
Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences CBMS Regional Conference Series in

Number 111

Topology, C*-Algebras, and

Jonathan Rosenberg

American Mathematical Society with support from the National Science Foundation , C*-Algebras, and


Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics

Number 111

Topology, C*-Algebras, and String Duality

Jonathan Rosenberg

Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences by the American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island with support from the National Science Foundation NSF-CBMS-Regional Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Topology, C∗-Algebras, and String Duality held at Texas Christian University, Forth Worth, Texas May 18–22, 2009 Partially supported by the National Science Foundation. The author acknowledges support from the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences and NSF Grant #0735233 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 81T30; Secondary 81T75, 19K99, 46L80, 58B34, 55R10, 55P65, 55R50, 14J32, 53Z05.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rosenberg, J. (Jonathan), 1951– Topology, C∗-algebras, and string duality / Jonathan Rosenberg. p. cm. — (Regional conference series in mathematics ; no. 111) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8218-4922-4 (alk. paper) 1. . 2. C∗-algebras. 3. Duality theory (Mathematics) I. Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences. II. Title. QA612.R58 2009 514.2—dc22 2009032465

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The symbol ✰ denotes either a more advanced section, or else a bit of a digression, which can be skipped without interrupting the flow of the rest of the book.

Preface vii

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation 1 1.1. Structure of Physical Theories 1 1.2. Some Basics of 3 1.3. Dualities Related to String Theory 7 1.4. ✰ More on S-Duality and AdS/CFT Duality 10

Chapter 2. K-Theory and its Relevance to 13 2.1. A Quick Review of Topological K-Theory 13 2.2. K-Theory and D- Charges 21 2.3. K- and D-Brane Charges 22

Chapter 3. A Few Basics of C∗-Algebras and Crossed Products 25 3.1. Basics of C∗-Algebras 25 3.2. K-Theory of C∗-Algebras 29 3.3. Crossed Products 33

Chapter 4. Continuous-Trace Algebras and Twisted K-Theory 37 4.1. Continuous-Trace Algebras and the Brauer 37 4.2. Twisted K-Theory 40 4.3. ✰ The Theory of Gerbes 42

Chapter 5. More on Crossed Products and Their K-Theory 47 5.1. A Categorical Framework 47 5.2. Connes’ Thom 51 5.3. The Pimsner-Voiculescu Sequence 52

Chapter 6. The Topology of T-Duality and the Bunke-Schick Construction 55 6.1. Topological T-Duality 55 6.2. The Bunke-Schick Construction 57

Chapter 7. T-Duality via Crossed Products 63 7.1. Group Actions on Continuous Trace-Algebras 63 7.2. The Raeburn-Rosenberg Theorem 68

Chapter 8. Higher-Dimensional T-Duality via Topological Methods 71 8.1. Higher-Dimensional T-Duality 71 8.2. A Higher-Dimensional Bunke-Schick Theorem 72


Chapter 9. Higher-Dimensional T-Duality via C∗-Algebraic Methods 77 9.1. Methodology and a Key Example 77 9.2. Uniqueness of Group Actions 78 9.3. The General Case 81 Chapter 10. Advanced Topics and Open Problems 85 10.1. Mirror 85 10.2. Other Solutions to the Missing T-Dual Problem 87 10.3. ✰ Fourier-Mukai Duality 88 10.4. ✰ Refinements of K-Theory 93 10.5. Open Problems 94 Bibliography 95

Notation and Symbols 103 Index 107 Preface

This book is the outgrowth of an NSF/CBMS Regional Conference in the Math- ematical Sciences, May 18–22, 2009, organized by Robert Doran and Greg Friedman at Texas Christian University. I am highly indebted to Bob and Greg for their tire- less work in getting together funding for the conference, making all the logistical arrangements, recruiting participants and other speakers, and for keeping me on track during this entire process. The subject of this book, identical to the subject of the conference, is inter- disciplinary. Thus it involves a more-or-less equal mixture of topology, operator algebras, and physics. There is also a bit of algebraic , especially in the last chapter. While I assume most readers of this book are probably somewhat fa- miliar with at least one of these subjects, they may not necessarily be knowledgeable about all or even most of them. So I have tried to include some basics on each one. The expert can skip over these sections. Roughly speaking, each chapter of this book corresponds to a single lecture from the conference, but “fleshed out” a little more. I have also included some sections, marked with a star, that I didn’t go into in detail in the lectures. These are more advanced, and someone just wanting an overview of the subject can skip these, though they might interest the more advanced reader. Since the book covers a lot of ground, it differs from most con- ventional mathematics books which follow the methodical “theorem-proof” style. There are of course plenty of theorems and proofs, but my main objective has been to show how several seemingly disparate subjects are closely linked with one an- other, and to give readers an overview of some areas of current research. In some places this happens at the expense of trying to cover everything systematically. I would also like to the thank the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sci- ences and the National Science Foundation for their support. NSF Grant DMS- 0735233 supported the conference, NSF Grant DMS-0602750 supported the entire Regional Conference program, and NSF Grants DMS-0504212 and DMS-0805003 supported the research that went into the preparation of the lectures and the writing of this book. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Finally, I would also like to thank the Ruth M. Davis Professorship at the University of Maryland for partial support during the writing of this book, and I would like to thank the many participants at the CBMS conference for their lively participation and penetrating questions at the meeting, and for their valuable

vii viii PREFACE feedback on the first draft of this manuscript. They caught many misprints, errors, and omissions, and also made many useful suggestions for improvements, and for this I am very grateful.

Jonathan Rosenberg College Park, Maryland Bibliography

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α Regge slope parameter in string theory, corresponding to the square of the typical string length, page 4 βX Stone-Cechˇ compactification of X, page 27 δS variation of S, page 8 ∇ directional derivative operator of a connection, page 16 Φ field in string theory, page 10 Γ(X, E) sections of a bundle or over X, page 16 Γ∞(X, E) smooth sections of a bundle over X, page 16 ΛX free loop space on a space X, page 59 p ΩM sheaf of holomorphic p-forms on a complex M, page 85 ΩX based loop space of a based space X, page 59 πj j-th , page 18 ρ Phillips-Raeburn invariant, page 65 Σ string , page 3  uncompleted product of C∗-algebras, page 28 ∗ ⊗ spatial tensor product of C -algebras, page 28 p pth exterior power, page 91 A of a C∗-algebra A, page 37 ∗ A+ positive elements in a C -algebra A, page 27 ∗ Aθ rotation algebra with unitary generators U and V satisfying UVU = e2πiθV , page 53 A α G crossed product of A by an action α of G, page 34 A◦ opposite algebra to A, page 39 Aut A automorphism group of a C∗-algebra A, page 33 B gauge bundle of a principal bundle, page 64 B sheafified , page 92 BB-field, page 4 BG classifying space of a G,thequotientEG/G,where EG is (weakly) contractible and G acts freely and properly on it bn n-th Betti number, page 85 Br Brauer group (of a field, , or space), page 39 BrG equivariant Brauer group of a G-space, page 81 C the complex numbers c the speed of light in vacuum, page 3 c(E) total Chern class of E, page 15 Ch Chern character, page 18 cj(E) j-th Chern class of E, page 15 C(X) continuous functions on X, page 22


C0(X) continuous functions vanishing at infinity on a locally X, page 27 C(X, T) continuous functions X → T, page 67 D(X) derived of coherent sheaves on X, page 88 [E] K-theory class of a E, page 18 f! Gysin map in K-theory, page 22 Fq the finite field with q elements G sheaf of germs of G-valued continuous functions, G a topological group, page 14 G Newton’s gravitational constant, page 3 G0 connected component of the identity in a topological group G, page 31 Gal(E/F) Galois group of E over F , page 39 GL(A) stable general linear group of A, page 31 GL(n, A) group of invertible elements in Mn(A), page 31 Gm group scheme of the multiplicative group, page 39 Gr Grassmannian, page 14 gS string , page 10 gYM Yang-Mills coupling constant, page 11 Planck’s constant divided by 2π, page 3 HH-flux, page 4 H• ordinary cohomology, or sometimes Cechˇ cohomology • H´et ´etale cohomology in algebraic geometry, page 39 HH•(X) Hochschild cohomology of a variety X, page 91 • HLie(g,V) Lie algebra cohomology of a Lie algebra g with coefficients in a g- module V , page 79 • HM (G, A) Moore cohomology of a locally G with coefficients in a Polish module A, page 79 Homeo(X) group of X, page 63 hp,q Hodge number of a , page 85 G IndH A induced algebra, page 52 G IndH ρ induced representation, page 34 Inn(A) inner automorphism group of a C∗-algebra A, page 65 J complex structure on a complex manifold, page 85 K(H) compact operators on a Hilbert space H (often the H is suppressed if dim H = ℵ0), page 27 K(X) of vector bundles on X, page 18 K∗(X) topological K-theory of X, page 19 K0(A) Grothendieck group of finitely generated projective A-modules, page 30 K∗(A) topological K-theory of A, page 33 G K∗ (A) equivariant topological K-theory of A, page 47 ∼ K(G, n) Eilenberg-Mac Lane space with πn = G, page 38 KK(A, B) Kasparov KK-group, page 22 L Lagrangian in a physical theory, page 1 L(H) bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space H, page 27 −lim→ inductive limit of groups or algebras, page 31 lP Planck length, page 3 Mn the n × n matrices (over C if not otherwise stated) M(A) multiplier algebra of a C∗-algebra A, page 27 NOTATION AND SYMBOLS 105

Map(X, Y ) space of continuous maps X → Y , page 15 N the natural numbers, {n ∈ Z | n ≥ 0} On Cuntz algebra generated by n isometries, page 53 OX structure sheaf of an algebraic variety X, page 88 Pn projective n-space P Poincar´e bundle, page 89 1 p! Gysin map for a principal S -bundle p, page 57 Pic Picard group of bundles (either topological or holomorphic, de- pending on context), page 14 PU projective unitary group (of a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, unless otherwise specified), page 38 Q the rational numbers R the real numbers R× multiplicative group of invertible elements in a ring R, page 14 R(G) the ring of virtual finite dimensional representations of a compact group G, page 47 S a suitable site of topological spaces, page 92 S of rapidly decreasing functions, page 9 S action in a physical theory, page 1 Spec A the scheme defined by a commutative ring A, page 39 Sqj j-th Steenrod square, page 20 T the unit circle in the complex plane, with its multiplicative abelian group structure tmf topological modular forms exotic cohomology theory, page 93 R Torn (A, B) Tor groups of homological algebra, page 41 Tr trace (of a positive or trace-class operator), page 37 TX sheaf of holomorphic vector fields on a complex manifold X, page 86 U(A) unitary group of a C∗-algebra A, page 51 U(H) unitary group of a Hilbert space H, page 38 U(n)groupofn × n unitary matrices, page 15 3 W3 integral Stiefel-Whitney class in H , page 42 wj j-th Stiefel-Whitney class, page 41 X+ one-point compactification of X, page 19 [X, Y ] homotopy classes of maps X → Y , page 15 Z the usual integers Z partition function in statistical mechanics or quantum field theory, page 3


abelian variety, 88 Chan-Paton bundle, 21, 22 dual, 89 charge action, 1 D-brane, 21, 93 Einstein-Hilbert, 2 electric, 21 least, 1, 2 in K-homology, 23 of a group on a C∗-algebra, 34 in K-theory, 22, 93 Polyakov, 4 quantization of, 21 Yang-Mills, 2, 11 Chern character, 18 adjoining an identity, 25, 26, 30, 32 Chern class, 15, 21 Aharonov-Bohm effect, 3 Chern-Weil theory, 2, 16, 42 amenable group, 29, 51 chirality, 6 amplitude, 2 classifying space, 15, 58, 59 , 5, 93 closed string, 5 anti-de Sitter space, 10, 11 clutching, 55 antibrane, 21 cocycle Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence, 20, Cech,ˇ 14 41, 42, 49, 56 automatic continuity of, 79 Azumaya algebra, 39 unitary, 51 coherent sheaf, 88 B-field, 4, 46 compact operators, 27 back-formation, 5 complex manifold, 85 Banach ∗-algebra, 25 conformal field theory, 10 , 25 connection, 1, 16, 67 band, 93 gerbe, 45 Baum-Connes Conjecture, 51 Connes’ Thom isomorphism, 51, 53, 63, 77 Betti number, 85 continuous-trace algebra, 38, 44 bivector, 91 contractible Banach algebra, 32, 49 Borel construction, 59 correspondence principle, 91 , 4 covariant pair, 34 Bott periodicity, 19, 33, 47 cross-norm, 28 bounded operators, 27 crossed product, 34 brane, 5 K-theory of, 48 Brauer group, 39, 90 reduced, 51 equivariant, 81, 82 CT-algebra, see continuous-trace algebra Brown Representability Theorem, 59 Cuntz algebra, 53 bundle gerbe, see gerbe cup product, 18 Bunke-Schick Theorem, 58, 72 curvature, 16, 45 Buscher rules, 8, 55 curving, 45

C∗ , 34 D-brane, 5, 11 C∗-algebra, 25 deformation nuclear, 29 gerbe, 91 Calabi-Yau manifold, 85, 90 of complex structure, 85, 91 Cechˇ cohomology, 14, 40 of K¨ahler structure, 86

107 108 INDEX

of multiplication, 91 frame bundle, 44 quantization, 91 Fredholm module, 22 derivation, 52 free loop space, 59, 73 derived category, 88 Fukaya category, 90 derived , 88, 89 DG-category, 92 Galois cohomology, 39 diffraction, 3 gauge bundle, 64 dilaton, 10 gauge field, 1, 6, 7, 21 discrete Heisenberg group, 78 gauge group, 6, 7, 64 Dixmier-Douady class, 38, 42, 43, 65, 66, Gauss’s Law, 21 68, 91 generalized geometry, 87 Dixmier-Douady form, 45 gerbe, 38, 42, 91, 93 Dixmier-Douady invariant, 40, 78, 83 Grassmannian, 14, 18 duality, 7 gravity, 2, 4 AdS/CFT, 10, 11 Green Imprimitivity Theorem, 52, 78 electric-magnetic, 7, 9, 93 Green-Julg Theorem, 48 Fourier, 7 Gromov-Witten invariant, 87 Langlands, 7, 9 Grothendieck group, 18, 30 Montonen-Olive, 7 Grothendieck topology, 92 Pontrjagin, 35 Grothendieck-Serre Theorem, 39 S-, see S-duality group completion, 18, 30 T-, see T-duality Gysin map, 57, 58, 62, 68 Takai, see Takai duality Gysin sequence, 57 U-, see U-duality H-flux, 4, 38, 46 Eilenberg swindle, 30 harmonic oscillator, 7 Eilenberg-Mac Lane space, 38 Heisenberg nilmanifold, 71 Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms, 19 Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 2, 8 Einstein’s equation, 2 Hermite functions, 8 electron, 4 hermitian metric, 16 charge of, 9, 21 heterotic string elliptic cohomology, 93 E8,6 , 88, 90 SO(32), 7 equations of motion, 1 Hochschild cohomology, 91 equivariant K-theory, see K-theory, Hodge ∗-operator, 93 equivariant Hodge numbers, 85 ´etale cohomology, 39 Hodgkin spectral sequence, 41, 54 Euclidean signature, 2 homotopy invariance, 31, 32 Euler-Lagrange equation, 1 homotopy sequence expectation value, 3 of fibration, 18, 41, 74 exterior equivalence, 51 Hopf fibration, 55 Hurewicz Theorem, 41 F-theory, 10 Fell topology, 37 Fermat’s theory of optics, 1 essential, 27 , 4, 22 maximal modular, 28 fermion algebra, 53 prime, 49 field, 1 idempotent, 16, 31, 33 B-, see B-field induced action, 52, 77 electromagnetic, 21 induced algebra, 48, 52 gauge, 1, 2 induced representation, 34 Ramond-Ramond, 6, 93 inductive limit, 33, 53 scalar, 1 , 6 vector, 1 integration along the fibers, 58 field strength, 2, 21 irrational rotation algebra, 53, 91 Fivebrane structure, 93 fixed set, 49 K-homology , 8, 89 analytic, 22 Fourier-Mukai transform, 89, 92 geometric, 22 INDEX 109 k-invariant, 58, 59, 73 , 94 K-theory orientable, 6 equivariant, 41, 47 of a ring, 30 partition function, 3, 9 topological, 19, 33 path integral, 3 twisted, 40 Pauli exclusion principle, 4 with compact supports, 19, 30 , 10 K¨ahler manifold, 85 Phillips-Raeburn Theorem, 65, 67 Kaluza-Klein , 94 photon, 4 Kasparov theory, 22 Picard group, 14, 88 KK-theory, 22 Picard stack, 92 Klein bottle, 6 Pimsner-Voiculescu sequence, 52, 53 Planck length, 3 Lagrangian, 1 Planck’sconstant,3,91 effective, 11 Poincar´e bundle, 89 Lagrangian submanifold, 87, 90 Poincar´e duality, 23, 40, 42 Langlands dual, 7, 9 Poisson bracket, 91 Langlands program, 7 Poisson structure, 91 least action, see action, least Poisson summation formula, 9 Lie algebra cohomology, 79 Polish group, 79 lifting, 64, 66 Pontrjagin duality, 35, 89, 92 line bundle, 14, 16 positive (in a C∗-algebra), 27 local coefficients, 40 Postnikov tower, 58, 59, 72, 74, 75 loop group, 87 principal bundle, 1 Lorentz metric, 2 product in K-theory, 18 M-theory, 10, 78 projection, 16, 33, 37 Mackey obstruction, 82 projective module, 29 Mackey Imprimitivity Theorem, 34, 35, 52 , 9 quantum field theory, 3 mapping torus, 52 , 2, 7, 8, 25, 91 metric hermitian, see hermitian metric Raeburn-Rosenberg Theorem, 68 Lorentz, see Lorentz metric Ramond sector, 6 Riemannian, see Riemannian metric Ramond-Ramond charges, 42 Millikan oil drop experiment, 21 Ramond-Ramond fields, 6, 93 Minasian-Moore formula, 22 rank, 14 mirror symmetry, 85 Regge slope, 4 homological, 89 relativity missing mirror, 94 general, 2 monodromy, 70 representation ring, 47 Moore cohomology, 79 Riemannian metric, 2 Morita equivalence, 28, 29, 33, 35 rigid, 94 characterization of, 29 rotation algebra, 53 Morita invariance ∗ S-duality, 9–11, 93 of K∗ for C -algebras, 33 Schr¨odinger representation, 8 of K0,31 sector, 6 Morita’s Theorem, 28 self-adjoint, 27 Moyal product, 91 Serre spectral sequence, 58, 74, 83 Mukai’s Theorem, 89 Serre-Swan Theorem, 30 multiplier algebra, 27, 51 sheaf, 14, 40, 43, 65 Neveu-Schwarz sector, 6 coherent, 88 non-geometric , 87 sigma model nonassociative algebra, 87 nonlinear, 4 noncommutative T-dual, 78 site Grothendieck, 92 observable, 2, 27 Snell’s law, 2 open string, 5 special Lagrangian submanifold, 87 110 INDEX , 26 type I, 6 spectral sequence type IIA, 6, 90 Atiyah-Hirzebruch, see type IIB, 6, 11, 90 Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence Hodgkin, see Hodgkin spectral sequence U-duality, 10 Serre, see Serre spectral sequence UHF algebra, 50, 53 spectrum, 25, 37 unital, 25 spinc structure, 22, 23, 40–42, 44 unitary, 27 ,1,4 Van Est’s Theorem, 79 Splitting Principle, 15 vector bundle, 13 stable isomorphism, 29 G-, 47 stack, 92 operations, 13 star-product, 91 state, 2, 27 wave function, 2 stationary phase, 3 Wedderburn’s Theorem, 39 Steenrod homology, 23 Wess-Zumino term, 4, 38, 45, 46, 55 Stiefel-Whitney class, 41, 42 Wess-Zumino-Witten model, 5, 45 Stone-Cechˇ compactification, 27 Wick rotation, 2 Stone-von Neumann-Mackey Theorem, 35, Wigner’s Theorem, 79 52 worldline, 21 string, 3 worldsheet, 3 string coupling constant, 10, 11 WZWmodel,5,45 string landscape, 71 String structure, 93 Yang-Mills theory, 2, 11 string theory, 3 supergravity, 10 supersymmetry, 4, 6, 85 symmetry breaking, 15 , 85 system of imprimitivity, 34

T-dual missing, 71, 72 T-duality, 8, 9, 55 group, 71 noncommutative, 78 topological, 57 T-fold, 87 Takai duality, 36, 54, 65 tensor product maximal, 29 of vector bundles, 13 spatial, 28, 32 theta function, 9 topological modular forms, 93 topology Grothendieck, 92 torsor, 93 torus complex, 88 dual, 8 noncommutative, 53 trace continuous, see continuous-trace algebra function, 37 transition functions, 14 triangulated category, 88 twisted K-theory, see K-theory, twisted Titles in This Series

111 Jonathan Rosenberg, Topology, C∗-algebras, and string duality, 2009 110 David Nualart, and its applications, 2009 109 Robert J. Zimmer and Dave Witte Morris, Ergodic theory, groups, and geometry, 2008 108 Alexander Koldobsky and Vladyslav Yaskin, The interface between convex geometry and , 2008 107 FanChungandLinyuanLu, Complex graphs and networks, 2006 106 , Nonlinear dispersive equations: Local and global analysis, 2006 105 Christoph Thiele, Wave packet analysis, 2006 104 Donald G. Saari, Collisions, rings, and other Newtonian N-body problems, 2005 103 Iain Raeburn, Graph algebras, 2005 102 Ken Ono, The web of modularity: Arithmetic of the coefficients of modular forms and q series, 2004 101 Henri Darmon, Rational points on modular elliptic curves, 2004 100 Alexander Volberg, Calder´on-Zygmund capacities and operators on nonhomogeneous spaces, 2003 99 Alain Lascoux, Symmetric functions and combinatorial operators on polynomials, 2003 98 Alexander Varchenko, Special functions, KZ type equations, and representation theory, 2003 97 Bernd Sturmfels, Solving systems of polynomial equations, 2002 96 Niky Kamran, Selected topics in the geometrical study of differential equations, 2002 95 Benjamin Weiss, Single orbit dynamics, 2000 94 David J. Saltman, Lectures on division algebras, 1999 93 Goro Shimura, Euler products and Eisenstein series, 1997 92 FanR.K.Chung, Spectral , 1997 91 J. P. May et al., Equivariant homotopy and cohomology theory, dedicated to the memory of Robert J. Piacenza, 1996 90 John Roe, Index theory, coarse geometry, and topology of manifolds, 1996 89 Clifford Henry Taubes, Metrics, connections and gluing theorems, 1996 88 Craig Huneke, Tight closure and its applications, 1996 87 John Erik Fornæss, Dynamics in several complex variables, 1996 86 Sorin Popa, Classification of subfactors and their endomorphisms, 1995 85 Michio Jimbo and Tetsuji Miwa, Algebraic analysis of solvable lattice models, 1994 84 Hugh L. Montgomery, Ten lectures on the interface between analytic number theory and harmonic analysis, 1994 83 Carlos E. Kenig, Harmonic analysis techniques for second order elliptic boundary value problems, 1994 82 Susan Montgomery, Hopf algebras and their actions on rings, 1993 81 Steven G. Krantz, Geometric analysis and function spaces, 1993 80 Vaughan F. R. Jones, Subfactors and knots, 1991 79 Michael Frazier, Bj¨orn Jawerth, and Guido Weiss, Littlewood-Paley theory and the study of function spaces, 1991 78 Edward Formanek, The polynomial identities and variants of n × n matrices, 1991 77 Michael Christ, Lectures on singular integral operators, 1990 76 Klaus Schmidt, Algebraic ideas in ergodic theory, 1990 75 F. Thomas Farrell and L. Edwin Jones, Classical aspherical manifolds, 1990 74 Lawrence C. Evans, Weak convergence methods for nonlinear partial differential equations, 1990 73 Walter A. Strauss, Nonlinear wave equations, 1989 72 Peter Orlik, Introduction to arrangements, 1989 TITLES IN THIS SERIES

71 Harry Dym, J contractive matrix functions, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and interpolation, 1989 70 Richard F. Gundy, Some topics in probability and analysis, 1989 69 Frank D. Grosshans, Gian-Carlo Rota, and Joel A. Stein, Invariant theory and , 1987 68 J. William Helton, Joseph A. Ball, Charles R. Johnson, and John N. Palmer, Operator theory, analytic functions, matrices, and electrical engineering, 1987 67 Harald Upmeier, Jordan algebras in analysis, operator theory, and quantum mechanics, 1987 66 G. Andrews, q-Series: Their development and application in analysis, number theory, , physics and , 1986 65 Paul H. Rabinowitz, Minimax methods in critical point theory with applications to differential equations, 1986 64 Donald S. Passman, Group rings, crossed products and Galois theory, 1986 63 Walter Rudin, New constructions of functions holomorphic in the unit ball of Cn, 1986 62 B´ela Bollob´as, Extremal graph theory with emphasis on probabilistic methods, 1986 61 Mogens Flensted-Jensen, Analysis on non-Riemannian symmetric spaces, 1986 60 Gilles Pisier, Factorization of linear operators and geometry of Banach spaces, 1986 59 Roger Howe and Allen Moy, Harish-Chandra homomorphisms for p-adic groups, 1985 58 H. Blaine Lawson, Jr., The theory of gauge fields in four , 1985 57 Jerry L. Kazdan, Prescribing the curvature of a Riemannian manifold, 1985 56 Hari Bercovici, Ciprian Foia¸s, and Carl Pearcy, Dual algebras with applications to invariant subspaces and dilation theory, 1985 55 William Arveson, Ten lectures on operator algebras, 1984 54 William Fulton, Introduction to intersection theory in algebraic geometry, 1984 53 Wilhelm Klingenberg, Closed geodesics on Riemannian manifolds, 1983 52 Tsit-Yuen Lam, Orderings, valuations and quadratic forms, 1983 51 Masamichi Takesaki, Structure of factors and automorphism groups, 1983 50 James Eells and Luc Lemaire, Selected topics in harmonic maps, 1983 49 John M. Franks, Homology and dynamical systems, 1982 48 W. Stephen Wilson, Brown-Peterson homology: an introduction and sampler, 1982 47 Jack K. Hale, Topics in dynamic bifurcation theory, 1981 46 Edward G. Effros, Dimensions and C∗-algebras, 1981 45 Ronald L. Graham, Rudiments of Ramsey theory, 1981 44 Phillip A. Griffiths, An introduction to the theory of special divisors on algebraic curves, 1980 43 William Jaco, Lectures on three-manifold topology, 1980 42 Jean Dieudonn´e, Special functions and linear representations of Lie groups, 1980 41 D. J. Newman, Approximation with rational functions, 1979 40 Jean Mawhin, Topological degree methods in nonlinear boundary value problems, 1979 39 , Representations of finite Chevalley groups, 1978 38 Charles Conley, Isolated invariant sets and the Morse index, 1978 37 Masayoshi Nagata, Polynomial rings and affine spaces, 1978 36 Carl M. Pearcy, Some recent developments in operator theory, 1978 35 R. Bowen, On Axiom A diffeomorphisms, 1978 34 L. Auslander, Lecture notes on nil-theta functions, 1977 33 G. Glauberman, Factorizations in local subgroups of finite groups, 1977

For a complete list of titles in this series, visit the AMS Bookstore at www.ams.org/bookstore/. String theory is the leading candidate for a physical theory that combines all the fundamental of nature, as well as the principles of relativity and quantum mechanics, into a mathematically elegant whole. The mathematical tools used by string theorists are highly sophisticated, and cover many areas of mathematics. As with the birth of quantum theory in the early 20th century, the mathematics has benefited at least as much as the physics from the collaboration. In this book, based on CBMS lectures given at Texas Christian Copyright © 2009 Eliot A. Cohen © 2009 Eliot Copyright University, Rosenberg describes some of the most recent interplay between string dualities and topology and operator algebras. The book is an interdisciplinary approach to duality symmetries in string theory. It can be read by either mathematicians or theoretical physicists, and involves a more-or-less equal mixture of algebraic topology, operator algebras, and physics. There is also a bit of algebraic geometry, especially in the last chapter. The reader is assumed to be somewhat familiar with at least one of these four subjects, but not necessarily with all or even most of them. The main objective of the book is to show how several seemingly disparate subjects are closely linked with one another, and to give readers an overview of some areas of current research, even if this means that not everything is covered systematically.

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