[email protected] Fax Mo.01912542822 (J) 0194-241BA (S) Government of Jammu & Kashmir Tourism Departmont Civil Secrotariat, SrinagarlJammu Subject: Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Policy-2020. Ref Administrative Council Decision No. 47/06/2020 dated 18.03.2020. Government Order No. K (TSM) of 2020 Dated: T12.2020 The Jammu and Kashmir Tourism vide its Polícy-2020 approved by Adrministrative Counc Decision No. 47/06/2020 dated 18.03.2020 héreby notified. forming Annezure to this Govennent order fs By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. Sdl (Sarmad Hafeezj,IA3 Secretary to the Government No. TSM/Estt-117/2014-1 Dated 712.2020. Copy to the: 1. LD. Advocate General, J&K 2. All Financial Commissioners. 3. Director General of Police, JeK. 4. All Principal Secretaries to the 5. Government Principal Secretary to the Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor, JaK. 6. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Government. The to General Administration Cormmissioner/Secretary Government, Department is requested to get the docurment hoisted on website of GAD. policy ths 7. Joint Secretary, JaK, (Ministry of Horme Affairs), Government of India, New Delhi. 8. Divisional Commissioner, Jammu/Kashmir. 9. Chairperson, J&K, Special Tribunal 10. Director General, J&K Institute of Management & &Rural 11. Director, Information Department, JaK. Public Adrninístration Development. 12. All Deputy Commissioners. 13. Sr. Deputy Director General, Department of Telecommunication, JaK. 14. All Head of Departments/Managing Directors/Chief Executive OfficerelAutonormous Bodies. 15. Secretary, JaK Public Service Commission/Service Selection Boárd/Board of Professionai Entrance Examination. 16. Director Estates, J&K 17. Director, Archives, Archaeology 2 Museurns, JaK.