University of Southern Denmark Policing Football in Sweden Stott, Clifford; Havelund, Jonas; Lundberg, Filip ; Khan, Sammyh; Joern, Lise; Hoggertt, James; Rasmussen, Kristian; Vestergren, Sara Publication date: 2016 Citation for pulished version (APA): Stott, C., Havelund, J., Lundberg, F., Khan, S., Joern, L., Hoggertt, J., Rasmussen, K., & Vestergren, S. (2016). Policing Football in Sweden. Go to publication entry in University of Southern Denmark's Research Portal Terms of use This work is brought to you by the University of Southern Denmark. Unless otherwise specified it has been shared according to the terms for self-archiving. If no other license is stated, these terms apply: • You may download this work for personal use only. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying this open access version If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details and we will investigate your claim. Please direct all enquiries to
[email protected] Download date: 04. Oct. 2021 ENABLE is a research project that draws together an international network of key stakeholders and experts in football safety and security. The primary task of the project has been to undertake a programme of evidence gathering in order to analyse, identify and develop good practice in the management of crowds attending Swedish Professional Football matches. POLICING FOOTBALL IN SWEDEN ENABLING AN EVIDENCE BASED APPROACH. Report academic authorship for citation purposes: Clifford Stott1, Jonas Havelund2, Filip Lundberg3, Sammyh Khan1, Lise Joern2, James Hoggett4, Kristian Rasmussen5 and Sara Vestergren6 1.