Islander Survives Plane Crash

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Islander Survives Plane Crash Sit With Me She’s #1 in BC $ 25 Chintan Bolliger exhibit one of Cassidy Fraser gets swimming gold 1(incl. GST) several August art shows PAGE 20 ARTS PAGES 9-12 GULF ISLANDS Wednesday, August 21, 2013 — YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1960 53RD YEAR – ISSUE 34 FLOATPLANE CRASH GOVERNANCE Public Islander ponders survives study process plane crash Governance forum draws large crowd Lali Formaggia recovering in BY SEAN MCINTYRE DRIFTWOOD STAFF Victoria hospital Discussion of governance on Salt Spring may not be everybody’s ideal BY SEAN MCINTYRE way to spend a sunny summer eve- DRIFTWOOD STAFF ning, but it was enough to draw more A Salt Spring Island woman is recovering in a than 100 people to an information Victoria hospital after she survived a Friday morning meeting held at the Community Gos- float plane crash on Vancouver Island’s west coast. pel Chapel on Monday. Lali Formaggia is an island-based naturopath “It’s always a pleasure to work on and acupuncturist with offices on Salt Spring and in these and I’m very impressed by the Victoria. She was on her way home from a multi-day turnout,” said James Klukas, one of backpacking trip along the remote Hesquiat trail three facilitators from the company when the float plane she and five other people were tasked to oversee the island’s gover- travelling in is believed to have struck a tree soon nance review process. after takeoff. “You really are lucky,” said col- “The pilot tried to correct but he couldn’t. He hit league David Morris. “This is the the tree and we went down,” she recalled during a only area in the province that has Monday afternoon interview from Victoria’s Royal received this type of funding in this Jubilee Hospital. year’s budget.” Formaggia, who was seated behind the pilot, The information session, hosted suddenly found herself in an urgent fight to get by the Salt Spring Governance Study out of the burning plane. Committee, was the first of two “The airplane was in flames and I was feeling meetings held this week to intro- the heat on my legs,” she said. “I said to myself, ‘I duce islanders to the $60,000 gov- don’t want to die like this.’” ernance review process launched She was eventually able to exit the plane with earlier this year. A second meeting help from passenger John Young. Formaggia, was held Tuesday evening at Fulford Young and two other survivors waited more than Hall. four hours until a rescue helicopter from Comox The events are part of a campaign reached the heavily forested crash site. to educate islanders and seek opin- Formaggia is recovering in the hospital’s inten- ions about local governance. sive care unit. She sustained a broken arm and This week’s forums mixed infor- burns to her legs as a result of the incident. She PHOTO BY SEAN MCINTYRE mation about the island’s various said her recovery is expected to take at least four ON THE SCENE: Salt Spring Fire/Rescue members and paramedics teamed up and used government agencies with an inter- months. the fire department’s boat onT hursday afternoon to rescue a teenage girl who fell 4.5 metres active Q&A-style discussion. (15 feet) down an embankment at St. Mary Lake. PLANE CRASH continued on 2 STUDY continued on 4 OPEN TIL INSERTS INDEX • Country Grocer for 8:00 Arts ................................................. 9 Letters ......................................... 7 2 1 DRIFTWOOD ON • Ganges Pharmasave HALIBUT Clearance FRIDAYS • Thrifty Foods Classifieds ............................ 14 Sports ........................................ 20 & CHIPS on garden decor as marked • Sears (2 piece) AD PROOF • Home Hardware Editorial ......................................6 What’s On............................. 12 MONDAYS ALL DAY TAXI, TOURS MOUAT’S Eeaat, s s t, ps ee i i le iiff • Staples e l re p, L pl e read imp (with purchase of beverage) & DELIVERY IMMEDIATE response required d si & DELIVERY . s .. Island Wheels .................... 18 Seaside on Salt Spring since 1907 Salt Spring Seaside on Salt Spring since 1907 T Please proof this ad carefully Salt Spring Books 250.537.9933 SALTSPRINGTAXI.COM250.537.3030 Home Owners helping Homeowners Books and reply ASAP with your approval or changes. DRIFTWOODZen Master Wolfgang says: DRIFTWOOD AD PROOF AD PROOF If you have changes, please “Clear conscience usually sign of bad memory” friend us on respond ASAP thus allowing facebook! IMMEDIATE response required IMMEDIATE response requiredand win prizes!DRIFTWOODthe production AD team timePROOF to GANGES AUTO MARINE make the changes indicated. SERVPleaseICE proof AND this RE adPAI carefullyRS FOR ALL DOMESTIC & IMPORT CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS Please proof this ad gulfislandsdriftwood IMMEDIATE response required and reply#3 ASAP- 290 with Park your Drive Below Dagwoods, behind car wash Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm 250-537-9221and reply ASAP with your If we do not receive a approval or changes. approval or changes.Please proof this ad carefully and replyresponse ASAP withby your approval or changes. If you have changes, please respond ASAP thus allowingMONDAY the production AT 5 PM team time to make the changes indicated. If you have changes, please If you have changes, please If we do not receive a responsethis by ad MONDAY goes to ATpress 5 PM in this this ad format. goes to press in this format. respond ASAP thus allowing respond ASAP thus allowing the production team time to the production team time to ThanksThanks very very much. much. make the changes indicated. make the changes indicated. GULF ISLANDS If we do not receive a If we do not receive a GULF ISLANDS response by response by DRIFTWOOD AD PROOF Driftwood YOUR COMMUNI T Y N EWSPAPER SIN C E 1960 Driftwood YOUR COMMUNI T Y N EWSPAPER SIN C E 1960 MONDAY AT 5 PM MONDAY AT 5 PM this ad goes to press in this format.immediate response required this ad goes to press in this format. Thanks veryPlease much. proof this ad carefullyand reply ASAP with your approval or changes. Thanks very much. If you have changes, pleaserespond ASAP thus allowing the production team time tomake the changes indicated. GULF ISLANDS GULF ISLANDS If we do not receive a response by MONDAY AT 5 PM this ad goes to press in this format. Driftwood YOUR COMMUNI T Y N EWSPAPER SIN C E 1960Thanks very much. Driftwood YOUR COMMUNI T Y N EWSPAPER SIN C E 1960 GULF ISLANDS Driftwood YOUR COMMUNI T Y N EWSPAPER SIN C E 1960 2 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2013 NEWSBEAT GULF ISLANDS DRIFtwOOD CALL GAIL, SEAN FIRE DISTRICT OR ELIZABETH IF you SEE news HAPPENING Trustee’s seat left open after Lucich bails 250-537-9933 Delegation strikes over two years, and stated he had has allowed firefighters in some rural months). A firefighter who reaches met with Lucich the week before to B.C. communities to extend their the rank of lieutenant would make against union hiring show him the legal transfer papers. first responder duties by obtain- $92,370 per year. He explained the foundation is the ing Emergency Medical Responder Captain Jamie Holmes, the local Advertising BY ELIZABETH NOLAN immediate accepting body because training. union president, said there could be DRIFTWOOD STAFF it has charitable status and is able “According to the director of this some value in adding the enhanced Monday night’s regular meeting of to issue a receipt for the donation. pilot program, full-time person- EMR training, although it most like- Deadlines Change Salt Spring Fire Protection District’s When the final subdivision papers nel may cost a community around ly wouldn’t be to the budget. board of trustees was bracketed are signed, the land will be immedi- $40,000/year plus benefits. Would “As a training officer I always Please note that the by two strikes against board policy ately transferred to the district. this be a good incentive for recruit- think more training is good, and it Gulf Islands Driftwood stemming from one island couple. The board hopes the process will ing and retaining the ‘paid-on- wouldn’t hurt to get the EMR level,” will be closed on The evening started with the sur- be finalized within the week, as the call’?” she asked. he said. However, Holmes noted the Monday, Sept. 2 - Labour Day prise resignation of trustee Mark subdivision is on the agenda for “It seems that for the cost of one communities where the pilot pro- and will reopen for usual Lucich and ended with a delegation Thursday’s Local Trust Committee more ‘career firefighter’ the com- gram has launched are ones where business hours on by his wife Julia Lucich proposing an meeting. The Islands Trust will then munity could hire three full-time ambulance response time is longer Tuesday, Sept. 3. alternative to hiring two more career send the papers to the Ministry of personnel able to give enhanced than the fire department’s, such as firefighters. Transportation, which will register emergency response. Would the in Sun Peaks near Kamloops. Mark Lucich resigned before the the title. community be better served by this Having advanced medical skills Deadlines for the Gulf Islands agenda was accepted and insisted on The delegation by Julia Lucich alternative? I certainly don’t know “buys you more time before you get Driftwood Wednesday Sept. 4 remaining out of order. He gave his suggested an alternative to the the answer, but it seems worth the patient to the hospital, which is reason for leaving the board as being board’s plan to hire two more staff exploring the option in an open ses- not really a problem on Salt Spring,” edition will be as follows: unable to support spending district firefighters by the end of 2016, as sion.” he said.
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