Today: High school football results The Daily Register >lonmoulh (ounl> s Great Home Newspaper VOL. 103 NO. 98 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1980 20 CENTS No decision reached on hostages9 release By The Associated Presi the Americans, who today were spending their should pay attention to these important events 35»th day in captivity. happening in the region with the incitement of the Iran's Parliament, the Majlis, debated the (ate Mohammad Mohammadi, a deputy from a same superpower whose hostages will be dis- of the 52 American hostages for more than four party closely linked to the young Islamic mili- cussed in the session today.'' hours this morning but could not agree on condi- tants holding the hostages, said his faction would He also accused the United States of feeding tions to be set for their release, informed sources try to prolong the debate. the Iraqis intelligence on Iranian troop move- in Tehran reported. The Majlis voted yesterday to hold the debate ments gathered by the advanced American radar A spokesman said the the 228-member Majlis behind closed doors for "security reasons." The observation planes stationed in Saudi Arabia after would continue the debate this afternoon in its first secret session lasted for two hours and IS Iraq invaded Iran. third secret session on the hostage issue. minutes, and the deputies reportedly heard a "It is not clear when a decision will be report from the seven-member commission that The United States has denied it is helping reached on the hostage issue," a spokesman at the drafted proposed terms for the release of the either country in the war. It said it sent the planes public relations office of the Majlis said before the Americans. ai Saudi Arabia's request after Iran threatened to morning session. Before going into secret session, the deputies, attack the Saudi oil fields if it sided with Iraq., A reporter for Pars, the Iranian news agency, by a vote of 101-87, voted down a motion to A member of the Majlis commission on the who attended the opening session of the debate postpone the debate indefinitely pending develop- hostages said last week that the parliament would yesterday said "most probably" the hostage issue ments in the 36-day-old Iran-Iraq war. Pointing to probably adopt the four conditions set in Septem- "will be decided in the near future" because "it the gallery crowded with foreign correspondents, ber for the freeing of the hostages: the return of is a very important issue." many deputies asked why the Majlis should be the late Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's fortune • ft>v LMTV Parma The Majlis public relations office said the concerned with 52 Americans when hundreds of abroad, the freeing of Iranian assets frozen in the FIREFIGHTERS IN ACTION — Middletown Township firefighters use the powerful parliament would not meet tomorrow because of a Iranians were being killed in the war. United States, abandonment of legal claims hoses extending from their rigs to battle a furious blaze this morning at 1650 Route religious holiday and would decide today whether against Iran for broken contracts and a U.S. 35, Middletown, the old Midnlte Rambler, converted to an office building. to hold a special session Wednesday. Its regular The speaker of the Majlis, Hashemi Rafsan- pledge of non-interference in Iranian affairs. But meeting days are Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. jani, linked the United States to the Iraqi rocket Rafsanjanl said there probably would be addi- Moosavi Tabrizi, a deputy contacted by tele- attack yesterday which the Iranians said killed at tional conditions. phone from Beirut after the first round of debate least M persons in residential areas of the mili- Vice President Walter Mondale said yesterday yesterday, predicted it might take a "week to 10 tary garrison city of Dezful. Directing his words that the United States would not supply Iran with Fire levels former days" to decide the conditions for the release of to the foreign press, Rafsanjanl said: "You See Hostage, page I Middletown bar Rescuers haul surfers from sea By LARRY HAAS Approximately 75 firefighters from four MONMOUTH BEACH - A surfer exhausted MIDDLETOWN - Township firefighters different township companies responded to a from unsuccessfully battling wind and tides one- early this morning were still battling a call by police Sgt. Eugene P. Hannafey at quarter mile out to sea, and two other surfers who furious blaze which destroyed an office build; 2:37 a.m. that a fire was in progress. Han- paddled out to aid him, were towed to shore by a ing on Route 35. Fire Chief Daniel F. Kelly, nafey had been passing the building in a Coast Guard helicopter in a dramatic rescue short- however, reported at 4:30 a.m. the fire was police vehicle at the time, police said. ly before noon yesterday. "pretty much under control." The fire began in the southwest corner of Before the helicopter arrived, two members of The (ire, which apparently began at ap- the building, and already had reached the the Long Branch First Aid Squad were thrown into proximately 2:30 a.m., sent flames and first and second doors and the attic when the rough surf when their 12-foot aluminum boat smoke through the ceiling of the former firefighters arrived at the scene shortly after capsized during an attempt to reach the surfer. Midnite Rambler, a bar and night club at 1650 Hannafey i call, according to Kelly. The surfer, Lee Shelly of M Norwood Ave , Route 35. The two-story structure, owned by The cause of the blaze Is unknown, Kelly Long Branch, the two first aid squad members, East of Eden Inc., served as an office build- said, adding that Monmouth County Deputy John Wichman and Richard White, and two Long ing See Former, page 4 Branch police officers also drenched during the rescue operation, were taken by the Monmouth Beach First Aid Squad to Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch where they were treated and released. According to police, Shelly was surfing near the border of Monmouth Beach and Long Branch. Shelly paddled out to sea on a borrowed surfboard in search of a surfboard he lost earlier when he (ell from it. When he tried to return to shore, Shelly found himself unable to paddle against the north running tide and the winds blowing off the beach. He drifted north to the water off the Monmouth Beach Bath and Tennis Club, where surfers Pat TO THE RESCUE — A Coast Guard helicopter prepares to tow surfer Lee Shelly and two See Coast Guard, page 4 intended rescuers, Pat Toohev and Randy Polack, to saftty onshore at Monmouth Beach. Muhler cites lack of 'clout' Howard becomes topic of debate By ANDREW SHEKHAN District congressional seat. The debate was spon- about the aid but we have never seen the money or sored by the League of Women Voters. the matching funds." SHREWSBURY - State Assemblywoman Muhler cited inflation as the campaign's key Howard said he has been Instrumental In mak- Marie S. Muhler, R-Monmouth, yesterday assailed issue, calling (or Reagan's Kemp-Roth-type tax ing New Jersey the third-largest recipient of mass Rep. James J. Howard's "lack of clout" and cut to balance the federal budget. Muhler urged a transit funds In the nation. "inflationary voting record," while the con- freeze on federal employment and slashes In the Howard is a member of the House Public gressman highlighted the achievements of his It- federal Departments of Energy and Education, Works and Transportation Committee, which be year tenure. which she termed "ineffective" and "wasteful" hopes to chair within the next two years. As the The incumbent Howard and first-time The assemblywoman said Howard has not ex- chairman of the subcommittee on surface trans- challenger Muhler centered their exchanges on the hibited the "clout" expected of an eighth-term portation, Howard said he has sponsored several issues of federal spending, Inflation, mass trans- congressman. Howard has supported programs pieces of transit legislation, including a 147 billion portation and defense in a political forum at the which have wasted money In red tape and do not mass transportation bill due for a House vote Monmouth County Library's Eastern Branch. "directly attack" the district problems of trans- before January. READY, AIM... — Firefighters firmly grasp the powerful hoses used to wet down At least 200 political observers turned out to portation and environmental protection, she said. "People say 'He's been In for 16 years and we the flames emanating from an office building which caught fire at about 2:30 a.m. hear the two major party candidates and three "I thought that clout Is all about delivering aid don't have a great system,'" Howard said "But, this morning. The blaze, under control by 5:30, was expected to burn a while longer. independents in a debate regarding the Third to the district," Muhler said. "We have beard See Howard, page It The inside Story Salazar wins debut THE WEATHER NEW YORK (AP) - College senior Al- hours, 10 minutes, a time which he beat by berto Salazar, making his marathon debut in about 20 seconds. Mostly saaay, highs M to U. Increasing dowUness an international field of lt.OOt entrants that Norway's Crete Waitz smashed the wom- toaight; nla developing. Complete report page I. included the world's No. 1 competitor in the en's world record (or the marathon (or the event, surprised the sporting world yesterday third year in a row. Dr. Joyce Brothers allays fear of hypaotitm 11 by winning the New York Marathon in record Rodgers, the world's No. 1 marathoner, Helolie describes 'mast' reading for parents 12 time. who had won the New York event (or (our Oregon runner beats Rodgers, wins Marathon IS The Cuban-born Salaxar, a member of the consecutive years and was the favored en- Giants falter la waning moments, lose to Denver.... II U.S. Olympic team in the 10,000-meter com- trant, was among the leaders until he fell. petition, crossed the finish line In 2:00:41 to Although be got up and continued, Rodgers break the record set by BUI Rodgers, who never managed to catch the leaders and Advice 11 DAILY REGISTER came In fifth after falling at the 14-mile finished fifth • i\\ 7 PHONE NUMBERS mark. A total of 14,012 runners began the race on 21-xt Main Office Salasar, 21, a senior at the University of a cold and blustery day through the streets tt TeU Free #71- Oregon, had never before run In a 2t-mlle, and across the bridges of New York's five t Toll Free MMltt 385-yard event But he had boldly said before boroughs. Officials said 12,t20 of them fin- Entertainment l.t Classified Dent MM7M the marathon that he would run the race In 2 ished Lifestyle U.U drestotle. Dept Mt-Mtt Make A Date • Snerta Deft MMtM Smart Basiaesa Petal* i Twn Lebster Snedal TeaJte Movie Timetable I MMtietowa Bareau... f71-OM Tues. Spec, scallops. Use Front Page Readers for1 Clam Hut, Highlands, OMtaaries 4 FreeheU Sanaa UMlK Pub, Shrewsbury Ave., High- fast results Call 542-4000 872-0(09 13-11 Las* Bmncn Haras. 22z-ttlt Television I State BareaaWtttttltt Male Exatlc Dancers ElcnkaatMaa 8 pm. Tonite! Party Line. Rt 35, Eaton- Tickets available, Tues. RUNNING AND ROLLING — More than 16,000 entrants In the New York Marathon Pregnant, or Think Yon Are? Ladles only. Men after 1 a.m. town. Open nightly 'til t p.m. night, Oct. a, 8:30 p.m. Mon- Hnnr t+th P*« 10/22-10/31. mouth Arts Center, S4M001. cross the Verrazano Narrows Bridge yesterday. Story and pictures, page 13. from aUoTus at Sals CaUTHRTHRIGHT. 747-2423. ClubSpanky,: 2 The Dsatfy Register SHREWSBURY, NJ MONDAY. OCTOBER 27.1990 Debate site is readied New poll indicates tight race By The Associated Press falling further behind. Reagan was reported studying for the debate TION at his home in Middleburg, Va, and spokesman As an army of telephone workers, carpenters A Time magazine survey listed Carter with 42 By The Asseclated Preu and technicians put the last touches of red, white percent of those questioned, Reagan with 41 and for Carter said the president will spend tonight and blue together fur the debate between Presi- Anderson with 12 A September poll by Time had and tomorrow readying for his only face-off with dent Carter and Ronald Reagan in Cleveland, new Carter and Reagan tied at 39 percent, with An- Reagan at his suite in the Bond Court Hotel polls show the race between the two men remains derson getting IS percent Reagan was told hold a rally in Cleveland prior to Nazi rally peaceful 'Quake hits California too close to call. A Gallup poll put Carter at 41 percent, Reagan the debate CHICAGO - A few spectators and about EL CENTRO, Calif - An earthquake With the debate expected to decide at least at 40 percent and Anderson at 10 percent. A The convention center where the debate is to 70 counter-demonstrators turned out for a measuring 3.8 on the Richter scale jolted the some of the many undecided voters, both the Gallup survey last month had Reagan ahead with be held includes Public Hall, which was the site of small, peaceful neo-Nazi march and rally US Mexico border area yesterday, but the major party candidates were boning up today for 40 percent, Carter with 38 percent and Anderson the the 1924 and 1936 Republcan National Conven- this weekend on the city's Southwest Side. mild tremor caused only minor damage, Im- the contest. with IS percent. tions which nominated, respectively, Calvin The event was a sharp contrast to a rally perial County authorities said. No injuries Carter was arriving in the Ohio city today An Associated Press survey of politicians, Coolidge and Alf Landon. the week before in Evanston, where counter- were reported after stopping on the way for a rally in Hfcit- campaign managers and public opinion polls in- The thousands of reporters covering the demonstrators drove members of a neo-Nazi Seismologists at California Institute of ington, W.Va. Reagan was at his rented Virginia dicated Reagan was the leader in 23 states with oratorical battle will use Public Hall as their group from their podium. Six demonstrators Technology in Los Angeles said the tremor estate for a briefing by a Carter opponent of four 202 electoral votes and Carter led in 10 states and headquarters, while the debate itself will be in were arrested. was the strongest since the Oct IS, 1079 jolt years ago, former president Gerald Ford, and will the District of Columbia with 123 electoral votes. another facility called Music Hall. Twelve youthful neo-Nazis marched that injured 100 people and caused $18 million travel to Cleveland tomorrow, The number needed for election is 270 electoral Anderson, who was excluded from the debate through a predominantly white area Satur- in damage in the area. The candidate who was not to be there, inde- votes. by the league because his public opinion poll day, urging supporters to unite to keep blacks pendent John Anderson, was stumping for votes in The AP survey said the election will acturally standings fell below IS percent, will be in Con- out of the area. There were no confronta- Wisconsin before heading back to Washington to be decided in 17 states with 213 electoral votes stitution Hall in Washington, hundreds of miles tions, but police said one person was arrested Americans due home ready for a pretend confrontation with the other that are too close to call. away. a few blocks from the march route and HAVANA, Cuba - Thirty Americans par- two hopefuls. In a. similar survey three weeks ago, Reagan But the Cable News Network will use a tape- charged with failing to follow a police order. doned by President Fidel Castro were to be In Cleveland, the sponsoring League of Women was rated likely to win in 25 states with 236 delay system to show him answering the same Counter-demonstrators claimed victory after flown to Florida today, but three others were Voters said a panel of four journalists would be electoral votes and Carter was seen the likely questions as the other two candidates. Cable police said the neo-Nazis changed their staying in Havana, presumably to escape named today to join moderator Howard K Smith winner in 11 states and the District of Columbia News says it has 3Vt million homes as subscribers march route. prosecution at home. in quizzing the candidates during tomorrow's 9:30 with 131 votes. and has offered its three-candidate "debate" to The U.S. Justice Department chartered p.m. EST debate. Since the last survey, Ohio and Washington TV stations who would prefer it to the real two- Anti-abortionists march an Air Florida plane to fly the freed men to Polls released over the weekend showed the shifted from likely Reagan states to tossups, man contest. an airport near Miami where relatives were outcome of 1980 election still unpredictable — Missouri and Tennessee moved from likely to Anderson spokesman said the independent ST. LOUIS - More than 60,000 people took expected to meet them. U.S. security officers what with the polls having margins of error of chose the president to tossups also; and Massa- candidate also has purchased time for brief ap- part in anti-abortion rally here organizers were to be aboard the plane — "after all, several percentage points — but the surveys did chusetts shifted from the undecided category to pearances before the debate on NBC and after \\ said was staged atMor>iCM . • MONMOO'H . 0Cf«N increasing to 70 percent late tonight. Winds southerly 5 to p.m. minutes. ferring to Democrat Carter, 15 mph today. GOP candidate Ronald Re- Coastal Forecast HILaPrcOM L«*n»i 71 M agan and independent John II 41 .14 rn LoullvIM n ii Anderson respectively. n 17 m cdv U 41 cdv Manasquan to Cape Henlopen: Amarll* n « cdv Miami 01 il cdv Winds west to northwest 10 to 10 knots this morning AncharMa 41 II cdy Mllwaukaa It II cdv Jackson also attacked An- MM rn 41 II derson's late-'OOs support of we're all you need then light and variable by this evening and becoming Atlanta NMKvllM Atlanlc Civ » 41 01 rn NmOrHant legislation that would have south to southeast 10 to 20 knots tonight. Weather fair Haw Verk Saltlmor* II 40 cdv 41 H officially made the United today and increasing cloudiness tonight. Visibility 5 miles Blrmlnehm to » rn a 41 cdy Complete Interior Designing. Carpet From Karastan and SUnwrck 40 a c«v OHIaCllv («y States a Christian nation. He or more. Average wave heights 1 to 3 feet on the bay n v .« ur Omaha •1 41 cdy Beautiful Custom Draperies other fine mills. Furniture S4 47 .IS rn Orlanda 41 M cdv labeled the legislation a today and 2 to 4 feet on the ocean today. mlvIM niliadpnla 00 47 expertly installed by our — Henredon, Century, Buffalo a cdv PKaanU 40 40 "pseudo-political bill, the North Jersey Cnarliln SC rn 77 U own experienced personnel. Harden, Station, Hitchcock, etc. CKarltln WV a M Han . Ma 17 M a cdy forerunner of the moral ma- a 47 M coy 47 17 cdv PllaiM.jBra II 47 jority " Mostly sunny today. Highs in the mid SOs. Increasing CMuoa 41 14 CItv 41 » cdy cloudiness tonight with rain developing late at night and Cincinnati 41 a m » n 01 clr The civil rights leader* "YOU'LL LIKE THIS STORE" C»»»Hnd a u ii cdv M a cdv continuing tomorrow. Temperatures tonight around 50. CMumMM • » rn SaltlaM 4t M Jt clr likened Anderson's candidacy SanOMw M 41 clr to similar efforts by Eugene Highs tomorrow 60 to 66. vYooabillty of precipitation 0.1 FI mi a a SanFrM clr. al II clr near zero percent today increasing to 70 percent late On Molnw 41 14 cdv Saatna II 44 McCarthy, whom Jackson 41 17 rn MLmM SI SO cdv tonight. Winds southerly S to IS mph today. M a clr SI f-Tamoa 77 SO cdv called the "king of diver- FalrMMca 40 n cdv XSH Maria a M .» cdv sion." HarMart a 4i .17 cdv 41 SI clr 41 U a cdv Moo • I IS cdy Eastern Pennsylvania m 7i cdv » 41 cdy In endorsing Carter's re- n a cdv

MtltllllMIMIItl (continued) visible through the thick gray Fire Marshal John Fowler cloud ami rounding the build- Marcello Caetano, will be conducting an in- ing and stretching above the vestigation today electrical poles on the street Kelly said he was unsure That same smoke farced 74, dies in exile whether any firefighters had several firefighters to use ox- been injured fighting the ygen to catch their breaths blaze, but added that several RIO DE JANEIRO Brazil followed in Kelly »rpi»iiM^ that the men men needed oxygen daring (AP) — Former r<»lyw 1174 for Guinea-Bissau for- inside were using protective the tense hours due to the Premier Marccilo Cactano, merly Portuguese Guinea, gear to ward off the smoke, smoke whose overthrow in 1174 and in lift for Mozambique but the firefighters outside eaded nearly M yean of die- . the Cape Verdi Is- The 75 firefighters from were affected bees use they the Old Village. Middletown Utonal rule la hu coantrr. Sao Tome and Prin- were not wearing the neces- No.l, East Keansburg and (Had yesterday la hu apvt- cipe sary materials. ment here, officials said He Port Monmouth 'fire com- A professor of law by The firefighters originally was 74 panies used nine rigs to help training, Premier Caetano had tried to fight the blaze Frieads said the death was was past M when be came to battle the blaze The Com- from the inside, entering the from natural causes power after Salazar suffered munity Fire Company was building on the northern side The military revolt that a stroke. standing by, while approx- imately 10 persons from the and approaching the center of onst«d Premier Caeuno and Premier Cmn^nn pressed Fairview and Middletown the fire through the struc- tent him koto exile also Salazar'i colonial wars and first ajd squads, with two rigs ture. But the ceiling col- brought an end to PortafaTs was ousted by s coalition of eack. were also on hand, Kel- colonial empire that dated anti-colonislists, socialists lapsed in several places, forc- ly said. froas the early 1Mb century and democrats six years af- ing the firemen to "set up an Premier Caetano in- ter assuming power. "The building's going to exterior attack," Kelly ex be a total loss." Kelly de- herited the authoritarian re- He was allowed to go to clared In describing the By 4 o'clock, firefighters gime of Premier Antonio de Brazil, a Portuguese speak- damage, another firefighter could be seen tearing down OUveira Salaiar in 1»H He ing South American nation recalled: "It was from top to the ceiling from the outside' was more inclined to flexibili- and once a Portuguese co- bottom and from side to with long poles Kelly said ty than his predecessor, but lony, and lived quietly, side." they were trying to make the his insistence on gradual in- jftf^jing international law at fire burn outwards, so that it dependence (or Portugal's a Rio college The scene this morning would be easier to fight. Oth- African possessions drained Officials st Rio's Sao Joao proved hectic as the fire- erwise, the chief said, the fire SURVEYING THE DAMAGE — Firefighters from "its morning's blaze which destroyed a Route 35, Mid the country'! resources and Batista cemetery said Pre- fighters tried to bring the would bun the inside for the township's fire companies look over the effects of' dletown. two-story office structure. touched off a revolt led by mier Caetano would be blaze under control. The bit- hours before firefighters left-wing military officers buried today ter cold and strong winds compounded the job. could bring It under control. Hoses stretched from at The blaze was deemed Emanuel Neumann, 87, least three different trucks at "pretty much under control" various angles; one fire- as S a.m. approached, but fighter climbed a long ladder Kelly said the firefighters a noted Zionist figure extending upwards from a rig would be on the scene f bush- TEX AVIV, (AP) - Jewish Agency in Jerusalem to wet down the structure ing the Job for "at least an- from above. He was hardly Emanuel Neumann, a leading from mi to 1»», then re- other two hours." figve in the American Zion- turned to the United States GOLD & SILVER ist movement for more than and assumed prominent polit- SO yean, has died here after a ical and economic roles on Coast Guard saves long illness He was 17. behalf of Zionist causes. Neumann, who moved to At various stages in his Israel a year ago, died yester- career Neumann headed the three from the sea day. He was to be buried to- Jewish National Fund, the Zi- day onist Organization of Ameri- Bon in Latvia, Neumann (continued) engine failed, and then the ca, the World Union of Gener- immigrated to the United Toohey of Monmouth Beach boat swamped, dumping the WANTED al Zionists and the Tbcodor States as a young man. He and Randy Polack of Summit other squad member. became a lawyer and in IMS Herzl Institute and Founda- paddled out to assist him. Both men made it to shore organised the United tion. He also was chairman of According to Monmouth on their own. The boat was PAYING Palestine Appeal, which the editorial board of the Zi- Beach Patrolman Richard recovered by the Coast Guard raised money for the Jewish onist publication Main- Ellegood, the Investigating and taken to the Sandy Hook IMMEDIATE stream. Coast Guard station. JBMBSB- community in what later be- officer, the first call to the came Israel. Neumann ii survived by police came at 10:90 a.m. by Ellegood said that be and several other police officers Neumann served with the his wife and one son. an Ocean Avenue resident ob- serving the scene through a stood out on the Jetty near the CASH Bruce Bostian telescope. bath and tennis club, but the The Coast Guard was waves pounding the Jetty pre- f of QoM, Stfv9f i MORGANVILLE - Bruce Mrs. Gertrude Black Bos- notified then. vented the surfers from at- Bostian, 71, of Widtabmk Vil- tian; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Ellegood said that the first tempting to land there. lage died Saturday Ip Spillane of Maplewood; a sid squad's boat rescue at- Long Branch Police Of Bayshore Community Hospi- brother, Norman Bostian of tempt failed when Richard fleers Louis Nspolitano and Walter Tote attempted to as- tal, Holmdel. Finksbnrg, Md.; four sisters, White, a Monmouth Beach sist from the Jetty. Tote was He wai bom In Frederick Mrs. Aarena Beall of patrolman who owns the hit by a wave while on the Class Rings ... County, Maryland, and had Leltersburg, Md., Mrs. Ruth boat, was swept Into the wa- lived In llaptewood for a Jetty 14-K BRING A HIGH RETURN BE- Vogle of New Windsor. Md.. ter by a high wave. The boat's years before moving ken 11 Mrs. Gertrude Beall of Key- CAUSE OF THEIR WEIGHT. THEY CAN years ago. mar, Md., and Mrs. Mary EASILY BRMG YOU UP TO MM Mr. Bostian was a main- Port city fight raging tenance man for Holly Hill Bonn of Tanytown, Md.; and EACH. Mobile Home Sales. South two grandchildren. BEIRUT, Lebanon (API An Iraqi communique said Amboy. The Wsitt Funeral Home — Iraq said today it had a "desperate enemy at- 18K AM VAUMM1 Surviving are his wife, Is In charge of arrangement! tightened its hold on the Ira- tempt" to halt the advance on Wedding Bands IACM nian port city of Khor- Abadan from the east and Albert B. Pierce ramshahr and that its troops, from the north was "de- tanks and planes blocked an stroyed in a quick and de- LONG BRANCH - Albert His wife, Mrs. Dorothy Iranian attempt to break out cisive battle " BRING IN THIS B. Pierce, S7, of Seventh Ave- Singley Pierce, died in 1M6. of the nearby oil refining cen- Iraqi air lorce jets pro- V Any Pocket Watch nue died Saturday In Mon He is survived by a son, ter of Abadan. vided cover for the tank-led COUPON FOR mouth MwHral Center. Albert R. Pierce, at home; a Pars, the official Iranian ground forces in "crushing Working or Not A lifelong city resident, be daughter, Mrs. Deborah Mon- news agency, conceded that the enemy attempt to break was a custodian at the Long tenegro of Rahway; a sister, officials in Abadan had lost through the Abadan siege," ADDITIONAL Branch High School since Mrs. Mildred Bates of Black- all contact with Khor- said the communique, which UP TOM,000 1971. wood; and two grand- ramshahr, located on the was read over Baghdad Ra- He was s U.S. Army veter- children. eastern coast of the Shatt el- dio $$$$$ BONUS an of World War II and was a The Woolley Funeral Arab waterway leading to the The deputy commanding member of the Asbury United Home Is In charge of arrange- Persian Gulf some 400 miles officer in the area said an Methodist Church, here. ment* southwest of Tehran. entire Iranian brigade, nor- Mrs. Herman Schmidt mally between 500 and 800 Virgil Fox, men, was "liquidated" in a battle near the river bridge MOST WANTED She was a communicant of HAZLET - Mrs. Cather- noted organist on the coastal highway be- ine C. Schmidt of US Golden St. Ann's Roman Catholic tween Abadan and Khor- Lane died Saturday In Riv Church, Keansburg. WEST PALM BEACH, ramshahr. ervlew Hospital. Red Bank. She is survived her hus- ITEMS THIS WEEK Fla. (AP) - Virgil Fox, the She was bom In Hoboken band, Herman G. Schmidt; a and lived in Jersey City for 50 concert organist credited Bring us your daughter. Mrs. Elaine C. years before moving here with helping to bring classi- KODACOLOR Check Out All New Prices!!! five years ago. and three grand- cal music to young people, is Mrs Schmidt was a house- sons. dead at 68. 1. STERLING SILVER SPOONS & FORKS FRANKLIN AND DANBURY MINT ITEMS wife and a member of the The John W. Mehlenbeck Fox died of prostate Middle Road Senior Citizens, Funeral Home Is in charge of cancer Saturday in Good UP TO $35.90 EACH. PLUS DENTAL GOLD arrangements. Samaritan Hospital He had undergone surgery for the 2. SILVER BOWLS, TRAYS & SERVING 10-K AND 14-K CLASS RINGS UP TO disease in 1976 and had lived PIECES QUICKLY ADD UP TO HUN- $150 EACH Narcis Burgos in Palm Beach for five years MIDDLETOWN - Narcis Her husband was the late During his 55-year concert DREDS OF DOLLARS. 10-K AND 14-K AND 18-K WEDDING S. Burgos, M, of 17 Karyn Marcel Burgos. and recording career, Fox ap- 3. SILVER COINS - 1964 & BEFORE BANDS UP TO $200 EACH Terrace West, died Friday In Surviving are two sons, peared in as many as 70 con- Red Bank Convalescent Cen- Manuel J. Burgos of Eaton- certs a year, reducing his SILVER DOLLARS • 1935 & BEFORE ter. town, and Frank M. Burgos of schedule only after he be- FOR QUALITY Regardless of Condition Mrs. Burgos was born in Toms River; two grand- came ill. COLOR Spain, and had been a real- children and two great-grand- For 19 years he was the We will accept any Gold or Silver item. Dents and scratches do not dent of RocheUe Park before organist at New York's Riv- PROCESSING erside Church, where he lower their value. Do not hesitate to bring in any Item. We can turn moving here 11 years ago. The Robert A. Braun BY KODAK your dust collectors Into cashl She was a communicant of Home for Funerals, Eaton- played the five-manual St. Dorothea's Roman Catho- town, Is In charge of arrange- Aeolian-Skinner, a 10.561 pipe We oiler Kodak quality procewng lor all your lic Church, Eatontown. Instrument that he con- sidered one of the five best in KODACOIOR Films the world. Stop in today, ond ask FREE EVALUATION — IMMEDIATE PAYMENT lor detail! ALL PRICES ARE COMPUTED BY TROV WEIGHT. PRICES IN AO ARE INDICATIONS ONLV The Daily Register SPECIFIC ITEMS MAY BE HIGHER OR LOWER DEPEND!NO ON PRECISE WEIGHT* CONTENT. lUSPS-145-4401 PRICES FLUCTUATE ACCORDING TO DAILY MARKET CONDITIONS. The Sunday Register (USPS-JJM70) -••"-•— —•"- -mi,, nullU Save 3 DAYS ONLY ImWtfMtm H.Cmkmi Hum CI«T SAT., SUN., MON., OCT. 25th, 26th & 27th '. M.J «T7t! 20%OFF 10 a.m.— 6 p.m. KODAK PROCESSING AT ALL TIMES THE MOLLY PITCHER INN ROOM 217 jeweirfjC&gift wo nSmmn.t\ arammiuu Rt. 35 (RIVERSIDE AVE) RED BANK NJ MIIM| SECURITY ON PREMISES FOR YOUR PROTECTION O»O LIQUIDATORS. «44 BROADWAY, BAYONNE N J. SHREWSBURY. N.J MONDAY. OCTOBER 27, igeo The Daily Register 5 But they're not for everyone Wood-burning stoves continue popularity surge By LOUISE COOK Shapiro also warned, however, that wood There are several ways to cut losses To airtight combustion chamber with an ad- systems that can be attached to an existing heat is not for everyone. "We don't feel that Associated Press Writer begin with, make sure you have a tight-fitting justable or thermostatically controlled draft furnace or boiler. it makes sense to burn wood in an area that it Millions of Americans will be burning up damper to prevent heat from escaping when and can convert up to 80 percent of the to keep warm this winter. more than 90 miles from the stump," he said. the fireplace is not in use Glass doors on the potential beat in the wood into actual heat for A typical add-on system costs from $800 to Wood-burning appliance! — from simple The sale of wood-burning appliances in front of your fireplace also can help The $1,000 The amount of money you can save doors prevent furnace-heated air from going your home stoves to complicated furnaces — continue to general "is still on a very strong upturn with wood varies according to where you into the fireplace and up the chimney, but grow in popularity as homeowners look for curve," Shapiro said, although the rate of Installation can be tricky, however, and live, the size of your house and whether you ways to cut heating bills V. allow some of the heat from the fire to insurance company and fire officials warn harvest your own logs or buy them com- increase will be slower than it has been in radiate into the room Andrew B. Shapiro, president of Wood recent years due "to the overall situation in that the number of fires caused by wood- mercially Shapiro said it will cost about Energy Research Corp., a private consulting the economy." burning stoves is increasing You must have 11,000 to 11,500 to beat a large, older house in firm in Camden, Maine, said that studies of To turn your fireplace into a heat pro- During ice 1980-81 heating season alone, adequate ventilation and the stove must be New England with oil this winter. It will take three New England states - Maine, New ducer, you'll need a system that recirculates sales of wood-burning devices are expected installed at least three feet from any com- up to eight cords of wood to heat the same Hampshire and Vermont — have shown that the heat from the fire, directing it away from to hit 1 million to 1.2 million units, matching bustible material Check local building codes house, assuming no supplementary fuel is about 80 percent of the homes are using wood the chimney and back into the house, either last year's record. before you buy used to some extent. In about one-third of those with fans or ducts These systems usually are homes, wood is the primary fuel, he added. The simplest way to burn wood is in the easier to install if you are building a new Two of the newest and most popular types Fireplace inserts, starting at about $500, The reliance on wood varies from place to fireplace. It also is the most inefficient. Most fireplace, but they can sometimes be added of wood-burning appliances, according to are double-walled stoves designed to fill the place. "This Is a grass-roots type of energy of the heat produced in a traditional fireplace to existing structures. Shapiro, are the furnace system and the cavity of a typical fireplace and direct the supply," Shapiro said. "Wood is the only goes up the chimney and is wasted The fireplace insert. A furnace system provides heat produced by the fire back into the room. resource that lets the small entrepreneur an fireplace also draws heated air from other Wood-burning stoves offer an even more central heating, using either a combination of They are relatively simple to install and can energy producer." parts of the house, adding to the waste efficient alternative. The best stoves have an fuels or wood alone There are also add-on produce substantial amounts of heat. Every hopeful vies for New Jersey sweep By PATRICK BRESLIN Each side has poured more than $500,000 agan's strength In the West and South servative Democrat here would be moderate into this state alone, out of their $30 million "He has to pick up the slippage some- conservative in Indiana." NEWARK (AP) - As Rep. John B. An- national budgets where, and it could be New Jersey," said But on the Reagan side, state campaign derson's motorcade sped past Newark In- During the fall campaign, Carter, Mon- Doherty. director Al Angrisani says New Jersey is full of Democrats dissatisfied with Carter, par- ternational Airport last week, one aide was dale and Reagan have campaigned in the Doherty, who has run several Democratic ticularly blue-collar workers who can't cope startled as she noticed the billboard greeting state three times each. Sen. Edward M campaigns in other states, said New Jersey with high inflation and soaring interest rates at the Sheraton Hotel: "Welcome Am- Kennedy campaigned with Carter. Bush has is a natural place for a Democrat to win The "I have to say the desperation of the bassador Bush." been here five days. Another round of visits is state has elected a Democratic governor, Carter forces is showing when they have to Candidates for the presidency and the planned this week. Legislature and congressional delegation, bring Kennedy in to bolster Carter," An- vice presidency are nearly bumping into each There have been uncounted campaign and it does not have the conservative ele- grisani quipped. other while campaigning in New Jersey, the stops by relatives, wives and, for Carter, ments that Reagan attracts. state with the seventh-largest block of elec- members of the cabinet. It's not unusual to Kennedy beat Carter 3-2 in the New Jer- toral votes and a history of unpredictability. have two or more such campaigners flying "I don't see us sitting here with a lot of sey presidential primary last June. New Jersey Is "critical" to a Republican into New Jersey on a single day. National Rifle Association types or Moral Carter lost New Jersey in 1076 to then- victory, says George Bush, Ronald Reagan's Anderson, the independent presidential Majority people," he said "The most con- President Gerald Ford. running mate. candidate, has campaigned here twice, and New Jersey is "one of the crucial his running mate, Patrick Lucey, was in states," says Vice President Walter F. Mon- Newark once. dale, on behalf of President Carter. Despite this flurry of activity? New Jer- Prisons would benefit To be sure, both major party candidates sey alone won't be the kingmaker desperately want to win New Jersey, fearing Gerard Doherty, Carter's campaign man- that its 17 electoral votes may tip the na- ager for the state, considers New Jersey just from passage of bond tional election. Polls have shown Reagan a chunk of the northeastern block of states, ahead in New Jersey, but by a slim margin. all of which Carter needs because of Re- TRENTON (AP)-Funds has stymied efforts to locate lation will be swelled in the for a new, 400-bed state pris- a site tor the prison in New- next few years because the on are included in a proposed ark, Monroe Township and state's new penal code au- $159 million public institu- Camden. thorizes longer sentences for tions bond issue on the elec- repeat offenders and more tion ballot. Corrections Com- Nobel prize winner missioner William Fauver mandatory minimum sen- The prison proposal con- says the state's prison popu- tences 5houldyou klVC sists of $60 million. Another additional que&tionl B MAgg $7 million would be desig- WmeSHE Ogggr/s / nated for improvements at AREYOUR PHONE BILLS rs. uneasy with fame otner state correctional facil- PUJS/vovou can HOLMDEL (AP) - Physicist Amo ities TOO HIGH? TIJr issue also includes $26 Do you make oui of slate calls thai lolal over lorly mFWiotr Penzlas said that being catapulted into dollars a monlh? fame as a Nobel Prize winner can be a million to help county jails • Would you like lo saw 30%. 40%. 60% on your oul ol slale telephone J wkh a iniitingr i dehumanizing experience. improve facilities and pro- calls' fkmenber- before you buymytfm* • Would you like to call more and pay less? Penzias, executive director of Bell Lab- vide additional beds for stale prison inmates. • Would you like this service lor aji out ot state son. daughter or parent? Knoui'THE IKlCKS Of 1H£ 1MDEI* oratories' communications science depart- II you have a single telephone line, witn uticntone, and your' ment and the 1978 Nobel Prize winner in The Department of Cor- number begins with 264, 446. 536, 566, 583.591. or 739 we can NOW OPEN SUMbAV 9 1 denies for his contribution to the "big rections has been unable to help you II you do not have touchtone we can order It tor you. Call COMMUNEX, INC. (201) 2(1-1475 any hour, 7 days • Bang" theory on the creation of the uni- find a location for the medi- WALLPAPER WHOLESALE/PAINTS week. Laava mrni, addrail and talaphona numbtr OR PLAZA 3S Rt SS. EATONTOWN N.J. 2O1-M4-MS0 verse, said many of the people he meets um-security facility. WRITE P.O. Bon 258 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 07716 aren't always honest with him. Intense local opposition iVSmll* South of Mall n*«tto Part* Linn "Nobody wants to say a Nobel prize winner is wrong," he said. "I almost dread the end of a pleasant conversation, when someone says, 'It's been an honor meeting you,' instead of saying 'a pleasure.' I want them to think of me as a human being first and a prize winner second. Free Clipper Ship "I don't want to be put In a box labeled 'Nobel winner,"' the 47-year-old scientist DR. ARNO PENZIAS said. search partner Robert W. Wilson, also of But the prize has its advantages. Bell Labs, and with Soviet scientist Piotr Serving Tray Penzias shared a $165,000 award with re- L. Kapitsa. When you

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PHONE NUMBER FOR ALL OFFICES «71-MOO MffflMf FvUG 8 WALLACE ST. - RED BANK 842-6610 The Daily Register It9s nice to have House friends Established in 1178 - Published by The Red Bank Register By JACK ANDERSON ) server assigned to distribute the summonses got earned was upheld by the Equal Em- ARTHURZ KAMIN WASHINGTON - T>e away by the spint of Abscam ployment Opportunities Com- WILLIAM BLOCK JR Absram trials which will re- WASHINGTON mission. Not to worry, his President and Editor Publisher and conducted his own sume shortly after ElecUon modest "sting " bosses told him, the finding Day have already estab- wouldn't hurt bis career. HertenH Thorpe Jr AuisUnl Editor Charles C TribWiom Sunday Editor Russell P Raurh 'lislied the FBI's phony Arab SCENE The process server Nujm Editor JantFoderaro City Editor Doris Kulman Editorial Page Editor showed up at the office of But the supervisor thought caper as the biggest — and be had been accused unjustly, most controversial — con- House Judiciary Committee Pat N Rim Controller Richard D MrKeait Advertising Director Kenneth L Van Dalen gressional scandal in his ton. Chairman Peter Rodino. D- and filed a counter-com- Circulation Director Frank J Alloccj. Production Manager plaint. That's when his trou- back next week Meanwhile, NJ. claiming to be a rela- Two members of Congress tive of Lederer. Out of bles began He was told he - Reps Michael "Ozzie another Pennsylvania Demo- courtesy to a colleague's kin. ANDERSON Myers D-Pa and John crat. Rep Raymond Lederer. would get no more promo- MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1980 Rodino came out of bis office tions, and was given menial Jenretle. DSC - already may already have offended U> meet the man — and was have been convicted Four some of the colleagues whose hats — in vain, so far — that tasks to perform slapped with a subpoena in- the lives of American airmen Undaunted, he pursued his others have been indicted and support he'll need if his stead 4 are awaiting (rial In addi- Abscam tnal turns out badly are being risked needlessly counter-complaint and filed "Gee — I finally got a date with him tion another congressman next January Rodino was reportedly oo these RC-135 missions six grievance memos Final- and a senator have been im- furious at this uncalled-for ly, ! agency higher-ups re Lederer s case is not as subterfuge, and let Lederer The operational comman- plicated in the Abscam opera- blatant as some, but the ders contend that there's no scihded their threat, prom tion but not indicted know it So, 1 am told, did ised him a chance at promo- videotape evidence is still several other congressmen reason to risk a Shootout in The evidence provided by damaging The still-secret who were served in the same the 200-mile air space tion and even offered a letter hidden FBI cameras proved tapes show Lederer accept- sneaky fashion Shortly after- claimed by Libyan dictator of recommendation — if only persuasive to the first two ing $50,000 from undercover he'd withdraw his counter- wards, most of the subpoenas Muammar Qaddafi The in- Abscam juries Whether the agents after promising to were withdrawn complaints. He refused, and FBI's debatable tactics will help their fictitious Arab telligence information they Lederer acknowledged to the harassment, he says, con- stand up on appeal remains to client with his supposed im- point out. could be adequately tinues be settled migration problems I'm no my associate Gary Cobn that — and safely — collected by Boy ," Lederer quipped his attorney had subpoenaed submarines and high-flying EXPERTISE PAYS But while their courtroom Some retired federal fate is in the hands of judges to the G-men as he took the several House members to supersonic spy planes testify as defense witnesses, poohbahs don't fade away, and juries, there is one arena swag But the swivel-chair gen- where well-tended friend- but insisted they were all they become "experts." The indictment charges served in a "legal, upright, erals have turned a deaf ear ships can be vital to con- that Lederer later split the Like consultants, officially straightforward" manner to these common-sense en designated experts take on gressmen caught in the FBI's money with a middleman, a treaties Meanwhile, the trap If. despite their soiled Philadelphia city councilman SITTING DUCKS Earlier special jobs that civil ser- status, they manage to win commanders who assign the vants supposedly can't han- and the mayor of Camden. this month I reported that RC-135 missions consider re-election, it is their House keeping at least $5,000 for his unarmed American recon- dle. Thomas F. Williams 3rd, colleagues who will decide share The congressman naissance planes have been them so dangerous that they for example, retired recently whether they shall be allowed listed the sum on his financial menaced at least seven times avoid putting married men in as the Environmental Protec- to retain their seats in the disclosure form as a "con- in recent months by trigger- the 14-man crews whenever tion Agency's chief flack event of conviction. sulting fee." happy Libyan jet pilots in in- possible. Now he's back in his old of- Myers couldn't persuade Last month, Lederer's at- ternational air spacf over the DON'T MAKE fice, getting $191.72 a day his fellow representatives to torney had subpoenas issued Mediterranean. WAVES PLEASE!: A su- doing part-time what he use let him stay in the House dur- for 14 members of Congress Now I've learned that Air pervisor in the Geological to do full-time as a civil ser- ing the appeal process, he to testify at the upcoming Force commanders on the Survey's conservation vant. It's supposed to be tem- may make out better if his trial. But according to re- scene have been trying to division was hit with a dis- porary, but there are no plans constituents vote to send him liable sources, the process convince the Pentagon brass crimination complaint, which to replace him. It won't be a true debate tomorrow By JAMES J. KILPATRICK • !!•• ••!• solved, that the pending trea- health insurance." The Dem- ocratic platform just as un- WASHINGTON - Repre- ty on limitation of strategic arms should be abandoned, equivocally advocates a sentatives of Jimmy Carter CONSERVATIVE "comprehensive, universal and Ronald Reagan wored and that a new agreement should be sought with the So- national health insurance out a format for their debate 1 plan." The disagreement in- tomorrow, but we won't get a VIEW viet Union. ' Mr. Reagan for debate at all We'll get anoth- the affirmative, Mr. Carter volves fundamental dif- ferences on the role of the er joint press conference A iiMmiMiilHiiiiiiimillliiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiM for the negative. true debate would be better Given that issue, Mr. Re- federal government. It's probably just wishful regard. I submit, reporters agan might have an op- Formal resolutions could portunity to demonstrate to thinking, but wouldn't it be are only in the way. KILPATRICK be drafted on such issues as great if the presidential con- Suppose, to be supposing, the world that he is jot a women's rights and abortion. tenders could be matched in that the candidates agreed to warmongering, saber-rattl- Mr. Reagan wants a greater the old-fashioned way? Give such a format The sponsor- ing gunslinger. Mr. Carter, role for the states and local- for his part, could undertake The two party platforms them each a desk, a lectern ing League of Women Voters offer many areas of direct ities in education and wel- and a jug of water, put a could arrange for a small to make a case for SALT II in fare; Mr. Carter holds an op- particular and his own opposition. On the matter of moderator in the middle and committee of political sci- right-to-work laws, the Dem- posite view. The candidates diplomatic skills in general. differ on aid to cities, on the a timekeeper at the side: and ence professors and other ocrats say flatly that "Sec- let the candidates argue the knowledgeable persons to relaxation of environmental A second question ought to tion 14-b of the Taft-Hartley The 1980 debates, part two aflirmative and negative frame fair questions for de- deal with key economic is- controls, on levels of national sides of formal questions. bate Perhaps four resolu- Act should be repealed." The defense. Are their positions With surveys snowing President sues. "Resolved, that the Republicans, for their part, and it prevented the journalists who tions might be drafted. On policies advocated by Mr. strong? Or are they weak? Such a format, it seems to have reaffirmed their "long- Carter and Ronald Reagan neck-to-neck were posing the questions from asking me, would offer many advan- two of them Mr. Reagan Carter would deal more, suc- Fifty million jurors could de- in the popular vote, Reagan leading in follow-up questions when a candidate tages to the voting public — would take the affirmative; cessfully with inflation and standing support of the right cide. of states to enact 'right-to- the electoral vote, and a significant bloc evaded answering the original question. and it is the public interest, on two Mr. Carter would unemployment than the poli- I don't mean to knock my speak first. Each orator work' laws." It would be a of "undecided" voters, tomorrow after all. that counts for more cies advocated by Mr. Re- colleagues of "Meet the The format for tomorrow night's de- might have seven minutes for agan." In his seven minutes stimulating experience to night's presidential debate might be win- than the interests of the at- Press," or "Face the Na- bate calls for four panelists and a mod- tendant press, the League of his constructive speech, for the affirmative, Mr. hear the candidates on the tion," or "Issues and An- ner take all. erator. The debate is to be divided into Women Voters or the tele three minutes for rebuttal. Carter could spell out bis merits of compulsory un- swers." Press conferences Such a program would fit Carter is getting the one-on-one de- two equal segments. In the first, a pan- vision networks The whole ideas on these matters. Mr. ionism as opposed to individ- surely have their place. But bate he wanted with Reagan, thanks to idea is to let the people make nicely into an hour and-a- Reagan, for the negative, ual freedom. presidential debates ought to elist will pose the identical question to half, which is about all the Independent candidate John Anderson's their own judgments on the could attack the Carter re- For another topic, the Re- be just that: debates. Let the each candidate and will be allowed one views, the temperaments and public would sit still for. cord. Back in our living publican platform unequiv- candidates prepare their plunging popularity. Anderson's fall in follow-up question to each, and the can- the effectiveness of the can- What questions? This rooms, we could cheer the ocally rejects "all proposals arguments, start the clock, the polls led the League of Women Vot- didates will be allowed to rebut each didates themselves. In this would be a possibility: "Re- antagonists on. for compulsory national and let 'em go. ers to withdraw its imprimatur from his other. In the second segment, the can- candidacy, thus removing Reagan's didates will have more t^me for direct stated reason for refusing to debate argument with each other. We think a Carter alone. better arrangement would be to allow Two bond issues win CBE support The debate will be in Cleveland Con- the candidates to confront each other vention Center, on the date and site the Holmdel IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII people were in charge — in directly, with a single moderator serving League preferred. The Reagan camp To the Editor:. particular, Katharine Berry Eatontown as questioner and traffic cop. The Committee for a Bet- FROM OUR READERS and the producer-director of Eaton town wanted the debate held Nov. 3, the night ter Environment urges Mon the event, Margot Walsh. before the election, which wouldn't have The fate of the 52 Americans held To the Editor: mouth County voters to ap- We have been involved in (The following letter was left voters much time to mull over the hostage in Iran is the unknown factor in prove both the Natural Re- many such events. Some sent Joseph A. Perrotto ) candidates' statements. The Carter this election. The Iranian parliament dis- sources Bond Issue and the MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIII were reasonably good, others Energy Conservation Bond The Pride in Eatontown camp had hoped to have the debate last cussed the question of the hostages' re- termination of our state's ment, an editorial in the Reg- a lot less than satisfactory; Committee would like to Issue on Election Day, Nov. people that top priority must ister of Oct. 21 concerning an night, to capture the big Sunday night lease in a closed-door meeting yesterday but yours was by far the best. thank you and congratulate 4 continue to be given to im- analysis of voter patterns in Mrs. Walsh and Mrs Berry you for the great job you have audience. and is scheduled to continue the dis- The funds provided by proving the environment in the 1976 election. The writer deserve a great deal of credit done in spearheading our The format will be different from cussion in a closed-door meeting today. these bonds will generate which we all work and live views as alarming the predic- and commendation for that committee's efforts to clean the one used by the League in the Sep- What effect the release of the hostages direct and indirect benefits, Robert I. Owen tion, based on this analysis, success. up our community and make including significant new em- Chairman that the 18-to-20-year-old vot- tember Reagan-Anderson debate. That before election day would have at the All of us here in Mon- Eatontown a more beautiful ployment and important sav- Committee for a ers will be the ones most like- mouth County are aware of format was a poor one; it didn't permit place to live and work. Your polls is uncertain, but it might make ings in energy, far in excess Better Environment ly to shun the polls this No- Prupac's presence, but eve- leadership and enthusiasm is the candidates to question each other, tomorrow night's debate irrelevant. of the initial $195 million total vember. It is amusing only ryone does not know just how an inspiration to us all and we cost — a very profitable in- because a lead editorial in much you do for the com- hope we can continue the vestment in our own present Voters this same newspaper on Nov. munity. You may be assured, progress of the Pride in Wanted: Sex education and future Locust 10, 1968, bemoaned with rath- however, that we will do our Eatontown Committee using Resounding support for To the Editor: er great anguish the fact that best to spread the word. these same fine qualities. in the proceeding election a Sex education in the schools isn't as grams, compared to 9 percent opposed these two bond issues will I read, unfortunately with Please convey our genuine The committee is proud of again demonstrate the de- public question to reduce the controversial an issue as it is thought to and 4 percent undecided. a sense of sardonic amuse- voting age from 21 to 18 was appreciation to the aforemen- the work we have done in the be. if a poll conducted by the Eagleton More than half of those polled — 55 defeated. tioned Prupac people as well past year under your direc- as two other volunteers, Pat Institute of Politics at Rutgers is to be percent — felt that the state should man- tion and again, we thank you Regardless of the dif- Kokocinski and Debra for your large part in our believed. A survey of 600 residents last date sex education and not let individual ference in attitude between Plonka accomplishments. month showed 78 percent In favor of sex school districts decide whether or not to the rebellious '60s and the W. Roy Cowan Harold Lindeman education in junior and senior high provide it. The poll showed that both apathetic '80s, those who Associate Executive Director Chairman voted against the age reduc- Association for Retarded schools. Only 17 percent opposed such parents of school-aged children and oth- tion at that time were Pride in Eatontown Commit- Citizens tee classes and the rest were undecided. er residents were evenly divided as to evidently as much in error as Monmouth Unit While opponents of the New Jersey whether or not parents should have the the Register editor in think- State Board of Education's sex education option of keeping their children out of ing that such a move would in any way influence an elec- directive argued that it's a subject which sex education classes. tion. Today in history properly should be taught only at home, What the survey really shows, as Frank A. Contey the poll reveals that parents are strongly summed up by Clifford Zukin, the poll By The Associated Press date over South-West Africa. Today is Monday, Oct. XI, In 1977, President Carter in favor of sex education programs in the director, is that supposedly widespread Prupaclauded the 301st day of 1M0. There ruled out any U.S. embargo on schools — 87 percent of parents of opposition was only "a highly vocal mi- are 65 days left in the year. trade with with South Africa school-aged children favored such pro- nority." Shrewsbury Today's highlight in his-or any ban on investment in To the Editor: tory: that nation to protest Its ra- (The following was sent Oa Oct. 27, 1178, Egypt's cial policies Jack T. Kvernland, presi- President Anwar Sadat and Five yean ago: As gun bat- dent, Prudential Property Israel's Prime Minister Men- tles spread In Beirut, Leba- Those perplexing planets and Casualty Insurance Com- acbem Begin were awarded non, the U.S. embassy urged pany, Holmdel.) The outcome of the Nov. 4 election is and Venus — and the moon. They will the Nobel Peace Prite American citiaens to evacuate As I am sure you know, On this date: dependents and •oneaseatlal in the stars, according to astrologers. meet in a tight cluster in the east-south- your company held a United In 1806. Napoleon personnel from Lebanon. But they say a rare heavenly event com- eastern sky about an hour before sunrise, Way Agency Fair in your cor- Bonaparte's forces occupied One fear ago: Conservative plicates predictions on whether it's Jim- and will be a spectacular sight to behold, porate headquarters in Berlin. Roman Catholic Rev. Charles mle Carter, Ronald Reagan or John An- astronomers say. Holmdel, on Oct. IS. We were In 1961, Mauritania and Coaghlin died at the age of M. derson that the stars will twinkle upon. a participant in the fair, and I Mongolia were admitted to He was widely known for his For some voters, that heavenly sight wanted you to know how well the United Nations. Depression-en radio broad- What will happen at surely as sun- may be the only beauty spot of the day. I thought the event was In 1966, the UN. General casts which attacked Presi- rite on Election Day is a rare conjunc- The suspense continues: Which can- planned and staged. Assembly proclaimed termi- dent Roosevelt, communists tion of three planets — Jupiter. Saturn didate will be thanking his lucky stars? Button, ballon — who's gonna gel the ballon? Of course. Bill Gardam's nation of South Africa's man- and labor unions. Semiconductors take SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, QCTOBER 27.1980 The Daily Register T a market breather Small car value questioned By DAVID R. SARGENT By SYLVIA PORTER which big, expensive-to-license gas guzzlers 0- How hu the recetslM were rammed into rusty, old little imports affected the semicoadactor Now that the move to smaller, more fuel- efficient cars is reaching the proportions of a The stunt promoters even removed the spare UMlastry? What do yoa tkiak tires from the front trunks of the Bugs, insur- of these stocks MW? T, V., stampede, the question becomes imperative: SUCCESSFUL Will we pay a price in more dangerous driving ing more dramatic photos of the wrecks. About in these down-sized models than in the big gas- YOl'R MONEY'S the same time. Cornell Aeronautical Labora- A- Until this fall's mar- guzzlers of the recent past? tories. Inc (CAL), of Buffalo, NY., also ket correction, semi- INVESTING Yes, says the U.S. Dept. of Transporta- WORTH hailed a statistical study, sponsored then by conductor stocks had' been tion's National Highway Traffic Safety Admin- big car makers, of what it billed as an analysis going blithely along, seem- istration. of 30,000 or more" accidents The study's ingly oblivious to the re- The agency cites scary statistical conclusion Death rates in little car crashes • cession, with several touch- projections of future small-car death rates. It dwarfed rates in big cars ing new 12-month highs This, exhibits films of costly NHTSA-sponsored car But the fine print in the study admitted that despite a noticeable dustry's most exciting period with the FCC's blessing, ITT crash "tests," and it warns that "shifting independent experts concede — all else being actual figures showed small cars had a lower slowdown (since June) in in- as the next generation of ad- is moving aggressively to tap from a large car to a small car...doubles the equal rate of serious death-and-injury crashes than coming order rates and in- vanced integrated circuits the burgeoning tele- chances of being killed in a crash." To prevent But in the real world, all else isn't equal big cars, so these "raw" figures were "ad- tensifying price competition (IC's) is introduced. These this highway slaughter, the NHTSA adds, it Small cars often are easier to handle, more justed" to pretend the accident patterns of communications equipment maneuverable, and ean avoid accidents better, Also, the industry's record tiny devices should help to market. must continue its demolition derbies to rate small and large cars were similar. That way, germinate entirely new mar- . as Dr. James Malfetti, director of Columbia of course, small cars looked bad (which was pace of capital outlays has Overseas, where it is dom- car crash-worthiness and the cars must have gone on undaunted, leading to kets, increasingly penetrate air bags to reduce crash injuries. Teachers College Safety Research & Educa- the unstated aim). inant, demand for its new some excess capacity. So the the huge auto industry, and NO, say other experts who cite statistics, tion Project, noted initially back in 1960 Since Today, a wide range of safety experts are first half may prove to have be gobbled up by the makers digital switching gear should too. highways aren't being down-sized, laws of virtually unanimous in condemning the been the last of the really of computers, tele- build rapidly. ITT is also well NHTSA, they claim, is campaigning for probability should also be considered, the vet- NHTSA crash tests as "unrealistic" and strong profits comparisons communications equipment, positioned to benefit from in- more funds and trying to promote its dis- eran driver safety expert repeated recently "wasteful," and privately, they question until, perhaps, mid-1981. defense systems, etc. In light creased defense spending; credited air bag installation project. NHTSA's Howard Bunch, of the University of Michi- NHTSA's motive Says one: "NHTSA wants of this prospect, I would con- and its extensive coal, oil, crash tests are "simplistic and misleading," gan's Highway Safety Research Institute, says funds and NHTSA wants air bags and it has Currently high backlog tinue to hold well-positioned positions, however, should and timber reserves are a major automakers contend — and the his own study indicates 1990 death rates mav distorted its data and sensationalized its issues such as Intel (OTC), good inflation hedge. statistics are so distorted that the Federal rise about 6 percent and says his personal view statistics to these ends " ' help sustain production rates National Semiconductor through the end of the year, Trade Commission would ban NHTSA is that the NHTSA orash tests don't duplicate The*government agency denies the charges (NYSE), and Texas Instru- Recent results have been statements if a private firm made them. actual accidents amnhouldn't be run (as you would expect) and in turn accuses the and most of the major semi- ments (NYSE). penalized by nonrecurring conductor makers should Imported car makers echo Detroit's allega- Even a 6 percent rise may be high Colum- automakers of "self-interest" motives charges and adverse curren- tions, condemning big-car vs. small-car tactics bia's highly respected authority. Dr. Malfetti. In the real world, highways get better, cars come through with peak 1980 cy adjustments. Still, 1960 profits. While less buoyant Q— I've owned Interna- as "harmful to true highway safety," and says: "Many crash studies have a low get safer The highway death rate today is comparisons seem likely in profits are expected to be asserting that NHTSA's car carnage stunts statistical base and results easily can be dis- about half what it was in 1950 when Volks- tional Tel. * Tel. for many around $5 a share. And, with 1981, or at least until U S. years. How do you view Its "bear no relationship to what happens in a torted." wagen started the; small-car trend here. economic activity revives prospects? B. R., New York the absence of these real crash." At least in part, independent Dire reports and demolition derbies have So buy the .size car you need and want. If significantly, the long-term A— Many of the com- negatives, plus the improving safety experts back the auto manufacturers. for almost two decades tried to scare us out of ft's a small car, buckle your seat belts and outlook for the industry re- pany's ill-conceived diver- economy, net could approach The laws of physio do document that when small cars. I remember that in 1964 one state drive carefully. You'll, be just as safe as in a mains as favorable as ever, sification moves of the early $6 00 in 1981. The stock yields smaller, lighter cars crash, their riders proba- highway commissioner (Connecticut's Leo big car - and not so financially "strapped and that's probably why the 70s are now being unraveled; about 7.5 percent and man- bly will fare worse than big-car occupants, the Mulcahy) summoned the media to a stunt in stocks have acted so well this also, there appears little agement will probably in- year. chance the Hartford Fire In- crease the dividend in No- The 1980s could well prove surance merger will be dis- vember ITT should fare well solved. Domestically, and to be the semiconductor in- during the 1980's. •".©

A Political Bestiary The Vanishing Milieu A weekly piece of political satire by Eugene J. McCarthy and James J. Kilpalrlck. Illustrated by Jeff MacNeUy. No one has ever seen a Milieu from the front. Milieus are usually observed as passing or vanishing. The fault is not with the Milieu but with the Milieu watchers, who become so preoccupied with the Pass- ing Milieus or with the Vanishing Milieu that they fail to see a Milieu approaching. By the time the Milieu is recognized it is too late to look at its front end. This is true of all kinds of Milieus — Economic Milieus, Cultural Milieus, Romantic Milieus, and others. There are two schools of thought about the frontal characteristics of the Milieu. N One school holds that the Milieu is cold- ""^ blooded and carries its head low (so as not T> > to be observed as it approaches), and the other says that the Milieu is warm-blooded and has a long neck that it carries high, so that it can see whether the previous Milieu has gone or is going. END OF SERIES Transportation meeting set EATONTOWN - The ecutive director of the New man, the officials are ex- Monmouth County Transpor- Jersey Transit Corp., Robert tation Coordinating Commit- Keith, head of the electrifica- pected to present a report on tee will hold a special meet- tion program, and Gregory an incident that occurred dur- ing at the borough hall here Maxwell, a special consul- ing the summer in which a Wednesday at 8 p.m. to hear tant, are expected to appear from state officials about im- and answer questions of com- malfunctioning drawbridge PASSENGER provements along the North muters. .delayed all evening com- Jersey Coast Line. According to Theodore J. Jerome C. Premo, ex- Labrecque, committee chair- muters more than two hours. GALLON Join Providenfs Christmas Club Beautiful, sculptured crystal, Vintage Relish" dish Free with $10 and S20 Clubs. S1 charge with $S Club. $2 charge with $3 Club. Get a (While the supply lasts) FREE GIFT Figure it this way. If six people in one car can each go 19 miles per passenger dollar on a gallon of gas,' the car delivers 114 passenger When you figure it this way, the real way, you miles of travel. i get to understand that, if you have a growing family, on average balance of regularly completed So, compare Malibu, which rides six in bigger may be the way to go for less. 1981 Christmas Club accounts comfort, with a four-seat car and you can see why Malibu's load of people can go up to 30% farther 19851 Christma£s Club' accounts available in S3, $5, S10 and $20 weekly amounts

THE OLO BEEHIVE ESTABLISHED «38 AMERICAS PROVIDENT at your SAVINGS BANK Chevrolet CHOICE ••Mifnrmr r *— NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 636 Arnold Ave.. Pt. Pleasant Beach/ 73 Broad Street, Red Bank I dealer Seaview Square Shopping Man, Ocean Township (DRIVE-IN) 8 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY. OCTOBER 27.1960 S:M • • LADIES' MAN aafvmg lima to* myrdar (3 in ihn courtroom typa lormmt WORLD AT WAR Lawranca PreeamaR atari aa a Kri) axammalion (SOmma.) CMCM«r»llMl7 tMOVIE -(COMEDY)" W elnflfe) paranl rtiama nil yownf • AMERICAN SHORT • A CLOSER LOOK: "Up ttw Sandboi" itra davomar aloaa and lha only STORY Tha Blue Motel 91. WHEN A WOMAN RE- Tsi. up Mary »•»» Bart*. Stf auand DwraJ Salty mala wrltar employed by a phan Crarta • atory atart David TURNS TO WORK • (MEAT PERFOR- lacuet maauma (Premier*) Warner aa a young Swede f illao • COLOHIKA Television today MANCES tMwK Saltor. Sol • MERV ORIFFIN with lalaa o* tha untimad Waal. • CINCOMINUTOSCON diar. Spy "art V Ualna • MOVIE who arrtvaa In an ISSO'a Na MMTADEPERALES • MACNEIL-LEHRER or tana dontiar town and aala • BEST OF OROUCHO PrldMUM'a tarhbla alorv -(MUSICAL-FANTASY) NEW JERSEY REPORT • FLAMSARDS Entry to a OTTER • APRENOIENDO A •*S '-WerMofHMMCkraS- (VHF) WNET IS: 1 WONDER WOMAN AMAR • CRISTIMA SAZAN • THE DEVIL AND DAN- advantura in which hia laara ol Naw World IEL MOUSE ttan Andaman" it?i 1 VICTORY GARDEN • VALENTINA • NEW JERSEY NIOHTLY violanca coma trua 1O:OS PECADO MORTAL (UHF) IS. SO, 52. 58 (all NEWS •MOVIE Eleanor AMFrai* Votoee of Chuck UcCann. Matty listed as Sit ' 1 UNCLE FLOYD • SANFORO ANO SON Satan LAFIERA 10:30 • MENEW« S 1I&ICU M9 «•£ 1 i 6:10 > EtTACION TERMINAL • HERE'S TO YOUR 7 SO • COMMODITY lln lit Tha Whua Hoaae Pan II MASTERPIECE WAYNE AND fcl——I «7/kD W 1876 Jana Alexnder. Edward S I NEW YORK 8:30 INK NEWS HEALTH (EXC. WHJS) CORNER • OO ••HASH THEATRE Pnda and SCHUSTER Harmann An intimate portrait o* 1 ABC NEWS MacNail Lalvar Report 7:87 • N.J. LOTTERY PICK-IT Epiaoda I This tiva 11:00 fJJ*>BO NEWS (VHF) WCBS2 WNBC lhaprivateaveiollhaPraaidewri (WHJS) DRAWING (UVE) 4 FftTlBMMBMf part dramatualion of Jana Aua- • M.A.S.H. 4. WNEW5, WABC7.WOR 1 TK TAC DOUQH ' and hia wrla (2 hra ) 1 CM NEWS • NEW JERSEY • MmTDMKLJFE Im laatwicalciaaaicopanawrth OS RMOOA »,WP.XU;(UHF|J1 1 SANFORO AND BON NEWSWATCH I KWKAMNKIUT) • LUIS VtOORCAUX Mil BannalayingMr Binglayai 0 DICK CAVETT SHOW PHILADELPHIA INEWJERBEVMOHTLY HBO STANDING ROOM PRESENTA W»rt. rrMMtrtl Tnsl agoodandriQhllutmarriaDapro 0 BENH.Y HILL SHOW (VHF) KYW S, WPVI, :WS ONLY: OLEN AND TANYA FlYIH. DOC RASE »*r. ipact for ona of hai tlva 11:30 00 CBS LATE MOVIE i •imnYUMIpi 52 daughtari (Cloaad QUINCY M E SullladBaThy WCAV 10; (U;HF) 17, ». BOO 9 • FLO mm • akuni • • MONDAY NIGHT AT caplionadHaOimni. ) m 1 JOKER'S WILD Tucker eteri«edailh«gmuei (.a nw«*i in. IM cmfomara mow* * OCEMCOTTMMKY THE MOVIES F, Nine Slara Jack Klugman RUTH ALAMPI'S CON- ipacial lapad •< Harrah'a in out and Fk>rr>afchaiwttobania The Leper Prleer two start »:3O IWKRPINCINCINNA- Garry Wilbirg Fathar Martin Tarran n lound daad HI a com iWPNUM IMERUNE fiano Ne>arja with tha crmar to aava tlw Va4- THAT'S IT IN SPORTS Kan Howard. Mlka FarfaH Tha HOOAR DULCE 7:00 CBS NEWS 7:16 • WALL STREET low Roaa from bankruptcy MOVIE -(FANTASY) ••• dramatic Iruaaloryotlha Roman ft promieingaiiualion. particularly t HOQAR EVENING MAGAZINE PERSPECTIVE (6aeeon PiMHail / "Pwto'a Dragon" itra C alholic prtaal who oa va hia Ufa (continued on next page) HBO MOVIE -(DRAMA) •" NEWS NBC NEWS 7:30 • MUPPETSHOW • • LITTLE HOUSE ON Shade* WmlafB. Helen Raddy in aarvica to tha exiled mhabi- "6av« Tha Tlojar " IB7S • STARMV AND • MASH • WILD WILO WORLD OF THE PRAIRIE A bilnd arilat a (Paid Suoecriptton Televieion) lanleotHawan a lapar colony on Jack Lammon. Jack Qillord A Radio Stations MUTCH TIC TAC DOUOH ANIMALS auccaaa laada ha* mother, who Story of a boy who baa an lha uland of Molokal a caniury auccaaaful man finds hie buai- • JOKER'S WILD ABC NEWS • • FAMILY FEUD abandonad ha* a* a ohiM. to at ammalad dragon Irland (2hre . ago tthre.) UUea AM TVPI PM TVPI nali tailing and tha bank 95 9 BM • • HAPPY DAYS BULLSEVE W • ALL IN THE tamp! a reconciliation but the 30 mine) • • MONDAY NIGHT A OB AGAIN TO TELL THE TRUTH FAMILY raluaaalogivahimaloan Hahaa FPG — MOR 9.9 BM young painlar anQrily rafuaaa HBO MOVIE (ROMANCE) FOOTBALL ABC Sporti will HLW lit C • FAMILY CLAUK BARNEY MILLER • • HOLLYWOOD two choicaa daclara bank- (60 ••• ) (Ctoaad Capnonad) •• "Something Short Of provida liva coverage of tha ruptcy or hira an arionlit (Rat HTG 1410 BM |MM 3-2-1 CONTACT SQUARES AQA2INE Paradlaa lirt eoean Sar UN 1450 — • PMMAG gama between the Miami Dol adR)(2hnl JLK 111IJI00 C/C/TT M.I C/T • WELCOME BACK. •TAR TREK • FACE THE MUSIC THAT'S andon, David 8lalnbarg phlna and lha Maw Yotk Jala 10:00 affl LOUQRANTBUIIali JR2 - - 1001 C O MOVIE OBM — — 9J 7 MOP. givan an maidi via* of politic! 'WUU — — 10? 1 C 2 NEW COMEDY SEMES! (BIOGRAPHICAL-DRAMA) aa wallai I rough initiation from 1 Moil station! otfar • tchadula of nawi • "LADIES MAN'' Mft *•• "Blrdmenof Alcatral" tha praaa bua whan tha goaa on and public affairs programming In addi- IMS Bun Lancaatar. Kart Mel- tha road to covor a hotahoi poli- tion to their regular formal All format LWM MI it latlH' dan 0/ippmg.trua ilofy of con- descriptions *rt at tnown in Broadcast tician (60 mine ) ing Yearbook 1971 •aiuiHllfkirstu. vict Robart Slroud who bacama • NEWS world authority on bird llfa whila 8M— Beautiful MutH SR-Sofi Rock INDEPENDENT C— Contemporary T- Talk NEWS MOR— Middle of Road 0 ADVOCATES: ELEC- 7tt*6e/t Vote TION 'BORapiaainlailvaaof tha laadino^ Preeidentiel can. A paid directory of coming events for non-profit An Arts it Craft Show at the church of the Precious At the movies dldataa debate the important nl6. do organizations. Rates (2 50 for three lines for one day, At Me Merita COUNTRY — laauaa confronting thai hopatuli HA/l b I 2 Ml SO JCT nil 35 1 36 Blood, Riverdale Ave., Monmouth Beach, 8 A.M. to 4 Information tor tha movie time- Caddvinack IR) 7 IS. • is $1.00 each additional line; $3 50 for two days, Jl 25 each P.M. Tables: $10.00 each. For information call 222-7491, table it provided by theater opera KIVPOUT tort Since movlia are subject tc ITRAND- additional line; 15 50 for three to five days, 11.90 each 228-3415 change. It It recommended thai Swiet Surrender IX) 12 OS, 2:30 additional line; 16 50 for 10 days, ft 00 each additional rtaoeri call tha theater to confirm MS. 9:45; Star of the Orient IX) 'AV NOVEMBER 3,4.1 correct tlmet I IS. 8 30 line. Deadline noon two days before publication. Call MONMOUTH COUNTY LONO IflANCH The Daily Register, M2-4O00, ask for the Date Atlantic Highlands Elementary School PTO will AIIRDIIN TOWN1NIP LONO BRANCH MOVIBtl— ITHTIBHat aWTIM CUTH sponsor a giant Book Fair It Used Book Sale, Nov. 3, 9 CINIMA M— , Motel Hell IRI 7 30.9:30 • wmmu M UIIIII R Secretary. . Motel Hell «R1 7 30. 9 ID LONO BRANCH MOVIal II — A.M. to 3 P.M Nov. 4, 9 A.M. to 8 P M Nov. 5,9 A.M. to •TIATHMOM CINIMA I — Firll OaadlvSIn (R) 7 li. 9 30 My Bodyguard IPO) 7:30.9:30 MIDOLITOWN 10 AM at the school •TIATHMOM CINIMA II — UA MIDDLBTOWN I — FIRST MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Airplane (PGI 7:30.9.10 Ordinary People IR) 7:30, 9:4S CHRISTIANS IN SERVICE, qualified persons to NOVEMBER 4-7 AieUKY PARK UAMI0DL1T0WNII- DEADLY SIN BAHONIT — l.ovlngCouplnlPG) 7 IS. 9 IS assist senior citizens in filing various forms, tax, social Ms. Senior Citizen sponsors trip to Granit Hotel, Mltl Uagnlllcani IXI 7:30, 10 UA MIDOLITOWN III — security, insurance, medical, etc. Service free of Catskills, four days, three nights, Nov. 4-7, $119 per fcurooean I ovtn

LINCROFT - A lively program, strong technique Music and warm, entertaining musi- cianship marked "Brothers, Beautiful in Concert," a benefit per- Empty Arms," was not listed formance at Christian that way on the program. Brothers Academy last night. Brother Laurence noted, "As The brothers, two mem- adherents to religious bers of a Roman Catholic celibacy, we didn't want that teaching order, played dual on the program." pianos and sang to a medium- That was only one sign of Crystal sized crowd for nearly two hours. Their program mixed their warmth and musi- classical, popular classical, cianship. ragtime and other bright pieces; with rare exception, For the second set, the the evening was well-spent. brothers appeared attired in you can bank on. blue sequined hats to play Brother Laurence Walther "Maple Leaf Rag" by Joplin. and Brother Vincent Malharn Its tinny sound was explained brought music from such di- when the brothers stepped • verse composers as Chopin, away from their pianos while- Rachmaninoff, Scott Joplin the music continued. — and even children's songs. They accompanied their The first set consisted ol own recording as a spoof. the more stirring classical Vocally they could have pieces; the opening Scherzo, been stronger, but were Opus 31, No. 2 by Chopin and pleasing to the ear nonethe- the closing Piano Concerto less. No. 2 by Rachmaninoff were, as tradition would have it. the The show benefits De- memorable pieces. LaSalle Hall, the home for The Rachmaninoff piece, retired and Infirm brothers. known best as "Full Moon, BILL ZAPCIC Television today

(continued) 1:50 0 MOVIE ambarraaainoconaldarlnglria -(BIOGRAPHICAL) "U pi milt cruaada ayamti an ofc 'FlvaPannlaa ' IMBOanny Kaya.Barbara BalOaddaa Tha aanapubltcailon (RapaaO'THE biography oljaiilrumpatarRad NtWAVENOCRS Obaaaalon Nictola (2 hra.. IB mini star» Patrick Macnva, Joanna 0 DELAWARE VALLEY _ ir <> Lumloy A lorrflar lovar Of Pur FORUM tfay't la Oiii 10 gat ra vanga on a 2:00 0 MOVIE - bickaring rtaighbor a aa actora Inloquitl'a rrlghtanlng Ima «l (2 hra) lair (RaladR)( 106mkia) 2:34 0 »r=w« 11:40I • VlKIMOSIFromlhaFuryot tha Northman" Thla program . off ara a took at tha fury which davaaladEuropa.aathaOantari TOWNSHIP OF Vikinoa aackad city altar city MIDDLETOWN from Parla to North Africa TownaMp 11:46 •• NEW* CommHSM MMttng: . 12:00> • MOVtC-fADVENTUIW) October 21,1 MO And the first and eighth stems are yours FREE! •• "Tttpoa" 1M0 Maaraaa O'Hara. John Payn*. Unllad •uemiu poajnoaj: Slataa Marfciaa baltta barbary .1 PuWc Ma««g on Ordtnancaa You'll find these elegant Crystal collectables at all 23 .1399 Amandrnanl Chapter 5 aiaaWiBOo (2hra) Laonardo Baachaa This exquisite Bavarian Lead Franklin State Bank offices right now. 1000 COUPLE • 1400- No Parking Southfjda of I MOVIE -(DRAMA) *•• Cantar Avanua From Bra S «am Ava lo tia AJantic Crystal can be yours Free ' '1*1 No Man Write My Epi- HighltnOi Bordar Han It's a truly outstanding value and a stunning way to acquire taph" MM ShaaayWMan •aval • MOVIE -Crlattna' Alain • 1401- No Paaimo Murphy Road genuine imported Crystal while your savings collect top Daton. Rowy SohaaMar. U • Emut Langth llamaM) and at a special low price • 1402- Bond Ordinanca - Qaa commercial bank interest! . hra.) Pumpa - Card Conaol Syt- • PAORC POSADA »m (lanuava) every time you bank with us! • 1175a- Amand Bond Ordmanca Program anpirat April 4, (fifil and l$ kmltaO to two haa glatiaspai tamiiy I first Bavaraga slam • SULUVAMS BayirtOM • go 12:10 0 WAQU0FM0MNL Proita (laraatrva) and aighth glats ol your choica) initial traa Bavaraga a tarn oltai aupuat Dacambar 31. IM0 ABC NEWS .1403- Amand Chaotar 2t Iraftlc Now you can own exquisite 24% lead imported Crystal, Crystal wut ba avallabta lor purchasa and pick up duitng normal Bank Lobby Hour* only 12:18 0 0 and Parking IProrvtMad Uarchandita « not tor relate MOHTUNE Parking Hours on Motion! blown and cut in Germany, by the Schott-Zwiesel Com- 0MOVK-E M-(SUSPENSE)" Avanua) nantarrvai "Windows" Talla SMca. pany ... just for depositing your money at Franklin State. Joaapfl Cortaao ' A No Parking - Phaiani Road B Eichanga or Proparty - Board ol And the first Beverage stem and the eighth glass of your I2:M 00 TOMOMWWOaaM: Education Author Moflaan MaHar (to C Arhnu Accaptanca of Pvopany - Uar choice can be yours absolutely free! MJM.) daan - Laonardo Daach Araa HOOAN'S HEROES Simply deposit $100 or more in a new or existing savings 2"MEDICAL CENTER A RaaQnaaon - Shada Traa Advajory 12:38 0 MOVIE -(DRAMA) •• S B nmymm • Port ol UonmouX Da account or in a new checking account or new certificate of Franklin "Com Spy WMIiMa)" tsir .atopmantComminea Troy Ooaafcaa. Aadra* Draaxj. C AppoMmam ' Sftada Mr Advaory deposit and you'll receive your first Beverage stem free! 0 Appotnlmant Port of Morvnouai Da- 0 MOVIE - vatopnant Commraaa * "MtManr r Ma E Haiaaaa Partonnanot Bond Charry Then, with each subsequent deposit of $50 or more you •uxton" IMS JaUCtwaHar. Traa VMga ban Hal State F an* uoft m can purchase the pieces of your choice for only $6.95 each TrHaraki.DarlrtgW WJLaloaaJi O Award Ad (t)Uaad Tractor Traiar band ol Uarlnaa haad bah bid (plus tax), well below the normal retail price. Buy six and anawi »aa» K> daaam a atnv A Amandatory Agraamam - Uonmourh laatc»«aga County SCAT ftoaw you'll also get the eighth glass free with our compliments. B Autlorin Agraaman - Ragnnal Ra I.-00 0 RATPATHOL cycling Coalaon I MonmouH Counry) 1:1S HM> THE ORBAT AMER- naaauauaii Offices Serving Somerset, Union •CANaHOSTTOURr. C Diliga Ta« Sato CanftcaM • Collect as many pieces as you like, including Beverage, Middlesex and Monmouth Counties D Comnwnay Oaoalo Water, Wine, Parfait, Brandy, Cordial, Champagne/ Tiiiata olFunda E Op f Camp Cola - Sharad uaa ol Part and Sherbet and Old Fashioned. One is more beautiful than tWafadav a awaaamiwao the other. H. PaMMofMk Franklin staia Bar* - MemDar FOIC •TaanaMpOarti 10 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N.J MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1980 ¥¥ i m* i i ii . Keyport fire levels

Howard(continued) , , Muhler debate issues ^bahdoned factory we are now third In the nation In finding lor a KEYPORT - Nine fire juries were reported A fire- tory, closed since 1177, con- transit system companies battled for five man tripped over a pipe, in- tained plastics, paper and which we are on our way to making (real." hours before controling a juring his back and another cardboard, which proved dif- Howard attacked the Kemp-Roth Ux cut (or spectacular blase tbat sustained frostbite wounds ficult to douse. The depart- selectively burdening the elderly and the poor to leveled the defunct Ballard from manning a hose noozle ments concentrated efforts the advantage of tbote In the 000,000-a-year Ux plastic factory here yester- "I looked outside and on saving a home behind the bracket Howard laid he wpportt Investment Ui day. there was one big cloud of factory on the waterfront crediU to buatneat expansion projecti without Keyport Fire Chief Bruce smoke over the town and property. radical cuts to social programs for the poor Ely said the seven Keyport when we got there the place "The men did a great job Howard In turn attacked the Mate Legislature and two Union Beach fire was just one big ball of fire," to save the house," be said for falling to approve educational programs and companies responded to a 4 Ely said. •We had to cave-in all the transit programs In the state. p.m. general alarm to find Ely said the origins of the walls to contain the blase on "It wasn't until New Jersey became the sec- the First Avenue factory blaze are termed "sus- the site." ond-wont state In the nation In education that the engulfed in flames. Two in- picious" at this time because The departments used federal government had to step In to regulate the the building did not have book and ladders to squelch system," Howard said. "If the state legislators working electricity. Ely said flames Ely estimated as ris- took their responsibUty seriously, the federal gov- Girl hurt the'department has asked the ing 45 feet Their efforts were ernment would not have had to allocate the money local building subcode of- hampered by a stong west- to do it adequately." ficial to board-up the building erly wind, he added Muhler said the federal government has in scuffle for three years to prevent Ely uid the county fire wasted money by overregulatlng school boards possible arson. marshal U investigating the and Instituting social programs which hamper the at game "We've Inspected the blase along with local chiefs poor and elderly. building several times and here Ely said the fire de- Federal spending has increased the federal PISCATAWAY - One made reccomendations, but stroying the neighboring deficit, which directly hinders the poor and elderly female member of the Mid- nothing came out of it, " Ely Ballard Mansion three yean as Inflation, she said. dletown South High School said. "If they had boarded ago was also of suspicious "I will work to get federal money adminis- band was treated and re- JAMES J. HOWARD MARIE S. MUHLER the place up this fire would origin. tered directly at the state and local level," Muhler leased from Raritan Valley probably not have hap- The former owners of the laid. "You don't help anyone with more taxes, other assemblymen in environmental protection In summation, Muhler turned to deficit spend- Hospital here yesterday after buildings now live in Nevada, a scuffle involving students pened." more programs and more dependence on the fed- "It's a little late for Mr Howard to talk of ing and federal control; both, she said have caused Ely said the Ballard fac- be said eral government." toxic waste disposal, and it's also a little late to inflation. Muhler pointed to the North Jersey from Piscataway High Muhler said Howard has maintained a liberal notice that New York is dumping raw sewage on Coast Line electrification plan which, she noted, is School. attitude toward defense spending, which she said New Jersey beaches," Muhler said "We should slated to reach only Matawan instead of Bay Head. Middletown Band Director has turned the county Into an Inferior military work with business to give them the incentive to She said Howard has repeatedly told the public we Joseph Lawlor said the un- power. The U.S. does not have the "verifications" clean up the environment " are "on our way" to improvement in jobs and identified girl and a few other from the Soviet Union to continue pursuit of a transportation, "but nothing comes to fruition. members were accosted by SALT treaty, she said. Muhler said the coastline has not been privy to "We need a new president and a new Congress Piscataway students during Howard tied Mubler's defense posture with protection funds administered to the' states of to balance the budget and provide the incentives to Souths 28 to 14 defeat at the Ronald Reagan's "extremely foolish search of California and Florida. The coast seawall needs turn this county around." Muhler said high school football field military sufficiency over the rest of the world." major renovations and not merely maintenance Howard viewed his tenure as a progression here. Lawlor said the girl was Howard called for a "practical and sensible" funds, Muhler said. towards more effective political power for the struck by a student outside the football stands and was approach to military spending which would be said Howard said he has been at the forefront of district. will not be disruptive to the economy. Muhler "In my 1J years I have not been the most later released from the hospi- legislation to require adequate sewage treatment tal after a brief observation. supports "a mad race to oblivion," he said. In the district Howard said he prevented the effective congressman on the Hill, because the Muhler charged Howard on being "a little transfer of nerve gas to Naval Weapons Station process takes time to reach the positions and the Three other girls were tote" on the environmental issues of toxic waste Earle in 1868 and has recently voted in favor of II .2 right channels," Howard said. "I am becoming sprayed with contents of a disposal and protection of the coastline. Muhler billion super fund to address the problem of more effective every year, and I assure you that if fire extinguisher in the school pointed to her work to clean up Marlboro's Burnt toxic wastes in the state and throughout the na- you throw me out It will be a very long time before building but none were in- Fly Bog during the last 12 years, and her work with this district has that kind of effectiveness again.'' jured, according to Lawlor. tion "I believe the initial skir- mish was a matter of few words exchanged by spec- Fort commissary baggers to elect following dispute tators, but we are in contact FORT MONMOUTH - who both quit last Friday express check-out line, he position, and a grievance pro- with the school on the inci- with Chelborg and Kingsley dent within the school," Law- The approximately (0 work- rather than sign a license last Friday but later returned fulfilled numerous super- cedure," Chelborg said. "I feel these people are being lor said. ers who bag and carry gro- agreement with the fort, have to work. The workers have visory duties for which he ceries for patrons at the Fort threatened to picket the com- was unpaid. abused." Lawlor said three girls Monmouth Commissary will missary. until tomorrow to sign the "I've been fighting for Matuszewski said that were directed by Piscataway elect a new "head bagger" Gilbert Chelborg, the license agreement or be two years for the authority to Congress has not ap- students into the school build- tomorrow. The man they're former "head bagger" and fired. The approximately 30 sit down with the government propriated any money to fill ing for the use of lavatories. replacing and his assistant, his assistant, Michael King baggers in the afternoon shift to negotiate something de- baggers' positions and that When the girls entered the building they were met by sley, refused to sign the are military dependents who cent for the baggers, like a the present system is the only agreement which formalizes minimum wage plus tips, way possible now to provide some 16 male and female stu- work after school. bagging services. dents who sprayed them. Rumson existing agrrangements in Commissary Manager Ed- benefits, a paid supervisory which baggers are permitted ward Matuszewski said that residents to work only for tips and not the agreement "calls for at paid employees of the fed- nothing more than the way eral govenmment. we've already been doing warned Chelborg claimed that al- business." though the agreement says He denied that he had to RUMSON - Two borough baggers are not fort employ- the power to hire and fire residents were surprised last ees and are to be supervised "Since I am a federal em- week when they returned only by the bead bagger, it ployee, supervised by of- home to find strangers lurk- requires them to conform to ficials above me, I can't pos- ing In their homes. fort standards governing sibly take any adverse ac- Though nothing was stolen dress and conduct and gives tions against baggers who In either incident, police the commissary manager the comply with the terms of the warned area residents to lock power to suspend or fire any license arrangements," he their doors when they are not bagger for non-compliance said borne. with any item on the long list "They have their agree- In separate incidents, a of agreement terms. ment and as long as they live home on Oyster Bay Drive "Beyond a shadow of a up to it, I can do nothing tc The and one on Oak Tree Drive them," he said. were entered by intruders doubt, they have total and absolute control," said The licensing agreement who claimed to be looking for is already in effect at other friends when confronted by Chelborg, who has been either head bagger or assis- military commissaries, he residents. In both cases they said gave the residents addresses tant for approximately 10 Chelborg said that baggers of homes they said they were years, he said. earn an average of f 15 to $20 lowest tar looking for. About SO baggers on the a day in tips. While he earned In the Oyster Bay inci- day shift walked off the job double that working on the dent, the intruder was de- scribed as a white male, while in the second incident a white female was identified fllWO150NCtf They both were said to speak They still do- ever. with a heavy accent. GAVE THEIR Butitsalot In both cases the intruders BUtfDKN left without incident, the man easier now. In a car with Pennsylvania MONMO JJustgive license plates, the woman in a blue car with New Jersey Kcoum. lfe plates. j [JERSEY Nurse course data BLCDDBANK- presented today LINCROFT - Licensed You can givt blood any weekday 1 to 4 p.m., Practical Nurses will have an W«d. & Thuri. 5 to 8 p.m.. Sat. 9 ».m. to noon opportunity to complete their at the Central Jersey Blood Canttr in Rtd Bank educational requirements to become registered nurses within one year, through a course implemented by Brookdale Community Col- lege. The program will be de- 'SAVE scribed in detail at two public Box: Less than Information sesssions planned in the lower level of MONEY (Xlmgtar. the Brookdale College Com- mons (Parking area seven) at 1 30 pm today. It will be INSULATE NOW! repeated at 7:30 p.m. Thurs- day. WE SPECIALIZE IN THE INSULATION OF EXISTING HOMES End Waste! COASTAL INSULATION 314J Bofdentown Avt. ParHn NJ LANZARO uumrow FREE Sheriff O Philip Morm Inc. I9W

Column 1 Nov 4 Warning: The Surgeon Genera! Has Determined Thai Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerouslo Your Health 727-3610 Lus than 0.1 mg "tad'0.01 ing • CEimna nicotine av. per cigamta by FTC Method. 0WRS-C0MIM CMTTMCTN P ! 1

I i'. •,'. H NJ FlBERGLAS A NEW YOU Dancer keeps slim and svelte

As slim, svelte and shapely as she was in than gain it " and Givenchy leg fashions The honor puts •have my arms, my underarms break out la a her film-making days, dancing star Cyd This is something dancers often say. her in the san>% league with such legendary rail. How caa I be tot-tally secure but i hdrisse. mother of two grown boys, follows Dancing is enjoyable — but it also is a legs as Marlene Dietrich s. Betty Grable's without getting a rath? — D la Dilemma much the same regimen now as she did then strenuous calorie-burning workout Try it. and Judy Garland's Incidentally. Cyd won Its the secret of her youthful good looks You could like the results thai show in a full- out over such finalists as Bo Derek. Angle Dear D First, shave arms before bed- ( yd begins each day with deep-breathing length mirror or a slinky evening gown Dickinson, Racquet Welch, Shirley time, using a shaving cream that lathers up yoga exercises to get her circulation hustling From a fashion viewpoint. Cyd likes the generously, enabling you to get a smooth around Then, by 10 a m . she is starting a MacLaine. and Ann Miller, all of whom were preppy look She wears pants when rehears- nominated by shoppers across the US shave that doesn't cut too close Wash away ballet lesson that lasts 90 minutes When she the cream, then splash on good quality witch ing and for informal occasions But. when she before editors cast the final winning ballots is performing with her famous husband Tony hazel wants to feel super feminine, she said, it's For evening allure, you could borrow a tip Martin, she rehearses for two or three hours Next morning, apply a deodorant as op- dresses for me." from Cyd Charisse She always wears sup- every day No wonder there's not an ounce of posed to an anti-perspirant which has a port hose when dancing, choosing a shade spare flesh on her size 6,115-pound body Cyd thinks women should show their legs, stronger formula If this works, your prob- Dancing isn't enough of a workout for this and if you have legs like ('yds they're worth that matches her shoes It not only gives an lems are over If it doesn't, instead of using energetic entertainer. She supplements with showing Magazine and newspaper fashion unbroken line, she said, but when I'm danc- deodorant, the morning after shaving mix either swimming or brisk walking She's not editors across the U.S. recently voted this ing. I don't like my shoes to distract ' baking soda with a little water and apply It. into jogging because its so jarring. "All that graceful lady to the Hall of Fame for Famous JUST FOR YOU You'll find other tips for beauty aids you pounding is bad for the internal organs." she Legs, which is sponsored by Round-the-Clock Dear Emily: If I apply deodorant after 1 have on the pantry shelf in my "Natural said, making a pounding motion with her Beauty Aids " bulletin, which can be obtained hands Smooth running is another matter ' by sending 25 cents and a self-addressed, Exercise isn't her only stay-slim-keep- stamped envelope to me, Emily Wilkens. youthful secret When it comes to diet, Cyd care of this newspaper eats sensibly EMILY WILKENS welcomes letters, but STAY-SUM SECREtS Lifestyle cannot undertake to answer each one She "I never had a sweet tooth and I don't will use questions of general interest in her like rich foods, " she said "I eat simple SHRFWgBURY. NJ MONDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1980 column Address your letters to Emily foods and I'm more inclined to lose weight Wilkens. care of this newspaper <

Advice Angel is honored MONMOUTH BEACH - his dedication and imagina- Mrs. Glen Pizza, president of tion which provided the foun- the Monmouth Center for dation for the growth of the Vocational Rehabilitation center. YOUR HEALTH Angel Auxiliary, Red Bank, The Lily Division of will be honored at the cen- Owens Illinois, Holmdel, will ter's third Annual Angel receive the Monmouth Center Awards Dinner Wednesday at for Vocational Rehabilita- 7 p.m. here in the Channel tion's industry Angel Award Cause for pain Club. She will be recognized in appreciation of its efforts for her efforts in directing to provide training and em- the annual "Be An Angel; ployment for handicapped Buy An Angel" community clients of the non-profit cen- By LESTER L. COLEMAN, Ml) "free.11 service program at Mon- ter. The award will be ac- I'm 34 yean old and feel line, except for 10) Neurological problems. mouth Mall, Eatontown. cepted by T Michael Hope, RiflliUt IUH »t>QlD neck paina that stay with me for many 11) Herniated disks. Also a recipient of the plant manager. NEWCOMERS' BAZAAR — Charming handcratted months la there anything new In the nature These are just a few of the possible causes award will be Joseph E. Chairmen of the event are Items headed for the Christmas Bazaar and luncheon of treatment for this condition? — Mr. J. that must be investigated if any sensible Trible, Kinnelon, a former Jean Gauch and Leci Croker, sponsored by the Middletown Newcomers Club are OK, Ga. course of treatment is to be established member of the Monmouth assisted by Elsie DePetro, previewed bv the chairmen Mrs.. Paulette Rubino, left, Dear Mr. OR.: X-ray studies are the immediate Center for Vocational Re- Roberta Fox, Marie Klein, and Mrs. Janice Stevens, both of Middletown. The event When you ask if there is "anything new" diagnostic techniques. C.A.T. scans, a techni- habilitation's board of direc- Gladys Lambert. Cecile Nor- will take place Nov. 1 In the Old Orchard Inn, Eaton- I must point out that you haven't told me que known as "electro-myography," and Mrs. Glen Pitia tors who is being honored for ton and Donna Worth. town, with the bazaar opening at 11:30 a.m. and lunch- what you have tried that is "old." vascular studies all can reveal important eon served at 12:45 p.m. There are few more frustrating com- information. plaints for both the patient and the physician When once the diagnosis is made, the ANN LANDERS than the presistent "pain in the neck." The choice of treatment is determined. For causes are so varied that only the most simple, chronic neck pain, moist heat Is Mr. and Mrs. Vaccaro intensive searching can elicit the underlying always beneficial. A soft collar to support the reasons for it. head relieves the strain on the musculature To give you some idea of how complicated of the neck. Kudos for frankness mark 67th anniversary the problem can be, I will list a few of the There are many excellent drugs that are causes. * specifically used to relieve spasm. Under ALLENHURST - Mr. and have resided here 56 years. 1) Injury. Whiplash trauma or sports in- special circumstances, neck traction is used. Dear Ann Landers: I read surance. It would be a pity il last week to say they found a Mrs James S. Vaccaro, 311 Mr. and Mrs. Vaccaro are jury. la there any medical reason why a young you dally and admire the way you denied yourself marriage house they want to buy, and Elberon Ave., celebrated the parents of seven living 2) Osteoarthritis of the spine (even at the girl should avoid sports or swimming during you have the courage to deal and a family because of a asked for the money to make their (7th wedding an- children, Anthony here; Fred age of 34). her menstrual period? - Mrs. R.R., S.D. with every kind of problem. I crippling fear of ridicule. I a down payment. We don't niversary Oct. 12 They were and James Jr., Ocean Town- S) Nerve injuries. Dear Mrs. R : hope your editors will con- urge you to get counseling have it to give and told them honored at a dinner given by ship; Mary Francese, Nep- tune; Fanny O'Toole, Asbury 4) Muscle disorders Unless there are severe abdominal tinue lo let you speak out and Look in the phone book under so. Now they are mad. Sun- their children in Mike Park.; Rita Trebino, Belmar, 5) Overenthusiastic massages cramps, there is no reason why participation be frank. You are doing a "mental health." day they shut the door in our Doolan's, Spring Lake and Sue Vaccarelll, Red 6) Inflammation and infection in the in sports, In moderation, should be pro- wonderful Job of educating There are many fine wom- faces and refused to talk to Heights Mr. Vaccaro and the Bank. Another son, Albert, glands beneath the muscles of the neck. hibited. As far as swimming is concerned, people who wouldn't have the en out there who would attach us. What can we do? - Hay- former Celeste Annecharico died as a prisoner of war in 7) Congenital disorders. the limits should be established for esthetic nerve to talk to a person no importance whatever to ward, Calif. Tears • 8) Grinding of the teeth, with secondary reasons rather than medical danger. the fact that you are under- were married Oct. 12, 1013 In the Philippines in 1M2. (even a doctor) about an in- Dear Hay: Nothing. Let jaw joint problems. Dr. Coleman welcomes questions from timate problem. I've learned sized. Please write again and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mr. and Mrs. Vaccaro them simmer down, and 91 Cradling a telephone between the shoul- readers. Please write to him in care of this so much from your column, let me know if you took my Roman Catholic Church, have 24 grandchildren, 33 hopefully the situation will der and the neck, in order to keep the hand newspaper. and now 1 have decided to advice. It could change your Asbury Park. Mr. Vaccaro, a great-children and two great- change. Count your blessings confide in you. life retired gardener, and his wife great-grandchildren. Dear Ann Landers: My that you didn't buy a house I am a male in my early together. From what you 20s with a fairly good person- married son, who has three have told me so far, It MOST OF OUR CLIENTS ASK DR. BROTHERS ality and above-average children, decided we should wouldn't have worked worth looks. The problem: I have buy a house together. My hus- a darn. never had sex because I am band said it was fine with not very well developed in the him. CONFIDENTIAL to Help TOP SmOKIN Distrust of hypnosis genital area. I realise this has We went to look at seven Me Find the Words: You nothing lo do with my ability different houses. My daugh- might try these from Thomas to nave children, but It does ter-in-law found something Fuller: "He who cannot for- wrong with every one. Either give others breaks the bridge hypnotized it doesn't mean ally excited when I said I'd have a lot to do with my self- By DR. JOYCE BROTHERS the rooms were too small or over which he might pass LOSE WEIGHT he's weak, it means he's able write to you. What do you confidence. the neighborhood didn't suit himself; for every man has Dear Dr. Brothers: My to concentrate Mentally de- think? I'd like a pet but I'd I have met some nice girls her. ' the need to be forgiven." I daughter happened lo be in • ficient people are at a disad- also like to live in relative who might be good wife ma- IN EITHER ONE OF THESE LOW COST My husband and I finally wish you luck. shopping center when • vantage so they're less easily harmony. - WO. terial, bul I haven't allowed ONE SESSION GROUP PROGRAMS put two and two together and crime was committed. She's hypnotized Nobody can be Dear WO : Selecting a pet myself to gel friendly with decided we had better buy a Title I topic a responsible person ami was hypnotized who doesn't want is an important, serious de- anyone for fear It might lead house by ourselves. So we TINTON FALLS - Pa- eager and willing to help the to be and hypnosis can't cision so you're wise to take lo the bedroom and I would made a down payment on a rents are invited to a Title I police as much as she could. create in someone something your time. I'm no expert on be ridiculed. (I've had enough house we liked and figured meeting at M. F. Atchison Now, they've asked her to be that isn't already there. A animals, but I'd like to refer of that from the guys in the out now to manage the mort- School, Ml Sycamore Ave., hypnotized In order lo re- basically moral person can't you to a new book called, shower* when I was in high school.) gage paymnents — which Wednesday at 7:30p.m. in the member more details that, be made to behave in an im- "The Right Dog for You" by school library. Joseph T. animal psychologist Dr. Is there any way a man won't be easy. they say, may help lead them moral way, for example. Giger is director Title I. to the culprit. I can't tell you I think you can relax. I'm Daniel Tortora. He breaks can be enlarged? I've heard Our son and his wife called how concerned I am about sure your daughter won't be the canine kingdom down into of women having their this. I'm afraid It's going to harmed in any way by this more than a dozen categories breasts made bigger. I think have damaging effects on my experience. according to sociability, they lake hormone injections. ENROLL NOWI HVPMOVIV daughter. I've never trusted Dear Dr.- Brothers: My learning ability, obedience Do yon know If hormone in- jections or ANYTHING can U.ASSKSSTARTIM; hypnosis and I'm afraid she'll children have always waated and watch and guard abili- NOV. 1 671-4848 800-392-6944 lose her independence and a dog and my hasbaad and I ties, among others. help me? - Rhode Island • FOR DEC. her sense ol self. She's never have always refused because He suggests for instance, Dear E.I.; The only safe been weak and lo me, there's we simply didn't have space. that people of high normal way to have breasts made something weak In this. — Now, at last, we're living la activity should choose a rela- larger is through surgery — Your college-bound E.V. an area where there is a love- tively inactive pet and vice silicon* implants. student can test MONMOUTH TEST Dear E.V. I believe you ly Ienced-ln yard and we feel versa. Sixe is also a factor As for your problem, med- better, achieve have a misconception about that we're economically se- when there are small chil- ical science has not come up more with Carl A. Quaglia what hypnosis involves. First cure enough to know we'll dren. I strongly suggest you with a solution so far. professional R.P. of all, I'm sure your daughter stay pat fsr a while. We ex- buy this book and let each of What you need is self-as- help' is in good hands with the po- pected thai the news that your children look at it and lice and what they're' ailing they could have a dog woaM discuss it until there's some FREEDOM OF CHOICE isn't too unusual Your bring the children together agreement. If there's Mill IS YOUR PRIVILEGE. daughter may be able to help bat instead, they've spent the disagreement you and your Special /.'.' them fill in many details that last week arguing over what husband should have the final In this wonderful country of ours all of us are she can't recall in her con- kind of dog, what sex, what say. Your guidance can help guaranteed many rights and privileges not enjoyed scious mind. Police frequent- sixe etc. My husband called them. everywhere We can worship whom we please, speak ly use hypnosis to get such them all U the table last CARPETS our minds without fear and our property cannot be information. weekend and said thai be was seized without due process of law When we are sick, Hypnosis is a form of in- going to gel an oauide opin- CLEANED we can select the particular physician we prefer We tense aroused attentive con- ion and asked if they'd all ae not regimented or owned by the state centration. If a person can be agree. They did aad were re- Another one of your many freedoms is the right to End Waste! choose the particular pharmacy you want to fill your ROOMS prescriptions. When a physician prescribes a medicine LANZARO he can either phone the particular pharmacy you wish Strong, Hoffman cited FOR or you can bring the prescription to that pharmacy Sheriff yourself. May we be your personal pharmacy' by Legal Secretaries VOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery We will deliver promptly without Pub. Column 1 Nov 4 extra charge A great many people rely on us for their WEST LONG BRANCH - health needs. We welcome requests for delivery ser- Rosemarie Strong, Long Strong is employed by MOTf. UNUSUALLY UMOC CM DOUtU vice and charge accounts Branch, was given the "Le- ROOttt MAY M SIKJMTLY MIQMHt Ascenzio R. Albarelli of ME USE ummaa mnmm m maim mm nmai gal Secretary of the Year" Asbury Park. rotary Hffsani f wtiswris'Pii award, and Bernard H. Hoff- Thomas F. Sbebell Jr., THE HOST THOROUGH METHOD Shrewnhmry Pharmarj U-liro J P OF REMOVING DIRT man of Red Bank, was pres- Middletown, Assignment IHI Ml REWJiBU R V S HO PS ented a plaque as "Attorney Judge, Superior Court of New CALL NOW! >-"""o«ooms.s» •BROAD ST. 741-W74 SHREWSBURY of the Year," at the annual PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS FREE DELIVERY testimonial swards dinner of rin 1919 LICENSED AND INSURED Monmouth Legal Secretaries) DaaUa of MM- Association, here In SOSBTM 12 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N.J MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. HINTS FROM HEIOISE Weddings Must reading for parents Butler-Brookins cause they help kids develop address clearly and to include tail time, I don't odorant bottle, use the bottle Don't look now but Christ- specific skills like walking, your zip code so the booklets Woald yoa please priat again for hand lotion, baby oil, sun- CLIFFWOOD-Mr and Mrs. Johnnie mas is right 'round that cor- talking, and reading. Some can be lipped into your the Mai oa what to put in an tan lotion, cologne, or even Brookins announce the Oct. 4 marriage of ner and you'll soon be caught toys even introduce the mailbox pronto — in time to empty roll-on deodorant bot- water for quick cleanups of their daughter, Marlene Janice Brooking, to up in the hustle bustle of toy newest technology, make you an expert before tle? little fingers on a trip. Webster Butler, son of Mrs. Emma Butler of departments, wondering what Two other booklets included you do your Christmas toy I washed oae oat, got it alee Just use your imagination, Vienna, Md to get Suzie, Sam, Jack or Jill. in this set are "Playing Safe- shopping - Hugs, Heloise sad cleaa, and proceeded lo then let me know what other forget what weal la it. ideas you come up with. — The Rev. C. S Woods officiated it the It can be confusing, but ly with Toys" and "Parents FABULOUS FIFTIES This taught me a good let- Heloise ceremony in Wicker Memorial Church. that's why your friend Heloise Are the First Playmates." Dear Heloise: Whea Lisa ton, though, cause now whea RECYCLE TIP Clarice Gardner and Joann Lee Cassan- Is here — to help. Because these booklets was small ud would come to 1 read yoar column, 1 have my Dear Heloise: Most of u dra Johnson were the bride's honor atten- I've just read four nifty little could be so helpful to Heloise •lay with Nama and Grandpa, scissors ready. Thanks a mil- have pretty slips that have not dants booklets that are the greatest readers, especially with I woald pal her down for her lion. - Mrs. Kaplan scea any ase for some time. Tony Lloyd was best man. Ushers were for Moms and Dads, doting Christmas coming, I called aap with her shoes oa! Bat I had to chuckle at your pre- They can be made asefal John Haven and Criipen Gumbs. grandmas and grandpas or The Toy Manufacturers of over them, I woald put a pair dicament 'cause you're one of again. Mrs. Butler la an alumna of Marlboro aunts and uncles because they America, Inc. about them — of Grandpa'i socks. She foaad many dear readers who are Cat them off below the High School and ii employed by Phelps tell all about the kind of play and here's the good news. You that fascinating and I found II sure they'll remember a bint waist, or aay length yoa wish, Dodge, Marlboro. and playthings that help can get all four booklets by saved time la taklag off her but, alas, when they need it, hem them and wear nader Mr. Butler was graduated from Maryland youngsters develop mentally sending 25 cents in coin (to shoes and Ifcea patting them no amount of brain-racking tops for extra warmth on chil- High School and Is employed by Amboy Ter- and physically — even as cover postage and handling) back oa. And the sheets were jogs their memory. ly days. — De Pere minal Co., Perth Amboy. they're having fun to: kepi cleaa! - Mrs. M.E. Mer- Don't despair — I find'my- Have a recycling idea? Send Mr. and Mrs. Butler reside here after a One on "Choosing Toys for TMA rimaa self having to refer back to it to Heloise care of this news- MH. AND MRS. WEBSTER BUTLER wedding trip to the Poconos. Children" has jim-dandy sug- Dept H RECYCLE TIP gestions for each age group. 200 Fifth Avenue Dear Heloise: Yoar column the files 'cause I can only paper. She can't answer your Another goodie, "Toys Are New York. NY. 10010 makes my day — It's theremember part of a hint too! letter personally but will use Teaching Tools," tells just Be absolutely, positively greatest. Wish I bad some- Once you've mastered get- the best money-savers re- Schcmck-Conte how important toys are be- sure to print your name and thing helpful lo lend, but at ting the roller ball off the de- ceived in her column. KKYI'OKT In St. Joseph Roman Catho- Beers St. became the bride or Charles Curtis lic Church Sept. 6, Barbara Donna Conte, Schanck. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ogden daughter of Mr and Mrs Raphael Conte, 45 Schanck, 32 Walling Ter There was a recep- tion in Pines Manor, Kdismi Year of the Coast' Attending the bride were Lori Terry, maid of honor, Maryanne Conte, Mary Fitzsimmons, Gail 0 Connel, Ruth Walling, is focus of Bennett's Patti Woop and Peggy Scully. Carl Schanck was best man and the ushers were Jamie DeCristafaro, George Trampler. AAUW branch talk Gary Pedersen, William Campbell. Brian Dunn and John Schanck. SHREWSBURY - The Hook. Mr and Mrs. Schanck are alumni of Key- public is invited to attend the The American Littoral So- port High School. She was graduated also 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 3 meet- ciety is a national organiza- from Union Technical School and is a unit ing of Northern Monmouth tion of some 5,000 people, assistant at South Amboy Memorial Hospital. Branch of the American As- dedicated to understanding Mr. Schanck is a conducter with Conrail. sociation of University Wom- and preserving aquatic life. en, in the church house, The organization has recently After a wedding trip to San Francisco. Sycamore Avenue, of the prepared a guidebook entitled Hawaii and Las Vegas, the couple reside Presbyterian Church at "A Coast Walkbook" which MR. AND MRS. CHARLES SCHANCK here Shrewsbury. Speaker will be suggests a variety of coastal experiences from Sandy Hook Derickson W. Bennett, ex- MR. AND MRS. THOMAS M. LARGEY ecutive director of the Amer- to Cape May. Spivey-McAfee Derickson Beanetl ican Littoral Society, Sandy The N.J. Dept. of Environ- mental Protection, working EAST KEANSBURG - St. Catherine's McAfee and Dean Splvey. The Rev. John B with a staff of expert consul- Largeys feted Tor Roman Catholic Church was the setting Sept Cook officiated. A reception followed in Inde- tants are working now to pro- 6 for the marriage of Colleen Patricia pendence Hall, Belford vide New Jersey's first com- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McAfee of M Raynor prehensive Shore Protection golden anniversary Ave. are the bride's parents. The bridegroom Memos Master Plan. Public aware- is the son of Donald Spivey of 32 Brookside ness is an important part of PORT MONMOUTH - York, and have resided in Terrace, Atlantic Highlands, and Irene New Jersey's participation in Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Middletown Township for 40 Splvey of 518 Greene Ave., Belford. Holmdel PTA years. Card party the Year of the Coast, desig- Largey, 39 Lakeland Drive, Elaine Marclncak was the maid of honor. celebrated their 50th wedding A reception and dinner for HOLMDEL - "Reading nated by President Carter's Beth and Corinne McAfee were the LITTLE SILVER - The anniversary Sept. 28 at a relatives and friends was in and the Allied Language 1979 environmental message bridesmaids. Trisha Ruby was the flower Woman's Club of Little Silver Mass in their honor In St. Buck Smith's Restaurant, Arts" will be the program at for the year 1980. girl. will have its monthly lunch- Catherine's Roman Catholic East Keansburg. The cele- the first PTA meeting of the Bennett, a native of Phila- The bridegroom had Mark Graham as the eon card party tomorrow at Church, East Keansburg. Cel- brants' children and their season tomorrow at 8 p.m. in delphia, earned a B.A. degree best man. The ushers were Guy Gambacorto 12:30 p.m. in the clubhouse, ebrant was the Rev. John B. spouses are Mr. and Mrs. Holmdel Village School. in geology from Amherst and Chris Scorbel. Chris Ruby was the ring Rumson Road. Mrs. Kay Cook and participants were Thomas P. Largey, Mr. and Speakers will be Dr. Timothy (Mass.) College. Prior to bearer. Breslin and Mrs. Dorothy their five children and 21 Mrs. Robert Largey, Mr. and Brennan, curriculum coordi- working for the Littoral Soci- The bride was graduated from Mater Dei O'Neill are chairmen. grandchildren. Mrs. Robert Crawford and High School, New Monmouth, and is em- nator for grades K-6 and Pro- ety, he worked as a reporter Mr and Mrs. Richard fessor Richard Walters of for the Philadelphia Main Mr. and Mrs. Largey, she ployed by H. and R Johnson, Keyport. Her the former Mary Rooney, Largey, all Middletown, and husband, a Middletown North High School Kean College. Line Times, a writer for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Largey, Official visit Harvard University News Of- were married in Holy Name graduate, is a captain for Burke Security, Roman Catholic Church, New Eaton town. Fords. KEYPORT - Veterans of fice, assistant executive di- Their wedding trip was to Atlantic City. Twins Mothers Club Foreign Wars District Six rector of the Corning Glass Auxiliary president Pauline Works Foundation, and assis- MR. AND MRS. DEAN SP1VEY They are living in Atlantic Highlands. SOUTH AMBOY - A pro- Drake, Cliffwood, has an- tant to the president and as- gram on First Aid and Safety nounced that the Department sistant professor of English for Young Children will be of New Jersey president at Corning (N. Y.) Communi- Pay bills the eaty, presented by a twin Pat Alexander-Gleason Helen Dunlevy of Mount Hol- ty College From 1952 to 1956 Meyer of Freehold Area Hos- money-taring tray ly, will make her official visit Mr Bennett was a diver for HOLMDEL -Kathleen Ann Oleason and ceptlon took place in The American Hotel, pital at a meeting of the to Monmouth County Wednes- the U.S. Navy. He has been Michael Alexander wire married Aug IS in Freehold. Twins' Mothers Club tomor- PLUS 5H% interest day at 7 p.m. here in the associated with the Littoral St. Benedict Roman Catholic Church The Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gleason of 9 row at 8:15 p.m. in the First Keyport VFW Post Home, Society since 1968, first as per annum. Rev. William Anderson officiated, and a re- CourUand Drive, Haxlet, are the bride's pa- Presbyterian Church, ISO Third and Waverly Streets. conservation director and ex- rents. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and' North Broadway. Donations will be made to the ecutive director since 1974. Mrs. Robert Alexander Sr. of 32 Mason department president's spe- His job is to alert the public IPS Keystone Savfnga Drive, Hailet cial project, a radiation ther- to the value of lands and wa- •jnAaaf »»uav MiRKtMaaw Ellen Balestrtere was the matron of hon- apy planning system for Burl- ters of the coastal zone: M or. Marie Castellano, Linda Ryan, Patrice ington County Memorial Hos- estuaries, tidal rivers, Ammerman, Jill Price, Kathy Sorge and pital, a private non-profit beaches and salt marshes, Patty Gleason were the bridesmaids. cancer treatment center. The and to suggest ways tocon - Michelle Kinneman was the flower girl. The fund-raising for the serve the natural values of page boys were Domlnick and Victor Oneto. project Is $20,000. the area. Eugene Balestrtere was the best man. Ushers were Robert Alexander Jr., James and John Alexander, Jeff Price, Michael Ryan and Steve Mason The ringbeare r was Robert Alexander in. The bride and bridegroom are graduates of Rarlun High School She Is employed by Central Jersey Bank and Trust Co., Holmdel He is an employee of C. E. S. Elevator Company, Edison. After their wedding trip to Bermuda, they MR AND MRS. MICHAEL ALEXANDER reside in Keyport. COMEDIENNE Ruth Kaye will entertain at the Sis- Nachman-Schraeger terhood of Monmouth Reform Temple's annual Paid-Up JOHNSON CITY, Term - Court, Asbury Park, and Mr. She is employed at Hill's De- Membership meeting tonight Katharine Louise "Kitty" Nachman Is the son also of partment Store in Bristol. at 7:30 p.m. In the temple, 33 Schraeger, formerly of William B. Nachman, Miami, Mr. Nachman, a graduate Hance Ave., Tinton Falls. Co- Asbury Park, N. J., and Rob- Fla. of Science Hill High School presiding will be Irma Meyer, here, is manager of Albert's Fair Haven, and Cora ert Michael Nachman of Judge John Klener of this Bristol, were married Oct. 1 Loan Office in Bristol, where Tuchband, Holmdel A Vien- i fffiL city officiated. CONTINUOUS In the home of the bride- he and his bride reside after a nese table wUI be featured for groom's step-father and Mrs. Nachman, a gradu- wedding trip to Atlanta, Ga. refreshments. 5 mother, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus ate of Asbury Park High Luster. School, attended Brookdale NOW JOIN 8 The bride U the daughter Community College, Lin- of Mr. and Mrs. Samcroft, N. J., and Tennessee Health is not only Schraeger, 1611 Drummond Wesleyan College, Athens. WEIGHT WKKHRS1 Feeling Well! BRING THIS AD AND Kenny-Holtz

FREEHOLD - Ellen J. New Jersey, Union. She is a guidance counselor at Red SAVEM.00 ! Holtz and James J. Kenny oybuaiHht were married Oct. 18 in St. Bank Catholic High School. ON FIRST((Ma MEETINr endsG Novembe * REGISTRATIOr 1.1M0 N FEE Mr. Kenny Is an alumnus Rote of Lima Roman Catho- • InwwMrM, lic Church. The Rev. T. J of Ridge High School, Coffey officiated. Bernard Township, Mon- addition*' qutftiioni a WAUMfeK Parents of the couple are mouth College, West Long Wtev« htlpad mor« paopto bat mn pounot ton on* o*nr plan. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holts, 16 Branch, and the University of H you'fMriouiobout totingwight , join WtightWWchin now Beechwood Ave , Freehold Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. BKOUH vniih many otfw (jiugiuim. oil you law in Awfangnm Township, and Mr. and Mrs. He is a physical therapist at the Rehabilitation Center. . MERC*H MOOUMK.MOMMOUTHOCIAH Charles Kenny of Orleans, t HUMTtmew comma o«ur. New York. ESBm EUean J. HotU was maid After a wewdding trip to fkmember- y y For Class In Your Town f honor and Sal Bermuda. Mr. and Mrs Ken- Call 3*4-5511 ny will make their home In Know THE tRiCte oflH£1Mb£r or Ton Free (•00)242-5W« The bride was graduated Matawan. Famiy Chiropracfe Services from Freehold Regional High NQWOPEM SUMZAV 9 1 School and AddpW Univer- Classified Way Broad Street Chiropractic Center WALLPAPER WHOLESALE/ PAINTS aaV AJW * IWaMMfc Mm Wm sity, Garden City, N. Y., and "The Action Line" Richard M. GUI. O. C. 75* Broad Street PIAZA SS Rt SS. EATONTOWN N. J. 201-544-9050 was awarded a master's 747-4M2 Shrowebury iVS nut mot of kUM nt«t to Urtv itoMi degree from Kean Collage of 542-1700 Salazar, Waitz wing it to set Marathon marks

NEW YORK I API - Alberto Salazar. a four New York City victories by the world's Oslo who is on a year's sabbatical, was clocked University of Oregon senior, made a sensational No 1-ranked marathoner It also was the second in 2 25:41. exactly 16 minutes behind Salazar, in marathon debut yesterday, winning the New fastest time ever by an American, behind the shattering the world mark of 2:27:33 she set in York City Marathon in record time while Nor- 2:09-27 by Rodgers in his third of four Boston winning the women's division of the New York way's Cirete Waitz smashed the women s world Marathon victories in 1979. and sevehfn osi the City Marathon last year record fur the third year in a row. all-time list During her remarkable career, the blond, The Cuban-born Salazar. a member of the The world best is 2:08:33 by Australian De- pig-tailed, soft-spoken Waitz has run three mar- 1980 (IS Olympic team in the 10.000-meter rek Clayton at Antwerp. Belgium on May 30, athons All have been in New York and she has event, had said before the testing 26-mile, 385- 1969. won all three in world record time. In her first Y

HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS.... 14 The Daily Register HENRY SCHAEFER 18 CLASSIFIED 21 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1980 Sports Hedberg paces Rangers; Sabres cut up Islanders

NEW YORK (AP) - s second coasted to a victory over the Islanders. Van Flycn I, Whalers 1 goal in a span of 33 seconds and fourth of the Boxmeer and Danny Gare each added a goal for PHILADELPHIA - Bill Barber scored one night, with 41 seconds remaining, capped a three- Buffalo later in the first period. goal and assisted on three others as Philadelphia goal, third-period comeback to give the New York Anders Kallur and Duane Sutter netted first- defeated the Hartford Whalers, the Flyers' fourth Hangers a 7-6 victory period scores for New York as all the scosngiwas straight. .iist night over the . posted in the first 9:51 of play. \1 The win put the Flyers in first place in the Patrick Division with a 6-3 record, and ended Hedberg's final goal, his sixth of the season ' We haven't been able to get off to a fast start Hartford's six-game unbeaten streak. .mil first NHL four-goal game, came on a 15-foot in many games and we wanted to in this contest," wrist shot after he had tied the game by slapping said Sabres' Assistant Coach Ron Smith. Barber assisted on the Flyers' second, third a loose puck past Detroit goalie Gilles Gilbert at Ramsay's goal at 1 38 was quickly followed by and fourth goals, then scored the Flyers' fifth 18:46 Ruff's 12 seconds later and Van Boxmeer capped with a low shot from the blue line with 3:51 left in the game. Hedberg got the winner by skating in on the the outburst at 2:17. right wing, using Phil Esposito as a decoy and "It just happened. A lot of times it's luck," It was his sixth goal of the season, along with sending a 15-footer past Gilbert. said Van Boxmeer, who played right wing rather seven assists. Rick St. Croix made his first start of the Hem Greschner had brought the Rangers to than his accustomed defense position after Ric season in goal for Philadelphia, stopping 24 Hart- within striking distance with an unassisted goal Seiling was hurt before the game. ford shots. from in close at 11:45. It was the fourth straight loss for the Islanders Philadelphia pressured Hartford goalie Mike Detroit had taken a 6-4 lead when George Lyle who are now 3-4-3. Buffalo improved its record to Veisor from the opening faceoff, with rookie Tim and scored third-period goals 5-2-1. Kerr scoring his first NHL goal 2:37 into the against New York's John Davidson in a span of 55 Kallur scored at 4:27 after a perfect setup game. The tally was set up on a pass from behind seconds. from Mike Bossey but Gare stepped in less than the net by Brian Propp. Reed Larson and Mike Blaisdell scored within, four minutes later to notch his fifth goal of the The Flyers scored again at 17:39 of the opening seven seconds of each other in the second period season at 8:18. OOPS I — goalie John Davidson tumbles to the Ice as the puck period when defenseman Behn Wilson to give the Red Wings a 4-2 advantage. The Caaicksl, MapleLeafiS slides bv to give the Detroit Red Wings a 2-1 lead over the Rangers during the first backhanded a shot into the top of the net from 6 Rangers bounced back to tie the count at 4-4 on VANCOUVER, British Columbia - Dave period. Vaclav Nedomansky scored the goal. feet out. goal by rookie Mike Allison and Hedberg. "Tiger" Williams and Jerry Butler scored against their former teammates and linemate KLgi 4, Otlrn 4 Hedberg had opened the game by scoring at EDMONTON, Alberta - Charlie Simmer 4:50 of the first period, but the Wings countered Per-Olov Brasar added two goals and two assists scored his second goal of the game with 6:33 gone with a goal by Rick Vasko. Then Vaclav to lead the Vancouver Canucks to a victory over in the final period to pull the Los Angela Kings Galindez killed in accident Nedomansky put them in front during a 5-on-3 the . The victory was Vancouver's fourth straight into a tie with the Edmonton Oilers. manpower advantage. Galindez first won the World Boxing at the Pacific Coliseum and before the first The Kings, outshot 40-23, made the most of the BUENOS AIRES. Argentina (AP) - Steve Vickers got New York even at 2-2 at Association title when he knocked out Len sellout crowd of the season, 16,413. The Canucks opportunities created by the Edmonton de- Former world light heavyweight champion 18:57. Hutchins in December of 1*74. He suc- now are tied for first place with the St. Louis fensemen, who declined to use the body as a Victor Galindez was killed yesterday in an Ranger center suffered a possible cessfully defended the title 10 times before Blues in the Smythe Division and also tied for top weapon to clear the front of the net. accident after abandoning an auto race In fracture of the left arm In the first period and was losing on a 13-round knockout to Mike spot in the overall standings with St. Louis, the Glenn Goldup and Gary linger scored the which he had taken part as a codriver, the taken to Lenox Hill Hospital for X-rays. Rossman on Sept. 15,1078. Philadelphia Flyers and Toronto. other Los Angeles goals All of them came from police reported. Galindez knocked out Rossman In 10 close in when Edmonton defensemen were caught Sabres I, Islaaden z Curt Fraser, Bobby Schmautz, defenseman rounds on April 14, 1979 to regain the WBA BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Buffalo Sabres found Kevin McCarthy and Ivan Boldirev also scored out of position. Galindez. 31, and the other driver of his car, Nito Lizeviche, who also was killed, crown, but lost it on an nth-round knockout the fast start they have been looking for last night for the Canucks, 6-3. The Kings also got some good goaltending to Marvin Johnson on Nov. 30 of that year: and dealt the National Hockey League Stanley from Ron Grahame, who recovered from a seri- had retired from the race, held in 25 De Captain Darryl Sittler scored three goals for The Argentine boxer, who began his ring Cup defending champion New York Islanders a Mayo, 200 miles from Buenos Aires. They the second straight game for Toronto, giving him ous mistake that produced Edmonton's first goal. career in 1969, had announced earlier this sixth-straight winlessgame. , eight in nine games, and Bill Derlago got the Finns Matti Hagman and Jari Kurri, Dave were walking back to the pits when a car at full speed jumped off the track and ran over month that he planned to try his luck as • Craig Ramsay. Lindy Ruff and John Van Box- other Leaf marker. Derlago and Rick Valve were Hunter and defenseman Pat Price scored for the car racer. meer scored In a 39-second period about two traded to Toronto last February for Williams and Oilers, who have managed to win Just one of five them, according to the police. minutes into the game for Buffalo as the Sabres Butler. home games. Giants out gain Broncs, but lose anyway, 14-9 The coach was not as kind to Linnin, a rookie By JONNI FALK Phil Simms tried to hit Tom Mullady from the Denver 45, but safety Bill Thompson stepped in who had been playing defensive line until three weeks ago. "Linnin is supposed to stay In the EAST RUTHERFORD - The New York front of Mullady, picked off the pass and returned game in that situation." Perkins said. "If that is Giants outgained the Denver Broncos here yester- it 36 yards to the Giants' 22. A face mask what happened (Linnin's thinking he was to day. They even had three scoring plays to the against Don Harris helped the Broncos to a first leave), then I blame him." Broncos' two. down at the 6, and Otis Armstrong scored from Linnin said he saw two men come on the field However, the New York Giants lost, 14-9, the 2 on third down. and thought he was to go out. "When I saw them earning their seventh straight defeat and keeping That was the final scoring although Fred leave the field, I tried to get back," the rookie them in the running for George Rogers or some Steinfort missed a 41-yard field goal attempt for said, "but I was still moving to the side when other premium draft choice. the Broncos in the fourth, and the Giants narrow- they got the play off, and I couldn't do-anything Denver evened its record at 4-4 and stayed ly avoided a safety when Alvin Garrett fumbled a except look." alive for a playoff berth in what is turning into a punt into the end zone, was nailed there, but got a topsy-turvy season. reprieve when it was ruled a touchback The The Thompson interception was the only turn- over for the Giants. "I didn't see Thompson The Broncos got two big breaks In the game game ended mercifully with the Broncos killing behind me, but I was turned to look for the ball," and capitalized on both of them for their two the clock at the Giants' 14, thereby disappointing Mullady said. "The ball was a good pass Thorny touchdowns. The first break chewed up 32 yards those who had played Denver and the spread. son just made a great play." of a 90-yard drive, all on the ground, and it was Simms gave Thompson credit for a good play The Giants, who outgained Denver, 315 yards caused by a typical rookie mistake. rather than saying he should not have thrown the to 276, were penalized seven times for 65 yards, Chris Linnin, thinking the Giants were putting »all I threw it where I wanted to, and I had a lot but most of those were on offense, and there were in a prevent on third and 2 at the Giants' 36, m it," thetquarterback said. "I thought I read also four offsetting penalties, one of which started off the field and then ran back. Un- the coverage right and went to the right place. He negated a 57-yard Garrett punt return to the fortunately, he never got Into position as an inside I Thompson) just did a good Job. Denver 8. They lost five first downs on other linebacker, and Jim Jensen swept that side for 32 "That play should not have stopped our of- penalties, including a pass to Danny Pittman yards to the Giants' 4. Three players later, the fense," Simms added "We worked hard out which carried 53 yards to the Denver 21. same Jensen dove over left tackle for the touch- there today. It could have been a good day of- down that put Denver ahead, 7-3. fensively, but we had some penalties that hurt QUICK KICKS: Terry Jackson of the Giants sustained a dislocated shoulder on Denver's sec- The Giants took the lead again on two Joe us." ond touchdown play and will be lost for a few Danelo field goals in that second period, one of 28 Coach Ray Perkins, who said all week that the weeks. yards, his second of that distance in the game, Giants would win this game, agreed with Simms. FOUR ARMED MOMSTERT — Denver Broncos quarterback Matt Robinson is Linnin got some revenge when he put Denver and one of 46. The last came just four seconds "It's a game we could have won but didn't. The QB Craig Morton out of the game early in the trapped behind the line bv New York Giants lineman Phil Tabor (B0) and also gets a before the end of the half after Craig Morton had two things that stand out in my mind are the fourth period. Morton suffered a concussion. little extra help from the arms of teammateGarv Jeter in the fourth quarter of their fumbled a snap and Gary Jeter recovered at the number of penalties on offense and some dumb Perkins again pulled running back Billy Taylor contest at Giants Stadium yesterday. Tabor and Jeter were able to throw Robinson Giants' 46. plays on special teams. It may have been the for an eight yard loss. Robinson, who was playing in place of the injured Craig worst game for our special teams. It may have in the second half, contending that Taylor was That set the stage for the play that ruined the "not running like Billy Taylor can run." Morton, was able to keep the Broncos on the move and helped them Into a 14-9 Giants in the third period. been Simms' best game '' victory. 14 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N J MONOAY. OCTOBER 27,1980 HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS Lions roar, 7-3 North's big defense shuts down Huskies

By HAY BRADY him ' l.ino is l.ino. it was a typical performance ihird down Fleming bulled into the backfield put in by him. He is just good there is no other once again and sacked Kasper for a 10-yard loss MIHDI.KTOWN - Defense wins ball way to describe him " back to the 24 game*.', Coach Vic Kubu said after his Mid Fleming played his position at nose guard to Kobert MacCutcheon came in and kicked a 41- (ilt'luwn North High School team shut down near perlection. constantly creating havoc in the yard field goal that just barley cleared the IHiwcituI Matawn Regional. 7-3. in a key Shore Huskie backfield He was able to pin Matawan crossbar Conference "A" Division North battle yesterday quarterback Kich Kasper with losses that stalled The gusting wind played a major factor in the The Lions tough defense held Matawan to a drive after drive game plan for both teams forcing each to stay on scant 72 yards rushing, halfback Tom Scott pick All the scoring was done in the third quarter the ground in); up tilo f those yards On the second play from scrimmage following The Huskies were only able to get 14 yards the second half kickoff, Matt Snyder took a hand- We wanted to throw, we worked on throwing through the air and sorely missed Wade Nickson. off blasted through a hole off tackle, cut to the left during the week but the wind and the game linn senior quarterback, who was thrown off the sideline and outraced the defense into the end situation changed things," Kubu said. "I'm proud 1 team zone for a 66-yard touchdown jaunt of the kids performance today. They have been "A great deal of credit should go to my Kiank Wilton added the extra point with just working hard and it is starting to payoff." assistant coaches." Kubu said "They did a super 52 seconds ticked off the clock The win gave the Lions (ranked eighth in the loh preparing the kids for this game and the Matawan got on the Scoreboard following a Daily Register polls) a 3-2 record overall and 2-1 Mcaulu did the job that we needed for this win recovery of a fumble by Kevin Collins giving the' in conference play. Matawan, ninth in the poll, We were worried about Scott bouncing out- Huskies a first down on the Lions 31 yard line fell to 2-3 overall. 1-1 in the conference. side on us but Bob Conli and Brian Quinn did an Kasper hit Kobert Bongioro for 14 yards on a excellant job forcing him inside so that the third down play giving the Huskies a first down on Middletown has now given up just 11 points in LOOSE LION — Middletown North High School running back Bob Kelleher heads for pursuit can catch him The tackles had a great the 15 it's last four games The Lions host Raritan next some open ground against Matawan Regional yesterday. The Lions, backed bv a name and (iene Fleming, what can 1 say about Two running plays netted one yard and on Saturday while the Huskies entertain Neptune. strong defensive effort, downed the Huskies, 7-3. Rocket Monmouth buries tops Howell Spartans, 24-0 By JACK RAFTER run failed and. with 1:05 remaining in the By DAN ROSKNBAUM first half, Monmouth Regional led 6-0 OAKHURST - A dejected Coach Early in the third quarter, big Ernie FARMINGDALE — Howell s Randy Radecki may Carmine Magnotta of Ocean Township High Daniels picked up a fumble by Ocean Town- just be the best passer in the Shore Conference. Raritan School stood in the middle of the field and ship and 40 yards later, Monmouth was on the Coach I in11 hiii lik certainly thinks he is. But Karlik also shook his head. board again. With a failed attempted pass for knows that if you take away Radecki, you force Howell to "We went through every plan before the the extra point, the Falcons led 12-0 run the football That, the Rebelsdon'tdoso well. game Then we came out on the field and had On the very next kickoff, Ocean fumbled So it wasn't too surprising that the Rockets six penalty calls in the first half," he said. the ball again and lineman Larry Neis manhandled Howell. 2O-0 While a 4-4 umbrella defense It was the same thing last week. The penal- scooped up the ball and lumbered to the and a swarming defensive line held Radecki in check, the ties took the game away from us. We were Ocean three. Halfback Bob Gerwig picked on Rockets offense scored all 20 points in the first half as the constantly third and long." the right side of Ocean's line again and the Rockets raised their "A" North conference mark to 3-0. Those penalties coupled with costly Falcon back had six more points for Mon- It was all so very easy. fumbles did Ocean in as Monmouth Regional mouth pounced on every opportunity to record a 24-0 He's the best passer in the shore, along with (Mid- Quuarterback Larry Menditto of Ocean Shore Conference "B" Division North rout dlelown Souths I John Johnson," said Karlik. "All we tried in vain to generate some kind of of- yesterday. had to do was stop him.'' fense, but his offensive line failed to hold the And that they did. thanks to a pass rush that totally Quarterback John Nista had his instruc- onrushing white and gold jerseys. Again and overwhelmed an inept Howell offensive line. Tri-captains tions from Coach Bill Garafola. again. Menditto found frustration in looking Kd Schultz. Pete Volpe. and Dave Kay set up camp in the "Run up the gut against Ocean and to straight into the eyes of Monmouth lineman. Rebel barkfield and rarely gave Radecki the chance to your left off tackle for the bread and butter Spartan halfback Robert Strano tried for the spot a receiver, let alone the luxury of throwing toone. yardage." quick breakaway, but again it was gold jer- ' "They're a good team and they shut us down com- Mixing his calls and giving each back a seys everywhere pletely, " said Howell Coach Ty Lewis, whose team has shot at the middle and left, Nista moved the now dropped three in a row after winning its first two. Falcons to the Ocean 35 yard line before the With the game winding down and the "We had a total breakdown, and we showed no com- Falcon first drive failed Falcons ahead 18-0. the final blow came aa posure after we got scored on." Both teams tried but the first quarter continuing frustration and miscues plagued That came on Raritan's second possession With proved to be a perfect standoff. The second Ocean. Monmouth lineman Howard Cullen halfbacks Jeff Blaney and Art Lynch doing most/if the quarter saw six penalties start to take their pounced on a fumble in the end zone with with leu work, the Rockets drove from their own 43 down to the game strength away from Ocean. 6:57 showing on a loose Ocean Township ball Rebel 10. From there quarterback Joe Sansevere, operat- Midway through the second quarter the and the Falcons had upped their lead 244, the ing out of the wishbone, rolled right, then cut inside and pounding running of Falcon backs Herin extra point having gone astray. went the rest of the way Sansevere passed to Mike Lawrence and Bob Gerwig started to take "It was our intention to control the ball Nicholl for the two point conversion that made it 8-0, late hold and the Monmouth Regional club and we did." Garafolo said. "We had a heart in the first quarter. •tflHMMMMsr marched from its own 33 to the Ocean Town- to heart talk the other day and apparently the It became 14-0 late in the first half. Starting at their LONG DAY — Ocean Township High School lineman John Mossbacher wonders ship one yard line. On third down, Rich Smith kids took it quite seriously We came to own 40. Raritan's ground game churned out 20 yards in what went wrong in his teams' Shore Conference "B" Division North battle with pulled left and scooted into the end zone for control the ball and make them play our •Ik plays dawn to the Rebel 40. On first down, Blaney Monmouth Regional. The Falcons battered the Spartans, 240. the inital score of the game. The extra point game and we were successful." went lor 28 yards on a misdirection play, taking the ball to the Rebel 12. Two plays later. Nicholl took a pitch from Sansevere. then took Rebel defensive back John Necci wi|h him into the endzone. Bob Hockenberry's extra point was wide, and Raritan had a 14-0 lead. Eagles drop one to Piscataway, 28-14, The Rockets made it 20-0 with just seven seconds left in the half Again the damage was done on a pitchout, but this time the ball carrier was Art Lynch. Lynch raced six 9 yards around right end to put the final points on the board and end a dreadful afternoon for Ty Lewis. as Chiefs Smith runs through South "We got il together in the second half and played them tough." he said, "but by then it was 204. Our P1SCATAWAY - Even though Middletown South Coach as running back Marty Wensel took a handoff trom quarter- ..neman Mike Wright picked up an Eagle fumble and raced 28 tackling was atrotious in the first half. We didn't block. Rich Mosca had never seen Ken Smith play, he knew the kid back Pat Canavan and swept around end for 46 yards and six yards for the score. Stan McMillan's extra point made it 21-7 That score tells the story '' was a good one. points. The extra point by Randy Gardella made it 7-0. South turned the ball again later in the quarter, and again Not all of it. There is a reason for the poor protection Smith then justified his advance billing by going in from it led to a Chief score This time it was Dan Higgins the offensive line gave Radecki. The Rebels have a new South assistant Mike Gwaley had gone to Piscataway last six yards out to pull the Chiefs within one as the first quarter intercepting a Canavan pass and returning it IS yards to the offensive line coach. Mike Verrochi, who came to Howell Saturday morning to scout the Chiefs before returning in time neared its end. Eagle eight Souths defense held for three dawns, but on ylffr being an assistant last year at Red Bank Regional. to see the Eagles defeat Neptune. 18-6. He was impressed with Piscataway pulled out in front for good midway through fourth and eight. Trechock again found Smith for a 28-7 lead. A He's in the process of installing a new system. I'iscataway as a team, but he was even more impressed with the second quarter. On third and nine from midfield. the 10 yard Canavan to Gardella scoring pass made the final. "We're doing a lot of area blocking and zone block- a running back named Ken Smith. Eagle defense forced Chief quarterback Chet Trechock to 28-14 ing, depending on the situation." Verrochi said. "The Now Mosca knows why scramble out of the pocket. What the Eagles didn't expect was "We played with good intensity." said Mosca. "but we kids still haven't adjusted yet. If one kid doesn't pick up Smith rushed for 100 yards. 75 in the first half, and scored for Trechock to scramble 50 yards for a touchdown. Smith made too many mistakes (five fumbles, two interceptions). It one KUV. it's trouble And they throw a very tough defense two touchdowns as the Chiefs downed Middletown South, added two points an a run and the Chiefs went ahead, 14-7, at was a tough, physical game for both teams. We played with at you. a lot of stunting, a lot of pressure We're just 28-14 But from the way things started out, it appeared that the half. them all the way. but they just didn't make any mistakes.'' tn have to start picking them up " the Kagles might take control of the game early. There was no scoring in the third quarter, but disaster The Eagles, now 2-3. will return to conference action next It took South only four minutes to put points on the board, struck the Chiefs on the first play of the fourth. Piscataway week, taking on "A" North rival Howell HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FRIDAY NIGHT Roselle attack blows out Raiders, 37-0 "A" Dlvliioo North Neptune 28 Marlboro 6 ROSELLE - A crushing ground attack that accounted for Keyport kicked out to Joe Johnson who caught tbe ball on raced 46 yards into the end zone. "A" Division South over 300 yards powered Roselle High School to a 37-0 victory his 45 and raced up the center of the field 55 yards for another Shortly after, the Rams paraded 47 yard* for the final Southern Reg. 21 T.R. North7 over Kevporl vesterdav touchdown. points Big runs by Darrel Franklin helped move the ball to "B " Dtvliloo North the eight from which point Gary Howard scored St. John V 19 Rumson-F H. Reg 0 Andre Hunt, a tremendous two-way performer,and Tim The Rams were not through. They struck suddenly on the "B" DiviiloB South Cook accounted for half the yardage between them, although fifth play of the final period for another touchdown. Keyport Roselle is now 2-3 while Keyport is 2-2 The Red play Shore Manalapan22 Wall 18 they carried the ball only a few times. had held for two downs, but then Cook took a pitchout and Regional next Saturday. Allentownl3 Brick Mem. 6 Hunt gained 70 yards in six carries and scored the lirst YESTERDAY touchdown, while Cook netted 85 yards in five attempts and "A" Dlvi.loo North posted a pair of scores. Middletown N. 7.., Matawan Reg. 3 Evert-Lloyd hopes to help hubbie Hatitan20 Howell 0 •We really expected them to do a lot of throwing," said "A" Diviiim South Keyport Coach Mike Ciccotelli later. "I guess when the BRIGHTON. England (AP) - Chris Evert Lloyd Is to players of contrasting styles. .Brick 34 T.R. South6 ground game worked so well, they ignored the pass. For- forget about her own tennis career for a couple of months and Lloyd, the top seed, was a calmer and more patient of the Jackson 21 T.R. East 6 tunately, it wasn't a conference game " help her British husband, John Lloyd, improve his game. two players, Navratilova the more aggressive. Central Heg. 26 LakewoodO "You can never be too confident when you play Martina." Kevporl s only chance to stay in the ball game came at the "B • Dlvlilon North Lloyd, a British Davis Cup player, has faded out of the said Lloyd. "When you think she is under pressure she has the start of the second half when they drove to the Ram 25 before HB Catholic 24 LongBranchO world rankings over tbe past couple of seasons and hopes to ability to come back and play a really strong game — we saw surrendering possession They trailed at the time only 7-0. re-establish himself by playing a number of tournaments In , Snore Reg 15 Red Bank Reg 13 that today " After that, everything fell apart Australia. Monmouth Reg 24 Ocean Twp 0 Martina, whose serve and volley game seemed strangely "B" Division Smith Hunt s 18-yard scamper had put Roselle ahead on the "John has helped my game a lot and now it is my turn to unsuited to the indoor surface, made a number of unforced AsburyPark26 Point Boro 10 opening series of the contest, and although the Rams domi- help him for two or three months," said Chris after defeating errors in the final thriller but was not despondent. "C" Divtiioa nated play throughout the first half, they couldn't put any Martina Navratilova M, S-7,6-3 yesterday to win the $125,000 Holmdel 8 Manchester* more points on the board. Daihatsu Challenge — Europe "s richest indoor tournament "That was probably one of the best matches I've played Othen for women. this year." said the Czech-born left-hander. "Chris was Piscataway 28 : Middletown S. 14 Roselle scored its second touchdown midway in the third especially good when she started hitting forehands down the Chris, who this week leads tbe United States Wightman .Hostile 37 KeyportO period when Cook took a draw off left tackle and raced 25 line TODAY'S GAMES Cup team against Britain at London's Royal Albert Hall, said: yards into the end zone Tm still No 3 in the world and that is not bad." "B" DJVIIIOB jSoath "I feel 1 should help John try and re-establish himself ' Lloyd, who has lost only two of her last 56 matches, earned Manasquan at Freehold Twp. (2 p.rn.) Moments later. Troy McfUmmon sacked Keyport quarter- Her victory over defending champion Navratilova took 2 $22,000 dollars for her victory. Navratilova picked up half that "C" Diviiioa back Steve Svenson in tbe end zone for a safety to make toe hours, 17 minutes and a sellout 4,000 crowd at the Brighton Keansburg at Freehold (1 X pm ) Center was treated to an enthralling battle between two SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1980 The Daily Register 15 Caseys' new air show deflates Wave, 24-0

By JIM HINTELMANN un the 20 and ran over for the score Willie Ryan where McHeffey slammed over for the touch- kicked the first of his three extra points down Ryan's fcick made it 17-0 RED BANK - Red Bank Catholic High "Because of the turnover, I felt that they Red Bank Catholic scored its final touch- School opened up itsj^sing game for the first were down and we were up." McNamara said in duwn just before the end of the game when time this season and i( paid off big for the explaining the touchdown pass "If we had reserve quarterback Ed Morrison threw a 17- Caseys as they scored a 24-0 shutout over Long gotten the opening kickoff. we probably yard luhchdown pass to Mike McNamara. who Branch in a key Shore Conference "B" Division would nt have done it." made a diving catch in the end zone Ryan's kick North game Long Branch, which became the Caseys' finished the scoring. , "The other teams have sucked up on us and fourth shutout victim of the season, had only one Long Branch is a good football team," we felt that Long Branch would play us tight," drive in the game and that came in the first Casey head coach Lou Montanaro said "We got btckfield Coach Mike Barker said. "We though quarter following an RBC punt which rolled a lot of breaks today and the ball bounced our it was about time we opened up." dead at the 13 way " Quarterback Bob Bauer and split end Mike Helped by runs of 11 and 8 yards by halfback 1 was surprised." Long Branch coach Jack McNamara were the big offensive weapons for Anthony Farrow and a 17-yard run by quarter- Levy said in discussing the Casey air game the Caseys with Bauer completing 9 of 14 passes back Joe LeBron, the Branchers reached the Their quarterback did a heck of a job and they for 154 yards McNamara caught seven passes Casey 45 But Pete McNamara cut off the drive have a fine football team " for 141 yards and two touchdowns by intercepting a Brancher pass and returning it The Caseys picked up 291 yards total offense "My offensive line did a great job," Bauer to the Green Wave 46 Long Branch never got while holding the Branchers to just 86 rushing said "I had all the time in the world to throw." past its own 41 the remainder of the game. and zero yardage passing The Wave tried only McNamara, a 6-1 junior who was one of the ip the second quarter when Ryan two passes and both were incomplete area's top pass recievers a year ago with over The Caseys got on the board again midway The victory gives the Caseys a 4-0 conference 500 yards, wasted little time. He hauled in a 49- through the second quarter when Ryan booted a mark and they are 4-1 overall The lone touch- yard bomb from Bauer on the Caseys' first play 30-yard field goal to cap a seven-play, 55 yard down was responsible for the only setback, a 7-0 from scrimmage. drive. A 17-yard pass from Bauer to John John- decision to Middletown North Long Branch, Mike's twin brother Pete, who was a stand- son and a 15-yard penalty on Long Branch were which had upset previously unbeaten Raritan •••Mar IM » v L«rr> FttM out defensively, set up the score when he re- the big plays in the drive last week, Is 2-3 overall and 1-2 in the con- FALLING WAVE — Long Branch High School halfback Leon Mills heads for covered a Brancher fumble at the Long Branch The Caseys scored again in the third quarter ference. the turf secure In the grasp of an unidentified Red Bank Catholic tackier. 49. Strong running by fullback Jim McHeffey and The Caseys will face improving Monmouth The Casevs, who came out throwing yesterday, blanked the Branchers, 24-0, On the next play, Bauer passed down the Jay Colao along with a 17-yard Bauer to Mike Regional Saturday while Long Branch meets' in an important "B" Division North contest. middle to Mike McNamara who caught the ball McNamara pass moved the ball to the one from Ocean Township. Both are "B" North games. Van Dyke's last second score i powers Shore past Bucs, 15-13 By PAUL DREW cessive downs to net 35 tackle-breaking yards. from the left hash mark, Binford sprinted out The period ended but the Bucs did not stop there. right and tatooed Rich Crochet. At 1:29 the tide LITTLE SILVER - Shore Regional High Dan Clapp ran the keeper for 10, taking his had turned in Shore's favor, 8-7 School rouldn' have chosen a more dramatic way team into Blue Devil territory for the first time. Red Bank bridged the quarters with a 10 play in win their first game of the season. Hooding amassed 26 more yards on the next six drive, but relinquished the ball on downs at the Blue Devil fullback Mark Van Dyke blasted consecutive plays, setting the stage for Gutridge Shore 30. Shore responded with 12 fruitless plays, over from the two as the final gun went off giving on the 22. Blasting into a quick hole created by and punted to the Buc 18 with 2:07 to play. Shore a 15-13 victory over Red Bank Regional in a Chris Reardon and John Naiman, the 5-5, 165- Clapp was brilliant. He completed 5 of 8 passes Shore Conferen "B" Division North battle pound powerhouse steamrolled into the end zone. to Tony Scoppetuolo, Gooding, and Taderal Dukes marred by a fight. Bob Gray's kick made it 7-0 at 7 46 in the half. for 73 electrifying yards. Dukes leapt for the final Van Dyke, a senior, scored a pair of six- Shore took full advantage of the halftime eight-yarder, making a finger Up reception in the pointers in the second half as Shore improved its break, because their third quarter adjustments end zone. The kick succumbed to the gusty winds, record to 1-4. The Buccaneers also hold a 1-4 worked beautifully. Red Bank's Kevin Owens' 33- but, at 00:43, it was Red Bank 13-8 mark yard return of the kick put his team in great field A 15 yard delay of game penalty assessed on position at the 48. But the Devil's defense, led by Binford inspired the undaunted Devils First, a the opening kickoff foreshadowed the Buccaneer the sure tackling of Chris Evarts and Mark 13-yard strike to Crochet. Then, on the run, he defeat Dwayne Gutridge, who rushed 23 times for Racioppi and the timely pass coverage of Tom arched a rainbow toward pay dirt. A crowd 129 yards and Red Bank's first TD, returned the Leston, forced Montgomery to punt from the 41. gathered on the two yard line. Iin fact, the Bucs opening kick from his goal line to the 17. Jeff In three plays Shore gained zero yards. The were charged with interference on the play, but (•odding alternated carries with Gutridge but drive, which originated on the 23 at 8:48, was Tom Delehanty landed with the pot of gold. Two Greg Montgomery was called upon to punt with apparently thwarted. Brown's 44 yard kick was plays later, lining up with two seconds to go, Van A BUC WALL — Red Bank Regional High School running back Jeff Gooding (7) fourth and two at the 37. muffed at the Red Bank 33 and Anthony D' Apolito Dyke scored Shore's second offensive touchdown follows the blocking of Maurice Stack (31) and Mike Mazzacco for a short gain In Snore's punter, Craig Brown, kept busy, as the dove on the fumble to revive the drive. of the year. Time ran out on the play. their "B" Division North battle with Shore Regional. The Blue Devils won, 15-13. first three Blue Devil possessions went one, two, Van Dyke and Tom Duffy powered and coun- An unfortunate series of events ensued. Shore three, kick. His second was a 40 yard clinic which tered and swept to the Red Bank seven. With was penalized IS yards for unsportsmanlike con- seemingly entombed the Bucs on their own seven fourth and one at the two, quarterback Walt duct after the score. Joe Perri's superfluous 36 at 3:01. A Buc motion violation on the next play Binford followed a hard charging Fred Wilkes to yard extra point made the final score 15-13. deepened the apparent grave. pick up the first down. Two plays later Van Dyke Then fists began to fly on the line of scrim- Johnson cuts loose The Bucs came alive. Maurice Stack dove scored. mage. Coaches from both sidelines commendably right for three. Then Gutridge soloed the re- Shore then gambled for the two point con- restrained their benches and rushed onto the field mainder of the quarter, carrying on four suc- version. Lining up in a wide slot right formation to untangle the post-game warriors. (ts Hi shops triumph

Pontecoro powers Scarlet Fliers; ter when Dave Mitchell run. Taylor's kick made it POINT PLEASANT - Running back Doug Johnson booted a 23-yard field goal. 20-3. turned in a one-man show The Bishops Came back Asbury Park, 3-2 on the yesterday scoring three moments later and went in year, closed out the scoring In Raritan hooters coast to victory touchdowns and gaining over front to stay when Johnson the final quarter when quar- 200 yards rushing in leading raced 82 yards for his tint terback Kevin Samuels threw a 55-yard touchdown pasa to NEPTUNE — Bob Pontecorvo scored two Developmental Touraamenl St. John, now 7-7-*, also got goals irom Asbury Park High School to a touchdown of the afternoon. Herb Johnson. goals to lead Neptune over Middletown North, 3-0, Marlboro 2, Red Bank Catholic 1 Bernard Friel and Bob Lombardo. Rumson, 26-10 victory over Point Kent Taylor kicked the point in the first round of the Monmouth County Soccer MARLBORO - An unassisted goal by Pat whose record fell to 2-12, got its only goal from Pleasant Boro in a Shore Con- after. Point Boro got on the Tournament Championship Division. Robbie Golden late in the second quarter was the dif- Jim Janeczko. ference "B" Division South Asbury Park made it 13-3 Scoreboard late in the game Newman scored the other Scarlet Flier goal. ference as the Mustangs registered their first win St.' John's outshot Rumson, 17-10. Lancers football battle. in the second quarter on a 66- when Carlo Golumbino Kris Bruno stopped four shots to register the of the year. goalie Jim Meicke registered seven saves, while yard run by Johnson. Taylor's scored from the Bishop 25 on Johnson scored on runs of shutout. Neptune fired 14 shots at Lion goalie Lon Robins opened up the scoring, tallying Bulldog goalie Larry Tukis had 15. St. John plays kick failed this time. a reverse Mitchell kicked the 82. 66 and seven yards as the Dean Ehehalt, who made nine saves. North had 11 Marlboro's first goal at 12:25 of the first period Matawan at Matawan today. The Bishops moved 45 point to finish the day's scor- Bishops scored in every quar- shots on goal. off an assist from Golden. Golden then scored at Mitiwu S, Henry Hadtoa I yards in the third quarter fol- ing. ter. Raritan », Loni Branch 1 15:46 of the second, offsetting Paul Martian's ABERDEEN - Matawan got goals from five lowing a Point Boro fumble Asbury Park has a big game Saturday when it hosts HAZLET - Joe Lindo and Mike Lamattina unassisted goal for the Caseys midway through different players in its win over the Admirals. Point Boro (0-3-2) took a and Johnson capped it off unbeaten Manalapan. each scored four goals as Raritan crushed Long the third quarter. John Woloshyn, Lou Milano, Chris Bennett, brief 3-0 lead in the first quar- with a seven-yard touchdown Branch Both teams had 24 shots on goal. Mustangs Brian Paris, and Tom Healy all scored for the Jim McCabe scored the other Raritan goal as goalie Paul Gautier had 15 saves, while RBC Huskies, who raised their record to 3-10-1 the Rockets bombardedGreen Wave goalie Chris goalie Bill Kohl had 13. The Mustangs are now The Huskies stormed the Admiral net with 31 Recanzone with 28 shots. Long Branch, mean- 1-14-1. RBC's record dropped I06-IO. shots, forcing goalie Ron Trinidad to make 15 while. could muster only five shots against Rock- saves. Henry Hudson could manage just five shots Hornets tie Hawks ets goalie Jim Schwartz. Carmen Juliano scored St. Jobs 4, Ramsoa-Falr Havea 1 on the Huskies net, as Matawan goalie Gary the lone Brancher goal. RUMSON — Tim Camey scored a pair of goals Tantleff was called upon to make only three MANCHESTER TOWN- but Manchester is improved. 17. but time ran out before a in the Lancers' win over the Purple Bulldogs. naves SHIP - A three-yard touch If we could have passed on field goal attempt could be down run by Rich Hoheb and them, it might have been a attempted. Soccer Roundup quarterback Jack Zawacki's different game." Holmdel takes a week off run for the two-point con Holmdel had one more op- from conference action when version enabled Holmdel portunity to score. The it hosts rival St. John Vian- Freehold 3, CBA 2 Houk, Bosox get closer High School to gain an 8-8 tie ney Friday night. Hornets reached the Hawk with Manchester in a Shore FREEHOLD — Greg Donlon's goal with just BOSTON (AP) -Ralph Houk, itching to get for any bull," Boston coach and former manager Conference "C" Division over a minute left lifted Freehold (14-0) to a 3-2 back into a baseball uniform after two years of Johnny Pesky said. "When he talks to a player he win over the Colts. game yesterdav retirement in Florida, was set to become man- does it in private. If you want to fight him, he'll Waitz still amazing The Colonials jumped out in front 2-0 on a pair ager of the Boston Red Sox today, 21 years after right you. He gets right to the nub of things." Manchester, which has of second period goals by Bryan Groll, the first he first was offered the job. Houk was a catcher with the Yankees for six been involved in the three tie NEW YORK (AP) - It's an elite group of runners that is one assisted by Joe Howe and the second by Stu full years and parts of two others. However, as games this season, scored given the privilege of sprawling on the floor of a cramped gym The Red Sox called a news conference for 5 Shilling. CBA came back to tie the score on a third backup to Yogi Berra and Elston Howard, he first early in the third quarter filled with the peppermint smell of linament. p.m., apparently to announce the signing of Houk period goal by Don Berger and a tally by Homere appeared in only 91 major league games. when Chris Gamble went in Of the 14,012 who started the New York City Marathon, as the club's sixth manager since 1(65. Breton with about four minutes left in the game. He began managing at Denver of the Ameri- from three yards out Dave only the thousand or so "invited" runners could be sheltered Although he will be 62 next August, Houk is Freehold outshot CBA. 21-18. Colonial goalie can Association in 1956. Three yean later he Hayes ran over for the two- from 46-degree weather and biting wind in the hours before considered by the Red Sox as the tough dis- Rich Schlentz had 16 saves, while Bob Gage, his returned to the Yankees as a coach. He rejected point conversion and an 8-0 the 26-mile race. ciplinarian and teacher of young players to give counterpart in the Colt net. had 14. an offer to manage the Red Sox in 1959 when the Manchester lead Indoors and out, competitors did stretching exercises and the team a new image and restore sagging for- Yankees' promised he would succeed Casey Holmdel (2-2-1) came wished each other luck. But outdoors, running suits were tunes on the field. Monmouth Reg. 2. Freehold Twp. 1 Stengel as manager in 1961. back following the kickoff complemented with such innovations as windbreakers fash- Stung by the fall from championship conten- TINTON FALLS - Wayne Hogarth scored As manager, Houk led the Yankees to Ameri- and moved 60 yards for its ioned from plastic garbage bags. tion and a drop of more than 300,000 in home can League championships for three yean in a When the race began, a group of runners the size of a small what proved to be the game winning goal in the touchdown with Hoheb scor- attendance, to 1.9 million, General Manager Hay- row. He then moved up to general manager in ing from the three. Zawacki town charged across the Verrazano Bridge as a military band fourth period as the Falcons defeated the Patri- wood Sullivan fired Don Zimmer as manager Oct. 1964. hiring and firing tint Berra and then Johnny raced 19 yards on a keeper played the theme from "Rocky." A world record two hours, ots. 1. Keane as manager. and Hoheb had a 21-yard 25 minutes and 41 seconds later, crowd favorite Crete Waltz of Ken Klenk put Monmouth on the board first, Sullivan drew up a list of possible successors, He returned to the field during the 1966 season, scamper to feature the drive Norway smashed the women's world record for the third year converting a pass from Steve Cooper late in the including Houk, Ted Williams, Frank Robinson, replacing Keane, and continued as manager Holmdel had another scor- in a row. first period. The score remained 1-0 into the Ken Harrelson. Bob Lemon, Dick Howser and through 1973. when he quit with two yean left on ing threat, reaching the Waitz. a 27-year-old high school teacher from Oslo, was iourth period until Hogarth, off an assist from others. He apparently decided on Houk with the hit contract. He later signed with Detroit and Manchester 10, but a fumble the first woman to cross the finish line, the 74th runner Nick Sacco, made the score 2-0 and gave the approval of his co-owners Buddy LeRoux and served during a transitional period before retiring ended the bid overall. Although she finished 69th overall last year, she still Falcons breathing room. Jeff Qulnn regiitered Mrs. Thomas A. Yawkey after the 1978 season. Holmdel Coach Greg broke the world mark of 2:27.33 she set in last year's New the late Colonial goal. Houk, who rose from private to major and won A couple of Boston players welcomed the Semenza felt the strong York Marathon. a flock of military medals in the Army in World report that Houk would become manager. winds were a factor in the In her first New York marathon in 1978, Waitz was clocked Monmouth outshot Freehold Twp., *-U. in 2-32.30. Falcon goalie Gary Fleming had nine saves, while War II, became noted for his toughness in "I don't know enough about him to know if he game. baseball as manager of the New York Yankees could give a guy a kick in the rear, but from what "We were hampered by "1 didn't go in to break a record — I went in to win a John Polise stopped 16 shoU in the Patriot net. race," she said after the victory. "I'm pleased but also very Monmouth raised its record to 12-4, while Free- and (he Detroit Tigers. I hear he's certainly the type of guy the club could the wind," Semenza said. me," hard-nosed shortstop Rick Burleson said. "We couldn't throw the ball, tired." hold Twp fell to7-7-1 . "He's a very capable man who doetn't stand 16 The Dfeity Register SHREWSBURY, N.J MONDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1980 White does it for Dallas; Eagles squeeze by Bears

IRVING, Texas (AP) - Dallas quarterback Earlier, the Eagles built a 14-0 lead on a pair The touchdown pame two plays after linebacker beat the San Diego Chargers last of 2-yard touchdown passes by quarterback Ron Rich Milol intercepted his second Archie Manning night with his arm, feet and head. Jaworski, who suffered a concussion late in the pass to give the Redskins the ball on the Washing- White completed three touchdown passes in first half ton 31 with 2 37 remaining in the third quarter. the 42-31 victory for the Jaworski attempted to return at the start of Milot's other interception set up Moseley s Cowboys, pinned the Chargers down with his the third period, but was unable to continue and third field goal near the end of the second quarter booming punts and twice ran for first downs from left for the rest of the game. He was replaced by New Orleans has lost all eight games this punt formation when San Diego fell asleep Joe Pisarcik. who led the Eagles winning drive. year, the worst start by Saints since coming into "Danny just does those things I running from Falcon 11. Runs II the NFL as an expansion team in 1987 The punt formation) on his own choice," said Dallas ATLANTAj*- 8teve Bartkowski fired a 54-yard Redskins are 3-5 Coach . "We don't ever plan that touchdown strike to Alfred Jackson with only 1:15 Buccaneer* 14,4!enU play they are never called ... he's the one who remaining to give the Atlanta Falcons an upset SAN FRANCISCO - Veteran Garo Yepre- decides logo " victory over Los Angeles Sunday, snapping the mian kicked the 198th field goal of his 13-year White even caught center by Rams' five-game winning streak. career with 47 seconds left on the clock to lead the surprise. Bartkowski's second touchdown pass to Jack- Tampa Bay Buccaneers to a victory over the San "The first time he ran I was kind of surprised, son in the game enabled the Falcons to move into Francisco 49ers. but the second time I couldn't believe it." said a tie with Los Angeles for the NFC West lead, The 49ers, who slipped to 3-5 overall, had Rafferty. a guard who snaps on the Cowboys' punt each with 5-3 records moved in front 23-21 with 8:08 remaining on an 18- team. "It pumped up our offense and it just had The Falcons' winning score came the hard yard Ray Wersching field goal, his third of the to deflate their defense it was two great plays way day and they weren't planned. They were just up to Facing a third and 38 situation, Bartkowski hit Tampa Bay, which improved its record to him." Jackson with a 27-yard pass at the Atlanta 46 and 3-4-1. had moved ahead 21-20 late in the third Landry said: "Our offense played extremely nailed the same man on the fourth down play, quarter when quarterback Doug Williams well in the second half Danny played a grea with Jackson making the catch behind defender sprinted into the end from the 2-yard line. ballgame. This was a very important win for us." Pat Thomas at the Los Angeles 6. His touchdown was set up by Mike Washington White said, "We came out quick .in the second RediklM a. Salmi 14 who intercepted a Joe Montana pass on the 32 and half to turn the game around and the defense took WASHINGTON - Mark Moseley kicked a ran it back 14 yards. over from there." personal-high five field goals, including boots of Cardinal! 17, Colts II Eagles 17, Bean 14 50 and 52 yards, as the Washington Redskins BALTIMORE — Jim Hart, given near perfect PHILADELPHIA - Tony Franklin banged his defeated the winless New Orleans Saints. protection from a previously porous line, com- cold, bare foot into an 18-yard field goal with 2:02 Moseley, who had been successful on only four pleted key passes on three scoring drives as the left to carry the Philadelphia Eagles to a victory of 14 three-point tries going into the game, re- Si Louis Cardinals defeated the sputtering Balti- over the Chicago Bears. verted to his 1979 form. He kicked field goals of more Colts Franklin's winning field goal came after an 28, 35 and 38 yards in addition to the other two. He While the injury riddled St. Louis offensive aroused Chicago defense turned back three Phila- missed a 50-yard attempt at the close of the first line limited the Colts to two sacks, the defense BACK IT UP — San Diego Charger running back John Cappelletti (25) dives delphia attempts for a touchdown from the 1-yard half exceeded its total for seven previous games and backwards over Dallas Cowboy linebacker Mike Hegman in the lirst quarter of last line. With a fourth down and 1, Franklin came on The Redskins also scored on a 26-yard pass dumped Baltimore's Bert Jones 12 times for 73 night's game. The Cowboys exploded in the second half to bury the Chargers. to boot his name-winning chip shot. play from Joe Theismann to Ricky Thompson. yards in losses. Sipe picks apart Steelers to lead Browns to victory

ri.hVKI.AND (AP) - Brian Sipe sliced the The flow of the game, played in near-freezing Oiler. 21, Brag all 1 defense for 349 yards and four conditions, was dictated by a fierce wind, gusting HOUSTON - Houston's Earl Campbell, held touchdowns, including an 18-yard game-winner to through Rich Stadium at more than 40 mph. Each scoreless in the first half, bolted for touchdown (IJile Newsome in the fourth quarter, as the team scored only with the wind to its back. runs of 55 and 3 yards in the second half and Cleveland Browns handed the Steelers their third The Patriots started with John Smith's 41-yard became the second NFL runner to gain 200 yards straight loss 27-26 yesterday. field goal in the opening period following a 12- on successive weeks to lead the Oilers to a victory, ; Pittsburgh, playing without the services of yard punt by the Bills' Greg Cater. over Cincinnati. injured quarterback , running But the decisive second quarter belonged to Campbell's back-to-back 200-yard per- back Franco Harris, and a number of other Buffalo Ferguson completed a seven-play, 53- formances equaled the feat accomplished twice sCu icrs, led throughout the game until Sipe's lob yard march with his 14-yarder over the middle to by former Buffalo runner O.J. Simpson in 1973 [Q Newsome put Cleveland on top with 5:38 re- Lewis that put the Bills on top 7-3 with 5:42 and 1976 maining remaining in the half. Campbell, who rushed a career-high 203 yards Sipe finished with a club record 28 completions And on their next possession, Ferguson drove last week against Tampa Bay and 178 yards the il| 46 attempts, including scoring tosses to News- the Bills 67 yards in eight plays, the final one the week before against Kansas City, rocketed the «mo, Calvin Hill and a pair to GregVruitt 13-yard toss to Lewis in the right corner of the end Oilers away from a 3-3 half-time deadlock early in I The Browns trailed by 6 at the half and fell zone 36 seconds before halftime. Each time, Lew- the third quarter when he broke 55 yards for his brhind 20-7 early in the third period, as Steelers is beat Patriots cornerback James. first score. backup quarterback Cliff Stoudt directed Pit- The Patriots cut the lead to 14-13 in the third The Oiler two-time All-Pro bust through the tsburgh to its second touchdown. quarter on Steve Grogan's 26-yard pass to tight middle, crashing over linebacker Ron Simpkins at : Sipe's 6-yard completion to Prultt pulled the end Russ Francis and Smith's 32-yard field goal the line of scrimmage, then out-ran cornerback Browns within 6 again late in the third period. 1:13 later following linebacker Bill Matthews' Ray Griffin into the end zone. WHAMI — Pittsburgh Steeler running back is whacked by Cleveland Brown- interception. Campbell, who finished the game with 202 - .Sidney Thornton's 2-yard scoring run gave the linebacker Clay Matthews in the first half of their National Football League contest yards on 27 carries, later put Houston in control Sletlers a 26-14 edge when Matt Bahr's con- The Browns went on to upset the Steelers. version kick bounced off the left upright, proving Raiders SI, Sethawks 14 with a 3-yard touchdown dive. eventually to be the difference in the game. OAKLAND - Jim Plunkett teamed with Bob Chiefs tt.Uoas 17 • Pruitt hauled in a 7-yard score with nine Chandler for three touchdowns, and Chris Bahr KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Steve Fuller hit three minutes remaining in the game for Newsome'i added four field goals to give the Oakland Raiders straight passes for 43 yards to set up Nick Low- game-winner. a victory over-Seattle ery's 40-yard field goal with 1:14 left in the game • The Steelers capitalized on Cleveland errors to The victory was Oakland's third straight since and boost the Kansas City Chiefs to their fourth take a 13-7 edge at half time. Plunkett took over at quarterack. It snapped a straight victory, a 20-17 decision over the Detroit ' Greg Hawthorne scored on a I yard run, four-game Raider losing streak to the Seahawks Lions. following a Browns pass interference in the end and lifted them into second place alone in the The Chiefs, now 4-4 after losing their first four zone, and Bahr hit on field goals of 27 and 22 yards American Conference West of the National Foot- games of the year, overcame a 155-yard, two to cap drives aided by Cleveland Infractions. ball League. touchdown performance by the Lions' rookie run- - The Browns scored in the second quarter as Plunkett, who threw three touchdown passes ning back sensation, Billy Sims. He scored on Sipe hit on seven straight passes, the last one a 5 last week against Pittsburgh, duplicated that per- runs of one and 45 yards to keep Detroit in y^rd touchdown drilled between two defenders to formance with scoring tosses of 5,12, and 23 yards contention all the way. Calvin Hill to Chandler. Plunkett finished with 215 yards Sims, the National Football League's leading passing, completing 15 of 25attempts rusher, forged a 10-10 tie in the third period when S^BBBBBSaaaBBSlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBH Billi 11. Patriot! 13 Chandler's three touchdown catches, the last a he broke free on a 45-yard touchdown run that ORCHARD PARK, NY. - Joe Ferguson remarkable one-handed grab, was the most for a featured a jolting block by Tommy Ginn and threw second-quarter touchdown passes of 14 and Raider receiver since Cliff Branch caught three Sims' artistic fake of Gary Green at the 10-yard 13 yards to Frank Lewis, then rookie Joe Crlbbs in a game in 1975. line. ran for two fourth-quarter scores to give the Bahr gave Oakland a 9-0 lead with field goals The Chiefs came back on their next possession Buffalo Bills a victory over the New England of 34,. 38, and 30 yards, and capped the scoring and marched 74 yards on 12 plays to take a 17-10 Patriots with a 25-yarder lead on Fuller's one-yard run, less than a minute ' The victory, Buffalo's first at home over New Oakland held Seattle scoreless the fourth quar- into the fourth period. England since 1975, left the two teams tied atop ter when the Seahawks scored on a 1-yard run by The second-year quarterback kept the drive the American Conference's East Division with 6-2 Lawrence McCutcheon and a 67-yard touchdown alive with a 29-yard pass completion to J.T. Smith records. pass from Jim Zom to Steve Largent on a crossing pattern. 7 Bucks rally past Bullets, 111-88 Warren Colville, MILWAUKEE (AP) - Blazers. one of the bones of his right run and-gun team, showed it points, 13 rebounds and 11 as- With Brian Winters spurring Their victory broke a foot, team officials an- can do some other things sists. But it wasn't enough for he did it again a third-quarter surge, the three-game losing streak. It nounced Sunday. well. too. According to a tired team playing its third Milwaukee Bucks won a sixth was the Sonics' first victory Dr. Marty Kushner said Albeck, depth and defense game in as many nights. consecutive National Basket- at home this season and their the injury has developed were key factors in their The Lakers looked flat, ball Association game yester- first victory against a Pacific slowly over the past few latest victory. especially after playing three FIRST PLACE AWARD day, defeating Washington Division rival. weeks. He said Westphal "This year we play more games in three nights," said Albeck. "We attempted to 11148 'Portland was led by would be evaluated on a con- as a team than in years Not too long ago, Mr. Colville was a double award winner at The New 1 keep Kareem from playing in Mychal Thompson's 16 points tinuing basis and would take past. ' said Albeck, the head The Bucks, leading the his favorite spot. And our Jersey Press Association's Advertising Conference (or his expertise in the and Kermit Washington's 10 part in a training program. coach at Cleveland last year NBA Central Division, were centers did one heck of a preparation of newspaper advertising. Now, he's done it again winning first rebounds. Westphal is the Sonics' and an assistant Lakers' tied 27-27 at the end of the job." place for the best black and white advertising campaign. The award was first period, and stayed Seattle, without the ser- leading scorer with 19 point; coach before that. "Our sec- presented by the Jersey Shore Public Relations and Advertising Associa- iliglrtly ahead in a defensive vices of guard Paul Westphal, a game. ond group was the key to our tion. The campaign was for McConnell Fuel Oil Company." •econd by outscoring the Bul- led 60-46 at the half. The Nearly injury-free since win tonight. We're playing lets 22-18 Sonics out-rebounded joining the NBA, Westphal great defense. And great de- • Winters then scored 10 of Portland 28-16 in the first two has missed only four regular fense wins in this league." In addition, Mr. Colville was a finalist for his work on the "tribute to Bishop Us 17 points in the third quar- periods — 11-5 on offensive season, games since the George Gervin led the Relss" section. ter, and teammate Marques rebounds. 1973-74 season. Spurs with 25 points. James End Waste! Silas and reserve Dave Cor- Johnson added nine of his Portland closed to within Span 1*4, Lakers 1« If you want a pro like Warren Colville to handle your advertising in The fame-high 21 to boost Mil- two at 5:31 when a Billy Ray LOS ANGELES — The tine added 17 and 16 points, LANZARO respectively. Center George Register, we have other award winners too. Call us and we will be delighted waukee's 49-45 halftime ad- Bates Jumper made it M-SS. San Antonio Spurs exhibited to get you together with one of them. .vaMage to 83-69 But Seattle outscored the their new look to the defend- Johnson's 12 rebounds led San Sheriff The ' Bucks readily con- Trail Blazers 15-2 over the ing National' Basketball As- Antonio to a 48-43 advantage certed missed Bullets shots next four minutes to secure sociation champion Los An- in that department. !to fist breaks, holding a rival the victory. geles Lakers, and likely "We're playing good Column 1 Nov 4 Jo' less than 100 points for a All five Seattle starters turned a few heads with their basketball," said the high- tecond successive night — were In double figures - Vin- performance. scoring Gervin. Stan has in- The Register having beaten Chicago 109-83. nie Johnson and Lonni'e The Spurs, playing their itiated a good system to play % ! High for Washington was Shelton had II. Jack Sikma first season under Coach Stan by with everyone on the team DAILY -^ SUNDAY tl vin Hayes with 17 points. 17, and John Johnson 16. Albeck, spotted the Lakers a contributing." Kates 111, Trail BbuenN Sikma added 19 rebounds 32-20 lead after one quarter Kareem Abdul-Jabbar MONMOUTH COUNTY'S GREAT NEWSPAPERS SEATTLE - Fred Brown Sonics guard.Paul Weit- before roaring back in the paced the Lakers with 30 netted 28 points to pace the phal will miss two weeks of second period and going on to points. Earvin "Magic" ONE REGISTER PLAZA • SHREWSBURY • 542-4000 Seattle SuperSonics to a vic- action because of the begin- their eighth straight victory. Johnson had an exceptional tory'over the Portland Trail ning of a stress fracture in San Antonio, formerly a game for Los Angeles with 24 SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY. OCTOBER 27 1980 The Dairy Register 17 Salazar super in debut; Waitz betters own mark (continued I of the race, then between the 21 -mile and 22-mile estimated that the fall cost him "alput 80 to 100 concern rate on track marks, he broke away from Gomez and opened a yards People have told me all along that the commanding 300-yard lead Kodgers got as close as third place, an esti- marathon is my best event because of the way I Gomez, the sixth-place finisher in the mara- mated 60 yards from the leaders, but after that he train and because of my stride," added Salazar. thon at the Summer Games in Moscow, said he laded who said that he almost had to forego Sunday's made the mistake of stopping for water, and that The wind'just tore me to pieces," he said race because of a recent injury enabled Salazar to pull away On the whole, the wind was with us, but in the Salazar disclosed that he had pulled a hamstr- After that, I couldn't catch him," Gomez last mile, it was very tough ing muscle in August, slowing his training to five said through an interpreter I wanted to catch Wells, but I just couldn't to six miles per day until mid-October Gomez, a former University of Texas-El Paso do it II was very frustrating I didn't come here I thought I would have to pull out," he said standout who was the 10.000-meter gold medalist to finish fifth. "Only in October, when I could start running and Ihe 5.000-meter bronze medalist at the 1979 "But I have no regrets " hard again, was I certain 1 would be able to run in Pan American Games at San Juan, Puerto Rico, Waltz, the dominant women's marathoner in themarathoA " said the strong wind hampered him Sunday the world, said she and Patty Lyons-Catalano of The stunning victory took a lot of the pressure "The wind hurt my performance, ' Gomez Burton ran within sight of each other for the first off Salazar. who earlier in the year had been said after his New York City Marathon debut. "It eight or nine miles Bui then Waitz, who finished plagued by tendinitis hurls fast runners rather than slow runners." 74th overall, pulled away "and I didn't see any it was a big relief." he said "A lot of people What hurt Kodgers was his spill shortly after women after that 1 was running with the men the were saying I couldn't run as fast as I was saying the halfway mark rest of the way " 1 could "I collided with another runner, tripped and Lyons-Catalano, holder of every American 1 did not predict that 1 would run 2 10 I said went flying through the air." said Rodgers. who women's record from five miles to the marathon, FALL FROM RACE — Bill Rodgers, who had won the New York City I was confident 1 could run it 1 wasn't bragging " at the time, was in the middle of a closely wound up a distant second among the women. Yet . Marathon (or the past four years, was only able to finish fifth this time i Salazar followed his pre-race plan perfectly bunched pack "Thai's part of road racing." she broke her American record of 2 30 57 with a around after tie collided with another runner and fell at the 13-mile mark. Me stayed with the leaders through the early parts Rodgers. who suffered two skimmed knees. clocking of 2 29 33 Rodgers9 hopes Confidence aided fall to ground Marathon champ

NEW YORK (API - marathon would be my best stomach started knotting up NEW YORK lAI'l - Bill Rodgers' pace, perhaps more because of strong winds Sandwiches and soft drinks distance because of the type But I always thought to my- dunces of winning the New York City rather than the injured knees were served as the winners of training I do,'' he said "1 self. Everybody else feels Marathon for the fifth consecutive time The wind just tore me to pieces." said mingled with the news media don't think it's any different1' worse. ' came crashing down upon the world's No 1- the disappointed but not downcast Rodgers — but crow might have been than running 10 kilometers. rjnkcd marathoner when he fell un- On the whole, the wind vfas with us. but in more appropriate for some of His strategy consisted of ceremoniously shortly after the 14-mile the last mile, it was very tough." the folks who hadn't listened Even so. he added, "I'm "keeping contact with Ihe mark Rodgers finished the 26 miles. 385 yards to Alberto Salazar still not in top shape I didn't leaders I tried to stay in the Kodgers. helped up by Chris Garforth of in 2 hours. 13 minutes. 20 seconds — about get to prepare for this like I lead pack and that's pretty Kngland. resumed running and wound up 3' i minutes behind Salaza r. The Cuban-born "A lot of people were wanted to I was scared of much how I won. I was confi- fifth behind the winner, first-time mara- Salazar was clocked in 2:09:41, breaking saying I couldn't do as well as I runner-up Rudolfo) Gomez" dent with six miles logo." thoner Alberto Salazar, a senior at the Kodgers' meet record of 2:10:09, set in 1976 I said 1 would. I've been un- of Mexico. University of Oregon John Graham of England finished third and der a lot of pressure, and they Although he thinks his A combination of physical At the time of the spill, the confident Jel f Wells of Dallas was fourth would have said 'I told you "future is in the marathon," and mental strength got him the university senior will Kodgers was in the middle of a "big pack." "I thought I could catch Wells, but in so" if 1 hadn't won. through the course, he said. forego next spring's Boston Alter not getting a call among the leaders the last two miles, he just pulled away," Marathon so he can compete early in the race, he had moved up to them said Rodgers. "I was confident, but I "The last half-mile or so I wasn't bragging," Salazar with his school's track team. by about the eight-mile mark and was run- Still, the fall had to be very unsettling to really started to hurt My said yesterday after winning ning steadily with the pacesetters until he Kodgers. the New York City Marathon was unexpectedly sent flying "W,hen I fell, it was very frustrating," in 2 hours, 9 minutes. 41 sec- "Someone from behind caught my leg," he remembered "I said. That's the race.' onds to fulfill his prediction said Kodgers. the New York City Marathon I thought I might be injured that he would finish the 26 winner every year from 1976 to 1979 and the "I had never been knocked down before miles, 385 yards in at least American record holder. "I collided with It was a weird feeling." 2:10 another runner, tripped and went flying Rodgers said that after he resumed run- through the air." ning, he felt good until about the 20 or 21- Salazar, 22, a University After convincing himself that he was all mile mark "Then 1 hit Ihe wind," he of Oregon student, made the right, despite two skinned knees, Rodgers recalled "I ran as I hard as 1 could I tried U.S. Olympic team in 10 kilo- got back into the race and made a to gut it out." MAN OF THE HOURS — Albero Salazar heads for the meters (6 2 miles) by placing courageous bid to add another New York Asked what might have happened if he finish line en route to winning the New York Cltv third in the Trials - but he City Marathon victory to his collection. had not fallen and lost some 80-100 yards, Marathon yesterday. Salazar, who was competing in never had run a marathon But he fell short. Kodgers replied. "There are no ifs in this his first marathon, won the event in a record time of before Sunday. After getting to third place, an esti- sport." 2:09.41. "All along I thought the mated 60 yards from the leaders — Salazar He added. "That's just part of road and eventual runner-up Rodolfo Gomez of racing I have no regrets. I'll be back. Mexico — Kodgers couldn't keep up the Mavbe next time ..." The* Daily Register Top Marathon finishers FOOTBALL C0NTE8T '150 It. I NEW YORK 3 H O Red Bank Reg. D Rumson-F H.Reg "About four miles into it Mike Hollaman, also of ti Emmanuel Ndiemandoi, Tanianta. 3:15 46 23 49 William Cain, Britain, 2 22 22 61 it Jaime While, Rancho Cordova. Calif ,7 1* 31 53 50 Douglas Kurtit, 2 22 2f.71 D St. John Vianney D Holmdel Eugene, finished second and "It was better when it 17 FarancSifhtrfft, Hungary.2 17 1196 the race I somebody directed • Shore Reg. D Keyport was raining," Ortega said 11 KrvinMcCarav, EiKrtnt. Or* .2 17 20*1- 19 Roy KoliKow.hl,Frederic*, Wd , 2 W MM Q Manalapan D AsburyPark When it stopped the wind 20 Norman Wilton. Britain, 2 w M « Celtics' Carr out with injury 21 Jerom* Drayton. Canada. 2 17 u ?4 NEW YORK iAPI — The top 10 won*n fmitheri In the Q Brick Mem. D Manasquan blew and it got real cold. I 22 Chrii Stewart. NtwVork.2 17 « »7 York City Marathon yeiterday: Grele Waili, Norway, 2 25 41 29 G Wall D Freehold Twp. began cramping up in the last 23 Herman Parm»n1i»r. Belgium. 2 11.01 Si BOSTON (API - Veteran spokesman said he would not 24 Calliton, Pioua. Ohio, 2 II IS 79 Pattl I.*OM Catalano, Boston, 2 29 33 57 D Manchester D Keansburg mile or so and slowed down to 25 EM Ttkkarwn. Finland, Ml 7110 ingrid Chmtiantan, Norway. 2:34 14 M ML. Carr of the Boston be ready to play again for 2t Victor Mora Garcia. Colombia. 2 il 32 7* Carol Gould. England, 2 IS 03 41 O Mater Dei D Point Beach Celtics will sidelined for another four weeks. what was more of a walk than 27 Cor Vnend. Holland, 2.11.3I>7 Gillian Adams. England. 2 37 35 34 21. Odll Sander*. Fretport, NY, 2 11:41 76 Laurie Binder, San Diego. 2 31 09 23 O Central Reg. Q brick twp. about six weeks because of a Carr is expected to be • run." 29. Ttrrence Colton. Brlltatn, 2 II 14 60 KikiSwigart, O*rten, Conn . 2 40 14.23 30 Kip Sirma. Motion Vlelo. Calif . 2 19 39 34 I OddrunMotling. Norway, 2 41.00 41 Colleges broken bone in his left foot, placed on the injured reserve The first woman finisher 31 JukkaTotvola.Finland.2i* 4704 1 GavleOMnek, Venice, Fla ,2 41 12*9 32 Htnry O'ConrwII. Moraantnwn W V* 2 19 47 21 0 Jean Chodnlckl. Saddle Brook. Ni, 2 43 33 76 O Rulgers D Army according to a team spokes- list. was Margaret Hacker of • man. • Penn D Princeton Eugene in 3:01 40 D Carr, a former small for- Pro Gamea ward switched to full-time O Jets D New England P duty at guard this season, D Giants D Tampa Bay D was injured in a collision with D Chicago • Cleveland Washington's John Williams- a TIE BREAKER — Total number of points scored by all I on on Saturday night in the At a FREE Smokenders Celtics' 103-87 National Basketball Association vic- Keep on meeting we'll show you how. Nam* tory over the Bullets. Give us sixty minutes to prove that you can quit Address A spokesman said X-rays smoking Forever Easily. Without scare tactics, "cold disclosed the fracture Sun- turkey withdrawal." hypnosis, "climbing the walls." shock CMy and •»•»___ day Carr will wear a cast for smoking treatments, or willpower. Telephone about two weeks, but the That's right. You get to keep on smoking while you learn how to quit—painlessly, without gaining weight Mall or deliver to: Football Contest, The Dally Register, One Register Plaza, Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701 by S P!VJ. Thura.. Hundreds of major corporations and organizations- while you Ocf.*0. JTUTTHEOAY including the U.S. Public Health Service (part ot HEW) FOOTBALL CONTE8T RULES Off rtELIW 60001 have already chosen Smokenders to help their own employees put out their cigarettes for good Ai i FMTHIE8 MU8T BE IN AN ENVELOPE KDAv learn to So join us this week for a FREE Introductory NO PO8TCARD8 ACCEPTED Smokenders meeting. And bring your cigarettes (You SIM In Prlie money will Each contestent Is per- can leave your willpower at home.) be given the person selec- mitted up to all entries. quit! ting the most winners from Switch your selection PMi. MlilM ma SEMINARS Ihe football gam** listed around as you wish. Con- testants are allowed to flWXMt LOCATION SISSIONS START above. 1st Piece. 1100.00. ITMUDUM 2nd Place, IM.00. 3rd submit one hand-sketched Parslppony Monday Monday Place, 120.00. lecslmlle. Entry forms re- iKNim Holiday Inn Oct 20 or 27 Nov 3 produced electronlcelly 707 Rt 46 (Int 1-80] 7:30 PM 7 30PM In caae ol a lie, single are not acceptable. IN Map)* Ave Y SomervMe Tuesday Tuesday winner will be determined Red Bank Holiday Inn Oct 21 or 26 Nov 4 by the closest to the total All entries must be In the 741-2504 U.S. Rt 22 East 7.30 P M 730 P M number of points scored Register otllce by S P.M. (exit 10 oft 287) by eM teams on the con- on Ihe Thursday preced- Hacfcensack Tuesday Tuesday test card. ing the games. Only one Oritani Motor Hotel Oci 21 or 28 Nov 4 award will be made to any 414 Hackensack Ave 7 30PM 730PM Mark an "X" In ihe square contestant or household neit to Ihe loam you be- In any one weak. C.B.S. SUPERMARKET (opp. Continental Plua) lieve will win. II a game fled Bank Wednesday Wednesday enda in e lie and you This Is a Ires contest open 36 MAW ST. KEMSMIM Y MCA Oct 22 or 26 Nov 5 select one ol the Mams as to all eicept Register em- 168 Maple Ave (Rt 35) 7 30 P M 7 30 P M a winner, H M«I count ss a ployees snd members ol Edteon • Metuchen Thursday Thursday loss In your total. How- their families Temple Emmanuel Oct 23 or 30 Nov 6 over, H you designate a tie 100 James St. 7 30 PM 7 30PM and Ihe game enda In a PICK-IT (opp. JFK Hospital) ^^- j»^^^ tie, H will count In your ••win"' column. JERSEY NUMBER SAME By participating in this contest, the winner o< winners expressly Pick any three numbers—you can stay consent to the use ol Iheir name, address and photograph m news from 7 A.M. to It P.M., 7 day* a week stories and/or advertising promotion ol th* conlest without further WE AREA CLAIM CENTER 5 remuneration The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, NJ MONOAY. OCTOBER 27. i960 Too many turkeys sour grouse hunting The turkeys are ruining my Pennsylvania game plan Back road the other day I saw a woodcock right in the middle of it 1 Capt Joseph Bogan of the Jamaica II, Brielle. reported in the Keystone State after an absence of about 14 years we've stopped the Scout so I wouldn't run over the silly bird and it fantastic fishing for weakfish on Friday when Dwayne be«n searching diligently for grouse and woodcock, which are flew feebly for about 20 feet, landing in the middle of the Haucker of Brick Town caught 44 weakfish and Pave Sheldon legal, but finding mainly turkeys, which won't be legal until brook It floated down stream for a few feet and climbed out of Teaneck caught 42. Saturday on a rock It flapped its, wings and shook itself to dry out Bogan said he found the school three miles off Deal. He My partner this fall is year-and-a-half old Dian who HENRY Then, apparently satisfied, it flew strongly over the rest of the said they weighed three to 11 pounds apiece. showed a lot of promise on woodcock last fall and worked brook and disappeared in the trees. SUrace To Speak fairly well for pheasants and quail But the big birds in the Never in my life had I ever seen a woodcock fly into a John SUrace of the Winchester-Western shooting range in woodlands along Shohola Creek have her thoroughly confused SCHAEFER brook 1 drove back to the bouse and Dian and I hunted down Englishtown, an experienced scuba diver, will speak at the If Donna were still alive she probably wouldn't pay much along the brook to see if we could find that woodcock again but hunting night meeting of the Newark Bait It Fly Casting Club attention to turkey scent, but Donna is no longer quartering didn't at the Kingston Restaurant, 1180 Morris Ave . Union, on Nov. the covers, searching for grouse and woodcock. Newark Watershed To Oaca 5 ()ur hunting lodge is close to the bank of the creek and a The 25.000-acre Newark Watershed in Passaic, Morris and Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. and the general meeting at 8. I lock of 12 turkeys seems to believe it owns the local woods Sussex counties will be open to hunting by permit only, Starace will show slides of marine life. The public is invited to The reason I know there are 12 turkeys is because Saturday were perfectly safe starting on Nov. II and close on Dec. 31. The seasons will attend John F. Redican is president morning I saw the whole bunch, but this time they weren't in Whenever we hunt through the woodland along the brook follow those established by the state Watch For Deer the woods, but in a field Dian is forever making game on turkey scent, slowing to e\ There are a lot of deer on the watershed in addition to "This is the time of the year when New Jersey motorists They were all within shotgun range, but of course they crawl and making false points She knows that the birds have squirrels, grouse and woodcock There are also foies, rac- should use extra caution to avoid collisions with deer," been there and keeps looking up into the big pines Often I've coons and possible turkeys and bobcats. Both turkeys and reports the slate Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife. been positive that turkeys were in the trees but safely hidden bobcats are protected Many deer area warning signs are posted along the roads by the needles The hardwoods are just about all bare in Season permits for non-Newark residents cost (20 and running through woodland but at this time of the year deer are Pennsylvania now but I don't believe a turkey would be dumb permits for non-Newark senior citizens cost $7 50 Permits apt to dash out almost anywhere. NHL standings enough to sit in a bare tree, not in the daytime anyhow can be obtained at the Newark Watershed Conservation and There are a number of reasons for the greater danger At daybreak when I went out to see what the weather Development Corporation office. 50 Park Place, Newark. from now on to the end of deer season. These animals mate l HNkK HUM would be like a big torn gobbled right down next to the brook. I Ocean Calms Uader Wlad during the late fall and bucks are apt to be moving about, and Narrh Ol«ltta> l • S Sthink he was giving me the raspberry. I didn't see the bird but While the ocean was really wild on Saturday, the seat went crossing roads, even in broad daylight. • ' . Philadelphia M « • when he flew it sounded like thunder down under the influence of the strong northwest wind yester- Also, hunters are in the woods and may impell deer to run. CafcUTy J 3J '° Montreal It H I The thunderbird, in case you think it is a car, is a The danger from this source will become greater when the i» 40 4 day and surf and jetty fishermen reappeared on the scene r.irkname for the ruffed grouse But no grouse ever made the Joseph LaPresti of Steven's Bait and Tackle Shop in West regular small game season starts on Nov. 8 when the largest N V'* A a* mi Olvltle* noise on takeoff that that turkey gobbler did number of hunters will be out. ImvHM Dl-liia* Toronto End weighed a striped bass for a customer who declined to v*.tnrouvrr 1 1 1 31 Our road from the lodge parallels the brook for about 500 reveal his name. LaPresti said a few other people reported An alert driver who keeps the speed at 40 to 45 miles an St LOu.J BulUio J ? I II Chicago n Boston 3 It yards before it reaches the macadam road. Driving along I hat having fish on hour should never hit a deer. Colorado O'MrDer. 31 •Ldmonton 2 71 33 tttartav'i O«M> Chicago /. uutoe. « D«-troil 4. New Vork Ringers! Boston ;, Winnipeg ;. lie Hfjrlford 4. Quebec 1 Los Angeles 4. Edmonton 4. lit BulfdloS. Montreal] Vancouver I. Toronto 1 Philertelyh.a 3. New Vork (slenders 1 TwIIM'tll C«loaryS. Piltstjuruh i No games scheduled Minnesota 4. Winnipeg I WMnington 3, SI Louis ]. lit TMttfttWI Oamet LoloradoS, Chicago i Chicago at Dttrolt. IKpn I ok Angeles I, Toronto 4 Montreal at New Vorh Islanders I OS m _J¥'l _ . Caloarv at Philadelphia. I Dipm ttullfllo 1, New Vork I slanders 2 New vork Rangers at SI Louis, 9 05 •>h(Tedelphia 6. Hartford 1 New Vork Rangers '. Detroit • Los Angeles at Colorado. l»pm INTRODUCING ESCORT.

NHL summaries Wilton i •U.ukowich. Chrltliam. I/:IU WHY OWN A FOREIGN CAR I • t-I •wfieW I f #—I Penalllat—Kimr. Bo*. 1 43. Lukowlch first period—I. Buffalo, Ramsay I Win, I 43, Cameron. Win, 9 S3, Bouroue iPerrtaull), I 36 2. Buffalo. Hull t BOft. W Jl, Bourqui. Bos, 14 10 (Martin). I 48 3. Buffalo. Van Bomttr 2 Second Period — ?, Winnipeg (Martin. Savard). J: 17, 4, New Vorh. Undslrom I ll.ukowlcn. Spring), 4:41, I Kallut 4 (Botwv. Trottlar). 4 27. S. BuiBoiton. Redmond 2 (l.alondi. Bourque) lalo, Care I (Smith). 9 19 4, Buffalo, Van IS 10 9. Boston, Marcollt 3 (Pedenon Boxmrer ] i6avard. Martini, I:If. t. New Songln). IS 32. 10, Botlon, Kattier 1 Vork, Suiter 3 IGillei, Gorlnol, 1:11. Pen (Cathmanl, II 37 Panaltlft—McNab iltiet—Nyttrom, NV, malor, li#t. Boi. 3 40. Marth, Win, 4 17. Manerv, Win WHEN YOU CAN shovftfeld. Bur, mtnor major, 5.41, I4:||j Songln. Boi, 1} 54. D Potvin. NV, Ml. Playtalr, But. 14 39, Third Period—II. Winnipeg. Campbell lane, NV. minor maior, 17.40. Care. Bui, i lEavet, Georfrlon), 4:24, 12, Winnipeg. major. 17 40. D Potvtn. NV. JO 00 Oupont 3 (Wilton. Marsh). 4 09 13, Wli Sqcond period— Nont, PenUllet— nlpeg. Marth (Oupont. Wilton). 10 17 14, Ho will. NV, minor malor, 9:IS; Care. Botlon. CatnmanJlKasptr), 14 16 Penal Buf, .minor malor. • IS; Mtrrkh, NY. tlei-Middfeton. Bo>, 1.24; O'Reilly, Bot. 12 M. Pertton, NV, if 44; Luce. But. major. 13:33; Campbell, Win, malor, 19,44, IJ 33; Pederton, Bot. 13:54 i f fin il Period Nont PenaMiei Sutler. • • 1—1 OWN A WORLD CAR? NV. A OS. Dunn. But, 4:01; Lane. NV, Pkii«>aeA#eti* 10 07. Howefl.NV, 14 II. Plavfair. Bui. I 1 »-4 11:41, Firii period—I, Philadelphia. Karr 1 Designers from America and overseas have joined forces to create RECOMMEND€D SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE: Shot* on goal—New York 12 3 14—If. (Propp, Holmgren). 2:37. 2. Philadelphia Uufta.|o 14 it J—32 Wilton 2 (I.eath, Barber), 17:39 Penalties a new World Car—built in the U.S. lo take on the world. LESS THAN AN HOUR A YEAR. Ooaliei—New York, Smith, Buffalo, -Barnai. Phi, 14:22. Halmgran, Phi Edward* A U.4J3 11:22. Second parlod—3, Philadelphia. Leacn THEKSTMILfACIVOUUMBUY Have you ever read anything likp that before? I t ft-a S (Clarke. Barber), ID M Panaltlet- .. I t *-t Hotiu, Hir, double minor. 4:22. Holmgren, Escort is a new kind of car, so you'd expect it to give you a new kind Ford can say it because Escort was designed for it. irlod i, New York, Hedtoerg 3 Pni. double minor, 4 21; Marty Howe, Har, iNtiuon. Davldiofll. 4)0 2. Detroit, f 00. Clarke. Phi. HI* of gas mileage. Escort has a chassis lubed for life, 30,000-mile spark plugs, self- Vetk6 2 (Wood*. . vie), 11 W 3, Detroit, third Period -4, Hartford. Rogert 4 Nedoflianihy 3 U:M 4, New York, Vic ken (Debol, Slmi), 314 5. Philadelphia, Bigger than subaimpacts. Escort actually beats the gas mileage adjusting brakes and clutch and a maintenance-free battery. 4 (Meg-berg, Alilton). II 17 Ptnalllet - Dallav I (Clarke, Barber). % 14 4. Phlia Joly.Ott. 27, Back, NY, I 24. Vasko. Dal, dtlphia. Barber 4 (I.eath. Clarke), 14:09 of subcompacts like the VW Rabbit and others. Recommended scheduled maintenance—periodic servicing as spec- 3:41. vadnaii NY, 19:17. Dawldion, NY,1. Philadelphia, Proep 2 (Karr, terveH by Marolt. 13 33, Johmtone. NYHolmgren), 17 11 Penalties-Bout>ite. Look at the chart, then go ified in the owner's manual—averages less than one hour for each 19 41, Jolv, Dal, 19:45 Har. t II, Wilton. Phi, 236; Holmgren. Second Parlod—5, Detroit, l.arion 2 Phi,*. 55 and compare the cars. year of driving, based on 10,000 miles per year and on Ford's current IBMtdelt), 403. 4. Dairoll BlaUoeH 3 Shott on goal-Hartford 10 J •— 25 M vie, OyrodmcM. 4 10 t, New York, Al Philadelphia M inn—n ESCORT DOtfT SACRIFICE labor time standards. lison I (Connor. Hedberg), I SI I. Naw .11 30 44 York, Hedbarg 4, (Dav* Malonev. UkMw... .1 t COMFORT HNI fCONOMY. COME DRIVE THE NEW WORLD CAR. Wickers), 1500 Panama*—Larson, Del, Flril Period—1. Quebec. A, Stailnv 3 :ifl ,Ve%ko, Dal, 11:44; EftOOtllo. NY, (P. Stailny, l.aCroln), I 13. I. Chicago, EVEN HIGHER GAS MILEAGE THAN Escort gives you more Escort is at your Ford dealer now. i* 44, Larson, Dal, irtalor. 19:00; John Robldoun 4 (Brown. Lvtlah). 14:17 Penal THESE LESS ROOMY SUBCOMWC1V Mone, NY.malOf, 19 M tie*—Huoler, Qua, |:||. Ru«kow*kl. Chi. efficiency, not less car. Available in five model series of 3-door Hatchback and 4-door TMrd Period—f, Detroit, I vie 2 17:4*. WVKABBIllGASl lOaradnlck, Hubert-, il 10, Detroit, Sscond Parlod—3. Quebec, P, Siaitny 1 It comes from a sophisti- Litigate styles, it offers a wide range of options that let you personalize Fe4ttiB0 2,1:»J II. New York. Gretchner 3. (Floreh. Weir), 134 4, CMcago, Savard 3 II 4f* 12. New Vork. Hedbtry i (Etposlto (Bullev. Murray). S 2i S. Quabac. A 10VO1A COROtlA Hi b cated new engine and transmis- your own Escort. Laidlaw). il 44 13. New York. Hedberg 4. Slaitnv 4 (Florah, P Slailny), I 00 4. HIM, sion, weight-efficient steel and 19 19 Penalliei -Detroit bench, served by Chicago. Mulvev 4 (Savard). 11 20 7, Chi- HONDA ACCORD Foiigne. If-lf cago Bulltv 1 (Savard. O'Connall). 19 II Stwfft on goal—Detroit t2-f f—30 Naw Penaltla*-Sutler, Chi, 0 S9 P Slailny. refined aerodynamics for less York -10 H 11—3/. jut, i io, Hutchison, cm, 4 4* *A|ifjliioblr mily |" hixil (*«.<•< H^ffif air drag. Gaalies-Detroit, Gilbert New York. Third Parlod—«, Chlcaoo. Ru*kawtkl 2 in) '« lompgfiwn Wnji mileage ttmy d>iV OavuHoo A ll.«i IUee> II. Moore 1 0 1 4, Conine e 4 4 It, W L ret. OS R Johnson 4 119. Retlanl 1115. Gale 3 0-0 Ne* Tork S 1 •33 _ t, Grlllln30-4t. Totals 44 70 14 IM PrHUdelPtile 5 1 714 LOS ANO1L1I Itm Boston 4 I 5" 1^ Chonei 3 14 7. Wilkes 7 14 IS. Abdul IW» Jersey 4 6 .400 3 Jabber 10 10-17, 30. E Johnson 10 4-5 24, Wellington 2 J 132 41 > Ninon • 3 3 It, Coooer I 0 01. landlbarger CHIi.l DIvlllM 11-2 3, Brewer 1 0-02. Totals — 41 20 35 102 WIlMaukee 7 1 771 — Indiana S 3 4(5 • ll,Ui 4 3 > »r=;8a5W cnuaao ) 4 4!« 1 Tlevtlend 4 e 400 Fouled out—G Johnson. Total louls- 115 I'l San Anlonio 11. Los Angeles 24 Technical DetrOJI 1 ' I'l — Sen Antonio Coach Albvch. A—Il.tot. MMWMI Dlvlslea San Antonio • 1 17) Kanws City 4 5 .444 3V) oJlir"(»fo" WM 7 H 17, Unsaid Houston 3 5 Vi 4 is IS. Oreve. 4 0 0 I, Mtilllvtws S 4-4 14, Utah J S 375 4 .. jKhit 312 7, Terr» 4 2110. Ballard 3 3 S Dallas . ' 1 112 V', t Porter I I I 1. Mthorn 10 0 2 ToUll 35 Oeny*r 2 t 5 rar.HK WdetM 17 23M Los Angeles ' ' 11 •75 — M:^n.V!21,M,J*n«».7 4.5,., PhofJMH 1 1 • 15 Lanler 2 II ». Buckner 1 0-1 12. Winters 5 Golden Slate S 1 Ui 1 7 7 17, Etmore I 3^ 5. Brldgeman ]Ml Portland 3 4 500 1 CaUhlng>34 4 10. Moncrltl 3 3-41. Evans I SealHe 4 t HI HI cirnirnmgs 2 I I 5 Tolals 41 2t 3t 111 San Diego 2 5 let 4' . UU— UJLUIII >' I* M 1f— M MJiiaiiie. » n M It-Ill Philadelphia 113. Atlanta 100 TnVeTpolnl play-Gre«ey Total louls Cleveland 1 ta. Indiana 100 - W»thln»lon It. Mllwauko M. Tttrmlcal New vorh 105, New Jersey 101 -Grevey A-ii.051 Banton 10], Washington B7 Kansas City 115. Denver 123 Detroit HI. Houston tof Milwaukee 109, Chicago«3 PORTLAND INI 1 ol Angeles III. Ulaht*. Net! e 24 14, Washington 4 2-3 10. Sax Antonio lit. San Diego•• Thompson 7 2-4 It. Brewer S 2 4 12. Pamort irfHOen Stele H Dallas M 7 II IS. Owens 31 31. Bates I 54 7. Grots 2 Pho*nln 100. Statue 15 2 21, Rensey I 2 2 4. Cunnerl 1 2 41 Tolals ratmoti im1 3121 351« Milwaukee 111. WashlngtonM •aATTL* 11111 Sain Antonio 101. Los Angela! 101 J Jotinson I 0-0 It. Shellon I e 11 II. Saaltlaiit.PorilanilM Slkma S I117. Brown 13 2 3 21. V Johnson 5 It II. Bailey I 24 4. Hanillk 0 0O 0, Donaldson I 04 2. Walker 3 3 3 I. Awlrtv 0 Levin triumphs 0-00 TOUI14227-4I 111 «l *:""U V «21 It-IlH^Sl. Fouled Out—PorllMd. Thompson T» UI Foult-Porllan- . d 31. Seattle It. A— in balloon race 12.02727. NASHVILLE. Tenn (AP) - David Levin of Del Nort. Colo., defeated 25 other ueuonBUEYTO racers yesterday in the ninth stiff) of the 10-clty Pro m AIL WW YMCA: IN00OR RUN Balloon Tour. MNQ TRACK MC- Xevin flew for Miller OUETBALL FORD Brewing Co. of Nashville in COURTS UMVER- SM. QYM WEK3HT the tour sponsored by Kool TRAINING BODY Cigarettes. BUILDING GYM- Tied for second place were NASIUM lot Bill Murtorff of Houston, BASKET- BAllrVOUEYBAlLY SWIMMING Teas, and AI Desmond of POO. Aurora. 111., last year1* tour vmtamm FORD DEALERS • A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE m• mMM champion who piloted bis own mm craft. • HU M4 SHREWSBURY, N j MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. i960 The Daily Register 19 NFL standings NFL summaries >«l I

leM PhiiaOeipriia I!S It' « 7 ft-M I • • •- i \ 10 run i «H M'A 'fa - rw Tr»ttm..»JO W L T Fft M PA 0*11*1 * 3 W 2M 133 • ft- I t 1 ia it-u Bufi*U) . Thompson 26 NT KC 6 7 0 /JO 179 111 it Lows J S 0 J7S IS? 1*0 Dert— Jensen 1 run iSieintori II ll Nr» England 6 2 0 JSO 270 Ifci *jvh.n«ion S 0 J'i 123 3 3134 Trwivnann i Moseiev k.t» i Jl 111 3» "• Baltimore 4 4 0 W it] |»NV Giann 0 US 107 IK GDawtDli i lFri|«ttt* • • N» f-0 Dancioil SO In. ids 2 patt Hom Manning lit .»%•« , « Miami 4 3 0 SH ft 144 H N r JeU Dtn •Vrmilrong ] run t *2S '« 1*' 4< If* » !•> Cleveland 5 3 0 «i W4 15* Green B*v 431 111 It* Houston 5 3 0 «j 137 in Tamp* Bav 43t 123 IU Pdltfjurgh CMt MM u Id runn i 4' 444 4 4 0 WO 21k If] thuaao US IU 124 ifiir F""fl 11 V 34 IK MM3 'umbie. osi 0 0 Ciru.nnali 3 i 0 3?1 111 III Minneutia ill 105 It* faro*. 11101 Jllil I) Hi INDIVIDUAL LEADf RS INDIVIDUAL. LIADCM AmaHm T4-ds 440 *-60 Pacing *arfls WJbHiNG LDS Angela B'>a'» U '0 RU&HING Drlro.t Smu 2k in S*n Dieoo 5 3 0 US 141 wo Peaiock U rr«gamo PAiMNG-Orl'dil Danir'iD" K*AM»C.1v i| J6 1 143 Alianla Barltowski 4 4 0 WO 141 1» S*nFr*nci«o 3 S 0 371 IM 253 PrnaHtes yards til ' If .' 102 *4niatC.|* rultrr I] 110 1H >rr i pa.t SMtttl 4 4 0 5Q0 141 171 N** Orleans 0 • 0 000 «•* 231 Pen«ltir% ,j/fli 1 |1 J 20 • NO Drl'0 RUSHING-Oenver Armstrong 2i 10* INDIVIDUAL LIADKM HUSHING- New Orleans Roi tit Mill J u; Miller 141 Allanla Ja.k Ifllon ; fc' son ill Fun,., j i» Andrews I Ii Ban F G M.kt Ma*rr j •. ft . . J». I Jensen 14 f] New V«>. TavlOr II at Mai RUSMI^O—Cincinnati. Alexander * ll till* Geibreeiri > i II Wash.ngton J B4H Li" 4 wi* if am jonr. lv«k< Denver 14. New York Gienti* Atlanta al Buffalo. I p m Iftews t » Gnitin 1 n, Howvton Campbtll It Ml von i| I) Harmon ll 4* Atlanta 13. Los Angeles 10 Coleman ] }j H I II ft-M ' Baltimore al Kansas C it v I P m PASSING—Denver Morion 7 l»**i PASSING New Of icans Man i a • 14-14 Ctavetand I 7 I l»-U Green Bav U, Minnesota 3 Green Bav at Pittsburgh. I p m Rotxnson I i« > New vorh. S>mmi PASSING -Cini .nnai' Anotvton II 14 3 124 Weth.nelon Theisrr BullaloSI. New England 13 11 HI ill Ihompbon 03 10 Houston 1 I l« U-ll Pil HaUrnt I tun Itit Hi fctCfcl New York Giants at Tampa Bav 1 p m I* J*1 100 11 J« 0 111 . i I ,. Uih. l> Washington 22. New Orleans 14 San Diego at Cincinnati. 1pm RECEIVING—Denver Uetnurtn 4 4] Mattel I] 20 I HI N.eisen i 3-04 RECEIVING- Htm Or mn% Ro Cleveland 2/. Pittsburgh 2*a^ Lie MII 5 uass Mom Sipe (CcKkroti San Francisco al Detroit. 1 p m New York, Pittman* n. Grav 141, Shirk 4 41 tn.iaiiJ' Gaibreain } I' Was) Hushes *ards ii * Hal Si l.ouit 17, Baltimore 10 I 33 lavior 3 13 •i Jl Gt>n.ih423 Ross 3 i* Curlit }|l U4 FG BJ 10 Dallas at St Louis. 2 o m Ion Monh S is Tnomeson J si Odk Liundit" 1 i>4*» 'rom Plu P 1" Kansas City 20. Detroit IF Houston at Ocnver, 4pm Houston Casper ] 31 Barber ] 24 Nplum ,«tds Jt .arpentt-r j u T Wilson 11 »*m kilt Pil Hawihornr 1 tun iBani kick' 31 Miami at Oakland. 4pm laa IMa«e I ti • I—»i • il fwl OM ch#rt(Hr( II ua.t trom Plu Cle G Pruili • uass from S 1 10 t « i 1-17 P<1 Ihomlon 1 run iktck latledl Tampa Bay 14 San Frant.bc.o2S New York. Jets al New England. 4pm Dal—Springs 4 run (Septienkitki MINN FGDanmrier it Ct» G Pro,it r p«» Irom Sipe Ifcttfe Penai1e«o 31 Philadelphia at Seattle 4pm SO-ialterssn si pass trom Fouls Phi Ctmotttia 1 pass trori j«woishi OBA> Larson 4 pass tram (he*** pe INDIVIDUAL LIAOIRI SU • Lowe 1* intercept ten return Phi Giemmon* ] pass Irom Jaworski GBAv Coiiman U pass tram Duktv RUSHINU SI I oun Anderson 20 il tFranklin kickl .IU>>'UII kiCkl Mi Game > Nn 1 A ft 0cke» 3 6. Washington n •( New York Jeti. 9p (i it «oo at Cleveland. 9pm Chi-Evans Jrun {Thomas kick I lien hickl mt CM *J SO— Win slow f pass trom Fouts Ph.-FGFrenfcltn ll I ii.I do»nk II II PASSING SI I ow>s Hart 1*12 1 1*0 iBemrscnkekick) :irst downs 14 tHusttr( s »ard. .inis Baltimore Jones i« 43 1 lUvatds Oel-Newsome I run (Sept>enkick) RuShrs 31 147 lythes vards 112', 40 IM RECiivtNG - St Louis Grav M0L Dal- Newtome 1 run (Seplten kick) Passing vards 111 tu •>assm« vards JH mi lute* * i* Anotrson 4 al Baltimore Oal—Saidi II Pan trom While (SeDlicn t. C«n * wu Buiter i r< Franklin 2 w Ruiriri vardi J4 13* n Passes 1*311 16 11 3 ftaitH*** " U 33) 16 210 •VaHhi'lylixi 2 It Dal-DuPrec t pass irom While iSep^ 101 Punls 6» r u.lltllr, |O i III »—it tumble > lost 1 2 B nlt ' I 4j 4 44 Meadowlands IS 1*0 u Prnalliv. v • 4) • 14 ft ir - Jl SD—Wmsiow 1 east from Fouts Prrnitir 430 2 41 Hi FG Smith 41 P*natlM>l »4<(tv * «l * *1 INDIVIDUAL LIAOlM Bui Lewis 14 pass trom Frra.u*en (8 hfc< INDIVIDUAL LfADMS RUSHING PHUttuiBh Stoudl 4 11 (Mmr Maver ki(kl 'a' RUSHING M>nnewu Miller 1137. INDIVIDUAL LIADIM N Da*tgu Pavion u tt tna Van Eeghrn ir Ii. Whiltmalon •> 31 NE-Franus 16 past trom Gra«an Harper 10 30. Evans tit PnjMik« MaVer kick) Bolero's Turn (Vighoth) t 1 Davak Nights (WtCaulev) 10 1 FumWes losl 33 4 1 1 4 2S EU>s2 K Penalties yards * " -» Dawn in the North (Mac Beth) 41 INDIVIDUAL LfAOCKl 136. Pavton 2-1 Philadelphia Kreplle Nl Mt Silver Jig (Bromltv) 12-1 Caw Cakes (No Bov I 12 i Mf Smurt } Jl. Henry 2Ji Citmuhaei * I I 1-11 , 1»1 .i=u < Wnsthmg kt.k) ri'U Oown\ | ft Wayward LasileJCordergt ,. 4-1 HUSHING San D>eao. Mumie ii M, All Ja-ksiMi f irom Bartkowtki Mah Brick INoBovl Ill Thomas 123 Dallav Springs 13-41, While ' l* G>ammona4 U JtC-Fi>l.«wervU , H Eng .••as i» w* LA-FGCorral 23 Punla Esle (McCarron) 41 rn: %»,m. AIIW , ivti^iMin PASSiNG-SanOwgo. Fouls ll «4 4 37l • 7 • ?—U 'vkufci SF FG fVrrs.hing 40 Return yards 10 M LA Hill U pass Irom ri>i|«.mo iCor Del FGMurrav 20 I.on Net's Top (Oiler) ,.., ,|Lj Vp. vards Dallas. White » 34 11*0 I 6 tt ft-S ,„ l t •*•»,!] is-ui. lYeprrm.anknk) Passes 131*4 il iftl Jungle Jog (Lovato) 15 I Master Force (Corderol i-1 ralkick) Del Vm4Wun IMUM*,»H.I S( , k,,uti 4) pass trom Montana Punts 11| m RECEIVING-San Diego, Jettarson Was-FGMosriev W All —Jatkson S4 pass Irom Batlkowsk> Jusl de Due hen (Bromley) 11-1 Consefvaloire (MatBeth) 6-1 Wat-FGMoselev II KC -Fuller 1 run il.owrrv kukl ,V|,,, (iillJ , ,», Fumbles lost 1-0 II H 1*0. Winslow I HO Dallav DuPree i 4i t>i>i- Sims 1 run iMu"avki(kl n, wHl.tmvlrun 1 Yepremiankuk) Penalties vards 6 40 S4« Truare (Thomas) 10 1 Saidi 3 Jl *as — FGMosetev li IM ne.tN. cimt.. I r* 19m. Super (McCaulev) 12 1 K| f G I owpr* 40 Scarlet Cattle (Aihcrofl) l-l Winston's PettHLadnler) 20-1 Command Force (Santagata) S-t Tenlrap (No Bov) IS-1 Merry Muter (MacBttht 11 1 Haslv Bobby (Bromlev) .. IS 1 Skua (MtNeil) „.„ 3-1 Hula Special (Ashcrott) 8 1 Dear Commander (Nied, 10-1 Bold Tote (Athcro(l) 6 1 Happy Oscar (Moore) 20-1 Prince Raja {McCarron) 4-1 Barneqal Bedmmsier Berkeley Heights BefnarOsviite 3lachA(xxJ mopn i .(nt..,.t 1 r, H 1 rarrtpid I he CharoKid (Gomtl) ft 1 Cool Corn (McCarron) 41 Cast O..mgt- EdtonlOWf Alhambra Joe (Cons) 15-1 Final Pretext (Savleri W tferemgetorm (McCarronl II •»; I14JM, CIITHJ , i re A m, IM * i/H M; »1MM, 1 va * HP, 6 Pur. Longdlslancerunner (Allansio) 3-1 Sir MiraMepnitely (Cordero) • 5 Honey Sue (Cordero) 41 Bright Highway (Dutton) t i Flv bv Hazard (Santiago) i > Lunarian (Mlctll) io i Roval vanity (MacBelh) 13-1 Joecinto (McCaulav) Si Aardvark iM(Ceulev) 20-1 Go So (MiCarron) »-l Yon Dan (Asmussen) 6 1 Catlie Morn (Thomai) IM Heel islander (Miceli1 11-1 Ciaruier (Th)i(M Big Prince (Asmussenj is 1 Three Grandsons (No Bov) • -1 4tV II l.tM, Clm*„ )Hln»,tfnr Escapularlo (Lovato) 12-1 Bve Bye Bluet (AsmuiMn) 11-1 Laurel's Champ (VelesQuei) . 5 1 Winning Movelte (Sayler) 15-1 Mr Dreamer (MacBeth) 10 t Capewav Carlo (MacBelh) 121 wise Frolic (Thomas) 11-1 Hard Time Peddler iNemelf) 15-1 PulleCulie (Lovatol 4-1 Three Day Pass ISantagilal 10-1 Debonair Steve -Thomas) 10-1 Mr I'Hty Pal (Faitnt 10-1 Pier King (No Bov) 4 Time tor Fun (Chapman) 6 1 Wealher Report (Bromlev) 20-t Sunder ance (Cordero) S-1 Anaiew (Nled) 1S-1 Bright vision (Santagaia). IM Billy Quail I Mi Sweeney) 10-1 High astne Sttv (Lovaiol 3-1 Rahwav (Nied) 15-1 fttti: HI.SM, I ve, IM 4 7* Yev Soar Away (Altanatio) 3-1 Weekend in Canada (Atlanslo) 10-1 Woody L (OiNltola) • 10-1 Gail's Mouse (Asmutten) ..S-l Oawntal INo Bov) . • i Little Slrul (McNeil) 5-2 Denver Boot (MacBeth). CM Ancient Silver (Nied) 6 1 TenO Clock Scholar (McCaulev)... IS ' Sebastian G (Aihcro(l) 4-1 Solomons Wife (Cerdero) 5-1 TooGambler (Bromlev) 20-1 Garbelle (Athcrotl) 10-1 Yababc (Bromlev) S-l Lady Prospector (Nvmeti) t-1 Bold Arnold (McNeil) 4 1 Mil: f ».«•, Allw., lyi Cockpit Hustler (MacBelh) 15-1 Fine Gent (Edwards) 10-1 Spring In Virginia (McSweenev) 15-1 Mighty Minotaur (McCaulev) 121 Bony Hoany (Moore) » I Retama(NoBov) 4-1 SELECTIONS 1 - Broomstick Broad, Aaotiter BoUad, Dtwa In Uc North Z-Skua, ComnusW Force, PrlacclUja 3 - Bright Highway, Sir MiraiteprjJccly, Joecinto 4 - Sudcruce, Gale al Sea, High asthe Say $ - Little Strat, GaUi Movie, Road to Mecca C -Caaaoa Boy, BUtrfvl SoUlade, Wayward La»le 7 — Coatervatoirc, Matter Force, Cool Con 8 - Hoaey Site, Loagdiitaaceraaaer. Uarela dump • - Soar Away, Pier Klag, Bold Araold BEST BET: Caiaoa Boy

Mitchell Hanover (Petro) .. ... *1 III flll Bingo Tad (Maml) ... H Tim» Mlfvtl IKtllyl Harbars Allegro (H. FIMon).. 10 I Super ShocINO Drlvtr) Mae B Alert (Reynolds) »l G*rib*ldl (Smllh) •4-1 La Machine (Flagulnto)- KM T Js jlmbo! Lucky Nittv Oean (H. Fillon).. • DepowJ*"^ charge 2 QOO 1inanc»' Armbro Tiljn (Fmnlginl • '*» M Gj Bunny (D. Fillon) II Man Tar ICollaiol - IM Haiv Days (DePinlo) IM: P«.,u.n« Stonev Knlghl (Fagliarone).... Trlplt Harllaat (R. Fillon) ••• '* Yankee Scarlet (Stafford) Poktr Gimi {BrltMHil — M OPPS Collins (Kellv) BaviStar (R Flltonl • »*•< I he Pirate N llurcolte) Our Rachel (Bullar) • *' M,: pK«, tl.m Pele William* (Camdtnl •' Cool Trick (Armer I Apple Sunday (Kellvl ...t-1 Traffic Fury (Harding) Turnttlle (Stafford) I - •-' Glen Innei (D Fillon) Jen Jen (Kaveleff) .'—• - 'i ' F W Rocky (Kelly) tr4: Pau, ll.Mt Dick Champ (Perry) ...7-2 .. Gentle Jim A (Ferrlero) nV Direcwimti (Vittfinui«.su i Scotch V O (Molieyevl ...1-1 t 5 1 ..3-1 Morning News (Num.eta) 10 I Jane Merlmlte IMarlllo) SamsMaleitv (Kellv) . lit Frosty Carnival {Ackermant Mil: l»ace, U,*M Domink Hanover (Ramos) -*-1 General Biaie (Baachy) .6-1 Aooraisur M IParami) ...H Suave Yankee (Klne) .11 Overturn (Lombard!) Paddv McGec [Bresnahanl ... II Beth Wil (VIMantei Vain A (BonacorM) ...SI Sleepy Georoe (ColasanliI ...f>l Honest Lad (Martin) Freddies Babv (Kellv) *. in I Foreteci Dream (Lull) Frosty Vicar (Rlcnardton) .11-1 F w Oebble (Kirbyi ...4-1 Coot* Frost lLortmever) Ml Berkshire Shipper (Greenl ...4-1 It*; Pace, %Mm Alton Eaoer (Pliant) ...4-1 jouthamplofl Dean (Poulln)... -4-1 Atton Helm (Hunderlptund) Master Ricky (Sperendi) ...41 Ripping Charlie ICIeaionl ..H A A Peter (Maml)' .7.1 Wai Monanl (Slanlilaol RoMiand Scott rPalatiole) ... Jl Hk Pace. U.W Charamar Sport (Soaraclno) !1 Kltlta Janet (MtGeel 3 ' Rustic Zephyr (0. Fillon) ...l-t Bucky Joe (Parotarl) 6 1 Salck Barmln (ingressia) 10 1 Hello Carter (H Glllonl -M kotiv Brvtc (Candtll) . IS I Harvey* Tom (Beachv) " ii»:*>ac«,li.«J* Dornock AIR. Frllon) -W HapevZ (Apki) ...M BlancaN (Paradll) Little Kikl (Marshall) II Red AbMl Knight IKIrBv) Ala Tpnv (Colatanti) .. it) i Brookland (Oroan) w-1 Mai Pace. UMt steady Lake (Justus) Roman Emperor (Fiuoereldl &oMen Trick (Prlct) Truelte (Kellvl I i 1 Jncle Frank (Blum) Pattys April (Apke) -i#o* Rrtfwrt (R Fillon)

SELECTIONS 1. - T •"• Tteibo, GulhfJ*, Suftt 8hM I. - Pele WUlUnii, Be« SUr. Triple Heritage I. - Atferas SUr M. 1—t Merlmtto, Krwty Cmniyal i. - HweM Vmt, FMTCMC* Onam, AtUm Hdjn I. - Harvcyt TMB, H«U» Outer, Btwea N «.- P«t«y. April, Treelle.MMB Alert 7. - lUiy Dajrt, M O'l BMBJT, Active Boy I. - CM Trick, F W lUeky, M*nta| Newt I. -SuveYauke«,G«M>r>IBUu.FVe4dyiBaby U. - A A PMtw, lUfttc bvhjrr, Mamr Ricky U.-Sttm*fLUe.VmeitFTUk, Uttle UU BEST BET: Ptttyt April (Ilk,

NOTICE Because of Tuesday night's Presidential Debate. Paul Calne, Pti.D. will not conduct his regular hypnosis weight loss seminar on that date (October 28) The next weight loss group will be held Monday evening, November 10. 7-10 p.m. at the Molly Pitcher Inn. Red Bank. PUAMHOnMWtMTK. For it—fYa*onf «nd UtormXcn: Paul Calne, Ph.D.. 741-4343 Tom, R,ve- Summi, Sum PtonMd S-.venon Ro.tHjry Roselle Rar>«ay P«,m Pieasan. L, P*r*«. Ph^sbu.g Perth Am^oy ^ Turners*.* The CMiyRegister MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. iseo Snuffy Smith Dennis the Menace


ACROSS lUMcvy MS** 1 I oalKaeR II hMl S Ya n J7Ti n MSMOOOW K LandorOom is » AIM 11 I 16 Poa'tMrd 40 Alttwacm* M Mamet 17 Intention 41 C»«* dry J*) rnBDVeWr producer 42 Thmtara dron genus It Coned MPetarat IS SkM 20 SuparlaUM 46 dldlon 21 Sunpral 41 Thoatofbo* •""- -SSL 22 Turin aalda 48 Sowrta DOWN 40 On a sNp WHATiS THE \/HOW MAMY VDU'RE NOT SUPPOSED WHAT'S THE SENSE 23 Brew Ham 51 LM* 1 French 41 •aggers ANSWER TO J GUESSES 29 Hut 55 Plactlwt 43 Sfcxu TO ©UESS / MATH IS AN IN BEING A GOOD 44 27 Patron «Mg THIS PROBLEM ADO I SET ? EXACT SCI ENCE / VtXJ } Aurhorite ©UESSER taint ol StColnol 45 Eakkno Unepro- GOTTA FIGURE OUT IF THEY Spam Norway nouncerneiMs THE ANSWER WON'T 4SaaaonFf 47 Whatlne Yaatarday'i Puui* Sot»w): buHahxttd YOU USE 5 Hardwood 90 HlgMul spear o) 52 Franeh IT?' •MM 6 Snore bM Matoftan 7 Caper 63 Enroll t Turklah 54 Unauppertad •rant t Thaaoul 55 Franchnwn otwH SeEngkah 10 Expraat OUR LWHTU8 IS STOPPED LJPAND 97 Rmn'i Mary Worth THE PLUMBER CAN'T COME FOR TWO tHYS! * 11 Altlmi iMl 12 Car nut S»Part COME BACK HERE, KIMBERLYfl KNOW ) 13 Ramnanta olOEO AND, I HATE TOOD BKADNER IS "- Wa 62 HutMwah YOU'RE A CHILD!---BUT YOU J TOO! • • • I NEVER WANT TO SEE OR DONT HAVE TO ACT I IK Family (ircu- Dane*?" TALK TO EITHER ONE OF 22 Encourag* UKE AN INFANT! V • YOU HAD MCXJ--AGAIN--EVER! NO RIGHT TO REVEAL6 READTHO6E n f to 11 it THAT SHE* LETTERS! SEEN THE 1 HATE 14 LETTERS * VOUf KIM 5CNT 17 TO TOPP BRADNEK 3~" ;: a •P •• 1 The Wizard of Id i sr T\ 1 P •1 -,• •

5J- ir I E ! i Your horoscope, birthday T»6 ASAINST tR NATURE MONDAY, Oct. 27, 1980 Thus, you quickly find sourc- CAPRICORN(D«c. 22- QEMINKMaiy 21 June 20) ID THUDWANYTHIN' SWJRV.PET Born today, you have es of difficulties and easily Jan. 19) - If you can join - Be on guard against one rIDONT energy to burn. Never one to see where solutions lie. with a person of insight and who would steal your time KNOW FINbAUSefORIT Uke things easily, slowly, Alao born on this date energy today, you can make and usurp your position. Let WHAT cautiously, you are inclined ara: Nlcolo Paganlnl, tremendous progress. your talents show! CAME to rush headlong into every compoaar, violinist; Alfred AQUARIUS(Jan. 2O-Fab. CANCER) June 21 July OVER ME activity, whether or not you Whitney Grlawold, educa- 18) - You would do well to 22) - You may have consid- are experienced in it. You tor, former Yale president. make friends with one of erable success today with a believe in keeping yourself To see what is in store for influence who appears now new venture. Keep your self- fit mentally and physically you tomorrow, find your on the fringes of your life. satisfaction to yourself and, Indeed, wich fitness is birthday and read the corre- PISCES(Feb. 18-March LEO(July 23-AUQ. 22) - your preparation lor life. sponding paragraph. Let 20) - Longtime enemies If you would keep jealousies You are not a worrier. You your birthday star be your show some signs ol wanting at bay, appear modest about take things more or less as daily guide. to change the relationship your accomplishments. they come, lifting quickly TUESDAY, OCT. 28 Offer minor concessions. Offer help to another. through the good and the ill SCORPIOIOct. 23-Nov. until you come upon those 21) - You should be inspired ARIES(March 21 April VIRGO(Aufl. 23-Sepl. 22) aspects of circumstances or to new highs of achievement 19) - You can improve your - You will experience a new situations that can best on the employment scene image through community sense of freedom today as serve you. today. Employ new meth- service. This is a good day to you complete a project long join with others in work. in the works. You are an excellent and ods. unique organizer, for you SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22- TAURUS(Aprll 20-May LIBRA(Sept 23-Ocl. 22)- are able to observe the Dec. 21) - Allow your prac- 20) - An impatient decision • Take the advice of a good whole in the part on the one tical impulses full sway. early in the day may have to friend who has no axe to hand, and discover the part Otherwise, you may roman- be rectified quickly. Be grind. Approach a new prob- in the whole on the other. ticize an opportunity away. ready to change your mind. lem from an old angle.

West dealer Sheinwold's bridge advice Both sides vulnerable By Alfred Sheinwold he could have responded to one diamond, your partner NORTH Doonesbury the opening bid. doubles, and the next player • AJ3 Your reason for finessing passes. You hold: 4) A J 3 VJ73 wtwmmm. aumeAau IMROUHHUUr. JUNHt WWT is to profit from the position LOW DIAMOND Tte WMY IT Opening lead - 7 K PARTS AT THE CHICKEN CfcB A GOOQ &UY Peanuts 600C«IEP.'WHArrlAPPENEP


The Phantom Beetle Baile>


2 Autos For Sal* FIAT l»7« - 12Swaeon Good t-ood. lion New pami Rebuilt engin* 30 B£& LL c»Afe AM I" GEORGE mpg Regular gas Call 843*511 OBJECT n WA6 ID 6ft ,wO«TW 1 51 Help Wanted MFI FOOD STATION WAGON - £• running cond. nt« ttrjn. ill FIAT — X19. 197S. stereo. I track. AT L£>e1 Business •Hi Fee reimbursed Opportunities WALL t»73 OLDS ROVALE — Full power FORD 1977 COUNTRY SQUIRE ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY air. mtcrunicaliv tound. good cond STATION WAGON — 4 000/ aulo . 20 Thomas '47 14*4 ShriwiOurv Uti i AM 1*1 Hi* P, pt> root rt* V40u 143-ef»S THIRD GRADE TEACHER - Pn CHANCE OF A LIFETIME — Be FORD ELITE I97i - Runs wen MM your own bou. Tn-counly eKcfUtive LINCOLN Xtii MERCURV BOBCAT — Hettlfc- merv school experience preferred, distributorship, great opportunity b*Ck, 4 invest 1H0 WILLYS FOSQ JEEP - new Mic helms. 4- speed 11500 YAMAHA *0 1972 - Runs good Dav «r evening, hours mull be To Join Rile Aid's daws Apply In person between J S men!, get the facts! Write PosMlve $2300 Equuwed for snow plowing 1)000 944 3*45 Asking 1115 or will talk COSMETIC PART TIME HELP flex.ble BARCLAY JEWELERS. Retail Management Team cm The Pour House. *4Q Dynamics, BOH 412. Rumson. N.J 142412* C 935 E xper lence. mature minded for Monmouth Mail. Eatontown. offers Shrewsbury Ave . Tinton Falls No 07 7 W 1977 MGB - Low mi . must sell Can busy store 741 1121. ask for Pat pleasant work atmosphere with ben t PRESTIGE We're one of the phone calls 1966 MUSTANG COUPE - 842 1341 efits and has three openings avail 1977 CHEVY Pony delude interior, tW, rtstortfl COUNTER HELP Apply In person nation's largeil and fastest-grow Ing 02 Mortgages aMar 1 pm Auto Rtnt/Ltast able Apply within ask for Mr Ban ratal! drug chains, so you'll enlov all Reitorer burned oul Aiding *HS0 evenings and weekends Danny's Co, 542-17Q0 MONZA 747 /97ft or 741 /3W MONMOUTH MOTORS Pine ft Subb, 24 Ayres La Little the benefits of working for a leader WAITERS/WAITRESSES SZ Hwv 35. Eetontown Silver CAPTAINS (M/F) ESSEX ft UNION MORTGAGE'CO HATCHBACK - 4 cyl. 4- RENT A VAN-LOW. low rates Cai PART TIME PHONE SOLICITORS tit Broad St. Red Bank IMS CMEVROLET 542 2414 Martv. TOM'S FORD, Hwv 35, Key — Mtddieiown area, work in office 3 TRAINING Our inward and up speed. buchel seats, uiiye 6cvlirtd*i IWS DELIVERY PERSON WANTED — ward development program trains COCKTAIL HELP (M/F) 301* • -. MORRIS MINOR 1«« port. 244 1600 Must have own car Apply in person Make your own davilma hours, Musi BUS PERSON (M/F) wheels. excellent cond.. 291 24/1 have pleasant voice Application by vou step-bv-step in an aspects of Runt »5O0 or bed otter after 4pm Red Bank Puta, IS retail management Stock r 1130.27.768 miles 19*7 BUICK - MO GS. good ruMKi _^ S3t 2021 North Bridow Ave . Red Bank appointment Call 471 7975, ask for J CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT, 63 MonevToLoa* ft trtntporuiion. good on a** 1 oil Autolnsuranct 842-3631 Part time and lull-time Kane. An eauai opportunity am TABLESIOE SERVICE. EX Plover 3 SECURITY You'll have ONLY Akfcing UU ;•/ 414S Oi.DSMOBILE ItM - 90 Regency Good salary mediate security al RITE AID,*with PERIENCE ABSOLUTELY NEC Diesel, 7,200 mi . two-door, three- FIRST AND SECOND — Mortage COMPUTERIZED AUTO QUOTES PART-TIME — Bus driver, private a fully comprehensive benefit pack- ESSARY YEAR ROUND. FULL l%8 MUSTANG - Good cond , runs year warranty. WOO r41-3S«. DELIVERY PERSON WANTED — TIME EXCELLENT STARTING loans For any worth while reason flood DUO Cell after 3 p ANY CAR DRIVER AGE Musi have own car Apply in parson school, win tram Good pay- Call age as well as a good salary Loans starting at 13%, interest If CALL 747 2900 between 9-4 p.m. 541-4777 RATE CALL 222 1440 BETWEEN OLDS i»/l ROVALE — 60,000 ml., after 4 p m Red Bank Pitta. 11 14 P M FOR APPOINTMENT qualified For test approval Cftlttoil vmvi root, valour interior, new North Bridge Ave., Red Bank 4 RECOGNITION We value our tree *O0 3« «*tt PHOENIX BROKERAGE — Fa PART-TIME CLERICAL — After hardworking, conscientious man- 1979 BUICK REGAL - V6, lutO lirei Drakes dependable luxury mous for low cost auto insurance 8421631 Part time and full time m*nc, power (leering, power tar Ashing Witt §41 >U1 Good salary noons, one night and some Sal's agers and give recognition where 1978 LINCOLN brakes, air. 19.000 milei, EiueMtnl Easy payment plan immediate I D Position requires attention to detail recognition Is due cards Fee ouole by phone Cycles and some light typing Red Bank 2 Babvtlttlno/Chhd MERCHANDISE condition Call 671 6073 PARK CHEVROLET too Call 344 30*7 DELI COUNTER HELP — Part TOWN CAR Sales-Leastna-Service- Parti lime, Red Bank area, EMP. pre- Write to Box A 34*. The Dally Reg s STEADY GROWTH There's no Care liter. Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701 4 door. V 8. p/s. pit, auto 197J BUICK SKY HAWK — 4S.O0O Rl. **— 775 1211—Neptune PHOENIX BROKERAGE — Fa ferred 1 (or mornings. 7 am to I guesswork about where you'regoing mites, air, power steering brakes. p.m., Sdevi. 1 for afternoon, 12 r— al RITE AID you'll have a clearly Irans. air cond., p/wmdows. PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 1*73 — mous tor low cost auto insurance PART TIME — Receptionist, gener BABYSITTER — Two children, 71 M.rchandlst Fof AM. FM stereo. »1000 or best otic Easv payment plan immediate ID to e P m , S davi Call afltr 2 p al office worker, afternoons. defined carver path with annual re- seals, locks Stock *1124 VI, ps, ne. ' I Call Mr Allan. Ml «4JT lion Fighters) can sell you* un rallye wheels, like new Stock 1973 CHRYSLER NY - Loaded, wanted Top dollar Free 34-houi menl, 49340M TuaMa>. Oil II. ai PONTIAC — 1979 Trans Am Black Pick UP 591 1640 or 727 lilB apply after 3 P.m. Mark's Famous If no •niwo.r call 4W-OS41. needed items tor you quttkr* new tires. muHler svitem. brakes Rite Aid Pharmacy Merchandise tor sale ONLY #1113 31.446 miles Looks and runt good $975. Call and tan. Loaded with equipment Pall, 11 Mechanic St. Red Bank^ PORTER (M/F) — Mornings. S Saawlaw Mall HOUSEKEEPER — Own trantpo, Musi sell 212 5024 after o p.m. times per week. 7 A.M to II A.M., Originating from household. n«t ea 7393907 JUNK CARS WANTED ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN — Noula u l Roula » latlon 1 raf Savaral alttfnooni. Lit needing a .ale price ol sfM pei ONLY Red Bank area, (or light cleaning,. Ocaan City. N.J. III SMv.r ;<; 335! ^_ 1973 VEGA WAGON RITTENHOUSE Red Bank 741-1079 Two-year degree with one year en must have neat appearance. Call article Asking M75 LINCOLN MERCURY, Inc. perience in civil engineering, musl 201-922-8732 LICHl HOUStKEf PINO too*. PRICE MUST BE MENTIONED TOP DOLLAR be able to draft, do engineering tn-mt. Each additional line. H 00 No dis $3300 tall 670-9591 W0 Hwy 35 MS 1500 Ocean Twp. FOR USED CARS or tend resume so: lour davl par waafc, 14 pm Rafar calculation ft construction Inspec PROGRAMMER 47} Broadwav alKad raqulrad *4a 2HS count it canceled before eMptralion RUSSELL OLDSMOPILE I IPPIN MOTOR CAR CO.. INC lion E.J HODER ASSOCS , Hailet No changes in copy 1974 PEUGEOT — 4-door sedan, Rt 35 Savreville, N.J 727 1300 Outstanding opportunity available Bayonne. N J 07OO2 green, good cond Weekdays CADILLAC CO 2442122 for Individual with RPG II ex Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Have something to fell? Phono 1979 CHEVY 7472020. weekends and evenings Nevtman Sonngs Rd R e d74i-O910 TOP DOLLAR PAID parlance Excellent salary and com Situations Wanted Bank EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 111-Mil For junk cars Immediate pickup Secrelary lo president, good steno prehensive company Paid benefits SALES Call 333-*2OO or 222 2240 Call 431-3300 for appointment or re Ftmal* CAPRICE CLASSIC 1977 PONTIAC FIREBIRD SAAB 1975 — Wagon back, very and typing required, work well with POSITION clean, 4 speed standard 27 mpg figures. Excellent benefits Foe spond to Charms Co., Hails Mill Rd , 542-1700 COUPE — Small V8, p/s, Esprit FuHv equipped, witn stereo WE NEED USED~CARS Freehold, N.J, 07728 Equal OP IN SALES! p/b, auto trans. air cond, lu- Make offer 244-4073. Days ask for Alice, 531-6444. eve- Top dollar paid MULLER CHEV paid Start al 12K Edison arai EXPERIENCED — Pra-llhool nings 291 16B7 ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY porlunlly Employer. ^ laachar and malura mothar willing lone paint, p/windows, locks, ROLET. Hwv 34, Matawan, t Honest THE DAILY 1977 CHEVY NOVA - 4-door, 3 Mt-MOO 20 Thomas 747-34*4 Shrewsbury PUMP ATTENDANT — Mobil Ha lo babvtlt In Atlantic Hiahiandi excellent cond.. Stock #1099 speed, 6-cvl , power steering, radio SS CAMARO 1969 - Posi rear, 3 Willing to work hard Itomt. faruad In yard. Playroom, WAITRESSES lion, Hwv. 34, Matawan Apply Ir. 3. Have a backbone REGISTER 35.000 miles. After S u m , 94441W. mags, new engine, low mileage, and WE BUY — Used Cars and Trucks EXPERIENCED WAIT! person. Must be I*. aqulpmant for Infant to S vaarl of 16.664 miles mant exlrai Asking 11500 or best WAITERS -7 Breakfast ami d lunch, 4. Want high earnings 9t. Raf. For mora Information, Sc hwarti Chrysler-Plymouth i Aggressive CLASSIFIED AP? two AUDI sooos DICMI rrwtallK offer Call 843-7 708 M Hwy 3S 244-4000 Keyport High prices paid pany benefits Apply in person. Kaartaburg Iwmt any hour for your commartlal or homa. oirwrvBami. MASTER — Engine in excellent run 741 5*95. nights 291 1295 Meenan Oil Co., Broadway ft Maple RESTAURANT-NUTRITIONAL hlld Equlppad for Intantt. 4fS4i«i 131 3010 .r ning condition Must tee. Call THE FINEST SELECTION — Of PI., Kevport 264-2400 new and used cars in Monmouih HELP WANTED — Pari/full-tlm* WE WILL BABYSIT — Two vaari COUPE DEVILLE 244 7609 alter 6 Pantry, salad preparation ft servlci MON-WED, 10 A.M.-4 ANTIQUE SALE V 8. p/s. p/b. aulo trans., air County Over 100 air-conditioned FUEL OIL DELIVERY DRIVERS and up In our Haital noma. II canti »K>% Off TOY BOX CURIODDI AUDI 1977 FOX - 4-door. 4 SP**d. new cars in stock MeGLOIN EMPLOYMENT — Full-time experienced person parson. Healthy gourmet food App P.M. par hour. 244 ml cond, good condition Slock Iv In parson. Little Silver Tennis TV. Acma Canlar. Rlvar Rd, Fair air, AM/FM. 33 M P G . reg gat, ex. BUICK OPEL INC . Shrewsbury Full company benefits Apply in per Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Hivtn Hour* Mun Sal . 11*. cond.. 13200 747 2741 after 7 p.m. Ave . New Shrewsbury 741 6300 son. Meenan Oil Co, Broadway ft Club, Birch Ave . Little Silver WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME - #1120. 85.903 miles 7414200 piauhool cnlld. Maple PI.. Kevport SALESPERSON WANTED - Musi ANTIQUE SOFT — And ona ctialr AUDI FOX 197$ 4 cylinder, auto- TOP TRADE ALLOWANCE — Su- 51 Help Wanted REAL ESTATE SALES be experienced in women's ready to •raa. witn tUO firm AS IS SPECIAL matic transmission, air. 12500 perb service OOWNES PONTIAC. GAL/GUY FRIDAY — Full lima wear. Apply In person, no phone Call Ma-OW ' 201 7475403 42 Lower Main St., Maiewen Male/Female Versatile person with exc tele calls, DONNAS. *1 Broad St., Red 5642299 phone* typing skills to assist In all Whelan Realty Group has openings Situations Wanted for full or pan time sales associate! ANTIQUES — Prlvala hama BMW 1977 — 3201, air, Blaupunkt ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK forms of office procedures. Musi be Mai* Furnltura, Franch, marblt top vk $1200 AM/FM stereo, 4 speed stick, en TWIN BRIDGES FIAT — F-ully experienced in credit and ndusirlous ft conscientious for their new Llncroft office SECRETARY TO ENGINEER - lorlan. charry hall traa, Quaan Anna cond . 56,000 mi S7I5O or any reason- RT 35, SAYREVILLE, N.J. collection. Own typing, challenging 842-5717 General office work, heavy typing chain, *u Cul gla» toftactlon able offer. Call 671 5710. 721 S151 position, company benefits Keyport Excellent location Apply In person, ELECTRO IM ALL AROUND YARD WORK — Punch bowl, lea craam »at. ate 1978 area Call 244-4173. HARNESS MAKER - Must be en PULSE LAB. 11* Chestnut St.. Red Traal cul. guitar*, garagal tlaanad I ampi. mlrrort. Tiffany cryilal. CADILLAC 1»7» — Sedan OeVille, TWIN BORO MOTORS INC perlenced In wiring layout, tying and Work under a exp manager who will 22,000 mi., mint cond., fully 131 Newman Springs Rd , Red Bank Bank Equal opportunity employer r ••# alllmatat XI 4J0! Lamoga dlnnar tat. wlckar. many ACTIVITIES DEPARTMENT AS soderlng For work in Red Bank and train and assist new associates in mora Harm ?4}-mi. LINCOLN equipped \HW 739 1497 AMC IJ EEP/RENAULT 747-0040 SISTANT — Part-time, 24 hours per Neplune plants on alternate days as the fundamentals of success In raal SECRETARY WE REMOVE — U-hwanlad week for nursing home. Experience required. Apply Electro impulse estate Pan time, tteno and typing, must be urnllura, clothing, fraa of charga ATTCNTION FLiA MARKET CAMARO 1972 — 307, PS, console, USED VOLKSWAGEN-—ENGINES Lab, II* Chestnui St., Red Bank VERSAILLES AM/FM. en cond . 11900. Call Tom, AND TRANSMISSIONS, GUARAN preferred Apply In person, 10 a.m. able to compos* own correspon mmadlata plcli-up. T*1-iUi. VENDORS - I hava lunk«UM or MHW TEED OTHER USED PARTS • 4 p.m. Weilwood Hall Hebrew Equal Opportunity Employer Call 747-*S*l tor an interview dance Start %i an hour wtaiurti plui 10 chlMran't jilliat Small V 8, p/s, p/b, aulo ALSO AVAILABLE. CALL KENNY Home, 281 Bath Ave , Long Branch, ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY '47O1U. attar 4 p.m. HOME/SUPPLEMENTERAL IN REAL ESTATE SALES AS 20 Thomas HI UU Shrewsbury 7 Day Cart/Niii-wry Irans , air cond, till wheel, CAMARO 1977 THEODORE, 7418500 N.J. 222-3277, SOCIATES — interest rates are de 4cvl., 3 speed. 37.000 mi. STRUCTORS - Needed In the BABY ORAND PIANO cruise control, AIDESHOMEMAKE R HOME Matawan Aberdeen Regional Schoo dining and we ne«d help, Full-time, SECRETARIAL/CLERICAL AIOE School Call after a p m. . • 471 7413 VOLVO SERVICE SPECIALS District. Please submit resume to license preferred. Training' leads. — Typing and duplicating machine p/windows. locks, seals, Running weekly. Call Red Bank Vol HEALTH AIDES — Full or part S4MW1 AM/FM stereo, built-in 40 CAPRI 1974 — Power brakes, 4-cvl., time and 24-hour duty. No en tha attention of Mr Darlo Valcarcei floor time. Position available In •kills required Part time, 1 year vo, 74i 5M6 tor details. Broad and South St , Matawan, N.J 'esl Long Branch office Call Mr protect (Student Career Awareneti HAPPY HOURS NURSERY channel CB. wire wheels, manual shift, great gas taver. $1500 perience neccessarv Free training SCHOOL — Rl 34 Matawan. Llm 741 6382 VOLKSWAGEN 1975 BEETLE - course. Earn hourly wages plus 07747. Camessa, 223 4100 Project) Mort Classified Slock #1126 35,525 ttd opanlngi tor Pra-klndargarUn Good running condition Call mileage Car and telphone nee REAL ESTATE SALES — ERA of •allloni iuoria cessarv. Call Family *> Children's INSURANCE— Growing Monmouth ASSISTANT SWIMMING COACH — on N«Ht miles. CARS GALORE! 717 803*. County agency naeds experienced fars training, progrerns, brochures, Over 35 to choose from (many small Service, 233 9100 or 142-4160 Chess Club Advisor, Spanish Na VOLKSWAGEN DUNE BUGGY — claims oarson. Call Holmes ft national TV. home warranties, guar tional Honor Society Advisor. Apply ONLY cars), ranging from 1200 to I2O00 McDowell. 944-4*00 anteed sales Plan ft much more. SI Htlp Wanted SIHtlpWantod Come see and save! Ftbergias body, 1600 firm AUTO PAINTER — EKP only Top ERA MELMED REALTY. 471 56*0 to Principal. Red Bank Regional 244 4549 pay ft benefits Reply lo Box F-370. INTERVIEWS - Full or part tlms High School, 101 flldge Rd . Little KINGSLY AUTO The Dally Register, Shrewsbury Hf Ai ESTATE SALES Silver. Deadline date. Oct. litl. •7500 542-6600 VOLVO 1949 - 4 door, new batlery, M.7.1 07701. Looking for people to work evening! Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F good tires, radio, 1300 explaining money saving Ideas lo Licensed or willing lo be Great 741*944 consumers, no selling Car needed potential, good commission arrange- CHEVY VAN If*? — Alto. 1*41 Ford AVON Earn 135.00 a hour lo start Cal ments, flexible hours. SEWERS — Fulltime Industrial ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT STATION Van Ask for Al 1949 VOLKSWAGEN BUG - 41,000 EARN COOD HI, and protect your 7*0-7660 for appointment. CARROLL AGENCY experience helpful but not neces SU 5*45 miles, ton rebuilt engine A Clutch, family with low-cost Insurance. Sell Realtor 1719JM wry Exc. company benefits Apply CUSTODIAL 8ERVICES WAGON dependable 1450 or best oHer Avon Call Mrs. Hammond. 471-4391. LANDSCAPE - Gardener's Helper in person between 14 p.m. Parkway CHEVETTE 1*M - 4 door, auto W-3Q43. Mrs. Konellus, 544-S283, Mrs, Kite, Wanted Experienced only. Driver's REAL ESTATE SALES Fabricators, 141 Narllan St . South malic, like new with many extras 544-164* license a mutt. Call 741-7355. Amfcw. SUPER SPECIALS VW 1971 BUG — Rebuilt trans, new Supervise the evening shift of Ihe custodial staff Call 671 5149 BARTENDER — Fulltime nights, LAUNDRY PERSON — Part-time SHEETROCKERS — Taperi, fin- paint and tires. Runs but needs en- experienced only Apply In person two-days per weak. Must have own Successful candidate must have previous ex- CHEVY MONZA (971 - Station e work >41 6906, after t v m ishers Top wages, steady work Ex Wagon, bright yellow. 4~cylinder between 3 ft i at T he Pour House. 640 transportation Call 944-4** 1. be AN OPPORTUNITY! perlenced only 217 2121. 7 a.m -1 perience in all phases of cleaning operations and 1973 TOYOTA Shrewsbury Ave,, Tlnton Fall* No tween 10 a.m.-3 p.m. pm.; after * p m. 4*1-1*14, standard. 13300 531 202) after 7 p m 3 Trucks phone calls. we ara selectively enlarging our supervision of Personnel. Should be flexible and COROLLA WAGON CHEVY MONTE CARLO — 1*73, LEGAL SECRETARY — For Red sales staff of problem solvers. We (HIPPING AND RECEIVINO able to deal effectively with perople Salary BEAUTICIAN — Or barber license Bank law firm. Exc salary with ara in the PEOPLE BUSINESS M CLERK — Experienced only, for 4 cyl, 4 speed, good cond . 75.000 miles Musi be seen. 11I2S. And Trailers holder with some following EM commensurate with experience and quali- I9MVW benefits Exp. ft oood skills eisen DU eniov helping people, want to sat packaging orders and loading Slock#i109 58.179miles celleni pay Call 843-9744 tlal. Call 842-6500 our own hours, earn whal vou feel trucks. Mult be super accurate in fications. Liberal fringe benefits Resumes may CHRYSLER 1974 — 4-door New 1969 FORD PICKUP TRUCK you're worth, let's gel together and paper work Monmouth Silver- BILLING — Experienced on Bur LEGAL SECRETARY — Bavshore talk about your future. Our company be sent to the: AS IS SPECIAL Yorker, fully equipped. 62.000 miles, Altar 5 p m. roughs L8000 machine. Company smiths. 747-S $950 471-OS47. 03-95*3 Area. Experience essential. Salary it one of Ihe most successful In the benefits. Keyportaraa. Call 264-617] commensurate with skills Excellent county We can offer vou the train group benefits. Send return* to STOCK PERSON/SALES CLERK - OFFICI OF PERSONNEL SERVICE* CLASSIC 19*1 — Ponllac LaMant, 19*0 DODGE PtCKrUP — I bed. 4 BOOKKEEPER — Accounts Re ing and advertising exposure to In- $2000 original owner $400 or best offer cvl.. auto. Irans.. a* cond 14*00 "Secretary". PO Box 2*1. Atlantic sure your success licensed or un Part time, full time Apply In par- ceivabla. Medicare ft Madlcaid In Highlands, N.J. 0T7H. son. Susan Greene, Market Place MONMOUTH COLLEGE Call 741-4744 Call 264 5741 surance claims, Full-time Can Icensed, experienced or not, We prefer residents of Fair Haven Mall. R1 34, Matawan. COLLECTORS ITEM — 1965 1964 CHEW TOW TRUCK — For Maria for appointment 4934080 MAG CARO OPERATOR CEDAR AVE. 1975 MERCURY Excellent opportunity. To 11*0 Rumson-Littie Sliver For a con SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Cadillac Convertible DeVllle. sale, completely rebuilt motor, very BOOKKEEPER/SECRETARY — Ndential Interview, ask for Rogar WEST LONQ BRANCH, N.J. 07764 smashed windshield, otherwise good good running condition. 11500 firm ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Full or pan lima. 311 ft 11-7 shifts, COLONY PAIK WASON Part lime For construction office in » Thomas 74714*4 Shrewsbury Coiens or writ* P O Box 147, Fall long term, pleasant conditions HoMndllWCallala An l|^l Opparkinil, tr«a4ovar aWM condition Best otter 67I 0926 166 5O1I Red Bank Must have e«P 531-1634 V-8, p/s. p/b, aulo trans, air Haven. N.J. 07701. •43 7300. CENTURY 21 COZENS. Realtors cond., p/windows, seats. CORVETTE Ltl 1*71 — 1944 CHEVY One ton rack, 19** BOOKKEEPING CLERK Management • , Brown/camet, auto, air, AM/FM engine, runs good, fair shape, good "Independently Owned" SWITCHBOARD OPETOR — Third locks, like new cond Slock Pavabies, ADP payroll, posting and 813 River Rd. Fair Haven Shift, part-time Pleasant per- stereo, CB, rear speakers, power work truck, 1900 Ml 01K light typing To 1160 *1O97 73.040 miles windows, door locks, antenna, clear SEARS PORTRAIT (Ml) 741 74*4 manent job 4*34094. 1969 FORD — V-* pickup with cap. ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY root panels, aluminum wheeli, 10 Thomas 747 34*4 Shrewsbury SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Cruise Master Meticulously main- standard shift Very good condition STUDIO REAL ESTATE ONLY 7874015 before 11 am. or after 9 COMMERCIAL MANAGER Part lima, a 30 to 1 p m Mull ot tained Priced below retail. 110.500 BOYS/GIRLS — Age 13-1S, earn Is Now Hiring Experienced person to lake charge abla to wort, lull lima on occailon WAREHOUSE WORK 29,000 mi Call 741 2800 "--^ ^ cash and prlies. Morning newspaper of Commercial Department Active To SI VI an hour route In your own area About 1 hour MANAGER TRAINEES •2300 1974 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT office, best commission split, ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY COUGAR CONVERTIBLE 1973 — each morning. Keyport, Union ACADEMY AGENCY » Thomai »! 3414 Shrawlkury FULL TIME-ORDER SELECTORS a> Yellow wtth black top, automatic TRAVELLER — 304 V-*. 4-wheel Beach or Neplune. Toll Free i Full-time or Part-tlm*j transmission, $2*00 *4? 8144 or drive, IB mpg highway, loaded with 73*2221 extras, must be seen to be ap- 800-343-0*90 TEACHER OF THE HANOI 1977 FORD 222t«* Experience not necessary RESTAURANT HELP WANTED — CAPPED — Prlvala achool toaclal STEADY EMPIOYMENT — 8000 WAGES # preciated Excellent condition Best BUILDING INSPECTOR — Pert projact on •ludant. Non varbal Sand Offer 842-83*3 Mi Our excellent training program will Cooks, dishwashers, all hours avail- LTD II time position opening Dec. 19*0 able Apply In person, JONI'S RES- r»*»m* to Barbara Strkkan, C/O AND BENEFITS • CREDIT PROBLEMS Must hold or quality for OCA earn you a fob as STUDIO MAN CPC. » Broad SI Eatonlown, N.J. No cash? If you're working, we can 1977 CHEROKEE CHIEF -4-wheel license, talarv open. Call David AGER or ASSISTANT MANAGER. TAURANT, 179 Broad St., Red SQUIRE WAGON help to get you financed No money drive, must setr, 15000 Call 7414483 Matthews, Construction Official. Bank 2:00 P.M. TO 10:30 P.M. — 9:30 P.M. TO 6:00 A.M. a) Small V-8. p/s. p/b, «uto down. -Payments arranged to suit after t p.m. 1721510. 9-5 p.m. or resume to: 171 if you mrt mature-minded, depen- RESTAURANT HELP — New cafe your needs Many New and Quality Bay Ave . Highlands, N.J. 07732. dable, enjoy working xljh a wide Also part time work available f trans air cond., excellent 1975 FORO F2» — With insulated n Red Bank seeks a full food service 213 Instruction Used pars to choose from. Call Mr. variety of people, and »f willing to staff Cooks, counter people, cap. needs motor. 11495 tirm. After BURGLAR ALARM INSTALLERS Sunday thru Friday — flexible hours cond Stock #1122 81.201 Fredericks at Rassas Ponliac, 395 4 P.m., 5*3 9149 ivork hard at a lob that offers many waitresses/waiters, bus people, miles Broad It. Red Bank. 741-5180. — Full-time ERP. preferred, but rewards, we suggest vou contact us ashlers, pantry help. Apply The Apply in person at A & P complex 9 1978 CHEVY C10 - Three speed, 4 wIM train qualified person, Equal We otter a salary (Plus bonus to AllHCltlfHS DATSUN 280-Z — 1971. only 7,000 :afe Carpi, Red Bank Mini Mali. cvl.. reg. gas, AM/FM stereo, 8 Opportunity Employer Call Strong managers, excellent benefit pack Lower level ONLY original ml., immaculate cond.. 5- track, wagon wheels, staal radlals. Electronics, 842-57*7, 9-5 p.m. eg*. Incentive contests ft future ad- Now Bang Acc»p»a • TRANSCO SERVICE CORP.* speed. mag wheeli, air, ifcv blue paneled cap. sliding windows, exc vancement If you desire RN'SLPNS NURSE'S AIDE Asking M700 $91-1339. CARPENTER/CABINET MAKER lor training In a cond . 14500 firm. Call If - I2S4. after - Mlddletown Township Board of rewarding caraxr BB a 38 aViamwIek Aw»., Idlaon N.J. •3100 DATSUN— 1973. low mileage, auto . \ p.m. Education, interested parties should A Great Job, A Fine Carter.. All Shuts Available reauest application at Admlnls Medical Personnel Pool louu orKummn». mr ex cond . ttaoo B FIBERGLAS CAP — By Ford The Choice is Yourst Call 873 1374 tretlon Office. 5? Ttndaii Road. Mid fO Monmouth St. Red Bank KMCttirlllTiU Mint, screened sliding windows, root dletown. N.J., 07748. Equal OP 4)1 5744 1979 FORD want, asking M*> 74U43S Apply (n person at the DATSUN 810 1978 — Fowdoor poriunitv Employer. HNM-F- Part tlm* Chars* relief. ttn sedan. 24.000 mi , axe. COOd. 4 SEARS PORTRAIT 71, two days per week. Call *4*-4«i lor further LTD WAGON speed. 240-1 tngtne. uses reg. gat CAREER OPPORTUNITY STUDIO between 10 a.m. 1 p.m. information call Small V-8. p's. p/b. aulo WOO 843 -1439. 4 Motorcycles E xceotional opportunity in local home offke of an Interstate insur- 1500 Hwv 35 Middietown. N.J or writ* trans, an cond, 9 pass. Fend Tues Sat. 10 A.M. to* P.M. RN (M/F) DATSUN 280Z 1*7* - 3 + 3. white, ance company With or without CK Every other weekend 8 to 4 Motor Co Executive Car custom wheels, atr, 4 soeed, super 1974 KAWASAKI — KZ-400, tit cond . 1700 ml 1975 or bast o»tr perience Will train. Pleas* give re 244-354* Slock #999 27.649 miles cond , 15*00 Can 471 5839 oulred salary and resume to: Box MEDICAL SECRETARY/OFFICE Call 787-4*37 Sun F 320, The Dally Register. ASSISTANT — 9 3 weekdays Red RNS OR LPN — J 11 two days Call UNION ONLY DODGE CHARGER 1t71 — New Shrewsbury. N.J. 07701. Bank area Reply lo Box E 352. Tha Mrs Smith, * i paint ioe, wide tires in rtar. stereo, FREEDOM CYCLES Dally Register, Shrewsbury, N J , 471-fliM. imide customliad, alarm system. BMW CASHIER — Ooor person, ushers 07701 lisoo Call Stew. Ml MM HONDA Full ft part-time eve work avail- ROUTE DRIVER — Industrial Suo- TECHNICAL SUZUKI able Apply In person avertings only MESSENGERS — 10 rwedod Im plv Co., Monmouth ft Ocean toon •5400 DODGE DART 19U - GT con- Long Branch 222 2342 alter 7 p m . Atlantic Cinema. Allan mediately Car necessary Paid del let, 5-dav week, trucking ex- vertible Fire engine red and black lie Highlands. Equal Opportunity ly 211-6274 perience preferred. Write to Box INSTITUTE 2 tone Top is 1 me old Many new 974 HONDA CT 70 — J sod , great Em plover E 1)3. The Dally Register, 1 Main Straw We are looking paris - must see to appreciate 1900 cond . needs coils and points 112) NURSE RN — Hi Part time. Apply Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701. Must tell new car coming in Call win talk Can 5*3-2*4* CLEANING SERVICE - Needs in person, 1H Arnold Waller Nurs- E •ton town for an aggressive, self 787-8544 anytime worker with car I15O-12O0. ne Home. 422 South Laurel Ave.. HONDA CYCLES — And Mooedi. Call S46-744S Haslet. DEWING MACHINE OPERATORS USED FAIRWAY FORD-LONG BRANCH Shore Area's Number One Dealer — Experienced, singleneedte. Artlln {201)5422192 starting salesperson want- Service-Sales-Leastng Rentals Rt. 9 South. Freehold 462-4881. We CLERICAL/SECRETARIAL — IUR&ES AIOE — Full hme. 7-3. Mills, 10 Pearl St. Long Branch CAR 323-3M0 will not be undersold Small nursing home. Call 944-49*1. Township Board of Education, In- in 10 am -2 P.m. ing to learn advertising. Good terested parties should request ap- 51 Help Wanted SiHalpWanltd HOTLINE plication at Administration Office. salary, incentive program, 59 Tindall Road, MWIetown, N J . OIL BURNER - Repair parson. * ANOTHER DAILY REGISTER * 0774* Eoual Opportunity Employer exp. preferred Will accept inex- mileage allowance and benefit •pabiilttes, U par hour. Call after 747-5699 CLERK . 471 30*0 package. Car Essential...Degree We soak an eteri individual with Classified Service aMllty to maintain our office Happfv BOYS — QIRLS ream and Inventory records, assist PANTRY PERSON in marketing or business helpful". with mall distribution and com- EXPERIENCED ONLY NOW YOU CAN TELEPHONE munication equipment. Applicant EXCLUSIVE Good paying Daily and Sunday | YOUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ON SATURDAYS mutt have a N.J. driver's license »n0 be able to work with a minimum CONTINENTAL newspaper delivery CALL DICK MC KEAN TO START IN Oli R MONDAY'S EDITION., of supervision Convenient Northern RESTAURANT Moomouth County location Full -DAY WEEK. YEAR ROUND, Register/routes available company benefits and opportunities FULL COMPANY BENEFITS. for advancement Send resume to iALARY BIASED ON EX in Hazlet area. FOR AN APPOINTMENT AT:: WALL JUST CALL THE CLASSIFIED ACTION LINE Box A 34*. Tha Daily Register. PERIENCE CALL 223 1*40 BE- Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701 Equal Oa- TWEEN 11-4 P.M. FOR APPOINT LINCOLN MERCURY BETWEEN 8:30 AM. «, 12:30 P.M. portunity Ei MENT. Call Tucker at 542-4000 COOK — Full-time days. •• pertenced only. Apply In pa now be- .'ART TIME RN M/F — Far every tween 1 1 5 at the Pour Hauw. 440 ether wafcind. Piaase call Garden 583-5210 TH Mhf/ta*tf NWw SHREWSBIJO s CALL 542-1700 Shrawsbvry Ave.. Ttaton Fall*. No .tale Manor Nursing Home ne calls. 744-1148 MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1980 52 Boats And 22 The I 71 Merchandise 101 ApartmtMiu 104 Winttr Rentals 131 Houses For Salt 132 Condominiums For Sale Town H ousts Acctssorits COLTS HECK atOTEL - fWCIa*. WEST PALM BEACH. FLA - LINCROFT — sisssime Reach I 71 Merchandise 71 Merchandise 71 Merchandise PIANOS - ORGANS cv. 1109 oer aaat HaM. W mn I Cine KUsja) T we pa dream can- star*. s-» aearaems. 3 bains THE ULTIMATE - Seaaplng ocean All Mum*i Supottei *no Services •roe* UaM m I Oll tef LUHRS SPORT FISHERMAN Far Sal* For Sale For Sale y na OaydatitlplsMi Fully turnlsnad Club S134jeO ERA NEVINS REALTY. views from mil penthouse In "The - le'iirt". FWC, m angina, weed TUSTING PiANO CO retes evalla Call 431-1/14 or prlvllaaaa AullaMe lmmodlelal» Snores". Monmoutn Beech Never Our «7lti Veer I No pott) Call altar I P m . SMVMls. lived In 4 reedy for you lo decor in JII, riboreias bridge, must sell hew. MS firm 717-fMt BEDDING SETS — iniirwnng, CONTEMPORARV — Dining room FOUR BURNER - Gas stove, one Atturv Park J7S-OM4 MIODLETOWN — 1-badroom lo suit 3 badreems. 2 beths All Open * lo t COLTS HECK - Tara M I HI mil Ranch-type cettaaa Kitchen, dining t«f tS. MOroom wii $m end up. set 4 tour tnair*. good condition veer old, lei Miscellaneous aaartmanu anal three katfrewn rooms are large Pools, health club, »70 DIXIE TRI HULL — I... $12S Mood Oe*k 120 Call Mi §j-»7 lurnilurt Call 1*1-4*9* 104 roam, tiled bath den. washroom air conditioned tnJJM We nave Oinette. V4t »i F#tlof* after t PINE TRESTLE -Arm tour th«ir», aBanmaM Call Dan Willis, ia-m Professionally decorated. Available ohnson IS h.p . trailer with surge FREEZER - il tu H che*l High U00 Pine storage bench, HDD Pine tatsvaan t-1 am Immediately Off Navaslnt River Daily Sunday OBik mno chan. 1110 Coooer fetrifl MOUNT FOCOMO — Four-Bedroom. CENTURV 31 COZENS, Reeltort BEDROOM SET - uniaut. French energy e*tit tent* 2 sliding baskets HIGHLANDS — 1 rooms. tIM ear R taD 14' MYERS ALUMINUM MAT Provino*!. mint cond . tmtn UP tront defrost drains, adiustabie eretor. 1200 Call »M 7478 twamai OsaMt Flrepiace Private mo alia) utilities 4 SfCurHy After I •aM course tanms courts, boach aad MIDDLETOWN - IBelford). four 111 River Rd Fair Haven And trailer. |7H cold control 1 days oniv was p m . call TO4W Call Itim fta*. nmo nrw REGISTER $3*1 tS. now 1319 M PP MONTGOM PLUSH BLUE — velvet couch. l» Country Cluft Cieee Mi all raiartl. bedroom Cape Cad. Dead-end street, (1011 741-7aH Good condition Can after 4 p.m. BEAUTIFUL — Hendcr efted Classified Ads ERV WARD, 4*2 TO HIGHLANDS — man treed let. SSl.too Cell Ray Pessaro. ba*kels. minv uses, practical 4 dec K-ftU Realtor mm 133 Income) ProMrtv 7 CHRIS CRAFT CAVALIER I*s7 oraiivt. lodiv i ireeswre. lomor FREE2ER — IS cu ft chest Foam S Its hi, economical, pressure at, low as PALOR WOOD COAL — Burnino par month plus utlllllee aas-tll) 10t Furnltlttd Rooms OCEANPORT raw't heirloon. offered el ham* m%ula(ion. steal liner, adjustable »(owc. 1)00 John»on 3J h p oulDo Mar, refrigerator, stove, stand-up cold control 3 devi onlv was HIGHLANDS - 4-room NEW RANCH - MV WO twites For aeun. c«n trim engine. 1310 Love seal and two NEW COLONIAL »IJ*.tQO HIGHLANDS — Income properly need, OF, CB. sleeps 4. Mint. Allea- 46 cents H« «. now S2n M PP MONTGOM chairs. 1110 Stereo complete. %1i U2% par norm, utllluae e>lra ta- Two bedroom ranch house plus three c Highlands Marina aj7-4jn BEDROOM SET - French Provin ERY WARD. 442 "00 mmy ana references raaselraa). Call ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Naar FINANCING AVAILABLE bus 4 shrewilin. Ban bath na CARLO CONSTRUCTION rental units 1*0,000 Ml t(M4 or ti«i wniqu*. mint londmon MMMa. 7114004 eves LUMINUM FLAT-BOTTOM we bad. si no HI 2*0 FURNISHING ON A LOW Ultcnen arlvllaaas »M0 per mo plus 717-im OAT — r. with oars |1H DARK PINE TABLE — 40" round, BUDGET? — Check the USED PUMPKINS HOLMOEL — Three k>v«y rasxssa) security ivt^ftt. tour Mate* chairs, two luvti SSM OCEAN TOWNSHIP — WsysMe HIGHLANDS — One bedroom rents •43 1011 BEDROOM SET — Full nit FURNITURE CENTER OF REDOrnemental and taote souash. or- •alia, utilities IncluaMa) Can U4S Two bedroom rani UX MltOO Dresner, mirror, trie*.t headboard ft BANK Fine furniture lor less 1*7 nemtntel corn WnoleMia and re 1e< eaW Avallabie Naw. 1. BRADLEY BEACH — Room with Weeds anal Lang view Vlllaaa New VINRUDE OUTBOARD - 1171 4 private entrance Use of kitchen, all homes from SIX too MV*% mon Asturheble Invesmenl. 7vi%. nighl SUM $375 Very good cond DARK PINE BEDROOM Sfcl «• Shrewsbury Awe U<< Cetola Fermi Rt S30. 042-a.H p., Ilka new Ideal for fishing. SOS 471 4U1 Holmdel 94*4211 KEANSBURG — 1 reomt 4 bath. 1 utilities sutwlled Year-round, raa- gaga plan S314W or 401-4477 TIM, after I p.m. twin beds, devfc chair. 2 single GUITAR - Slrelocesler 4 Fender or 2 pertem. no parts AyelialHe Ngw. sonaMa Call itS-aiU anytime KEYPORT — 1-femllv. fullv rented, BLINDS' fl 2 0 0b reverb amp . effects pedal* Student RUSCILS — Specials this week 1 »»t e»r ma, P*U» utlllttet Call OWNER'S HEARTBROKEN — To naar storaa 4 transportation. Levolori Verticals. Wovtn Woods Ml IK1 after 5 » m guitar 4 imp . ftiOO W 1HS I on teal $M Chiitarobe lit*. after i, m mm DOOMS FOR DENT leave this charming converted car- I74.S00 STERLING MCCANN MrS> OFF LIST. DELIVERED! dresser $1* 50. Danish couch $44. 4x« Call ISI-aBet or riage house Situated on over an REAL ESTATE BROKER. S44 »44i FLAGSHIP MARINE DESKS. FILES - Tablet, chairs. KEANS»URG — Tsvo Malraam Wiatli acre of undisturbed natural wooded C«H El«nt>v Product! for Quote adding machines, typewriters, of HAMMOND & BALDWIN rug $14 JO 10aUrug$». bar 1 stools POWER 221 W31 %m. typewriter oak des*. W*. S piece aoanmenl AvallaMa Hao t. UIS. beauty en a private read In owe Berliner. Beaton Whaler , fit* tauipmant. tic at barsaln PIANO AND ORGAN kitchen sat 135. sofa $4* Merc A all utilities liKluaM One manOi W- Shrewsbury till, 000 OWNER'S IM Industrial Property BOOKCASE - fteeutiful, hand orices Naw or uud A A C DESK more IS E Front WL, Red Bank curtty, one months rant. Call 100 Commtrclal OFFER 11*% Interest rate loouall SAIL ' OUTLET. 1TO Rt JS. Oak hurst CENTER fled buyers m*0e. Tredilionel. wnn drewer. Sign up new. 741 14*1 4H-t*M Phantom. Laser, Howe. lour glassed «H collection., seven R.nUU 7M0 SQ FT — Building. Red Bank 10 organ lessons.' SIS KEANSSURG - Four room awn CENTURY 21 ODav. Buccaneer glass (ranted »nelve.v C«H after 4 DOUBLE BED — Wl Rusr REMOVER — Is Itte rutvt In Most all open space. House Included Erlcson, Sllllena C m MI AH models in stock. vour water ruining your laundry? merit, available Hoy. tat. Heat and ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — SHOO STILLMAN REALTY ler eitra Income. Large piece of and Do« springs, lull couch and love hot water lyallad. Call aftar 11. We are number one In . Call 717 2U3 after 5. i have the space r» M ft.. |l» aar montti Realtors 741-ttU property Call Jack Conwav el Star ohnson AAA service BOXES Corrugated Packing sup- saai l'O-3«3 ling Thompson Assec.. Realtors service, reliability and SOLUTION!. Hi-Mas or DIM, Each Office Independently Owned ummer and winter etereae plies far industry and Moving and DRESSER — Das*, single bed with LONG 1RANCH — Clean t, WM 747 MOO ompleta Canvas Shop Storage Cell 141 arm or 442 4*77. LOWEST PRICES. SEARS BEST WOOD LATHE — BROAD ST.. RED BANK — Modarn RUMSON AREA - Call or tend for Spring and mattress, light oah color. Furnlelsaa) or unfurnished UIIIIUM "HOMES FOR ALL SEASONS" Pic 300 MAIN STREET Never used Sin wood tools end office, m so. ft Private panlna First Ave . Atlantic Highlands BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN TICKETS! vary good cond . 741 4*51 . after 4 30 table. $275 Call I4M744 IrKluoed No pets 333-eevl Vaarly leaso. 1111 a month 741 331) ture Brochuro-Monmouth County 137 Lots*Acrt.8t — Alse Cart. Outlaws. Bob Weir. P. ASBURT FARK. N.J 07712 FIREWOOD 775*300 LONG IRAHCH — 4Vi roam a*art- before 1 30 a.m. FOUR SEASONS REALTY 2915600 Celllns. Tom Walts, Deliver SEARS KENMORE — Washer & tl E. River Rd Rumson S3O-MO0 livered 101 JUMti drver, excellent condition, hardly mant. heal, hot water Included. SIM. EXECUTIVEAPROFESSIONAL Open daily • 1. Sat 'III $ lease 1 security rewilree) Na aati TRAILER SITE - Lake Adventure, used. $3» 471 O23S after J cm SUITES - Avallaate forrant IK .SPLIT IN EXCELLENT CONDI ENTZE MARINA — For puritan BUDGET' - Bet* cabinet. $1 U HAMMOND M j - Mini condilloo. One Mack from ocean Call tTMW ond floor, near center of Lone TIOH — Offering four bedrooms, Poconos. Private lake, pool, FIVE DEEP DiSH - Aluminum clubhouse, planned activities Skiing ay boating. In-out berthing service •ootttheif. SUM Brown inag. $tt mags, with •'/> wide lire* tits leap. mtiktwii.tau mmi HAMMOND SHURE VOCAL MASTER PA - Branch business district. Call two full beths. family room, dining or power and sail boats. 15 to 24' •mail wardroba. U » 13 tow fire S3M or best offer Call after 4 p.m . M 3 — Mini condition, mutt Mil. System, e' columns, all wlrvs ft LONG BRANCH — TIIMal Vlllaaa. man room, partial basement 4 etteched nearby Call 471 4SS7 •tact screen) curtain tirapiaca scr covert included Be*I otter Set «72* 3M Wisfaad Ave 1 and 1 aldraim garese Asking »7vwo sod boat sales 71711» TWO ONE ACRE LOTS — Holrr •n. SI » Christmas utensils. |tO lot in»L apts Heat, ho* water 4 fH na>dllad. EXECUTIVE OFFICES — RedBENEDETTO REALTY GROUP MARINE ELECTRONICS — Per Htah chetr. SIM Win rack, $j n SOFABED ft CHAIR — Colonial, walklna wttance la train. Mo and Bank. 1 or mare rooms Air, carpal. 47144*4 U4.400 each Call 441 7141 he latest In SI Tea recorders. VHF China closet. $Jt Bric-a-brac of ava- HOOSIE* — U7I bett offer Bicycle. Ross 10 tpced. Medical Canlar C Ul^H dacarellen. tM month par room ll« Hwv IS. Mlddletown adlos. direction finders or Leran, rv deicr.pi.on RUSCILS., 21 E MEN A WOMEN. 17-6Z Oil (MAM 1)00 1M-4MS. Full services >4I HtJ our best buy II Front St. Rad Bank., 74MM) aAATAWAN — Tw»room atNCMK*. Whan consMerlne Buying or Selling TRAIN NOW FO* mutt STEEL PANELS — Pelnled blue, 43 Hal a mantn. aacurltv and ISMt FOR LEASE - leal so, ft minimum 130 Mobllt Homii BOAT HOUSE Call a member of The 33 Ocean Ave Sea Bright CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT! — Ana CMLSEIVICE EXAMS Pieces. )'*!' Z". for fencing or roof Included AvallaMa Hay. 1. Ml KM with more space available Will ren- Manmouth County IBM TYPEWRITERS ing t»6 Him* ovele to suit Call Mt-eUI far de Multiple Listing Service •43 UII cards, by Franklin Mint. 1*71 to 1*7ft Mo Wffh Ichooi MeceaM/r MIDOLETOWN — Four rooms, (one tells GARDEN PARK MOBILE HOMES Open Tues. through Sun. Call ««MM_ * PoeMfone Start At Htgh Ae RENTAL $20-126 per mo. TELEVISION — I ttevi enlv It" bedroom), recently redecorated. - Bethany Rd., Haflet Adult park Htm with option to buy IJ2O32? CHROME A GLASS ETAGERE - portable color, room light sensor residential nelanftorhood. U» plus LINCROFT — Office suite, pra- 132 Condominiums Walk 10 shopping and N.Y. bus. 3-j wide.*'')1 htgh. 1*'depth, mum KERO SUN HEATERS — Oparatvt Auiometic color control, 100% solid electric 1 oas heat References. tessUnal bulldlna naw Parkway 144-1*1! level New S1200. will sell $700 Dark •7.47 HOUR lor pennies e aev. reduced my slate Special litV M PP MONT lease * security WUK Ho pots Call Mi 44ee Town HOUMI budget a*i bill trom U* lo t33 oer GOMERV WARD. 4*2 7700 MOBILE HOME Sails Aweigh brown leather 4 rosewood Ames •TOIT oma •eBMwct MODERN APARTMENT — Near LOFT IPACE — MO so. ft or more SH3U Must bo moved. S3SO0 Cal Ntw Jersey's onlv Chair «00 Call after TOOLS — Aluminum scaffold FINEST IN LUXURY HI RISE ft., air conditioned. t4» plus utlll urlous amenities, access 10 excellent 7071010 f m,4i2 7J*l Write h Include Phone No To vacuum. Jetobton eel edoer. hend roller, tow behind Cyclone tpreeder. pienkt, 8" Sklllsew. Sawiall. level On the Navaaink River UM F41-11T4 recreation facilities A terrific value boats on display Walk to railroad, bus Modern one COLONIAL LOVESEAT — Swivel Nalional Training SvC . Inc two uet eeneratori. heavy duty line transit ft many small hand tools MATAWAN — Rt 14. Office, 141 aa. at onlv tra.m Cell today 140 Rail EsUtt Wanted 802 Mantoloklns Rd. weed eelei Cell alter 3. '41 U1S Call (or more details afttr * pm end two bedrooms. I4ao-ust Air con MFM OROUP. REALTORS rocker, brown tones French Provin- dltunlna. heet. hot malar, balcony. ft. Naw, air conditioned, carpeted, Brick Town cial, two-saclional sofe with corner Oally R«fllM*r nV-UMI ample parkins. Available Im- 30 Ridge Rd., Rumson 747 tltl doormen, security and more. Oa- A "Most For Your Money" Agency table and club chair, blue and LIVING ROOM SET — Three piece TOP SOIL VERY BEST raga, pool, marina evellawe Bail. ly letmM eftor t p m ALL CASH (201) avocado 741 J204 r. MJ 07701 Small, medium and large loads. Investors seek houses up to 1100.000 (Queen Mil toft bed couch, loveteal ;1-S417. Member Colieglete RUMSON — Professional offices WANTED loneble Cell 4«) »H Travel Service. RED BANK — Luaurv two bedroom 100 so ft. Carpeted, central air, We pay cash for your house 31 Houses For Sale lownshouses Naw kltchans. bath parking. Call 041-»444 RIVERFRONT TOWNHOUSES — Call Ray Passaro, Realtor, »l«24 M'tviNi. Mult tell, line WESTINGHOUSE — Selt-Ct«M(nt and a hall, all apvllances, court with view of the Naveslnk. Tws or bodroom/llvlna room lurnllure. electric double oven and range, like yard, lerpetlng 1H0. »1-IIH. STUDIO/OFFICE - In the heart of Rad Bank. Two large room labora- three-bedroom units with Ivs baths, dinette, antiaues. klicnen aedaeli. new $400 741*145 after 4 p.m. den. garage From HS.OOO 741-0914 Orlc e brae, elc 141 f«4 RED BANK — 1 rooms Nice area tory. Second floor walk up. Conve- WESTINGHOUSE — Frost-free re- •II utilities Included No pots Lease nient to municipal parking. SIM par frigerator, ilde-bv-slde doort, like and references reoulred S41 nM3, 1 month Including utilities Call SHADOW LAKE RESALES NEW ARRIVALS AT SYCAMORE new. $400 741 W4> altar 4 pm. lo t p.m. ALL MODELS tS7.0OIMtS.OO0 GREENSl — Furniture Ilka naw ALSO RENTALS 1S2 Boats* FULICHM Tremendout lavlnoi come In - no RED BANK — Lovely I WAREHOUSE BUILDINGS — 4000 KERR AGENCY COMfUKIITpJT MOCNUM obligation Gold down cuihlon 72 OeiratHSalM apartment, with balcony, dish so. ft. with fenced In yard. Rt. 34 Acctssorltj tall or send lor "Country Living", pics couch, round marble top cockled wesner. caraatliw, ins plus utlll Metewen. near Era Construction 741-4477 Days Eyes. III4U1, 747-4124 prices and descriptions ol exclusive table, king life lull me bed com Yard Salts lias. I4I-I1M. Co Includes paneled office anal labo- 14' HOBIE — Three-months old, iSlmOB plale Solid mapla deik 1 chain, ratory Ideal far llstit manufac- SHADOW LAKE IS SOLD OUT — many extras. S23OO or best offer RIO BANK — Wast Sunset Ave turing, storage Asking woo par APPLEBP.OOK AOINCV andlrom, lire loolt a> icreem, solid But Van Hern has both new and 7414074 eves. REALTORS maple headboardi. pelntingt. ate GARAGE SALE — Wed . Ocl 2*th, Lovely 1 bedroom apartment New- in mo, evenings, MHXJ resale unltsl SS7.0OO to 1100,000 RUSCILS. 1* Sycamore Ave . L Itlle f-1 p.m Some antiques »3 Ronburv ly renoveted tlrl par ma. plus utlll We have rentals, teal It' STARCRAFT — 110 h.p.. 112 Ave. Twa Rivera, RtimooRymaen Silver miKe Rd.. Belford (OH East Rd). NOlies 13e ;» or T4!U\t. WAREHOUSE 1TORAOI RENTAL VAN HORN AGENCY. 747-4100 Mercury engine, rigged tor skiing, MI-KJ-nooM EARLY BIRDS - 1,100 so. ft. Hwv M, Pan Man- fishing, or family. Bast offer. Call NO Mwy Stt,. MaMMawI n / RED BANK - 1 brMM choorlul Eves : Marilyn Leahy, U1O*!1 •71 I OFFICE EQUIPMENT — Solid rooms. Ideal far commuter. HIS. mouth Call sri-lttM. or Larry Schilling, M2 SS7* 144-1051 -IM0 / walnut and oak uted deihi, Hi up. heat, water Included Mt-4M4. Church St.I ,, LMe Uver/ Chairt, 111 up Small tHCcutlva 74 Auction Sales STO CONDO MART INC. II' STARCRAFT — ISO h.p. 747H*t tablet. IM e-drawar }"ir" card In- RE AL FSTATE Shore Homes, Condo Specialist Mercury Long trailer, extras S4000 tats y Sea Bright, N.J HI 0004 firm. 2*1 5530 after 4 p.m. dak cabinet. 124 Small green MATAWAN ROTARY CLUB — Wll Iral location, parking. 1MB plus mill . FOR SALE leatherette tola. 112} Book rack, la. hold a flea market. Ocl U, • am ties. I month security mam. Leetnerette arm chairt. $10 each. Rein date Nov 2. For Information •nVHrl. Typing ttandt. »22 each Tape add cell ie* 3511 or i** 4W1 Ino mechlne. 120 Kodak Verilen SEA BRIGHT - Winter rates now 131 HoutasForSala cooler, $20 Other itemt Room 1004. available at Harbour Point Water 10 Spring St.. Red Bank. N.J. Phone 77 Pets And Livestock view turnlsnad studios and ono- (2011 HI I1H bodroom suites. I4tl Ocean Ave , ACRE S1H.S0O I47-11U 4-bedrooms. 17M 14 master bedroom, DISCOUNTS FOR 125-GAL. FISH TANK - All equip- in balks, 34' living roam, 17' dining WEST END — 1 bedroom furnished room, ir gourmet kitchen. If den ORGAN - Ferllta compact HOC ment Will trad* entire set-up for or unfurnished, rt block Iromacean. OameleclroAMPItlOO) PIUIMIKE decent running car 747 1440; with full brick fireplace, full dry SENIOR CITIZENS twlmmlng pool. HMUS. basement. 1-cer garage, central air. cut your 112)1 and BOOMSTANO 11201 All In HhTtm lair condition Good for beginner e.lret galore ERA MELMED RE- Call 111 KM alter > 30 p.m. At SHOW HANOLING CLASSES — ALTY, Bkr , t7t-ie». CHICK THIS IIST Of MOtCMANTS WHO ARE 102 Houses For Rant Offered bv the Owner Handlers As ACRE PLUS lao-s OHGAN - Hemmond E 100, 2 man sot Starting Oct. 27 For more in 4 bedrooms. 17' master bedroom OffMING SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS DAILY ualt. 2) pedalt, 20 draw ban A* Kwim PIANOS ORGANS males, iweet disposition, shots 11 JO range AsalM Silt oar mentfi. Call den, utility roam, baaament mint w,» MMM w. main Lvnn. IN mx %<. Mmnkm »i-*n WerehoiiM prices on motl meior IO117) 370-1430 condition ERA MELMED REAL- brendt Yemeh*. Klmbell, Ihomes, New contemporerv Ihree-bedreom TY, Bkr., Wt-SaSO. Betdwin Gulbransin, etc. UnDO- G GROOMING — Don* In my LINCROfT PHARMACY — Ml home Spec lei I ling in Toys and Mini Rench skylltyM. Twe beltts, Iwo-cer ASSUMPTION limited rental* from %7 SO per garage, double fireplace, central in. i mwffltn KrhlM **.. Llncren. N.J. month poodles Call 2*4 3174 after 7 p.m Meilel, SWI monlhjy Davmants. In OM OU YBIRDSPECIALS Pro. OUIMrv. tanrar CHMM Ok> air, wallle-wall carpeting. UK a eludes lanes la oualllled buyer, r% .M. ONLV AAI Pond Rd end Rl t All colors, mostly whiles and fireplace, den, mint condition •00-3*3 e«7 PAUL P. BOVA INC.. I7I-U44. splashes Onlv SI 10 apiece A. Wll S42-2223 21" G E — Black a whit* console TKUCK H.BNTAL1 Hems, 34) W Rlverdale Ave Tlnlon ASSUME MORTGAGE ITfs FORMICA - Top kitchen table, with SEWING MACHINE — $30, Caloric Falls. Call S41 14W altar 1 p m ERA-JAMIE PAVLIS TV. Cficcllcnt condition. Ashing WO leaf and il* chairs, gold. $70. Cell gas wall overt. $20 Blonde wood, 7 JANITORIAL 4 bedrooms, lvi baths, formal dining 2M-O40 drawer desk, $W. 671 67« AAA TRUCK RlftTALS 101 Commercial FREE REAL ESTATE ream, don, full dry basement, Ba- SERVICES it* fUgcatM te taMer illltens. rege. ERA MELMED REALTY, Si YARD& — Of sold carpeting w,lth MeaB.-Crl, wfth M. US Hwv. 14, Rentals 3 klllens 1 mother FREEZER — 17 cu. ft.. Coppertone. SNOW TIRES - On rims, belled, TWINTY POUR HOUR- W400S Bkr ; 471 S4M DtKMing Priced rloht tlOO $100. G E. pot scrubber, portable U)i0m Jamtarlal arx Patntma. mssaiam ELBERON — I badraam home on ATLAHTIC HIGHLANDS — Roast dishwasher, white, $100. 741-.M39. erkad free tsUmatee Mi-esW wett Kumiiift, nr-Ma. FREE PERSIAN KITTENS oulot street, couple preferred MM Peach colored with white paws oar month plus utilities Call Ot-an your chestnuts by the fireplace of 12" aeiOE AND RUST — Sofa, FURNITURE — Living room, SNOW TIRES tf AL •tTATl Call 4tS el" or Ul-Wll before ) 30 p.m. our ceiy Medreem, l bath Colonial Early American, I viir oM. %W0 bedroom, rug, mirrors, odds and Radial white wails, Site tHlt 14, $u PtlMMNDWSTIUlAMA home. OM fashioned perch, full M2-41SI ends, All tesi than $200 or betl offer a pair 142-3211 TIRM (•AIM HAViN ftCALTV HORSES BOARDED - Boa stalls. FAIR HAVIN - .. basement, f-car garage 4 economl- Call after i p.m 717-2790 11.000 M. ft. Telloete toMlna, Individual padocks. schooling ring, eel aas heet. Offered at El AIRLINE TICKETS — Two lor one, SOFA — Rid. ex. cond.. lits. 13" CROWN TIRI MART NMM private parkins A/C. ttf«l. bains, dining ream, den, IW) e outside hunt court, professional month. 1710 security. tnHMl ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Reeltor, Pan Am/National coupon, txplrt GASFORCEOHOT AIR FURNACE Admiral black/white TV with stand. DMcawst la ALL Sewer omens Large dltceont en cemmlteien tprinhleretf Public trantporte i»r* wandering Wind Farm. Mid SU Prosnocl Ave., Little Silver, N.J. H/IS. 1W0. .300 H7-UU. - 75,000 BTU-s. with duct work. MT *M7M Htn. »l. Pert Monmauth, 7S7 tin Call Mrt. Jane Whiletar detail . lion dletown SCI 1003 or iM-tlil KEANSBURG — Du*M>. with twa 74MJ00. good cond.. $100 787 1293 Shrewsbury AM., Tinier, Pells, bedrooms. eat-In kitchen, living AIRLINE BARGAIN — Pan Am. SOFA - $30 Baby stroller, $2S f47-lleg MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS — 10roam and utility ream. WOO g month Iwo for one travel pait to 5F. LA, G E DRYER Tables. 15110. Kitchen set. $30 Cell 747-1100 weeks old. 3 males. HOC each plus utilities Call Chris Benedetto BRAND NEW Australia, Fill, Germany. Singapore Two years old, $100 7B7USO iti-tior alter S p.m. Hailot. Gas heal, aluminum siding, and other destinations Expires 747 20 S9 11/15/tO. Bist offer over 190 less BENEDETTO REALTY OROUP SOFA — Chair, French Provincial. TOV POODLES - Purebred. 0 bedroom, ir living room, 10' coun then HiO. Call U27JH GENERAL BELTED JUMBO TIRE beige, $125 »M«404 try kitchen with deck, dining area, weeks old. tM. t aksssfa SI.... • aa A*l 7M HH 15. $20 291 32*0 after 4 p.m. liH MWV. JJ. luxury bam, garage, carpeting, ap- ALTO SAXOPHONE — With cue. 544 0945 pliances. Asking W4.F0O $140. Olds trumpet with case. $90. LEONARDO — Small . STOVE — GE electric Airliner TROPICAL FISH house for rani, gas neat, close to ACADEMY AGENCY Bolli encellen* conditton 67I-4199 GLASS COFFEE TABLE — $35 OSCARS, OSCARS. OSCARS schools and bus. Leese and security Blue loveseat, $50 Weddutg gown, model, 34". ex warking tond . $45. looi. 100s 4 100 s ol baby Red Tkger !*fj Mwy. SS Hailal, N.J. BABY CARRIAGE - Stroller, Per sue 9, $50. 2 infant seats, $10 each, 530-0737 •_ required M00 Call 711-Mrl after 9 ego, 3 months old. $40 Other Infant CLASSIFIED Oscars for sale. EKcallent pels and p.m. 201-739-2222 like new 244-M7Q. . good lor anyone Interested In start Hems. 747-413.. STUDENTS WOOD DESK — And chair, '$35 Small drop-leaf wood Ing a fish hobby. Call »>-0105. LINCROFT — I bedroom Btwvoi BY OWNER — Mlddlehwnl-faml- HALLOWEEN DANCE CO5TUMES BUNK BEDS — Unused, beautiful. — 13. Children's sites. 671 0M4 or kitchen table, $35. Sewing machine Centrel air conditioning, gxc. cond., ly. Asking w too will assist with wood. Complete with mattresses with cabinet, $50, Twomaole kitchen U» par mo., 747a»» financing. Gary, 4H-M74 495 0023 04 M.rchandls. $140. Call 229-2921. chain, $1 each. Camping tent. 9x12. MATAWAN — CARROLL AGENCY INC. KITCHEN TABLE — With wood- $40 842 9354. CAR BATTERY — Mopar, heavy grain formica top, six chairs, green, Want** meni, earago. larva yard. IVi maa. Raal Estate Marketing and teles duty, used one week. Asking $20 security, 147S par month plus utlll gold, orange- tan design. $75.TABLE SAW I" — 4" table ben BUSINESS DIRECTORY REALTOR on-ttOO 717-2307. sander, IB' throat jio saw. all belt net References Adults preferred. 495-9442. AAAAAA — LIQUIDATE UN Na pals. Call let-ana attar e p.m. ELBERON — Carriage House, CARD TABLE ~ Three In one driven, separate motors, 135 each, WANTED ANTIOUES. JEWELRY. privately set back en ever st* prep, KITCHEN SET — Chairs one year all three with benches, $90. Can A DAILY GUIDE RUGS. FOR CASH. bumper 'pool, $100 • Set of enold. brown vinyl, round 42" table, 142 Wl after i P m RED BANK • J story auphn. Living arty, four bedrooms. IV. bathe, high cyclopedias. $S0. Call 172-1M6. INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES room, formal dining callings A house with loads of plus one leaf, 1*0. China closet, very OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS lit E. Newman Springs Rd kitchen Ind floor. I charm 4 ouelllv. Asking tlti.000 CHANDELIER - SU light,. 24" In good cond. (970 era Pius buftet. 1/5 TWIN MATTRESS — Beautvrest. Shrewsbury I4/4J00 bath, tag* par me. Hat. 4 security. 040 Realtors S31 lew UI4044 Electric heater, new stvle. a' long extra long. $40, men's overcoat, size diameter, bronie and crystal. Hi. with control, $25 Maple cheit, 5 Call e.71-O3tl. 42. ISO, 2 pair ladies leather boots. FIRST TIM! OFPERIDI - Rlyer drawers, $15. 2»-4*97 after 4 p.m sue S, sue I, $10 each. All like new ALL LIONEL TRAINS RUMSON — J bedreom, I bath view Cape ana mini tHe In River COMPLETE — 29 eel. fllau tl»h Call 741 5454 before S. after M2 2341 Or Flyer Top cash appraisal. Ranch house. Central air. aas, taJB Plata, Mlddletawn. Central air. «al- tenk set-up. $70. Three V Ilk* new LEAF SHREDDER/BAGGER — 5 HOME CUSTOM KITCHENS CARPETCLEANING Mo-MU ear ma., glut utilities 747-JTM In kitchen. 4 beaetroomaV, garrverooni. Lally columns, $2S *71-40*1 hp.. $130. Wood Itove. $12} Girl's 24" bicycle. $10 Pink bathroom IMPROVEMENTS ANTIQUES - All kinds, bought for Sundeck Vary private yard. Large TWO STEEL RADIAL SNOW KITCHEN REMODELING A 1 EXPERT CARPET CLEANING top cash Mary Jane Roosevelt An- assumaele VA msrtaaae H Quell CONSOLE — Stereo FM and phono, sink. $10. 291234V TIRES — And wheel?., like new. RUMSON RIVERFRONT — Deep- It rfahl ewav. Financing 21" black/while TV. Colonial maple, CUSTOM CARPENTRY OCR INC - Upholstery cleaning Reasonable llauet. 10* East River Rd., Rumson water dock. Four badroofnt. I baths * LOVE SEAT F-R7B 14, $70 Sears Whirlpool, fits ratal Morrlt Hoffman. 747-owr •4131)9 Member Appraisers As- •74,«M. new condition 747-0304 eves $WS any bathtub. $125 Call after 4 p.m., Renovation or repalrt. Quality aoam Living room, dining araa. kitchen, CENTURY II COZENS. Realtors Dark vinyl Excellent condition soclatlon of America, llreelert, central air. I>M me. SOFA — f. good condition. Seafoam $100 Call 741-4240. 741-0394. workmanthlp Call Bill, M2 »2«3 Kleptley Own#v LIGHT HAULING •43-otai o laaw & Aaua. SfOO. TWO CHROME 1 GLASS END EARLY AMERICAN RENOVA PAINTING* ANTIQUES — Fine furniture, •II Rlvar Rd. Fair Haven •427022 after 5 p.m. MEDITERRANEAN - Stereo cab! brasses, silver, glass, call evenings 1EA BRIGHT — Private boach 4 (Ml) 741-7441 net, 60". Garrard turntable, S-tratk. TABLES — $10 each TIONS — Addition!, kilcheni. Faml DECORATING Celt 244-4302 Iv roomt. ttructural and Interior GARAGES — Etc, cleaned out. 1*1 30» or Ml IM? dock an rlvar. 1 bedraams. 1 batha. COUCH — Modern plaid, like new, $200 Call S42-S794. hauled away Construction debris FOULKS PRESTON AOENCY dethjn Greg Herrman, sit mi el ANTIQUES - GATEWAY AN rn kitchen. New Baa heat 4 air. REALTORS S1S0 Refrigerator. $W KHcrien set, TYPEWRITER — Electric SCM ler t p.m. CARL B JONES - Enlerlor In removed, tree work 747 tut. ten ear no. 741-14*4. like new, $100. 7I7-9S49. MOVING — Kenmore portable dish- Mf-Mta. TiQUES. Rl. 3* end Homestead 1 woodland Dr.—Mlddleiown - washer, butcher block top. exmode- l 120. metal carrying case, ex- terlor and wallpapering. Fraa ettl Ave. Leonardo Kl-nSO 471-MH cellent condition, $135 741 57M malet 1XM30 SHADOW LAKE VILLAGE — Can- COUCH.— $13S Love teat. $110. cellent. $US Black/white sectional FLOOR WAXING NICK'S MOVERS — Low and senior CASH FOR ALMOST ANYTHING do, an lake. I bade earns. I baths, HAVE BUYERS-NEED LISTINGS Chair. |55. Lamps, $*0. All in ex- sofa, $50. 543-3341 WATERFORD IRISH CRYSTAL — ratet, seven days a weak, fraa esti OLD— (Not your mother-in-law), or central air. gareaa. IMS. 741-tltl. Call na Karr Agency. Inc. cellent condition. 747 9005 perfect conditton - cash onty. it" OFFICE CLEANING EXTERIOR PAINTING a, STAIN matat. Call anytime. )ee-vtt4 REFRIGERATOR - $50, couch, even not so old No Item too small or SHREWSBURY — Rent ar sale Im- aM Rlvar Rd . Pair Haven. 741-4477 $35. Stove. $40, wringer washer, $1S. oval bowl, $135, bud vase, 120, I ING — Beautiful palni loot done by COUCH — ideal for den. $7S . almost lamp base, $90, •" centerpiece bowl. FLOOR WAXING Eddie. I Itrepe old paint OH win too big Call Bob, 747-11I1. mediate occupancy. 1 bedrsimi. I Vt new. Philcoblackwhlte TV, 12", $30. Metal sink cabinets. $10. After S p.m. LANDSCAPINO-LAWN balhs. large dan. Naar schools HJ0 HAZLET — 1 BeeTgain Ranch on $125. decanter, HOC. 5" candy dish. I dowt 4 wath them before repaint CONTENTS OF GARAGES fenced corner let srltti lagcleut liv- KHHI 739-92*4. US, 4" frull bowl, $115. violet vase. •no. I recaulk all Molt ft lolnti that par ma. t utllHkss. Ref, MMSM. OFFICE CLEANING MAINTENANCE Basements Attics ing roam, dining ream 4 kitchen. DESK FOR SALE — On*-year old. REFRIGERATOR — Gibson, 14 Co. $20. 2913417 after 4 p.m Unhappy with your pretent service. need II. I work neat ft your house will Cast Iran baseboard aas heat. Law look beautiful, etpeclolly with white perfect for home, general office, like II frost free Separate door freeier. Give me a call I offer flood reliable LOG SPLITTING 101 RtnUUToShar* new, aiklng 1200, originally %3K 124 ib capacity. $125. Call 741-4240 WEDDING GOWN -Slie 10-12. long tor vice, el a price hard to beat. Fraa trim For free ettlmete i all Eddie at fc.-Okok* Ir akao^aktfh4r4asaLsfeam \faio • n a. • e ek| sleeves, chapel train, headpiece * 471-4403. CALL iTHiiev iranaf^wrrairen. vaif nveji ei Call after 4 p.m., 747 1004. animate!. Call Mr-UM or 747-ojw •73-O1W DON'T HAVE THAT SALE REFRIGERATOR — Frlgldalre 2 veil, cake top, $120 con MIODLETOWN — . W.OOO THE SMOLKO AOENCY. FARBERWARE TURBO CONVEC door. 12.5 cu ft Exc. Cond 4714153 I will buy all your small garage sal* ftMllS. G»C PAINT CO. — in- Items, plus antiaues. lewelrv, can- bedrooms, 1 baths. Ranch canaa TION OVEN — Cost WOO new, herd 1125. 495-2544. APPLIANCE CARPET tents of basements, attics, etc. Call with g a r e a * Iv uwd, 1100. 741-9513. WOMEN'S — American Tourtster lerlor/exterlor. protact VOUR In EDWARD W. COLLINS AGENCY REFRIGERATOR — Frost free.ex luggage, In carton Never used. $150 REPAIR vettment. quality guerenteed. ref 1S4MIS after 1 p.m Furnished/unfurnished. 1110 INSTALLATION 747-tUe. 741 S7M, 511IHB. ABILITY-DEPENDABILITY FLOORING — Oak parauet. 10x12', cellenl condition, $17S. BARCALOUNGER rocker retllner. Call Rvdar. m o»tt GUY JOHNSON RELIABILITY US plui removal bv buyer 530-9)44 741-2171 14» 741-242S WASHERS. DRYERS — Refrig- JIM'S CARPET INSTALLATION • BUYS AND BUYS MIDDLETOWN — ShaaWw Lake. I •44-4144 erator!, air conditioner, dlih INTERIOR ONLY Sales, cleaning, re lev*, re strelirw From an entire household lo a single bedrooms. 1 baths. Ranch cendo FLOOR MACHINE — IS" Mercurv SERVICE FOR — 4 silverware. YELLOW CHIFFAROBE - And " irt. prompt tervlce Reeton Painting end wallpapering. Refer ft repalrt 2M4I77 Item Antloue funltura. lewelrv. sil- with a a r e a e JUST REDUCED Bulldog, with brushes. Excellent > rate! Ttlim condition Call S34-5M9 1200 encet provided 143-2341 or 741-S4M. ver. Immediate cash. Too dollar. Furnished/unfurnished. »3J5 •rd. SSt.tat.Thne baarai •41-41M 747«M. 741-57TM ar 111010 TRUCK * AUTO science kltcfnw. encMeod WALLPAPERING . WALLY'S PAINTING OLD FURNITURE — Antioues. chi perch, Vi-ecre. Owner wants offers. Expert Crefttman-Reatonoble RENTAL ne. glassware, an obiocts and bric- 104 Winter RmUls MIGGINS — Wallcoverlnat Interior! my specially Xl-tm ACADEMY AGENCY $ a-brac Immediate cash for any- OfaduaU U.S. ichooi of protettlonal FORD RENT-A-CAR thing and everything RuscU's. 15 E. Ml Hwy. 3J Hailet. N.J. Bawrtianfllng. Quality profettlonal FAIRWAY FORD Front St . Rad Bank. 141—MM «a»mmanthlp Estlmelet CIMerfullv Daily - Weakly Monthly BEACHCOMBER — 201-739-2222 3 LINES - 5 DAYS - 3°° 271HM TURN YOUR OIAMONOS INTO (Mfl rJUJH. Halmdel fc OLYMPIC m\, DOLLARS - Convert OM Jewelry lo a> * -*— • • - ^^ esafc^h^eJllfc aTajaMak— KEANSSURO — Beautiful 4- Cash DON PON'S JEWELERS Will oy tne ojav. •**eee* e*r rnewrwi. ••^•e*" esdrssm brick 4 s DRIVEWAY rwrtTrntmj. Buy from private owners and es- oramk acaa* views, meat service. FOR SALE PRICE UP TO 200" CONSTRUCTION tates ANTIQUE CLOCKS RE- PAIRED AND JEWELRY DE-•aired, nutn. FAINTIN6 SIGNED 7«* Rlvar Rd . Fair Register Family Ads can sell your unneeded items FREE ESTIMATE! — AlPkalt Haven, N.J quickly Use our MERCHANDISE FOR SALE col- aVlMwavt. parking lot! and aaalar AVIS cue a pg. Man FuUinlnturad Our JHh year PArtMUIWINS extras. Meva ks canaWen. U4J» umns now under a separate distinctive heading ART-CO INC. PAVING »M» THE SMOLKO AOENCY. 7»7ain Items originating trom your household may be sold KIANMURQ — WMIfce** tw > for up to $200 OX) (formerly $100 00) per article *- - . •- - - - — BBBtssaaaaai fjsaii etfaVfaw

J 1 ROOFING « SIDING B>Wv« IraaT aFej|TaTe"aW^raBTfTl nsTpTHsf, rWn ajTrVVt . Price for each item must be mentioned. "FREE ESTIMATES" Nn sykstar rates. Avaltabas by dev, urn ream, ami agax seulaaeg aero. weak ar month Na steep. TRADE aMta* ream/ihrtiia raam. Oes WINDS MOTEL. BO-teV. ^ihabaiaBl BsteLakst Bfefas*els BekA ajaVehahe1 T™ — Hooflno-Sldln. Outtert-IRapalrl Cell rVeaWV rTefl, t*itW SfeTJI. l°e*a*«W FT— etllmaui Bt-4»M ortn-taM. SEA BRIOHT - flawed arltrlan C Stt VA William Clark cy leftpge. f asut startrlr. Laeaa. McClnnls Roofing A Siding Wfc try harder. I 101 Apartment* sacurllv, raferances rgewlrgej. CATEAU B.IALY. Call 542-1700 Alt tvaaa 1 naflft*. Itaf. lar. *MM TH-MPt. TATl. Ill Carr Aye.. -and main. Fraa ettlmawt-fullv In- (201)842-3489 No discount if cancelled before expiration -wrM 1M-Iltr. No changes m copy ieccupancv. II Hancock SI., 1M Recreational U2 EitoMown SHREWSBURY. N.J MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1980 The !X*il>> Kf^isUT 23 Vehicles • KCwncnct iUl*m*m from two* nourkott 00 am to * JOpm MCllv* biddan thowlitg th«v hav« HOUKETS NEST. INC tatittacUwliy comeMad work of a BY: WILLIAM K MADDEN, H7i 5I««C«»FT POPUP similar naWt barter. fumifMng Atbxrtev for Apoucenl c««« - ua»» t. .. CM.. Prouoiai formi or &0aKiMLaitont or DATED OctetoerK HH0 auing UW» Html, omr t p m brtort awarding contract in ac Oci 27 112.30. cordanca wltti RS «A n IS Tha MOTOII HOMES FOII RENT ' rtghl it and rturvM to rtiact any or Headless horseman rides to victory Chock our unoaolaot* all bldi. or to waist any In- t d formailttt» whart ftuch Informality *» not datrim*flt4t> to tha bail In- RED BANK - A headless horseman romped MOTICB limit gl tha municipal it- Th# n«ni On Monde*. November 17. If*), through a Red Bank flower garden last night for a it alw rntrvta lo IncrMtt or a* 5PECIAL at I 00 P M at Township H*ll or at CMH th* quant.!)** in tht mannar such other lime and piece as tna ISO grand prize in the annual Halloween Parade 100 NOTICES ocsignalatf in Iht Sptc if ictliont Board m*v adjourn lo tn«rtatter Grand prize winners Steven Vowter of Rumson in tha avanl It U not poitibtt to IM Middietown TowniMp Zoning Dt present at th« tlma and place of Bo*ra a< Adluitmeni i*aii consider and the Praser family of Red Bank wowed the „ 210 Lett A Found opening o< bid., bldt may bt mailed an at>uilcaiiDn to request permlulon spectators and 500 marchers with their imagina- to Borough Clark of tha torey*. of to allow a u Muara fool nan to LOST - CMnoto PUS. m.i, •,!„ Eatontown. 47 Broad SlrMt. Eaton ramain with front yard Mtb«ck of 7 tion and execution Vowter's headless horseman town. N J . attention of Iht Borough feet mor* or (ess. whera SO feel It with wMU Llltlt bov II hoorv rMUireO on premises located al t impersonation, and the Fraser family's costumed torofcon Doe nwi modicino us Clark ro»ori) C»ll H4S1TI MARJORIEL BECKER Kin«s Hisnwav. Mlddtetown. also interpretation of a flower garden took dual first Borough Clerk known at Stock 1} Lot i A S on ttw Oct 17 in SO MiOdiciOMn Townshlc Tax Mao prize honors in the event 111 Special Notlcei Documents ralellno to this ePPltce lion may be viewed at in* offica of Councilmen Thomas Hintelmann and George Monci the Mlddtetewn Township Zoning FIND A SETTER WAV! — For Tht October i*f0 meeting of tha Board o< Adluslrnem weekdevi dur Ward assisted parade master of ceremonies Theo- morrlaio. Ullng or IrlondUlIp TraHIc Advisory Committee of the •ng normal btisltlRSt hours dore Fortier in awarding prizes to winners in other Wrllo to Anllpallor, D.tln. Sorvlo. Borough of Eaionlown whou month At the iimefof tne hearing you '» •?" »*; '«•»» "olonu. N.J iy maetlngi are normally scheduled m«v apoear I* parson, or through categories Borough merchants donated gift MIH. IXKItll All MQi accapWd for the 4th Thursday of Iha month, your attorney lo present an* torn will hold IU October mealing on the menls on thli nlattar certificates and merchandize for six other I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE - 5IK Thursday October K)th. two lo Gerald A. Marks. Attorney tor catagories For an* dobti Incurrod bv mv wlto. begin one hour earlier «l 7 p.m Pernflsh, inc and Charlotte Lolt Voronlco Cordaica (no* Oct 27. if 7* i* oo » Fisnkind Raeltv Slblllal My wlto Ho aouMod rr». Oci V " M.40 In the 1- to 7-year-old competition. Melissa lolt mv bod 4 boord ond Iho Stoto of W Low •ranch Compton of Shrewsbury finished first Compton Now JIIHT ai m oci ti. tan CITY OF LOM0 iRANCM Richard A CordOkCo. 14] Gordon MOMMOUTH COUNTY, mSOLUTION was followed by Sharpn D'Lieg of Keansburg. Hd. Shrowlbury. NJ.. 07701. NIW JIKtlY WHEREAS, DonaMF Snow net applied to the Boera of Adjuitmenl. PLANWINO BOARD Kelly Ann Kuhn of Eatontown, Stephanie and of the Borough of Red Bank, tor a MRS. SYLVIA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN variance lo permit the construction Michael Barrows of Red Bank and Lauren HANDWRITING ANALYST THAT AT THE REGULAR MEET and use of a single car earaoe with ING OF THE PLANNING BOARD Siciliano of Eatontown Character Roadar side vard set bach of 1 feet 4 inches. OF THE CITV OF LONG BRANCH Advlwr on Ail Problimi ol Llto where 10 feet Is required and rear HELD ON OCTOBER 20. 1*0 THE Vowter also claimed the 8- to 10 year-old title . Torol Cardi A vard sal back ) feet, where I feel Is FOLLOWING DECISIONS WERE HoroKopo Roadlnei redulred. on premises located and with Kristin D'Lieg of Keansburg as runner-up GIVEN to 14 Paodler's Bike Shoe For appointment call known as Block it. Lot 4. on the Tan Blh m Lot 20 wtt granted pr» Map of the Borough of Red Bank. Sandra Pickens and Kelly Evans, both of 542-9500 ilminery and final tilt plan aeorovai end tublect to alt rtaulrtments of the Keansburg were joined by Amanda Adams in WHEREAS, on September it, <- n y Engineer and the Flra tvao, at a meeting of the Board of taking honors 213 Instruction Marshall mil V Ruuo Blk: 23) Adtuiiment of Red Bank, due notice Lot 20 request for two bulk vari- having been given bv publication ance* were granted approval MATH TUTOR — AM 6y N J end service upon neighboring prop- In the Hand-over category, Dawn Franson of Cvillhcd laachtr Tht renewing epelkalioni wert ertv owners as provided bv lew. ts Highlands was first. Jim Erving of Red Bank Cl 7 carried till the November W. i«o appears bv Affidavit filed with the rtgular meeting. 10-H-V Board, and a Quorum being present. second, Cathy and Kelly Erving were third, Margit Buono/Soedaflno Blk 213 Lot 17. the application wai heard, and tots-v Windward Townhouse Blk Bean of Red Bank was fourth and Chris Horning of WHEREAS, the Board, attar 407 Lot: 7. H 14 V Shrewsbury Riv carefully considering the evidence Keansburg was fifth NO CROWS — Three Red Bank bovs pose as scarecrows at yesterday's annual Red Bank trviaw Estates Biks 4U*Mi Lots presented bv the Appellant, net 1.2. and 1.2.3. M-i«V Soctelv of Halloween Parade. From left, John Ffankle, Charles Dorernus and Sean Kernahan ward off made the following facluei findings Divine Vocation, Blk. 1S4 Lot S, The competition of small floats and mobile Hi Eatontown (1) The accessory building li to be birds and prizes. Top prlie In the event went to a man recreating the headless horseman. •0 20 V Brant Blk. M Lot 3,« NOTICI TO UDDERS located on an existing concrete units saw Vince Pagliano of Colts Neck with first THE PROCEEDINGS OF slab previously containing a ga Nolle* li tvtrtby glvtn thai THESE CASES MAY BE IN rage. place honors. Laura Pickens of Shrewsbury, Gena M«la>d bid* will bt rcctlvtd bv trx family and neighborhood groups joined by the Bank was filth 5PECTED IN THE OFFICE OF 131 No other reasonable location on Council of ir» BorouQh of Eaion- Evans of New Monmouth and Robert Coleman of THE PLANNING BOARD, CITY the property •*iit*, Kuhn family from Eatontown. James Ruff and The Monmouth Day Car* tenter was an easy town. N. J . for THE REPAIR AND HALL, 144 BROADWAY, LONG (3) The garage will not adversely REPLACEMENT Of THE ROOF Red Bank followed cousins were third. F. Travino and S. Woods of winner in the large float competition It arrived BRANCH. NEW JERSEY affect adlalnlng property ON MECHANICAL GARAGE. IN BY ORDER OF THE PLAN owners. The Fraser family headed the category of ClUDING PARAPET WALLS and NING BOARD Red Bank were fourth and the Reiss family of Red with the only entry (4) The garage will conform with otwned and r«#d In public al a m»«t- Joseph DeMerlnli ir>9 to tM told in Iht Eatontown similar buildings located on ad- Chairmen joining properties, and Borough Halt, 47 Broad StrMl, Oct 27 $11.70 Eatonlowfl. N J , on WEDNESDAY, WHEREAS, no oblectofs ap- UNovtmMr 19M at I 00o m peared, tntt WHEREAS. Ihe Board has de .Spttltli.i.on, will b« on filt In M4 Marlboro larmlned that the relief requeued bv tht dtrhw of tht Borough Citrk and Football games steal Mardi Gras' thunder the Appellant can be granted mar bt aiamlnad by protpcctlvt MARLBORO TOWNSHIP without substantial detriment lo the bidden during buiirmi noun, Bid PLANNING BOARD public good end without substantial O»r% may obtain a COPY of iha Spcclf- NOTICI Ol* LONG BRANCH - A ly impairing ihe Intent and purpose tcatloni and Proposal form* upon PUBLIC HBARINO of the ion I no ordinance of the application to tha Borough Clark IN THIMATTIROF queen and her court, floats, Borough of Red Bank, and that a THi APPLICATION PropOMll muil bt mad* on tht hardship exists. marching bands, fire trucks, standard PropoMi form and mutt ba OP HORNITS MIST, INC. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT •ntlottd in Maltd tnvtlooat ad FOR A MAJOR SUBDIVISION and youngsters in Halloween RESOLVED, bv the Board of Ad- dritwd to tha Borough Clark of th* TO: All proptrtv Owners within justment of the Borough of Red Borouflh of Eatontown, 47 Broad 200' of tht subject prtmliet. costumes graced the city Ex- Bank. Ihii uth day at October if*0. Strati, Eatontown. N.J, Tht oulildt You are hereby notified that th« that the application of Donald F change Club's 39th annual of tht anvtlopt mutt bt clearly undersigned hes madt eppllcatlon to Snow, for a variance to construct a markad BID. REPAIR AND RE the Marlboro Township Planning Mardi Gras parade down garage on an enisling concrete slab PLACEMENT OF THE ROOF ON Board lor t subdivision and five as is shown on Ihe survey submitted. MECHANICAL GARAGE. IN- varlancat for frontage, width and Broadway yesterday, but he and It Is hereby grented. CLUDING PARAPET WALLS TO depth on three lots of premises Motion wii made by Mrs. Cennivo chill weather and football BE OPENED 11 Novtmbtr 1fM owned by them The tract Is 7t + Seconded bv Mr Faivo and Including tha namt and tddrasi acras and it it proposed lo subdivide games kept the turnout of Iha blddtr it mutt ba actonv the same into five fS> lots located at Roll Call; Mr Madden, ves; Mr. panitd bv a ilattmtnt of Content of Lot I, Block 25, Marlboro Township, Webber, yes; Mr Howe, ve«. Mr. sparse Suraiv from a Suralv Company au- Ntw Jtrsev, Tan Mat' Patterson, ves; Mrs. Cannavo. ves. Mr Falvo, ves Mr Mlnear, yes R. Barry Kamm, public thor dad to do butlntst In tht Statt of Tht Planning Board has fined Oct. 17 tit » Niw Jtrwv, and acctptablt to tht Thursday evening, November tth. information director for Long Borough, and a ctrtllltd check or l*M at a 00 p.m at Township Hall. Branch, said that fewer ca.h or bid bond, drawn to tha ordar Wvncrtst Road, as Iho time and U7 W—iona* Nttlctt of "Tht Borough of Eatontown" for piece lor trva hearing of thli appllca bands and floats than usual not tan than tin porcant of tht lion. MSOLUTION amount of tht bid tKCtp. that tht You are given this notlca to that WHEREAS, the Northeast Mon participated in the parade, chack n»d not txcttd 120,000.00 you may appear In parson or by mouth County Regional Sewerege Authority wishes to fill the vacancy which began at 2 p.m. on Bidden art raqulrtd to comply agent or attorney to voice your feel UGLIEST — Mickey Peluso, 13, holds the mask which created by the reslonetion of Milton with rtquiramant. of PL 11/5, C Ings In the mattar and further that A Mausner, Ew as Authority Al Broadway near Victor Ave- earned him the ugliest costume yesterday. 117 And Pi 1177, C 33 tht plans havt been filed with Iht Planning Board at their municipal tornev, and Tht Borough Clark or tht nue and ended in front of City building office and may bt viewed HEREAS, there ealtts a need to Borough Council rturvaft tht right Alcelia Cunningham . and bv tht gtnaral public between the fill such office until the Authority's Hall high school bands were tiea to rimulrt t compiatt financial and next Organfiatlon Meeting to be held Angelette Joyner. on February 17, tMi. and The Long Branch High up with their own schools' WHEREAS, the Local Public. School band joined the parade football games, Kamm said The Grand Marshal was *>»>«>»>' Contracts Law (N J S.A 40A III el ml requires that Ihe resolution only after playing in the pre- Football games didn't stop Robert King, president of the eutnorlilng the award of contracts Long Branch Exchange Club, tor "Professional Services" without game show before the Long the selection of the Mardi competitive bids and Ihe contract Branch-Red Bank Catholic Gras Queen and her court, which annually co sponsors Make It Yourself itself, must be available for Public Inspection. NOW THEREFORE High School football game In however. The winners, all the event with the city. BE IT RESOLVED bv the ••amor amm ar mm Porma The Monmouth College Norlhee.t Monmouth County Re Red Bank. from Long Branch High Jiffy-Crochet elonel Sewereoe Authority that Ihe PRETTIEST — Andrea Welner, S, of Long Branch was Also in the parade was the School, were Queen Laurie cheerleaders picked the win- Executive Director be. and he is ners for adult, prettiest, ug- hereby directed to appoint William named the prettiest entrant In the city's annual Ex- Battle of Monmouth Fife and Macaluso, and court ladies j O'Hagan. jr , EM. of the firm liest and funniest costumes. (tovit. O'Hegan 4 OHao«n of Ml change Club Mardi Gras parade, held yesterday. Drum Corp, although other Tanya Lennon. Tina Crisanto. Main Street. Allenhuril, New Jersey O771t as Authority Attorney until the next Organliatlon Mealing of this Authority In accordance with ihe term, of a letter contract with said William J O'Hagan, Jr., EH dated October 14, ttto, attached hereto, Rodino seeks 17th term in House end Pick a sunrise spectrum ol col BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED INEWAKK I Al1 I — A little-known industrial rest of the district needs, his challenger, Everett KuiJino gained national attention In 1074 when 111, OM ChdMt SU., Nm which lima all bids will be opened Yort, NT 10113. Priril NMM, and read. ^ Rodino is again running on his record, includ- Any coniract awarded here A»Wrm, hf, PiHwn Nankw. under shall contain the following iiiK ciVil rights, gun control and (air housing See the greatest craft show language; pursuant to Chapter 127, legislation, as he seeks his 17th term ever1 N£W 1981 NUDUCRAFT Laws of IWJ: During the performance of this Although blacks generally vote as Democrats. 695 CATALOG-over 172 designs. 3 contract, Ihe contractor agrees es Iree patterns inside $1 00 follows: Jennings said he didn't think it was unusual that A The contractor or subcontractor, as a black, he is running as a Republican. where applicable, will not dis- criminate against any employee »>«>• or applicant tor employment be- "Berore 1938. if blacks voted at all, they voted cause of age. race, creed, color, Republican." he said "There's nothing strange marital status or sex The con- abnul a black Republican We have the same tractor will take affirmative ac- Effortlessly Easy! PrintebPattem tion lo ensure that such appli- dream Blacks would rather get a check from cants are recruited and em- private industry than from the government " ployed, and that employees are Mr Rodino has been serving in the House without regard to their age. race, creed, color, national origin, an- for six years longer than the mandatory retire- cestry, marital status or sea. Such action shall include, but not ment age set by Congress. " he added of the 71- be limited to the following em year-old incumbent ptovment. upgrading demotion. Of trant'tr; recruitment or re- The age factor shouldn't enter into it The cruitment advertising, lav off or termination; rates of pay or oth- guy is incredibly active," said Rodino's press er forms of compensetlon. and REP. PETER RODINO secretary. John Russonello. PETEK B, JENNINGS •election for training, including Gently draped neckline, cut apprenticeship The contractor through at waist, then a soft agrees to post in consplcuoui places, available to employee. straight tall to the hem We pro- and applicants foe employment mise this dress will lit and Hatter notices to be provided bv Ihe you ellorilessly contracting officer setting forth Utilities pressing coal conversion Printed Pattern 9014 Hall discrimination clause. Sizes I(W, m, MW. 16*. B. The contractor of subcontractor, we need is final federal ap- from the state, which would where cMiicebie, win in alt solic- By The Associated Press Electric Co. plant at Deep- sistance from the federal 18H 20W. 22H Sue 14V* (bust itations or advertisements for proval, and that hinges on the permit it to start operations employees pieced bv or on behotf Despite a legislative bot- water and Jersey Central government." 37) tikes 3 5/8 yards 45-mch without waiting to install im- of the contractor, state that ell tleneck in Congress, most qj Power & Light Co s plant in The firm is a subsidiary of New Jersey Department of Qualified applicants will receive proved environmental con- consideration for employment the state's electricity com- Sayreville General Public Utilities Environmental Protection without regard to age. race. okaying our application to trols, he said creed, color, national origin, en panies say plans to convert Conversion of all plants Corp., the corporate owner of Stat $1.75 to cettrv, marital status or tax I several oil-fired plants to cited in the bill could save the therftriken Three Mile Island burn coal," he said. "It's Das SOt to oca atttm to C The contractor or subcontractor. where amHkabte. will send to coal-fired will go ahead as country the equivalent of nuclear reactor in Pennsylva- possible we could get state (irelclass each labor union or represent- ative or workers with which he planned 100,000 barrels of oil per day nia. approval by year end." h#» a collective bargaining JCP&L's financial status agreement or ether contract or Public Service Electric It by 1985. administrative of- Outlaw said the con- understanding, a notice, to ba ficials said has been shaky ever since the End Waste! provided bv me eewncv contract- Gas Co. plans to convert Its version won't adversely af- ing officer, advising the labor Burlington City power gener- The bill has been tied up in accident at the plant In fect air pollution in the area MARIAN MARTIN union or workers' representative March 1979. of the contractor's commitments ating station from oil to coal Congress because tome law- Besides Burlington, the LANZARO under this act and tnell post makers disliked awarding PSEAG officials said the copies Of the notice In con- use sometime in 1981 Ridgefield plant is also Pitttni Dipt. 420 firm's share of the bill's al- spicuous Places available to em- The utility will make the federal funds just for the marked for conversion but ployees end applicants for iffl- location would-have covered Sheriff ThiDillyRcglstir «• ptovment. change regardless of help northeast region. those plans will cost more the estimated |40 million The contractor also agrees and from a currently-stalled Jersey Central spokesman because of the need for more guarantees to afford HUII op- plant conversion cost for portunity in performance of the con- Carter Administration pro- George Metzgar said plant to anti-pollution equipment, he Column 1 Nov. 4 tract in accordance with an af- Burlington City. firmative action program a—ravel gram earmarking $4 2 billion convert their Sayreville plant said SLHwYaiLIIT bv the Slate Treasurer in assistance for 80 north- to coal are stalled because of "But we're already well Bids mutt be enclosed In a along another route for bring- Atlantic Electric Co. ex- loon, rm HMME, Amiss, seated envelope bearing the name eastern power plants ripe for the bill's problems in Con- and address af me bidder mr* oil-to-coal switches. gress. ing the Burlington plant pects to begin construction on DP, SUE mi STTli HUMKR. marked "Chterlne BW " It the con- conversion of its Deepwater Prj lor By Friends ol Prices too high? Send now fo* tract Is awarded la ttte aitMar. MM Under the federal legisla- "We need some sort of around to coal," said Edward Bill Larwsro J f bidder muti wttnln fl*e devs after plant in Salem County, said Wadington Ticas 7 our NEW f ALL WINTER PATTERN notification that the contract Is tion, know as the Oil Black- financing. We've supported G. Outlaw, PSE&G's vice CATALOG-sew. we md |M btt r—*t for execution, sign MM can- president for corporate plan- company spokesman Matt ParKway. Holmdfl tract and furnlsJi a performance out Bill, the 80 plants include the move, but in our financial 1 NJ tff quality Owf 100 styles fm band satisfactory la tne Authority. If PSEAG units in Burlington condition, we're not doing ning. Custer Pittern Coupon (worth $1.75). 'William J. Repnev City, Jersey City and Ridge- any actual conversion work," "We've completed the en- The plant is hoping to get a Send for CeUhkt $1.00. CMC utlve Director "delayed compliance" order Oct. 17 «M field; along with the Atlantic be said. "We would need as- gineering and paperwork: All 24 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N.J MONDAY, OCT©BER27, i960 Bishops unhappy Board picks officers JOB WELL OONG — Men- mouth County Sheriff Paul with pope stand FREEHOLD TOWNSIP- The Board of Township Lions Club Klernan, right, presents Directors of the Lions Eye Care Center at "James Moore, of the Howell Lions, who the Award of Merit on Freehold Area Hospital recently elected new has expertly guided the center, serving as behalf of the county Crime officers. President of the Board from inception to its Prevention Officers As- on birth control George Chamberlain of the Freehold highly successful state will continue on the sociation to Joseph Scott, VATICAN CITY (AP) - Catholics who defy the ban, Township Lions Club is the new president board as a trustee." said Chamberlain. director of advertising and Pope John Paul Us reaf- and what another called "a Stephen Pumm of the Jackson Lions Club is The Eye Care Center, in its third year of marketing for Seavlew firmation of traditional Ro- much deeper study of sexuali- the first vice-president and Pete Sensi of the opeation. offers eye care, examinations and Square Mall to kick off a man Catholic teachings on ty." Allentown Lions Club is the settond vice- treatments to hundreds of patients every recent three-day crime birth control and divorce The synod, which pres- president. Treasurer is Morris Zackowitz of year Equipment and furnishings are donated prevention exhibit at the without any hint that they are ented a secret document of 43 the Englishtown/Manalapan Lions Club and as needed by Lions Clubs throughout the mall. The certificate com- open to discussion has disap- proposals to the pope for his secretary is Dr Mark Shteir of the Howell state. mends Scott for his con- pointed bishops calling for a consideration, also reaf- tribution to the develop- new look at the issues firmed the church's ban on ment and Implementation "Even before he siti divorce but asked for a "new of crime prevention pro- down to study the proposals, and far-reaching study" to •rams at Seavlew Square. he's pre-empting the field," consider allowing divorced said one high-ranking Rome- Catholics who remarry to re- based priest who asked not to ceive communion. be identified. "A cynic would The pontiff is not bound by say you didn't need need the the proposals and is free to synod for that. Some of the ignore any or all of them. At a bishops are pretty disap- Mass in the Sistine Chapel at \3» pointed " the close of the synod, he said The 218 bishops who ended divorced Catholics who re their month-long closed marry can receive the sac- meeting Saturday reaffirmed raments only if they agree to the church's ban on con- abstain from sexual relations Three traception but asked for what and live together as brother one bishop called a "more and sister, restating the trad- compassionate approach" to itional church stand. MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER r Weeks SUNDAY HOURS and you'll know hbw to ' MOW style a room! Come to our 10:00 AM-3:OOPM MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER • •§)!• SJf glfM Bjy IkavrrY rwTmm LENDING A HAND — Or. Gary Cuozzo, right, of Llncroft, and James Gilbert, left, 3-part Ethan Alien 777 SHREWSBURY AVE. SHREWSBURY representing the football committee of the River Plaza Boys Club, flank Edward 747-5220 Rappaport, owner of McDonald's, Route 35, Middletown. They form a winning team Decorating Seminar. which Is trying to earn funds for the club, which will receive 25 percent of purchases at McDonald's upon presentation of a special coupon through Saturday. The club It's Free! sponsors the River Plaza-Llncrott Chargers Pop Warner entry.

Planning a room, choosing colors, and accessorizing are all part of our part decorating series. Formal, contemporary and country themes are explored. Your personality, your family's interests and lifestyles are evaluated to determine the kinds of rooms that are most liveable in your home. It's free in our idea-filled Ethan Allen Gallery...just the place to learn how beautiful home decorating begins. Get this Sign up now with a friend! Call: 671-6000forreservaton beautiful starting Thurs. Oct. 30 - 7 p.m.

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