos pro duced bytheSimpact system RK

Blo ck drop

The block drop simulation Figure involves dropping two blo cks onto a sup

p orting surface so that the blo cks come to rest in a stack The blo cks visibly b ounce several

times b efore settling into a resting state mo deled with micro collisions Performing this test

with more than twoblocks proved troublesome since collision impulses must b e propagated

up and down the stack in order to keep blo cks from p enetrating Stacks of ob jects sub ject to

Figure Snapshots from the blo ckonramp simulation

gravitational forces are one typ e of system p o orly mo deled with impulsebased simulation

the ob jects p enetrate deeply into collision envelop es and the collision detection and colli

sion resp onse computations b ecome excessive Impulsebased simulation can handle large

stacks which are in the pro cess of settling but once the system reaches a static state it is

easier to mo del with constraints

Blo ck on ramp

The block on ramp simulation involves a blo ck that slides down a ramp under

conditions where the friction between the blo ck and ramp is sucient to stop the sliding

Figure The ramp is at a angle with the horizontal the blo ckislaunched with a

y along the ramp of cms and the co ecient of friction is This exp eriment velo cit

tests the accuracy of the friction mo del since the blo ck initially exp eriences sliding frictional

forces and later exp eriences static friction forces when it comes to rest Under Impulse the

blo ck reaches a resting state at very nearly the time and place predicted by theory Graphs

of the blo cks p osition and velo city are shown in Figure

Figure Snapshots from the chain of balls simulation

Chain of balls

The chain of bal ls simulation illustrates the propagation of an impulse through a

chain of contacting bodies Figure Four balls are initially placed a collision epsilon

apart so that if anyballmoves toward another it will immediately p enetrate the collision

envelop e After the striking ball hits the chain the ball at the other end of the chain rolls

away while the rest remain basically motionless The moving ball rolls up a small ramp

then backdown to strike the chain The second collision impulse is propagated less cleanly

b ecause the balls have drifted slightly from their straight line conguration The drift is

primarily a result of the p olyhedral mo dels used for the spheres which prevent the collisions

from b eing exactly central

Under analytic approaches there are tw o ways to propagate impulses through

chains of contacting b o dies One metho d computes the impulses one at a time and the

other computes them simultaneously The latter is computationally preferable in some situ

ations but can generate nonphysical results in others For instance when the simultaneous

mo del is used for a ball chain simulation the striking ball launches the entire chain into

motion while it recoils backwards after impact CS Bar Howtocho ose b etween these

mo dels is not clear There is no ambiguity in the impulsebased mo del which pro duces the

physically correct result

Balls in dish

The bal ls in dish simulation Figure involves dropping seven balls into a shal

low dish to let them interact at will After b ouncing around for a few moments the balls

come to rest with one ball at the center of the dish surrounded symmetrically by the other

six Although Impulse do es not explicitly try to minimize the energy of the system this is

the macroscopic result as collisions dissipate energy from the system

In the nal conguration there are simultaneous contacts within the cluster of

balls plus seven contacts between the balls and dish which are all easily maintained with

micro collisions These contacts are easier to mo del via collisions than those for the block drop

simulation describ ed ab ove for two reasons First there are not stacks of ob jects involved

b ecause of the shallow dish angle the balls are not pushed into one another as strongly

Acentral collision is one in which the collision p oint is on the line segment joining the centers of mass of the colliding b o dies

Figure Snapshots from the balls in dish simulation

Second collisions b etween spheres are central and impart little angular acceleration to the

colliding b o dies As a result the TOI b ounds are much tighter In contrast when one

corner of a cub e collides with a large at surface the angular acceleration of the cub es

cause the opp osite corner to strike the surface so on afterward


The coins simulation Figure illustrates the wide variety of macroscopic con

tact mo des that are pro duced by Impulses collision mo del In this simulation four coins

are rolled toward the center of a plate and four coins are simultaneously tossed into the

center of the plate All of the coins collide in the middle Through the course of the simu

lation manytyp es of contact o ccur including colliding sliding prolonged rolling resting

contact betw een dierent coins and resting contact between the coins and plate Also

demonstrated is the familiar motion of a coin rolling along a path of increasing curvature

eventually falling over and rattling to rest The coin system is very representative of the

typ es of physical systems whicharewell suited to impulsebased simulation

Pool break

Figure is a series of snapshots from the simulation of a pool break Like the

chain of bal ls simulation this simulation entails propagating collision impulses through

chains of contact but with a more complex initial contact conguration there are initially

contact p oints b etween the rack of balls The balls in the p o ol break simulation are

initially placed one collision epsilon apart so that any motion on the part of one ball toward

another results in an immediate collision

ust b e pro cessed at the moment of the initial A high numb er of collision checks m

break Figure shows the numb er of collision checks p er second of simulation time After

the balls b egin to separate the collision check frequency quickly drops as higher TOI b ounds

are achieved The collision check rate stabilizes at approximately kHz after the break is

over These collision checks are b etween the balls and the surface of the p o ol table and are

needed to keep the balls from p enetrating the table

The collision mo del supp orts spin on the balls By changing the initial angular

velo city of the cue ball it can be made to draw back or eventually roll forward after the

initial impact with the rack Other balls follow paths which deviate slightly from a straight

Figure Snapshots from the coins simulation

Figure Snapshots from the p o ol break simulation

Collision Rate

12 initial break 10




2 thousands of collisions per second

0 time (s)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Figure The frequency of col lision checks as a function of time during a pool break

Time refers to the time in the simulation not the execution time required to compute the


line due to spin


A typical tenpin bowling throw involves b oth prolonged and transient contact

mo des The ball is lofted onto the alley and settles into continuous contact with the alley

sliding at rst Eventually contact with the alley causes the contact mo de to shift from

sliding to rolling as the relative tangential velo city at the contact between the ball and

alley is brought to zero If the b owler imparts the prop er initial translational and angular

velo cities to the ball the sliding phase will bring the ball toward the gutter and the rolling

phase will cause it to ho ok back toward the center of the alley Once the ball strikes the

pins the contacts are predominantly transient with many collision o ccurring Snapshots

from sucha bowling simulation are shown in Figure

Figure Snapshots from the bowling simulation

A series of b owling exp eriments was p erformed to test Impulses ability to obtain

physically valid results In therstbatch of simulations a straight ball was thrown down

the alley bylaunching the ball with zero angular velo city andacenter of mass velo cityin

the y direction Figure trials were p erformed keeping the initial ball velo city

Straight vs. Hooking Ball hooking 10.0 straight





felled pins 7.5

7.0 pin line 6.5 −30 −15 0 +15 +30

position (cm) 6.0 y −15 −10 −5 0 +5 +10 +15

x pin line position (cm)

Figure Left Bow ling experiments wereperformed by recording the horizontal position

of the ballasitcrossed the pin line and the number of pins that wereknocked down Right

Results of the bow ling experiments for straight and hooking bal ls

constant but varying the initial xco ordinate of the balls center of mass overacentimeter

window In a second batch of trials the initial ball velo city conditions were altered

to pro duce a righthanders ho oking ball angular velo city of rads in the y direction

and a linear velo city at an angle of from the y axis Accurate physical dimensions and

masses were used for all b o dies except for a slight approximation in the shap e of the pins

it crossed Figure shows the number of felled pins versus the ball p osition as

the pin line ordinates are averaged over mm wide abscissa windows The ho oking ball is

slightly b etter than the straight ball at most p ositions along the pin line and is signicantly

b etter over a range between the head pin and rightmost second row pin to cm

on the pin line This agrees with the accepted wisdom that a righthanded b owlers b est

strategy is to throw a ho oking ball between these two pins The plots also illustrate the

dip in felled pins due to splits when the ball hits the head pin dead on Obtaining these

results analytically would b e nearly imp ossible but the chaotic bowling system is an ideal

application for impulsebased simulation the evolution is collision intensive with many

transient contacts between ob jects and there is a gradual shift in contact mo de between

the ball and the alley b ouncing to sliding to rolling

Ball on spinning platter

Consider a ball rolling on a spinning platter The nonholonomic mo del and the

Vakonomic mo del are two variationalbased approaches to deriving the dynamics of this

system which yield dierent answers Lewis and Murray computed simulations based on

each of these mo dels and then p erformed exp eriments to test their accuracy using a large

steel ball on a spinning plexiglas surface LM They note that the general exp erimental

behavior was in go o d agreement with certain nonholonomic simulations such as the one

a similar exp eriment using pictured in Figure Also in the gure is a snapshot from

Impulse Here the nonholonomic contact between the ball and platter is mo deled with

the usual collisions The tra jectories generated this way qualitatively match those of Lewis

and Murray This example illustrates the versatility of the impulsebased metho d with no

extra eort collisions mo del the nonholonomic constraintbetween the ball and platter in a

physically accurate way

Rattleback top

The rattleback top simulation demonstrates the ability of the impulsebased metho d

to mo del nontrivial contact interaction A rattleback top is an elongated solid with a convex

bottom much likethehull of a ship If spun in its preferred direction the top will continue

to spin in that same direction until friction eventually stops it If spun in the other direction

however instability so on o ccurs as the top b egins to ro ck back and forth and eventually

vior results from a slight asymmetry in reverses its spinning direction This anomalous b eha

the top either in the shap e of the b ottom or in the mass distribution The key requirement

is that the principle axes of curvature at the contact pointmust b e skewed in a particular

Figure Left Trajectories of a bal l on a spinning platter simulated by Lewis and

Murray the physical experiments general ly exhibited this behavior LM reprinted with

permission Right A snapshot of an analogous simulation using Impulse the spiral lines

indicate the bal ls trajectory

manner relative to the principle axes of inertia of the top

A rattleback exp eriment was p erformed to test Impulses ability to predict this

phenomenon First two identical balanced ellipsoids were spun with the same initial

conditions to verify that they remained in phase when spun The mass of each ellipsoid

was grams Next a gram pointmass was attached to the surface of one of the

ellipsoids in a p osition which skewed the principle axes of inertia in the prescrib ed way

The exp eriment was redone spinning the ellipsoids in a manner such that the rattleback

was spun in its nonpreferred direction After approximately two revolutions the rattleback

top b egan ro cking and quickly reversed its spinning direction as predicted Snapshots from

the simulation are shown in Figure

Part feeder chute

ulation is one of a numb er of simulations related to part The parter feeder chute sim

feeding Six parts are dropp ed into an inclined tray funneled through a narrow op ening

in the lower end and land on the at surface below The parts are mo deled after an

actual industrial part a nonconvex insulator cap The parts slide along each other in the

chute b efore spreading out as they fall onto the surface Figure Exp eriments like

Figure Snapshots from the rattleback top simulation

Figure Snapshots from the part feeder chute simulation

Figure Snapshots from the explo ding text simulation

this can generate sto chastic data related to a particular feeding op eration The data can

determine the feeders susceptibility to jamming and its ability to singulate the parts Such

an application using Impulse is describ ed in BC

Explo ding text

Physically based mo deling is not only a valuable to ol for simulation and virtual

prototyping but also for generating animations One example is the exploding text simula

tion The letters of the words impulsebased simulation are given random initial velo c

ities and set free to move through the space in an enclosed volume with gravity turned

o Figure This example is a go o d test of the collision detection system there are

indep endently moving rigid b o dies many of them nonconvex It illustrates the use of

simulation to pro duce interesting visual eects The animation is even more comp elling

when played back in reverse from random debris the words impulsebased simulation


Passive hybrid simulation

As discussed in Chapter pure impulsebased metho ds are not suitable for mo d

eling tightly constrained contact such as that o ccurring at joints Hybrid simulation allows

for certain con tacts to be mo deled as joints greatly expanding the range of systems that

can b e simulated This section describ es three examples that use passivehybrid simulation

Passive means that there are no control systems acting All external forces on multib o dies

are due to gravity collisions or passive elements like springs and damp ers


In the seesaw simulation eight balls are placed in a shallow funnellike tray

and roll toward a rectangular op ening in the center of the tray Blo cking this op ening

is a seesaw a one link multib o dy xed to the tray through a revolute joint The balls

w causing it to turn and ro ck as they pass through the op ening eventually land on the seesa

Figure Contacts b etween dierent balls b etween the balls and the tray and b etween

the balls and seesaw are all mo deled with collisions

Part sorter

The part sorter simulation is another application from the part feeding domain

Six parts of three dierenttyp es slide down tracks arranged in a switchback fashion Two

trap do ors in the tracks allow parts with sucient mass to fall through to the track b elow

lighter parts slide across the trap do ors In this way parts are sorted based on their mass

Figure The trap do ors are single link multib o dies connected to the xed tracks

through hinges The hinges are equipp ed with springs to hold the do ors closed The spring

constants were chosen to let certain parts fall through but let others pass over Damp ers

Figure Snapshots from the seesaw simulation

Figure Snapshots from the part sorter simulation

are attached at the jointtoprevent excessive oscillation of the do ors Interaction b etween

the parts and the tracks and trap do ors are mo deled with collisions the hinge contacts are

mo deled with constraints

The spring constants are adjusted so that individual ly one part typ e glides across

the rst trap do or one part typ e falls through the rst trap do or but glides across the second

and one part typ e falls through both trap do ors In practice the simple sorter p erforms

p o orly b ecause its dimensions are to o small Parts can not b e adequately separated so the

trap do ors do not have sucienttime to return to their resting state between parts This

typ e of information would b e very useful to the designer of a part sorter

Triple p endulum

A nal example of passive hybrid simulation is the triple pendulum simulation

Figure Six balls are dropp ed into a shallow dish Susp ended ab o ve the dish is a

p endulum with three links and three revolute joints The last link ends with a mallet This

p endulum is p ositioned so that it can never hit the dish but so that it can reach the balls in

the dish It is not actuated but dropp ed from a high p otential energy state so that gravity

drives it As it swings it collides with the balls o ccasionally kno cking one out of the dish

The interactions between pairs of balls between the balls and the dish and between the

balls and the p endulum are mo deled with collisions Eventually the p endulum comes to

rest in its minimum energy state with the mallet resting b etween the three remaining balls

The p endulum is not damp ed its decrease in energy results entirely from collisions with

the balls

Controlled hybrid simulation

Hybrid simulation is not restricted to passive systems External controllers may

also b e attached to ob jects making the simulator a p owerful to ol for animation as well as

simulation and testing Three examples using Impulse are discussed b elow

Furniture arrangement

The furniturearrangement simulation can b e viewed as an animation application

or as a design application with intelligent ob jects This example only used rigid b o diesa

Figure Snapshots from the triple p endulum simulation

Figure Snapshots from the furniture arrangement simulation

trivial case of multib o diesand do es not illustrate the full b enets of hybrid simulation

Butitisagoodtestofthecontrol architecture The moving ob jects are a table six chairs

and a wine b ottle that move through two adjoining ro oms Figure The ob jects are

all controlled by applying external forces and torques via the control architecture The table

controller steps through a sequence of eight user sp ecied congurations applying forces

and torques to gravitate the table toward each conguration Damping forces and torques

are also applied When a conguration goal is attained and the table velo city subsides the

control system advances to the next goal

Each chair is driven to gravitate toward a goal conguration sp ecied relative to

the table again using a PD controller as the table moves the chairs attempt to followit

Chair goal p ositions are also mo died by the presence of nearbywalls so that they sco ot

in if the table moves close to a wall Finally the b ottle has a simple control law which

rep eatedly causes it to jump onto the table if not there already and gravitate toward

the center of the table To aect a jump the controller computes initial velo city values

whichwould arc the b ottle in a parab olic tra jectory onto the table and writes these new

velo cityvalues to the b ottles state as if it had exp erienced a collision This illustrates the

exibilityavailable to the control designer All ob ject controllers also apply torques to keep

the ob jects upright

A total of four controllers are required one for the table one for the b ottle and

two for the chairs one to control them to goal p ositions and one to up date these p ositions

in the presence of walls Eachcontroller is a single C function ab out one page long The

controller rates vary from Hz

Although real furniture is no more autonomous than a Luxolamp this example

demonstrates the ease with whichinteresting motion can b e pro duced from simple control

systems built on top of a dynamic simulator The entertaining animation can be viewed

simulation From a more serious p ersp ective this example as the desired pro duct of the

illustrates the use of simulation as a design or layout to ol Consider the lab or intensive

job of arranging furniture in a large architectural virtual environment as in BS The

task is made easier if the user only sp ecies the p ositions of certain ob jects like tables and

other ob jects likechairs adjust themselves accordingly The chairs are ligent objects

with useful b ehaviors


The bicycle simulation involves an unmanned bicycle guided over an obstacle

course Figure A controller designed to balance the bike at a sp ecied roll angle

was provided by Getz Get In contrast to the bike controller emplo yed by Ho dgins

et al HWBO Getzs control law is nonlinear employs a dynamic mo del of the bicycle

accounts for the nonholonomic constraint between the wheels and ground and do es not

decouple the control of the p edals and handlebars Ho dgins et al mo deled a rider on the

bike and built basic obstacle avoidance and clustering abilities into the control law these

Figure Snapshots from the bicycle simulation

are not present in Getzs controller

This example was chosen for two reasons First Getzs control law relies on correct

mo deling of b oth the bicycle dynamics and constraint forces with the road in order to

function prop erly Second the controller was develop ed indep endently without regard

to any particular style of dynamic simulation Prior to this exp eriment the control law

had b een implemented only as a MATLAB simulation of a bicycle on a at surface using

idealized motion constraints and without collisions or obstacles

The bicycle is a link multib o dy a frame a fork and two wheels geometry and

masses are based on a standard bike The kinematic top ology can be describ ed as a

serial linkage but the mo del w as built as a tree linkage with the frame as the oating base

link Figure The controller takes as input the current steering angle roll angle rear


rear steering axle column

fork rear wheel front axle



Figure The kinematic structure of the bicycle

wheel velo city and the derivatives of these quantities Using a computed torque metho d

it calculates desired accelerations of the p edals and handlebars to achieve the user dened

roll angle and forward velo city proles The front wheel is not actuated and rolls freely

Getzs MATLAB co de was translated in essentially unchanged form to a C function called

by Impulses control architecture at a Hz rate With this control law and the dened

proles the bike is guided over an obstacle course which includes a pylon slalom stair steps

awall an ice patch and a jump

This example demonstrates howcontrol strategies may b e tested under more var

ied conditions with an impulsebased simulator that supp orts general collision and contact

mo deling Hazards or other agents can b e placed into the simulation without any mo dica

tion of the control law a good controller causes the system to react in a natural way The

graphs shown in Figures and showhowwell the controller worked in the presence

of the various disturbances

Forward Velocity Profile


desired 12 actual jump 10

8 steps 6 ice forward velocity (m/s) 4 pylon slalom

2 wall crash

010 203040

time (s)

Figure The forward velocity prole as the bike traversed the obstacle course

Creature war

The creature war simulation provides a detailed test of the multibody collision

resp onse algorithms and the control supp ort architecture In this test a rover vehicle chases

crawling bugs annihilating them by pushing them o the edge of the world Figure

Each bug has an ellipsoidal b o dy and two elliptical legs Figure The leg velo cities

Roll Angle Profile





0 jump

−10 steps roll angle (deg)

−20 desired actual −30 pylon slalom ice −40 wall crash

010 203040

time (s)

Figure The rol l angle prole as the bike traversed the obstacle course

are regulated with individual PD controllers Bugs control their headings by commanding

dierentvelo cities to their legs Bug b ehaviors are generated by a high level controller that

computes a desired heading using a p otential eld approach They have a preference to

b e in the center of the square world and a stronger preference to avoid the rover when it

is nearby Each bugs high level controller uses the bugs current p osition and that of the

rover to compute a new desired heading

The rover is a link multib o dy Figure The front wheels turn on axes

connected directly to the chassis while two prismatic joints allow each rear wheel axis to

move vertically relative to the chassis These prismatic joints are equipp ed with sho ck

absorb ers springs and damp ers to smo oth out bumps in the terrain The rover uses four

PD controllers to regulate the velo city of its wheels It changes its heading by commanding

Figure Snapshots from the creature war simulation


left right

leg leg

Figure Left Side view of a bug Right Kinematic tree for a bug showing the

individual links and joints


left right rear rear axle axle left right front front wheel wheel

left right rear rear wheel wheel prismatic joint

revolute joint

Figure Left Side view of the rover in normal and jacked congurations Jacking

al lows the rover to push bugs rather than running over them Right Kinematic tree for the

rover showing the individual links and joints

dierent desired velo cities to the left and right side wheels Two additional PD controllers

regulate the length of the rear prismatic pistons By activating these controllers the rover

can jack up its rear end and lower its front end in preparation to push bugs Deactivating

these controllers makes the rover resume its normal driving p osture The rovers behavior

is more complicated than that of the bugs It rep eatedly cho oses one of the surviving bugs

as a victim chases this bug down assumes jacked p osition and pushes the bug o the

edge of world and into the abyss It avoids driving itself over the edge This b ehavior was

implemented via a state machine controller with ve states shown in Figure


rover prey below? backing up? prey below? prey killed? prey below? prey ahead? prey to side?

spin forward push prey near & prey to side? dead ahead?

always prey killed?


Figure The high level state machine control ler for the rover There are ve states

and the edges are labeled with the condition for the corresponding state transition

The PD controller rates for this example vary from to kHz and the high

level control routines run at Hz Two high level control routines are required for this

animation one for the bugs and one for the rover Both are C functions ab out one page

long The actual function for implementing the rover is shown in Figure The creature

war shows howinteresting b ehaviors can emerge from physics plus simple control laws and

interactions between agents The sequence of the nal animation was quite unimagined

when the control laws were designed

installSpring mbjoint Ks Ls

void cli roverMB mb

installDamp er mbjoint damping


installDamp er mbjoint damping


REAL Kp Kd Ki period desired

mb period Kp Kd Ki createPID

REAL Kp Kd Ki period

mb period Kp Kd Ki createPID

REAL Ks Ls damping

createPID mb period Kp Kd Ki

mb period Kp Kd Ki createPID

fp fopenroverctrl r

createPID mb period Kp Kd Ki

fscanffp lf lf lf lf lf Kp Kd Ki period roverVmax

mb period Kp Kd Ki createPID

fscanffp lf lf lf lf Kp Kd Ki period

fscanffp lf lf lf Ks Ls damping



FWD roverState ROVER

mb REAL roverCtrl createGenCtrl

mbjoint Ks Ls installSpring


case ROVER void roverCtrlCTRL LAW cl SPIN

f vRightDes roverVmax bearing spin

MB mb vLeftDes vRightDes

REV RB chassis prey if inc roverState ROVER

FWD else if deltaBear roverState ROVER REAL vLeftDes vRightDes d bearing deltaV k

break REAL deltaBear spin inc

int dead i

PUSH case ROVER VECT goal v

CRAWLERS froverState ROVER REV breakg if roverPrey NUM JOINT jnt

deltaV roverVmax bearing spin SE Tib

vRightDes roverVmax deltaV

vLeftDes roverVmax deltaV static char states ffwd spin push rev pickg


k SQRv SQRv mb clbody

displacePointpreyTbid v k vectNormv v chassis mblink

if v v v v prey MBtableCRAWLER roverPreylink

REV deltaBear inc roverState ROVER seinvchassisTbi Tib

CRAWLERS fv v v g break if roverPrey NUM

else vectCopypreyTbid v

REV dead v case ROVER

vLeftDes vRightDes roverVmax

sexformVectTib chassisv v sexformPointTib v goal

PICK if v inc roverState ROVER d sqrtSQRgoal SQRgoal

break vectNormalizegoal goal

TO DEG PICK case ROVER inc acosgoal RAD

TO DEG bearing atangoal goal RAD vLeftDes vRightDes

deltaBear fabsbearing if dead roverPrey

mb sexformVectchassisTbi chassisw v disablePID

mb disablePID spin v

FWD roverState ROVER

break switchroverState f



WHEEL RAD deltaV roverVmax bearing spin vLeftDes ROVER

WHEEL RAD vRightDes ROVER vRightDes roverVmax deltaV

vLeftDes roverVmax deltaV

PICK mb vLeftDes setPID if dead roverState ROVER

REV mb vLeftDes else if inc roverState ROVER setPID

SPIN mb vRightDes else if deltaBear roverState ROVER setPID

mb vRightDes else if d deltaBear f setPID

mb g setPID

mb setPID

PUSH roverState ROVER



Figure The C functions that implement the rovers high level control Func

tion cli rover is cal led once to instantiate control lers and set initial values Function

roverCtrl implements the high level state machine depicted in Figure It is cal led by

the simulator scheduler every seconds Cal ls to the control library are in underlined

and in bold font

Execution times

Table summarizes the execution times needed to simulate the examples de

scrib ed ab ove Simulation time is the length of time which passed in the simulation com

simulation computation

time time

example sec sec minsec slowdown

pure impulsebased simulation


blo ck drop

blo ck on ramp

chain of balls

balls in dish


p o ol break


ball on spinning platter

rattleback top

part feeder chute

explo ding text

passivehybrid simulation


part sorter

triple p endulum

controlled hybrid simulation

furniture arranging


creature war

Table Simulation times for examples

putation time is the actual time needed to compute the simulation and slowdown is the

ratio of the latter to the former a slowdown of corresp onds to real time simulation

Simulations were p erformed on an SGI Indigo II with MHz R pro cessor Execution

times shown are the average taken over several runs with graphics turned o For the pure

impulsebased simulation examples running times were generally less than ve times slower

than real time for a couple of the examples real time simulation was achieved

Impulse ran slower on the hybrid examples generally one to two orders of mag

art sorter and furniture arranging nitude slower than real time The slowdown in the p

examples was primarily due to collision detection involving several highly nonconvex bod

ies For the triple pendulum bicycleandcreaturewarexamples the bulk of the pro cessing

time was sp ent computing nontrivial multib o dy forward dynamics The seesaw example

which had only convex ob jects and a very simple multib o dy ran relatively quickly

Table details how the pro cessing time was sp ent for the three controlled hybrid

simulation examples In all cases only a very small fraction of time was sp ent executing

forward collision collision control

example arrangement dynamics detection resp onse system



creature war

Table How the simulation processing time is spent All gures are percentages of total

processing time

control laws Collision resp onse the time sp ent computing and propagating multib o dy col

lision impulses is also fairly small As mentioned b efore the nonconvex collision detection

uses most of the pro cessing time in the furniture arranging example and computing for

ward dynamics uses most of the time in the other examples Signicant sp eed up is p ossible

by using commercial packages that precompile the dynamics computation for greater e

ciency as in HWBO Also under impulsebased simulation the dynamics of separate

multib o dies may b e computed indep endently so parallelization is trivial

For rigid b o dy and multib o dy forward dynamics integration as well as for collision

integration Impulse uses a standard fourth order RungeKutta integrator with adaptive

step size PTVF Totake one step forward the integrator calls the derivativeevaluation

routine times This can be quite exp ensive compared to say a nonadaptive Euler

integration step which only requires one derivativeevaluation p er step An impulsebased

simulator tends to call the dynamics integrator with fairly small intervals since the time

between collisions is short and with these small intervals the accuracy of a simpler and

faster integrator mightbesucient Further study is needed

Estimating pose statistics

The initial problem that sparked the development of Impulse was the simulation

of vibrational parts feeders These machines commonly used in automated assembly use

high frequency small amplitude vibratory motion to move and orient parts which are

often subsequently handled by a manipulator More detailed descriptions of these typ es of

feeders may be found in BPM Vibrational parts feeders naturally led to the idea of

mo deling contact with impulses since the contact mo des between the part and feeder are

highly transient Many nonvibrational feeders are natural applications for impulsebased

simulation b ecause the parts still collide frequently with the feeder and collisions have a

dominant eect on the dynamics of the parts

Impulse was used to predict the probabilities of rigid parts landing in their various

stable p oses when dropp ed onto a at surface The problem has sp ecic relevance to the

Adept Rob otics exible feeder but would also b e useful for other feeders Results from the

simulator and from quasistatic metho ds were compared to data from physical exp eriments

for a numb er of real industrial parts these results are included b elow More details of the

metho ds used to estimate p ose statistics are in MZG


In contrast to xed assembly lines exible assembly lines can be rapidly recon

gured to handle new parts This can dramatically reduce the time needed to bring new

pro ducts to market and p ermit the cost of assembly lines to be amortized over multiple

pro ducts Part feederswhich singulate and orient the parts prior to packing and insertion

are critical comp onents of the assembly line and one of the biggest obstacles to exible

assembly Currently the design of part feeders is a black art that is resp onsible for up to

of the cost and of workcell failures NW BPM

Carlisle et al RG prop osed a exible part feeding system that combines ma

chine vision with a highsp eed rob ot arm In contrast to customdesigned hardware such

as the b owl feeder only software is changed when a new part is to b e fed The idea is that

a collection of like parts are randomly scattered on a at worktable by the force of gravity

erhead vision system determines the p ose p osition and orientation of each part The An ov

rob ot arm then picks up each part and moves it into a desired nal p ose as illustrated in

Figure A metho d of estimating the throughput of this feeder is in GC but the

metho d requires knowledge ab out the distribution of p oses particularly orientation when

the parts are scattered on the at worktable More formally the problem to b e solved is

Problem Estimating Pose Statistics EPS For a rigid polyhedral part X with

known center of mass and inertia tensor denote the n faces of its convex hul l H by F

efrom some known distribution of F Assuming X is repeatedly dropped onto a at surfac


initial poses compute the values p p where p is the probability that X reaches a

n i

nal resting state with F down against the surface i

Figure A exible part feeder using machine vision a highspeedrobot arm and pivoting

gripper This il lustration shows the system feeding carstereo pushbuttons

Additional assumptions are that the workspace is at and much larger than X and that X

do es not collide with other parts

Predicting the p ose distribution of rigid parts dropp ed onto a at surface is im

p ortant in evaluating part designs for assembly in estimating feeder throughput and in

determining how many rob ots and assembly lines are required to meet sp ecied pro duction

rates This work in estimating pose statistics complements other ongoing work in auto

mated assembly Rao Kriegman and Goldb erg have studied the use of a pivoting gripp er

for Adepts exible feeder they give an O m n log n algorithm to generate pivot grasps

for a part with n faces and m stable congurations RKG Christiansen Edwards and

Co ello Co ello give a genetic algorithm for designing ecient part feeders from comp onent

gates CEC Their algorithm takes p ose statistics suchas the ones computable by Im

pulse as input

Quasistatic algorithms

For completeness Problem was also solved using two quasistatic algorithms

The rst algorithm was prop osed by Wiegley et al WRG and is an improvement on the

early work done byBoothroyd BPM Motion of the part is assumed to b e quasistatic

inertia and velo city are neglected

The idea of the algorithm is illustrated in Figure After computing the parts

β 0

δ 2

v 0 β 1 d01 v d F 1 Hull H c0 dc1 β c 2


Figure Estimating pose statistics using a sphere projection method

convex hull H the facets of H are pro jected onto a unit sphere centered at the center of

mass c If F is the pro jection of face F then the ratio of the area of F to the total surface

area of the sphere gives the probability that the part will land on face F under quasistatic

conditions if its initial p ose is uniformly distributed over SO

Assuming triangular faces the ratio in question is given by


where the are the interior angles of F the can b e computed from standard spherical

i i


This pro cedure results in an initial estimate of each p To treat faces of H that


are statically instable the center of mass is pro jected onto the plane of eachfaceF If the


pro jected point lies outside face F gravity will cause the part to topple over to adjacent


face F In this case p is added to p andp is set to zero The algorithm to compute the

j i j i

p ose statistics is O n in the numb er of p olyhedral edges

Since the quasistatic analysis do es not mo del dynamic disturbances it often over

estimates the probability of landing on afacet that is stable but easily dislo dged by small

vex hull F and F and the b ounding edge e vibration Consider two facets of the parts con

i j

between them Let g b e the gravityvector from the parts center of mass If g intersects F


when in contact the part will remain on facet F under the quasistatic mo del However


dynamic energy may rotate across edge e when g points inside facet F but is close to edge


e Figure A second quasistatic metho d called the p erturb ed quasistatic metho d

computes a more accurate likeliho o d that the part might rotate from facet F to facet F

i j

and propagates probabilities accordingly see MZG for details In all the exp eriments

the cone halfangle was although the rightwaytocho ose this halfangle measure is not

completely clear

Dynamic simulation

using full dynamic simulation of the parts b eing The EPS problem was attacked

dropp ed onto a surface using Impulse For dynamic simulation many parameters not used

in the quasistatic and p erturb ed quasistatic algorithms are imp ortant The co ecients

of friction and restitution were b oth estimated to b e The feeder conguration is also

Recently Issa Nessnas of Adept has exp erimentally measured these co ecients He estimated the

co ecient of friction to b e and the co ecient of restitution to b e although there was a

large amount of noise in these results

C Fj ε




Figure The perturbed quasistatic method uses a cone projected down from the center

of mass to estimate the likelihood that the part wil l topple from face F to face F This

i j

likelihood is used to propagate some of the probability from p to p

i j

imp ortant Adepts exible feeder system dumps the part from an upp er b elt onto alower

b elt where the parts are examined by the vision system and then picked and placed by

one or more manipulators Figure For dynamic simulation the height of the drop

was estimated at cm The horizontal velo city of the parts as they leave the upp er b elt

was estimated at cms

The initial orientation of the parts p oses a problem since the parts are in a stable

resting state on the upp er b elt b efore b eing dropp ed onto the lower one Thus the initial

distribution of orientation is not uniform but similar to the nal initially unknown dis

tribution To circumvent this problem the initial orientations for the rst drops were

chosen randomly assuming a uniform distribution over SO This b o otstraps the pro cess

with a preliminary nal p ose distribution For all remaining drops the initial upp er b elt

p oses are chosen from the current distribution of nal lower b elt p oses so that the results

Figure Top CAD models of the four parts used in the experiments From left to right

insulator cap large white rectangular black and square black stereo buttons Bottom

Photographs of the rectangular black stereo button in its seven stable states

of the drop tests are continually fed back to determine initial conditions A slight p ertur

bation a rotation of up to degrees ab out a randomly chosen axis is also applied to the

initial p ose to intro duce noise into the system due to b elt vibration

Exp erimental results and discussion

The three algorithms describ ed were applied to four test parts The test parts

were all small plastic rigid pieces of the typ e typically used in automated assembly Fig

a lo cal hardware store Parts ure Part is an insulator cap purchased at

and are pushbuttons designed for a commercial car stereo system Geometric mo d

els of each part were constructed by measuring the parts with a ruler Centers of mass

and moments of inertia for the parts were computed automatically by Impulse using the

techniques of Chapter As a control physical exp eriments were p erformed by rep eatedly

running several hundreds of samples of each test part through Adepts exible feeder sys

tem Figure the nal resting poses were recorded by a human observer Tables

through show the results All quantities in the tables are p ercentages

The error p ercentages included in the tables indicate the overall p erformance of

each algorithm for each sample part They are computed as the average deviation of the

algorithms predictions from the physical test p ercentage weighted by the frequency with

which that state actually o ccurs Let p p represent the probabilityofeachofn states


as measured in the physical test Let a a represent the corresp onding probabilities


computed by one of the algorithms The error p ercentage for that algorithm is given by



e p ja p j

i i i


Quasi Pturb ed Dynamic Physical

Pose Static QS Sim Tests


trials p erformed in physical exp eriments

Table Orange insulator cap data

Quasi Pturb ed Dynamic Physical

Pose Static QS Sim Tests


trials p erformed in physical exp eriments

Table White stereo button data

The quasistatic and p erturb ed quasistatic algorithms are extremely fast requir

ing less than a second of computation time for parts with facets and the p erturb ed

quasistatic algorithms predictions are consistently more accurate than those of the quasi

static one Dynamic simulation is slower For each part drops were simulated taking

approximately minutes per part however greater accuracy is also achieved The dy

namic simulation algorithm is the most accurate for all sample parts except the insulator

Quasi Pturb ed Dynamic Physical

Pose Static QS Sim Tests


trials p erformed in physical exp eriments

Table Rectangular black stereo button data

Quasi Pturb ed Dynamic Physical

Pose Static QS Sim Tests


trials p erformed in physical exp eriments

Table Square black stereo button data

cap Table for which the p erturb ed quasistatic algorithm slightly outp erforms it

The dynamic simulation algorithms prediction accuracy is also the most consistent the

comp osite error is less than in all cases

In an interactive setting where a designer is p erhaps editing the CAD mo del of a

part in order to improve feeder throughput the p erturb ed quasistatic algorithm is clearly

the best choice The designer need only wait seconds to see how changing a parts CAD

mo del alters the pose distribution and feeder throughput The dynamic simulation algo

rithm is useful for obtaining a more accurate estimate once the design has b een determined

or for analyzing the eects of more subtle design changes It mo dels several factors that

arent considered by the standard and p erturb ed quasistatic algorithms including friction

collisions with energy loss mass moments of inertia height of drop and initial conditions of

the part prior to drop To study the eects of varying these parameters dynamic simulation

is appropriate

Our simulation exp eriments involved drops tests Often fewer trials maybe

sucient reducing the computational cost of this metho d Supp ose the true unknown

probability that a part lands in a particular p ose is p The numb er of times the part lands

in this p ose over n trials is a binomial random variable whichmay often b e approximated

by a normal distribution A condence interval statement is of the form p lies within the

range with certainty Here is the probability estimate obtained

from the n trials is the allowable error tolerance and is the level of the statistical test

Given and one can b ound the numb er of trials necessary by


where x is the cumulative normal distribution function For example to pinp oint the

probability of a particular nal p ose to within with certainty and

From trials are sucient See Dev for more information

Other part feeding exp eriments

Impulse is currently b eing used for several other studies in part feeding Impulse

based simulation is a go o d match to this domain b ecause the interactions between feeder

and parts are often collision intensive or of a vibratory nature An accurate friction mo del

is also required for accurately predicting the b ehavior of many feeders

Berkowitz and Canny have develop ed a to ol for designing industrial part feeders

basedonstochastic data from dynamic simulation BC In many feeders parts are pro

p elled along a feeder track through vibration conveyor b elt or gravity Various protrusions

and cutouts also called gates along the path reorient the passing parts or reject them

parts passing successfully through all of the gates are correctly oriented Feeder designs

can be parameterized by the p ositions angles and dimensions of the gates Berkowitzs

A common rule of thumbis that the normal approximation is valid if the numbers of successes and

failures during the trial series b oth exceed ve

and Cannys to ol allows a designer to search through the space of p ossible feeder designs

searching for the optimal one with resp ect to a metric the designer sp ecies Impulse is used

to compute the tra jectories of the parts through the feeders the impulsebased approachis

very ecient for this typ e of simulation

Another way to apply this idea would b e for the algorithm of Christiansen et al

They describ e an approach to nearoptimal design of vibratory b owl feeders using a genetic

algorithm to search through the space of all gate sequences CEC For each p ossible gate

their algorithm requires as input a sto chastic matrix that characterizes the gate op eration

elementi j of the matrix is the probability that a part entering a gate in state i will exit

in state j Impulsebased simulation can easily gather this typ e of information A similar

application is the algorithm of Wiegley et al that generates a sequence of passive fences

to align parts moving on a conveyor b elt In WGPB they analyze their feeders using a

frictionless quasistatic mo del

A completely dierenttyp e of part feeding involves microactuated motion arrays

a typ e of micro electromec hanical MEM device These devices also have applications in

video displays Bohringer et al have fabricated a motion array comprising several thou

sand torsional resonators distributed over a surface of a few square centimeters BDMM

however diculties in pro ducing and testing these motion arrays have hindered exp erimen

tal results Reznik and Brown are using Impulse to analyze motion arrays based on the

mo del of Bohringer et al Their study fo cuses on determining feed rates for the arrays and

how the p erformance is aected by variations in certain design parameters and op erating

conditions RB Results such as these might increase understanding of these devices and

suggest future improvements Figure depicts one of Rezniks and Browns exp eriments

Electrostatic stepp er motors are another typ e of MEM device that could b e improved with

simulation Since their op eration dep ends on transientcontact between com results from

ponents analytic results are dicult to derive Zhuang is using Impulse to analyze MEM

stepp er motors and the eects of varying design parameters Zhu

Acknowledgments Thanks to Neil Getz for providing his bicycle controller and explain

ing its op eration and to Je Wendlandt for many enlightening discussions Section

was largely extracted from MZG thanks to Randy Brost and Bruce Shimano for use

ful feedback on the initial draft of that pap er Versions of the quasistatic algorithm of

Figure A snapshot taken from Impulse during one of the MEM motion array exper

iments described in RB Here two dierent resonator tilings are compared to determine

possible dierences in feed rates reprinted with permission

Section were implemented at USC Wiegley in Zheng Yeh in and Yan

Zhuang in The convex hull routine is due to Ioannis Emiris and John Canny Sp ecial

thanks to Stephen Chenney for the renderings of the controlled hybrid simulations shown in Figures and


Future Work

This thesis has intro duced impulsebased simulation a paradigm for dynamic sim

ulation of rigid b o dy and articulated b o dy systems The approach pioneered by Hahn has

b een extended rened and implemented with the prototyp e simulator Impulse Tests with

Impulse show that the metho d is capable of interactive simulation sp eeds for mo derately

complex physical systems and that the physical accuracy of the metho d is suitable for many

applications This nal chapter mentions some challenges that remain and some avenues

for future research

Paradigm switching

Hybrid simulation as presented in this thesis is a somewhat limited blending of

constraint and impulsebased simulation techniques Constraints hold together the joints

of a multibody while an impulsebased approach is used for the contacts between dierent

multib o dies This expands the domain of what can b e done using impulsebased approac hes

but fails to address some basic deciencies in the metho d What can be done in the case

of a stack of books on a table Here a constrained mo del for contact between bodies is

appropriate but the presented hybrid metho ds do not employ one One way to solve this

problem would b e to detect the onset of static contact b etween b o dies This might b e done

by observing that a high number of low velo city impacts are o ccurring between adjacent

books in the stack At this point a paradigm shift could be made to mo del the contact

interactions b etween b o oks with constraint forces

The transition need not be a sharp one A contact force f that is less than the

true contact force f might initially b e applied b etween the b o oks the slackwould b e picked

up by collisions Even the force f would reduce the number of collisions and increase

the simulation sp eed As f approaches f the number of collisions decreases to zero

and pure constraintbased mo deling is achieved A gradual paradigm shift like this seems

less susceptible to anomalous b ehavior that might result from discontinuities in simulation

strategy This impulse to constraintbased shift could naturally and eciently handle a

very common case ob jects coming into initial contact through collision followed by some

period of low impact collisions as the ob jects settle in to continuous contact

Constraint to impulsebased paradigm shifts are also appropriate Consider an

arrangementofbowling pins in resting contact with the ground until struckby the inevitable

ball a stack of blo cks at rest until the bottom one is suddenly removed or a skateb oard

in steady rolling contact with the ground until a sp eed bump sends it airb orne In all

of these situations a switch from a constraintbased to an impulsebased approach seems

appropriate in preparation for p erio ds of transient collision intensive contact An abrupt

t change in the normal force applied b etween a pair of b o dies might b e the triggering even

for this shift from constraintbased to impulsebased mo deling of the contact

We b elieve that a fuller blending of the impulse and constraintbased approaches

through paradigm shifts is a very fruitful area for future research By applying each tech

nique in the cases to which it is well suited the range of physical systems that can be

eciently simulated can b e signicantly increased

Collision detection issues

Of ma jor inuence in the design of Impulses narrowphase collision detection sys

tem was the fact that the LinCanny algorithm do es not op erate correctly on intersecting

p olyhedra This motivated the onesided approach to nding the moment of collision In

the more common twosided approach the simulation regularly pro ceeds past the moment

of collision at whichpoint the collision detection system detects p enetration and the sim

search or similar techniques can pinp oint the moment of ulation is backed up Binary

collision to within a prescrib ed spatial or temp oral tolerance A disadvantage to the two

sided approach is that it is susceptible to missing collisions But the twosided approachis

likely to converge to the collision time faster than the onesided approach which requires

conservativelower b ounds on the time of impact The twosided approach is certainly easier

to implement when the ob jects have complex dynamics making conservative b ounds hard

to obtain If a way to avoid missing collisions was devised a twosided approach mightbe

more ecient for impulsebased simulation

Parallelization is an imp ortant advantage of the impulsebased metho d but it

extends only to the dynamic integration phase Parallel collision detection algorithms could

greatly improve p erformance on parallel machines Using the single collision heap scheme

describ ed in this thesis whenever a collision check o ccurs b etween any pair of b o dies the

dynamic integration of every body stops This is clearly inecient If the b o dies were

partitioned into separate heaps based on spatial lo cality the dynamic integration of a

body would not be halted by irrelevant collision check events the individual heaps could

be parceled among the dierent pro cessors This partitioning is advantageous in single

pro cessor settings as well since certain b o dies could b e evolved further in time for eachcall

to the integrator resulting in larger integration steps and faster simulation The situation

would b e as depicted in Figure All b o dy integrations need not stop for every collision

body n

body i

body 2 body 1

0 1/30tc 2/30 3/30 time (s)

Figure If the dynamic integrations of every body are not required to stop for every

col lision check then the evolution of the states does not have to proceed in lockstep

check so the evolution of the b o dies do es not pro ceed in lo ckstep The bars in the gure

indicate the time to which each b o dys state has b een evolved for example b o dy has b een

evolved to almost seconds Whenever all b o dies have been evolved to the next frame

refresh time the screen is redrawn with their p ositions at that time Some consistency

problems must b e addressed Referring to the gure if when body i is integrated to time

t a p ossible collision with b o dy is detected then the states of b oth b o dies must b e reset


to the last p ointatwhichtheywere veried as separate The work p erformed to integrate

body to its current state would be wasted in this case Still this scheme would likely

result in a signicant p erformance improvementonaverage

Interpreted control and ob ject encapsulation

One p owerful application of simulation is the design and testing of control systems

Exp erience with Impulse has demonstrated that many potential problems with a control

scheme can b e detected and corrected through simulation alone A disadvantage of Impulses

current architecture is that control laws must b e sp ecied in C compiled and linked with

the rest of the simulator co de b efore they can be tested This delay in the designtest

lo op quickly b ecomes a burden Even more serious is the p ortability problem created when

dierentversions of Impulse have dierent compiled control laws A b etter approachwould

be to sp ecify high level control laws in an interpreted language such as Scheme or Java

GM At a control up date event the necessary dynamic states would be passed to the

interpreter whichwould execute the control law and pass backcontrol forces and torques

More general state information such as that arising during planning could b e kept in static

data structures on the interpreted side For eciencythelowlevel controllers and springs

be implemented as compiled C routines called by the high level and damp ers could still

controller The interpreter provides a completely general language for sp ecifying control

laws One concern is the impact on execution time although from Table the outlo ok

app ears go o d The table indicates that a very small fraction of the time is sp ent executing

control laws Of this fraction most of the time is devoted to executing low level control

functions such as the PD up date routine For these examples a reasonable estimate is that

less than of the time is sp ent executing userdened control routines If the interpreted

versions of these routines ran ten times slower than the compiled versions execution time

would only increase

Once the control laws are b eing written in an interpreted language it makes sense

to combine the entire ob ject sp ecication in such a language Rather than have the geom

etry of an ob ject sp ecied in some xed format data le it could be sp ecied by a Java

program that executed calls to compiled library routines like createVertexxyz or

createEdgevv Such calls could b e collected in a list or put inside lo ops so that an

interpreted program could algorithmically build up the geometry The line b etween program

and data b ecomes blurred there is simply a paragraph of co de that generates the geometry

somehow Other imp ortant prop erties for dynamic simulation could also b e sp ecied by the

same program such as masses or densities of ob jects co ecients of friction and so on Even

the rendering mo del could b e sp ecied this way although there may b e more reason to keep

that mo del in a xed standardized format for eciency purp oses Leveraging o the lan

guage interpreter this ob ject sp ecication format is completely general and p ortable Users

at dierent sites could each create full descriptions of creatures including their geometries

physical prop erties rendering mo dels and b ehaviors implemented through control systems

Scripts describing these creatures could b e submitted to a common simulation engine the

creatures would inhabit a common world and b e free to interact with each other Graphical

results could b e sentback to the remote sites where the creature designs could b e evaluated and rened Figure

Geometry Behavior attachSpring("knee"); createPID(...); Java case LIFTOFF: if (dist("foot", "ground") > eps) state = FLIGHT; createVertex("v1"); createVertex("v2"); createEdge("v1", "v2"); Graphics

Physics setDensity(5.0); simulator graphical attachPointMass(v5, 100); output Java setMaterial(STEEL); pointer to VRML/Inventor

Java object


Figure Interpreted object specication al lows generality and portability

Taking the logical next step why make the designer program at all Consider

building a creature to inhabit a virtual world A number of systems have been prop osed

that allow a user to interactively snap together kinematic structures sub ject to dynamic

constraints BB Gle IC WGW One could envision such a system augmented

with widgets representing various typ es of low level controllers that could be attached to

the creature Various typ es of sensors for example compasses or joint enco ders could

be attached as well The sensors could be very simple like enco ders that return a joint

p osition or quite complex like a vision sensor that returns a binary image from a camera

mounted on the front of the creature After the geometry and sensing and control systems

were constructed a high level control system could be sp ecied again using a graphical

user interface One paradigm wouldbeinteractive design of state machine control systems

where the actions to b e taken at each state and the conditions for state transitions are built

up from primitives based on the control and sensing systems that are on b oard Figure

Finally at the push of a button a complete description of the creature in the form of a Java


range spin gyro compass bearing finder vision encoder left


P D reverse

P I D push

computed torque push activate right wheels left wheels rear pistons full fwd full fwd

revolute prismatic spherical

link joint joint joint motor spring damper piston

Figure Aconception of a creature design environment Through a graphical user inter

face a designer completely describes the geometry physics control and sensing rendering

model and behavior for a creature A script describing the creature is automatical ly gener

ated and ready for use in a physical simulation

program is automatically generated and ready for deploymentinto a virtual world Many

details need to be worked out but such a system is entirely p ossible and would greatly

accelerate the creation of interesting virtual worlds p opulated byintelligent creatures

Physical simulation for animation and VR

In recentyears the computer graphics community has increasingly turned to phys

ical mo dels for generating realistic animations Several systems have b een develop ed which

mo del a particular typ e of creature often with intelligence and goals interacting within

its environment just a few examples are in Rey MZ RH Mil NM TT

Sim HWBO The animations these systems pro duce are extremely comp elling and

one can imagine the richness of a virtual world p opulated by these sorts of autonomous

creatures op erating under indep endent control systems and in teracting in complex ways

This has yet to happ en however largely b ecause physically based animation systems have

each been sp ecialized for particular typ es of creatures and environments Millers system

is for animating snakes Tus and Terzop ouloss system is for sh Raib erts and Ho dginss

system only mo dels contact with a ground plane and so on

This is in no way a criticism of these systems since traditionally such restrictions

have b een necessary to obtain reasonable sp eeds This condition is changing however An

impulsebased simulator can eciently and accurately simulate threedimensional physical

systems comprising rigid and articulated b o dies a fairly general class Fast and robust

general collision detection and physically accurate collision resp onse facilitate realistic in

come together teractions among dierent comp onents or creatures no matter how they

The designer of a creature do es not havetoworry ab out the varietyofcontact interactions

it might encounter in a virtual world correct contact forces will be computed The de

signer can then consider the b ehavior system at a higher level as one would if designing the

controller for a rob ot in the real world Many questions and challenges remain however

Impulse has shed some lighton the p ossibilities that a general purp ose dynamic simulator

could create Such a simulator is needed b efore the work of so many can b e combined in a

virtual environment inhabited bydiverse autonomous agents

App endix A

Mathematical Preliminaries

A Vectors matrices and frames

In this text a frame designates a righthanded threedimensional co ordinate sys

tem Frames are usually designated by scripted upp ercase letters such as F The right

handed requirement means that the canonical basis vectors satisfy

i j k

The comp onentsofavector are always expressed relative to the basis vectors of some such

frame whichmay b e implied or stated explicitly

It is often necessary to convert the co ordinates of a vector expressed in one frame to

co ordinates expressed in another frame Let v and v be column vectors comprising


the co ordinates of vector v relative to frames F and G resp ectively Let r r and r be

x y z

the column vector comprising the co ordinates of frame F s i j and k basis vectors

relative to frame G respectively Then

v v

r r r


x y z



The matrix R is called a changeofbasis matrix Under the assumption that the two

bases are orthonormal righthanded bases the changeofbasis is always a rotation matrix

This is an orthogonal matrix meaning that its columns are all of unit length and mutually

p erp endicular The same can b e said of its rows Furthermore its determinant is and

it p ossesses the extremely useful prop erty that



Matrices must also be transformed to op erate on vectors sp ecied in dierent

bases For example Let and L be the co ordinates of the rigid b o dys angular velo city

and angular momentum relative to a frame attached to the b o dy These co ordinate vectors

are related to each other through the mass matrix I


Supp ose now that the b o dys angular velo city and angular momentum co ordinate vectors

are expressed relativetoadierent frame xed in space Call these xed frame vectors

and L These two vectors can still b e related through a matrix I given by



where R is the rotation matrix taking co ordinate vectors in the b o dy frame to co ordinate

vectors in the xed frame The matrix I represents the same linear mapping as I do es it

is just co ordinatized relative to a dierent basis Justication for the transformation ab ove

can b e seen from






Thus the angular momentum vector computed in the xed frame using I and is the

same as that computed in the b o dy frame using I and but with the co ordinates expressed

in the new frame

Matrices can also represent the co ordinates of secondorder tensors that map two

to a new frame in the vectors into a scalar These co ordinate matrices are transformed

same way See Cul for details

A Representing cross pro ducts as matrices

In the vector space R the cross pro duct isanoperatortakingtwovectors to

a third vector In co ordinates the op eration can b e describ ed by

a b a b

y z z y

a b

a b a b

z x x z

a b a b

x y y x

One can equivalently write

a b ab

where a is the skewsymmetric matrix

a a

z y


a a

z x

a a

y x

In this way a can b e thought of as a transformation from R to itself taking each vector

v to the cross pro duct a v where a is a xed vector Representing the cross pro duct

op eration as a matrix is often useful in studying equations arising in dynamics this thesis

uses this representation frequently denoting cross pro duct matrices with the standard tilde

notation The matrix a is skewsymmetric


a a

Let the matrix a corresp ond to the cross pro duct by a op eration in frame F


This same op eration may be expressed in a new frame G using the matrix transformation

rule describ ed ab ove If R is the rotation matrix transforming co ordinate vectors in F to

co ordinate vectors in G then the op eration is describ ed in the new frame by


a R a R


The matrix a represents the same op eration as a except it op erates on co ordinate vectors


resolved in frame G rather than frame F Since

a Ra


the transformation rule for cross pro duct matrices is often written as




Cross pro duct matrices provide a convenient way of writing the derivative of a

time varying rotation matrix

Theorem Derivative of a rotation matrix Let B be a frame rotating relative to

an inertial frame O with instantaneous angular velocity t Let Rt be the rotation

matrix that transforms vector coordinates in B to vector coordinates in O If t is the


representation of t in frame O coordinates and t is the representation of t in


frame B coordinates then





Proof Let r be an arbitrary vector that is xed in and therefore rotates with frame B

compute the Let r and r be the co ordinate representations of r in O and B One can



derivative r in several ways



r Rr Rr R r Rr


b b b b


r r Rr Rr

o o o o o

b b

r R r R r


b b b b

The rst equation follows from straight dierentiation the second and third follow from

the formula for the velo cityofapoint on a rotating b o dy p erforming the cross pro duct in

frames O and B resp ectively Equating the right hand sides of these three equations

r Rr Rr R


b b b b

Since r is arbitrary the result follows


A Rigid body dynamics

All of the external inuences on a rigid b o dy may b e summarized as a single force

f t acting at the center of mass of the b o dy and a single moment  t applied to the b o dy

Let rt b e the p osition of the center of mass of the b o dyandm themassofthebody By

Newtons second law


f t mrt mrt A


This relation can b e rephrased as a rst order ordinary dierential equation by letting v t

denote the velo cityofthecenter of mass of the b o dy Then

rt v t

v t f t


For any f t this rst order system can always be numerically integrated to de

termine the motion of the center of mass over time In many cases particularly those

describ ed in this thesis rt can be solved in closed form Consider the case of a bal listic

body where gravity is the only external inuence The gravitational force acts downward

is the gravitational through the center of mass with constant magnitude mg where g

constant Equation A b ecomes

mg k mrt

whichuponintegrating yields

r v t

x x


r v t

y y

gt r v t

z z

The vectors r and v are initial data needed to completely solve the ODE

The other comp onent of rigid b o dy motion is rotation Let t b e the angular


velo cityofthebodyand the total moment applied to the b o dy The rotational analog

of A is


I t t A  t

o o o


I t is often called the mass matrix or inertia tensor It describ es how mass is distributed


in the body The equation ab ove isonlyvalid when the vectors and matrices are expressed

relative to a frame that it not rotating like a frame O with origin at the center of mass of

the body but with axes that p oint in xed directions The o subscripts denote quantities

expressed in this frame It can b e shown that


I RtIR t o

where I is the body frame mass matrix This matrix describ es how mass is distributed in

the body relative to a frame B with origin at the center of mass and that rotates with the

body I is a constant diagonal matrix and Rt is the rotation matrix that maps vectors

in B to vectors in O The ab ove equation is just an example of a matrix changeofbasis

transformation If t and  t are the angular velo city and applied moment vectors

expressed in frame B A can b e rewritten

h i



R t RtIR t Rt t


RtI tRtI t

Rt tI tRtI t


Multiplying b oth sides by R t and solving for t

tI tI t t A

Writing the diagonal elements of I as I I andI

x y z



y z


t t


y z



x x




z x

t t


z x



y y



x y



t t


x y


z z

These are the Euler equations they describ e how b o dy angular velo cityevolves over time

Often the equations of translation and rotation are group ed together and written


f t mat A


 t It t I t A

Equation A is just A with at denoting linear acceleration the second time deriva

tive of p osition Equation A is a restatement of A with t denoting angular

acceleration the time derivative of angular velo city The summation signs are reminders

on the body should be used Together these are that the total force and moment acting

called the NewtonEuler equations they completely characterize the dynamics of a rigid

body More detailed treatments of these topics are in Gre MK

A Quaternions and integration of orientation

For dynamic simulation unit quaternions are usually the best representation for

the orientation of a rigid b o dy Unlike Euler angles and related parameterizations quater

nions provide a parameterization with no singularities in the mapping to SO Unlike

rotation matrices quaternions are a minimum dimension nonsingular parameterization for

SO and when the conguration p oint drifts o the manifold it can easily b e pro jected

back onto it by normalizing the quaternion This section derives the ODE that needs to

be integrated for the orientation of a rigid body as a function of time A more detailed

presentation of quaternions is in FP

Every elementofSO can b e identied with a rotation ab out some unit vector

u by an angle The matrix corresp onding to this rotation is

u vers cos u u vers u sin u u vers k sin

y x z z x y



u u vers k sin u vers cos u u vers u sin

x y z z y x


u u vers u sin u u vers k sin u vers cos

z z y y z x


where vers cos This orientation can also b e represented by the unit quaternion

q q q q q cos u sin u sin u sin

s x y z x y z

This relation can b e inverted to express u and trigonometric functions of in terms of the

quaternion comp onents











cos q



q sin q



vers q


Substituting these equivalences into A gives R in terms of quaternions

q q q q q q q q q q

y x z s z x y s

s x


q q q q q q q q q q

z y x s x y z s

s y

q q q q q q q q q q

x z y s y z x s

s z

If the quaternion comp onents vary with time

q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q

s s x x y x y x z s z s z x z x y s y s


q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q

s s y y z y z y x s x s x y x y z s z s

q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q

x z x z y s y s y z y z x s x s s s z z A

Supp ose Rt is the rotation matrix mapping vectors in the b o dy frame to vectors

in a xed frame If is the angular velo city expressed in the body frame then from


w w

z y



w w

z x

w w

y x

Substituting A and A into the ab ove equation pro duces a complex expression but

it simplies greatly after applying the unit quaternion restriction and its derivative

q q q q

z y x s

q q q q q q q q

s s x x y y z z

With these substitutions the comp onents of are easily deduced

q q q q q

s x x s z y

q q q q q

x y y z s x

q q q q q

y z z y x s

q q q q q

z s x y z

The last row of the ab ove equation is just the derivative of the unit quaternion

constraint it is added to make the matrix square This matrix is always invertible the

determinantisalways Inverting the equation gives

x y z s w x y z q

x s

s z y x w s z y q

y x

z s x y w z s x q

z y

y x s z y x s q


This nal equation expresses the derivatives of the quaternion comp onents in terms of

the angular velo cities It is used by the integrator to evolve the orientation which is

parameterized by a quaternion


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