32 ,. DAILY SUN, ' , ~Th u rsdaYI November 11, 2()J 6 . ~ ' Maurice Archibong 3- t ime winner, travel & t ourism reporter of the year . ac tsrev iew@ya h o o. c r On the t-railof Leo Frobe~ius, 100 yrs after

iS'full name i~ Leo Vlktor Froberiius, but he is more popularly known without th e a~ Hmiddle appellation. Although his name Nigeria, Germany tap leaacy of intrepid rings a bell among a few local anthropologists, historians and some museum. wor kers; nonetheless, a r ather negligible number of Nigerians ever heard ofLeo Frobenius, when travellerwho found and lost 0" Olokun viewed against the nation's 150million popu- lation. ' guardians of so much loveliness", Prof riii~~~=~;;;;;;;;===-;;;;;C;;;;;;~W.ii~mp;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=ii