Designed by ® Designed by ® Designed by ® Designed by ® Designed by ® Yellow Jackets® Yellow Jackets® Yellow Jackets® Yellow Jackets® Yellow Jackets® Tube Converter Tube Converter Tube Converter Tube Converter Tube Converter YJC YJC YJC YJC YJC Includes EL84 Power Tubes Includes EL84 Power Tubes Includes EL84 Power Tubes Includes EL84 Power Tubes Includes EL84 Power Tubes Handmade in the U.S.A. Handmade in the U.S.A. Handmade in the U.S.A. Handmade in the U.S.A. Handmade in the U.S.A. Yellow Jackets® Yellow Jackets® Yellow Jackets® Yellow Jackets® Yellow Jackets® • Converts most audio amplifiers with , EL34s, • Converts most audio amplifiers with 6L6s, EL34s, • Converts most audio amplifiers with 6L6s, EL34s, • Converts most audio amplifiers with 6L6s, EL34s, • Converts most audio amplifiers with 6L6s, EL34s, 6550s or 6V6s to without modification or 6550s or 6V6s to EL84s without modification or 6550s or 6V6s to EL84s without modification or 6550s or 6V6s to EL84s without modification or 6550s or 6V6s to EL84s without modification or rebiasing. rebiasing. rebiasing. rebiasing. rebiasing. • Connects to chassis-ground for cathode-biased • Connects to chassis-ground for cathode-biased • Connects to chassis-ground for cathode-biased • Connects to chassis-ground for cathode-biased • Connects to chassis-ground for cathode-biased amps. amps. amps. amps. amps. • Converts from Class AB to Class A operation! • Converts from Class AB to Class A operation! • Converts from Class AB to Class A operation! • Converts from Class AB to Class A operation! • Converts from Class AB to Class A operation! • Drops output power by 50% to 70%. • Drops output power by 50% to 70%. • Drops output power by 50% to 70%. • Drops output power by 50% to 70%. • Drops output power by 50% to 70%. • Safe for all common amplifiers and transformers. • Safe for all common amplifiers and transformers. • Safe for all common amplifiers and transformers. • Safe for all common amplifiers and transformers. • Safe for all common amplifiers and transformers. • One year limited warranty on converter. • One year limited warranty on converter. • One year limited warranty on converter. • One year limited warranty on converter. • One year limited warranty on converter. • “The next best thing to getting yourself a new amp.” • “The next best thing to getting yourself a new amp.” • “The next best thing to getting yourself a new amp.” • “The next best thing to getting yourself a new amp.” • “The next best thing to getting yourself a new amp.” - Guitar World Magazine - Guitar World Magazine - Guitar World Magazine - Guitar World Magazine - Guitar World Magazine • “Increase amplifier flexibility”-Guitar Player Magazine • “Increase amplifier flexibility”-Guitar Player Magazine • “Increase amplifier flexibility”-Guitar Player Magazine • “Increase amplifier flexibility”-Guitar Player Magazine • “Increase amplifier flexibility”-Guitar Player Magazine

CE Manufacturing, LLC CE Manufacturing, LLC CE Manufacturing, LLC CE Manufacturing, LLC CE Manufacturing, LLC 6221 S. Maple Avenue 6221 S. Maple Avenue 6221 S. Maple Avenue 6221 S. Maple Avenue 6221 S. Maple Avenue Tempe, AZ 85283 Tempe, AZ 85283 Tempe, AZ 85283 Tempe, AZ 85283 Tempe, AZ 85283 Phone: 480.755.4712 Phone: 480.755.4712 Phone: 480.755.4712 Phone: 480.755.4712 Phone: 480.755.4712 Fax: 800.706.6789 Fax: 800.706.6789 Fax: 800.706.6789 Fax: 800.706.6789 Fax: 800.706.6789 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank you for buying our Yellow Jackets® converter! It Thank you for buying our Yellow Jackets® converter! It Thank you for buying our Yellow Jackets® converter! It Thank you for buying our Yellow Jackets® converter! It Thank you for buying our Yellow Jackets® converter! It will provide you with years of service, assuming that you will provide you with years of service, assuming that you will provide you with years of service, assuming that you will provide you with years of service, assuming that you will provide you with years of service, assuming that you replace the tubes when they are worn, and will also give replace the tubes when they are worn, and will also give replace the tubes when they are worn, and will also give replace the tubes when they are worn, and will also give replace the tubes when they are worn, and will also give you a much greater variety of sounds from your ampli- you a much greater variety of sounds from your ampli- you a much greater variety of sounds from your ampli- you a much greater variety of sounds from your ampli- you a much greater variety of sounds from your ampli- fiers than you have ever experienced before. fiers than you have ever experienced before. fiers than you have ever experienced before. fiers than you have ever experienced before. fiers than you have ever experienced before.

How to Install Yellow Jackets®: How to Install Yellow Jackets®: How to Install Yellow Jackets®: How to Install Yellow Jackets®: How to Install Yellow Jackets®: 1. With your amplifier cold and turned off, remove the 1. With your amplifier cold and turned off, remove the 1. With your amplifier cold and turned off, remove the 1. With your amplifier cold and turned off, remove the 1. With your amplifier cold and turned off, remove the 6V6, , EL34 or 6550 tube from its socket. (Use a 6V6, 6L6, EL34 or 6550 tube from its socket. (Use a 6V6, 6L6, EL34 or 6550 tube from its socket. (Use a 6V6, 6L6, EL34 or 6550 tube from its socket. (Use a 6V6, 6L6, EL34 or 6550 tube from its socket. (Use a towel to protect your hands if the tubes are hot.) towel to protect your hands if the tubes are hot.) towel to protect your hands if the tubes are hot.) towel to protect your hands if the tubes are hot.) towel to protect your hands if the tubes are hot.)

2. Place the Yellow Jackets® converter in the , 2. Place the Yellow Jackets® converter in the tube socket, 2. Place the Yellow Jackets® converter in the tube socket, 2. Place the Yellow Jackets® converter in the tube socket, 2. Place the Yellow Jackets® converter in the tube socket, screw the ground wire under the tube socket mounting screw the ground wire under the tube socket mounting screw the ground wire under the tube socket mounting screw the ground wire under the tube socket mounting screw the ground wire under the tube socket mounting screw (to provide an adequate ground connection), and screw (to provide an adequate ground connection), and screw (to provide an adequate ground connection), and screw (to provide an adequate ground connection), and screw (to provide an adequate ground connection), and install an EL84 tube into the Yellow Jackets® converter. install an EL84 tube into the Yellow Jackets® converter. install an EL84 tube into the Yellow Jackets® converter. install an EL84 tube into the Yellow Jackets® converter. install an EL84 tube into the Yellow Jackets® converter. Make sure that all pins are properly aligned and do not Make sure that all pins are properly aligned and do not Make sure that all pins are properly aligned and do not Make sure that all pins are properly aligned and do not Make sure that all pins are properly aligned and do not force anything. It should all go smoothly if the tube pins force anything. It should all go smoothly if the tube pins force anything. It should all go smoothly if the tube pins force anything. It should all go smoothly if the tube pins force anything. It should all go smoothly if the tube pins are properly aligned. are properly aligned. are properly aligned. are properly aligned. are properly aligned.

3. Turn the amp on, let it warm up, and play. Your 3. Turn the amp on, let it warm up, and play. Your 3. Turn the amp on, let it warm up, and play. Your 3. Turn the amp on, let it warm up, and play. Your 3. Turn the amp on, let it warm up, and play. Your amp is now running in Class A mode with an EL84 amp is now running in Class A mode with an EL84 amp is now running in Class A mode with an EL84 amp is now running in Class A mode with an EL84 amp is now running in Class A mode with an EL84 output tube. output tube. output tube. output tube. output tube.

You do not have to adjust the bias of your amplifier You do not have to adjust the bias of your amplifier You do not have to adjust the bias of your amplifier You do not have to adjust the bias of your amplifier You do not have to adjust the bias of your amplifier as the Yellow Jackets® converters themselves create as the Yellow Jackets® converters themselves create as the Yellow Jackets® converters themselves create as the Yellow Jackets® converters themselves create as the Yellow Jackets® converters themselves create their own cathode bias circuit, ignoring the bias setting their own cathode bias circuit, ignoring the bias setting their own cathode bias circuit, ignoring the bias setting their own cathode bias circuit, ignoring the bias setting their own cathode bias circuit, ignoring the bias setting in your amp. This also means that when you put your in your amp. This also means that when you put your in your amp. This also means that when you put your in your amp. This also means that when you put your in your amp. This also means that when you put your old tubes back into the amplifier, your bias will be set old tubes back into the amplifier, your bias will be set old tubes back into the amplifier, your bias will be set old tubes back into the amplifier, your bias will be set old tubes back into the amplifier, your bias will be set just as you left it. just as you left it. just as you left it. just as you left it. just as you left it.

Please allow time for the Yellow Jackets® to cool Please allow time for the Yellow Jackets® to cool Please allow time for the Yellow Jackets® to cool Please allow time for the Yellow Jackets® to cool Please allow time for the Yellow Jackets® to cool before removing them from your amp. Handle Yellow before removing them from your amp. Handle Yellow before removing them from your amp. Handle Yellow before removing them from your amp. Handle Yellow before removing them from your amp. Handle Yellow Jackets® only by brown tube base. Jackets® only by brown tube base. Jackets® only by brown tube base. Jackets® only by brown tube base. Jackets® only by brown tube base. If you have an amp with 4 output tubes, you have a If you have an amp with 4 output tubes, you have a If you have an amp with 4 output tubes, you have a If you have an amp with 4 output tubes, you have a If you have an amp with 4 output tubes, you have a number of options: number of options: number of options: number of options: number of options: a. Replace all 4 output tubes with Yellow Jackets®. a. Replace all 4 output tubes with Yellow Jackets®. a. Replace all 4 output tubes with Yellow Jackets®. a. Replace all 4 output tubes with Yellow Jackets®. a. Replace all 4 output tubes with Yellow Jackets®. b. Remove all 4 tube and put only 2 Yellow Jackets® in b. Remove all 4 tube and put only 2 Yellow Jackets® in b. Remove all 4 tube and put only 2 Yellow Jackets® in b. Remove all 4 tube and put only 2 Yellow Jackets® in b. Remove all 4 tube and put only 2 Yellow Jackets® in the amp, giving you about 10% power. In this case, the amp, giving you about 10% power. In this case, the amp, giving you about 10% power. In this case, the amp, giving you about 10% power. In this case, the amp, giving you about 10% power. In this case, install the Yellow Jackets® in the inner two sockets. install the Yellow Jackets® in the inner two sockets. install the Yellow Jackets® in the inner two sockets. install the Yellow Jackets® in the inner two sockets. install the Yellow Jackets® in the inner two sockets. (You do not need to adjust the impedance selector on (You do not need to adjust the impedance selector on (You do not need to adjust the impedance selector on (You do not need to adjust the impedance selector on (You do not need to adjust the impedance selector on your amplifier to compensate for using only two output your amplifier to compensate for using only two output your amplifier to compensate for using only two output your amplifier to compensate for using only two output your amplifier to compensate for using only two output tubes. You can keep it set to the impedance of your tubes. You can keep it set to the impedance of your tubes. You can keep it set to the impedance of your tubes. You can keep it set to the impedance of your tubes. You can keep it set to the impedance of your speaker cabinet with no danger of causing damage to speaker cabinet with no danger of causing damage to speaker cabinet with no danger of causing damage to speaker cabinet with no danger of causing damage to speaker cabinet with no danger of causing damage to the transformer.) the transformer.) the transformer.) the transformer.) the transformer.) c. Leave two output tubes in the outside sockets and c. Leave two output tubes in the outside sockets and c. Leave two output tubes in the outside sockets and c. Leave two output tubes in the outside sockets and c. Leave two output tubes in the outside sockets and install two Yellow Jackets® in the inside two sockets. This install two Yellow Jackets® in the inside two sockets. This install two Yellow Jackets® in the inside two sockets. This install two Yellow Jackets® in the inside two sockets. This install two Yellow Jackets® in the inside two sockets. This will give you a combination of Class A Triode and Class will give you a combination of Class A Triode and Class will give you a combination of Class A Triode and Class will give you a combination of Class A Triode and Class will give you a combination of Class A Triode and Class AB operation, a very cool, responsive sound! AB Pentode operation, a very cool, responsive sound! AB Pentode operation, a very cool, responsive sound! AB Pentode operation, a very cool, responsive sound! AB Pentode operation, a very cool, responsive sound!

Other Thoughts Regarding Yellow Jackets®: Other Thoughts Regarding Yellow Jackets®: Other Thoughts Regarding Yellow Jackets®: Other Thoughts Regarding Yellow Jackets®: Other Thoughts Regarding Yellow Jackets®: This model of Yellow Jackets® converter, the YJC, is a This model of Yellow Jackets® converter, the YJC, is a This model of Yellow Jackets® converter, the YJC, is a This model of Yellow Jackets® converter, the YJC, is a This model of Yellow Jackets® converter, the YJC, is a specialized, current-limiting/voltage-conditioning adap- specialized, current-limiting/voltage-conditioning adap- specialized, current-limiting/voltage-conditioning adap- specialized, current-limiting/voltage-conditioning adap- specialized, current-limiting/voltage-conditioning adap- tor for use in most 20 watt to 100 watt amplifiers which tor for use in most 20 watt to 100 watt amplifiers which tor for use in most 20 watt to 100 watt amplifiers which tor for use in most 20 watt to 100 watt amplifiers which tor for use in most 20 watt to 100 watt amplifiers which use 6L6, EL34, 6550 or 6V6 output tubes. This includes use 6L6, EL34, 6550 or 6V6 output tubes. This includes use 6L6, EL34, 6550 or 6V6 output tubes. This includes use 6L6, EL34, 6550 or 6V6 output tubes. This includes use 6L6, EL34, 6550 or 6V6 output tubes. This includes Marshall™ 50 and 100 watt tube amps, Fender® Super Marshall™ 50 and 100 watt tube amps, Fender® Super Marshall™ 50 and 100 watt tube amps, Fender® Super Marshall™ 50 and 100 watt tube amps, Fender® Super Marshall™ 50 and 100 watt tube amps, Fender® Super Reverb, Deluxe Reverb, Pro Reverb, Twin Reverb, Reverb, Deluxe Reverb, Pro Reverb, Twin Reverb, Reverb, Deluxe Reverb, Pro Reverb, Twin Reverb, Reverb, Deluxe Reverb, Pro Reverb, Twin Reverb, Reverb, Deluxe Reverb, Pro Reverb, Twin Reverb, Bassman, Showman, Tweed Pro (5E5-A), Hot Rod Bassman, Showman, Tweed Pro (5E5-A), Hot Rod Bassman, Showman, Tweed Pro (5E5-A), Hot Rod Bassman, Showman, Tweed Pro (5E5-A), Hot Rod Bassman, Showman, Tweed Pro (5E5-A), Hot Rod Deluxe, Hi-Watt 50 and 100 watt amps, Sound City 50 Deluxe, Hi-Watt 50 and 100 watt amps, Sound City 50 Deluxe, Hi-Watt 50 and 100 watt amps, Sound City 50 Deluxe, Hi-Watt 50 and 100 watt amps, Sound City 50 Deluxe, Hi-Watt 50 and 100 watt amps, Sound City 50 and 100 watt amps, all Rivera amps, Jim Kelley, Soldano and 100 watt amps, all Rivera amps, Jim Kelley, Soldano and 100 watt amps, all Rivera amps, Jim Kelley, Soldano and 100 watt amps, all Rivera amps, Jim Kelley, Soldano and 100 watt amps, all Rivera amps, Jim Kelley, Soldano SLO and Hot Rod Series amps, Mesa/Boogie 50 and SLO and Hot Rod Series amps, Mesa/Boogie 50 and SLO and Hot Rod Series amps, Mesa/Boogie 50 and SLO and Hot Rod Series amps, Mesa/Boogie 50 and SLO and Hot Rod Series amps, Mesa/Boogie 50 and 100 watt amps, Bogner, VHT, etc... 100 watt amps, Bogner, VHT, etc... 100 watt amps, Bogner, VHT, etc... 100 watt amps, Bogner, VHT, etc... 100 watt amps, Bogner, VHT, etc...

Yellow Jackets® converters are NOT to be used in Yellow Jackets® converters are NOT to be used in Yellow Jackets® converters are NOT to be used in Yellow Jackets® converters are NOT to be used in Yellow Jackets® converters are NOT to be used in amplifiers with extremely high plate voltages such as amplifiers with extremely high plate voltages such as amplifiers with extremely high plate voltages such as amplifiers with extremely high plate voltages such as amplifiers with extremely high plate voltages such as Marshall™ Majors, Ampeg SVTs, Hi-Watt 200s and Marshall™ Majors, Ampeg SVTs, Hi-Watt 200s and Marshall™ Majors, Ampeg SVTs, Hi-Watt 200s and Marshall™ Majors, Ampeg SVTs, Hi-Watt 200s and Marshall™ Majors, Ampeg SVTs, Hi-Watt 200s and Orange 120s. These amplifiers have too high a plate Orange 120s. These amplifiers have too high a plate Orange 120s. These amplifiers have too high a plate Orange 120s. These amplifiers have too high a plate Orange 120s. These amplifiers have too high a plate voltage and will damage the EL84s and possibly the voltage and will damage the EL84s and possibly the voltage and will damage the EL84s and possibly the voltage and will damage the EL84s and possibly the voltage and will damage the EL84s and possibly the Yellow Jackets® converters themselves. While the Yellow Jackets® converters themselves. While the Yellow Jackets® converters themselves. While the Yellow Jackets® converters themselves. While the Yellow Jackets® converters themselves. While the Yellow Jackets® converters each reduce the plate and Yellow Jackets® converters each reduce the plate and Yellow Jackets® converters each reduce the plate and Yellow Jackets® converters each reduce the plate and Yellow Jackets® converters each reduce the plate and screen voltages by 100 volts, this would still make the screen voltages by 100 volts, this would still make the screen voltages by 100 volts, this would still make the screen voltages by 100 volts, this would still make the screen voltages by 100 volts, this would still make the plate voltage too high in certain amplifiers. If you are plate voltage too high in certain amplifiers. If you are plate voltage too high in certain amplifiers. If you are plate voltage too high in certain amplifiers. If you are plate voltage too high in certain amplifiers. If you are not sure if this Yellow Jackets® converter will work in not sure if this Yellow Jackets® converter will work in not sure if this Yellow Jackets® converter will work in not sure if this Yellow Jackets® converter will work in not sure if this Yellow Jackets® converter will work in your amp, please feel free to contact us either by phone your amp, please feel free to contact us either by phone your amp, please feel free to contact us either by phone your amp, please feel free to contact us either by phone your amp, please feel free to contact us either by phone or by e-mail. We will be happy to advise you on your or by e-mail. We will be happy to advise you on your or by e-mail. We will be happy to advise you on your or by e-mail. We will be happy to advise you on your or by e-mail. We will be happy to advise you on your individual situation. individual situation. individual situation. individual situation. individual situation.

Amplifiers which vary the bias voltage to create a tremolo Amplifiers which vary the bias voltage to create a tremolo Amplifiers which vary the bias voltage to create a tremolo Amplifiers which vary the bias voltage to create a tremolo Amplifiers which vary the bias voltage to create a tremolo effect will not have any tremolo effect when using Yel- effect will not have any tremolo effect when using Yel- effect will not have any tremolo effect when using Yel- effect will not have any tremolo effect when using Yel- effect will not have any tremolo effect when using Yel- low Jackets®. This includes the Fender® Vibro-Champ, low Jackets®. This includes the Fender® Vibro-Champ, low Jackets®. This includes the Fender® Vibro-Champ, low Jackets®. This includes the Fender® Vibro-Champ, low Jackets®. This includes the Fender® Vibro-Champ, Brown Deluxe Amp (6G3), Princeton, Tremolux (5G9, Brown Deluxe Amp (6G3), Princeton, Tremolux (5G9, Brown Deluxe Amp (6G3), Princeton, Tremolux (5G9, Brown Deluxe Amp (6G3), Princeton, Tremolux (5G9, Brown Deluxe Amp (6G3), Princeton, Tremolux (5G9, 6G9), and Vibrolux (5F11, 6G11) to name a few. 6G9), and Vibrolux (5F11, 6G11) to name a few. 6G9), and Vibrolux (5F11, 6G11) to name a few. 6G9), and Vibrolux (5F11, 6G11) to name a few. 6G9), and Vibrolux (5F11, 6G11) to name a few.

If your amp uses 6V6 output tubes and you do not want If your amp uses 6V6 output tubes and you do not want If your amp uses 6V6 output tubes and you do not want If your amp uses 6V6 output tubes and you do not want If your amp uses 6V6 output tubes and you do not want a reduction in power, you need YJ20 Yellow Jackets® a reduction in power, you need YJ20 Yellow Jackets® a reduction in power, you need YJ20 Yellow Jackets® a reduction in power, you need YJ20 Yellow Jackets® a reduction in power, you need YJ20 Yellow Jackets® converters. If your amp uses 7591 tubes, you should use converters. If your amp uses 7591 tubes, you should use converters. If your amp uses 7591 tubes, you should use converters. If your amp uses 7591 tubes, you should use converters. If your amp uses 7591 tubes, you should use YJ7591 Yellow Jackets® converters. The correct unit can YJ7591 Yellow Jackets® converters. The correct unit can YJ7591 Yellow Jackets® converters. The correct unit can YJ7591 Yellow Jackets® converters. The correct unit can YJ7591 Yellow Jackets® converters. The correct unit can be obtained from your local dealer or from us. be obtained from your local dealer or from us. be obtained from your local dealer or from us. be obtained from your local dealer or from us. be obtained from your local dealer or from us.

Thank you once again for buying our products. With- Thank you once again for buying our products. With- Thank you once again for buying our products. With- Thank you once again for buying our products. With- Thank you once again for buying our products. With- out customers like you, we would have nothing to do out customers like you, we would have nothing to do out customers like you, we would have nothing to do out customers like you, we would have nothing to do out customers like you, we would have nothing to do all day. all day. all day. all day. all day. - All the folks at CE Manufacturing, LLC - All the folks at CE Manufacturing, LLC - All the folks at CE Manufacturing, LLC - All the folks at CE Manufacturing, LLC - All the folks at CE Manufacturing, LLC

CE Manufacturing, LLC CE Manufacturing, LLC CE Manufacturing, LLC CE Manufacturing, LLC CE Manufacturing, LLC 6221 S. Maple Avenue 6221 S. Maple Avenue 6221 S. Maple Avenue 6221 S. Maple Avenue 6221 S. Maple Avenue Tempe, AZ 85283 Tempe, AZ 85283 Tempe, AZ 85283 Tempe, AZ 85283 Tempe, AZ 85283 Phone: 480.755.4712 Phone: 480.755.4712 Phone: 480.755.4712 Phone: 480.755.4712 Phone: 480.755.4712 Fax: 800.706.6789 Fax: 800.706.6789 Fax: 800.706.6789 Fax: 800.706.6789 Fax: 800.706.6789 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

THD® and the THD® Logo are registered trademarks of THD Electronics, Ltd and are used by their permis- THD® and the THD® Logo are registered trademarks of THD Electronics, Ltd and are used by their permis- THD® and the THD® Logo are registered trademarks of THD Electronics, Ltd and are used by their permis- THD® and the THD® Logo are registered trademarks of THD Electronics, Ltd and are used by their permis- THD® and the THD® Logo are registered trademarks of THD Electronics, Ltd and are used by their permis- sion. Yellow Jacket® is a registered trademark of CE Manufacturing, LLC. sion. Yellow Jacket® is a registered trademark of CE Manufacturing, LLC. sion. Yellow Jacket® is a registered trademark of CE Manufacturing, LLC. sion. Yellow Jacket® is a registered trademark of CE Manufacturing, LLC. sion. Yellow Jacket® is a registered trademark of CE Manufacturing, LLC.