THE LOST SYMBOL Rahimova Fakhriya Javanshir, Azerbaijan University of Languages E-mail:
[email protected] THE LOST SYMBOL Abstract: “The Lost Symbol” raises questions about human nature such as the power of human mentality, the human capacity or imposibility of becoming God, the science integrating all this, etc. The human being is God, everyone’s God is within himself/herself. But the main problem is related to seeing Him, that is, not everyone trusts in his/her own power and seeks it somewhere else, beyond himself/herself. Whereas, if a human being has a look inside himself/herself and realizes his/her own capacity, he/she could have discovered a mystery which mankind has not been able to decipher so far. Keywords: Dan Brown, Christianity, symbol, secret, deist. If it were not for Dan Brown’s work “The Da Vin- following his ideas, logical and intuitive judgement chi Code”, most probably his novel “The Lost Sym- facilitate the reader’s task of reading which is con- bol” wouldn’t have been so successful to be sold in fusing from the informational perspective. Although 80 million copies. Given that in this work the author the main idea of the work is finding “the lost symbol” has touched upon many sciences, religions, move- and saving Peter Solomon as well as the entire world, ments, secret and open societies and so on, then the writer often deviates from the main plotline and such kind of work can’t be but interesting. Alchemy, deals with the issues not concerning the base-line Astrology, Kabbalah, Christianity, Buddhism, Rosi- which keeps the reader in extreme tension.