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[email protected] – Registered by Australia Post – Publication No. VA 1548 established 1895 LEADER NumurkahWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2019 $1.30 INSIDE Running man See story page 3 Help Growing community See story page 8 neededRSL Victoria’s annual poppy appeal is about to start, and local veterans Michael Brown and Gerard Watson are asking for local volunteers to help sell them. See story page 5. Complaint numbers raise ombudsman’s eyebrows THE Victorian ombudsman has declared that ed into categories, with Moira being one of 19 clas- a narrow de nition of complaint or interpret it nar- many Victorian councils are understating the num- si ed as a ‘large shire’. rowly in practice. Budding ber of complaints they receive, a er the release of a Moira reported the lowest number of complaints For example, only 34% of councils said they would report in which Moira Shire Council self-reported in its category, with the average number of com- consider it a complaint, as opposed to a ‘request for that it received just four formal complaints in 2018. plaints being 113, and the average number of re- service’, if a person rang to say their bin hadn’t been fi lmmakers In contrast, Moira Shire reported it had received quests for service being 33,569. emptied the night before as scheduled. 50,000 requests for service in the same period. By comparison, Wangara a Rural City Council win Ombudsman Deborah Glass surveyed all 79 Vic- which, though listed in the regional city category, Ms Glass said she recognised that councils may torian councils, asking them how they de ne com- is adjacent to Moira and has a similar size, popula- have concerns about recording and reporting com- plaints and how many complaints they received in tion and sta , reported 154 complaints and 7,888 plaints, particularly when complaints data is used to See story page 7 the last calendar year, among other questions.