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‘Client No. 9,’ Disgraced Governor , Takes Over the Family Hour At CNN

Posted by Emily Miller Jun 24th 2010 at 12:10 pm in CNN, Featured Story, Justice/Legal | Comments (9)

Basement-rated CNN announced yesterday that disgraced former Governor Eliot Spitzer and “conservative” columnist will co-host a new political talk show at 8 p.m. Regulated by the Federal Communications Commission, CNN should hold its airways to a higher standard and not give an open platform to an admitted john and sex trafficker.

Eliot Spitzer, aka “Client No. 9,” broke numerous state and federal laws, but has never taken responsibility for his actions, nor shown any real remorse. The once-dreaded “Sheriff of Wall Street” was reduced to droning his resignation in front of a microphone while his long-suffering, grim-lipped wife looked on — a familiar trope for those involved in Democrat politics.

Joe Klein, President of CNN and Spitzer’s close friend, demonstrates an utter lack of morality by putting Spitzer on the national airwaves at all, much less during the family hour at 8 p.m. How can parents teach their children about consequences to their actions when Spitzer breaks laws and gets his own TV show?

Spitzer is a “john” who solicited and had sex with prostitutes for years while he was attorney general and governor of New York. He also laundered money to avoid getting caught paying the prostitutes’ escort services. Furthermore, Spitzer broke federal laws in human sex trafficking and the Mann Act when he paid Ashley Dupré to travel to Washington, D.C. to have sex with him. In fact, U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia said, “on multiple occasions, Mr. Spitzer arranged for women to travel from one state to another state to engage in prostitution.”

However, unlike the owners of the escort services or the prostitutes involved in his case, Spitzer was never charged with a crime. Despite the overwhelming evidence that he was a longtime client of a prostitution ring during the years he was attorney general and governor, Spitzer got off scot-free.

The federal investigation of Spitzer ended suspiciously with Garcia’s statement that: “We have determined that there is insufficient evidence to bring charges against Mr. Spitzer.” Garcia did not explain how Ashley Dupre’s admission of having sex for money with Spitzer, as well as all the other women over the years, is “insufficient evidence” to charge the former governor.

Eliot Spitzer’s hypocrisy is so outrageous because as attorney general, he prosecuted others for the same sex crimes he committed. In 2007, Governor Spitzer passed a law increasing the penalty for patronizing a positing in an effort to stop sex trafficking.

Last week, I signed the petition at created by former madam Kristin Davis (who went to Rikers for her crimes) to boycott CNN if Spitzer was hired. The boycott starts now. By signing the petition at www.NoToSpitzer.com, your email saying you will boycott CNN for hiring Eliot Spitzer is automatically forwarded to the CNN. Or, you can email them directly at: Jon.Klein@.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].

CNN is showing an utter disdain for family values, ethics and morality by giving an hour every night on its airwaves to Eliot Spitzer. Every parent in the U.S. and around the world who wants to protect their children from watching Eliot Spitzer on TV during family hour should sign this petition and stop watching CNN immediately.

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Tags: ashley dupre, CNN, Eliot Spitzer, elliot spitzer, FCC, Federal Communications Commission, John, , kathleen parker, madam, prostitute, prostitution, sex trafficking 2010 Honda Civic $1,734 NOW: High ticket items being auctioned for 95% off retail! Learn more. SwipeBid.com

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luvntheBIGsites 82p · 56 minutes ago +1

Whats the show going to be named? Eliot Spitzer 69?... The most trusted pervert in news!

The Mans a joke just like the network that hired him.

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FamousDrScanlon 96p · 51 minutes ago +1

...Just when CNN couldn't sink any lower.....they sink lower !......

Reply Report 1 reply · active 51 minutes ago

Thomas Middleton 69p · 28 minutes ago +1

They are emerging, upwards, from their own anus.

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RandyL2 103p · 38 minutes ago +1

"New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and “conservative” columnist Kathleen Parker will co-host a new political talk show"

Oh boy, I can't wait! I think FOX Business should give Bernie Madoff his own show too!

Who the hell will tune in to that claptrap show?

Reply 1 reply · active 17 minutes ago Report

Cowboy Logic 123p · 17 minutes ago +1

Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman?

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RandyL2 103p · 34 minutes ago +1

"Last week, I signed the petition at created by former madam Kristin Davis (who went to Rikers for her crimes) to boycott CNN if Spitzer was hired. The boycott starts now."

The boycott started a long time ago, why do you think their ratings are lower than a cooking show?

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Cowboy Logic 123p · 25 minutes ago +1

Elliott who?

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HiPlainsDrifter 98p · 23 minutes ago +1

"By signing the petition at www.NoToSpitzer.com, your email saying you will boycott CNN for hiring Eliot Spitzer is automatically forwarded to the CNN. Or, you can email them directly at: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]."

I wouldn't waste time and pixals protesting a non event that literally no one is interested in, Spitzers family and "massage therapists", won't even tune in... It's only interesting because Emily Miller wrote it, further exposing the tin eared stupidity of the CNN clowns..

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Cowboy Logic 123p · 22 minutes ago +2

...... and just when you'd think it wouldn't get any crazier, don't forget the Oregon Sexcapades of Algore. Granted, we all knew that his ex-boss Slick Willie was a serial philanderer, but now Al? Good Lord! St. Al the Pious, say it ain't so?

So Al is a sexual predator, eh? I wonder, will this take away his credability from his minions, or will they excuse him and give him a pass? Blame it on poor old fat Tipper, say it was her fault he floundered and failed.

Algore the sex poodle gives a whole new meaning to the term "screwing the pooch"......

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'Client No. 9,' Disgraced Governor Eliot Spitzer, Takes Over the Family Hour At CNN by Emily Miller Basement-rated CNN announced yesterday that disgraced former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and "conservative" columnist Kathleen Parker will co-host a new political talk show at 8 p.m. Regulated by the Federal Communications Commission, CNN should hold its airways to a higher standard and not give an open...


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