Climate Adaptation in the Dutch Delta. Strategic options for a climate-proof development of the Netherlands CLIMATE ADAPTATION IN THE DUTCH DELTA Strategic options for a climate-proof PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Assessment Environmental Netherlands PBL development of the Netherlands Climate Adaptation in the Dutch Delta Climate Adaptation in the Dutch Delta Strategic options for a climate-proof development of the Netherlands PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Climate Adaptation in the Dutch Delta. (Van de Ven et al. 2011); Strategic options for a climate-proof - Beleids- en rechtswetenschappelijke aspecten van development of the Netherlands klimaatadaptatie (Driessen et al. 2011). © PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague, 2011 Corresponding author
[email protected] ISBN: 978-90-78645-80-1 PBL publication number: 500193002 Authors Willem Ligtvoet, Ron Franken, Nico Pieterse, Overall responsibility Olav-Jan van Gerwen, Marijke Vonk, Leendert van PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Bree, Gert Jan van den Born, Joost Knoop, Frits Kragt, Steffie Paardekooper, Eva Kunseler, Jelle This report was made at the request of the van Minnen, Leo Pols, Melchert Reudink, Arjan Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. It Ruijs, Joost Tennekes is the result of close cooperation with Deltares, and the research programmes Climate changes Supervisors Spatial Planning Programme and Knowledge for Guus de Hollander and Ries van der Wouden Climate, in particular, the institutions which are involved in these programmes: Wageningen Translation and English-language editing University and Research Centre, Utrecht University, Derek Middleton and Annemieke Righart KNMI, PRI, UNESCO-IHE, Maastricht University, Radboud University Nijmegen, Alterra, and VISTA Graphics Landscape and Urban design.