Kaukapakapa School

Be Strong, Aim High Kia Kaha, Runga Rawa Important Information


Address: 977 Kaipara Coast Highway Kaukapakapa 0843

Phone: 09 420 5477 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kaukapakapa.school.nz Facebook Group Kaukapakapa School (Official) School App Skool Loop


8.25 am First bell 8.30 am Learning time 9.25 am – 9.30am Brain food break 10.35 am – 11.00 am Play time 11.00 am – 11.10 am Kai time 11.10 am Learning time 12.35 pm – 1.00 pm Play time 1.00 pm – 1.15 pm Kai time 2.25 pm Home time


Term 1 Wednesday 4 February to Friday 27 March Term 2 Wednesday 15 April to Friday 3 July Term 3 Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September Term 4 Monday 12 October to Wednesday 16 December

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to ask any member of staff. We are always happy to help with anything.


Name Position Year Room Email

Andrea Clarke Principal Office [email protected] Sheree McLeish Deputy Principal Office [email protected] Acting Team Leader 5/6 Mandy Duggan Assistant Principal 1 Room 2 [email protected] Team Leader Rebecca Williams Team Leader 7/8 Room 5 [email protected] Sports Coordinator Lindsay O’Loan Teacher 1/2 Room 1 [email protected] Tracey Buchanan Teacher 1 Room 3 [email protected] Charlene Shanks Teacher 3 Room 7 [email protected] Ruth Walsh Teacher 2/3 Room 8 [email protected] Tony Berghuis Teacher 4/5 Room 6 [email protected] Robyn Tuck Teacher 4/5 Room 9 [email protected] Courtney Valk Teacher 5/6 Room 10 [email protected] Claire Bennett Teacher 5/6 Room 12 [email protected] Jan Robb-Rees Teacher 5/6 Room 11 [email protected] Ben Bradley Teacher 7/8 Room 4 [email protected]

Office Executive Sheree Osborne [email protected] Office Manager Keren Anderson [email protected] Librarian Heidi Cottingham [email protected]

Teacher Aides Gwen Elsby Julie Nelson Lisa Massey Mitchell Davies Debbie Drinnan Cleaners Michelle Nielsen Aria Morehu Caretaker Harley Kopa Kapa Haka Tutor Lee-Anne Wade


Chairperson Rachel Boyd Rachael Ouwejan Ati Wynyard Demian Shaver Jono Curran Staff Representative Danielle Simpson Principal Andrea Clarke INTRODUCTION

Welcome to Kaukapakapa School. The booklet is set out alphabetically for ease of reference. It is recognised that we cannot include everything in a book but hope that it will answer some of your initial queries.

Please do not hesitate to ask Keren in the office or any other staff member if there is anything you would like to know. We are always happy to help.


Once a child reaches the age of 6, by law they must attend school. There are times however when absences are unavoidable due to illness or unexpected events. If you know your child is going to be absent, notification by ringing the school office, texting 02108151629, through the Skool Loop app or emailing [email protected], before school is appreciated. This makes us aware that you know your child is away and has not suffered any mishap on the way to school. If a phone call is not possible a note sent with your child on the next school day is necessary. All absences must be recorded and verification from caregivers is necessary.


If you wish your child to alter their usual means of returning home, please send a note to school to give to your child’s teacher. If you do need to ring the school office, please call before 2 pm so that bus changes can be recorded. We really appreciate your support on this as it is of utmost importance to us that our bus lists are accurate.

AFTER SCHOOL CARE An After School Care service is run by Lisa Massey at the Kaukapakapa Hall every school day from 2.25 – 5.30. Children are met at the school at a designated area and walked to the hall. Once there, afternoon tea and drinks are provided. Please direct all enquiries to Lisa on 0274 311 202.


The school has an annual Agricultural Day held on Saturday 17th October which is treated as a normal school day. Children are encouraged to rear a calf, lamb or kid (goat). These animals are judged on aspects such as rearing, grooming, leading and calling. A booklet with information of how to care for these animals is available from the school office. As well, all children are encouraged to enter the indoor exhibits. The day involves some fundraising normally in the food and stall line.


Full school assemblies are held fortnightly on Mondays at 1.45 pm. Singing assemblies are held on alternate Mondays @ 12:15pm Team assemblies are held at other times of which you will be notified. These are a time when recognition of things good are reinforced, classes share their work and we make extensive use of awards. Parents are most welcome to attend assemblies, as this reinforces the partnership between home and school.


Please include a reference.



It is a requirement that we are to sight a birth certificate or passport and an immunisation certificate (if you have one) before enrolling a five-year-old child.


This is sponsored by Ashton Scholastics. Order forms for these books are usually sent home twice per term. Parents are under no obligation to purchase these. If ordering by cheque, please make the cheque payable to the school as we forward a school cheque to cover the cost of the collated orders.


The Board of Trustees meet at school, normally on the third Thursday of the month. The Board is elected every three years by parents and caregivers. Any community member is eligible to stand for the Board if nominated by a parent or caregiver. Five trustees are elected. The Staff elects their own trustee. The principal is a trustee by right. Other trustees may be co-opted onto the board. A chairperson is elected annually. A full report is prepared and published annually. This report includes officially audited financial statements. Board of Trustees minutes and reports are available at school for parents to view, with meeting dates available on the school website.


The school area extends from Barr Road in the north to several kilometres south of the Kaukapakapa village. In the west it borders the and in the east the Makarau Valley (including Haruru and Tahekaroa Roads). A free bus service feeds from these areas to our school. Because a large majority of our pupils travel by bus, and as these buses need to meet connecting runs each day, it is most important that parents notify the school if there are to be any changes in the way children normally travel, especially in the afternoons.

For any queries around bus organisation, contracts or concerns, please contact the school office.

We expect our children to behave in a way that is both safe and considerate on the buses. If a child does not meet these standards we reserve the right to remove the privilege of travelling by bus, although we hope this will not be necessary.

It is the expectation within the Kaipara Transport Network that when Year 1 - 8 students are dropped off; the driver must see a parent or caregiver before allowing any child off the bus. All Ritchies drivers have been asked to strictly adhere to this procedure for safety reasons. If the driver does not sight a parent or caregiver, students will be returned to school at the completion of the run. With the growth of bus usage, it has become necessary to enforce the following:

1. Parents need to inform the school of which days their child will be on the bus permanently 2. Any changes to this need to be given to the class teacher in writing on or before the changed day. 3. Parents wishing to make urgent last minute withdrawal/additions to the bus lists need to contact the school office before 2.00 pm. No phone changes can be actioned after 2.00 pm 4. Parents/caregivers who are here at school wishing to take students off buses at the end of the day will be asked to wait, until their child’s bus line is called, and then notify the bus teacher 5. Students are not able to call home at the end of the day 6. Any student who is scheduled to be on a bus service, and has not brought a note to say they are off the bus, will be sent home on the bus. In other words, we do not take a student’s verbal message as a change of bus 7. When a student is missing from their bus line, the bus will be sent off, and after all buses have been dispatched, the parent will be notified that their child was not on the bus and if necessary they will have to come to school and collect them 8. When a student arrives late at school, they must report to the office before going to their class 9. If you need to take your child out of school early, you must inform the office 10. Children can only travel on the bus they are eligible for

Behaviour on Buses We would like to remind you that the following are the rules and procedures that we follow in dealing with those who offend:

Bus Rules Bus Behaviour: · Obey the driver Step 1 – Verbal warning · Do not get on or off while bus is moving Step 2 – Letter to parents · No heads, hands, or rubbish out windows Step 3 – One week off bus · No shouting or yelling Step 4 – Remainder of the term off bus · Stay seated at all times Step 5 – Permanently off bus · No eating or drinking on the bus


One of the biggest concerns our bus company has is the number of students who cross the road to meet parents after they have been dropped off by the bus in the afternoons. It is difficult for drivers to see these little ones at times and we request that when you are meeting your child at the bus, you walk across the road and meet them as they disembark and then cross safely with them once the bus has gone.


A copy of the School’s Charter and Strategic Plan is available from the office on request, to be read at school or on the school website – www.kaukapakapa.school.nz


It would be helpful to us (and your finances!), if you were able to name all of your child’s clothing. Lost property is stored in a bin and is put on display often. Items that have been in the bin for a lengthy period are disposed of at the end of each term.


Parents and caregivers are most welcome at school to discuss any matters of concern/interest with the staff. The preferred time for this is out of teaching hours. Please call in, phone or email to arrange a time that is suitable.

The principal has an open door policy and parents are encouraged to make use of this. For after hours, contact the principal by emailing directly on [email protected]


Our school has a mobile clinic. The nurse arranges appointments as they fall due and also contacts preschool parents. If you have any concerns, contact the clinic at 09-839 0529.


The school has a digital technologies policy and rules which each student, together with their parent/caregiver, is required to sign. During the year, students are reminded of the rules and there will be teaching around how to be safe while using devices. Devices are only to be used during class time, not during break times. This helps teachers to manage the use and keep students safe.

The school provides some devices for use in classrooms and in Years 4-8, students are allowed, and encouraged to, bring devices from home to use in the classroom. In the Kauri team, iPads are used to support learning programmes and for Seesaw. In the Kowhai and Kahikatea teams, there is a mixture of iPads, tablets, laptops and Chromebooks that are used to support learning programmes, for accessing learning on Google Classroom and for Seesaw.


At the end of the year an evening is held primarily to farewell our Year 8 students. Class awards are also announced at this night.


Some students in the school are selected to attend extension classes and work with a specialised teacher for a set time each week. These classes take place on a Wednesday.


People are welcome to use the grounds outside of school hours in a considerate and sensible manner. Please note that staff do not undertake to supervise or be responsible for such activities which are at parents or children’s own risk.


The public health nurse liaises regularly with the school office and teachers, and is available for consultation with you if you have a concern. From time to time we have head lice and other contagious diseases in our school. (Usually a note will be sent home about this and we ask that you sign the note and return it and if your child is infected, keep them home until treated).

The Mobile Health Campervan ("Moby") with a trained ear technician on board visits the school regularly each term.


This will normally be set where necessary to help children consolidate learning and keep pace with programmes. It should be meaningful and relevant to the child’s needs. All children should be reading each night and basic facts learning is encouraged at all ages.


Our school is part of the Kaipara Schools group comprising of: , Woodhill, , Waioneke, and Waitoki. Annual fixtures for children in the middle and senior school are held for swimming, rugby, netball, cross country, triathlon and athletics. The venues for these alter from event to event.


The only permissible jewellery to be worn to school are watches, pounamu or other cultural jewellery and studs in ears.


We have 3 kapa haka groups that practice on a Wednesday. These groups are tutored by Mr Ben Bradley and Mrs Leanne Wade, with support from classroom teachers and parents.


Once at school, pupils are to remain within the school grounds. Parents/caregivers are asked to contact the school either personally, by phone or note if they wish a child to leave before 2.25pm. Alternatively, you can sign your child out at the main office.


Our well stocked library is primarily for the use of pupils, but if you wish to borrow books for your own reading or to read to children you are very welcome. Please see a teacher before doing so and try to return the book within a fortnight. Children are encouraged to borrow books and your assistance in seeing they are carefully treated at home would help to maintain our books in a reasonable condition and keeps repairs and replacements to a minimum. The average cost these days of a book is approximately $25.00. The school does charge parents for books lost or damaged.


The school has contracted lunches five days a week. Children fill in their order forms in the classroom before school. Order forms are available from classrooms. Please assist us with the following:

· Name and room number MUST be written clearly on form · Quantities required must be written clearly on the form · Envelopes must be sealed securely · Lunch orders with no money or an I.O.U. note will not be accepted · Please try to give correct amounts of money. We will not be accountable for lost change · Do not use sellotape to attach money to order forms (money must be in envelopes) Any items ordered which are not on the schools lunch order form will not be delivered to school.


We ask that money for school trips, photographs etc should be handed in to the class teacher. They keep a class list and will mark payments or returns off.


These are usually produced fortnightly. The Board of Trustees and the School Support Group contribute to these newsletters as well. These are sent out by email. Paper copies are available from the office.


The school provides the children with as wide a range of practical experiences as possible. Activities in this area can range from playground activities, to trips and camps.


We have a large group of parents who regularly assist at school by helping in classrooms, in the library or on the sports fields. Your help at school would be very much appreciated. Please discuss this with your child’s teacher or the Principal.

PERSONAL DETAILS Please advise us if your telephone number, address, emergency contacts or email address changes. We may need to contact you in an emergency. If we are unable to do so it can be very distressing for your child. Any information given to us is confidential.


The school has adopted a series of Policies and Procedures as part of its self management process. A copy of these are always available at the office for parents to refer to. School families are consulted in the development of some policies.


At present the school follows the following steps in reporting to parents.

Parents are encouraged, to keep in regular contact with teachers. At any time, if you as a parent or we as teachers, have a concern, a meeting can be held.

Goal Setting Conferences In terms two and three, parents, students and teachers meet to discuss current progress and set learning goals in relation to reading, writing and maths. There may also be a personal goal included depending on age. We believe students should be empowered to help drive and take responsibility for their education.

Seesaw At the end of terms 2 and 4, teachers will form an OTJ (Overall Teacher Judgment) for reading, writing and maths and this will be posted on Seesaw. Teachers will regularly post and comment on examples of student learning throughout the term.


Students are permitted to ride a bike to school from the age of 10. Students MUST wear a helmet and use the footpath at all times.


The school has had its own designed uniform. The Board of Trustees require students to wear at least a red t-shirt on trips away from school.


The Board of Trustees opts into the Government Donation Scheme. As such, we will only request contributions towards school camp.


This group is a voluntary group made up of parents, caregivers and teachers who meet monthly. Our objective is to organise and assist with activities for the benefit of the school, e.g. fundraising and social events. Some of the re-occurring events we either organise or help with when required are: · Gala Day · Delivery of Telecom phone books and local directories · Several discos for the school pupils · Agricultural Day

At times we need extra help and may telephone school parents/caregivers to help out. All parents/caregivers names are added to our email list unless they specifically request the school office to remove them.

We welcome anyone interested at our monthly meetings, which are advertised in the school newsletter and on the school website. We have a great team who get a lot of pleasure and fun out of raising funds for our children to benefit from. If you wish to contact a committee member, please contact the school office for details. STATIONERY

Stationery packs are available throughout the year from Helensville Paper Plus. A small supply of stationery is kept at school and can be purchased from the office. STUDENT LEADERS

Two head students are elected each year to support the students throughout the school and to work alongside school leaderships and teachers to ensure school is a safe and happy place for all students. We also have a school council, made up of leaders and councillors from a range of school groups.


The following agencies call regularly or are available to the school: public health nurse, curriculum advisers, speech therapist, hearing and vision tester, police officers.


In season, daily lessons are taken for every class. Children must take part in this daily swimming programme as it is an integral part of the school Physical Education programme. They will only be excused from swimming if they have a note from parents to explain why they cannot take part. If your child does not want to take part in swimming out of nervousness or fear of the water please contact us as we may be able to help. Please ensure clothing is named and it is best for togs and towels to be in plastic bag to save other items in school bags getting wet.

The pool is available for use out of school hours under adult supervision. Parents receive rules for use and a key on application to the office and payment of the fee. Keys are to be returned at the end of the season.

TECHNOLOGY Our Year 7 & 8 students travel to Kaipara College for block times of Technology. They rotate around the following subjects: Structure and mechanisms, food technology, soft materials technology and digital technology.

TOYS Please do not send toys to school with children. They can be easily lost or damaged and misunderstandings do occur. We will not take responsibility for any toys brought to school.

USE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY The Board of Trustees do approve the use of school buildings outside school hours mainly to community based clubs and organisations. Contact the Principal for details.

We hope that this booklet has given you some insight into Kaukapakapa School. If there is any information you feel would be helpful or is not explained fully enough please pass them on to the Principal or talk to the office admin staff.

Please support those who support us