AAAI News Due ■ February 26: Intelligent Systems Demonstration Proposals Due Information About the Conference Is Available by Writing to Ncai@Aaai
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AI Magazine Volume 19 Number 4 (1998) (© AAAI) News ■ March 11: Workshop Submissions AAAI News due ■ February 26: Intelligent Systems Demonstration Proposals due Information about the conference is available by writing to ncai@aaai. Winter News from the American Association org or for Artificial Intelligence tional/1999/aaai-iaai99.html. Collocated Conferences in Orlando Fellows Nominations tled , “Why I Am Optimistic,” will be AAAI is delighted to announce the given by Patrick Winston. Winston is collocation in Orlando of the follow- Solicited Ford Professor of Artificial Intelligence ing AI-related events: ■ 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary The 1999 Fellows Selection Commit- and Computer Science at the Mas- Computation Conference (GECCO- tee is currently accepting nomina- sachusetts Institute of Technology, 99)—A Joint Meeting of the Eighth tions for AAAI Fellow. The AAAI Fel- and was the director of the MIT Artifi- International Conference on Gene- lows Program is designed to recognize cial Intelligence Laboratory from 1972 tic Algorithms (ICGA-99) and the people who have made significant, to 1997. Professor Winston is also Fourth Annual Genetic Program- sustained contributions to the field of chairman and cofounder of Ascent ming Conference (GP-99 Omni artificial intelligence, usually over at Technology, Inc., and is a member of Rosen Hotel, Orlando, Florida, July least a ten year period. All regular the Naval Research Advisory Commit- tee (NRAC). He is a Fellow and past 14–17, 1999 ( members in good standing are edu/gecco/) encouraged to consider nominating a president of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. ■ Sixth International Workshop on candidate. Two references (at least one Agent Theories, Architectures and from a current AAAI Fellow) must Plan to Bring the Languages (ATAL-99), July 15–17, accompany nominations. For further Whole Family! 1999 ( information about the Fellows Pro- gram or to receive nomination and AAAI is happy to announce its spon- reference forms, please contact AAAI sorship of the CHIKids program dur- AAAI-99 at 650-328-3123; by fax at 650-321- ing AAAI-99. This program, which provides childcare for conference Workshop Program 4457; or by e-mail at [email protected]. attendees’ children, first started two Nomination materials are also avail- The following 6 workshops have been years ago at the SIGCHI-96. It com- able on our web site. The deadline for chosen for inclusion in the AAAI-99 bines traditional childcare with cre- nominations is February 15, 1999. Workshop Program. The workshops ative and educational opportunities to will be held Sunday and Monday, July use technology for an extended period 18–19 in Orlando, Florida. Several AAAI-99 of time. Children, ages 7 and up, can other workshop proposals are pend- participate in a variety of activities, ing, so please check the AAAI web site Mark your calendars now for AAAI-99! including the Newsroom, the Multi- for updated information about the The Sixteenth National Conference media Storytelling area, or the Tech- Workshop Program. All AAAI mem- on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99) nology Workouts/CD-ROM Fieldtrips. bers will receive a Call for Participa- will be held July 18–22, 1999 in Orlan- This program, combined with the tion in January. Submissions are due do, Florida, at the Omni Rosen Hotel host of family entertainment in March 11, 1999. and adjacent Orange County Conven- Orlando, makes AAAI-99 the perfect ■ Knowledge Management and Case- tion Center. The conference will fea- destination for a family vacation. Based Reasoning. Cochairs: David W. ture the usual array of programs, Please check the AAAI web site for Aha ([email protected]), Irma including the Tutorial Forum, Work- all the details and deadlines for these Becerra-Fernandez (becferi@fiu. edu), shop Program, Innovative Applica- programs as well as announcements Frank Maurer (maurer@ cpsc.ucal- tions of Artificial Intelligence, Hall of about other new features., and Hector Munoz-Avila: Champions, Mobile Robot Competi- A few important deadlines to note ([email protected]) tion and Exhibition, and Robot Build- on your calendar: ■ Spatial and Temporal Reasoning for ing Laboratory. The Intelligent Sys- ■ January 20: AAAI-99 Electronic Title Collaborating Mobile Agents. Chair: tems Demonstrations Program will Pages, IAAI-98 Papers, and Student Frank D. Anger ([email protected]) continue for its second year, after a Abstracts due highly successful debut at AAAI-98 in ■ January 21: AAAI-99 Papers due ■ Mixed-Initiative Intelligence. Chair: Mi- Madison, Wisconsin. ■ February 5: Doctoral Consortium chael T. Cox ([email protected]) The AAAI-99 keynote address, enti- Submission Due ■ Agent-Based Systems in the Business Copyright © 1998, American Association for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. 0738-4602-1998 / $2.00 WINTER 1998 7 News Context. Chair: Brian Drabble (drab- bursement. To support additional tact AAAI at [email protected] or the [email protected]) feedback on students’ research, each 1999 Volunteer Coordinator, Thomas ■ Intelligent Information Systems (two- DC participant will be given a place at Haynes, at [email protected]. day workshop). Cochairs: Kristian J. the AAAI Student Poster Session. Sub- The deadline for volunteer applica- Hammond ([email protected]. missions are due at the AAAI office no tions is May 31, 1999. edu) and Larry Birnbaum (birn- later than February 5, 1999. [email protected]) Scholarship Program 1999 Spring ■ Machine Learning for Information The Scholarship Program provides par- Extraction. Chair: Mary Elaine Califf Symposium Series tial travel support and a complimenta- ([email protected]) The 1998 Spring Symposium Series ry technical program registration for will be held March 23–25, 1998 at students who (1) are full-time under- Stanford University and will feature graduate or graduate students at col- AAAI-99 Student Programs seven symposia on the following sub- leges and universities; (2) are members AAAI is pleased to announce the con- jects: of AAAI; (3) submit papers to the tech- tinuation of its Student Abstract and ■ Agents with Adjustable Autonomy nical program or letters of recommen- Poster Program, the SIGART/AAAI ■ AI Equipment Maintenance Service dation from their faculty adviser; and Doctoral Consortium, and the AAAI and Support (4) submit scholarship applications to Scholarship and Volunteer Programs. ■ Artificial Intelligence and Computer AAAI by April 15, 1999. In addition, Students interested in attending the Games repeat scholarship applicants must National Conference on Artificial ■ Hybrid Systems and AI: Modeling, have fulfilled the volunteer and report- Intelligence in Orlando, July 18–22, Analysis and Control of Discrete + ing requirements for previous awards. 1999, should consult the AAAI web Continuous Systems In the event that scholarship appli- site for further information about all ■ Intelligent Agents in Cyberspace cations exceed available funds, prefer- these programs at ■ Predictive Toxicology of Chemicals: ence will be given to students who ferences/National/student.html. Experiences and Impact of AI Tools have an accepted technical paper and ■ Search Techniques for Problem Solv- then to students who are actively par- Student Abstract and ing under Uncertainty and Incom- ticipating in the conference in some Poster Program plete Information way. However, all eligible students are AAAI-99 invites submissions to the encouraged to apply. Registration materials have been Student Abstract and Poster Program. mailed to all AAAI members and to The goal of this program is to provide After the conference, an expense report will be required to account for invited participants. They are also a forum in which students can present available on the AAAI web site. Please and discuss their work during its early the funds awarded. For further infor- mation about the Scholarship Pro- note that the deadline for registration stages, meet some of their peers who for invited participants is February 5, have related interests, and introduce gram or to obtain an application, please contact AAAI at scholarships@ and the general registration deadline themselves to more senior members of is February 26. the field. The program is open to all, or 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo pre-Ph.D. students. Accepted abstracts Park, CA 94025, (650) 328-3123. will be allocated presentation time All student scholarship recipients 1999 Fall will be required to participate in the and space in the student poster display Symposium Series area at AAAI-99. Submissions are due Student Volunteer Program to support at the AAAI office no later than Jan- AAAI organizers in Orlando. The Vol- The following five symposia have been uary 20, 1999. unteer Program is an essential part of selected for the 1999 Fall Symposium the conference, and student participa- Series. The exact dates and location of Doctoral Consortium tion is a valuable contribution. the symposia will be posted on the ACM/SIGART and AAAI invite stu- Students not requiring travel assis- AAAI web site in December 1998. tance should only apply for the Volun- dents to participate in the Fourth ■ Modal and Temporal Logics Based teer Program, which provides compli- SIGART/AAAI Doctoral Consortium. Planning for Open Networked Multime- mentary registration to full-time The Doctoral Consortium (DC) pro- dia Systems. Chair: Fawzi Daoud students, including conference pro- vides an opportunity for a group of (daoud Ph.D. students to discuss and explore ceedings, in exchange for assisting ■ their research interests and career AAAI-99 organizers in Orlando. This Narrative Intelligence. Cochairs: objectives together with a panel of program does not provide any scholar- Michael Mateas (michaelm@cs. established researchers. The Doctoral ship funds and is designed for local and Phoebe Sengers Consortium will be held as a work- students or students who have other ([email protected]) shop on July 18–19, 1999. Student par- sources for travel funds.