Ingersoll Review Questions *The correct answers are marked with an asterisk.

Review Questions, Chapter 1:

1.1. as a Second Nature: Sacred and Primitive 1. Where our hominid ancestors began fashioning to build fires over 500,000 years ago, ______began the practice of burning or burying their dead relatives, leaving markers behind. a. Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis) b. c. “” d. Cro-Magnon peoples (Homo sapiens sapiens)*

2. The ______cave appears to be the oldest painted in Europe. a. Altamira (Spain) b. (France) c. Chauvet (France)* d. Monte Circeo (Italy)

3. The large oval structures at this site, measuring between ten and thirty meters in diameter, belonged to a group of hunter gatherers. This contradicts the prevailing theory that agriculturists were the first architects. a. Çatalhöyük, Turkey b. Göbecki Tepe, Turkey* c. Jericho, Palestine d. Khirokitia, Cyprus

4. This settlement featured one of the first fortifications that consisted of five-meter-high walls built of irregular masonry and set off by a deep ditch. e. Çatalhöyük, Turkey f. Göbecki Tepe, Turkey g. Jericho, Palestine* h. Khirokitia, Cyprus

5. The urban settlement at ______included public spaces such as paved streets and plazas. a. Khirokitia, Cyprus* b. Jericho, ancient Palestine c. Çatalhöyük, Turkey d. Göbekli Tepe, Turkey

1.2. : A Language of , Logs, Hides, and Stones

1. The building strategies of nomadic peoples—especially in their exploitation of the tensile qualities of building materials including wood and textiles—give insight into that have been in use since prehistoric times. The ______people, who have crossed the Sahara Desert for millennia, raise their tents by throwing a sewn-hide canopy over a central pole capped with a supporting ring. a. Tuareg* b. Baka c. Sioux d. Chippewa

2. In ______, inhabitants build their dwellings by digging into the ground. This strategy of building has been in practice for three millennia. a. Cameroon, Central Africa b. Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan c. the Great Plains of North America d. the Loess Plateau, Shaanxi Province, China*

3. The Spanish word ______refers to earthly substances shaped into unbaked bricks, and builders would frequently cast the earth mixture into rectangular bars. a. b. banco c. * d. pisé

4. The method of joining timbers, called ______, is a technique in which a projecting tongue of one piece fits into a corresponding hole of another component. The technique is discernible in the Neolithic stone architecture of in . a. -and-daub b. mortise-and-tenon* c. cruck frame d. blockwork

5. One means of using stone as roof covering was a technique of stacking slabs of stone in which each slab was cantilevered, one stone over the next, from the tops of two opposite walls. The roof was locked into place with a capstone placed at the point of convergence between the cantilevered stones. This type of vaulting, known as ______, is visible in the round stone of the southern Italian region of Puglia known as trulli. a. sack walls b. corbel* c. post-and-lintel d. true arch

1.3. and Stone Circles: Building as Memory

1. The chamber made from two monolithic side stones capped by a monolithic roof stone and then covered with earth is called a ______. It became a conventional tomb solution for important persons and was employed by prehistoric cultures from England to Korea. a. * b. c. trillthon d. orthostat

2. The French region of Brittany has prehistoric sites, known as , in which numerous large stones, some as heavy as 350 tons, have been raised and set into the ground. One of the fields, called ______, includes over 1,000 granite stones set up in parallel lines that extend for 1.5 km. a. Chianca Dolmen b. Le Menec (Carnac)* c. Barnenez d. Locmariaquer

3. In the British Isles and northern France, tomb designers fashioned tunnels made of linked that led to an interior vaulted chamber. This complex became an immense burial mound of stone and earth known as a ______. An example of one of these mounds can be found at Newgrange, Ireland. a. orthostats b. chevron c. d. *

4. The curving apses of the temples of prehistoric Malta, such as Hagar Qim, appear to have been inspired by a great underground cemetery, or ______, that consisted of over thirty scooped out chambers on three separate levels and served about 7,000 graves. a. b. Hypogeum* c. oracle chamber d. cairn

5. The stone rings of Castlerigg and Stonehenge probably served the following function for the peoples of the prehistoric and Bronze-Age British Isles. a. commemoration of the dead b. religious ceremony c. orientation to celestial bodies d. all of the above*