The International Web Site for the History of Guiding and Scouting PAXTU A Bibliography of the Boy Scouts of America Part L: Advancement, Handbooks, Leadership, and Training Compiled August 22, 2010 David L. Peavy The following is a bibliography on a variety of subjects containing both primary and secondary sources regarding the Boy Scouts of America. Additions to this listing will be made upon receipt of additional information. If you are aware of a source that is not listed, please send the following information to
[email protected]: author, title, journal name (volume number, issue number & page numbers), place of publication, and publisher. Advancement Allen, Elmer L. Model Airplanes: How to Build and Fly Them. New York, NY: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1928. ———. The New Model Airplanes; How to Build and Fly Them. New York, NY: F.A. Stokes, 1937. Allen, Elmer L. , and Boy Scouts of America. Model Airplanes, BSA Service Library; No. 3127, Series B. New York, NY: Boy Scouts of America, 1929. Bing, Kenneth Lionel. "The Boy Scout Merit Badge System. (Activities, Teaching Materials, Badge Requirements, and Award Procedures, with Special Reference to Industrial Education)." M.A. thesis, University of Minnesota, 1933. Boy Scouts of America. Basketry. New York, NY: Boy Scouts of America, 1920. ———. Public Health. New York, NY: Boy Scouts of America, 1922. ———. The Scout Swimming and Water Safety Program, Introducing the Seascout Reserve Plan for Organized Instruction in Every Troop, and for Camps and Hikes. New York, NY: Boy Scouts of America, 1924. ———. Swimming and Diving. Cleveland, OH: Corte-Scope Co., 1924.