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torC a a e r I bl an oru irec io s Sue MartoM Dining Hall every Friday from 9:00 David Mattingly "No election is Archway Staff Writer p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Music is provided Archway StaJ!Writer easy for a re by various DJs as black lights and publican in this "It'swhatsrudentsneedaodwbat su-obe lights illuminate the room. In u.s. Senator John Chafee vis state..•weneed they're asking for," said Doris addition. snacks and ''mocklails,'' iled Bryantinan effort to encourage all tile help we Hooidge, Health Educator. about sucb as Sex on the Beach and Pifta support for Rhode Island Republi can gel" the new Directions Dance Club at Colada, provided by BACCHUS, can candidates on Sunday night. Chafeetbeo Bryant Recently developed by are available. Chafee was a guest of the Bryant introduced and Bryant's peer educators this new A $1.00 donation per student is C UegeRepublicansand theRbode handed over the program aims to give students an used as a fund-raiser for various of Re platform to the land Fedezatio College alternative to drinking 00 Friday causes, such as the John DeShaw publicans. four republican nights. Memorial Fund. Student organiza Chafee, former Secretary of the candidates fOJ Rob Guzas and Jennifer Flanigan tions are welcome to work the door Navy and governor of Rhode Is the state's two are co-sponsors of the dance club, and keep the proceeds. land, was recently recognized for congressional developed by the Bryant APES at a "We are trying to provide stu his health care package, Health districts. retreat last January. The main focus d nts with as many alternatives to Equity and Access Reform Today The four ~ of lbe retreat was to develop ways drinking as possible, especially on (JIEARn. HEART is a umiddle of contenders for .... to reduce alcohol use and abuse on Friday and Saturday nights," road" plan falling somewhere t.be House of ~ campos. Together wiLh Residence Horridgecommented. 'We'repool w n Clinton's bealth plan and Representa o Life and Bryant Center Operations, ing our resources for next semester ted by Chafee's more tives seats are C5 the peer educators began the dance and hope the program will continue un~ in the lJ"Sl dis ~ lub on Apri . ucce fully.' ha ee promotes ict, Paul 'a . in e A . 29 the c clu w' 1 r';nr nn ~ nn,.hflnr a Gte n, "S ful -it' sjustamarteroftime. We've begin imm iately following the be (~PJ)(lSes Clin D • ire to make Southern, an 8 had a good turnout so far, but we heduled comedian. Also, on May peciallysmall nes~ Dr. Kevin Vigi ~ need to build on it to make sure the 6, freshmen are admitted free and the coverage of their em lante, and un i program continues. • said Hanigan. the rust 50 students will receive yees. oppo ed in the Senator John Chafee DUections is located m South free Bryant College key chains. He also prefers relying on com second district, u.s. 'tion among health care opera Dr. John ElliOl leet information on how to become as opposed 10 government in 'IbeFtrSt Congressional District campaign volunteers. tervention. seat will be empty this fall since Despite adverti ing the forum in OlafeepresenUyis also tberank Congressman Ron Macbdey is run The Archway and posting fliers n's re Ie ing Republican of the Senate Envi rung for governor. Rhode Island around campus, few members of ronment and Public Works Com State Representative Patrjck the Bryant community were in at mittee. which last year established Kennedy will be running on the tendance. Panl V. Uss. co-vice ew laws to proleCt wetlands by Democratic ticket chairman of the Bryant College furtherregulating construction near The candidate forum attracted Republicans said, "The turnout was etlands and setting new building students and representatives from kind of disappointing, We tried to guidelines. many local colleges other than Bry get the word ouL since it was a great In his short speech, Olafee em an~ including Brown University, opportunity tohearone oCthe great phasized his concern fOJ a lack of Rhode Island College, the Univer est Senators speak:. Chafeecertainly Republican representation in the sity of Rhode Island Providence shows how the Republicans are weI] stale of Rhode Island. College, and Johnson & Wales represented." "One nice thing about being a University. Also speaking were Line Al Republican inRhodeIsland, is there Participants had the opportunity mond, candidate for governor, and is plenty of w to do. There are not only LOlisten to the guest speak Republican Party Chairman John not many of us around." He added ers but also to meet them and col- Holmes. o a I Members of the Greek Community partiCipate in the I e I tug-Of-war d ring last years Greek Week celebration. submitted by program and work togetber more activities fair and plan a tentative English Department effectively between practice ses schedule of perfonnances. NSIDE THIS ISSUE••• sions. As one faculty member ob Students now involved or who Bryant's two student music served, "Students get more involved would like to become involv next groups -The Bryant Jazz En in an activity if tbey 'own' it" f are urged to attend the organi semble and the Bryant Chorale Thatcenainly seems ecasewith zational meetings. The Jazz En ARTS & NTERTAINMENT ................................ 6 will ea h hold a planning meeting the Bryant P1ayers~ whose lively semble will meet this Tue day, 8 AVO TO B RYANT PLAYERS ......................... ... 6 next week (0 consider organizing and highlyentertaining "Little Shop April 26 at 6:30 in the Music Room as official Bryant studentorganiza of Horrors" production just com (first floor of the Bryant Center). CAMPUS SCENE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••• •• 8·10 tioos. pleted a very succes ful run. It is The Chorale will meet this Wednes Both groups currently meet for the case with a number of club day, April 27 also at 6:30 and also PUBLIC SAFETY B EAT ..................... .............. 3 practice once a week with t.beir sports as well. in the Music Room. mu ic directors. Music directors Ted Casher and Additional details are included OOOZBALL: FUN I THE SUN .......................... 5 However. it has been proposed Mark Colozzi are eager to start off in announcements published in .s that ifeach group has a charter and next fall with a group of tudents edition ofTIle Archway. For further OPINION ••••••••••••••• 11 ............ ................. ........ 2-3 a slate of officers. the SbJdents can who can represent the ensemble information, students may call Ex SOFTBALL CONTROLS THEIR O WN DESTINy •••• make mare ofa commitment to the and Ibe cborale at the annual fall tension 6262. 12 -2-THE--AR- C-HW - A-Y----- - ------ 0 P NI0 N-:---- - - ---- -TH-U-R-S-n-A-Y-, ---A-PRIL- 2-1, 1-9 94 Pul g r, Wei' 'Wi S ri We ke '94 To the Bryanl Community: Therehas been alotofeffort putinto Spring Weekend NotA '94. Michelle and lisahave given so much of their time Let me quote what Rob Fontanella said at Recogni to this weekend; making phone calls, signing contracts, It's a nice change of pace to see so many letters tion '94. ''We are all volunteers:' Those of us who attending policy meetings. etc. We are all, lucky to have to the editor. The past coupi of weeks show chose to be leaders at Bryant College are volunteers. two people willing to dsmate so much oflheir time to put We giv60ur blood, sweatand tears to ourorganizations on such a worthwhile event students on this campus really do have an opinion and their events. We are not paid for our efforts nor do Please put aside your negative attitudes. There is a lot after all. However, it is hard to ignore the underly we ask to be. planned for this weekend. Ifyou don't think. you'll have ing theme of many of these letters. Yes, as SPB chairpeople we are supposed to be fun, go home. But don't ruin the fun of veryone else. tudent representatives. But when we ask for your You only get out what you put in. A couple of weeks ago it was the fraternities and comments or suggestions for events like Spring Week Ifyou expect or look for disappointmentyou will find sororities against the athletes claiming they weren't end; the phone doesn't ring, we get no mail, and it I believe Spring Weekend will be awesome. I have attendance at the meeting is m.inimal. We cannot seen the blood, sweat and tears, all ofus, at SPB have put supporting one another. Now the campus seems please everyone. fonh so far. While you are till sleeping Spring Week divided over Spring Weekend plans. Although it As representatives oftile BryantCollege sWdents we plan end we will be setting up the stages, laying out equip and program based on yourconunents. Like anyrepresenta ment, etc. We don't expect your praise or appreciation. may only be a few people voicing their opinions, tivegovernment weca:mot read the minds ofevayooe. We What V'~ would like is for everyone to Join us Spring it unfortunately exemplifies the growing disunity can only hear you ifyou I. your voire be heard Weekend with a positive attitude. Forget about what The events ofSpring Weekend are based on the ideas could have been, that can't be fixed. Concentrate on among Bryant's organizations and members. of tho e who chose to speak up. All of us at SPB have what there wiD be; food, music and fun. Wet N' Wild While students have different reasons forjoining done what we can to make this Spring Weekend a blast Spring Weekend '94 is coming.