
International Journal of Education Vol. 32, No. 3(B), pp. 1438–1444, 2016 0949-149X/91 $3.00+0.00 Printed in Great Britain # 2016 TEMPUS Publications.

Additive in Thinking and Making*

SHAWN JORDAN and MICAH LANDE The Polytechnic School, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University, Mesa, AZ 85212, USA. E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]

A Maker is a modern-day tinkerer and hands-on builder of DIY artifacts. Makers create their inventions wholly out of their imaginations, with the support of a rich collaborative online and in-person community. This paper describes the results from a qualitative study of adult Makers and their characteristics of collaboration in the Maker community. Results indicate that Makers exhibit a mindset of Additive Innovation. This describes the open community of sharing and learning that is the Maker community. Connections between engineering and Making are also discussed. Keywords: making; maker community; design thinking; innovation; design process

1. Introduction kers. With this work, we explore how design think- ing overlaps with Makers in the Maker community, Each weekend, in some corner of the world, groups and engineering writ large. We are interested in how of people convene at Mini Maker Faires and flag- we might leverage the growing community of ship Maker Faires to share technological novelties Makers to learn, inform, and redesign how we they have created. They also witness the technolo- teach engineering in higher education. gical wonders others have built on their work- benches. It is a community-focused version of the 2. Design thinking & making middle school fair or college design project fair. People of all ages participate and display their Design thinking [4, 12] is a way of knowing, doing mostly functional prototypes that solve problems and acting with a central tenant of an -led, that they care about to make impact in the world. user-centered engineering design process. User-cen- They use their imagination, building skills, and tered design approaches focus on people as part of a apply design thinking to their Making work. system, and posit that the user can be the catalyzing These Makers show off qualities like practical starting point for innovation [5–11]. Design think- ingenuity and in their work, and exhibit ing is part of [12], and is at the root a penchant for self-directed and lifelong learning. of business innovation [13–19]. Beckman and Barry These qualities are useful for both participating in [20] described design thinking as a learning process these Maker-related events and in the workplace. of observing, developing frameworks, creating new These qualities are also characteristics captured in imperative (ideas), and providing solutions. Design the National Academy of Engineering’s Engineer of thinkers use related steps in the engineering design 2020 vision project [1]. process to empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and We seek to understand design thinking and test [3]. With a focus on human values or desirability Makers and how they are inclusive or exclusive of [21] before feasibility or viability, problem refram- what we expect from design thinking and engineer- ing and problem solutions generate and create new ing thinking activities of engineers and engineering ideas or experiences that express insights connected students. Faced with a dynamic world of complex to people, users, or customs. Design thinkers focus problems that cross disciplinary boundaries, our on the process to generate insights from users to country needs this technical and engineering talent produce an idea or a crude prototype that commu- to solve challenges like the National Academy of nicates that idea. Their exploration is more about Engineering Grand Challenges for Engineering [2]. the idea than its construction or realization. Mind- The talent necessary to solve these problems largely sets for design thinking or ‘‘orientations to learn- comes from a formal engineering education system ing’’ have been identified as ‘‘human-centeredness, challenged with producing sufficient numbers of empathy, mindfulness of process, culture of proto- qualified engineers. However, there are useful qua- typing, show don’t tell, bias toward action and lifications beyond the expectation of the traditional. radical collaboration’’ [3]. The nature of radical collaboration [3] within design Making encompasses tinkering with technology. thinking and making activities is illustrated in this A Maker is an emerging colloquial term used to work as Additive Innovation, with implications for describe a group of do-it-yourself-minded indivi- how we do design thinking and teach design thin- duals participating in informal communities (doing-

1438 * Accepted 30 September 2015. Additive Innovation in Design Thinking and Making 1439 it-with-others) that support and celebrate building analysis on the transcribed interviews (generating and prototyping technical proof-of-concept theory from the data), which fed back to inform exploration and ad-hoc product development. A questions asked in the interview protocol. The Maker is a modern-day tinkerer and hands-on results from individual inductive analysis were doer and fashioner of stuff. Makers create their triangulated with a deductive coding of the data to inventions wholly out of their imaginations, with generate a theory of Maker design communities. the support of a rich collaborative community both This triangulated theory, inductively grounded in online and in person. By defining terms, participants data and deductively connected to literature, collectively defined ‘‘making’’ (as an example) as describes the Maker community’s philosophies of ‘‘making something’’ [22]. The act of Making is to design and helps inform improvements for formal make real ideas, but often with the aid of rapid engineering education. prototyping tools or other technology. It matters less what the creation actually is but more so the act 4. Findings—additive innovation mindset of creating and building an artifact. The product is more important than the process, differentiating Findings from our qualitative artifact elicitation Makers from design thinkers. Professional engi- and critical incident interviews showed that neers, artists, and hobbyists alike participate in the Makers demonstrate the characteristics of an Addi- Maker movement. However, even though the arti- tive Innovation mindset that describes the open facts created by many Makers involve significant community of sharing and learning that is in the engineering, many Makers have no formal engineer- Maker community. Introduced in this paper as an ing education background even though their own umbrella concept, Additive Innovation is a mode of vocational advancement could readily benefit. collaboration where participants in a community Dougherty [23] also has aligned a ‘‘Maker Mindset’’ are: with Dweck’s growth mindset [24] concept, ‘‘sum- (a) inspired by shared artifacts/ideas, marized as ‘what can you do with what you know?’’’ (b) openly share (and learn about) technology and processes used to create these, artifacts/ideas, 3. Methodology (c) design and prototype own modified version of the shared artifact/idea, and This study used a thematic analysis [31] based in a (d) share their modified artifact/idea back with the constructivist grounded theory [32] framework to community. explore the research question, how does the Maker community approach innovation? Forty-two adult The community design process in Fig. 1 and exam- Makers were recruited and interviewed at flagship ples below from the Maker community further Maker Faires in New York City and the San illustrate the mindset of additive innovation. Francisco Bay Area over the last 3 years. Partici- Selected passages from these qualitative interviews pants were purposefully stratified across descriptors are used to illustrate aspects of the Additive Innova- such as self-identification as a Maker, age, demo- tion mindset in the following sections. graphic, and years as a Maker, formal or informal engineering education experience, and engineering- 4.1 Inspiring a community of innovators related careers or hobbies. Makers participated in At Maker Faires, there are a large range of projects artifact elicitation interviews, based on the method on display. Categories include toys and Tesla coils, of photo elicitation [25] on site, and critical incident technique interviews [26] via Skype in the weeks following. Each interview lasted approximately 60 minutes. Example artifact elicitation interview questions included: What skills did you have to learn to build [project]? and How does your passion for [project] relate to job or major in school? Exam- ple critical incident interview questions included: Tell me about a time when you decided what to study in college and Tell me about a time when you decided not to pursue a career in engineering. A portion of each interview focused questions on the boundaries among ‘‘designing,’’ ‘‘engineering’’ and ‘‘making.’’ Several times throughout the study (in iterative cycles), individual members of the Fig. 1. Additive Innovation Mindset Community Design Princi- research team conducted an inductive thematic ples. 1440 Shawn Jordan and Micah Lande alternative energy and Arduino projects. Absurd 4.2 Sharing and learning recipes of how ‘‘it’’ was practicality is a hallmark of many projects in the made Maker community. Makers exhibit projects with The Maker community exhibits an ethos of sharing elements of creativity, whimsy, and novelty beyond [27], where Makers openly share knowledge, arti- the norms of highly optimized engineered products. facts, and processes used to create artifacts. These This spirit of playful invention is evident in projects behaviors create a community of self-directed lear- that inspire excitement in both participants and ners who actively engage by asking questions and visitors at Maker Faires, and provide a foundation freely teaching others for the overall growth of the for future . Ideas can be shared either by community. Makers want to learn, share what they individuals or the community, but individuals or have learned, and help others learn and grow. small groups of Makers generally have ownership of Nearly all Makers interviewed talked about these physical manifestations of ideas. In addition learning something in order to build their projects. to sharing ideas and know-how, there is also, For example, Samantha (again, pseudonyms were inherent to this attitude, the notion of failure. Fail- used for participants) ‘‘wanted to learn how to weld. ures serve as both badges of admission and honor in Then I wanted [to] take a welded project’’ as an the Maker community. Even in public, failures are expression of the ‘‘complete creative burning inside celebrated rather than judged, and Maker commu- me that doesn’t ever go away.’’ Matt had to learn 3- nity members rally to provide suggestions and D CAD software in order to publish his on resources. Makers attend Maker Faires to both the Thingiverse website. Yin’s experience learning inspire and be inspired. how to 3-D print jewelry resulted in making her Some Makers attend Maker Faires to inspire designs ‘‘available online for free so anyone can go others to become Makers and engineers. For exam- download and print it themselves.’’ This increases ple, Matt (pseudonyms used for all participants) the potential impact of her work to increase science believes that ‘‘part of what I would like to do is literacy in society. Other Makers bring their projects encourage kids. I think that you have to hit them at to Maker Faire with the intent of fielding questions age 10 or so with the basic concept to get them about how it works, and sometimes taking them enthralled before they’ll go on and do technical apart. Aaron found that ‘‘people have been very stuff.’’ Mark mentors his daughter’s FIRST willing to use it and engage with it and ask questions Robotics team, which showcases robots at Maker about it’’ which allows him to engage more deeply Faires. Yin uses 3-D printed jewelry of molecules as with the community. Such feedback has also caused a hook to initiate conversations. She believes that iterations in his design, as he reports: ‘‘we definitely her jewelry says ‘‘Come ask me about my earrings,’’ screwed up a whole bunch of things. But then we did and the resultant conversations can increase public them again and figured out how to do them a little awareness of science. Aside from conversations, she better.’’ ‘‘really wanted to learn CAD modeling, so that’s Some Makers rely on the web to spread knowl- part of the inspiration of why I wanted to do them 3- edge within their community. For example, D printed.’’ Roberto shares his work at Maker Faire and is an Other Makers attend Maker Faires to be inspired artist-in-residence for a Maker website that crowd- by others, perhaps influencing their own future sources project ideas. Matt also publishes his work work or play. For example, Samantha said ‘‘you on both the Instructables and Thingiverse websites, just see stuff and you’re like whoa. I want to make so that people have ‘‘all of the print and design files something else.’’ She finds the experience inspiring, so anybody can totally duplicate it.’’ Part of Matt’s and it is a direct part of her creative process ‘‘for next interest in sharing is to create a modular extensible year’s Burning Man.’’ Similarly, Aaron ‘‘had a ton platform so that ‘‘clubs or groups or whatever could of fun making [project] and I think it’s super cool, build their own units here’’ and add on to his design. but bringing it to Maker Faire and seeing other Still other business-minded Makers provide visitors people think it’s super cool, and having people to Maker Faire with a small experience with the interact with it is also really awesome.’’ The expo- hope of making a sale for a longer experience. sure provides ‘‘perspectives other than your own, in terms of use and design and functionality’’ which influences Aaron’s design process. Roberto also 4.3 Iterating to create new designs looks at others’ projects for inspiration on his own Most Makers actively engage in more making when work. He says, ‘‘I realized that a lot of the away from Maker Faire events. They are inspired by times use more or less the same materials. So some- Maker Faires, magazines, or simply their own times you can fix, mix different things from one imaginations. They actively iterate on ideas, some- design with stuff from another design’’ to make times exhibiting fearless creative confidence that something new. drives them to make the seemingly impossible or Additive Innovation in Design Thinking and Making 1441 difficult realizable and actualized. Both creativity by sharing the modified artifacts back with the and innovation define citizenship in the Maker Maker community. Sharing can take many forms, community, through additively building on the including exhibiting at Maker Faire, creating work of others and freely sharing knowledge and Instructables project recipes, writing articles for processes back with the community. Make Magazine, etc. This iteration and sharing is Some Makers are inspired by what they have seen an integral part of the Maker community design at Maker Faires, but want to make their own process to push the collective understanding. versions with a unique twist. For example, Mark continuously improves his adjustable man- Samantha was inspired by the large number of nequin exhibit every year for Maker Faire, both by robots present at the Maker Faire, but wanted to adding additional features to the mannequins and ‘‘add a blinky heart inside of the robot. There could adding interactive aspects. For example, he ‘‘made be other things happening, like. . . maybe I’ll put all the joints of the robot to be anatomically correct, some EL [electroluminescent] wire in there, maybe so there are three degrees of freedom in the hips. The I’ll start putting in organs. I don’t actually know hips move around; the shoulders move around; the where this could go, but the concept is that they will back can rotate; to get the hands we had to go to be robots.’’ Other Makers like Aaron took basic wires.’’ He also added a ‘‘bouncing machine which is machines and changed the way that they function. a real hit with the kids,’’ along with ‘‘a fountain, so ‘‘We’ve taken a basic vending machine and added a we have buttons being pressed to shoot stream of lot of electronics to it that allow it to not only look water which really keeps the kids occupied.’’ For great and have sound and lights to it but it also has Aaron, success for Makers is getting ‘‘recognition RFID chips in every toy’’ allowing the display of from people they admire, you know, actually additional information about the toys on a display, improving and adding to a field. Now let’s say you according to Aaron. This new spin on a vending do something completely new with 3-D printing and machine is both creative and engages visitors, taking you really advance the industry, that’s also success. ‘‘a normal everyday experience and make it new So doing something new and novel can be success in again’’ according to Aaron. its own way.’’ Other Makers draw heavily upon the open source hardware and software movement to provide a 5. Implications platform for their innovations. For example, Eric came to Maker Faire as a result of his participation We can learn much from adult Makers in the in the open source 3-D printer community. He took Making community. On many fronts, what they an open source 3-D printer design from the com- do and how they do it out in the wild can be useful to munity that had ‘‘a boxy frame. . . [that] doesn’t better understand the limitations and opportunities allow for the removal of a printer cartridge easily’’ within the engineering classroom at the undergrad- and created his own design that ‘‘addresses all of uate teaching . Consider descriptions of proto- that. We made an open frame for ease of removal.’’ typical engineers from recent reports and how He also used an ‘‘Arduino Uno. . . which is open Makers readily embody some of these expressed source with an open source shield on top that characteristics. Makers possess creative confidence, controls all the motors within this [3-D] printer,’’ a penchant for absurdly yet practical solutions, and and is sharing his designs back with the community. are self-directed learners. They embody the Engi- Samantha also uses Maker Faires to find colla- neer of 2020 characteristics [1] of creativity, practical borators for her next projects. Her projects have ingenuity, and life-long learning. These characteris- continued to improve because she has ‘‘learned how tics also align with the ABET outcomes [28] for to probably get people, other people to be project students to have the ability to identify, formulate, partners with me on things that are very and solve engineering problems and adopt an atti- complicated. . . I publicly announced I’m looking tude of life-long learning (although noteworthy is for project partners on a new project and the kind of that explicit creativity is suspiciously absent from person I would be looking for.’’ This search for ABET student outcomes). The 21st century skills creative collaborators resembles the way faculty for learners [29] also align with the characteristics of and researchers search for research collaborators. Makers in the Maker community, specifically with These interactions could be an interesting opportu- regard to creativity and innovation, critical thinking nity for further research. and problem solving, and initiative and self-direc- tion. A comparison of the characteristics of the 4.4 Sharing improved artifacts back with the Maker community, Engineer of 2020, ABET stu- community dent outcomes, and 21st century skills is summar- Following the successful (or not so successful) ized in Table 1. creation of an artifact by a Maker, the cycle repeats With the community and sharing aspects of 1442 Shawn Jordan and Micah Lande

Table 1. Comparison of Characteristics of Makers and Engineers

Maker Community Engineer of 2020 [1] ABET Student Outcomes a–k 21st Century Skills

Creative Confidence [13] Creativity No direct connection Creativity and Innovation Playful Invention Practical Ingenuity Identify, Formulate, and Solve Critical Thinking and Problem Engineering Problems Solving Self-Directed Learning Lifelong Learning Lifelong Learning Initiative and Self-Direction

Additive Innovation mindset, it can be constructive of an entrepreneurship mindset to be able to more and illustrative to consider how such focus can be rapidly build, share, and get feedback for one’s ideas implemented into the engineering classroom. How and innovations. might we reverse engineer an adult Maker to realize Additionally, including habits of design thinking a vision of the engineer of the future? For many and Making within a context of the fields of experiences in the classroom, arising out of a engineering could broaden the spate of potential reasonable concern of how to fairly evaluate stu- future innovators. A world of possibilities might dents, students are asked to do the same parallel open up to those who want to solve real world activities. Dougherty [23] compares the ‘‘pain of problems through design thinking and Making— education’’ to the ‘‘pleasure for real learning.’’ With beyond the enthusiasm of only building. A more the heightened expectations of technical competen- inclusive vision of engineering crossed with making cies that traditionally accompany engineering learn- could build future engineering capacity as well as ing in the classroom, there is less and less room to raise awareness to the general public of the work consider, let alone practice, practical and profes- and impact such work offers. Our ambition is to sional skills identified by most of the other ABET change the conversation to highlight the efficacy student learning outcomes. The same could be and possibilities for this second group. We do not claimed about allowing students to pursue their equate engineering students, practicing engineers own motivations and interests throughout their and Makers completely but find the possible over- education. In contrast to the supportive learning laps and stories of pathways within to be possible ecosystem demonstrated in the Maker community, for transformational change in our field. Consider the limits of how we teach engineering could be the benefits to STEM (science, technology, engi- expanded. In contrast to formal engineering educa- neering and math) education and resulting societal tion, sharing intellectual property is considered benefits for those who have influence over student cheating. In contrast to industry, keeping intellec- decisions like teachers, school counselors, and par- tual property private provides a competitive advan- ents to have an appreciation of the multiplicity of tage. What if intellectual property issues were pathways into such careers or the value of technical negated by the rules of participating in an engineer- literacy, both based in problem solving or making ing classroom of Additive Innovation? The learning activities. This is especially true for underrepre- and innovation aims for some classroom topics then sented groups to make the case that they are evident could be better realized and our engineering stu- in the population of people already doing. Figuring dents could practice to be better future coworkers out how best to bring in what we can learn from the and collaborators. Maker community into the engineering classroom, Making is a progressive approach to being stu- through an appreciation of an Additive Innovation dent or learner centered. Because of the factory-like approach could help the entire innovation engine. nature of higher education, there is not much opportunity to appreciate the interests and experi- 6. Conclusions and future work ences of the individual learner. Design thinking, like Additive Innovation through a making experience, Making is quite a unique experience. Like design allows for the subjectivity and accumulated judg- thinking, it offers yet another lens to creative pro- ment of the individual student, and small teams of blem solving activity. There is a particular flavor of students, to guide the process evolution and project radical collaboration within the Maker community, evolution. It can then be more resonant with the as expressed by a concept of Additive Innovation. individual of what they may want to learn or The Maker community is also an Additive Innova- experience and the structure of open-ended pro- tion Network, both as a social and intellectual ject-based learning may actually allow for in the community that encapsulates aspects of commu- classroom. Additional skills and attitudes can also nity, sharing, and an appreciation of learning with be picked up that are part not just of design each other. thinking, making, or even engineering—but parts Elements of a shared think- Additive Innovation in Design Thinking and Making 1443 ing and in the Maker community can be leveraged to Acknowledgements—This material is based upon work supported improve formal engineering education. In particu- by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1329321. We would also like to thank Christina Foster, Aubrey Wigner, lar, project-based learning environments could be Matthew Dickens, Andrew Heiman, and James Oplinger for constructed to embrace design thinking and work on this project. The authors also gratefully acknowledge Making. 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Shawn Jordan, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering and a Fulton Exemplar Faculty Member in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. He teaches context-centered electrical engineering and embedded courses, and studies the use of context in both K-12 and undergraduate engineering design education. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Education (2010) and M.S./B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University. Dr. Jordan is PI on several NSF-funded projects related to design, including an NSF Early CAREER Award entitled ‘‘Engineering Design Across Navajo Culture, Community, and Society’’ and ‘‘Might Young Makers be the Engineers of the Future?,’’ and is a Co-PI on the NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Departments grant ‘‘Additive Innovation: An Educational Ecosystem of Making and Risk Taking.’’ He has also been part of the teaching team for NSF’s Innovation Corps for Learning, and was named one of ASEE PRISM’s ‘‘20 Faculty Under 40’’ in 2014.

Micah Lande, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering programs at the Polytechnic School in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. He teaches human-centered engineering design, design thinking, and design innovation courses. Dr. Lande researches how technical and non-technical people learn and apply a design process to their work. He is interested in the intersection of designerly epistemic identities and vocational pathways. Dr. Lande received his B.S in Engineering (), M.A. in Education (Learning, Design and Technology) and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Design Education) from Stanford University. Dr. Lande is the PI on the NSF-funded project ‘‘Should Makers Be the Engineers of the Future?’’ and a co-PI on the NSF-funded project ‘‘Might Young Makers Be the Engineers of the Future?’’ Dr. Lande is a Co-PI and engineering education researcher lead on the NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Departments grant ‘‘Additive Innovation: An Educational Ecosystem of Making and Risk Taking.’’ He also is a participant in the NSF Innovation Corps for Learning 2015 cohort (‘‘Leveraging Maker Pathways to Scale Steam + Making Outreach Programs) and served as senior personnel / instructional team on the 2014 pilot for NSF’s Innovation Corps for Learning (I-Corps-L). Dr. Lande founded the first Maker Corps site in Arizona, a program of the Maker Education Initiative.