Index to Volume Xlv
INDEX TO VOLUME XLV. [New generic,specific and subspecificnames are printed in heavy facetype.] ACANTHISlinaria fuscescens,457. 'General OrnithologyLaboratory 1. islandica, 452. Notebook,' 390. Accipiter velox, 167. Allen, Francis, H., songsof Field Acrocephalus,530. and Savannah Sparrows, 131. stentorius harterti, 534. Allerr, Oscar P., an unpublished Actiris macularia, 107, 288, 483. record of the Eskimo Curlew, for Aechmophorusoccidentalis, 108. Wisconsin 95. Aegoliustengmalmi beikianus, 411. Amazona coilaria, 344, 485. Aeronautessaxatilis nigrior, 406. leucocephalabahamensis, 343. Africa, birds of, 116, 356, 394, 517. 1. caymanensis,343. Age of birds, 344-348. 1. hesterna, 343. Agelaioidesbadius, 64. 1. leucocephala,342. fringillarius, 64. 1. palmarum, 342. Agelaiusphoeniceus arctolegus, 106. ventralis, 344. p. bryanti, 160. xanthops, 64. p. floridanus, 160. American Ornithologists' Union, p. littoralis, 157. forty-fifth meeting of, 70-82, p. xnearnsi, 159. report of secretary of, 83-90; p. phoeniceus,156, 280. CharlestonMeeting of, 270, 422; Aglaeactis aequatorialis, 294. ten year Index to the Auk, 270. Agriocharis, 247. Ammodramus savannarum savan- Aidemosyne cantans, 346. narum, 491. Aiken, Charles E. H., notes on the Ammospiza mirabilis, 289. Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Anas fulvigula fulvigula, 286. in Colorado, 373; Roadrunner f. maculosa, 274. first discoveredby Lieut. Zebulon platyrhynchos, 274, 403. Pike, 375. rubripes, 68. Aithurus polytmus, 486. Anderson, Rudolph Martin, the Aix sponsa, 274. work of Bernhard Hantzsch in galericulata, 348. arctic ornithology, 450-466. Ajaia ajaja, 426. Andropadus, 35. Alabama, birds of, 156. Anhinga, 287. Alaska, birds of, 441, 445, 521. Anhinga anhinga, 287, 426. Albinos,377, 381. Ani, 485. Alca torda, 91. Annam, birds of, 396. Alcippe abyssinicamicra, 412. Anodorhynchushyacinthus, 64. Alexander, W.
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