Appendix A—Digest of Other White House Announcements

The following list includes the President’s public sched- January 6 ule and other items of general interest announced by In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton the Office of the Press Secretary and not included returned to Washington, DC. Later, the President elsewhere in this book. traveled to Shepherdstown, WV, and in the evening, he returned to Washington, DC. January 1 The President announced his intention to appoint In the morning, the President had a telephone con- Joe Velasquez to the President’s Advisory Committee versation with Acting President Vladimir Putin of Rus- on the Arts at the John F. Kennedy Center for the sia to offer congratulations on his designation. Performing Arts.

January 3 January 7 In the morning, the President traveled to In the morning, the President traveled to Shepherdstown, WV. Shepherdstown, WV, where he met with Prime Min- In the afternoon, the President met separately with ister Barak of Israel and Foreign Minister al-Shara of Syria. Prime Minister Ehud Barak of Israel and Foreign In the afternoon, the President returned to Wash- Minister Farouk al-Shara of Syria in the Sun Room ington, DC. at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Center. In the evening, the President met with Foreign January 9 Minister al-Shara of Syria in the Sebastian Room at In the evening, the President traveled to the Clarion Hotel. Later, he returned to Washington, Shepherdstown, WV, where he met with Prime Min- DC. ister Barak of Israel. Later, he returned to Wash- ington, DC, arriving after midnight. January 4 In the morning, the President traveled to January 10 Shepherdstown, WV, where he met with Prime Min- In the afternoon, the President traveled to Annap- ister Barak of Israel and Foreign Minister al-Shara olis, MD, and later returned to Washington, DC. In of Syria. the evening, he traveled to Grand Canyon, AZ. In the evening, the President attended an informal The President declared a major disaster in Kentucky reception for the Israeli and Syrian delegations at the and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local Clarion Hotel. recovery efforts in the area struck by tornadoes, severe storms, torrential rains, and flash flooding on Later, the President returned to Washington, DC, January 3–4. arriving after midnight. He then placed telephone calls to Sugar Bowl participants in New Orleans, LA. January 11 The White House announced that the President In the morning, the President toured areas of the transmitted the 1999 National Security Strategy Re- Grand Canyon by helicopter. port to Congress. In the afternoon, the President traveled to Houston, The President announced his intention to nominate TX, and in the evening, he returned to Washington, Nicholas P. Godici to be Assistant Commissioner for DC, arriving after midnight. Patents and Trademarks at the Department of Com- The President had a telephone conservation with merce. Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom. The President announced his intention to appoint The President announced his intention to appoint Cruz M. Bustamante as a member of the U.S. Census Bonnie Prouty Castrey as Chair and David J. Leland Monitoring Board. as a member of the Federal Service Impasses Panel.

January 5 January 12 In the afternoon, the President met with Sinn Fein In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton leader Gerry Adams in the Oval Office. traveled to Chappaqua, NY. In the evening, the President traveled to The White House announced that the President Chappaqua, NY. will travel to Brooklyn and , NY, on January The President announced his intention to appoint 13. Richard J. Gonzales as a member of the Advisory


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Council of the Border Environment Cooperation January 22 Commission. In the afternoon, the President returned to Wash- ington, DC. January 13 In the morning, the President had a telephone con- January 27 versation with President Hafiz al-Asad of Syria. Later, The President announced the nomination of Edward he traveled to City. In the evening, the B. Montgomery to be Deputy Secretary of the Depart- President returned to Chappaqua, NY. ment of Labor. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to nominate Gov. Marc Racicot of Montana to be a member of Nancy Killefer to be a member of the Internal Rev- the Board of Directors of the Corporation for National enue Service Oversight Board. and Community Service. The President announced his intention to reappoint The President announced his intention to appoint Beverly White and appoint Phyllis C. Borzi as mem- Michael M. Reyna as Chair of the Farm Credit Ad- bers of the Advisory Committee to the Pension Ben- ministration Board. efit Guaranty Corporation.

January 14 January 28 In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton In the morning, the President traveled to Quincy, returned to Washington, DC. IL. In the afternoon, he returned to Washington, DC. In the evening, the President traveled to Zurich, The President announced the appointment of Vic- Switzerland, arriving the following morning. toria Wilson as a member of the U.S. Commission The President declared a major disaster in Georgia on Civil Rights. and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local January 18 recovery efforts in the area struck by a severe winter In the morning, the President had a telephone con- storm on January 22 and continuing. versation with President Hafiz al-Asad of Syria. January 29 Later, the President traveled to , MA, arriv- In the morning, the President traveled to Davos, ing in the afternoon. In the evening, he returned Switzerland. In the evening, he returned to Wash- to Washington, DC. ington, DC, arriving after midnight. January 19 January 30 In the evening, the President met with Crown In the evening, the President hosted a Super Bowl Prince Hamad of Bahrain in the Oval Office. party in the Family Theater at the White House. After Later, the President attended a game between the the game, he placed separate telephone calls to Dick NBA Washington Wizards and Dallas Mavericks at Vermeil, head coach, Super Bowl XXXIV champion the MCI Center. St. Louis Rams, and Jeff Fisher, head coach, Ten- The President announced his intention to nominate nessee Titans. Scott O. Wright to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Founda- January 31 tion. In the evening, the President had telephone con- The President announced his intention to appoint versations from the Oval Office with Prime Minister George B. Newton and Jim O. Llewellyn as members Tony Blair of the United Kingdom and Sinn Fein of the Arctic Research Commission. leader Gerry Adams concerning the Northern Ireland The President announced his intention to appoint peace process. John F. Leyden, Jr., as a member of the Federal The President announced the recipients of the 1999 Salary Council. National Medal of Science and National Medal of The President announced his intention to reappoint Technology. Steven Pennoyer as a member of the North Pacific The President announced the nomination of Richard Anadromous Fish Commission. C. Houseworth and Donna A. Tanoue to be members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. January 20 The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to reappoint Nathan O. Hatch to be a member of the National Warren L. Miller as a member of the Commission Council on the Humanities. for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. The President announced his intention to nominate Ross L. Wilson to be Ambassador to Azerbaijan. January 21 The President declared a major disaster in North In the morning, the President traveled to Pasadena, Carolina and ordered Federal aid to supplement State CA. In the afternoon, he traveled to Los Angeles, and local recovery efforts in the area struck by a CA, where he attended a Democratic National Com- severe winter storm beginning on January 24 and con- mittee dinner at a private residence in the evening. tinuing.


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The President declared a major disaster in South The President announced his intention to nominate Carolina and ordered Federal aid to supplement State Roger A. Meece to be Ambassador to Malawi. and local recovery efforts in the area struck by a The President announced his intention to nominate severe winter storm beginning on January 22 and con- Ronald E. Neumann to be Ambassador to Bahrain. tinuing. The President announced his intention to nominate Rust Macpherson Deming to be Ambassador to Tuni- February 1 sia. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to appoint Edward McGaffigan, Jr., to be a member of the Nu- Nikki McCray and Ken Preminger as members of clear Regulatory Commission. the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. The White House announced that the President will travel to south Asia during the week of March February 4 20, visiting India and Bangladesh. In the morning, the President participated in the Senate Democratic Issues Conference at the Library February 2 of Congress. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to appoint Thomas G. Weston for the rank of Ambassador during Diana S. Natalicio as a member of the President’s his tenure as Special Coordinator for Cyprus. Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to appoint Karl William Hofmann to be Ambassador to Togo. Colleen M. Kelley as a member of the Federal Salary The President announced his intention to nominate Council. Susan S. Jacobs to be Ambassador to Papua New The White House announced that the President Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu. has invited King Juan Carlos I of Spain for a state The President announced his intention to nominate visit to Washington on February 23. John F. Tefft to be Ambassador to Lithuania. The President announced his intention to nominate February 5 Donald Y. Yamamoto to be Ambassador to Djibouti. In the afternoon, the President traveled to The President announced his intention to nominate Chappaqua, NY. Janet A. Sanderson to be Ambassador to Algeria. February 7 The President announced his intention to nominate In the morning, the President returned to Wash- Carey Cavanaugh for the rank of Ambassador, as Spe- ington, DC. Later, he traveled to Hot Springs, VA, cial Negotiator for Nagorno-Karabakh and New Inde- where he attended the House Democratic Issues Con- pendent States Regional Conflicts. ference. In the afternoon, the President returned to The President announced his intention to nominate Washington, DC. John W. Limbert to be Ambassador to Mauritania. The President announced his intention to appoint The President announced his intention to nominate Mary Lou Leary as Acting Assistant Attorney General Lauress L. Wise II to be Commissioner of Education in the Office of Justice Programs at the Department Statistics at the Department of Education. of Justice. The President announced his intention to appoint Nancy T. Taylor to the President’s Advisory Com- February 8 mittee on the Arts of the John F. Kennedy Center The President announced his intention to nominate for the Performing Arts. Donna Jean Hrinak to be Ambassador to Venezuela. The President announced his intention to appoint The President announced his intention to nominate Ian A. Bowles as a member of the Enterprise for Douglas Alan Hartwick to be Ambassador to Laos. the Americas Board. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to appoint Christopher R. Hill to be Ambassador to Poland. Patty Gerstenblith as a member of the Cultural Prop- The President announced his intention to nominate erty Advisory Committee. John R. Dinger to be Ambassador to Mongolia. The President announced his intention to nominate February 3 Mary Ann Peters to be Ambassador to Bangladesh. In an afternoon ceremony in the Oval Office, the The President announced his intention to nominate President received diplomatic credentials from Ambas- Christopher A. McLean to be Administrator, Rural sadors Arman Kirakossian of Armenia, Maleeha Lodhi Utilities Service at the Department of Agriculture. of Pakistan, Faida Mitifu of the Democratic Republic The President announced his intention to nominate of Congo, Idriss Jazairy of Algeria, David Ivy of Israel, John Martin O’Keefe to be Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Paul T.S. Kandiero of Malawi, Gunter Burghardt of Republic. the European Commission, Guillermo Gonzalez of Ar- gentina, John Paul Bojang of Gambia, Michael J. February 9 Thawley of Australia, and Konstantin Hryshchenko of In the morning, the President traveled to McAllen, Ukraine. TX, and in the evening, he traveled to Dallas, TX.


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Later, he returned to Washington, DC, arriving after The President announced his intention to appoint midnight. Rabbi Irving Greenberg as Chair of the U.S. Holo- The President announced his intention to nominate caust Memorial Council. Donnie R. Marshall to be Administrator of the Drug The President announced his intention to appoint Enforcement Administration. James V. Kimsey to the Board of Trustees of the The President announced his intention to nominate John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Michael J. Senko to be Ambassador to the Marshall The President announced his intention to appoint Islands and to Kiribati. Salvador Diaz-Verson as a member of the Christopher The President announced his intention to nominate Columbus Fellowship Foundation. Alan D. Solomont to be a member of the Board The President declared a major disaster in Louisiana of Directors of the Corporation for National and Com- and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local munity Service. recovery efforts in the area struck by a severe winter The President announced his intention to nominate storm on January 27–30. Danny Lee McDonald and Bradley A. Smith to be The President declared a major disaster in Georgia Commissioners on the Federal Election Commission. and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms February 10 and tornadoes on February 14. The President announced his intention to nominate February 16 Edward William Gnehm, Jr., to be Ambassador to The President announced his intention to appoint Australia. Alice A. Kelikian as a member of the Commission The President announced his intention to nominate for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. Daniel A. Johnson to be Ambassador to Suriname. The White House announced that the President The President announced his intention to nominate directed Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Ronald D. Godard to be Ambassador to Guyana. E. Shalala to release an additional $120 million in The President announced his intention to appoint Low Income Home Energy Assistance emergency Valerie Crotty as a member of the Commission on funds for States, territories, and tribes due to con- Presidential Scholars. tinuing increases in home heating fuel prices. The President announced his intention to appoint Jane Macon as a member of the National Selective February 17 Service Appeals Board. The President declared a major disaster in Alaska The President announced his intention to appoint and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local Haim Saban as a member of the President’s Export recovery efforts in the area struck by severe winter Council. storms and avalanches beginning on December 21, The White House announced that the President 1999, and continuing. asked Energy Secretary Bill Richardson to take new February 18 measures to address the critical situation involving The President declared a major disaster in Alabama home heating oil, and that he directed Health and and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala to release recovery efforts in the area struck by a severe winter additional funding in Low Income Home Energy As- storm on January 22–29. sistance Program emergency funds for States, terri- tories, and tribes due to continuing increases in home February 19 heating fuel prices. In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton attended the wedding of former Special Assistant to February 11 the President Catherine A. Cornelius at Foundry The President announced his intention to nominate United Methodist Church. Thomas N. Slonaker to be Special Trustee for Amer- ican Indians at the Department of the Interior. February 22 The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to nominate E. Ashley Wills to be Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Michelle Andrews Smith to be Assistant Secretary for to Maldives. Public Affairs at the Department of the Treasury. The President announced his intention to nominate February 15 Laurence E. Pope to be Ambassador to Kuwait. In the morning, the President met with President The President announced his intention to nominate Heydar Aliyev of Azerbaijan in the Oval Office. Rose M. Likins to be Ambassador to El Salvador. The President announced his intention to appoint The President announced his intention to nominate Rear Adm. Keith W. Lippert as a member of the John Edward Herbst to be Ambassador to Uzbekistan. Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind The President announced his intention to nominate or Severely Disabled. Howard Franklin Jeter to be Ambassador to Nigeria.


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The President announced his intention to nominate ing, severe storms, and landslides beginning on Feb- A. Elizabeth Jones to be Ambassador to Germany. ruary 18 and continuing. The President announced his intention to reappoint The President declared a major disaster in Kentucky the following individuals as members of the President’s and ordered Federal aid to supplement Common- Committee on Mental Retardation: wealth and local recovery efforts in the area struck Robert Dinerstein; by severe storms and flooding on February 18 and Ann Forts; continuing. Sally Jochum; Deborah Spitalnik; and February 29 Cathy Ficker Terrill. In the morning, the President traveled to West Palm Beach, FL. In the evening, he traveled to The White House announced that the President Miami, FL, and later returned to Washington, DC. will travel to Philadelphia, PA, and on February 24. March 1 In the afternoon, the President traveled to Ashburn, February 23 VA, where he toured the UUNET Network Oper- In the morning, the President met with King Juan ations Center. Later, he returned to Washington, DC. Carlos I of Spain in the Oval Office. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to nominate Carlos Pascual to be Ambassador to Ukraine. Patrick Francis Kennedy to be U.S. Representative to the European Office of the United Nations, with The President announced his intention to nominate the rank of Ambassador. James V. Aidala to be Assistant Administrator for Pre- The President announced his intention to nominate vention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances at the Envi- Nina V. Fedoroff and Diana S. Natalicio to be mem- ronmental Protection Agency. bers of the National Science Board. March 2 The White House announced that the President The President announced his intention to appoint will travel to Aachen and Berlin, Germany, on May Jacqueline Mary Grebmeier as a member of the Arctic 1–2. Research Commission. February 24 In the afternoon, the President traveled to Philadel- March 3 phia, PA, and in the evening, he traveled to New In the morning, the President traveled to Palo Alto, York City. CA. Later, the President traveled to Chappaqua, NY. The President announced the appointment of Guil- lermo Linares as Chair of the President’s Advisory February 25 Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic In the morning, the President returned to the Americans. Washington, DC. In the afternoon, the President went to the Marriott March 4 Wardman Park Hotel for the presentation of the Mal- In the evening, the President traveled to Los Ange- colm Baldrige National Quality Awards. However, a les and Beverly Hills, CA. fire in the hotel at the beginning of the President’s remarks prevented him from completing his planned March 5 participation in the awards ceremony. In the morning, the President traveled to Selma, AL, where he toured the National Voting Rights Mu- February 28 seum and Institute. In the evening, he traveled to The President announced his intention to nominate Chappaqua, NY. Daniel Marcus to be Associate Attorney General at the Department of Justice. March 6 The President announced his intention to nominate In the morning, the President returned to Wash- Thomas P. Furey to be Ambassador to Nepal. ington, DC. The President announced his intention to appoint The President announced his intention to nominate Katherine Slick as a member of the Advisory Council Donald Arthur Mahley for rank of Ambassador during on Historic Preservation. his tenure of service as Special Negotiator for Chem- The President declared a major disaster in Virginia ical and Biological Arms Control Issues. and ordered Federal aid to supplement Common- wealth and local recovery efforts in the area struck March 7 by a severe winter storm on January 25–30. In the evening, the President was joined by friends The President declared a major disaster in West and Members of Congress in the Family Theater at Virginia and ordered Federal aid to supplement State the White House to watch the Super Tuesday primary and local recovery efforts in the area struck by flood- election returns.


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The President announced his intention to nominate March 15 Douglas Dworkin to be General Counsel at the De- In the evening, the President traveled to Baltimore, partment of Defense. MD, and later returned to Washington, DC. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to nominate Rudy de Leon to be Deputy Secretary at the Depart- Bernard Daniel Rostker to be Under Secretary of De- ment of Defense. fense for Personnel and Readiness. The President announced his intention to appoint Ronald D. Sugar as a member of the President’s Na- March 17 tional Security Telecommunications Advisory Com- During the afternoon, the President had separate mittee. meetings in the Oval Office with Prime Minister The President announced his intention to appoint Bertie Ahern of Ireland, Northern Ireland Deputy John E. Neece as a member of the Community Ad- First Minister Seamus Mallon and First Minister justment and Investment Program Advisory Com- David Trimble, Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, and mittee. Labour Party leader John Hume. The President declared a major disaster in Ohio The President declared a major disaster in Alabama and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms and flooding beginning on February 18 and continuing and flooding on March 10–11. through March 2. The White House announced that the President March 18 will visit Pakistan as part of his upcoming visit to In the afternoon, the President traveled to Aviano South Asia. Air Base, Italy, arriving the following morning.

March 9 March 19 The President announced his intention to nominate In the morning, the President had a telephone con- Madelyn R. Creedon to be Deputy Administrator for versation with President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security Admin- from Aviano Air Base. Later, he traveled to New istration at the Department of Energy. Delhi, India. The President announced his intention to appoint Stephen C. Duffy as a member of the National Cancer March 20 Advisory Board. In the morning, the President traveled to Dhaka, The President announced his intention to appoint Bangladesh. John J. Larivee, Jackie Rowe-Adams, and Michael In the evening, the President met separately with Taylor as members of the Parents Advisory Council opposition leader Khaleda Zia of the Bangladesh Na- on Youth Drug Abuse. tional Party and President Justice Shahabuddin Ahmed The President announced his intention to reappoint at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel. Teresa Ghilarducci as a member of the Advisory Com- Later in the evening, the President returned to New mittee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Delhi, India. The President announced his intention to nominate March 10 Lawrence George Rossin to be Ambassador to Croatia. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to nominate Marc Grossman to be Director General of the Foreign Nuria I. Fernandez to be Administrator at the Federal Service. Transit Administration at the Department of Transpor- The President announced his intention to nominate tation. William A. Eaton to be Assistant Secretary for Admin- The President announced his intention to nominate istration at the Department of State. John A. White to be a member of the National March 13 Science Board. In the morning, the President traveled to Cleveland, The President announced his intention to nominate OH, and in the afternoon, he traveled to Chicago, Bruce Sundlun to be a member of the National Secu- IL. In the evening, he returned to Washington, DC, rity Education Board. arriving after midnight. The President announced that Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala appointed 10 March 14 members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/ In the afternoon, the President had a telephone AIDS. conversation with Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom. March 21 Later, in the Oval Office, the President was pre- In the morning, the President participated in a sented with a portrait by photographer Arnold wreath-laying and tree-planting ceremony at the Newman. Gandhi Memorial at Rajghat Samadhi.


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In the evening, the President met with President In the afternoon, he traveled to Mumbai, India, Kircheril Narayanan of India in the North Drawing where he participated in a roundtable discussion with Room at Rashtrapati Bhavan. a group of young Indian leaders at the Cafe Royal. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to appoint Arthur C. Campbell to be Assistant Secretary for Eco- Cresencio S. Arcos and Stephen Friedman as mem- nomic Development at the Department of Commerce. bers of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory The White House announced that en route to Ge- Board. neva, Switzerland, on March 25, the President will March 25 visit Muscat, Oman, to meet with His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said. In the morning, the President traveled to Islamabad, Pakistan. March 22 In the afternoon, the President met with President In the afternoon, the President attended a reception Rafiq Tarar of Pakistan in the President’s Office at at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi. Later, he traveled the Presidential Palace. Later, he met with 1999 coup to Agra, and in the evening, he traveled to Jaipur, leader Gen. Pervez Musharraf in the Conference India. Room at the Cabinet Secretariat Building. The President announced his intention to nominate In the evening, the President traveled to Muscat, Oman, where he met with Sultan Qaboos bin Said Gordon S. Heddell to be Inspector General for the Al Said in the Sultan’s Quarters at the Royal Flight Department of Labor. Terminal. Later, the President traveled to Geneva, The President announced his intention to nominate Switzerland. Ella Wong-Rusinko to be Alternate Federal Cochair of the Appalachian Regional Commission. March 26 The President announced his intention to nominate In the afternoon, the President met with President Julio F. Mercado to be Deputy Administrator of the Hafiz al-Asad of Syria in the meeting room at the Drug Enforcement Administration at the Department Intercontinental Hotel. Prior to and following his of Justice. meeting with President Asad, the President had tele- The President announced his intention to appoint phone conversations with Prime Minister Ehud Barak Nancy K. Hatamiya as a member of the Parents Advi- of Israel. sory Council on Youth Drug Abuse. In the evening, the President returned to Wash- The President announced his intention to appoint ington, DC. J. Richard Thesing as a member of the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (the March 27 Access Board). The President announced his intention to appoint The President announced his intention to reappoint Don Casey as Vice Chair of the President’s Council Lorenzo H. Aguilar-Melantzon and Ruth Luckasson on Physical Fitness and Sports. as members of the President’s Committee on Mental The President announced his intention to appoint Retardation. Ralph S. Freedman as a member of the National Cancer Advisory Board. March 23 March 28 In the afternoon, the President toured the Amber Fort. Later, he traveled to Ranthambhore National The White House announced that the President Park, where he toured the wildlife preserve. In the sent the Congress a fiscal year 2000 supplemental evening, he returned to Jaipur. appropriations request for $253 million, including funding for the Social Security Administration, aviation The President announced the nomination of Manuel safety improvements, and summer jobs for low income Trinidad Pacheco to be a member of the National youth. Security Education Board. The President announced his intention to nominate March 29 Gregory G. Govan for rank of Ambassador during In the afternoon, the President traveled to Colum- his tenure of service as Chief Delegate to the Joint bia, SC, and in the evening, he traveled to Chappaqua, Consultative Commission of the Treaty on Conven- NY. tional Armed Forces in Europe. The President announced his intention to nominate March 30 Beth S. Slavet to be Chairman of the Merit Systems In the morning, the President traveled to New York Protection Board. City, and in the evening, he returned to Washington, DC. March 24 The President announced his intention to nominate In the morning, the President traveled to Jane Lubchenco and Warren M. Washington to be Hyderabad, India. members of the National Science Board.


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The President announced his intention to nominate recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms, the following individuals to be members of the Fed- tornadoes, and flooding on March 28–29. eral Aviation Management Advisory Council: The White House announced that the President will travel to Oklahoma City, OK, on April 19. Edward M. Bolen; Geoffrey T. Crowley; April 8 Robert W. Baker; In the morning, the President traveled to New Orle- Debbie Branson; ans, LA, and in the afternoon, he traveled to Alexan- Kendall W. Wilson; dria, LA. In the evening, he returned to Washington, Robert A. Davis; and DC. Jerome Randolph Babbitt. April 9 April 2 In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton In the morning, the President traveled to Las Vegas, traveled to Fayetteville, AR, where they visited the NV. University of Arkansas. In the evening, they returned In the evening, he traveled to San Jose and Palo to Washington, DC. Alto, CA, and later returned to San Jose. April 10 April 3 The President declared a major disaster in Maryland In the afternoon, the President returned to Wash- and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local ington, DC. recovery efforts in the area struck by a severe winter The President announced his intention to nominate storm on January 25–30. Barbara Snelling to be a member of the U.S. Institute The President declared a major disaster in the Dis- of Peace. trict of Columbia and ordered Federal aid to supple- The President announced his intention to appoint ment District recovery efforts in the area struck by Susan Brophy McGowan as a member of the Advisory a severe winter storm on January 25–31. Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations. The White House announced that the President April 11 will travel to Denver, CO, on April 12, to attend In the morning, the President traveled to Annapolis, a rally in support of stronger gun laws. MD, and in the afternoon, he returned to Washington, DC. April 4 The President announced his intention to nominate In the afternoon, the President met with President Phil Boyer to be a member of the Federal Aviation Ali Abdallah Salih of Yemen in the Oval Office. Management Advisory Council. The President announced his intention to nominate Carol W. Kinsley and Robert Rogers to be members April 12 of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Na- In the morning, the President traveled to Denver, tional and Community Service. CO, and in the evening, he traveled to Chappaqua, NY. April 5 In the evening, the President traveled to April 13 Chappaqua, NY. In the morning, the President returned to Wash- ington, DC. April 6 The President announced his intention to nominate In the morning, the President returned to Wash- James Donald Walsh to be Ambassador to Argentina. ington, DC. The President announced his intention to nominate April 14 Michael G. Kozak to be Ambassador to the Republic In the morning, the President traveled to Atlanta, of Belarus. GA. In the evening, he traveled to Palo Alto, CA. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to nominate Anne Woods Patterson to be Ambassador to Colombia. Mildred S. Dresselhaus to be Director of Energy Re- The President announced his intention to nominate search for the Department of Energy. Michael V. Dunn to be a member of the Farm Credit The President announced his intention to nominate Administration Board. Mark D. Gearan to be a member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for National and Com- April 7 munity Service. In the morning, the President met with Chief Exec- The White House announced that the President utive Tung Chee-hwa of Hong Kong Special Adminis- will address commencements at Eastern Michigan trative Region, China, in the Oval Office. University in Ypsilanti, MI, on April 30; the U.S. Coast The President declared a major disaster in Texas Guard Academy in New London, CT, on May 17; and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local and Carleton College in Northfield, MN, on June 10.


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April 15 The President announced his intention to nominate In the afternoon, the President traveled to Bakers- Brian Dean Curran to be Ambassador to Haiti. field, CA, where he had a telephone conversation with The President announced his intention to nominate President-elect Vladimir Putin of Russia. Sharon P. Wilkinson to be Ambassador to Mozam- In the evening, the President traveled to Beverly bique. Hills, CA, and later he returned to Palo Alto, CA. The President announced his intention to appoint Bradley M. Campbell as U.S. Commissioner to the April 17 Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission. In the morning, the President participated in a The President announced his intention to appoint roundtable discussion with business and community James Harold French, Jr., and Arthur Wesley Nienhuis leaders at Costano Elementary School on closing the as members of the National Cancer Advisory Board. digital divide. In the afternoon, the President traveled to Shiprock, April 25 NM, and in the evening, he traveled to Albuquerque, In the morning, the President returned to Wash- NM. ington, DC. The White House announced that the President In the afternoon, the President met briefly with will visit Portugal on May 30–June 1, Germany on Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Ivanov of Russia in June 1–3, Russia on June 4–5, and Ukraine on June the Oval Office. 6. The President announced his intention to appoint Serena L. Wilson as a member of the Joint Public April 18 Advisory Committee of the Commission for Environ- In the morning, the President traveled to Chicago, mental Cooperation. IL, and in the evening, he returned to Washington, DC. April 26 April 19 In the morning, the President traveled to Whiteville, NC, where in the afternoon, he viewed a product In the morning, the President had a telephone con- demonstration at Remote Data Systems and then par- versation from the Oval Office with Prime Minister ticipated in a roundtable discussion on efforts to close Tony Blair of the United Kingdom. the digital divide. In the afternoon, the President traveled to Okla- In the evening, the President traveled to Little homa City, OK, and in the evening, he returned to Rock, AR. Washington, DC.

April 21 April 27 In the afternoon, the President was interviewed at In the afternoon, the President returned to Wash- the White House by representatives of the Depart- ington, DC. ment of Justice Campaign Finance Task Force. April 28 In the afternoon, the President spoke with Attorney The President announced his intention to nominate General Janet Reno and in the evening, he had a Norman Pattiz to be a member of the Broadcasting telephone conversation with her from the Oval Office, Board of Governors. concerning the Elian Gonzalez situation. The President declared a major disaster in Maine April 22 and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local In the very early morning, the President had a recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms, telephone conversation with Chief of Staff John flooding, and ice jams beginning on March 28 and Podesta concerning the Elian Gonzalez situation. Later continuing. in the morning, he had two more conversations with The White House announced that the President Mr. Podesta and a later conversation with Attorney will travel to Tokyo and Okinawa, Japan, in July to General Reno, concerning the situation. attend the G–8 Leaders Meeting hosted by Japan. In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton went to Camp David, MD. April 30 In the morning, the President traveled to Detroit, April 23 MI, and in the evening, he returned to Washington, In the evening, the President and Hillary Clinton DC. returned to the White House. May 1 April 24 The President announced his intention to nominate In the morning, the President traveled to New York Katherine Milner Anderson to be a member of the City, and in the evening he traveled to Chappaqua, Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public NY. Broadcasting.


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The President announced his intention to nominate Martha Choe; Mark S. Wrighton to be a member of the National Susan Soon-Keum Cox; Science Board. Vinod Dham; The President announced his intention to appoint Wilfred P. Leon Guerrero; Walter Kaye and Tazewell T. Shepard III to the Presi- Tessie Guillermo; dent’s Advisory Committee on the Arts of the John Dennis Hayashi; F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. David D. Ho; The President announced his intention to appoint Ngoan Le; Rear Adm. Raymond A. Archer III, SC, USN, as Jonathon R. Leong; a member of the Committee For Purchase From Peo- Mukesh (Mike) Patel; ple Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled. Jacinta Folasa Titialii; and Lee Pao Xiong. May 2 In the evening, the President met with Hong Kong May 5 Democratic Party Chairman Martin Lee in the Oval In the afternoon, the President traveled to Farm- Office. ington, PA, where he addressed the Senate Demo- The President announced his intention to nominate cratic Issues Caucus at the Nemacolin Woodlands Re- Barbara J. Sapin to be Vice Chairman of the Merit sort and Spa. Systems Protection Board. Later in the afternoon, the President traveled to The President announced his intention to appoint Lancaster, VA, and in the evening, he returned to Clayton M. Jones to the President’s National Security Washington, DC. Telecommunications Advisory Committee. The President announced his intention to nominate James O. Armitage to be a member of the National May 3 Cancer Advisory Board. In the morning, the President traveled to The President announced his intention to appoint Owensboro, KY, and in the afternoon, he traveled Nicholas C. Burckel as a member of the National to Davenport, IA. In the evening, the President trav- Historical Publications and Records Commission. eled to St. Paul, MN. The President announced his intention to appoint May 6 Fran C. Eizenstat as a member of the Commission In the afternoon, the President and Hillary Clinton for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. traveled to Fayetteville, AR. The President announced his intention to designate Greg Farmer, Lawrence Parks, and Madeline May 7 McCullough Petty to the National Capital Revitaliza- In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton tion Corporation Authority. traveled to Little Rock, AR, and in the evening, they The President declared a major disaster in Kansas returned to Washington, DC. and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms May 8 and tornadoes on April 19–20. In the morning, the President traveled to New York The White House announced that the President City, where he attended funeral services for John Car- will meet with President Miguel Angel Rodriguez of dinal O’Connor at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. Costa Rica in the Oval Office on May 9. In the evening, the President returned to Wash- ington, DC. May 4 The White House announced that the President In the afternoon, the President traveled to Colum- has invited President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa bus, OH, and in the evening, he returned to Wash- for a state visit on May 22. ington, DC. The President announced the nomination of Gen. May 9 John A. Gordon, USAF, to be Under Secretary for The President announced his intention to nominate Nuclear Security and Administrator of the National Marjorie Ransom to be Ambassador to Yemen. Security Administration at the Department of Energy. The President announced his intention to appoint The President announced his intention to nominate Jerome A. Stricker as a member of the Advisory Com- Owen James Sheaks to be Assistant Secretary of State mittee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. for Verification and Compliance. The White House announced that the President The President announced his intention to appoint will meet with President Fernando de la Rua of Ar- the following individuals to the Advisory Commission gentina on June 13 in the Oval Office. on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: May 10 Norman Y. Mineta; The President announced his intention to appoint Haunani Apoliona; Eva S. Teig as U.S. Representative to the Southern Gloria Caoile; States Energy Board.


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The President announced his intention to appoint May 17 Charles (Chuck) Yancura as a member of the Advisory In the morning, the President traveled to New Lon- Council of the Border Environment Cooperation don, CT. In the evening, he traveled to Greenwich, Commission. CT, and later, he returned to Washington, DC, arriv- The President announced his intention to appoint ing after midnight. John R. Roderick as a member of the Arctic Research Commission. May 18 The President declared an emergency in New Mex- The President announced his intention to nominate ico and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and Don Harrell to be a member of the Federal Retire- local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe ment Thrift Investment Board. fire threats on May 10 and continuing. May 19 May 12 In the morning, the President traveled to Suitland, In the morning, the President traveled to Akron, MD, and later he traveled to Philadelphia, PA. In OH, and in the afternoon, he traveled to Shakopee, the afternoon, he traveled to Chicago, IL. MN. Later, the President returned to Washington, In the evening, the President returned to Wash- DC. ington, DC, arriving after midnight. The President announced the nomination of Barry The President announced his intention to appoint E. Carter to be Assistant Administrator, Bureau of Pam Fleischaker, Harold Gershowitz, John F. Kordek, Global Programs, Field Support, and Research at the and Leo Melamed to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial U.S. Agency for International Development. Council. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to appoint Pamela E. Bridgewater to be Ambassador to Benin. Sanford I. Weill to serve as a member of the Presi- The President announced his intention to nominate dent’s Export Council. Thomas L. Garthwaite to be Under Secretary for Health for the Department of Veterans Affairs. The President declared a major disaster in South Dakota and ordered Federal aid to supplement State The President declared a disaster in Missouri and and local recovery efforts in the area struck by a ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local severe winter storm, flooding, landslides, and recovery efforts in the area struck by severe thunder- mudslides on April 18–20. storms and flash flooding on May 6–7.

May 13 May 20 The President declared a disaster in New Mexico In the evening, the President traveled to and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local Chappaqua, NY. recovery efforts in the area struck by a severe forest May 21 fire beginning on May 5 and continuing. In the afternoon, the President traveled to Hyde May 15 Park, NY, and in the evening, he returned to Wash- The President announced his intention to nominate ington, DC. Glenn A. Fine to be Inspector General at the Depart- ment of Justice. May 22 The President announced his intention to nominate The White House announced that the President Roger W. Kallock to be Deputy Under Secretary of has invited King Mohammed VI of Morocco for a Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness. state visit on June 20. The President announced his intention to appoint Lucia A. Wyman as a member of the Advisory Council May 23 of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission. The President announced his intention to nominate Robert S. LaRussa to be Under Secretary for Inter- May 16 national Trade at the Department of Commerce. In the afternoon, the President traveled to Albany, The President announced his intention to nominate NY, and in the evening, he traveled to Chappaqua, Robin Chandler Duke to be Ambassador to Norway. NY. The President announced his intention to appoint The President announced his intention to appoint Stanley M. Chesley, Barbara W. Grossman, and Mel Debra S. Knopman, Daniel B. Bullen, and Priscilla Levine to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. Nelson as members of the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board. May 24 The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to nominate Robert M. Lyford to be a member of the Board Donald J. Sutherland to the Board of Trustees of of Directors for the Overseas Private Investment Cor- the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence poration. in Education Foundation.


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The President announced his intention to appoint In the afternoon, the President traveled to Berlin, Richard N. Brown as a member of the National Part- Germany. In the evening, he met with Christian nership Council. Democratic Union leader Angela Merkel in Room 686 The President announced his intention to appoint at the Intercon Hotel. Sharon Cassidy as a member of the Advisory Com- The President announced his intention to nominate mittee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. John Train to be a member of the Federal Retirement The President announced his intention to appoint Thrift Investment Board. Norman L. Christensen, Jr., Paul P. Craig, and Rich- ard Parizek as members of the Nuclear Waste Tech- June 2 nical Review Board. In the morning, the President traveled to Aachen, Germany, and in the evening, he returned to Berlin. May 25 The White House announced that the President In the afternoon, the President traveled to Provi- will meet with King Abdullah II of Jordan in Wash- dence, RI, and in the evening, he returned to Wash- ington, DC, on June 6. ington, DC. June 3 The President announced his intention to nominate In the afternoon, the President met briefly with Harriet Zimmerman and Marc Leland to be members Prime Minister Goran Persson of Sweden in the of the Board of Directors for the U.S. Institute of Chancellery following the Conference on Progressive Peace. Governance. The President announced his intention to nominate Later in the afternoon, the President traveled to Lisa Ross to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Moscow, Russia, arriving in the evening. Later in the for Management and Chief Financial Officer. evening, he attended a working dinner hosted by The President announced his intention to reappoint President Vladimir Putin of Russia in Residence Build- W. Ron Allen as Commissioner of the Pacific Salmon ing One at the Kremlin. Commission. The President announced his intention to appoint June 4 John E. Hobbie as a member of the Arctic Research In the afternoon, the President had several meetings Commission. with President Putin in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

May 26 June 5 In the afternoon, the President traveled to In the morning, the President met with President Assateague, MD, and later returned to Washington, Putin in the Ceremonial Office at the Kremlin. In DC. In the evening, he went to Camp David, MD. the afternoon, he met with former President Boris Yeltsin of Russia in the Sitting Room at Gorky 9. May 28 Later, the President traveled to Kiev, Ukraine, The President returned to the White House. where he had meetings with President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine in the Blue Room and the Green May 29 Room of Mariinskiy Palace. In the morning, the President traveled to Arlington, In the evening, the President returned to Wash- VA, and in the afternoon, he returned to Washington, ington, DC. DC. The President announced his intention to appoint In the evening, the President traveled to Lisbon, Billy Blanks and Lauren Gregg as members of the Portugal, arriving the following morning. President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. The President announced his intention to appoint May 30 Phillip A. Sharp as Chair of the National Cancer Advi- In the morning, the President participated in a sory Board. wreath-laying ceremony at the Jeronimos Monastery. The President announced his intention to appoint In the afternoon, he met with President Jorge Sampaio the following persons as members of the Advisory of Portugal in the President’s Office at the Palacio Committee on Expanding Training Opportunities: de Belem. Christine Hemrick; May 31 Hilary C. Pennington; In the morning, the President attended the U.S.- Clarence E. Anthony; European Union summit meeting in the Throne Room J. Paul Carey; at Queluz Palace. Anthony P. Carnevale; Jerry J. Jasinowski; June 1 Lawrence F. Katz; In the morning, the President met with Prime Min- Greta Kotler; ister Ehud Barak of Israel in the 20th Floor Suite Belkis Leong-Hong; at the Dom Pedro Hotel. Lisa M. Lynch;


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Elliott Masie; The President announced his intention to designate Stephen J. Rohleder; Lt. Gen. Donald Kerrick as Deputy Assistant to the Doug Ross; and President and Deputy National Security Adviser, effec- Jerry Sue Thornton. tive August 1. The White House announced that the President June 6 will meet with President Robert Kocharian of Armenia The President announced his intention to nominate at the White House on June 27. Holly J. Burkhalter to be a member of the U.S. Insti- tute of Peace. June 10 The President announced his intention to appoint In the morning, the President traveled to George Chao-Chi Chu as a member of the Advisory Northfield, MN, and in the afternoon, he traveled Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. to Minneapolis, MN. June 7 In the evening, the President returned to Wash- In the morning, the President traveled to Tokyo, ington, DC. Japan, arriving the following morning. The President announced his intention to nominate June 12 Richard A. Boucher to be Assistant Secretary for Pub- In the afternoon, the President met with President lic Affairs for the Department of State. Abdurrahman Wahid of Indonesia in the Oval Office. The President announced his intention to nominate The President announced his intention to appoint Allan I. Mendelowitz to be a member of the Board Dr. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh as a member of the National of Directors for the Federal Housing Finance Board. Cancer Advisory Board. The President announced his intention to appoint The President announced his intention to appoint Simon Shaheen to the President’s Advisory Committee Charles F. Moneypenny as a member of the Amtrak on the Arts of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Reform Council. Performing Arts. The President declared a major disaster in Ten- nessee and ordered Federal aid to supplement State June 8 and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe In the morning, the President met with Prime Min- storms, tornadoes, and flooding on May 23–31. ister Yoshiro Mori of Japan in the Asahi-No-Ma Room at the Akasaka State Guest House. June 13 In the afternoon, the President met with President In the afternoon, the President met with President Kim Dae-jung of South Korea in the Presidential Suite Fernando de la Rua of Argentina in the Cabinet at the Okura Hotel. Room. Later, they had a working luncheon in the In the evening, the President attended a reception Old Family Dining Room. hosted by Prime Minister Mori in the Hagoroma The President announced his intention to appoint Room at the Akasaka State Guest House. Later, he Dr. Dennis J. Slamon as a member of the President’s returned to Washington, DC. Cancer Panel. The President announced his intention to nominate James Charles Riley to be a Commissioner of the The President announced that Secretary of Health Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission. and Human Services Donna Shalala appointed eight The President announced his intention to nominate members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/ James A. Daley to be Ambassador to Barbados, Saint AIDS. Lucia, and Saint Kitts and Nevis. June 14 The President announced his intention to nominate In an evening ceremony in the Oval Office, the Francisco J. Sanchez to be Assistant Secretary for President received diplomatic credentials from Ambas- Aviation and International Affairs at the Department sadors Marianna Fernandez of Bolivia, Igor Davidovic of Transportation. of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sven Jurgenson of Estonia, June 9 Aivis Ronis of Latvia, Tej Bunnag of Thailand, Ariel The President announced his intention to nominate Rivera Irias of Guatemala, Hugo Tomas Fernandez Marti Thomas to be Assistant Secretary of the Treas- Faingold of Uruguay, Ulrik A. Federspiel of Denmark, ury for Legislative Affairs and Public Liaison. Joshua Sears of the Bahamas, Abdellah Maaroufi of The President announced his intention to appoint Morocco, and William Bull of Liberia. Maria Lombardo as a member of the Board of Trust- The President had an evening telephone conversa- ees of the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Founda- tion with Prime Minister Ehud Barak of Israel con- tion. cerning the Middle East peace process. The President announced his intention to reappoint The President announced his intention to appoint Marc D. Guthrie and Kenneth M. Schoonover as Sarah W. Mitchell as Chair and Bryon R. MacDonald members of the Architectural and Transportation Bar- and Thomas P. Golden as members of the Ticket riers Compliance Board. to Work and Work Incentives Advisory Panel.


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The President announced his intention to appoint The President announced his intention to appoint Patty Wagstaff and Tom D. Crouch to the First Flight Carolyn Brackett as a member of the Advisory Council Centennial Federal Advisory Board. on Historic Preservation.

June 15 June 21 The President had a telephone conversation with In the morning, the President and Hillary Clinton Secretary of Commerce William M. Daley concerning traveled to Fayetteville, AR, and in the afternoon, Secretary Daley’s resignation. the President returned to Washington, DC. The President announced his intention to appoint Richard N. Brown as a member of the Federal Salary The President announced his intention to reappoint Council. John A. Calhoun and Larry EchoHawk as members The President announced his intention to appoint of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Marilynn M. Porter as a member of the Architectural Delinquency Prevention. and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. In the evening, the President traveled to June 22 Chappaqua, NY. In the morning, the President traveled to Phoenix, AZ, and in the afternoon, he traveled to San Diego, June 16 CA. In the morning, the President traveled to New York The President announced his intention to appoint City. In the afternoon, he met with National Security Kathleen Waldron Gershman to the President’s Advi- Adviser Hwang Won-tak of South Korea at the Wal- sory Committee on the Arts of the John F. Kennedy dorf-Astoria Hotel. Center for the Performing Arts. In the evening, the President returned to The President announced his intention to appoint Chappaqua, NY. Charles H. Cole to the Advisory Committee to the The President announced the designation of Ste- phen Koplan as Chairman and Deanna Okun as Vice Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Chairman of the U.S. International Trade Commis- June 23 sion, effective June 17. In the morning, the President traveled to Chula June 17 Vista, CA, and in the afternoon, he traveled to Los In the morning, the President returned to Wash- Angeles, CA. In the evening, he addressed the Demo- ington, DC. cratic National Committee convention staff in the Plaza Room at the Century Plaza Hotel & Spa. June 19 The President announced his intention to appoint In the morning, the President traveled to Houston, Deidre A. Lee as a member of the Federal Prison TX, and in the afternoon, he traveled to Austin, TX. Industries Corporation. In the evening, the President returned to Wash- The President declared a major disaster in Wis- ington, DC. The President announced his intention to appoint consin and ordered Federal aid to supplement State LeRoy F. Saunders as a member of the Committee and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely storms, tornadoes, and flooding on May 26 and con- Disabled. tinuing. The President announced his intention to appoint Joan Bennett Kennedy to the President’s Advisory June 24 Committee on the Arts of the John F. Kennedy Cen- In the afternoon, the President returned to Wash- ter for the Performing Arts. ington, DC. June 20 June 25 In the morning, the President met with King In the afternoon, the President participated in a Mohamed VI of Morocco in the Oval Office and later wreath-laying ceremony at the Korean War Memorial. in the Cabinet Room. In the afternoon, the President met with the Dalai June 26 Lama in the National Security Adviser’s Office con- In the afternoon, the President traveled to cerning Tibet. Chappaqua, NY.


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