{Read} {PDF EPUB} ~download Ruinas by Nina Simone’s Gum by Warren Ellis. The unexpected and inspiring story of a piece of chewing gum. Out 2 September in the UK and 19 October in the US. Pre-order the book now. ‘Warren has turned this memento, snatched from his idol’s piano in a moment of rapture, into a genuine religious artefact.’ . On 1 July 1999, Dr Nina Simone gave a rare performance, fated to be one of her last in Britain. After the show, in a state of transcendent awe, Warren Ellis crept onto the stage and took Simone’s piece of chewed gum from the piano, wrapped it in her stage towel and placed it in a Tower Records bag. The gum remained with Ellis for twenty years – a sacred totem, his creative muse – until 2019, when Nick Cave, his collaborator and great friend, asked him if he had anything he could contribute to Cave’s Stranger Than Kindness exhibition . . . Together they agreed that the gum should be housed in a glass case, as though a holy relic. Fearing it would be damaged or lost, Ellis had it cast in silver and gold, sparking a chain of events that no one could have predicted, transporting him back to his childhood and his relationship to found objects. Nina Simone’s Gum reveals how something seemingly insignificant and disposable can form beautiful connections between people. It is a story about the meaning we bestow on objects and experiences, and how these things can become imbued with spirituality. It is a celebration of the artistic process and the incomparable power of the art born from it – of friendship, understanding and love. Warren Ellis Vinyl, CD & tapes by Warren Ellis at Norman Records. The first ever EP by the mournful power trio of Warren Ellis, and , aka the majestic . UFKUKO, which appears here on the vinyl format for the first time ever, is an excellent example of the group’s magical sound, which seems to emanate from the very skies and seas themselves. reissue. More from: Warren Ellis. Warren Ellis This Train I Ride (Original Soundtrack) All formats sold out - sorry! The score to a new documentary film from Arno Bitschy concerning American women who hopped freight trains in a search for a place they belonged in a country that still had a revolutionary spirit, Bad Seed Warren Ellis constructed This Train I Ride last year as his parent band worked on the brilliant . More from: Warren Ellis. Shazzula, Warren Ellis and Matthias Loibner The Essor - First Film of The Spirits Trilogy. All formats sold out - sorry! The Essor is Part One of Shazzula’s experimental film series, The Spirits Trilogy, designed for installation contexts but also available in your home via this Black Mass Rising DVD. Trippy business, filmed in Mongolia, and featuring a soundtrack by the filmmaker with Matthias Loibner and the big man Warren Ellis! Get deep man. More from: Warren Ellis. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis Kings (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) All formats sold out - sorry! Kings (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis further cements their place as top-of-the-list score writers. The film itself is set in Los Angeles in 1992 directed by Deniz Gamze Ergüven, with whom Warren Ellis has worked before, and stars Halle Berry. Nick Cave and Warren Ellis perfectly capture the tension of the most emotionally volatile time in the city’s history. More from: Warren Ellis. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis Lawless. All formats sold out - sorry! More from: Warren Ellis. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis Loin Des Hommes (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) All formats sold out - sorry! On CD or Gatefold Vinyl from Goliath Entertainment. Nick Cave and Warren Ellis (Bad Seeds, Dirty Three, ) have quite the track record for serene desolate soundtracks. With eight already under the belt previous epics include The Road and The Assassination of Jesse James. The Loin Des Hommes OST stands closer to their work on The Proposition. Bare and emotive strings section with electronic elements. More from: Warren Ellis. Warren Ellis Gauguin (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) All formats sold out - sorry! Warren Ellis is universally acclaimed by now for his partnerships with Nick Cave, both with the Bad Seeds and for their delicate film soundtrack work. For Gaugin, Ellis is scoring solo, using strings and pianos to build gorgeous melancholy constructions. Plus a few Cave / Ellis tracks in there for good measure. CD / LP editions on . More from: Warren Ellis. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis Wind River (Original Score) All formats sold out - sorry! The score to the lyrical new thriller Wind River, created by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis with a beautiful suite of film soundtrack music. The film was directed by Taylor Sheridan and stars Elizabeth Olsen and Jeremy Renner. Cave and Ellis crafted a kind of ghost score from natural elements: the unending wind, punctuated by the sad but peaceful silence of snow. Expect whispers to rising choirs and electronic throbs. CD on Invada / Lakeshore. More from: Warren Ellis. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis War Machine (Original Score) All formats sold out - sorry! You don’t need me to tell you how much of a winner this is going to be. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis, soundtrack scorers to countless high-profile films, have done the appropriate here. The new Netflix film ‘War Machine’ starring Brad Pitt and Tilda Swinton has been given the full eerie synth and strings treatment, like on ‘’ or the ‘Hell Or High Water’ score. They promise dark and light in equal measure. Of course they do. CD on Invada. More from: Warren Ellis. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis Mars (Original Series Soundtrack) All formats sold out - sorry! Nick Cave & Warren Ellis go to space! Mars is the latest screen project to benefit from the pair’s sensitive original scoring; they also contributed the series’ theme song, which involves Cave’s vocals. These two have worked together so many times in so many contexts, they can probably produce high-calibre soundtrack work like this in their sleep. Excellent as ever. The Mars soundtrack is released on Milan. More from: Warren Ellis. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis Hell Or High Water - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. All formats sold out - sorry! The mighty creative partnership that is Nick Cave and Warren Ellis (The Bad Seeds, Grinderman) has been firing on all cylinders for more than a decade now: remarkable stuff. Now they have produced a soundtrack to David Mackenzie’s film Hell Or High Water, a tough and brooding set of music that perfectly suits the film’s tough desert landscape. Released by Milan. More from: Warren Ellis. Warren Ellis Mustang (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) All formats sold out - sorry! Warren Ellis has long been a dab hand at soundtracking films, and for Mustang he steps away from his usual cinematic partner-in-crime Nick Cave. Ellis’ strings lead proceedings, with a good couple of other instruments following up. The results are wonderful, richly layered and with plenty of atmosphere. On the Milan label. More from: Warren Ellis. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis West of Memphis. All formats sold out - sorry! This album features Cave and Ellis’ score for a documentary about the ; three guys who fought to overturn their convictions for the murder of three boys in 1993 after spending eighteen years on death row. With this in mind I was expecting a harrowing trawl through the depths of despair and injustice, yet what we actually get is a series of vivid, melancholic miniatures. The duo’s experience penning soundtracks is especially apparent, with the deceptive simplicity and lightness of touch to the sparsely arranged pieces exuding quiet confidence. The sound palette is fairly consistent throughout; the spare piano and plaintive violin interplay familiar from their work on The Road is joined by some gloriously moody synths and atmospheric loops. For me, the synths and loops provide the essential solvent, making this is a far more satisfying listen than any of their other soundtracks. On some tracks they manage to convey an epic sense of space or suggest a deep well of darkness with apparently the most basic of elements. A most enjoyable listen then, and one that I can imagine appealing to fans of Ryuichi Sakamoto and Harold Budd as well as The Bad Seeds and Dirty Three. >>Wiederentdeckt: „“ von Warren Ellis & Juan José Ryp. Manchmal gibt es Romane, Comics, Filme oder Musik, die in der Zeit ihrer Entstehung durchs Raster fallen. Die veröffentlicht werden und dann einfach – verschwinden. Verschwinden, oder unverdienterweise vergessen werden. Manchmal lohnt sich aber ein zweiter Blick. Vor gut zehn Jahren brachte der britische Comic-Gott und Science-Fiction-Crack Warren Ellis , dem wir Meisterwerke wie „“, „“, „“, „“ und „“ verdanken, eine wahre Flut an neuen Panel-Werken beim US-Verlag Avatar Press heraus, der Heimat von Garth Ennis’ erbarmungslosem postapokalyptischen „Crossed“-Universum und Alan Moores anspruchsvoller Lovecraft-Huldigung „Providence“. Einer der damaligen Ellis-Titel, der die Zeit trotz seiner engen Beziehung zur amerikanischen Politik der Ära George W. Bush bemerkenswert gut überstanden hat, ist „ Black Summer “. Die acht Einzelhefte, die der Spanier Juan José Ryp zeichnete, wurden im Englischen in einem dicken Sammelband zusammengetragen, den man durchaus mal wieder hervorkramen kann. Schließlich beginnt „Black Summer“ mit John Horus, dem mächtigsten und bekanntesten amerikanischen Superhelden, der den US-Präsidenten im Oval Office umbringt, weil Horus den fragwürdigen Anführer der freien Welt für einen Kriminellen hält und faire Neuwahlen möchte, die sein Land in eine bessere, gerechtere Zukunft führen. Die Folgen des blutigen Anschlags, den Horus keineswegs als Staatsstreich sieht und der Frieden und Freiheit zurückbringen soll, sind absehbar. Das US-Militär greift Horus, aber auch seine alten Teamkameraden von den Seven Guns an, die sich ursprünglich einmal durch Hightech-Implantate in Superwesen verwandeln ließen, um gegen Korruption, Söldner und soziale Ungerechtigkeit in ihrer Heimat zu kämpfen. Das ist lange her, und nach Horus’ Aktion führt die Wiedervereinigung der übrigen Seven Guns nur dazu, dass der Konflikt zwischen den Superhelden und der Armee immer brutaler wird und immer mehr Opfer fordert … Juan José Ryp ist genau der richtige Mann, um diesen Konflikt auf amerikanischem Boden, der Russland seine Truppen aktivieren und haufenweise US-Flüchtlinge nach Kanada strömen lässt, visuell darzustellen. Ryp ist so eine Art schmutziger Geoff „Hardboiled“ Darrow, der ebenfalls dem zeichnerischen Detailwahnsinn frönt. Auf diese Weise bebilderte Ryp für die Comic-Märkte dieser Welt u. a. Ellis’ Fantasy-Satire „“, Frank Millers „RoboCop“, „Rogues!“ und „Nancy in Hell“ von El Torres, Peter Milligans „Britannia“, Charlie Hustons „“ sowie Geschichten mit Superman, Batman oder dem Punisher. Ryp besticht dabei nicht als der feinste Storyteller oder der eleganteste Zeichner aller Zeiten, aber sein Stil ist definitiv etwas Besonderes und oft genug ein Hingucker, und sei es nur in Momenten blutiger Materialschlachten. Auch muss man es dem 1971 geborenen Spanier hoch anrechnen, dass er als König des Comic-Gore nicht nur dann massig Details in seine Panels und Seiten packt, wenn Innereien, Extremitäten und anderes durch die Gegend fliegen, sondern so gut wie jede Szene beflissen detailreich gestaltet. Warren Ellis indes bedient sich für „Black Summer“ vor allem an Details seines eigenen Schaffens für das alte WildStorm-Universum, genauer gesagt für die von ihm geprägten Serien „“ und „The Authority“. Diese machten den bärtigen Engländer nach seiner Zeit mit Marvels Mutanten endgültig zum Topautor, da er die US-Superhelden weiter an die raue Wirklichkeit heranführte. Zugleich setzte Ellis auf Konzepte und Figurentypen, die dem Geist der von Jim Lee und Co. dominierten Superhelden-Neunziger folgten. Auf überlebensgroße Super-Teams mit Metas, Mutanten und Aliens, die in ebenso realistischen wie düsteren Szenarien zur komplexen, schmutzigen Welt der Geheimdienste und der Geo-Politik gehören – dank Ellis sprang der Geist dieser Black-Operation-Superheroes ins neue Jahrtausend. Gut möglich und sogar sehr wahrscheinlich, dass Ellis in „Black Summer“ konkret Ideen für „The Authority“ nutzte, die ihm bei WildStorm bzw. DC kein Redakteur hätte durchgehen lassen. Am Ende stehen „The Authority“ und „Black Summer“ gar in der Tradition und dem unentrinnbaren Schatten des Übermeilensteins „Watchmen“, wobei Ellis das Genre auf wesentlich oberflächlichere, leichter verdaulichere dekonstruiert als Moore und da dann doch Welten dazwischen liegen. Die Fragen, die sie stellen, sind dennoch die gleichen: Wer bewacht die Wächter? Wie weit dürfen die Supergötter gehen? Wo verläuft für diese Mächtigen die Grenze? Die plakative Mischung aus realistischen Gefahren und möglichst mächtigen, brutalen Superhelden mit unübersehbar menschlichen Schwächen und Dilemmas – und einem entsprechenden Hang zur Hybris – hat in den 80ern und 90er mit großem Erfolg funktioniert, zündete in der Post-9/11- Welt des Irak-Kriegs, und taugt auch heute noch. Und das ist letztlich das Erstaunliche und Erschreckende an diesem Panel-Werk mit seiner relativ simplen Geschichte einer Gruppe Superhelden, die plötzlich gegen ihr Land und seine Soldaten kämpfen müssen: Ellis hat „Black Summer“ für eine andere Zeit und für einen anderen kritisch betrachteten Präsidenten geschrieben – eigentlich unfassbar, dass sein Comic inklusive der grellen Prämisse und der Frage danach, mit welchen Übeln man andere Übel bekämpfen darf oder nicht, mehr als ein Jahrzehnt später dermaßen aktuell und wirklichkeitsnah wirkt. Und das ist der wahre Grund, wieso „Black Summer“ noch immer aus Mr. Ellis’ Avatar-Schaffen und seiner riesigen Backlist hervorragt. Warren Ellis & Juan Jose Ryp: Black Summer • Avatar Press, Rantoul 2008 • 208 Seiten • Tradepaperback: $24,99 • Sprache: Englisch • Abb: © 2007 Avatar Press. Musical artists similar to or like Warren Ellis (musician) Australian rock band formed in in 1983 by vocalist Nick Cave, multi-instrumentalist and guitarist-vocalist . The band has featured international personnel throughout its career and presently consists of Cave, violinist and multi-instrumentalist Warren Ellis, bassist Martyn P. Casey (all from Australia), guitarist George Vjestica (), keyboardist/percussionist Toby Dammit (United States) and drummers (Switzerland) and (United States). Wikipedia. French musician and composer. Split between studio albums, collaborations and film soundtracks. Wikipedia. Ruinas by Warren Ellis. Warren Ellis is the award-winning writer of graphic novels like TRANSMETROPOLITAN , FELL , and PLANETARY , and the author of the New York Times-bestselling GUN MACHINE , the “ underground classic” novel CROOKED LITTLE VEIN and the Amazon Top 100 novella NORMAL . The movie RED is based on his graphic novel of the same name. He is the writer and co- producer of the Netflix series CASTLEVANIA , now renewed for a fourth season. He lives in south-east England. MANAGER — Angela Cheng Caplan, Cheng Caplan Company. LITERARY AGENT — David Hale Smith at Inkwell Management. LEGAL - Joel VanderKloot at VanderKloot Law. Please note that Warren Ellis no longer attends comics conventions or literary events, nor accepts speaking engagements, and is no longer accessible through social media. Warren Ellis’ newsletter ORBITAL OPERATIONS is currently on hiatus, but can be subscribed to here. Ruinas by Warren Ellis. Warren Ellis is the award-winning writer of graphic novels like TRANSMETROPOLITAN , FELL , MINISTRY OF SPACE and PLANETARY , and the author of the NYT-bestselling GUN MACHINE and the “ underground classic” novel CROOKED LITTLE VEIN , as well as the digital short-story single DEAD PIG COLLECTOR . His newest book is the novella NORMAL , from FSG Originals, listed as one of Amazon’s Best 100 Books Of 2016. The movie RED is based on his graphic novel of the same name, its sequel having been released in summer 2013. 3 is based on his Marvel Comics graphic novel IRON MAN : . He continues to work as a screenwriter and producer in film and television, represented by Angela Cheng Caplan and Cheng Caplan Company. He is the creator, writer and co-producer of the Netflix series CASTLEVANIA , the fourth season of which will be released on Netflix in 2021. He’s written extensively for VICE , WIRED UK and Reuters on technological and cultural matters, and given keynote speeches and lectures at events like dConstruct, ThingsCon, Improving Reality, SxSW, How The Light Gets In, Haunted Machines and Cognitive Cities. Warren Ellis has recently developed and curated the revival of the Wildstorm creative library for DC Entertainment with the series THE WILD , and is currently working on the serialised graphic novel THE BATMAN’S GRAVE for DC Entertainment. A documentary about his work, CAPTURED GHOSTS , was released in 2012. Recognitions include the NUIG Literary and Debating Society’s President’s Medal for service to freedom of speech, the EAGLE AWARDS Roll Of Honour for lifetime achievement in the field of comics & graphic novels, the Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire 2010, the Sidewise Award for Alternate History and the International Horror Guild Award for illustrated narrative. He holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Essex.