Post-Gazette 4-24-09.Pmd
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VOL. 113 - NO. 17 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, APRIL 24, 2009 $.30 A COPY Boston Takes Part in Boston Mayor Thomas Menino Seeks Re-election On Wednesday, April 22, Menino seeks to earn a fifth TEA PARTY REVOLUTION 2009, Mayor of Boston term as Mayor of Boston. Thomas Menino officially Earning the reputation of announced his candidacy an “urban mechanic” he for Mayor of Boston. Mayor stressed his belief that gov- Menino joins Michael F. ernment is about helping Flaherty, Sam Yoon and people. Menino’s campaign South End businessman motto is “Moving Boston Kevin McCrea in the may- Forward.” oral race. Announcing his For further information, candidacy after serving six- vist the Mayor’s website at teen years in office, Mayor Paul Revere Rides into History On April 20, 2009, Patriot’s Day in Boston is also known as Marathon Monday, but for many it is a tradition of the rides of Paul Revere and Wil- liam Dawes that has been re- enacted for the 232nd time. The parade begam at Boston City Hall and marched through the streets of the North End. A ceremony was Former North Enders and current Stoneham residents held on Hanover Street in Ricky Colarusso with his mother Caroline Colarusso took front of St. Stephen’s Church. part in the Boston “Tea Party” protests at Christopher Mayor Thomas Menino Columbus Park in Boston’s North End. kicked off the ride by hand- ing over the scroll to “Paul Tax Day brought many pro- enough already” and threw Revere” who then rode tests around the country. “Tea Parties” in more than through Boston, Medford and Protesters in Boston and 2,000 cities and towns to let ended in Lexington, Mass. other cities around the U.S. government know how they (Continued on Page 5) feel that they are “taxed feel. Mayor’s Column News Briefs by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston This past week, I enjoyed having two new outdoor classrooms as part of by Sal Giarratani lunch with editors and publishers from the Boston Schoolyard Initiative. The many of Boston’s weekly neighborhood Lyndon in West Roxbury, the Bradley A Night at the Movies newspapers. Everyday, I talk with the in East Boston, and the Curley School residents that help make our City in Jamaica Plain will all receive new I rarely go out to the movies because ticket vibrant, and I learn something from schoolyards next year as part of the prices are outrageous. About 6 weeks ago I did every one of these conversations. Lunch program, while outdoor classrooms go out to see Liam Neeson in “Taken.” It was a with the weekly newspapers was a great will be constructed at Conley and great movie, better than most out there lately chance to listen to the unique perspec- Winship schools. Additionally, as part of but at $12.50 a ticket, Whoa! In recent weeks tives of some of the individuals that are the Pathways to Excellence plan, I watched two great 1999 movies. Harrison Ford most in tune with their neighborhoods. through the capital budget, 12 schools in “Clear and Present Danger” and John During our two hours together, the con- will undergo renovation projects, and Travolta in “The General’s Daughter.” Some- versation ranged from the current finan- libraries will be added to several others. one recently gave me the entire “Prisoner” TV cial crisis to where I see Boston in fifty A number of community centers, includ- series back in 1969. They knew I loved that years. ing the Shelburne and Orchard Gardens show starring Patrick McGooghan. Too bad the Having recently submitted the City of in Roxbury and the Walsh in South TV show never turned into a movie. Steve Boston’s fiscal year 2010 operating and Boston will also benefit from capital McQueen was one of my favorite actors years capital budgets, I was able to share some improvements. back. His 1969, “Bullitt” movie filmed in San of my administration’s priorities and With summer approaching, neigh- Francisco had the best 10 minute car chase investments for the future. Many of borhood parks will once again be bustling ever recorded. In that same year, the best TV these investments are contained in the with activity. This summer residents movie had to be “Duel” starring Dennis Weaver five-year, $1.5 billion capital budget. The in the South End, Beacon Hill, and and a big oil tanker. When it comes to the worse capital plan provides funding for over 320 Dorchester will all enjoy improved park movie, it’s probably anyone of those “Rat” mov- projects citywide, from major renovations space as a result of major restoration ies, especially the one in 3-D. of schools, community centers, and projects at Chester Square Park, Phillips parks to green energy investments and Street Park and Bryne Playground. Early Saying Hi to All the Giarratani’s miles of reconstructed roadways. next fall, thorough renovations will be- Out There On Line As I emphasized during the meeting, gin at Ripley Playground in Roxbury and Phil and Phyllis Constantino in North Caro- investments in youth and education are Hynes Playground in West Roxbury, and lina, Angelo (aka Mike) and Mary Giarratani some of the most important investments the capital plan provides funding for ten- in Florida and Dominic and Shafika Giarratani that we can make. The City’s capital nis, basketball, and street hockey court budget reflects this priority, allocating (Continued on Page 15) funding for three new schoolyards and (Continued on Page 12) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office will be open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 Res Publica by David Trumbull WE THE PEOPLE The federal government has taken too much tax money from HERCULES, THE LEGENDARY STRONG MAN the people, too much authority from the states, and too much Mythology identifies Pri- adult lives. As a test to de- The next phase in the liberty with the Constitution. mary Beings, Titans, gods, termine which boy was the story of this legendary strong — President Ronald Reagan, February 9, 1982 and demigods. They have all son of Zeus, two snakes were man is most important as President Obama been discussed in previous placed in the crib with the it identifies the series of nationalizes indus- issues, except the demigods. brothers. Iphicles screamed events which led to the tries at a rate last This last group is imagined in terror, but Hercules imposition of the celebrated seen when Comrade to be the offspring from the grabbed the snakes by the “Labors of Hercules” (the Castro came to union of a god with a mortal throat and strangled them. principal characters in- power in Cuba. Con- being. Dardanus, the founder As Hercules grew into volved in those labors were gress spends the of Troy, King Minos of Crete, young manhood, a number of sculptured in marble by nation into a depth Helen of Troy, Aeneas, the famous athletes contributed Phidias on the frieze of of indebtedness that ancestor of the Romans, and to his education in the vari- the Parthenon in Athens, will permanently Hercules, are some of the ous sports. He was instructed Greece. Some of these lower the standard of better known demigods. in chariot racing, wrestling, pieces are now in the Brit- living of our children From left to right: Christina from Hercules (Heracles in Greek) archery, and fencing. Linus, ish Museum as part of the and grandchildren. is claimed to be one of the the brother of Orpheus, also Elgin Marbles that Lord Elgin Cambridge and Claire from And the head of the Belmont. most ancient and most instructed the strong man in stole from Greece about Department of famous of all mythological the use of the lyre. 1800 A.D.) Hercules aided Homeland Security — who bus Park was even larger. heroes, and his legendary By the time he reached King Creon of Thebes in a refuses to apply the word And this on a week-day accomplishments are said to the age of seventeen, Her- war against the Minyae (an “terrorist” to the bad guys we afternoon! be the richest and most com- cules was over six feet tall ancient race in Thessaly). are fighting globally — warns At the Tea Party on the prehensive of all myths. and an expert marksman As a reward for this service, that anyone expressing Common I ran into and Hercules was born in the with bow and spear. His Hercules received the Prin- the belief that the Tenth spoke with State Senator ancient Greek city of Thebes, amazing strength, coupled cess Megara for his wife. Amendment to the U.S. Con- Bob Hedlund (R-Weymouth) the son of the god Zeus and with his excellent training Later, in a period of madness stitution is still in force or and several GOP activists, a mortal named Alcmene. in wrestling, commanded brought on by the unrelent- any returning war veteran is even a candidate for Con- The legend tells of Alcmene the greatest respect from all ing hostility of the goddess automatically to be classified gress, Earl Sholley. The being visited by Zeus one who knew him. This notori- Hera, Hercules killed his as a potentially dangerous GOP support for the Tea evening, and by her husband ety soon came to the atten- wife and children. When he extremist.