Ann. Zool. Fennici 41: 809–821 ISSN 0003-455X Helsinki 20 December 2004 © Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2004

Mate recognition and choice in fireflies

Sara M. Lewis1,*, Christopher K. Cratsley2 & Kristian Demary1

1) Department of Biology, Tufts University, Medford MA 02155, USA (*e-mail: [email protected]) 2) Department of Biology, Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg MA 01420, USA

Received 27 Apr. 2004, revised version received 29 Sep. 2004, accepted 29 May 2004

Lewis, S. M., Cratsley, C. K. & Demary, K. 2004: Mate recognition and choice in Photinus fireflies. — Ann. Zool. Fennici 41: 809–821.

This paper offers a view of firefly mate recognition and choice seen through the lens of recognition system theory. We review the expression and perception of firefly bio- luminescent signals, and describe the photic cues used by Photinus fireflies (Coleop- tera: Lampyridae) in the processes of species recognition (identifying conspecifics) and mate-quality recognition (discriminating among potential conspecific mates). The signal characters used by Photinus females to discriminate among potential mates include flash pulse rate and pulse duration, similar temporal characters to those assessed by females in acoustically signaling . We also review male nuptial gift production and transfer, and describe the relationship found between male flash sig- nals and nuptial gift size for Photinus ignitus. We present evidence of mate choice by Photinus males, which appear to allocate limited resources by rejecting low fecundity females. We assess the potential for postcopulatory female choice to mediate mate acceptance errors by increasing paternity success of higher quality mates, or blocking fertilizations by low quality mates. Finally, we integrate recognition system and mate choice theoretical approaches to develop predictions concerning how various factors will alter both male and female mate acceptance thresholds for Photinus fireflies.

Introduction the evaluator’s internal recognition templates (see Mateo 2004). Lastly, the action component The courtship signals and responses used to describes how the evaluator responds to template recognize and choose among potential mates matching, for example females’ emitting their can be viewed within the framework of recog- own response signal or moving toward a poten- nition systems as encompassing three compo- tial mate (see Liebert & Starks 2004). Because nents (Reeve 1989, Sherman et al. 1997, Starks nocturnal firefly courtship is generally based 2004): expression, perception, and action. To on highly visible bioluminescent signals, these comprehend the expression component, we need insects should be particularly amenable to stud- to identify which signals are used in species ies of mate recognition and choice. and mate-quality recognition, and to understand In many firefly species and other taxa where how these signals are generated (see Tsutsui females mate with multiple males, sexual selec- 2004). The perception component involves the tion continues during and after copulation. evaluator’s peripheral and central signal process- Females may influence which of several mating ing, including matching incoming signals with males will sire their offspring (Eberhard 1996), 810 Lewis et al. • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 41 and males may strategically allocate limited tory choice. Finally, we present an integrated resources among females (Simmons 2001). Such conceptual framework that incorporates both peri- and post-copulatory choice is likely to rely pre-copulatory and post-copulatory choices, and on signals in entirely different sensory chan- offer some predictions about factors likely to nels than pre-copulatory choice, and such multi- influence mate quality acceptance thresholds in modal information has the potential to provide both sexes. more reliable assessments of mate quality. Reeve’s (1989) optimal acceptance threshold model provides a useful framework for studying Expression and perception of plasticity of pre-mating choice, and could be bioluminescent signals extended to include post-mating choice. The cen- tral problem for mate recognition is to identify an A comprehensive cladistic analysis of the acceptance threshold that optimally balances two family Lampyridae indicates that nocturnal types of discrimination errors: rejection error activity and bioluminescent sexual signals are (in this context, rejecting a suitable mate) and derived traits, as basal taxa are diurnal and acceptance error (accepting an unsuitable mate). mainly rely on pheromones for sexual commu- These reciprocally-related discrimination errors nication (Branham & Wenzel 2003). However, are analogous to type I and type II errors in sta- many extant species consist of flashing fireflies tistical hypothesis-testing, and likewise the opti- that use discrete bioluminescent flashes during mal balance will depend on the consequences sexual advertisement and courtship to convey (costs) of making such errors. Major factors information concerning species identity, sex, and likely to influence the consequences of mate mate quality. These precisely timed flashes are discrimination errors include ecological factors produced within an abdominal lantern by chemi- impacting mate search costs, such as operational luminescent reactions that are fueled by oxygen sex ratios and predation intensity, as well as vari- and ATP (reviewed by Wilson & Hastings 1998). ous factors that alter fitness gains, such as mate Only adult fireflies are capable of such precise quality distributions and evaluator condition. on-off flash control, and adult lanterns show sev- Peri- and post-copulatory female choices have eral anatomical features absent from larval lan- the potential to be critical steps in mate quality terns (Ghiradella 1998). Bioluminescent sexual assessment, because these processes may allow signaling in the Lampyridae appears to be an females to rectify previous mate choice accept- exaptation originating from the glows produced ance errors. by larval lanterns, which continue to function In this paper, we briefly review the expres- as an aposematic warning display for unpalat- sion and perception components of firefly flash able larvae (Branham & Wenzel 2003, De Cock signals; the physiological basis of flash produc- & Matthyson 2003). In adult fireflies, a flash is tion and sensory perception have been com- triggered by neural impulses that stimulate syn- prehensively reviewed elsewhere (Case 1984, aptic release of the neurotransmitter octopamine Carlson & Copeland 1985). We then discuss in the firefly lantern. Recent work suggests that the photic signaling system used in species rec- octopamine release causes a transient increase in ognition and mate-quality recognition in North production of nitric oxide, a rapidly diffusing gas American Photinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampy- that may switch on the flash by allowing oxygen ridae), a group that has been particularly well- to reach the luciferin-luciferase reactants housed studied. Although similar bioluminescent signals within the lantern photocytes (Trimmer et al. are used for sexual advertisement and courtship 2001, Aprille et al. 2004). Thus, adult firefly lan- in other lampyrids, many variants of photic and terns are both anatomically and physiologically pheromonal communication systems exist in this specialized to produce the precisely timed photic family (Lloyd 1997, Branham & Wenzel 2003, signals used in sexual communication. Ohba 2004). We next review what is currently Signal detection ability is enhanced by sev- known about pre-mating choice in Photinus fire- eral anatomical features of firefly eyes (reviewed flies, and discuss the potential for post-copula- by Case 1984). Like most night-active insects, ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 41 • Mate recognition and choice in Photinus fireflies 811

1.7 fireflies have superposition eyes, in which a clear a zone between the corneal lens and the sensory components increases light-gathering potential. 1.5

Furthermore, eye size is sexually dimorphic in ) many fireflies, with males having considerably 1.3 larger eyes than females of the same species

(Case 1984; Fig. 1). Since larger eyes are cor- Eye span (mm related with smaller interommatidial angles, this 1.1 suggests that males are subject to stronger selec- tion than females for visual resolution and/or 0.9 accurate distance perception. 4 5 6 7 8 Signal-to-noise ratios are maximized for 2.0 detection of conspecific flashes by close spectral b tuning between each species’ visual sensitivity peak and its bioluminescence emission (Lall et al. 1980a, Case 1984). Noise is also minimized by a spectral shift toward yellow flashes among 1.5 crepuscular species, in contrast to the green

flashes produced by fully nocturnal species. Eye span (mm) This pattern suggests selection for increased signal detection at dusk against an ambient back- ground that includes green foliage (Lall et al. 1.0 5 6 7 8 9 1980b). In P. pyralis, females appear to use a Elytra length (mm) single chromatic receptor to detect conspecific males, indicating that flash color is unlikely Fig. 1. Sexual dimorphism in eye size for (a) Photinus to be an important parameter in Photinus sig- marginellus and (b) Photinus aquilonius. For both spe- cies, eye span (measured as distance between outer naling systems (Lall & Worthy 2000). A close margins of left and right eyes) is shown relative to elytra correspondence between the compound eye’s length for males (circles) and females (triangles). electroretinographic spectral sensitivity and the action spectrum of Photinus females’ behavioral flash response (Case 1984, Lall & Worthy 2000) tion that is repeated at fixed intervals. In other indicates a tight linkage between female flash species, males emit multiple-pulsed flash pat- perception and female action components. terns consisting of two to several short pulses delivered at various rates, with flash patterns again repeated at fixed intervals (see Fig. 3 Photinus flash signaling and for terminology). The action component of the species recognition female response to an appropriate male signal consists of a single response flash given at a The spectacular bioluminescent displays of species-specific time delay; in a few Photinus Photinus fireflies consist of sexual advertise- species, this female response contains multiple ment flashes produced by roving males to locate pulses (Fig. 2). sedentary females (Lloyd 1966; Fig. 2). Thus, Sympatric Photinus species often differ in Photinus males act both as primary signalers and their breeding habitats, mating seasons, or time as searchers. These species-specific, tempera- window occupied by their nightly flight peri- ture-dependent male flash signals are temporally ods (Lloyd 1966). In addition to these spatial coded, a feature shared with the acoustic and and temporal isolating mechanisms, flash pat- vibratory signals used in courtship by many tern specificity among co-occurring species sug- insects (Greenfield 2002). Male signals in most gests that there has been reproductive character North American Photinus species consist of a displacement on the expression component of single pulse ranging from 100 to 750 msec dura- firefly flash signals to reduce interspecific dis- 812 Lewis et al. • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 41

Male flash pattern Female response (seconds) (seconds)

Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 56 7 8 9

marginellus Fig. 2. Species differences

sabulosus in Photinus male flash signals (left) and female pyralis response flashes (right; note different time scales). umbratus Female flash responses collustrans are timed from initiation of the last pulse in the ignitus male flash pattern (open symbols indicate optional consanguineus responses). Signal timing is temperature-dependent, greeni so timing shown is approx- macdermotti imate (temperatures rang- ing from 19–24 °C). Modi- consimilis fied from Lloyd 1966, with additional data from Lloyd carolinus 1969, Branham & Green- field 1996, Copeland & Time Mosieff 1995.

pulse interval pulse duration Although most Photinus females are capable of flight, during courtship they respond to male signals from perches in vegetation; a few spe- cies have brachypterous females that cannot fly. flash interval When a male detects a female reply, he moves toward her and signals again. The male generally response delay lands after a few flash exchanges, and the flash dialog continues as he approaches the female on foot. Courtship dialogs appear to involve only visual cues, as females in airtight containers as well as males lacking antennae engage in normal Fig. 3. Terminology used to describe Photinus flash dialogs (Lloyd 1966, Carlson & Copeland 1978). signals (based on Lloyd 1966). However, there is anecdotal evidence that once males contact a female, chemical or tactile sig- nals may be used for short-range species dis- crimination errors (Lloyd 1966, 1997). Photinus crimination (Lloyd 1966). fireflies recognize conspecific signals based pri- Some intriguing departures from the flash marily on temporal characteristics of the male signaling system described above occur in cer- flash pattern, rather than other signal attributes tain Photinus species. In P. macdermotti, males such as flash color, flash kinetics, or spatial ges- emit one flash pattern during patrolling flight and ture (Buck 1937, Lloyd 1966). Photinus females switch to a different flash pattern during courtship have been shown to identify males of their own (Lloyd 1969, Carlson et al. 1976). In P. carolinus species based on pulse duration, pulse rate, and and P. knulli, males within a population temporar- pulse number, while males identify conspecific ily synchronize their flash signals while searching females on the basis of female response delay for females (Cicero 1983, Copeland & Moiseff (Buck 1937, Lloyd 1966, Case 1984, Carlson & 1995). As in the case of mass synchrony by sed- Copeland 1985). entary males in southeast Asian Pteroptyx fireflies ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 41 • Mate recognition and choice in Photinus fireflies 813

(Buck 1938, 1988), the role of such synchrony in abdominal lantern toward a specific male (Lloyd species recognition, mate competition, and mate 1966, Buck & Buck 1972, Vencl & Carlson choice remains a fascinating area of study. 1998). Studies have shown that in these com- petitive courtships, males that end up mating are the ones that elicit more female flash responses Intraspecific signal variation and (Lewis & Wang 1991, Vencl & Carlson 1998, female mate choice Cratsley & Lewis 2004). Flash dialogs continue until the male and female make physical contact, As discussed above, Photinus females use male after which mounting usually takes place imme- flash advertisements to identify conspecific diately; under some circumstances males may males. Females also discriminate among males reject females (see below), but only rarely do of their own species, and such discrimination females reject males after contact. Since copu- appears to be based on some of the same flash lations last beyond the male flight period, both signal characters shown to be important in spe- sexes are limited to a single mating each night. cies recognition. Thus, species recognition and Thus, female mate choice involves perception mate-quality recognition may not represent dis- and assessment of male flash signals, with pref- tinct processes in fireflies, but rather a continuum erential response based on signal characters. (Ryan & Rand 1993). Although relatively few species have been Prior to mating, Photinus females have mul- studied in detail (Table 1), considerable intra- tiple opportunities to assess male flash signals. specific variation in male signal characters has Male flight periods in most species last ~1 h, and been found to underlie the species-specificity of male–female courtship dialogs after males have Photinus flash codes (Carlson & Copeland 1985, landed often continue for more than an hour Cratsley 2004). Pulse duration varies among (Carlson et al. 1976, Lloyd 1979). These ongo- males in the single-pulse flash patterns of P. ing dialogs attract additional males, and under pyralis and P. ignitus (Cratsley 2000, Cratsley & the male-biased sex ratios typical of early mating Lewis 2003), as well as in P. consimilis, a species season, females may attract a small coterie of in which males produce multiple-pulse flash pat- suitors (Vencl & Carlson 1998). During court- terns (Branham & Greenfield 1996). In P. greeni ships involving several males, females show and P. macdermotti, male signals consist of preferential response to particular conspecific paired pulses (Fig. 2), and males exhibit different flashes, and signaling females often aim their interpulse intervals (Buck & Buck 1972, Carlson

Table 1. Summary of evidence from different Photinus fireflies concerning whether particular male bioluminescent flash characters demonstrate intraspecific variation, female discrimination among signals within their species range, and correlation with male nuptial gift size.

Male flash characters

Pulse duration Pulse rate

Evidence for: Intraspecific variation P. consimilis 1 P. consimilis 1 P. ignitus 2 P. greeni 4 P. macdermotti 5 Female preference For longer duration: For faster pulse rate: P. ignitus 2 P. consimilis 1 P. pyralis 3 For intermediate pulse rate: P. greeni 4 P. macdermotti 5 Correlation with nuptial gift P. ignitus 2 no data

1 Branham & Greenfield 1996, 2 Cratsley & Lewis 2003, 3 Cratsley 2000, 4 Buck & Buck 1972, Buck & Case 1986, 5 Carlson et al. 1976. 814 Lewis et al. • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 41

100 a 100 b

75 75

50 50 Fig. 4. Female prefer- ence (measured as % 25 25 response) for flash char-

Female response (%) acters tested with artificial 0 0 photic stimuli: — a: Photi- 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 nus ignitus pulse duration; Pulse duration (msec) Pulse interval (msec) — b: P. greeni interpulse 100 c 100 d interval; — c: P. consimi- 90 lis pulse duration; — d: P. 75 consimilis pulse rate. Hori- 80 zontal lines and triangle 50 70 indicate population range and mean for male flash 25 60 Female response (%) characters (modified from Buck & Case 1986, Bran- 50 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 2.2 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.2 ham & Greenfield 1996, Pulse duration (msec) Pulse rate (sec–1) Cratsley & Lewis 2003). et al. 1976). P. consimilis males also differ in also been shown to respond preferentially to their pulse rates (Branham & Greenfield 1996). higher intensity flash signals (Vencl & Carlson There may be also be intraspecific variation in 1998, Cratsley 2000, Cratsley & Lewis 2003). other flash characters, such as spatial gesture and However, because perceived intensity varies flash kinetics (rate of intensity rise and decay), with male distance, females could only use flash but these attributes have not yet been examined. intensity to assess male quality when they also The signal characters used by females to have reliable distance information; while fully discriminate among potential mates have been nocturnal species would lack such distance cues, isolated using photic playback experiments in they might be present in crepuscular species. P. several Photinus species (Fig. 4). In two species pyralis females also respond preferentially to with single-pulse male signals, P. ignitus and P. the leading signal when simulated male flashes pyralis, females respond preferentially to flashes are presented out of synchrony (Vencl & Carl- with longer pulse durations (Cratsley 2000, Crat- son 1998), but additional work is needed to see sley & Lewis 2003), although female response whether males vary consistently in their tendency rates decline for signal durations that lie outside to produce either a leading or lagging signal. the conspecific range (Fig. 4a). In those Photi- Species recognition and mate-quality recog- nus species with multiple-pulse male signals, nition operate simultaneously as agents of selec- females appear to discriminate on the basis of tion on male signaling traits, and the shape of pulse rate, rather than pulse duration. In P. con- female preference functions may provide some similis, females show higher response rates to insight into the relative importance of these signals with faster pulse rates (Fig. 4d), and their processes (Ryan & Rand 1993). In the context of response flashes contain more pulses (Branham species recognition, female preference functions & Greenfield 1996, Greenfield 2002). P. consi- are expected to be unimodal, favoring male sig- milis females appear less sensitive to differences nals closer to the population mean as females are in pulse duration (Fig. 4c). Females also respond selected to minimize acceptance errors. How- differentially to signals with varying interpulse ever, in mate quality contexts, females often intervals in P. macdermotti (Carlson et al. 1976) choose male signals above the population mean and P. greeni (Buck & Buck 1972, Buck & Case (Andersson 1994, Sherman et al. 1997). Female 1986); in these species, signals with intermediate preferences for longer male pulse durations (P. interpulse intervals appear to be preferred (Fig. ignitus, P. pyralis) and faster pulse rates (P. 4b). In testing situations, Photinus females have consimilis) above their respective population ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 41 • Mate recognition and choice in Photinus fireflies 815 means are consistent with this pattern. In these (Rooney & Lewis 1999), and this nutritional instances, female mate choice produces direc- contribution results in increased fecundity for tional selection on male flash characters, which multiply-mated females (Rooney & Lewis 2002). may be balanced at the upper end by selec- Based on this direct fitness benefit, Photinus tion for species recognition. Based on female females are expected to continue foraging for preference functions, female discrimination of matings even after they have acquired sufficient interpulse intervals in P. greeni and P. macder- sperm to fertilize their eggs. Male spermatophore motti may serve mainly for species recognition, size is likely to be an important aspect of male although further work is needed to determine quality. While females in many gift-giving insects the range of natural intraspecific variation in can directly evaluate externally presented nuptial this species complex. In general, the degree of gifts (Andersson 1994), female fireflies appear to spatial and temporal overlap between firefly spe- rely on male flash signals to predict nuptial gift cies should determine the relative importance size (Cratsley & Lewis 2003, Cratsley 2004). In of species vs. mate recognition errors in flash P. ignitus, males producing courtship flashes with signaling systems. Additional studies of female longer durations also deliver larger spermato- preference functions (e.g. Branham & Greenfield phores, indicating that at least in this species, tem- 1996, Cratsley & Lewis 2003) should provide poral flash characters can serve as an honest indi- further insight into these processes. cator of mate quality based on material resources. In summary, Photinus fireflies appear to rely Of course, this material fitness gain does not pre- on the photic equivalents of many of the same clude the possibility of genetic benefits from mate temporal signal characters that are involved in choice; for example, males producing larger sper- mate choice of acoustically signaling insects. matophores may also be genetically superior in In many insects, females prefer longer signals terms of their larval resource acquisition ability. and higher signal rates, perhaps revealing a gen- eral preference for high energy male signals (Greenfield 2002). Assuming that high energy Female fecundity and male signals are costly (e.g. require greater metabolic assessment of mate quality expenditure or incur greater predation risk), such male signals may act as honest indicators of male When males face constraints on reproductive genetic quality and/or phenotypic condition. resources, selection is also expected to favor male mate choice (Bonduriansky 2001, Sim- mons 2001). Photinus males show a monotonic Male nuptial gifts and female decline in spermatophore size across consecutive assessment of mate quality matings (Cratsley et al. 2003), indicating that older males have limited resources available for In the context of mate choice, male signal vari- reproduction. Whereas early in the mating season ation may be used to assess a male’s quality Photinus males almost always proceed to copu- on the basis of indirect benefits (genetic quality late with any female they contact, later males can or compatibility) or direct benefits (resources). be seen to reject certain females after antennating Direct benefits may be of particular economic and mounting them. These rejected females were importance in Photinus fireflies, because most found to have significantly fewer eggs in their species lack adult feeding (Lloyd 1997). Thus, ovaries as compared with the females accepted all the energy required for reproduction needs to as mates (Cratsley & Lewis 2004). These obser- come from resources acquired as larvae. Photinus vations suggest that older firefly males might males provide a nuptial gift to females consisting assess several potential mates, and allocate their of a protein-rich spermatophore that is transferred limited resources by rejecting any females with internally during copulation (van der Reijden et low fecundity. Male mate choice in other insects al. 1996, Lewis et al. 2004). In P. ignitus, females often relies on tactile or chemical cues (Bonduri- allocate the majority of spermatophore-derived ansky 2001), and male fireflies may use abdomi- protein to provision their developing oocytes nal curvature to assess female fecundity. 816 Lewis et al. • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 41

ences in female reproductive status or fecundity (Bondurianksy 2001). This strategic allocation of male resources has been called cryptic male choice (Simmons 2001), and is likely to evolve in species with high male mating effort or paren- tal investment. Thus, both sexes may use peri- or post-copulatory mate-quality recognition to fine- tune their previous mate choice decisions. In most Photinus species studied to date, females mate with multiple males (the monan- drous females of P. collustrans are an exception; Wing 1984), so the potential exists for post- copulatory female choice. In addition, the pres- Fig. 5. Differences in female reproductive tract anatomy ence of male nuptial gifts is expected to select between (a) P. greeni and (b) P. ignitus. In both spe- for females to mate multiply to gain material cies, males deposit their spermatophore in the female’s benefits, and subsequently exercise post-copula- bursa copulatrix (Bc). Sperm is stored in the primary tory choice. Photinus females might assess the spermatheca (Spt). P. greeni females have evolved an additional structure for sperm storage, the secondary quality of a male, or his spermatophore, through spermatheca (2° Spt), which is situated closer to the tactile or chemical signals exchanged during pro- entrance of the common oviduct (Co) where fertilization longed copulations, which can last up to 8 hours occurs. Scale bars = 200 µm. (Wing 1985, Lewis & Wang 1991). Females’ ability to determine fertilization outcomes will be influenced by their reproductive morphology. Potential for post-copulatory In other insects, females are able to differen- choice tially store sperm from several mates in multiple sperm storage organs within the reproductive In species where both sexes mate multiple times, tract (Hellriegel & Bernasconi 2000). Among several additional action components may take Photinus species there are some striking differ- place during or after copulation. Cryptic female ences in female reproductive morphology (Fig. choice refers to females differentially accepting, 5). After mating, sperm are typically stored in a storing, or using sperm from particular mates spherical storage organ, the spermatheca, which (Eberhard 1996, Simmons 2001). Unlike longer is located at the anterior end of the reproductive range advertisement and courtship signals, recog- tract. In P. greeni, females have an additional nition cues produced and perceived during copu- site for sperm storage (the secondary spermath- lation (known as copulatory courtship) are likely eca) located closer to the oviduct entrance, the to use short-range chemical, tactile, or vibratory presumed site of egg fertilization. If Photinus channels (Eberhard 1991). These cues may pro- females can differentially store sperm in these vide additional information about mate quality, compartments, this could bias paternity toward which females could use to increase the paternity particular mates. Cryptic male choice might be success of higher quality mates, or to block ferti- accomplished by males adjusting the size of their lizations by lower quality mates. In several other spermatophore after assessing female condition; insects, including Dryomiza flies (Otronen 1997), opportunity for such male adjustments exist as Tribolium flour (Edvardsson & Arnqvist spermatophore components are assembled within 2000), and Diabrotica cucumber beetles (Tal- the male reproductive tract and transferred during lamy 2003), male behaviors during copulation the first 30 min of copulation (van der Reijden et have been shown to be associated with increased al. 1997). Studies are currently underway to male paternity success. Males may also alter determine the extent to which female post-copu- their allocation of sperm or accessory gland latory choice and male cryptic choice occur, as products during copulation in response to differ- well as what signals might be involved. ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 41 • Mate recognition and choice in Photinus fireflies 817

Firefly mate choice and 1983, Pitcher et al. 2003). Finally, mutual mate recognition systems choice by both sexes appears to be widespread in insects (Bonduriansky 2001). When both sexes A central focus in recognition systems is locating discriminate among potential mates, single sex an acceptance threshold that optimally balances optimization models are less applicable than acceptance and rejection errors in a dichotomous dynamic game approaches (e.g. Parker 1983, choice situation between suitable and unsuitable Johnstone 1997). mates that have overlapping cue-dissimilarity In recognition system terminology (Reeve distributions (Reeve 1989, Sherman et al. 1997). 1989), both male and female Photinus can be cat- The optimal acceptance threshold model for egorized as ‘search-and-settle’ evaluators, since ‘search-and-settle’ actors (evaluators) predicts both sexes can only accept a single mate per night. that the optimal threshold for template-recogni- Both sexes also have opportunities to sample tion cue dissimilarity will become less restrictive many potential mates. During each nightly flight with either: (1) decreased fitness benefit from period, males have the opportunity to sequentially accepting a desirable recipient (cue-bearer), or assess several females, while stationary females (2) increased search cost. can assess and differentially respond to multiple Mate choice theory offers a complementary males that are signaling simultaneously in their perspective on factors influencing acceptance vicinity. Prolonged courtship dialogs may even thresholds when such thresholds are situated provide females with an opportunity to repeatedly along a continuous distribution of mate quality assess the same male’s signals in order to gain a (Parker 1983, Real 1990, 1991, Gibson & Langen more accurate assessment of male quality (Lutt- 1996, Jennions & Petrie 1997, Johnstone 1997). beg 1996). In addition to these sex differences In both recognition system and mate choice in sequential vs. simultaneous mate assessment, theoretical frameworks, increased search costs search costs are markedly asymmetrical. Photi- are predicted to lead to lower mate selectivity nus males not only incur higher energetic costs (Parker 1983, Reeve 1989, Real 1990). Search of flight and signaling, but also are differentially costs can either be direct (search time, energy exposed to higher predation risk from spiders and expenditure, and predation risk) or opportunity bats (Lloyd 1973). Additionally, Photinus males costs, such as lost mating opportunities (Real are specifically targeted by predatory Photuris 1990). Mate choice theory also considers several fireflies, whose females lure their prey by faculta- relevant parameters likely to affect fitness gains tively mimicking the flash responses produced by from choice. One such parameter is variance in Photinus females (Lloyd 1979, 1997). mate quality distributions, with increased vari- Integrating aspects of recognition and mate ance predicted to increase acceptance thresholds choice theory allows us to make several predic- (Parker 1983, Real 1990). In models of sequen- tions concerning the context-dependence of mate tial mate search with time constraints, the mate- acceptance thresholds in fireflies (Fig. 6). The quality threshold is predicted to decline as the acceptance thresholds of Photinus females are mating period or mating season progresses (Real predicted to be more restrictive when operational 1990, Johnstone 1997). Several additional fac- sex ratios become more male-biased, and when tors have been predicted to alter a female’s mate either mean or variance in male quality (nuptial acceptance threshold (Jennions & Petrie 1997), gift size) is higher. Additionally, temporal shifts including differences in female condition; poorer in female thresholds are expected, such that condition females should be less discriminat- females are predicted to be more restrictive early ing. The trade-up hypothesis suggests that when during the nightly mating period as well as ear- females encounter potential mates sequentially, lier in the mating season. Finally, virgin females virgin females should have a low threshold to are predicted to be less discriminating than pre- ensure fertilization, but may trade up to higher viously-mated females. quality males in subsequent matings by using The acceptance thresholds for mate choice increasingly restrictive thresholds (Halliday are similarly predicted to depend on operational 818 Lewis et al. • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 41

Female acceptance threshold

More restrictive Less restrictive male-biased OSR female-biased larger Mean nuptial gift benefit smaller high variation Variation in male quality low variation early Mating period & season late mated Female reproductive status virgin

Male acceptance threshold

More restrictive Less restrictive female-biased OSR male-biased high variation Variation in female quality low variation Fig. 6. Predicted determi- early Mating period & season late nants of mate acceptance low Male residual reproductive value high thresholds for both sexes low risk Other predation high risk in Photinus fireflies (see high risk Photuris predation low risk text for explanation).

sex ratios, variance in female quality, and time ance thresholds. Early during each nightly flight remaining in the mating period and season. Fur- period, female response rate (both to males as thermore, males with low residual reproduc- well as to simulated flashes) is low, but females tive value due to declining male resources for become more responsive after males stop flying spermatophore production are predicted to have (S. M. Lewis unpubl. data). A related shift in more restrictive thresholds. Finally, while males acceptance thresholds occurs seasonally, with clearly bear the burden of mate search costs, female response rate increasing as the opera- predators differ in their predicted effects on tional sex ratio (availability of potential mates) acceptance thresholds; for most types of preda- declines (Lewis & Wang 1991, Cratsley & Lewis tors, increased predation will raise search costs 2004). Both of these shifts toward more permis- and thus should lower mate acceptance thresh- sive female acceptance thresholds are consistent olds. However, in the case of increased predation with model predictions of sequential mate choice due to flash-mimicking Photuris females, males involving finite mating periods (Real 1990). are predicted to raise their acceptance threshold Relaxed female acceptance thresholds under to minimize fatal acceptance errors (Fig. 6). these conditions may reflect the increased prob- Some of these predictions are supported by ability of lost mating opportunities (and associ- empirical evidence of shifts in mate accept- ated loss of the fitness benefit provided by male ance thresholds during Photinus firefly courtship nuptial gifts) for females with thresholds that are (Lewis & Wang 1991, Cratsley & Lewis 2004). too restrictive. Female nutritional status may also Male choice, in which males selectively reject influence female acceptance thresholds. In labo- less fecund females after contact, appears mainly ratory experiments, P. ignitus females that had later during the mating season (Cratsley & Lewis mated or had been fed on artificial diet showed 2004). This increase in males’ acceptance thresh- reduced response rates to a wide range of simu- olds may reflect an increase in fitness gain from lated male flashes (Cratsley & Lewis 2003). This choosiness as variance in females’ remaining egg supports the prediction that a female’s own con- load increases. Alternatively, it is possible that as dition influences her mate acceptance threshold. males’ own reproductive resources decline, the Because so many of these factors covary in field discounting of future reproductive value rela- populations (e.g. operational sex ratio, female tive to the current mating opportunity leads reproductive status, and male quality variation), to higher mate acceptance thresholds. 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