
VOL. 113 - NO. 17 , , APRIL 24, 2009 $.30 A COPY Boston Takes Part in Boston Mayor Thomas Menino Seeks Re-election On Wednesday, April 22, Menino seeks to earn a fifth TEA PARTY REVOLUTION 2009, Mayor of Boston term as Mayor of Boston. Thomas Menino officially Earning the reputation of announced his candidacy an “urban mechanic” he for Mayor of Boston. Mayor stressed his belief that gov- Menino joins Michael F. ernment is about helping Flaherty, Sam Yoon and people. Menino’s campaign South End businessman motto is “Moving Boston Kevin McCrea in the may- Forward.” oral race. Announcing his For further information, candidacy after serving six- vist the Mayor’s website at teen years in office, Mayor www.MayorMenino.com. Paul Revere Rides into History On April 20, 2009, Patriot’s Day in Boston is also known as Marathon Monday, but for many it is a tradition of the rides of Paul Revere and Wil- liam Dawes that has been re- enacted for the 232nd time. The parade begam at Boston City Hall and marched through the streets of the North End. A ceremony was Former North Enders and current Stoneham residents held on Hanover Street in Ricky Colarusso with his mother Caroline Colarusso took front of St. Stephen’s Church. part in the Boston “Tea Party” protests at Christopher Mayor Thomas Menino Columbus Park in Boston’s North End. kicked off the ride by hand- ing over the scroll to “Paul Day brought many pro- enough already” and threw Revere” who then rode tests around the country. “Tea Parties” in more than through Boston, Medford and Protesters in Boston and 2,000 cities and towns to let ended in Lexington, Mass. other cities around the U.S. government know how they (Continued on Page 5) feel that they are “taxed feel. Mayor’s Column News Briefs by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston This past week, I enjoyed having two new outdoor classrooms as part of by Sal Giarratani lunch with editors and publishers from the Boston Schoolyard Initiative. The many of Boston’s weekly neighborhood Lyndon in West Roxbury, the Bradley A Night at the Movies newspapers. Everyday, I talk with the in East Boston, and the Curley School residents that help make our City in Jamaica Plain will all receive new I rarely go out to the movies because ticket vibrant, and I learn something from schoolyards next year as part of the prices are outrageous. About 6 weeks ago I did every one of these conversations. Lunch program, while outdoor classrooms go out to see Liam Neeson in “Taken.” It was a with the weekly newspapers was a great will be constructed at Conley and great movie, better than most out there lately chance to listen to the unique perspec- Winship schools. Additionally, as part of but at $12.50 a ticket, Whoa! In recent weeks tives of some of the individuals that are the Pathways to Excellence plan, I watched two great 1999 movies. Harrison Ford most in tune with their neighborhoods. through the capital budget, 12 schools in “Clear and Present Danger” and John During our two hours together, the con- will undergo renovation projects, and Travolta in “The General’s Daughter.” Some- versation ranged from the current finan- libraries will be added to several others. one recently gave me the entire “Prisoner” TV cial crisis to where I see Boston in fifty A number of community centers, includ- series back in 1969. They knew I loved that years. ing the Shelburne and Orchard Gardens show starring Patrick McGooghan. Too bad the Having recently submitted the City of in Roxbury and the Walsh in South TV show never turned into a movie. Steve Boston’s fiscal year 2010 operating and Boston will also benefit from capital McQueen was one of my favorite actors years capital budgets, I was able to share some improvements. back. His 1969, “Bullitt” movie filmed in San of my administration’s priorities and With summer approaching, neigh- Francisco had the best 10 minute car chase investments for the future. Many of borhood parks will once again be bustling ever recorded. In that same year, the best TV these investments are contained in the with activity. This summer residents movie had to be “Duel” starring Dennis Weaver five-year, $1.5 billion capital budget. The in the South End, Beacon Hill, and and a big oil tanker. When it comes to the worse capital plan provides funding for over 320 Dorchester will all enjoy improved park movie, it’s probably anyone of those “Rat” mov- projects citywide, from major renovations space as a result of major restoration ies, especially the one in 3-D. of schools, community centers, and projects at Chester Square Park, Phillips parks to green energy investments and Street Park and Bryne Playground. Early Saying Hi to All the Giarratani’s miles of reconstructed roadways. next fall, thorough renovations will be- Out There On Line As I emphasized during the meeting, gin at Ripley Playground in Roxbury and Phil and Phyllis Constantino in North Caro- investments in youth and education are Hynes Playground in West Roxbury, and lina, Angelo (aka Mike) and Mary Giarratani some of the most important investments the capital plan provides funding for ten- in and Dominic and Shafika Giarratani that we can make. The City’s capital nis, basketball, and street hockey court budget reflects this priority, allocating (Continued on Page 15) funding for three new schoolyards and (Continued on Page 12)

THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office will be open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009

Res Publica

by David Trumbull

WE THE PEOPLE The federal government has taken too much tax money from HERCULES, THE LEGENDARY STRONG MAN the people, too much authority from the states, and too much Mythology identifies Pri- adult lives. As a test to de- The next phase in the liberty with the Constitution. mary Beings, Titans, gods, termine which boy was the story of this legendary strong — President Ronald Reagan, February 9, 1982 and demigods. They have all son of Zeus, two snakes were man is most important as President Obama been discussed in previous placed in the crib with the it identifies the series of nationalizes indus- issues, except the demigods. brothers. Iphicles screamed events which led to the tries at a rate last This last group is imagined in terror, but Hercules imposition of the celebrated seen when Comrade to be the offspring from the grabbed the snakes by the “Labors of Hercules” (the Castro came to union of a god with a mortal throat and strangled them. principal characters in- power in Cuba. Con- being. Dardanus, the founder As Hercules grew into volved in those labors were gress spends the of Troy, King Minos of Crete, young manhood, a number of sculptured in marble by nation into a depth Helen of Troy, Aeneas, the famous athletes contributed Phidias on the frieze of of indebtedness that ancestor of the Romans, and to his education in the vari- the Parthenon in Athens, will permanently Hercules, are some of the ous sports. He was instructed Greece. Some of these lower the standard of better known demigods. in chariot racing, wrestling, pieces are now in the Brit- living of our children From left to right: Christina from Hercules (Heracles in Greek) archery, and fencing. Linus, ish Museum as part of the and grandchildren. is claimed to be one of the the brother of Orpheus, also Elgin Marbles that Lord Elgin Cambridge and Claire from And the head of the Belmont. most ancient and most instructed the strong man in stole from Greece about Department of famous of all mythological the use of the lyre. 1800 A.D.) Hercules aided Homeland Security — who bus Park was even larger. heroes, and his legendary By the time he reached King Creon of Thebes in a refuses to apply the word And this on a week-day accomplishments are said to the age of seventeen, Her- war against the Minyae (an “terrorist” to the bad guys we afternoon! be the richest and most com- cules was over six feet tall ancient race in Thessaly). are fighting globally — warns At the Tea Party on the prehensive of all myths. and an expert marksman As a reward for this service, that anyone expressing Common I ran into and Hercules was born in the with bow and spear. His Hercules received the Prin- the belief that the Tenth spoke with State Senator ancient Greek city of Thebes, amazing strength, coupled cess Megara for his wife. Amendment to the U.S. Con- Bob Hedlund (R-Weymouth) the son of the god Zeus and with his excellent training Later, in a period of madness stitution is still in force or and several GOP activists, a mortal named Alcmene. in wrestling, commanded brought on by the unrelent- any returning war veteran is even a candidate for Con- The legend tells of Alcmene the greatest respect from all ing hostility of the goddess automatically to be classified gress, Earl Sholley. The being visited by Zeus one who knew him. This notori- Hera, Hercules killed his as a potentially dangerous GOP support for the Tea evening, and by her husband ety soon came to the atten- wife and children. When he extremist. Parties across the nation is on the following evening. tion of King Thespius, regained his senses, he was The people are getting fed understandable – Republi- Consequently, she gave whose flocks were being rav- horrified at what he had up with the liberals in Wash- cans believe that govern- birth to twin boys. One child aged by a ferocious lion. done. Upon seeking advice ington and on Beacon Hill ment exists to serve the was named Hercules and the When asked if he would from a high priest, he was continually ginning up new people. I didn’t see any other was named Iphicles. stalk and kill the beast, Her- told that as punishment for “crises” that can be used to Democratic politicians at Visits of this nature were cules refused. Some early his crime he was required justify taking away our lib- the Tea Party — I leave it to not uncommon in the many writers, in a humorous re- to go to Tiryns, a small coun- erty. Last week’s Tax Day you, the reader, to draw your legends of Zeus (that little port, indicate that the king’s try on the plains of Argos and “Tea Party” –”TEA stands conclusion as to how the rascal). Hera, the wife of fifty daughters, plus great perform whatever ten labors for Taxed Enough Already as Dems see the relation be- Zeus, was not unaware of quantities of wine, con- their king Eurystheus would well being a reference to the tween the governed and her husband’s extramarital vinced Hercules to change demand of him. Also, if he original December 16, 1773 those who govern. activities. Usually, her only his mind. Other writers in- was successful in these protest of abusive taxation – recourse was to hate the il- sist that Hercules conserved tasks he would achieve im- was a bigger success than I David Trumbull is the chair- legitimate children with a his strength for the fight mortality along with purifi- anticipated and lived up to man of the Boston Ward passion, and to do all in her with the lion, and that his cation of the murders. every pre-event boast by the Three Republican Committee. power to cause them misery rewards came after he slew NEXT WEEK: The labors of volunteer organizers. A few Boston’s Ward Three includes and despair during their the beast. Hercules hundred men, women, and the North End, West End, part children gathered on the of Beacon Hill, downtown, Boston Common. I’m told the waterfront, Chinatown, and Columbine, Binghamton and Police Responses crowd at Christopher Colum- part of the South End. by Sal Giarratani As I read the news that the victims’ injuries Columbine world we now accounts of that horrendous were so severe they would live in, police across the NORTH END multiple shooting inside an not have survived which is country are now being immigration center in what the county district at- trained not relying on SWAT Binghamton, NY where a torney told the media. to arrive. Nowadays, uni- lone gunman shot down 13 Police arrived five minutes formed officers are taught to PRINTING people, the county prosecu- after the first 911 call which conduct rapid response train- tor even if police had entered is a great response time but ing. When you have suffi- 5 PRINCE STREET • NORTH END • BOSTON, MA 02113 the building immediately, apparently because the gun- cient backup, you enter the none of the victims would fire had stopped, they as- area prior to SWAT. Owned and operated by Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher, Post-Gazette have survived. With hind- sumed there was no “active Binghamton Police Chief sight which is always 20-20, gunman”. They then waited Joseph Zikuski said this re- we now know the victims for the SWAT team to arrive. cent shooting was unlike Quality Printing were fatally wounded almost Could the gunman have run Columbine in 1999 because immediately after the shots out of ammo and started stab- there the gunmen were still for all your were fired but during the 43 bing victims? The police shooting. He said he was minutes between the first couldn’t know that had horrified by the police at Col- Commercial and Personal Needs call for help and the arrival happened during the wait. umbine doing nothing during of the police none of these The SWAT team arrived at the shootings at the high Stationery • Business Cards • Menus • Flyers facts now used to justify the 11:13 AM. school 10 years ago. Seem- Program Books • Wedding and Party Invitations wait were known. The shots As a police officer for ingly, the Binghamton Police Announcements • Business Forms and Documents reportedly stopped shortly af- the Massachusetts Mental could be more deliberate re- ter the first 911 call at 10:30 Health Department in Bos- portedly the chief said since AM but police waited nearly ton, I question why the po- the gunman had stopped fir- — COMPETITIVE PRICES — 45 minutes before entering lice didn’t immediately enter ing by the time his depart- the building. We now know the shooting site when 617-227-8929617-227-8929 from the medical examiner all shots ended. In the post- (Continued on Page 14) Ruggiero - Mazzarella Memorial Home “ur amily erving our amily ith rofessionalism, ignity & espect ” We are offering funeral packages during these difficult economic times starting at $3995.* Ample Off Street Parking in Our 3 Parking Lots - Complimentary Valet Parking - Nonsectarian Transportation To & From Visiting Hours For Family & Friends - Si Parla Italiano - Se Habla Espanol Joseph L. Ruggiero - Director & Proprietor 971 Saratoga St., Orient Heights, East Boston 617-569-0990 Visit us at our website: www.RuggieroMH.com *(CASH ADVANCES NOT INCLUDED) POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 Page 3 “Musical Hors D’ Ouevres” Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher and Editor 5 Prince Street, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 617-227-8929 617-227-8928 FAX 617-227-5307 with Trio Bella e-mail: [email protected] at Joe Tecce’s Ristorante Website: www.BostonPostGazette.com The North End Music and College-Conservatory of Mu- sion, guitar, voice, French Performing Arts Center’s sic in Cleveland, OH. It was horn and saxophone. For Subscriptions in the United States $30.00 yearly premier string trio, “Trio only after a move to Boston the non-musically inclined, Published weekly by Bella,” will team up with the — to pursue graduate stud- lessons in Italian as well as Post-Gazette, 5 Prince St., P.O. Box 130135, North End’s hot spot, Joe ies at the Longy School of yoga are offered. With a Boston, MA 02113 Tecce’s Ristorante and Cafe, Music and the New England mission to provide affordable USPS 1538 – Second-Class Postage paid at Boston, MA for an evening of musical Conservatory — that they arts-related programming POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the samplings and dinner. reconnected over cannolis to residents of the North POST-GAZETTE - P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 Showcasing the rich history and teaching at the North End, Waterfront and sur- of the string trio repertoire, End Music and Performing rounding neighborhoods, James V. Donnaruma Caesar L. Donnaruma Phyllis F. Donnaruma Bella will offer musical Arts Center. “It has been this private non-profit orga- 1896 to 1953 1953 to 1971 1971 to 1990 tidbits, ranging from the such a treat to join forces on nization tucked away in the Vol. 113 - No. 17 Friday, April 24, 2009 Baroque to Contemporary a musical level and catch up North End’s Paul Revere Mall periods along with brief on long lost times,” violist, encourages participation in GUEST EDITORIAL discussions of each, Sunday, Ashleigh Gordon notes. “If it the arts while strengthening April 26 at 6 p.m. weren’t for NEMPAC, we relationships within the Trio Bella, which includes would never have recon- community. NO SURPRISE WITH OBAMA, NEMPAC faculty members nected after all these years.” For further information or SO FAR Sarah Glenn (violin), The North End Music and to purchase your advanced Ashleigh Gordon (viola) and Performing Arts Center of- tickets (meal not included), by Edward P. Shallow Ginevra Ventre (cello), origi- fers private music lessons in please contact Becca Griffin The title of this piece is from an insightful nally met 6 years ago while not only violin, viola and at 617-227-2270 or email letter to the editor of of attending Baldwin-Wallace cello, but also piano, percus- [email protected]. April 7. The author gives a panoramic view of Obama’s policies I thought well worth sharing with readers. It was written in response to WSJ colum- Annual Spring Stroll to Take Place in Boston’s North End nist, Peggy Noonan. Join the festivities on Fri- walk to each nearby location completed, stamped card Peggy Noonan’s opening paragraph in “Obama’s day evening, May 1st from with your sweetheart, fam- to any participating shop Domestic Agenda Gains Clarity” simply cannot go 7pm-11pm as participating ily members, or make a before 11pm. The gift basket unchallenged. She writes of President Obama that North End boutiques, gal- night out of it with a group will be on display at Red M “He was hard to categorize because we didn’t have leries, and design studios of friends! Studio at 164 Prince Street categories for him.” Hogwash. All and especially the host a Spring Stroll along In the spirit of spring, the near Commercial. The win- business community as the most inexperienced, the streets of our historic season of renewal, several ning entry will be drawn on radical, liberal socialist in the U. S. Senate knew neighborhood. stroll locations will be featur- Tuesday, May 5th. candidate Obama. Now as president, we clearly see Swing into spring with ex- ing “green”, eco-friendly Participating North End that his policy is to control everything in sight citing sales and discounts products. businesses are: Acquire, through big federal government — , the auto offered by each participating As a special bonus, stroll- A Matter of FACE, Boston industry (on behalf of the United Auto Workers), retailer during the stroll. ers can enter for a chance Common Coffee Company, health care, energy, education and more. On the This is a great opportunity to win an amazing gift bas- casa di stile, Filthy Rich, horizon, regrettably, is the weakening of our mili- to shop locally, support our ket, brimming with delight- High Gear, in.jean.ius, Let- tary, nuclear modernization and national defense. city’s small businesses, and ful treats and gift certificates tering By Liz Calligraphy, Given all this, what did we expect? enjoy terrific savings! Vali- from the diverse group of Moda, North Bennet Street Perhaps a strong voice like Ms. Noonan should dated parking will be avail- stroll businesses. To enter, School Gallery, North End stress, as she has previously, that Americans are able at selected locations. pick up a Stroll Passport Gallery, North End Market crying out for leadership that can set priorities. Refreshments will be Card at any of the stroll Tours, North End Secret This person’s inexperience shows that he thinks served by each retailer. shops. Visit each of the Tours, Philip’s Salon, Red M we have to do it all. Most of us will simply settle Maps will be available at all shops on the card, have your Design Studio, Shake The for a decent economic recovery and secure nation of the shops listed below passport stamped, and you Tree, Twilight, The Velvet based on policies that will not bankrupt our leading up to and on the will be entered to win the Fly, The Wine Bottega, 1-800 future. night of the stroll. Enjoy the grand prize! Return your Flowers. Perhaps while she is at it Ms. Noonan could ask who in Congress has read and understands the separation of powers in our Constitution. Hint, it starts with “We the People.” Mayor Menino Announces Additional Kindergarten Classes in Charlestown and the North End O’English High, The Classes Will Help Meet a 10% Increase of Kindergarten Applications To accommodate the growing number of ing what they are seeing,” said Mayor O’English High families interested in the Boston Public Menino. “For more and more families the by Sal Giarratani Schools, Mayor Thomas M. Menino and Su- Boston Public Schools is no longer a fall-back perintendent Carol R. Johnson announced but a first choice option.” As a proud graduate of English High School back in 1966, today that kindergarten seats will be added Although Mayor Menino welcomed the two I know that English High is the oldest public high school in in the North End and Charlestown neigh- additional classes in neighborhoods where America. There will be an All Class Reunion Banquet cel- borhoods. This September, the Eliot K-8 there are more kindergarten-aged students ebrating the 186-year-old school’s legacy on October 29, school in the North End will open a new in- than seats, he acknowledged that this was 2009. We’re looking for English High alumni. Get in touch tegrated K-2 class, serving five-year-old stu- not enough to meet the growing demand and with the Alumni Association and get into the data base. dents with and without disabilities; and in school officials are exploring additional sites For more information visit, www.bostonenglishalumni.org. Charlestown, the Harvard-Kent Elementary and options to increase access to kinder- School will add a new K-2 class. garten for Boston’s four and five year olds in This year, the Boston Public Schools saw the long term. a significant increase in the number of ap- “We are very encouraged that so many plicants for kindergarten seats with over parents in the North End, Charlestown and 10% more students applying for K-1 and K-2 other neighborhoods are discovering all that opportunities for September 2009. the Boston Public Schools have to offer their “We are heartened by the increased in- children,” said Superintendent Johnson. terest in the Boston Public Schools and ob- “These additional seats will help us move viously the economy does affect school families off of wait lists and into kindergar- choice but what we find is really driving the ten classrooms as soon as this fall to help demand for seats is that parents are taking these students get a great start to their pub- a good look at our schools and they are lik- lic education.” R.J. Antonelli and Company Incorporated Accountants and Auditors Send letter to: Pamela Donnaruma, Editor, Boston Business Journal Top 50 Firms – 2004/2005 The Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 Corporations • Trusts • Estates • Individuals • Computer Services • Financial Planning Buying and Selling Businesses • I.R.S. and D.O.R. Representation • Federal and State The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors are not necessarily the same as those of The Post-Gazette, its publisher or editor. Photo submis- 331 Montvale Avenue Rocco J. Antonelli, C.P.A. sions are accepted by the Post-Gazette provided they are clear, original photos. Citizens Bldg. @I-93 There is a $5 charge for each photo submitted. Photos can be submitted via 781-937-9300 e-mail: [email protected]. If you want your photos returned, include a self- Woburn, MA 01801 A addressed, stamped envelope. Since 1948 Page 4 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FinanciallySpeaking THINKING OUT LOUD with Ben Doherty by Sal Giarratani BANK LENDING KEEPS DROPPING Charlestown Values are in the People, Lending from the nation’s bids for Pepsi Bottling Group extreme stress. Analysts biggest banks have fallen and Pepsi America’s stock warn of unemployment Not Home Prices more than previously which values them at a rises, so will loan losses tied My grandfather used to remain proud of that and thought, despite government premium to setting price of to credit cards, and home call the place “CHAR-LES- every other experience I efforts to pump billions of 17% each. It is valuing equity mortgage loans. TOWN.” He arrived in found in Charlestown that dollars into the financial Pepsi Bottling at $6.4 billion Analyst Paul Miller from St. Mary’s Parish in 1906. helped me grow as a com- sector. According to new and Pepsi America’s at says, no bank is His name was Jimmy munity person. data, the biggest recipient of $2.9 billion. These offers are more exposed to the troubled Harrington from Bere Island One of the best things that taxpayer’s aid decreased very generous in a bear consumer than Bank of in West Cork. My grand- happened for Charlestown 23% in new loans in Febru- market as the companies America, which will need mother got here in 1904 with was the ending of the Main ary, the last reported data, will have trouble getting $72 billion in capital over her husband. She too settled Street El in 1974. Demolish- and equal to October, at this a higher price with a shaky the next two years, and in St. Mary’s Parish and was ing that ugly eyesore led to time they received the first stock market. Pepsi is being its charge offs are going to also from the same place a rebirth of Main Street out TARP funds. Banks are lend- squeezed by changes in get worse than anyone is in West Cork. She had twins of the shadows after three- ing less and this shows the consumer habits, as soft anticipating. in 1905 and then became quarters of a century. Every severity of the decline. drink sales sank 3% last Computer trading has a widow shortly after the time I pass the branch Banks lack of lending and year, the fourth annual had violent swings trading. twin births. She met my library, I think of the old more spending on bonuses decline in a row. Pepsi has Unexpected government aid grandfather and they were Thompson Square Theater. and perks reinforce evi- water, juice and other for bond markets has married in 1907. My mother What a grand old movie dence that the banks lack of drinks. In 1999, PepsiCo sold reached havoc on trend fol- grew up in a large Callahan- palace that was. I can still lending has provoked the an initial public offering of lowers. Choppy moves in Harrington brew. remember sitting in a seat skepticism about revitaliz- PBG, the world’s largest commodities have whip- My grandfather first watching as Moses a.k.a. ing the banking system and stock on the NYSE. PepsiCo sawed the trend followers. In worked at Revere Sugar on Charlton Heston spread new plans to unfreeze credit and Pepsi Bottling Company a few months most have lost Medford Street and then at open his arms as the Red markets end support bank have been closely inter- all of the gains they made Schrafts in Sullivan Square. Sea parted. I’ve seen that balance sheets. President twined since, as Pepsi owns last year. The funds that He had also been a long- movie on TV several times Obama said that for the U.S., 31% of its stock and two of use computers to track spot shoreman. My mother’s older since but it’s never the banks receiving bailout its directors sit on its board. market trends were down brother Jimmy Callahan, same as on a big screen money that he would not put This move will put more 1.6% after rising 10% on one of those 1905 twins movie theater. I remember more money into a “black pressure on Coke. PepsiCo average last year. worked down at the potato the old First National near hole.” The Treasury has said America has a share holder Jobless rate climbs in 46 sheds for years at F.J. Ward’s. it where my father bought that 19 financial institu- agreement that states that states with at Then, he bought out the busi- his cheap Lucky Strikes. I tions made or refinanced any buyback by Pepsi that 11.2%. California and North ness but he kept the name. remember where I was on $2.63 billion of loans in would put the company over Carolina in March posted My mother was a twin too. High Street when Neil October and $174 billion in 49% of the common stock their highest jobless rate in I grew up in Roxbury and Armstrong did his one small February; of the 19 banks, must have the approval of three decades as unemploy- the South End but Charles- step for man, one giant leap one of the banks, JP Morgan a majority of shareholders ment increased in all but town remained a central part for mankind. fell the most from October and non-affiliated directors. four or five states during the of my family’s boyhood life. I’ve been out of Charles- to February, its loan volume Pepsi Americas largest month. At least 12 states We were always back in town 25 years now but not fell 35% from $62 million to shareholder is Mr. Pohland posted unemployment rates Charlestown. Either visiting really so. I continue to re- $39 million. with 10% of this stock un- that were significantly my Uncle Jim and carrying turn over and over again. Mr. Paul Volcker, who led der the agreement, specifies higher than the 8.5% the home free potatoes on the Still feel tied to this neigh- the Fed in the 1980s, ques- that Pohland’s stock can- government reported last elevated trains or visiting borhood. Still defend it from tioned Donald Kohn’s over not be used, to enter an week. The chief economist my mother’s old friends on criticism. Still have my the Feds effort to control the agreement that would en- of California, Harold Roth, Devens Street. Every June Charlestown look and ac- inflation rate. They are look- able the company to pass the said the rate has not been on the seventeenth, we cent. Still have a post office ing at 2% projection in the threshold of 49%. this high since reaching were at the Bunker Hill Day box there. Still on a first longer term. Inflation has First quarter results from 11.7% in March, 1941. The Parade. My grandfather lived name basis with most of the been running less than , and Wells highest level on record is above the old McCarthy’s Bar old town folks. I guess my that, but they expect to pre- Fargo, and JP Morgan Chase 14.7% in October 1940, he on Main Street but his favor- mother’s DNA was passed on vent deflation (or falling & Co., Inc., and said. California lost 62,300 ite bar was in the Rogan’s to me. I still think I’m a prices and rising inflation). Goldman Sachs Group sur- jobs in March with Florida Hall building in City Square. Harrington too. Only with PepsiCo bids $6 billion for prised the street with $5.3 next at 51,900 and at I called Charlestown home good Sicilian hair. its two bottlers a major strat- billion in quarterly earn- 47,100. The housing market starting in 1968 on Pearl Charlestown has changed egy shift that signals the ings. Analysts say “one good crisis led to major losses in Street and left Charlestown much since my grand- company’s intention to over- quarter doesn’t mean safety” the construction and fi- in 1984 from Winthrop. In mother arrived in 1904, haul how it distributes and in fact the industries’ ex- nance industries. March between I wrote commen- much since my mother develops its products to con- pansion, deregulations and losses were about half the taries for the old Patriot, I got passed in 1992, much since sumers. The simultaneous consolidations at a time of 114,000 jobs lost in Febru- elected to the Kennedy Cen- watching the Ten Command- ary, a sign that the pace ter Board, got elected to the ments” in 1956 and much of decline in California is Charlestown EDC, fought since moving out in 1984. easing. hurting forced busing and occupied However, what hasn’t from the car industry, re- a firehouse. My Grandpa changed is Charlestown Remember ported the highest rate at Harrington would have been holding itself together in the 12.6%. Oregon was second at proud of me. face of progress. Charles- Your Loved Ones 12.1% and South Carolina Before leaving Charles- town continues to be a home at 11.4%. Rates remain flat town in 1984, one of my last for families and children. A in Georgia, and acts was a number of the safe place to live. A place . town’s EDC where we helped unafraid to change. Life goes The dollar is under pres- create affordable townhouse on and people keep getting sure from the Euro and Yen. condominiums on Main born and dying here. It’s The Post-Gazette The Euro could fall to $1.25 Street just as the gentri- called living your life inside is offering our readers dollar from $1.35. Last fication was beginning. I one tiny square mile. week’s best performance an opportunity to remember was the Japanese yen and their loved ones by placing a “Memoriam” in our the Canadian dollar The Boston Harborside Home Memorial Day Issue. 10-year U.S. Treasury is yielding 2.93% and the Sizes you may choose from are 2-year at .964%. Joseph A. Langone 1inch high x 4 inches wide $20.00 It’s time to call your or financial advisor or call me 580 Commercial St. - Boston, MA 02109 at 617-261-7777. 617-536-4110 2 inches high x 4 inches wide $40.00 www.bostonharborsidehome.com Larger Memoriam can have a photo if e-mailed Joseph F. Allen Trevor Slauenwhite To remember your loved ones Small Ads Frederick J. Wobrock Dino Manca you may send your memorial lines and contact information to the Get Big Post-Gazette P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 Results (Make check payable to “Post-Gazette”) For more information call A Service Family Afiliate of AFFS/Service Corporation International 617-227-8929 492 Rock St., Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone 508-676-2454 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 Page 5

• Paul Revere (Continued from Page 1) Post-Gazette Writer Speaks at North End Branch Public Library

On Saturday, April 18, 2009, was the first of Mary DiZazzo Trumbull’s “You Look Marvel- ous” talks at the North End Branch Library. This one was about nail care and she answered the audience’s ques- tions about how to Mary DiZazzo Trumbull choose a nail salon, how to strengthen and grow nails, and how to care for your nails at home. The next free talk, on hair care and make-up, will be May 2nd. Skin care and The Minutemen march down Hanover Street during the Patriot’s Day Parade. eyebrows will be the topic on May 16th. The talks are free and open to all. Come with your questions or just show up to listen. Mary writes the All That Zazz beauty culture column for the Post-Gazette. She is the third generation cosmetologist in her family, starting with her grand- mother Mary Catalano, who emigrated from Catania, in Sicily, in 1917 and operated beauty shops in Mas- sachusetts and Florida. Mary’s husband, David Trumbull who attended the talk is also a Post-Gazette writer who covers politics and current events in his Res Publica column.

LTC Richard Reale, Jr. as Paul Revere and the Ralph D’Amato with VFW Post #144 Past Commander Lancers get ready to begin Christian Kulikoski, Mayor of Boston Thomas Menino the long journey to Lexing- with Fr. Norbert D’Amato pay respect to the fallen ton, Massachusetts. veteran’s during a memorial ceremony on Patriot’s Day Burlington Sons of Presents in Boston’s North End. Dr. Maria Lombardo On Monday, April 27th, at the Burlington Public Library, 22 Sears Street, Burlington, Massachusetts and the Burlington Sons of Italy are pleased to present Dr. Maria Lombardo of UMASS Boston. Dr. Lom-bardo will speak on “Italy and the Holocaust: The Calabria Connection”. The presentation will begin at 6:45 P.M. Admission is free to all and refreshments will be served following the presentation. For more information, call 781-270-1690.

Designs By Meghan Leigh Hand made Sterling Silver, Swarovski Crystal & Beaded Jewelry

Keri Ciccolo Co-Owner/Designer [email protected] The Ancient and Honorable Artillery with members of the ROTC place a memorial wreath in the Prado Park, North End with Boston Mayor Thomas Menino to salute the Custom orders for fallen veterans of war. any event welcome! 617.605.9013 Calling All Cooks and Bakers! The West End Community your uncle’s curry? Just @gmail.com) at the West Center will be hosting an want to share your cousin’s End Community Center and International Bake Sale dumpling recipe? let her know you’d like to LUCIA Saturday, May 2nd, from 1pm How You Can Help: It’s volunteer for this event. to 4pm. easy. Just let us know you’d Then get out the pots and R I S T O R A N T E & B A R We need you to cook up like to be involved and we’ll pans and start cooking! Traditional your most delicious recipes make sure you have table For further information on and help us raise money for space at the bake sale. the West End Community Italian Cuisine future classes and programs What to Do: Send an email Center visit their website at What We Need: Delicious to Anandini (anandini77 www.westendcommunitycenter.com Donato Frattaroli Food! Let your inner chef out and bring us those treats you LAW OFFICES OF 415 Hanover Street, Boston, MA 02113 love to make. Items that can be cut and sold in pieces are 617.367.2353 ideal, but we welcome your FRANK J. CIANO creativity! We are also hop- GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW — Open for Lunch and Dinner Daily — ing to really show off the in- ternational “flavor” of our DIVORCE • WILLS • ESTATE PLANNING • TRUSTS Private dining rooms for any occasion community so we encourage CRIMINAL • PERSONAL INJURY • WORKERS COMP. you to bring along any sto- 617-354-9400 [email protected] ries or history about the dish you are making. Got a story Si Parla Italiano www.luciaboston.com behind your Grandmother’s 230 MSGR. O’BRIEN HIGHWAY • CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02141 tarts? A secret ingredient in Page 6 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009

SPECIAL REPORT ALL THAT ZAZZ OneUnited Bank, Did it Go MIA by Mary N. DiZazzo on the Community Reinvestment Act? by Sal Giarratani I have always been an op- from the bank bailout fund. minority communities, As if beholding a slumbering angel, the prince could not ponent of the Community When OneUnited Bank made OneUnited Bank didn’t do turn away his gaze. The power of her beauty was such that Reinvestment Act passed by its pitch for bailout money, likewise. he immediately bent over and kissed her delicate lips. Once Congress several years ago. the bank’s chief counsel Professor of economics hundred years after she pricked her finger, the princess opened Liberals like U.S. Represen- Robert Cooper said in a James Carripen at the Uni- her eyes. tative pushed September 6 letter to the versity of Massachusetts — from The Tale of Sleeping Beauty this law to help the so-called U.S. Treasury, “Unlike ma- who studied mortgage lend- Ciao bella, underserved, under banked jority banks, which princi- ing in city neighborhoods Beauty rest — do we get edged the apparent benefits and underprivileged. The pally focus on profit, the called the lack of home lend- enough? Maybe a nap in the of napping. idea by liberal lawmakers expressed mission of minor- ing by OneUnited “a shame.” workplace will do. Since two- Put your head in your hand was to require banks in mi- ity banks is to promote He stated, “If they were a thirds of Americans don’t get and pretend you’re reading. nority communities to lend these under banked, under- full-service bank committed enough sleep, it is important Napping in your car is also money to folks from those privileged communities.” It to local neighborhood needs, to refresh yourself with a an alternative. communities who wanted to sounded real good but the part of that would be provid- snooze. According to Dr. James buy homes. At risk folks apparent reality according to ing mortgages.” Ever notice when you Wyatt of St. Luke’s Medical should be given an opportu- a regulatory report shows, in Is it time for Congress to first wake from a night’s Center in Chicago, “weekday nity to own their own homes 2005 and 2006, the bank take a second look at the sleep that your complexion naps should be kept under a seemed to be the logic be- made only nine home mort- Community Reinvestment and skin tone just look so half an hour.” hind it. People who should gages in Massachusetts and Act to see what role it played rested? Recent studies by A longer nap lasting 45 never have qualified for in 2007 made only three be- in today’s mortgage crisis napping advocates have minutes is an ideal after- mortgages got them because tween its markets in Bos- where people are now being proven the benefits of a noon refresher but the banks were forced to do so for ton, Los Angeles, and Miami. foreclosed in record num- power nap. napper will likely enter deep the good of the community. According to a Boston Globe bers. How many of these They claim by experi- sleep and wake up feeling However, it appears that report (April 15), the bank’s homeowners never should menting with sleep depriva- groggy and disoriented. OneUnited Bank sought Chief Executive Kevin Cohee has received a mortgage in tion “a positive change in More than two hours is a stimulus cash from Congress said, “If we had participated the first place? When people productivity and attitude can complete sleep cycle. last Fall and pleaded for help in inner city house lending were allowed to get in over be worthwhile improve- Daytime napping is an art with millions of dollars in … we would have been out their heads thanks to an Act ments from just a quick form with significant value. bad investments. With the of business. Apparently, of Congress, who is to blame snooze.” Sogni d’oro! help of U.S. Representatives while other bigger banks when the bills are due? Do Now this doesn’t mean a — Mary N. Barney “to the rescue” Frank were required to use the we blame the victims? siesta. Here are some hints DiZazzo-Trumbull and , the Community Reinvestment Maybe! Do we blame the poli- for us sleep deprived. Read prior weeks’ “All That bank received $12 million Act by lending money in ticians? YES! YES! YES! Napping is in many as- Zazz” columns at www.mary pects better than having a 4nails.com. Mary is a third- cup of coffee. generation cosmetologist and The Get-Away Napping should only be a Massachusetts distributor of done during a break or Kosmea brand rose hip oil by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari lunch. products. She may be con- Even dyed-in-the-wool, life- It is when you turn onto you to do nothing outdoors. There are some compa- tacted at (978) 470-8183 or long city dwellers, every so Route 89 in New Hampshire Generally we reserve rooms nies that have acknowl- [email protected] often, have to get away from that you finally feel Boston that step out into the garden. the brick and asphalt. There slip away; we celebrate the There are low hanging eves comes that time when you moment by popping “Staying that allow you to sit outside have to decompress, when Alive” by the Bee Gee’s protected from the drizzle on the stress of life in the into the cassette player. It those special misty morn- SPRING modern city begins to wear was popular when we first ings in Stowe. The scent of on you and you know it’s discovered Vermont and the forest surrounds you Leaf & Yard Waste time to escape. Tel-tale never fails to stir old memo- and the only sound is that signs are when that walk ries. Crossing into Vermont of drops of water slipping in the Public Garden or at White River Junction we down from the eves onto the Collection Columbus Park just won’t switch to Vivaldi’s Four patio. Time to begin that Boston Public Works will collect and compost residents’ yard waste do or when you simply feel Seasons which seems to novel you have been too edgy and can’t seem to lose be in perfect harmony with busy to read or simply sit the feeling. the natural beauty of Ver- and let nature rejuvenate Five weeks: April 27 - May 30 on your For us, that time of year mont. We enter Stowe with you. There is little that you recycling day has always come in early Pacobel’s Cannon, calm and require other than a cup spring. We have gotten serene, it helps set the of coffee that comes to you Place leaves in large paper leaf bags or open through Easter and winter is mood for the weekend. If we with a call for room service. barrels marked “yard waste.” finally behind us. We are planned it well we will be There are many commit- For free “yard waste” stickers, call 617-635-4959 between commitments and there between seasons, that ments that await us on our (up to 2 stickers available per household). the coast is clear for a quick window of opportunity when return to Boston but for now get away to Vermont. We the skiers are leaving and the only concern is that your know the drill well, take the the late spring and summer coffee arrives hot and the Cut branches to 3’ maximum length old Saab to the dealer and visitors have yet to arrive. drizzle continues for a few and 1” maximum diameter. have it checked out, be cer- Our best stays in Vermont, more hours. Tie branches with string. tain to check the tire and oil when calm is what we’re pressure then over to the car seeking, have been in mud Place leaves and yard waste wash to have winter’s grime season when ground frost Can You Hear It? at the curb by 7am on your removed. Duffel bags are thaws creating muddy con- recycling day. taken out of storage and ditions that encourage you It’s the sound of NO PLASTIC BAGS packed, reservations con- to stay indoors and you do so Leaf and yard waste will not be firmed at our favorite hide without guilt. Ideally the “Rolling Thunder” collected during the two away in Stowe and within a weather will be damp with by Sal Giarratani weeks before the day we are on our way. drizzle further encouraging April 27 start date. The Massachusetts Chap- Please hold ter of the Rolling Thunder onto your Club is on the move. This leaves until h'REATER"OSTONS!FFORDABLE0RIVATE#EMETERYv veterans group is always on collection the move supporting veter- begins. ans and their families. The 4RADITIONAL"URIAL0LOT latest project is big and Roll- ing Thunder needs your 3TARTINGAT help. To build the GREAT MEMORIAL to honor all vet- !SKABOUTOUR.EW2EFERRAL0ROGRAM erans from past wars. Dona- tions are needed to build such a memorial. Please .OINTERESTlNANCINGAVAILABLE contact Dave Boudreau by phone at 617-504-2237 or e- mail at fairmountgroup@ yahoo.com. Donations can Thomas M. Menino, Mayor also be sent by snail mail to 1263 Hyde Park Avenue, Hyde Park, MA 02136. Make %RVWRQ   all checks payable to Massa- WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM 9EARSOF3ERVICE ZZZVWPLFKDHOFHPHWHU\FRP chusetts Memorial Fund. POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 Page 7

MY FAVORITE Says ... Poems and Quotes Freeway by Attorney David Saliba Even though I am only a red shirt just like the team. pooch I can’t pass up this Coach Dom is ready to get Governor Rod Blagojevick of Illinois when he opportunity to say congratu- this season underway. was accused of trying to sell the Senate seat va- lations to my friend Barbara Children ages 4-7 are wel- cated by President Obama went on TV on December Summa owner of La Summa come to participate. NEAA 19th and recited a portion of the famous poem, Ristorante in Boston, North will provide shirts, hats and “IF” by Rudyard Kipling. The poem was advice by End. To be honored by the NOW PANTS. All sessions Kipling to his son. 2009 Renaissance Lodge will be videotaped and pho- The Poem starts as follows: #2614 Installation Ball for tographed by D&S Video Pro- “If you can keep your head when all about you are the Legionnaire Award is ductions. If your interested losing theirs and blaming it on you. wonderful. She receives this pick up your registration If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but award not only as a member form at the Post-Gazette, make allowances for their doubting too ...” but also for her contributions 5 Prince Street, North End, The poem is full of advice for Kipling’s son and ends throughout the year and for Boston. You can bring your with the following: all she has done in her Coach Dom and Freeway registration fee to the Post- “Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it and community. I’ve to believe this article is done with Gazette. Coach Dom will be which is more — you’ll be a man my son.” Barbara has also contrib- honor that you are my glad to answer any questions I have a poem entitled “IF” for Girls. I don’t know uted to much more in her friend. you may have. Coach Dom who the author is. I like the poem because of the own personal ways than we season is here can be reached at 617-733- advice it gives to girls. Young girls are sometime will ever know. Barbara is and I am not talking about 1703. I’m looking forward to reckless. What you do when young lives with you not only a wonderful kind, the Red Sox. It’s the 2009 seeing all the kids this year the rest of your life. sincere individual she is North End Athetlic Associa- because we are going to have Pin this poem on your mirror. Live by its advice dearly loved by all in the tion’s (NEAA) Baseball Clinic FUN!!!! and your family will be proud of you. North End Community. and I am very much inter- That’s all for now ... Life is “IF” FOR GIRLS Good Luck Barbara and I ested in this league for the good when you have wonder- am proud to know you even simple reason I am the mas- ful friends and wonderful If you can be a girl and glory in it, if I am only a pooch. To write cot. I have a baseball cap and events to tell about. Because it is the place for you to fill, If you can be a lady every minute, Yet take all sporting chances with a will; East Boston Chamber Presents If you can hold your temper when you’re ruffled, And force a smile when frowns are hovering near, An Evening with GBCVB President Pat Moscaritolo Or keep the burning tongue of scandal muffled, By never telling anything you hear; On Thursday, May 14, Mr. Moscaritolo, a resident 2009, the East Boston of East Boston, will discuss If you can follow styles and wear them sweetly, Chamber of Commerce will the current conditions of But let now what you spend outweigh your brain, host a dinner event featur- Boston’s convention and If you can win some goal you’ve sought completely, ing special guest speaker, tourism industries, how Yet know that broader reaches still remain; Mr. Pat Moscaritolo, Presi- they may pertain to the If you can look on modern fads and notions dent and Chief Executive East Boston business com- And find them good, but never play the fool, Officer of the Greater Boston munity, and more, and will If you can understand all deep emotions Convention and Visitors also field questions from the And yet not put your life beneath their rule: Bureau. The dinner will audience. take place at Spinelli’s To reserve your seat, If you can wait with patience when it’s needful, Function Facility, 280 Ben- please contact the East Yet keep no person waiting for yourself, nington Street, East Boston, Boston Chamber at 617-569- And of all others’ troubles be most heedful, beginning at 6:00PM. Regis- 5000 ext. 221. Deadline for But hide your own sad stories on the shelf; tration will begin at 5:30PM. Pat Moscaritolo, President RSVP is Thursday, May 7. If you can work each day and still be plucky, The event is being spon- and CEO of the Greater For more info on the Or live in wealth and wear no haughty pride, sored by Spinelli’s Function Boston Convention and East Boston Chamber, visit Or if you can count yourself as mighty lucky Facility. Visitors Bureau. www.EastBostonChamber.com. To have a friend at all times by your side. If you can dream, yet sit not idly longing, Or play with ease, yet find some work to do, SSUFFOLK DOWN ® If you can still have faith when doubts are ringing, And be the friend you’d have one be to you; D99HNDJ»AAH>E If you can love with all the soul that’s in you And let the world no selfish motive see, If nothing less than what is best can win you — 6B>CI?JA:E +"& You’ll be the girl God meant for you to be!

Sunday Brunch at D99HNDJ»AA9G>C@>C

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“Ecco is a pleasant and comfortable place to linger over a beautifully presented meal that explores the savory side of casual dining, with comfortable prices. Overall, Ecco earns the Gold Plate.” – TV Diner Review “Take a look around, check out the colorful cocktails, the sleek furniture, the creative cuisine. So where are we? The Back Bay? Beacon Hill? Not even close. We’re at Ecco in East Boston … This neighborhood newcomer is wowing the crowds. – Phantom Gourmet Review Make your reservations for MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH and FATHER’S DAY BRUNCH DeZc^c\9VnViHj[[da`9dlch"HVijgYVn!BVn'C9 Serving Brunch from 10 am until 2 pm. LViX]VcYLV\ZgdcI]Z@ZcijX`n9ZgWn Open Daily from 4 pm - Midnight 8[mXeZ\nX^\i`e^fek_\;\iYp`jXmX`cXYc\fe=i`[Xp#B\eklZbpFXbj;Xp% 107 Porter Street, East Boston, MA >Xk\jfg\eXk('X%d%=`ijkgfjkk`d\`j(1(,g%d% for Reservations and Additional Information Please Call 617-561-1112 or www.eccoboston.com GdjiZ&6>c:Vhi7dhidc +&,"*+,"(.%% FREE PARKING DcI]Z7ajZA^cZ hj[[da`Ydlch#Xdb Page 8 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 St. Joseph Society Annual Dinner Damce

Anna May Porovecchio, Nancy Martorano, Marnie Martorano, Andrea Zangla and Josephine Fernandes.

Left to Right: St. Joseph Society Vice-Presidents Sal Paterna and James Martorano, State Representative Paul Donato and St. Joseph Society President Frank Mirisola.

The St. Joseph Society Frank Mirisola, Vice-Presi- Section 501 ©3 status. This of Boston’s North End held dents, Salvatore Paterna and allows the society to accept a very successful dinner James Martorano, Trea- tax-deductible contributions. dance on March 21st at surer, Barbra Vasile, Secre- Richard further mentioned Anthony’s Restaurant in tary, Andrea Zangla and that the society has given Malden, Massachusetts. Financial Secretary, Nancy more than $30,000 in 2008 The annual event is a Martorano. He also thanked to various charities. fundraiser for the St. Joseph the very generous support- He continued by speaking Feast in the North End. It ers and sponsors that made about the feast in July with also raises money for chari- the evening so successful. special additions including ties that the society supports Boston attorney, Richard a more traditional approach each year. Plenty of food, J. Vita, Chairman of the to the procession to mirror dancing and entertainment 2009 annual St. Joseph the processions held in Italy. by Richard Vita made the Feast announced at the Plans are underway to have night a big success! Michael event that the 2008 year was members dress in traditional Martorano, MC for the eve- one of the most successful Sicilian-garb, similar to ning gave special thanks to years and they intend to con- that in Riesi, Sicily, where Chairperson Marnie Martor- tinue this fine tradition by St. Joseph is the patron ano and the committee for keeping the momentum go- saint. The society also plans St. Joseph’s Sergeant-at-Arms James Fratto with all their hard work along ing. The society was recently on hosting another evening Josephine Fernandes at the raffle drum and Joe with the 2009 St. Joseph’s granted I.R.S approval as a show in the Prado which was Martorano. board and officers, President, non-profit corporation under so well received last year.

Franco Mirisola, St. Joseph Society President Frank Mirisola and Tom Colbert.

Seated, Left to Right: Kimberly Vita, Bobbi Negron, Gerri Brown, General Manager of Faneuil Hall Market Place; Richard Vita and Teresa DaVeiga. Standing, Left to Right: Jennifer Vita, Katelyn Vita, Jake Laub and Kristen Vita. For You and You and You by Judean Langone I need to be encapsulated caught and held $$ Quick Cash $$ In the arms of Grace!! Bring in your old or unwanted jewelry I need to walk with an easygoing stride BROKEN GOLD, COINS, DIAMONDS, ETC. upon God’s “Good Earth”. in exchange for cash or trade to buy I need to talk with the taste of tenderness something new. in my mouth. Mention this ad and receive a Watch Battery for $1.99 I need my hands, to touch like butterfly wings! East Boston Diamond I need to see beyond seeing and Gold Exchange so that I may tell those who come to my path, 378 Chelsea Street - East Boston, MA 02128 that yes The Lord is Risen and Father Rizzo and member Yes, He is with us even now!! 617-567-GOLD (4653) of St. Joseph Society Michael Martorano. POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 Page 9 The Socially Set by Hilda M. Morrill

Max Warburg Courage Curriculum founding trustee Stephanie Warburg, right, welcomes Stacey Lucchino to the “Celebrating Courage” Mandarin Oriental’s Susanne Hatje and Max Max Warburg Courage Curriculum trustee benefit at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Warburg Courage Curriculum’s Kevin Phelan. Joan Bennett Kennedy, left, and Lisa Clark. (Photo by Roger Farrington) (Photo by Roger Farrington) (Photo by Roger Farrington)

The Mandarin Oriental Curriculum by bidding on supporting an annual essay chestra seats at the Boston at 617-598-3226 or email Hotel was recently the silent auction items, rang- publication. Opera House opening night [email protected]. venue for “Celebrating Cour- ing from a week’s stay at the The Max Warburg Courage performance of the Alvin ……. The “First Annual age,” a benefit for The Mandarin Oriental Chiang Curriculum is celebrating Ailey American Dance The- Spring Stroll” through the Max Warburg Courage Cur- Mai, where the Courage its eighteenth year working ater, featuring a live perfor- North End’s boutiques, riculum (MWCC). Suzanne Curriculum is being taught with Boston’s public, pri- mance of a new work com- galleries and design Studios Bloomberg and Katie at the city’s Prince Royal’s vate, parochial and charter missioned for AAADT’s 50th takes place on Friday, Schuller Bleakie were co- College, to opportunities to schools and is proud to also Anniversary. May 1 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. chairs of the festive event. “adopt” sixth and ninth grade partner with schools beyond Following the performance, We are invited to explore Approximately 200 guests classrooms, providing stu- the city. there’s an exclusive “Stand- and enjoy visiting participat- helped raise funds for the dents with novels, and The Curriculum honors ing O! Dance Party” with ing retailers during the the life of Max Warburg, a members of the Ailey stroll, a great opportunity to courageous 11-year-old who Company. shop locally, and support the died of leukemia in 1991. Proceeds benefit the area’s small businesses. Max’s ability to continue to Celebrity Series Arts, Edu- Validated parking will be enjoy life and his unwaver- cation and Community Pro- available at selected loca- ing optimism in the face of gram on stages and in class- tions. Refreshments will be a deadly disease were an rooms throughout Greater served. inspiration to all who knew Boston. For more informa- him. tion, call Susannah Plaster (Continued on Page 13) Feeling that their son’s story would resonate with other children his age, Stephanie and Jonathan Warburg worked with the Boston Public Schools, a team of doctoral students from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and educators from across the country to develop The Max Warburg Courage Curricu- lum. For more information Left to right: Northeastern University’s Robert Gittens, about the non-profit organi- Larry DiCara and Dr. Teresa Spillane at the “Celebrating zation and its upcoming Courage” benefit. programs, visit www.max (Photo by Roger Farrington) courage.org. ……. The third annual Ce- lebrity Series of Boston “Standing O! Gala Celebra- Mattéo Gallo tion” takes place this coming Tuesday, April 28 at the Ritz- Carlton Boston Common. o Appraisals In addition to a Gala Dinner & Auction at the Sales & Rentals hotel, guests get to enjoy or- • DIAMONDS Real Estate ROLEX ESTATE JEWELRY 376 North Street • Boston, MA 02113 Bought & Sold (617) 523-2100 • Fax (617) 523-3530 Jewelers Exch. Bldg. Jim (617) 263-7766 Page 10 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 Bob D ’s B eat by Bob DeCristoforo NEAD ‘AIN’T MIS BEHAVING’ Special ‘Thanks’ to our friends at the CitiCenter Young in Arts program, in are further enhanced with particular to Ruth Mercardo- the efforts of guest vocalists Zizzo, for the tickets to ‘Ain’t Sabina Sciubba and Miho Mis Behaving’ production at Hatori. Super CD! the newly renovated Strand Theater in Dorchester. RON WHITE — Patricia Romano and NEAD BEHAVORIAL PROBLEMS Board member Laurie D’Elia (CD) accompanied our young Capitol Nashville adults to the show on the Comedian Ron “Tater Saturday of Easter weekend. Salad” White taped his third It was an enjoyable time and one hour special Behavioral continues one of the very Problems in , WA. important missions of NEAD North Enders Tim Thompson and Patrick Thompson at KEITH URBAN — White’s third solo comedy in introducing our young Frozen Four DEFYING GRAVITY (CD) album debuted on tele- people to theater and the ton Shines ‘Spring Cleanup’ North Ender Mike LoPriorie Capitol Nashville vision’s Comedy Central, arts. The CitiCenter Young Day. Join your neighbors, ... only an 8th grader! Australian Keith Urban and follows the success of in Arts program has always and many of our fine commu- Members of the Charles- and his wife Nicole Kidman his gold-certified album been a big part of the NEAD nity groups as we get out the town High Special Olympics recently celebrated the birth Drunk In Public and You Family, and we will be team- brooms, and help sweep Floor Hockey Team received of their child, Sunday Rose. Can’t Fix Stupid. For over one ing up, once again, along away the winter. Don’t for- their well deserved awards, Urban created additional hour White touches on a with the Nazzaro Center, for get this is where we live. and especially enjoyed their excitement with the re- multitude of subjects that another exciting program Meeting place: The Prado Chinese dinner on the lease of his latest album, include, heated toilet seats this summer. 9:00 a.m. Call 617-635-3485 Friday before April vacation Defying Gravity. The success in his hotel, the tragedy of NEAA BASEBALL for more information. week. Once again these of his hit single “Sweet ‘shaken baby syndrome,’ his OPENING DAY COSTA SCHOLARSHIP kids taught us what sports is Thing” set the pace for an family trip to Europe, and The North End Athletic Applications for the 2009 really all about. exciting album of eleven pledges his allegiance on Association Baseball League NEAD Michelina and Ray- JACKIE ROBINSON DAY tracks. In addition to his “I Love This Country,” “UFO gets underway on Satur- mond Scholarships for the Baseball celebrated Jackie ‘hit’ are ten cuts, including Tour” and “To The Troops.” day, April 25th. All teams will 2009-2010 school year will Robinson Day on April 15th. his new single “Kiss A Girl.” For 29 hilarious discussions, be in action at the Dom be available at the Nazzaro Major League players wore Urban developments have, White relates his great Campochiaro Baseball Dia- Center, beginning Monday, Number 42 to honor and “If Ever I Could Love,” the lost ideas, touching on the single mond at the Joe Sacco Field, April 27th. Completed appli- remember the man, who love of “‘Til Summer Comes thought of monogamy, and as part of the ‘Triple Header’. cations must be submitted broke the color barrier in Around,” proclaiming uncon- stands up solid to explain his A Family Barbecue will follow by May 8, 2009. We have baseball 62 years ago. In ditional love via “My Heart Is pedicure appointment. It’s the baseball action. Sched- $4,500 to date for this year’s 1997 Major League Base- Open,” and the confidence of White’s down to earth men- ule: 11:00 a.m. San Antonio scholarships, and we will ball officially retired the “Hit the Ground Runnin’.” tality that allows so many to Red Sox vs. Regional Review be presenting a MINIMUM of number 42. Urban’s exquisite guitar identify with his humor. Cubs. 1:30 p.m. St. Agrippina six scholarships, two for col- SPRING FOOTBALL AT BC work adds to each song, in- Nothing hidden, what you Cardinals vs. Knights of lege, two for high school/prep If you are looking for some- cluding the pretty “Only You hear is what you get. His Columbus Giants. 4:00 p.m. school, and two for K-8. Any- thing to do this Saturday, Can Love Me This Way,” the favorite subject comes up Tomasone Club Tigers vs. one wishing to donate to the April 25, head over to Boston heart-throbbing “Standing on “All Things Scotch” and North End Against Drugs scholarship should contact College for their Spring Foot- Right In Front of You,” count- ‘Take Me To The Liquor Indians. Bob DeCristoforo or any NEAD ball game, which begins at ing the minutes with “Why’s Store,” moving on to his ...ING IN CANCUN, Board Member as soon as 1pm. Admission is FREE, and It Feel So Long,” the uncer- explanation of “Secret Plea- AGAIN! possible. there will also be allot of tainty of “I’m In,” and a finale sure Zone,” then explains for This week I’m spending my SEA SAFARI family things to do before the that smacks of a message to all of us the advantages and vacation in Cancun once Save the Harbor Save the game. If you do go be sure to Nicole, titled “Thank You.” disadvantages of “Piercing,” again. I’ve been here many Bay took a great group of look around this beautiful Keith Urban is popular, and finally spacing out via “NASA times, and it still is a great North End families into campus, and understand not just in Country music! Research.” After listening place. It also brings back the Harbor, and around the what college is all about. Don’t miss Keith Urban to Ron White it is easy to some great memories of the Bay for the Annual Mammal COLLEGE BOARD appearing with Taylor Swift hear why he has sold over fun and friendships many of Sea Safari in Boston Harbor. BU Hockey Coach Jack at the TD Banknorth Garden ten million CD and DVD us enjoyed in the past. It’s This has now become an Parker was named AHCA on July 31st! units, had a book that ap- hot here, and hopefully the annual rite of Spring, and National Hockey Coach of the peared on weather will follow me back once again we were all Year, and the entire team FEDERICO AUBELE — Best Seller list, along with home. amazed at what was seen ... was ‘Saluted’ at the AMATORIA (CD) having earned two Grammy BIG APPLE CIRCUS seals and whales among the Canadiens/Bruins Hockey ESL Music nominations. He is one very Thanks to our friends sights! It was an education Stanley Cup Playoff Game 1 Federico Aubele is a funny man! at the Children’s Museum in itself. The trip was coordi- at the Garden. Buenos Aires-born song- and Mayor Tom Menino, nated by North End Against BU Senior Hockey Captain writer and guitarist who TWILIGHT — NEAD was able to host two Drugs. Defenseman Matt Gilroy was possesses vocals that are SOUNDTRACK (CD) Family Nights at the Big MAYOR’S COFFEE HOUR named recipient of the 29th overwhelmingly sensual, Atlantic Apple Circus, which contin- Mayor Menino’s Annual Hobey Baker Award. and his delicate guitar work. Twilight is a motion pic- ues through May 4 at City Mother’s Day Coffee Hour will Northeastern Hockey Star Aubele’s new album Amatoria ture that has created lots Hall Plaza. It was fun for all take place at Christopher Missy Elumba was named is an eleven-song collection of controversy and interest. under the Big Top. It’s a great Columbus Park on Wednes- recipient of the Hockey that is versed both in Span- Aside from the vampire as- event for kids of all ages. day, April 29th at 9:30 a.m. It’s Humanitarian Award. ish erotic poetry and inti- pect, has come a soundtrack BOSTON SHINES a good time to say hello to the Northeastern defeated macy. It’s not so much the chock full of diverse music. We all know that Boston boss! UMASS 5-3 to win the 20th lyrical content as it is the The group Paramore wrote Shines, but on Saturday, HIGH SCHOOL PREP Annual Beanpot Baseball feeling of his music. Check two new songs specifically for April 25th, we’re going to NOTEBOOK Championship at Fenway out cuts as the marriage of the Twilight movie sound- make it even shinier! It’s On the Varsity Baseball Park. Boston College won the “Luna Y Sol,” the romantic track, the powerful “Decode,” the day for the Annual Bos- team at Latin Academy consolation game 9-5. “Suena Mi Guitarra,” the along with an acoustic ver- TIDBITS swaying tango “Otra Vez,” sion, and the intrigue of - Happy 150th Anniversary the haunting “Te Quiero a “I Caught Myself.” Additional Have a professional represent to St. Francis de Sales Ti,” the bolero-flavored “Este offerings have, “Super-mas- you and your claim against Church in Charlestown. Amor” sung with his wife sive Black Hole” (Muse), - Special “Thank You” to all, Natalia,” and the straight- “Leave Out All the Rest” the Insurance Company who made the Annual NEAD forward Mexican-style bolero (Linkin Park), a Twilight Mix Easter Party a success. “Hermosa.” Aubele covers of “Spotlight” (Mutemath), Richard Settipane - Celeb Sightings: North all of love’s traits, the ro- “Tremble for My Beloved” PUBLIC INSURANCE ADJUSTER Enders Jim Thompson and mance; the breakups, break- (Collective Soul). Blue Foun- Patrick Thompson at the Fro- downs, and bittersweet mo- dation contributed “Eyes FIRE - BURGLARY - FLOOD zen Four in DC, ments, leaving no stone on Fire,” trailed by “Never Chris Periera, Andretti, and unturned. The tender “Del Think” (Rob Pattinson), And All Other Losses Pertaining to Chris Scimeca, Paul Luongo, Ayer” sets the pace for “Flightless Bird, American Your Home or Business. Mike LoPriore, and young the second half, following Mouth” (Iron & Wine), and One Longfellow Place - Suite 2322 Mr. Amoroso at the Bruins/ with, “Siempre Nuevo,” the from Carter Burwell “Bella’s Boston, Massachusetts 02114 Canadiens Playoff game, swaying “Riendo Asi,” the Lullaby.” Bonus cuts have Mass College of Pharmacy taste of a powerful first kiss “Love is Worth the Fall” from 24 Hour Service freshman Aurora Verrocchi, on “El Sabor,” and brings O.A.R., along with a handful (617) 523-3456 and her brother Nick it all to an end with the of various mixes. Music that FAX (617) 723-9212 Verrocchi. soft sound of “Tan Cerca.” will take a bite out of your SMILE! Aubele’s guitar and voice life! POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 Page 11

This is Monteverdi’s final opera that evening. For more information call light work and committment. Find out was first performed at the Teatro Duane at: 617-416-0718. more at the library on Friday morn- Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice in ing, April 3 and 17 at 10am. 1642 and its theme is the abuse of CHARLES RIVER SITE NOW power, the strength of lust and the Cambridge, MA triumph of love. For tickets, please WEEKEND ON THE CHARLES – ART PLAYING call: 617-661-1812 or visit: combines the Charles River Earth Day www.bemf.org. Clean-up on Saturday, April 25, 2009 PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM and the Run of the Charles on Sun- East India Square, Salem, MA NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY day, April 26, 2009. For information MAHJONG: Contemporary Chi- UPTOWN & DOWNTOWN OF MUSIC, JORDAN HALL please call: 508-698-6810 or email: nese Art from the Sigg Collection 30 Gainsborough St., Boston MA [email protected]. Now through May 17, 2009. This is an PATTI LABELLE IN SINGING exhibition of 100 works from the famed FOR A CURE™ - June 20, 2009 7PM- DIBURRO’S Uli Sigg Collection. It encompasses a 10PM. Singing for a Cure™ begins with 887 Boston Road, Ward Hill range of media, paintings, drawings, two very special performances. The Haverhill, MA photographs and video installations. night begins with Boston’s Rock & Roll MOTHER’S DAY BLOW-OUT – POLAR ATTRACTIONS – Now royalty, Ernie & the Automatics, led Sunday, May 10th starting at 3:00 PM through June 7, 2009. The Arctic and by car czar-by-day/rocker-by-night, with a cocktail hour. This is a Mother’s Antarctic inspired contemporary art- Ernie Boch Jr. The six current mem- Day show featuring the music of Frank ists to capture the expansive panora- bers of the band have sold a combined Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy mas, sculptural ice formations and 30 million records worldwide and boast Davis Jr. For more information and resilient life thriving at the ends of two former original members of the tickets, call: 888-224-4272. the earth. This exhibit encourages multi-platinum selling band Boston, families to experience the Polar Re- Barry Goudreau on guitar and Sib MUSEUM OF SCIENCE gions through artwork and activities Hashian on drums. Singing for a Science Park, Boston, MA For more info., call 866-745-1876 or Cure™ continues with Elliott Yamin, FRIDAY EVENING STARGAZING visit www.pem.org. who rose to fame with his inspiring AT THE GILLILAND OBSERVA- performances on the fifth season of TORY – Every Friday from 8:30 - PEABODY MUSEUM OF American Idol. Diagnosed with type 1 10:00 PM – FREE – Enjoy the Museum’s ARCHAEOLOGY diabetes at an early age, he has re- rooftop observatory equipped with a 11 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA fused to let the disease stand in the computer-controlled 12-inch Meade A GOOD TYPE – TOURISM AND way of his dreams. For more informa- LX200 telescope – you’ll be amazed SCIENCE IN EARLY JAPANESE tion log onto www.joslin.org/ and astounded by it all. Call 617-723- PHOTOGRAPHS – Ongoing. This ex- Giving_to_Joslin_Calendar.asp or call 2500 or visit: www.mos.org. hibition presents 46 compelling im- 617-732-2531. For tickets call 617-585- ages of Japanese photographic prints. 1260 or visit the box office. ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER For tickets call: 617-496-1027 or visit MUSEUM www.peabody.harvard.edu. AGGANIS ARENA 280 The Fenway, Boston, MA DIGGING VERITAS: THE 925 Commonwealth Avenue AFTER HOURS – Every third Thurs- ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORY OF Boston, MA day of each month from 5:00-9:00 PM. THE INDIAN COLLEGE AND IL DIVO - Thursday, May 14, After Hours is art, music, cocktails, STUDENT LIFE AT COLONIAL 2009 at 7:30 PM. The world’s most contemporary performances, gallery HARVARD – Now through January popular operatic quartet, Il Divo, has explorations and more. For more in- 2010. Through archaeological finds returned with its richest, most dy- formation please call: 617-278-5156 from Harvard Yard, historical docu- namic and diverse album yet, “The or visit: www.gardnermuseum.org. ments and more, this exhibition Promise.” Legendary for two sold out shows how today’s Harvard student world tours performed before over 1.5 GARDEN IN THE WOODS can make sense of student life as it million people in thirty countries, Il Framingham, MA was in Colonial Harvard. Divo is taking flight once again on a EARTH DAY FESTIVAL – April 25, AVENUE PATRICE LUMUMBA: 2009 World Tour that is sure to be 2009. Celebrate the earth at Garden PHOTOGRAPHS BY GUY TILLIMAN the concert event of the year. in the Woods in Framingham! Free – April 29th through September 8, EARTH, WIND AND FIRE & admission, tours, slide shows and 2009. Guy’s large photographs reveal CHICAGO - June 16, 2009 at 7:30 PM. family activities including live animal the decay and detritus of colonialism To this day, Earth, Wind & Fire shows and nature demonstrations. in Western and South Africa on a scale JOHN PIZZARELLI, the internationally acclaimed guitar- remain one of the top globally popu- For more information, please call: both monumental and slight. For more lar touring attractions. Influencing 508-877-7630 or visit: www.newfs.org. information, call: 617-496-1027 or ist-vocalist – was still in his late teens when composer top artists including Prince, Mary J visit: www.peabody.harvard.edu. Richard Rodgers died in December 1979, but the vet- Blige, Outkast and many more, DOWNTOWN NEWBURYPORT eran songwriter’s creative prowess was not lost on the Earth, Wind & Fire’s signature sound Newburyport, MA INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY TH budding young interpreter of the Great American and distinctive musical styles fuse 4 ANNUAL NEWBURYPORT ART pop, soul, jazz, rock n’ roll, psyche- LITERARY FESTIVAL – April 24-25, 100 Northern Ave., Boston, MA Songbook. With a Song in My Heart: John Pizzarelli delic, African roots music and disco 2009. With its rich literary heritage, DAMIAN ORTEGA – May 22, 2009 Sings the Music of Richard Rodgers (CD-83676), the lat- with a base in funk. Chicago has the greater Newburyport area has a through September 7, 2009. Damian est chapter in a career that spans more than 25 years, is written, recorded and performed lot to be excited about. Writers as di- is one of the leading Mexican artists a tip of the Pizzarelli hat to Rodgers’ musical legacy. some of the most popular and musi- verse as John Greenleaf Whittier, that draws on his former experience Pizzarelli has had a multi-faceted career as a jazz guitar- cally innovative songs in rock history. John P. Marquand, Edna St. Vincent as a political cartoonist to bring hu- Billboard Magazine positioned the Millay have called Newburyport home. mor and animation to the sculptural ist, vocalist and bandleader. Internationally known for band at #13 on their Hot 100 chart’s For further information on this form. classic standards, late-night ballads, and the cool jazz All-Time Top 100 — a byproduct of event, call 978-465-1257 or visit: CHARLES LEDRAY – October, flavor he brings to his performances and recordings. having sold more than 100,000,000 www.newburyportlilteraryfestival.org. 2009 through January, 2010. Often Check out Music Section for more information. records and having earned 20 top intimate in scale, LeDray’s sculptures hits, 5 number one albums, 5 num- NORTH END PUBLIC LIBRARY of clothing, toys and domestic objects 25 Parmenter Street, Boston, MA children’s book of the same name. ber one singles and 5 gold singles. are created by hand with extraordi- ANNUAL BOOK SALE - Saturday, For tickets and times of the perfor- Don’t miss these two great perform- nary detail. For more info call: 617- May 30, 2009. We are currently ac- THEATER mances call: 617-424-6634 or visit: ers under one roof. For tickets log 478-3100 or visit www.icaboston.org. cepting donations at the library of www.bostonchildrenstheatre.org. onto www.ticketmaster.com or call THE OPERA HOUSE 1-800-745-3000. gently used books, cd’s and dvd’s. Vol- AURORA GALLERY unteers are needed for sorting and 539 Washington St., Boston, MA WILBUR THEATRE Worcester, Massachusetts day of. Please support your local “DORA THE EXPLORER LIVE” – 246 Tremont Street, Boston, MA SYMPHONY HALL ARTS WORCESTER BIENNIAL th th libraray. Contact the Friends at May 7 through May 10 , 2009. This THE COMEDY CONNECTION AT 301 Mass. Ave, Boston, MA 2009 – Now through May 29, 2009. [email protected]. is a culturally rich, interactive theat- THE WILBUR PRESENTS Jon LaJoe JOHN PIZZARELLI & MAYA This is a juried exhibition of works by GREEN THUMBS - Library Garden rical show for preschoolers and their on Thursday, April 30th at 7:30 PM; BEISER - May 12 and 13, 2009. Ac- local artists in many media. For more Group looking for helpers for indoor families. Tickets are now on sale. For On Friday, May 1st, Mogwai at 8:00 PM; companied by the Boston Symphony information please visit website at: and outdoor gardens. Very flexible, tickets and performance times, please Jay Mohr on Saturday, May 2nd at 7:00 Orchestra, John Pizzarelli learned to www.artsworcester.org. call Ticketmaster at 1-800-982-2787. PM and again at 9:45 PM; and Joy play guitar at age six John’s easy-go- Behar on Friday, July 24th at 8:00 PM. ing charm off-the-cuff humor have THE FOOTHILLS THEATRE Come and enjoy this line-up of very made him an audience favorite across ITALIAN EVENTS & PROGRAMS 100 Front Street, Worcester, MA funny people for your evening’s en- the country. His upcoming show will YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE tertainment. To purchase tickets, call be a compilation of standards and ITALIAN RADIO solo show Tutto Dante, BENIGNI th th BROWN – May 16 through June 7 , Ticketmaster at 1-800-745=3000 or log tunes from his new CD, “With A Song “The Sicilian Corner” 11:00 AM has swept audiences across Italy. 2009. This is a lively musical com- on to: www.thewilburtheatre.com. In My Heart” which includes swinging to 1:00 PM every Friday with host Tom The show based on Dante’s Divine edy for the entire family – come and Rodgers & Hart jazz standards like Zappala and Mike Lomazzo and “The Comedy begins with current events enjoy it! For more information, tick- “The Lady Is A Tramp” and “Johnny Italian Show” w/Nunzio DiMarca including Benigni’s memoirs and ets and times of the performances, MUSIC One Note” and was recently featured every Sunday from 10AM to 1:00 PM transforms from moments of pure please call: 508-754-4018 or log on to in USA Today. He is also featured in a www.1110wccmam.com comedy into a literary masterpiece in www.foothillstheatre.com. duet with Kristin Chenoweth (the up- THE REGENT THEATRE “Italia Oggi”(Italy Today) Sundays poetry of the Divine Comedy. all coming film “Four Christmases,” TV’s 7 Medford Street, Arlington, MA 1PM to 2 PM with host Andrea Urdi Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000 or log EMERSON COLLEGE “Pushing Daisies,” Broadway’s LONG LIVE THE BEATLES - May 1460 AM www.1460WXBR.com onto www.ticketmaster.com. Cutler Majestic Theatre “Wicked”) on her new Christmas Al- 17, 2009 at 2:00 PM. Whether per- “Dolce Vita Radio” DJ Rocco 219 Tremont Street, Boston, MA bum for Sony Classical. For tickets call forming an intimate, private perfor- Mesiti 11 AM-1 PM Sundays. 90.7 FM RASSEGNA DELLA NUOVA “MY MOTHER’S ITALIAN, MY 617.266.1492 or log onto mance of Long Live The Beatles or a or online www.djrocco.com COMMEDIA ITALIANA FATHER’S JEWISH & I’M IN www.bso.org. full production multi-media tribute, “The Nick Franciosa Show” - Presented by Il Comites e la THERAPY”- July 23 through August The Mahoney Brothers still take great Every Sunday at 12 Noon to 3:00 PM Federazione delle Associazioni In 3, 2009 at 7:30 PM and Saturdays at pleasure in recreating the look, sound on radio stations WLYN 1360 AM and collaborazione con il Consolato 3PM and 7:30 PM and Sunday at 3PM. and timeless music of John, Paul, Special Events WAZN 1470 AM. Generale d’Italia in Boston. Italian Steve’s Solomon’s one man show George, and Ringo. For tickets and “Guido Oliva Italian Hour” 8:00 films: SMS Sotto Mentile Spoglie- is filled with hilarious stories about information, please call 781-646-4849 COMEDY CONNECTION WILBUR AM - 9:00 AM every Sunday on WSRO Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 7:30 PM at his wacky family and the crazy char- or visit: www.regenttheatre.com. THEATRE 650AM Framingham and online at ORSOGNA PLAZA, 316 Main Street, acters he meets on the road whose 246 Tremont Street, Boston, MA www.wsro.com. Everett - JOHNNY STECCHINO (with sole purpose is to drive him into THE SHUBERT THEATRE CHARLIE MURPHY - April 25, subtitles). Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at therapy ... and they have succeeded. 265 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 2009 at 7:00 PM and 9:45 PM. Don’t DANTE ALIGHIERI SOCIETY 7:30 PM at ASSOCIAZIONE GIZIO - Steve creates voices, dialects and DON GIOVANNI – April 24-May 5, miss this fantastic performance as well 41 Hampshire St., Cambridge, MA NATALE a MIAMI. Friday, May 22, sound effects which make the stories 2009. This opera will captivate the as the other wonderful comedians FILM SERIES - Thursday, April 2009 at JUVENTUS CLUB, 270 and jokes come. For tickets call audience with its tale of obsessive slated to play at the Wilbur Theater. 30, 2009 at 7:30pm - MA CHE COLPA Broadway, Revere - & Telecharge: 1-800/233-3123 or log love and its consequences. Don’t miss For tickets call 1-800-745-3000 or ABBIAMO NOI (In Italian only). PICONE il 7 e l’8. Tuesday, May 26, onto www.maj.org. this fantastic performance. For tickets www.thewilburtheatre.com. 2009 at 7:30 PM at The COMITES, call TeleCharge at: 800-447-7400 or BERKLEE PERFORMANCE CENTER 11 Tileston Street, Boston - THE GRAND LODGE OF MASONS log on to: www.telecharge.com. WEST END COMMUNITY 136 Mass Ave., Boston, MA MANUALE D’AMORE. 186 Tremont Street, Boston, MA CENTER ROBERTO BENIGNI IN “TUTTO ALEXANDER AND THE TER- THE STANFORD CALDERWOOD 150 Staniford St., Boston, MA DANTE” - June 6, 2009 at 8:00 PM. FILIPPO’S RISTORANTE RIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, PAVILION BOSTON CENTER FOR WEST END POETRY CLUB will In his first U.S. tour, Roberto Benigni 283 CAUSEWAY STREET, VERY BAD DAY – Now through THE ARTS start having open readings on the will perform the internationally BOSTON, MA May 3, 2009. These performances are 527 Tremont Street, Boston, MA second and fourth Tuesday of every acclaimed one man show “TUTTO Sunday, May 3, 2009 from 1:00 PM presented by the Boston Children’s THE CORONATION OF POPPEA – month starting at 7:00 PM in the Cen- DANTE” inspired by Dante’s Divine – 9:00 PM a fundraiser for Earthquake Theatre. This musical is based on the June 6, 7, 9, 10, 12 and 14, 2009. ter by area poets. Enjoy this relaxind Comedy. In his latest endeavor, the Victims in Italy. Page 12 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009

Recipes from the Homeland by Vita Orlando Sinopoli

So what else is new? Laughter really is tron saint for COPYRIGHT, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED the best medicine, says a new study. Nor- Editors is SPIZZATEDU (Spiz-za-thay-doo) wegian researchers have discovered that a Saint John good sense of humor can extend life, espe- Bosco. The Chicken in Bianco cially in the face of a disease such as can- patron saint 1 three or four-pound cut-up chicken cer. Researcher Sven Svebak surveyed for cancer 1 medium onion chopped 54,000 Norwegians on the role of humor in victims is Saint Peregrine Laziosi. The pa- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh or dried parsley their lives. He found that those who scored tron saint for writers is Saint Frances de 1/4 cup cooking oil the highest for humor were 35 percent less Sales. The patron saint for heart patients is Grated Romano cheese likely to die in the successive years than Saint John of God. The patron saint of girls Water those who scored lowest. Of the 2,015 people is Saint Agnes. The patron saint of grave- who had cancer at the beginning of the diggers is Saint Antony the Abbot. The patron Heat oil in a six-quart pot. Brown chicken portions on study, those with a humorous take on life saint of brides is Saint Nicholas of Myra. The both sides. Do not burn. The browning of chicken parts in were 70 percent more likely to survive than patron saint of bakers is Saint Elizabeth of the oil and the browning residue remaining at the bottom those who were less lighthearted. “Humor Hungary. The patron saint of dentists is of the pot gives the flavor to this recipe. Add chopped onion works like a shock absorber in a car,” says Saint Apollonia. The patron saint of desper- and parsley to the chicken in the pot after all chicken has Svebak. “You appreciate a good shock ab- ate situations is Saint Jude, and the patron been browned. Stir until onion is opaque. Remove from stove. sorber when you go over bumps, and cancer saint of married women is Saint Monica. Who Add enough water slowly to cover chicken contents. Cover is a big bump in life.” is the patron saint for Post-Gazette colum- pot and return to heat. Bring to a boil and then lower heat. Giuseppina, cosce storte, says reading my nists? Saint Pamela Donnaruma. Continue to cook slowly until chicken is tender. A chicken column is a big joke. Huh? Mother Superior Frances Fitzgerald, says, bouillon cube can be added if desired. Salt to taste. A humorous remark from Bella Culo of “Not all hypocrites pretend to be saints; some Cook pasta of your choice according to directions on pack- Chestnut Hill. “This town is so dull, if it pretend to be sinners.” age. Place cooked pasta in a large serving bowl. Pour chicken wasn’t for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, In 1946, Frances X. Cabrini became broth over pasta and stir before serving. Sprinkle grated there wouldn’t be any romance at all!” the first U.S. citizen to be canonized a saint. Romano cheese over each serving. Chicken can be served A Chinese woman survived an accidental Mother Cabrini, founder of the Sisters of the with pasta or separately, with fresh garden salad and garlic plunge off her sixth-story balcony in Beijing Sacred Heart, helped to organize 14 colleges, bread. when she came down in a deep pile of human 98 schools, 28 orphanages, 8 hospitals, and Serves four to six people. excrement. The poop was being cleaned out was responsible for several thousand nuns NOTE: This is a recipe taught to me in 1949 by my mother-in- of a septic tank. who labored in her name. law, Mary Sinopoli. The family had migrated to this country in Passport applications in the U.S. are at an A miracle? A Maryland woman is claim- 1892. Her mother had taught her as a youngster how to pre- all-time high and are projected to jump by ing that her dog saved her life by perform- pare this “Spizzatedu” recipe that they had enjoyed in , one-third to 17 million this year. Officials ing the Heimlich maneuver. Debbie Sicily. It was a favorite of the family in the 1800s and contin- say the crush of applications, which has Parkhurst, 45, says she was choking on a ues to be so for the generations that have followed. caused lengthy delays in passport process- chunk of apple when her pet golden retriever ing, was sparked by new rules requiring Toby appeared and put his paws on her passports for travel to Canada, Mexico, and shoulders. “He pushed me to the ground,” the Caribbean. Yes, I am still waiting for the said Parkhurst, “and once I was on my back Vita can be reached at [email protected] arrival of my renewed passport! he began jumping up and down on my chest,” Our gift to Los Angeles Chief of Police, Billy dislodging the fruit and allowing Parkhurst Bratton announced the replacement of its to draw breath. “I have no idea where he • Mayor’s Column (Continued from Page 1) foot-long metal flashlight with a lighter, learned that from,” she added. renovations at nine parks few examples of the invest- brighter plastic version that Bratton said Steven Sebestyen thinks the reason why around the City. ments that are strengthen- would both “give our officers the upper hand a dog has so many friends is that he wags Other capital investments ing neighborhoods through- in fighting crime” and provide them with his tail instead of his tongue. in Boston’s neighborhoods out the City. As mayor, one less temptation to “strike someone around Steven’s alluring wife Theresa, says, “The include renovated branch of my most important re- the head.” Gee, one wonders if Bratton would noblest of all dogs is the hot dog; it feeds the libraries, highlighted by the sponsibilities is listening to like to come back to Boston. hand that bites it.” overhaul of the Brighton feedback from the people Dancing into trouble! A Chicago woman Robyn Waters of Swampscott asks, “When Branch Library, and the con- that know the City best, its has entered uncharted legal waters by su- a dog wags his tail and barks at the same struction of the B-2 Police residents. Last week’s lunch ing her dance partner for “negligent danc- time, how do know which end to believe?” Station in Dudley Square, was a chance to speak with ing.” Lacey Hindman, 22, was dancing with Beatrice Angelo of Malden thinks a dog can which will begin this sum- many of the editors and pub- David Prange at an office party when Prange express more with his tail in minutes than mer and eventually revital- lishers that keep Boston’s allegedly became over enthused, grabbed her his owner can express with his tongue in ize a former Brownfield site. neighborhoods informed by the forearms, and tossed her in the air. hours. Residents can also look for- every week. I shared what I “You could hear the impact of me hitting the Reminiscing with our noted musicologist ward to a number of trans- view as the City’s current floor over the sound from the jukebox,” said Albert Natale. Duke Ellington’s father was a portation enhancements challenges and opportuni- Hindman, who claims to have suffered a butler at the and a blue- around the City, including ties, and they highlighted fractured skull and brain injuries. print maker for the U.S. Navy. “The Duke” dozens of miles of resurfaced some of the issues unique Tom Analetto of Medford, says, “Some- acquired his nickname as a teenager from roads and the reconstruction to their communities. It’s times when you ask a woman to dance, she his elegant dress and demeanor. Helen of Dorchester Avenue to im- these conversations that is on your feet in a moment.” O’Connell on the Big Band days: “If I’d prove pedestrian safety, fa- help improve government for Joe Antonelli who enjoys dancing says the known it was an era, I’d have paid more cilitate traffic-flow, and in- everyone, and I look forward hula-hula dance is simple: you put some attention. All I remember is sleeping in crease mobility and bicycle to seeing and hearing from grass on one hip, some more grass on the the back of the bus.” Perry Como’s first hit accessibility. you in the neighborhoods other hip, and then you rotate the crops. was in 1944: “Long Ago” (and far away). These projects are just a soon. Joe Guzzo of North Billerica says, “With His last hit was “It’s Impossible” (1972). And some of today’s dance steps you don’t know Judy Garland’s real name was Frances if the guy on the floor is a good dancer or a Gumm. The name Garland was given by 1st Generation bad drunk.” entertainer George Jessel. One of the count- Paddy Harmon says, in dancing the woman less highlights in her career was when she Italian-American usually knows the steps and the men know sang “You Made Me Love You” to a picture the holds. of Clark Gable in the film “Broadway Melody Vita Orlando Sinopoli Jeanette Martinello of Orient Heights, East of ’38.” Shares with us Boston, says, “Sometimes when you ask a Time for some useless information! An woman to dance, she is on your feet in a elephant’s brain is five times larger than a a delightful recollection moment.” Ouch! human brain. Elephants are the only ani- of her memories as a child News from the Vatican. The late John Paul mals that can’t jump. Only one person in II is a step closer to sainthood. When two billion will live to be 116 years or older growing up in Vatican officials closed their investigation One of China’s goals is that every citizen Boston’s “Little Italy” into his life and virtues. John Paul II has should be able to eat 200 eggs yearly. It is been on a fast track to sainthood ever since estimated that in order to feed 1.3 billion and a collection of his successor, Pope Benedict XVI, waived the people 200 eggs annually, that would require Italian family recipes five-year waiting period and began the in- 1.3 billion hens who would eat more grain vestigation just 41 days after his death. John than Australia produces yearly. The state from the homeland. Paul can be declared a saint once the of New Jersey, USA provides two-thirds of Vatican certifies that he has performed two the world’s total production of eggplant. Great as Gifts posthumous miracles. One is already re- The baseball season has begun and we are Available thru the web at WWW. FROM MY BAKERY PERCH corded: the recovery of a French nun who reminded of Joe DiMaggio who in 1951 winds or order an autographed copy from says she was cured of Parkinson’s disease up a 15-year career with the New York Vita Orlando Sinopoli, P.O. Box 906, Wilmington, MA 01887 after praying to John Paul. Pope Benedict Yankees. “Joltin Joe” achieves a .325 life- Hardcover: $25.00 Softcover: $20.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling said he could already hear “the living voice” time batting average, three MVP awards, of John Paul II singing with the saints in and participates in a record 10 World Series. heaven. Of course, we also remember him for strik- For the record, last count, we have 118 ing out with Marilyn Monroe. Roman Catholic Patron Saints. The patron WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM saint for bankers is Saint Matthew. The pa- AMERICA IS A BEAUTFUL ITALIAN NAME POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 Page 13

Project Bread’s 2009 Walk for Hunger

Last week, I was telling along with whatever I did, men would be paid for the the story of how I got started also. If I was happy, she was night. I replied, “They’re as a musician. When people happy. Uncle Nick once most likely getting scale, comment on the things I’ve made a comment about the too.” He thought a minute done in my life which sound New York musicians and the and then asked, “Who are like praise, I reply back, “I drug scene. I assured him some of the guys you are was a musician before I was that I was not into anything playing with tonight?” I anything else.” At one point, except an occasional scotch mentioned their names and back in the early 1960s, I on the rocks. Seeing he he added, “Those guys are decided that I wanted to try liked his Dewar’s and an oc- between fifteen and twenty my hand playing in New casional martini, he was OK years older than you are, and York. Sal Meli and I had jour- with my response. that’s all they are making is neyed to The City on week- With all that I had on my scale. Most have mortgages ends just to hang out. He plate, I had quit the Seville to pay, car payments to was “in” with the Latin crowd Theater after working there make, utility bills to pay, The Honorable Robert E. Travaglini (left) is and I tagged along learning for ten years. Mr. Ray, my kids to put through college. photographed with Norman Herr at the 2009 Walk how to dance the mambo, second father, had moved on Is that where you want to be for Hunger Kick Off Breakfast which was held merengue and cha cha cha to the Adams Theater in twenty years from now, at the Colonnade Hotel in Boston. This year’s like a Latin native rather Dorchester and the Seville making scale with those annual walk-a-thon will be held on Sunday, than a dance school dropout. wasn’t the same. The time same obligations?” May 3, 2009. For more information log onto When he accompanied me had come for me to go, and I That question hit home. I www.projectbread.org. to the jazz clubs (they still did. I concentrated on work- thought to myself and si- existed back in the day), I ing in New York more and lently said, “All of a sudden, introduced myself to the more and had thought about there is no Santa Claus.” (Continued from Page 9) musicians Dad and Uncle leaving teaching in Boston When the light changed • The Socially Set Nick knew. Many of the New and working there full time. again I thanked him, said Maps will be available at lings,” the parade lets chil- York musicians were from What changed my mind was farewell and headed toward all of the participating shops dren and their families Boston originally, and knew a chance meeting one Sat- Times Square and the club leading up to and on the (many dressed in photogenic the men in my family. As a urday evening. I was playing in. He had night of the stroll. Enjoy the duckling costumes) retrace result, I was hired to play a There had been a priest burst my balloon, but awak- walk to each nearby location the steps of Mr. and Mrs. job here and there. I even- named Fr. O’Connor who ened me to the realities of with your sweetheart, fam- Mallard and their family of tually obtained a cabaret came to Boston from New life as a jazz musician. Many ily members, or make a eight little ducklings. card, a necessity to play in York. He was a jazz fan and of the guys I had worked with night out of it with a group For parade participation, the night clubs in New York had become close with the and was working with had of friends. there is a donation per fam- City in those days. I backed men and women in jazz. For their names in the jazz polls In the spirit of spring, the ily. Registration is available off on the work that was of- many, regardless of their conducted by Down Beat, season of renewal, several in advance online at www. fered to me in Boston when religions, he became their Metronome, Playboy and stroll locations will be fea- friendsofthepublicgarden.org. I was called to play in New confidant. Due to his asso- other magazines that cov- turing green, eco-friendly Pre-registration is encour- York. As I got better known, ciation with Dad and Uncle ered the jazz scene, and all products. aged. On-site registration I filled in for bass players who Nick, I had become friendly the while, they were being As a special bonus, stroll- begins at 10:30 a.m. on the left the bands they were with with him, but lost track paid scale. ers can enter for a chance Boston Common, at the base to go on the road with other of him when he was re- That following weekend, I to win a gift basket, brim- of the Shaw Memorial, oppo- groups, or were unable to assigned back to New York. played with a local band led ming with treats and gift site the State House. play for whatever reason. I Well, I was wheeling my bass by Tony Paratore Sr. He is certificates from the diverse Children are encouraged became a fill-in bass player, violin south on Broadway in the father of the famed con- group of stroll businesses. to dress up as their favorite going from playing New York one Saturday cert pianists, Anthony and To enter, pick up a Stroll characters from the book. style Dixieland at Eddie evening. (I had a wheel at- Joseph Paratore. At that Passport Card at any of the All children in families that Condon’s with trumpeter tachment on the bottom that time his sons were in college stroll shops. Visit each of the are registered will receive Max Kominsky (a former allowed me to roll the instru- and working for their father shops listed on the card, “ducky” prizes and refresh- Bostonian who hired me and ment rather than carry it) At to earn spending money. have your passport stamped, ments. spread my name around to about 44th Street, I stopped Anthony played piano and and you will be entered to The Harvard University other band leaders) and waiting for the walk sign to Joseph played drums. Tony win the grand prize. Return Marching Band will lead the clarinetist Pee Wee Russell, cross and ran into Fr. Sr. was like a second father your completed, stamped parade. Mayor Menino is ex- to playing swing at the O’Connor. We exchanged and I told him the story about card to any participating pected to greet children in Metropole in Times Square greetings, with him asking my New York adventures shop before 11 p.m. that the Public Garden at the end with another trumpeter about Dad and Uncle Nick. and the chance meeting evening. of the parade. Additional pa- Henry “Red” Allen and drum- The crowd walked and we with Fr. O’Connor. His com- The gift basket will be on rade support is provided by mer Cozy Cole, to filling in stood there talking. As we ment was, I’m the bass display at Red M Studio at the Parks and Recreation with Miles Davis when his conversed, I told him that I player with my band, but I’d 164 Prince Street near Com- Department of the City of bass player (who had a sub- was thinking of leaving rather you played bass and I mercial St. The winning Boston. The Boston Police stance problem) was unable teaching and graduate lead. Stay with us; you won’t entry will be drawn on Tues- Department will ensure that to play. I would return to Bos- school to pursue a career regret it. After thinking it day, May 5th. “Officer Michael” stands ton on Sunday nights and get just playing in New York. He over, I did. For a complete list of guard at the corner of Bea- ready to teach in Boston mentioned that he had Well, I never left teaching all the participating North con and Charles. from Monday through Friday heard about my prowess and or graduate school or home, End businesses, visit For more information, visit and feel like a king in the added that it looked like I for that matter. The music www.northendboston.com. www.friendsofthepublic mean time. was trying to become the scene started to change For more information, call garden.org, call 617-723- After I started working on fastest gun in the West, a dramatically. Jazz clubs were 617-697-3011 or email 8144, or e-mail [email protected]. a master’s degree, Dad was compliment about my play- closing and rock and roll [email protected]. Enjoy! thrilled. He had to explain to ing and notoriety. I smiled clubs were taking their ……. Friends of the Public Babbononno what graduate and he then became serious. place, and I didn’t want to Garden, in partnership with (Be sure to visit Hilda school was all about and he He asked me where I was play rock and roll. The Boston Athenæum, will Morrill’s gardening Web site, accepted the explanation as playing that night and I told My folks were happy, espe- present the “29th annual www.bostongardens.com. long as I played music at the him. He then added, Don’t cially Dad and Babbononno. Duckling Day Parade” on In addition to events covered same time. Nanna was gone tell me the amount, but what They understood what I was Mother’s Day, May 10, begin- and reported by the columnist, by this time, and consider- pay scale are you on?” I re- experiencing and could em- ning at 12 noon on Boston “The Socially Set” is compiled ing he lived with my folks plied, “Scale, I probably will pathize with me. As long as Common, rain or shine. from various other sources and me being his favorite be paid scale.” (the mini- I was home, Mom was happy. Based on Robert such as news and press re- grandchild, he concentrated mum for the job) He then I didn’t know if I made the McCloskey’s classic 1941 leases, PRNewswire services, on whatever I did. Mom went asked what the other side right decision because I was book, “Make Way for Duck- etc.) young, but now know that I — FOR YOU WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST — did. Some great things were to come my way, but that’s a Fully Insured THE story for another day. GOD Lic #017936 Johnny Christy BLESS AMERICA

Small Ads Heating & Air Conditioning Orchestra Sales, Service & Installation Get Big Results MUSIC FOR ALL For more information, Ken Shallow OCCASIONS 781-648-5678 call 617-227-8929. 617.593.6211 [email protected] Page 14 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009

The time has come, the walrus said, The Bilingual TO TALK OF MANY THINGS Corner of shoes and ships and sealing wax of cabbages and kings by Sal Giarratani by Orazio Buttafuoco CAMPAIGN SEASON HAS BEGUN MUSEUM MARKET The mayor has warned that cuts are PROPOSED NEXT TO coming because the budget needs to be BLACKSTONE MARKET LO SAPEVATE CHE … paired downward. Teachers will be leav- The front page of ’s busi- Il magnate Americano Donald Trump e’ convinto che in ing public school classrooms and police ness section ran the headline, “Museum- America c’e’ la recessione, ma per colpa del Presidente officers will be leaving police stations. market proposed near Greenway.” That was Bush. Per queste ragioni Trumo e’ convinto che e’ meglio Public safety and education, a city can’t do Wednesday, April 8 and on the same day, cercare opportunita’ altrove. Trump ha affermato quanto without them at the right numbers. A city the Regional Review ran an opinion piece by sopra in una conferenza stampa nei suoi lussuosi uffici will rise or fall on the perception that it is a Phil Orlandella entitled, “Farmer’s Market nella Quinta Strada, a , per presentare ai safe place to live and raise families and rais- not viable on Blackstone Street.” The Bos- giornalisti il nuovo “Trump Soho”, un lussuoso hotel-Condo ing families mean having quality public ton Museum founded in 1998 has been struttura ancora in costruzione nella bassa Manhattan che education. Boston back during the Seven- searching for a site for several years. Origi- sta avendo grande successo tra gli investitori anche ties was called a “livable city.” It was the nally, the museum was to be built near italiani, tra cui il ‘bomber’ clcistico dell’Inter , Ibrahimovic. hallmark of Mayor Kevin White’s years Christopher Columbus Park. The proposed Trump andra’ presto in Italia per due o tre progetti in office. A city is like a human organism. $120 million museum and food market d’investimento, certamente un gran passo nell’investire Poor schools, unsafe neighborhoods and would be built next to the Greenway by North soldi, anche in Italia. A proposito del progetto a Soho, Trump the lack of affordable housing for working and Blackstone Streets near the Blackstone ha detto che chi acquista un appartamento/condo lo puo’ families and the struggling middle-class can Market. The street level floor would be for usare solo per 120 giorni l’anno. cause a slow death as dysfunction and the food market while the upper floors would Nei rimanenti 240 giorni Trump lo puo’ usare come vuole violence metastasize the urban body. A house exhibits on Bay State history, a gift incassando proventi da altri investitori. city growing with life turns into an urban shop, café, theater, classroom and commu- Per curare I giovani violenti c’e’ solo un rimedio: lo stu- graveyard. nity space. The property is currently owned dio del Latino e del Greco. Lo ha detto il Sindaco di Londra, The pre-dawn hours of Campaign ’09 have by MassPike and is seeking proposals for Boris Johnson il quakle e’ convinto che lo studio delle lingue begun. Candidates are moving around the the parcel of land. The BRA is also backing classiche e’ sufficiente per tenere lontani dalla violenza I city, talking with residents and trying to plans for a food market in a vacant office giovani di oggi. L’intervento del Sindaco e’ venuto in seguito understand what people think about their building next to the proposed museum site. ad un recente incremento di ati di violenza ‘a mano armata’ city. It is the job of candidates running for Both the museum and market building nella capitale Britannica. Inoltre il Sindaco londinese mayor and city council to offer up ideas and would operate alongside the Haymarket esorta I giovani violenti non solo a studiare I classici ma a vision for where Boston needs to be go- pushcart vendors selling their wares week- anche fare attivita’ fisiche in una palestra. Boris Johnson ing in 2009. We are lucky to have many ends on Blackstone Street. Museum officials e’ del parere che solo l’istruzione e’ in grado di andare alle qualified aspirants out there staring their say their plan is for an intimate European radici della violenza, oltre alla repressione della polizia. journey on the campaign trail. A number food market. BRA officials compared their of issues of concern are very local but idea to Pike Place in Seattle. DID YOU KNOW THAT … there are many issues that cross over from The Haymarket Pushcart Association The billionaire Donald Trump believes that we are in a neighborhood to neighborhood. These are vendors are concerned. Association Presi- recession in America because of President Bush’s policies. citywide issues like safety, housing and dent Ottavio Gallotto is concerned. Phil For these reasons he is convinced that it’s better to look education. Orlandella had it right, “It makes no sense elsewhere for opportunities. Trump made the above state- Now is neither the time to start a name placing basically the same type of business ment during a Press Conference held in his office on blaming game nor sink into denial. There side by side. A duplication of services di- 5th Avenue, in Manhattan, to disclose, to the gathered jour- are certain quality of life issues that can rectly in the same location benefits no one nalists, the new “Trump Soho”, a luxury hotel/condo combo make or break a city. Administering gov- and the pushcart vendors have the most to under construction in lower Manhattan, and has met with ernment services is sometimes less brain lose.” great success among even Italian investors, particularly surgery and more CSI. Doing the right thing The Haymarket vendors are a Boston the Soccer striker of Inter Milan, Ibrahimovic. Trump will at the right time for the right reason is institution. They provide a livelihood to be in Italy soon looking for two or three investing projects, never as easy as it seems. Elected officials vendors and a big savings to customers. My certainly a big investing step with regard to the Soho project. are our eyes and ears and our voices and grandmother from the North End always Trump said that whoever purchases an apartment/condo votes. Government is us, not them. Speak- bought her produce there. So too did my can only use it for 120 days a year, while Trump will pocket ing out and standing up for your neighbor- father. The present market on Blackstone the rest (140 days) when sold/rented (the same place) to hood’s best interest is everyone’s job. Lis- Street has always been an intimate place other investors. ten to candidates. Ask questions. Demand to shop. If the MassPike and the BRA had There is one remedy to treat violent youth: the study of straightforward answers. Hold their feet to their way, there go the vendors into the Latin and Greek. This is what Boris Johnson, the Mayor of the fire. We get what we deserve. history books. London said, as convinced as he is that the study of the Boston is truly at a major crossroads. The It is time for the City of Boston to take a classical languages is adequate to keep today’s youth away st first of the 21 century. This year’s may- stand and it is time for all of us to take a from violence. The Mayor’s involvement came after a re- oral election is the most important one since stand too. We need to make sure our input cent increment of violent acts, with firearms, in the Brit- 1967. This year’s city council race with two is taken seriously. The decisions to be made ish capital. Furthermore, the Mayor of London strongly urges open city council at large seats is the op- will hurt many people but more especially the violence-prone youngsters not only to hit the ‘classics’ portunity of a lifetime. Do not waste it. How it will hurt the North End. Redevelop the books but also to do physical exercises in a gymnasium. we move forward from today will speak vol- area, but not at the expense of the Boris Johnson is convinced that only education can go to umes for our tomorrows to come. Get in- Blackstone Market area. They seem to be the roots of the violence, other than police repression. volved. There are no passengers in life only double teaming us and it’s time to fast break drivers. like the Celtics or we’ll be saying, REMEM- • Columbine, Binghamton (Continued from Page 2) BER THE HAYMARKET! ment arrived on scene. He under the circumstances. WHY IS MICHELE’S SHOW said his officers would have We did the right thing.” SO SUCCESSFUL? SATURDAY NITE FEVER entered the building if the What about if some of the I always listen to Michele McPhee’s week- WITH MICHAEL FLAHERTY gunman had still been ac- victims were still alive while night talk radio show on WTKK 96.9FM. City Councilor Michael Flaherty will be tive. He stated the standard the police waited outside for When I was growing up, I liked to listen to hosting a disco party on Saturday, April 25th protocol today is the first two SWAT? The police and county Jerry Williams, Steve Fredricks and Bob at Florian Hall, 55 Hallet Street, Dorchester to four officers at a shooting prosecutor are basing their Kennedy. Three great talk masters with beginning at 7:00 p.m. as a FUN-raiser for scene such as this would standard protocol totally on huge audience followings. During the Bus- his mayoral campaign. I loved disco. I had enter the building if there the hindsight information ing Era, I found a new hero in Avi Nelson. the moves, the three-piece suit, those Cu- was still an active shooting, gathered after SWAT arrived. For a short time several years back, I had ban heels and white tie to get out on the suppose the shooter had a Did the police chief and his my own radio show on Allston-Brighton Free dance floor. They used to call me Sal silencer or switched over to officers do the right thing? Radio. Radio is fun to do. You have to be Travolta or Disco Sal for short. The Bee a knife? Could they have been more quick on your feet. I like writing better be- Gees, Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor, the Said the police chief, “If proactive? Has the Bing- cause I have time to rewrite. On radio, you Village People. Ah, what a period of time to there’s a bunch of cops lying hamton Police Dept., learned have to do it right the first time. Nowadays, be young and skinny. I had the hair and on the floor shot trying to res- anything about the way they the only radio show I listen to and learn from cue somebody else, it’s not handled the situation? This sideburns to boot. I actually won dance con- in many ways is the Michele McPhee show. going to help anybody … we time they had hindsight on tests Staying Alive on the dance floor. On the air, she comes across real. She tells did what was expected and their side. Next time they I’ll probably end up at his time to see if I it like it is even if sometimes a little too was the right thing to do may not be so lucky. can still strut my stuff. Flaherty said, “I want loud. She’s fun to listen to and it makes to be upbeat and positive and I want to bring working that much easier. people together. This ’70s party will be a Recently, I bumped into her over in Ori- great way to get people across the city to ATTENTION ATTORNEYS ent Heights. She was out with her dog come forward, get involved and have fun.” Wilbur. Her name may be McPhee but she’s So, get on board, the Soul Train is about The POST-GAZETTE newspaper is a paper of general circulation. We are all East Boston Italian. She’s tough and she to leave the station. Get out that flaming qualified to accept legal notices from any court in each town that we serve. knows her stuff. I wouldn’t be surprised to purple shirt, white tie and polyester three- see her show moved into drive time. Look piece. Remember don’t just dance good or LEGAL NOTICES out Howie, Michele could be gaining on you. feel good, you got to look good too. Jay Severin is good but Michele is better. For information on placing a Legal Notice in the POST-GAZETTE, For further information, contact When she gets bigger on radio, I’ll be able to www.MichaelFlaherty.com or call Maureen please call (617) 227-8929 or mail notice to: say I knew her when. Dahill at 617-593-8142. POST-GAZETTE, P.O. BOX 135 BOSTON, MA 02113 Attn: Legal Notices WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009 Page 15

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE TO: NATALYA LEWIS TO: LOURIVAL A. DIAG 52 LAWN ST 43 OLIVER ST CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 SOMERVILLE, MA 02143 by Sal Giarratani B&B TOWING HAS HAD IN B&B TOWING HAS HAD IN THEIR POSSESSION YOUR THEIR POSSESSION YOUR It’s Still a Roll of the Dice with K Roger Clemens nor Barry Bonds will ever retire which saves sportswriters from ever 1998 DODGE DURANGO VIN 1989 GMC SIERRA PU VIN Last year, Daisuke Matsuzaka was one of #1B4AS28Y6WF16083 SINCE #2GTEK14K6K1537870 SINCE seeing their names on the Hall of Fame the best starters in the American League, 07-03-2008 AFTER DUE NOTICE 12-26-2008. AFTER DUE NOTICE ballot. Hey, if they ever created a Hall of an 18-game winner and pretty low ERA. He THIS VEHICLE HAS NOT BEEN THIS VEHICLE HAS NOT BEEN Shame, I can think of many worthy induct- was also scary most of the time on the CLAIMED, THIS VEHICLE WILL BE CLAIMED, THIS VEHICLE WILL BE ees, can’t you? mound. Gave up too many homeruns and SOLD PRIVATE AUCTION AT SOLD AT A PRIVATE AUCTION AT Meanwhile, one of baseball’s best is Ken B&B TOWING, 50 MOONEY ST., B&B TOWING, 50 MOONEY ST., walks. In his first start this year, he pitched 1 Griffey Jr., back again in Seattle with the CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138. CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138. 5 /3 innings, four earned runs, three Mariners. In his first game with his old SUBMITTED BY SUBMITTED BY doubles, three homeruns, three walks and home team, he cracks homerun number MICHAEL SORRENTINO MICHAEL SORRENTINO one wild pitch. As Yogi Berra might say, “It’s 612. He played his career without scandal. FOR FOR déjà vu all over again.” Dice-K should im- If only he hadn’t got injured so many times, B&B TOWING B&B TOWING prove as the season progresses but those he could have over 700 homers by now. The walks and homers are serious negative Hall of Fame awaits him, truly one of stuff. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE baseball’s all-time greats. He was high on Thanks to Steroids We Have … life and high on making baseball seem more Commonwealth of Massachusetts The following vehicles have been The Trial Court Thanks to the Steroid Era in the late ’90s like fun than a business. That was his per- towed to Probate and Family Court Department and first few years of the new millennium, TODISCO TOWING formance enhancer. There are not many MIDDLESEX Division baseball statistics have been ruptured from “Naturals” in baseball. Ken Griffey Jr., like Docket No. 08D-3098CR1 94 Condor Street the record book. Who had the most East Boston, MA 02128 Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays before him Summons By Publication homeruns with performance-enhancement Phillip L. Renzullo, Plaintiff In the event that these vehicles are were all athletic superstars. v. not claimed they will be sold at drugs? Who had the most without them? Do Junior’s Mariners Return Eryln G. Aparante, Defendant we put asterisks next to folks like Clemens, auction on May 9, 2009. In Minneapolis, Ken Griffey, Jr., got off to To the above named Defendant: 1999 AUDI A4 Bonds and McGwyre? Never mind that old A Complaint has been presented to this a great start back with Seattle, hitting a WAUED28D6XA281977 argument about Babe Ruth’s 60 and Roger Court by the Plaintiff, Phillip L. Renzullo, homerun at the Metrodome. Griffey’s eighth seeking a modification. 1999 TOYOTA CAMRY Maris’ 61, never mind that baseball refu- Opening Day homerun tied the all-time You are required to serve upon Phillip 4T1BG22K0XU403716 gee Pete Rose and his over 4,000 hits and L. Renzullo - plaintiff - whose address is 2001 TOYOTA CAMRY record set by Hall of Famer Frank Robinson 30 Eunice Circle, Wakefield, MA 01880 your never mind 1968 when they raised the 4T1BG22KX1U870472 and gave him 612 for his career. answer on or before June 1, 2009. If you fail pitcher’s mound creating Denny McClain’s to do so, the court will proceed to the hear- 2000 MAZDA MPV 31 wins and Bob Gibson’s 1.12 ERA, what Bonifacio a Crowd Favorite ing and adjudication of this action. You are JM3LW28G5Y0155770 Emilio Bonifacio became an instant crowd also required to file a copy of your answer in are we to do about who’s the best homerun the office of the Register of this Court at 2000 DODGE STRATUS king lifetime? Is it Barry Bonds or is it still pleaser in his Marlins debut after hitting 1B3EJ46C4YN212654 Cambridge. Hammering Hank Aaron? the majors’ first inside-the-park homerun Witness, Hon. Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, 1994 TOYOTA CAMRY Saddest thing of all Jose Conseco who re- on Opening Day since 1968 and went four First Justice of said Court at Cambridge, this JT2GK13E0R0059531 26th day of March 2009. cently said, he’s 90 percent sure someone for five against the Washington Nationals, 1998 SEBRING Tara E DeCristofaro which happens to be his former team. He 4C3AU52N1WE122248 was on steroids. Sound like a bitter prophet Register of Probate Court Jeremiah from the Bible. Was Manny on was summoned out for a curtain call after 1993 INTERNATIONAL 4900 his first big league homer on April 10, 1968. 1HTSDPNM2PH508552 drugs? Better still, should Manny have been LEGAL NOTICE on drugs? Sometimes certain drugs can be The last Opening Day inside-the-parker was very helpful. I am starting to think neither done by Red Sox legend Carl Yastrzemski. Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court LEGAL NOTICE Probate and Family Court • News Briefs (Continued from Page 1) Docket No. Ml09P0253GC1 Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court in Texas. Keep on reading less times across the city’s’ great hits as “La La Means I In the Matter of: Probate and Family Court Department the Post Gazette on line and neighborhoods. For further Love You,” has died at age Dexter L Titus MIDDLESEX Division Of: WATERTOWN, MA Docket No. 09W0643 keep living with Sal week information, please visit 63. Another great voice has Middlesex Probate and Family Court Summons By Publication after week. www.dsni.org/dni. been tilled. Along with broth- 208 Cambridge Street Fabiana Constantino Neves, Plaintiff Mayor’s Race Gonna Patriot’s Day Celebration ers William and Wilber Hart, Cambridge, MA 02141 v. Pick Up Steam Soon Once again, the North End Cain formed the group while (617) 768-5800 Gilmar Goulart, Defendant Looking at the mayor’s celebrated the Patriot’s Day attending Philadelphia’s NOTICE OF PETITION FOR To the above named Defendant: Gilmar APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN Goulart. race. Recently, Jose Can- holiday with the city’s short- Overbook High School some FOR INCAPACITATED PERSON A complaint has been presented to this seco said he was ninety per- est parades and one of the forty years ago. To the above named ward, his/her spouse, Court by the Plaintiff, Fabiana Constantino cent sure Manny was on longest rides in US history. Back in the day there and heirs apparent or presumptive, a peti- Neves, seeking sole physical and legal cus- tion has been filed in the above captioned tody, child support and health insurance for that 104 hit list of players Once again Paul Revere were two types of Soul matter alleging that said ward is physically the minor child Stephanie Neves Goulart who tested positive for you road down Hanover Street on Music, Motown out of Detroit incapacitated and requesting that Nancy L born August 15, 1999. know what. If Canseco is 90 his “powerful” steed on his and the Philadelphia Sound Titus of Watertown, MA., and Dexter L You are required to serve upon Jose Titus of Watertown, MA or some other suit- Macedo - attorney for plaintiff - whose percent sure, then I must be way to Charlestown and end- which was smooth and soul- able person be appointed guardian of the address is 392 Cambridge Street, Cam- 99.9 percent sure that Tho- ing in Lexington announc- ful. The group won a person; and property to serve With Surety. bridge, Mass 02141 your answer on or be- mas M. Menino is running ing the “British are coming.” Grammy in 1970 with IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, fore June 15, 2009. If you fail to do so, the YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE court will proceed to the hearing and adju- for an historic fifth term. This year Paul Revere was “Didn’t I Blow Your Mind A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT dication of this action. You are also required City Councilor Sam Yoon riding a rather small horse. This Time.” Cain left the AT Cambridge ON OR BEFORE TEN to file a copy of your answer in the office of keeps getting caught up in Everything seems to be group in 1971. The passing O’CLOCK IN THE FORENOON (10:00 AM) the Register of this Court at Cambridge. ON 05/08/09. WITNESS, Hon. Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, political barbed wire show- getting downsized these of another legend to the WITNESS, Hon. PETER C DIGANGI, First First Justice of said Court at Cambridge, this ing he ain’t prime time yet. days. It must have been a music hall in the sky. Justice of this Court. 31st day of March 2009. City Councilor Michael 4-cylinder hybrid. I’ve seen Brown Renames Date: April 10, 2009 Tara E DeCristofaro Flaherty is out and about and larger reindeer in my time. Columbus Day Holiday Tara E. DeCristofaro Register of Probate Court Register of Probate will certainly be a big head- The mayor was there and a It took over 200 years to ache to Menino’s plans for good size crowd including get Columbus Day declared LEGAL NOTICE 2009. South Ender Kevin one cowboy from Oklahoma a national holiday. It be- LEGAL NOTICE McCrea is the outsider with cheering on Revere as he came reality thanks to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court common sense. The more raced down Hanover Street. endless commitment of Ital- The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department you hear him, the more you Mt. Carmel Survivors ian Americans and Italian Probate and Family Court Department MIDDLESEX Division like him. Those in the busi- Ride to Scituate American politicians to Docket No. MI09D0954DR MIDDLESEX Division ness of politics seem to agree On Sunday, April 19 a bus proudly honor Columbus for Docket No. 08D3956DV1 DIVORCE SUMMONS BY DIVORCE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION it is going to be a Menino- load of Our Lady of Mount discovering America in Flaherty showdown in No- Carmel parishioners took a 1942. Brown University in PUBLICATION HECTOR PERDOMO, JANE FRANCES NAMAKULA, Plaintiff vember. How each of them trip to St. Frances Cabrini Rhode Island has to take Plaintiff V. finishes in September will down in Scituate to show Columbus Day out of the V. KENYA DeJESUS AKA set the course for November. solidarity with vigilers across holiday. The faculty has JOHNNY JAMES FANIEL III KENYA DeJESUS PERDOMO, Defendant Defendant Trying to Keep Homes the Archdiocese. About 20 voted to establish a “Fall To the above named Defendant: To the above named Defendant: Affordable in the ‘Bury came from East Boston and Weekend that coincides A Complaint has been presented to this A Complaint has been presented to this Dudley Neighbors Inc. an joined others from St. James with the Columbus holiday. Court by the Plaintiff, Jane Frances Court by the Plaintiff, Hector Perdomo, Namakula, seeking a DIVORCE. seeking a DIVORCE. affiliate of the Dudley Street in Wellesley and St. Jere- Hundreds of Brown stu- An Automatic Restraining Order has been An Automatic Restraining Order has been Neighborhood Initiative is miah from Framingham. dents asked the college to entered in this matter preventing you from entered in this matter preventing you from taking steps to avoid a poten- NBC TV was there from the stop honoring Christopher taking any action which would negatively taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either impact the current financial status of either tial housing crisis in Today show doing a piece on Columbus citing treatment party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- Roxbury triggered by inves- the parish protests here in of Native Americans. These bate Court Rule 411 for more information. bate Court Rule 411 for more information. tors scooping up foreclosed the Archdiocese. St. Frances students believe the holiday You are required to serve upon Joshua L. You are required to serve upon Kathy-Ann Goldstein, Esq. - attorney for plaintiff - whose Hart, Esq. - attorney for plaintiff - whose properties and selling them Cabrini was packed. is inconsistent with Brown address is 6 Beacon St., Suite 210, Boston, address is 294 Washington St., 5th Floor, at inflated prices for quick Our Lady of Mt. Carmel’s values. Welcome to “Politi- MA 02108 your answer on or before June 8, Boston, MA 02108 your answer on or be- bucks. This neighborhood protest began October 12, cally Correct America.” Per- 2009. If you fail to do so, the court will pro- fore June 1st, 2009. If you fail to do so, the ceed to the hearing and the adjudication of court will proceed to the hearing and the nonprofit is part of the BRA 2004 and followed up quickly haps, next we’ll do away with this action. You are also required to file a adjudication of this action. You are also Roxbury Strategic Master by St. Frances Cabrini on Thanksgiving Day because copy of your answer in the office of this Court required to file a copy of your answer in the Plan. This initiative’s goal October 26, 2004. those nasty pilgrims treated at CAMBRIDGE. office of this Court at CAMBRIDGE. Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First seems to be prevention of Randy Cain of Delfonics Native Americans like sec- Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this gentrification which can Passes Away ond class citizens. They 26 day of March, 2009. 23 day of March, 2009. price neighborhood people Randy Cain, one of the made today’s Religious Right Tara E. DeCristofaro Tara E. DeCristofaro out of their neighborhood. founding members of the evangelicals seem like Register of Probate Court Register of Probate Court We’ve seen it happen count- Delfonics which had such dues-paying liberals. Page 16 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 24, 2009


CORNER TALK by Reinaldo Oliveira, Jr. by Richard Preiss

Restaurant in Wareham. Dick Winner is the nephew IT HAPPENED IN APRIL — exam you took did not seem of one of the toughest Bob Cousy was inducted to bear a relation to the ma- World Champions in Box- into the Basketball Hall of terial that you had reviewed. ing History ______? His Fame in 1970 … Robert Par- Celtics coach Doc Rivers uncle was World Welter- ish played in his last game got an NBA version of that weight, and Middleweight at Garden as a Celtic in 1994 recently. On the day he Champion ______? Dick as the Green and White lost dropped the news that star Winners’ uncle defeated to the Hornets, 95-89 … Kevin Garnett would be out the Great Sugar Ray Robin- Antoine Walker saw his con- for a good chunk of the play- son ______? His Uncle secutive game streak stopped offs, he also said that the fought two Fights of the at 204 in 1999 as he missed previous day (the last day of Century, with another of the a game against Indiana the regular season) he had toughest in boxing history, due to a sprained left ankle spent five hours “watching the Great Tony DeMarco … In 1962, the Celtics won Philly tape.” ______. Did you guess their fifth NBA title via 110- Oops. It was Chicago, not his name? If you said The 107 victory over the Los Philadelphia, that wound up Onion Farmer Carmen Angeles Lakers. Russell had in the eighth spot based upon Basilio of Canastota, New 40 rebounds but was some- the final night of regular York. You’re right. Great what overshadowed by season action. Not only that company with Dick Winner, Lakers star Elgin Baylor who but Rivers had earlier re- and Iron Mike Pusateri. We had 41 points and 22 re- vealed in the week leading Juan Botta and Dominic Compochiario had a great time. bounds in a losing cause. up to the playoffs that the Richie O’Brien, the son of Baylor averaged 30 plus focus of practices were play- April 9th, The National solved. It was announced John O’Brien is in waiting points over the course of the off opponents — not regular Italian American Sports that trainer of 5 World to go on Border Patrol for the seven-game series In 1963 season ones — meaning that Hall of Fame New England Champions Charles “Babe” summer in Texas or Califor- Michael Jordan scored 63 plays for Philadelphia, not Chapter, held its annual Wood, is to be posthumously nia. A great American you points against the Celtics in necessarily Chicago, were Member Bring a Friend inducted into the CES Box- are, from a great family. Our a first round playoff game but being run. That might have evening at Filippo’s ing Ring of Honor. Con- prayers are with you. We the C’s still prevailed 135-121 been a factor in the Celtics Ristorante in Boston’s great gratulations “Babe,” “Rest “Fellow Americans” Salute in double overtime. slow start (an overtime loss North End. What an elegant in Peace.” and thank you to you. John O’Brien also PLAYOFF POINTS — The and a slim two-point victory) time we had. The speakers, CES and Jimmy Burchfield. spoke of a saying that NBA postseason has been in the series. the entertainment, the at- Don’t forget, September 13, Trainer Ray McPeck told dedicated to former long- An interesting side note to mosphere, and the food were 2009 “LIVE,” at the Florian himself and others at the time coach Chuck Daly. The the Kevin Garnett situation all great. The evening was Hall in Dorchester where (Dan) O’Malley Gym in veteran mentor, who is be- is that KG has played his highlighted with a presenta- the Ring 4 Hall of Fame Quincy, during his lifetime. ing treated for pancreatic entire career without need- tion to Dom Comparchiaro. Banquet proudly honors “He wanted us to be good cancer, led the Cavaliers, ing any types of surgical Dom donates his time at the “2009 Man of the Year, boxers.” “But it was more Pistons, Nets and Magic over procedures, even minor NIASHF events taking great Eddy “Fitz” Fitzgerald, and important, to be a gentle- the course of his long career ones. Thus Garnett is a photos. World Welterweight the 2009 Hall of Fame In- man.” Ray McPeck a and also guided the 1992 whole, natural person — per- Champion Great Tony ductees to be later an- gentleman of class himself Olympic Dream Team to the haps somewhat of a rarity DeMarco, spoke well as the nounced. Thank you Eddy practiced what he preached. Gold Medal. these days when so many Ambassador on Boxing. He is Fitz, for all you’ve done for You Ray McPeck a man, now When the Bulls won the athletes do have minor sur- here with his lady friend the sport of Warriors, in and in that Golden Ring in first game of the playoff se- gery on an occasional basis. Janet Salvino. A great look- outside of the Boxing Ring. Heaven Refereed by God.” ries against the Celtics on Turning to the Bruins, they ing couple. The President of A Hearty Welcome to Rest in Peace. Causeway Street, it was were making short work the NIASHF, Al DeNapoli, Sandy “Little Tyson” In recent action Paul more than a one-game vic- of their arch-rivals — the whom I respectfully con- Tsagouris of Canada. Sandy Williams 37-1, 27 KO’s tory. It gave the Chicagoans Montreal Canadiens and gratulate for this great time. recently signed with Jimmy defeated Winky Wright confidence for the series. were on the verge of closing Many other great partici- Burchfield, and CES, which 51-5-1, by way of a twelve That’s according to Bulls out the series as this piece pants to this time: Iron Mike is currently in the process round decision. Paul Will- coach Vinny Del Negro, a went to press. Prior to the Pusateri, Tony Petronelli, of negotiating a World Title iams is a six foot plus fighter, native of the Bay State who series there was a lot of talk Juan Botta, Dennis Mar- Fight, for Little Tyson 9-1, with exceptional skill, and grew up in Springfield. about how the Canadiens rese, Jim Tuberosa, Matt 4 KO’s in Bosnia. She trains endurance. Tall like Tommy “Whenever you win you’re have made short work of the Troiani, John Cirigliano, at Bramalea Boxing in Hearns. Not the big one going to build confidence. Bruins playoff hopes in the Gino Desimone, Guido Brampton. She started box- punch KO artist as Hearns Talking about it but then past and how the centennial Rocino, Franco Capone, ing at the age of 16. She par- was. But he can hit. He’s actually going out and do- season of pro hockey in Jerry Capone, Donato Frat- ticipated in other sports in quick, and sharp. Chris ing it is another thing. I was Montreal might become a tarolli, Joe Fabiano, Big high school. While working Arreola 27-0, 24 KO’s de- pleased with the way we motivator. Steve Mascis, Jimmy Mas- out on the Fight Mitts with feated the six foot seven played but we are going to It didn’t. Throughout the sone. The Boxer Family a coach one day, he said inch Jameel McCline have to do better. The Celtics first three games the Bruins tables enjoyed themselves “Nice right hand.” “You 51-5-1, 25 KO’s by way of are champions for a reason. played like the Eastern Con- along with the many other should try boxing!” The rest a 4th round TKO. Chris I have a tremendous respect ference champions they are great individuals, through- is history. She is coached by Arreola hits hard for Doc (Rivers) and for what and the Canadiens per- out this fine establishment. Billy Martin. In her lone HAPPY BIRTHDAY’S: on he has done, so I know we’re formed like the eighth place Dom Campochiaro photogra- loss, she fought for a World April 23rd Jim Melvin, 26th going to have to raise our team they finish as. Tim pher for the Post-Gazette Title in which she responds Ron Borges, 29th RIP to level.” Del Negro knew that Thomas was great in goal — spoke eloquently on stage. with, “I couldn’t have lost Bernie McNally. May 4th his team sent a message that as he has been through the A special ‘Thank You’ to better.” She is the NABA Don Green, and Reinaldo it was not a pushover and year—and the players in Chairmen Chris Zizza and Champion. She says about Oliveira, 5th Edwin Rodri- that the series would be a front of him did their duty — Victor Corda, for a job well- Rhode Island, and the CES quez, 6th Jerry Houston Sr. long one. including standing up for one done. Boxing family, “Feels like a Speaking of Ron Borges, The feeling here is that it another on the ice when the April 11th, at Lindsey’s Res- second home!” “Jimmy he wrote another great ar- will be on the lengthy side occasion demanded it. taurant in Wareham, we Burchfield, Nick Barbato, ticle for the Boston Herald, too. Sure Ray Allen hit a Montreal’s elimination had another great Ring 4 and Jerry Coli, have all been titled.” De La Hoya goes out three-pointer with two sec- from the Stanley Cup at the Boston meeting. with Presi- great.” very Golden.” on the retire- onds left in Game Two to hands of the Bruins will be dent Mickey Finn, John Recently Iron Mike ment of Oscar De La Hoya. even things up. Let’s also vindication for B’s head O’Brien, Bob Franklin, Pusateri, Dick Winner, and Thumbs Up! Another great recall that in last year’s coach Claude Julien — who Jimmy Connors, Iron Mike myself met up at Peggy’s article. championship run, oppo- was previously fired by the Pusateri, Bill Pender who nents did not exactly roll over Montreal franchise. He has looks well after his recent for the C’s. took the brought the Bruins back from medical ordeal. Our prayers Green to the full seven the role of also-rans to con- are with you Bill. Tom games in the opening round tenders — and serious con- Conlan, Eddy “Fitz” and Cleveland actually led tenders at that. Only one Fitzgerald who is the 2009 by one point with 90 seconds team in the NHL (San Jose) Ring 4 Boston Man of the left in the seventh game of earned more points than the Year. Then there’s Steve the Cavaliers series with Bruins during the regular Memishian, Jack Hurley, the Green. The series with season. George Maddox, Chic Rose, Chicago started in mid-April It has the potential to be a Ed Connolly, Jim McGhee, but don’t be surprised if it long and successful spring on Dan Cuoco, John Ford, Don goes to early May before it’s Causeway Street for the men Mack, Tom Connolly, Steve decided. in Black and Gold. It seems Bartel, George Maddox, When you were in school, more of an uphill battle for Roland Milton, Bob Frank, did you ever feel that per- the team in Green, with the and Myself. Many important NIASHF President Al DeNapoli, Iron Mike Pusateri and haps you studied for the slope getting steeper with issues discussed, and re- World Welterweight Champion Tony DeMarco “wrong” exam? That is, the each passing day.