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The Knight Volume 16: Issue 5 Nova Southeastern University Nova Southeastern University NSUWorks The urC rent NSU Digital Collections 10-3-2005 The Knight Volume 16: Issue 5 Nova Southeastern University Follow this and additional works at: NSUWorks Citation Nova Southeastern University, "The Knight Volume 16: Issue 5" (2005). The Current. 577. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the NSU Digital Collections at NSUWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Current by an authorized administrator of NSUWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • ' 1' ' ' ) ~ I : '. \,\, ,, ; ' H I K I H NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY OCTOBER 3, 2005 HlTP://WWW.KNIGHTNEWSONLINE.COM VOLUME 16, ISSUE 5 ,., NSU Reaches Out to All Victims of Hurrican·e Katrina By Judith Francois StaffWriter The office of V~lunteerism and Community Service, along with other participating campus organizations, is sponsoring a donation drive for Hurricane Katrina victims. From September 19 to October 7, drop boxes are being strategically placed on campus where donators can drop off their contributions, which will then be forwarded to the American Red Cross to be distributed to hurricane victims. 6--\_} "People feel like they are doing more when they give physical items [instead of money]," said Jennifer Bowman, Dire~tor of the office of Volunteerism and Community _Services. Bowman also said that her office received many calls from both groups and Staff, students and faculty can make their donations to victims of the hurricane by dropping them into boxes having the individuals who wanted to do their above logo. Photo by Caroline Cullen part in helping Katrina victims. Items that are desperately The Office ofVolunteerism to the Gulf coast to rescue these Each drop off location will have a needed include: hous~hold cleaning has also .allied with the Humane little ones. box for both human and pet items. items, clothing, and non-perishable Society to help animal victims Drop boxes are located in For more information, food, water, and hygiene items. caught in the flood of Hurricane the Carl DeSantis building, the please contact the Office of School supplies are also needed Katrina. Dog/cat food, paper Shepard Broad Law Center, Maltz Volunteerism & Community for children who are returning to rowels, soap and airline miles can building; Leo Goodwin Residence Service at 954-262-7297, or bye­ school after the catastrophe. be donated to help volunteers fly Hall, Rosenthal, Parker and HPD. mail at [email protected]. In the First Tou·rnament of the Season, NSU Women's Golf Team Tie For 2nd Place Finish ·Junior Sophie Friis Leads The- Knights With 6th Place Finish By Alicia Winslett Sports Editor FEATURED Teamwork and hard practice proved to SECTIONS work for the NSU Women's Golf team in their first SPORTS . .. 4 \ \. tournament of the season. On Septe~ber 24 and \ 25, the women's team traveled to Daytona Beach A&E ........ 7 ·,,,·, and competed at the Lady Falcon Invitational KNIGHTLIFE .. 9 \ OPINIONS . 10 Elizabeth Bond reads t he line of the putt. r, Please See GOLF Photo by Kelly Andrzej ewski. Page4 2 THE KNIGHT OCTOBER 3, 2005 NSU Provides Long-term Relief for Katrina Victims By Rafia Chodhry News Editor In a press release by University and Psychology, in addition co graduate Officials, an interdisciplinary team of students in Family Therapy. NSU students and faculty have set The relief effort is being forth on their mission to provide "long­ organized by Camille Bentley, D.O., term medical care" to those affected by an assistant professor in NSU's College Hurricane Katrina of Osteopathic Medicine. Bentley is The first group of six licensed also the coordinator for NSU's Area health professionals and a student left Health Education Centers (AHEC) for Biloxi, Mississippi September 23. Program. NSU will provide assistance for as long . The AHEC Program has as needed, which could be from three been established at NSU since 1985. to six months. Its mission is to "bring together the The reams will consist of expertise and recourses of the health students and faculty ftom NSU's science crammg institutions" to College of Osteopathic Medicine, provide assistance co underprivileged Allied Health and Nursing, Pharmacy, communities. Classifieds: Ch.:r !·~hul;:ir~hF t:U't"f.!t!li I.J !itin, lc-xtbog'l•S ·· ~UJ..'--OU e: J "1t ,e, ,w>~f 9h·e: 'JU1J -J 'TiC''',hl1 !>1 oe·~d lo, ! .•..; n~ Money For College '!::<pct\~t !.. Svt il.?.- lht: 1txpe'"'k 1·:.~ ~·tu'll g~ir, .at.e ~,-;1du.;1tiu"l ?. !!:t Pt~ prc ;1r ::irn a~l =L A!> J~l A ir fO"A: !:':: The Army is currently offering sizeable bonuses of up to ,j~cf1.:il.:. '.l-~lJ.l.l bt.: in .:. ~t.uo~r-ti\•e h ! l!;"i'-Jlr~1f'. f"'letJ~ ..,.,h=-c ic.:.i.:1!'19 -.:d1ti mtr,t:it.r g t1 r: ;.!!'"1':ct.n,i;. ·r:H.;'L '1J '1c- e-x ~C-!-Jrc ,.o 'i.J--i,)t.~ :;.u~rmtli~ ::. !lrtd the ...-':~ ;,~1l u' 1in•·t1~en-::r~ ,:..! CJfhr.: ~1ll t~!;.e-! fhJ:n·\ re:,! ott ·i~.J'" $20,000. In addi~ion to the cash bonuses, you may qualify for ~ti,;;i.,.,1te:r.:rs. ..1lo 11 1.! . -o, 11·~1"c rn!~rn9l\i:rl ,;.i:O!)tJ: l our He-i:..n PnJIC'!.. !..·i:OI'\~ '.: thc·,'Bp f !Ot;·f Jrn, t:.:n tJ:' 1 · SliJ · 588 · SZ£,l • A!llroP.n.cot<111il:AL1HCAl!E up to $70,000 for college through the Montgomery GI Bill and '1n~!( \ >~ Vi1lh,e Army College Fund. Or you could pay back up to. $65,000 of qualifying student loans through the Army's Loan Repayment Program. To find out more, call 954-472-4800. Free Preview for NSU Stu·dents! October 14th 7:30 pm Rose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts -Center THE HUMAN ADVENTURE ~ resurrecting the memory of love * Dill~ * ~£ * 'lt&ffJ! October 15th 7:30 pm performance $20 general seating, $10 seniors and groups of 8 or more For more info, caH 954.262.8363 or visit Pick up FREE tickets with your student ID from October 3rd - 14th in Rosenthal 100 (Student Affairs), the Reslife Office, or HPD, Law, ~usiness, Psychology, N. Miami Beach, or UPPS reception desks. Tickets include admission to reception & art exhibit at 9:30 pm on October 15th in OeSantis Atrium! THE KNIGHT 3 News from Around the World ! Compiled by Paul Saneaux Compiled by Greg Kyriakakis North America "'· NJ Plague Mice· Escape Lab Hurricane Rita Damages Gulf Coast _. According co ABC News, at least three mice carrying. a As reported by Agence France-Presse and Reuters, Category 3 Hurricane Rita «:.. strain of plague have escaped &om che Public Health Research struck the Gulf Coast on September 24 damaging "evacuated towns and oil refineries in the ' Institute at the University of Medicine and Dentistry in swamplands of the Texas-Louisiana border." Fortunately, FEMA chief David Paulison told Newark, N.J. FBI agents and bioterrorism experts investigated reporters th~t although the .damage was extensive, no deaths have been reported because and are "satis~ed" that there is no public safety risk. They also of the effecnveness of the evacuations. Rica missed ·the city of Houston, but the oil city of I believe that criminal activity or terrorism is not to blame for the Beumont, Texas and "gambling-and-chemicals centre" Lake Charles, Louisiana were in che I disappearance of the pot~ntially deadly mice. An investigation hurri~~s path. After Rita made landfall with winds up to 120 mph, it was downgraded to determined that lab workers failed to account for the mice a tropical storm of about 65 mph winds. For more information visit while incinerating others which had died "in their cages. Middle East Assassin Dolphins Free in Gulf Crash Kills 5 US Crewmen . Militarily trained armed dolphins may have escaped "On September 25, as reported by Tim J\.lbone of 7he Times, all five crew members into the Gulf of Mexico following the destruction of of a US military Chinook helicopter died when the aircraft crashed in the mountains of Hurricane Katrina. 1he Observer reported that sources dose to ''Afghanistan's southern province of Kabul." The helicopter crashed after dropping off troops the government indicate that 36 toxic ~!art-carrying dolphins for an "anti-insurgency ope{"ation." US commanders told reporters that there-was no evidence are likely missing, although the military will not confirm this that tlJ.e helicoprer was shot down, although members of the Taliban cl1med responsibility. information. Leo Sheridan, a former accident investigator for This crash brings the number of US soldiers killed in Afghanistan since the Taliban regime the government, is concerned that the dolphins "have learnt was ousted in 2001 co 195. A US military spokesman, Colonel James Yont told reporters the to shoot at divers in wetsuits who have simulated terrorists crash is probably due co mechanical failure and that o{ficials "are taking a hard look at this in exercises. If divers or windsurfers are mistaken for a spy or investigation." For more information suicide bomber and if [the dolphins are] equipped with special harnesses carrying toxic darts, they could fire." The toxin puts North America victims to sleep, which could result in drowning if the victim is Custom Agents Seize Ancient Peruvian Artifacts not recovered in time. , ...Custom officials in Florida seized over 300 ancient Peruvian artifacts that ~ere going to be smuggled into the US, reported Simon Watts of BBC News .
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