Parshat Ki Tavo September 21, 2019 21 Elul, 5779

TORAH Rabbi Sacks on Parshat Ki Tavo ARTSCROLL 1068 The setting: Jerusalem Temple Mount. There, they terrifying power and signs HERTZ 859 some twenty centuries would each place their basket and wonders. He brought us ago. The occasion: of fruit on their shoulder – the into this place and gave us HAFTORAH bringing first fruits to the Mishnah says that even King this land, a land flowing ARTSCROLL 1201 Temple. Here is the Agrippa would do so – and with milk and honey. And scene as the Mishnah HERTZ 874 carry it to the Temple now I am bringing the first describes it: Throughout forecourt. There the Levites fruit of the soil that you, O Israel, villagers would would sing (Psalm 30:2), “I will Lord, have given gather in the nearest of praise you, God, for you have me.” (Deut. 26:5-10) Times 24 regional centers. raised me up and not let my This passage is familiar to There, overnight, they enemies rejoice over me.” us because we expound Candle Lighting 6:37 pm would sleep in the open The scene, as groups part of it, the first four air. The next morning, converged on the Temple from verses, in the Haggadah on 6:40 pm the leader would summon all parts of Israel, must have Seder night. But this was no the people with words been vivid and unforgettable. mere ritual. As Yosef Hayim Hashkama 8:00 am from the book of However, the most important Yerushalmi explained in his Jeremiah (31:5): “Arise Parsha Shiur 8:30 am part of the ceremony lay in Zakhor: and and let us go up to Zion, what happened next. With the Memory, it constituted one to the House of the Lord Main 9:00 am baskets still on their shoulders of the most revolutionary of our God.” Those who the arrivals would say, “I all Judaism’s contributions Beit Midrash 9:15 am lived near Jerusalem declare today to the Lord your to world civilization. What would bring fresh figs God that I have come to the was original was not the Gemara Shiur 5:30 pm and grapes. Those who land that the Lord swore to our celebration of first fruits. lived far away would ancestors to give us.” Each Many cultures have such Mincha 6:30 pm bring dried figs and would then hold their basket ceremonies. What was raisins. An ox would walk by the rim, the Cohen would unique about the ritual in Ends 7:44 pm ahead of them, its horns place his hand under it and our parsha, and the biblical plated with gold and its Pre- 10:00 pm ceremoniously wave it, and the world-view from which it head decorated with an Kumzits bringer of the fruit would say derives, is that our olive wreath. Someone the following passage, whose ancestors saw God in Selichot 10:45 pm would play a flute. When text is set out in our parsha: history rather than nature. they came close to “My ancestor was a wandering Normally what people would Sunday Sept. 22 7:30/8:30 am Jerusalem, they would Aramean. He went down into celebrate by bringing first- send a messenger ahead Egypt and lived there as a fruits would be nature itself: Monday - Friday 6:35/7:45 am to announce their arrival stranger, few in number, and the seasons, the soil, the and they would start to Slichot 7:20 am there became a great nation, rain, the fertility of the adorn their first-fruits. Mincha 6:30 pm strong and numerous. The ground and what Dylan Governors and officials of Egyptians mistreated us and Thomas called “the force the city would come out Latest Times for made us suffer, subjecting us that through the green fuse Shema/Shemoneh Esrei to greet them and the to harsh labor. We cried out to drives the flower.” The artisans would stop their the Lord, God of our ancestors. biblical first-fruits ceremony work and call out, “Our Sept. 21 9:44/10:45 am The Lord heard our voice and is quite different. It is not brothers from such-and- saw our suffering, our toil and about nature but about the Sept. 28 9:46/10:46 am such a place: come in our oppression. The Lord shape of history, the birth peace!” The flute would brought us out of Egypt with a of Israel as a nation, and Next Shabbat continue playing until the mighty hand and an the redemptive power of Nitzavim procession reached the outstretched arm, with God who liberated our Candle Lighting 6:26 pm Kiddush is provided by Mincha 6:30 pm Great Neck Synagogue 26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100 Shabbat Announcements Ki Tavo 5779 ancestors from slavery. This is what was new about this But groups conflict. Therefore, the Enlightenment sought a worldview: world without identities, in which we are all just human beings. But people can’t live without identities, and identity [1] Jews were, as Yerushalmi points out, the first to see is never universal. It is always and essentially particular. God in history. What makes us the unique person we are is what makes us [2] They were the first to see history itself as an extended different from people in general. Therefore, no intellectual narrative with an overarching theme. That vision was discipline that aims at universality will ever fully grasp the sustained for the whole of the biblical era, as the events of meaning and significance of identity. This was the a thousand years were interpreted by the prophets and Enlightenment’s blind spot. Identity came roaring back in recorded by the biblical historians. the nineteenth century, based on one of three factors: nation, race or class. In the twentieth century, nationalism [3] The theme of biblical history is redemption. It begins led to two World Wars. Racism led to the Holocaust. with suffering, has an extended middle section about the Marxist class warfare led eventually to Stalin, the Gulag interactive drama between God and the people, and ends and the KGB. with homecoming and blessing. Since the 1960s, the West has been embarked on a second [4] The narrative is to be internalized: this is the transition attempt to escape from identity, in favor not of the - from history to memory, and this is what the first fruits universal but the individual, in the belief that identity is declaration was about. Those who stood in the Temple something each of us freely creates for him- or herself. But saying those words were declaring: this is my story. In identity is never created this way. It is always about bringing these fruits from this land, I and my family are membership in a group. Identity, like language, is part of it. essentially social. Just as happened after the [5] Most importantly: the story was the basis of identity. Enlightenment, identity has come roaring back to the West, Indeed, that is the difference between history and memory. this time in the form of identity politics (based on gender, History is an answer to the question, “What happened?” ethnicity or sexual orientation). This will, if allowed to Memory is an answer to the question, “Who am I?” In flourish, lead to yet more historical disasters. It is a major Alzheimer’s Disease, when you lose your memory, you lose threat to the future of liberal democracy. What was your identity. The same is true of a nation as a whole. happening in Jerusalem when people brought their first- When we tell the story of our people’s past, we renew our fruits was of immense consequence. It meant that that identity. We have a context in which we can understand they regularly told the story of who they were and why. No who we are in the present and what we must do to hand on nation has ever given greater significance to retelling its our identity to the future. collective story than Judaism, which is why Jewish identity is the strongest the world has ever known, the only one to It is difficult to grasp how significant this was and is. have survived for twenty centuries with none of the normal Western modernity has been marked by two quite different bases of identity: political power, shared territory or a attempts to escape from identity. The first, in the shared language of everyday speech. eighteenth century, was the European Enlightenment. This focused on two universalisms: science and philosophy. Clearly, not all identities are the same. Characteristic of Science aims at discovering laws that are universally true. Jewish identities and others inspired by the Philosophy aims at disclosing universal structures of are what Dan McAdams calls “the redemptive self.” People thought. Identity is about groups, about Us and Them. with this kind of identity, he says, “shape their lives into a narrative about how a gifted hero encounters the suffering Great Neck Yoetzet Halacha Lisa Septimus of others as a child, develops strong moral convictions as Welcomes your questions about mikvah, an adolescent, and moves steadily upward and onward in observance of taharat mishpacha (halacha relating to married life) and women’s health, as it connects the adult years, confident that negative experiences will to Jewish law. Reach out to her at: ultimately be redeemed.” More than other kinds of life Phone: 516.415.1111 story, the redemptive self embodies the “belief that bad Email: [email protected]. things can be overcome and affirms the narrator’s commitment to building a better world.” Great Neck Synagogue 26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck , NY 11023 What made the biblical story unique was its focus on 516-487-6100 redemption. In partnership with God, we can change the world. This story is our heritage as Jews and our Rabbi Dale Polakoff, Rabbi contribution to the moral horizons of humankind. Hence Rabbi Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi the life-changing idea: Our lives are shaped by the story Dr. Ephraim Wolf, z”l, Rabbi Emeritus we tell about ourselves, so make sure the story you tell is

Yitzy Spinner, Cantor one that speaks to your highest aspirations and tell it Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus regularly. Rabbi Sholom Jensen, Youth Director Zehava & Dr. Michael Atlas, Youth Directors Mark Twersky, Executive Director Dr. James Frisch, Assistant Director Erran Kagan, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board Lisa Septimus, Yoetzet Halacha 516-415-1111 GNS YOUTH EVENTS & SISTERHOOD ROSH HASHANA CARDS

Sisterhood is selling beautiful Rosh Hashanah cards designed by Celia Lemonik. Cost is $18 for 10 cards or $2.50 each. Contact Judy Lillien at 516.487.6845. CHAVERIM CENTER & MEN’S CLUB FISHING TRIP





Now in its 12th year, the PASS IT FORWARD program of the GNS Hunger Initiative provides food to families for Yom Tov. Last year, volunteers packed and delivered over 1000 meals to needy individuals, families and kosher food pantries.

HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP! Donate Food: If you have a kosher kitchen (separate meat and dairy utensils and kosher certification on all processed foods), make extra food (soup, main, side or dessert) and pack it in containers serving 4-8 (no bags please!). BROWNIE MIXES, aluminum pans and plastic containers available at 11 Margaret Court and 9 Myrtle Drive. Special request for matzah balls! If you are making food, please email us at [email protected]. Deliver food to GNS COAT ROOM LOBBY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th between 10:00 am–11:00 am

Donate $$: Purchase a holiday meal for a $20 contribution at one of the kosher food markets in town, where there are signs at the cash registers. Meals will be delivered on your behalf or make a donation to the GNS Hunger Initiative.

Donate Time: We need: (a) Packers for THURSDAY SEPT 26th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm (b) Drivers for about 25 different routes from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Please meet in the GNS Coat Room Lobby. To VOLUNTEER, email MICHELLE BERMAN [email protected].

Leadership Opportunities: If you would like to join our Leadership Team, host a cooking event, improve our presence on social media, coordinate a project, email: CINDY HODKIN [email protected] or text her: 516.317.9632.

Do A Mitzvah... Make Life Meaningful… Rosh HaShana is coming… ANNOUNCEMENTS Rabbi Polakoff’s shabbos drasha through 5779 MAZAL TOVS & COMMUNITY NEWS is dedicated in memory of DOVID BEN NISSAN v’LEAH For other such opportunities please contact Mazal Tov to Yafa & Mansour Farhadian on the engagement Howard Wolf 516-643-3344 of their son Jonathan to Raya Yacobian, daughter of Elham & Moussa Yacobian. IF YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO IS MOVING INTO THE GREAT NECK AREA PLEASE LET THE OFFICE KNOW. Mazal Tov to Helen & Harvey Ishofsky on the marriage of CHAVERIM CENTER their daughter Rachel to Mat Axelrod of Ossining, NY. Please join us Wednesday, Sept. 18th for the next Mazal Tov to Susan & Bruce Decter on the birth of twin Chaverim center featuring Robert Spitalnick speaking about grandsons, born to their children Daniella & Jeffrey his trip to Kyiv and Chisenau. Kirschner. Mazal Tov as well to great grandparents Anita & GNS YOUTH EVENTS Hal Beretz. The GNS Youth Leadership Training Shabbaton will be this AMIT GREATER LI GALA Shabbat, Sept. 20-21. It will include a Friday Night Dinner The AMIT Greater LI Gala honoring Rita Gordonson will take for leaders at GNS with our rabbinic intern couple, Rabbi place on Wednesday, September 25 at 6:30 pm at the Aaron & Miriam White. Sephardic Temple in Cedarhurst, NY. To register online, go to The Youth Shabbat will be on October 5th. Anyone or contact Robbie Fried interested in laining, davening or presenting Divrei Torah at 212.792.5691. should speak with Rabbi Jensen or Dr. Mike. GNS BIKUR CHOLIM MEN’S CLUB EVENT SHOFAR BLOWING ON ROSH HASHANAH Sunday, September 22nd at 9:30 am: Fishing Trip at If you or someone you know is homebound and would like Inspiration Wharf in Port Washington. Cost is $65/MC shofar blowing in their Great Neck home on Rosh Hashanah, members including brunch and equipment. $80/non MC please contact the synagogue office (516) 487-6100. members and $60 for children under age of 12. ERETZ HaCHAIM CEMETERY MEETING SAVE THE DATE! YIGN & GNS have joined together to arrange a Great Neck The Men’s Club is hosting a kidney donation awareness event community section at Eretz HaChaim cemetery in Beit on Oct. 6th at 10 am on behalf of our beloved member Shemesh, Israel. Join us on Thursday Oct. 3rd at Great Neck Harvey Ishofsky, Chaim Yosef ben Chana, who is in Synagogue, Braun Youth Center at 7:30pm. For all those who desperate need of a kidney transplant. Please come and attended the previous meeting at YIGN, an email update will learn how you can help! There will be no solicitation of funds be sent to you. We are now ready to move forward with at this event. Breakfast will be served. arranging the purchases. For questions, contact Ada BIKUR CHOLIM OPPORTUNITTIES Berkowitz [email protected] or Ruth Goykadosh We invite you to sponsor Rosh Hashanah flowers ($18/each) [email protected]. that will be delivered to our ill/elderly members and/or Saturday, 21 Elul sponsor CD players ($18/each) for a special CD that will be Steven Blumner for Chaim ben Naftali Mordechai delivered as part of a bat mitzvah chesed project. We will be Gisela Steigman for Ehrlich delivering flowers and CD’s to approximately 30 people. We Henry Katz for Louis Suskin also invite you to deliver homemade or store bought challah/ Sunday, 22 Elul baked goods on Friday, September 27th to enhance their Florence Spira for Birdie Samson Harriet Sherman Schimel for Harold Sherman Rosh Hashanah. Please contact Diane Rein at Howard Silberstein for Max Silberstein [email protected] if you are interested in any or all of these Monday, 23 Elul chesed opportunities. Thank you! Y Anthony Berkowitz for Doris Berkowitz Mark Gersten for Helene Gersten SISTERHOOD ROSH HASHANAH CARDS Ray Sandler for Sylvia Sandler Sisterhood is selling beautiful Rosh Hashanah cards designed A Lynn Glasman for Ruth Slakter by Celia Lemonik. Cost is $18/10 cards or $2.50 each. Jason Zucker for Andrew Zucker Contact Judy Lillien at 516.487.6845. H Erica Heisler for Andrew Zucker SISTERHOOD INVITES YOU TO PLAY CANASTA Tuesday, 24 Elul

Every Tuesday evening, the Sisterhood hosts playing Canasta R Renee Krieger for Louis Kotler Morris Nasser for Farha Nasser in the Great Neck Synagogue lobby. If you are interested in Wednesday, 25 Elul joining the game, please contact Farla Frumkin at Z Ellen Siegel for Stacey Crair [email protected]. GNS members only. Thank you! Edith Lubin for Reuben Feigenbaum E Trudy Jettelson for Dorothy Kaplan PASS IT FORWARD FOR ROSH HASHANAH Galina Weiss for Shara Lebovich

DRIVERS WANTED I Thursday, 26 Elul We invite you to volunteer to drive and deliver special bags Hal Beretz for Leo Beretz of Rosh Hashanah food to needy families on Thursday, T Allan Beyda for Joshua Beyda September 26th between 2-4pm. Please contact Michelle Judith Weinstein for Regina Kloogman Berman at [email protected] to sign up for this Friday, 27 Elul important mitzvah. Thank you! Payman Rabiei for Efraim Mashala ben Rabie Celia Lemonik for Rosalie Dorner - PASS IT FORWARD PASS THE POT Stanley Dacher for Shirley Fox Once again, we have an institutional sized soup pot and Lauren Hyman for Arnold Glatt containers. If you would like to make a vat of soup for Pass it Hindi Lunzer for Selma Mermelstein Forward, contact Cindy Hodkin to get the pot. Robert Spitalnick for Eva Spitalnick