Aar 1943-1945
~:..':~__ ':::; ,,,!IIill "i, ••<t,.,.~ !',\ , • 1 : ....::- .;.>~~.~. '.. '~':. ~ ,_ '.", '. -'" ", "i. I,,: ',' r' , e, (' " " ' :: '::'''..~~:~:.~ j JANUARY 43 thru DPX:mm;;;R 45 , _I' ' :, C\J -, \. , ,'-,.' """ , , " --""";"':' ',' .~!. '::: ~, , < C' • " ", ..., " On,"".... ·~. ~~X ,',:" ". ',:::::., ' , " -, ' , '. .' '. ~ '>-.-~', , ...~ . TlIIS DOCUMENT JS ',THE PROBERftOF, AND saOJJLD 'BE, RE,TORitED"ro, I \ - .. ,....... ' , - -~ ./' .' '(;;J':,,' ~''','" THECLASSIFII1' DOCU},.'EN'J.' SECTION, 'ItmiLIGE~E ,DIVISJ:ON, ,B-2" :. "'- .. .,.' , , ' " ", .. '. (., :BUILDING T-5, (T-17S2). .. ' .... ~, , ....-,..... , . '.... /' .:...., ...... , .. ;.1"-.'.".' ..... , ..... ,....'.. ", .'"- " ....... .. ,; ~,' ........ ./0..... " .' .' , .';"""~ ,..~. ) .. ' .........'. ":..: , ' '" .:: " , .~ ~,.~ , if.EAD QUAI ~T:r:;RS • 781ST TA:: B.[I.,? 2\LION Car.1P Cal:qboll, K.::ntuclcy 12 February 1946 S~~J=CT= unit Histo~J. II -)- '"',r TO Co:,:t.ilandinc c·ul1cral, oi."l..J... ~ J , Tenn. period Coverod: 1 Janua::'y 1916 - 19 Fobruar-y 1916. PleT I SUl''IT'I[U~Y Ci:::.'ct:lar '!l65, Hqs., 2nd Al~!.lY, dated 31 Decenber 19,::5, author iZdd tIl,; L'Gd1lction of strength of a tank battalio:l by 0::10 medium ta~l;~ c Od:i&l1Y. This OhlJI' also s]0cifiec1 tha'~, this cOL::)any 'i'lOuld bo COl~:)a::w IIC;I. Tlith t:1.0 elhlinatiOll of co::a:oany IIC Il the personnel in the: CO~.lp:J.n~r viore: tr-aIlsferJd to tl:e other conpanios of the batta lion br-ill:.Ll;::; Ecarlquarturs, Ab=..o and. D07, CO!:lpanies up to T/O St::"O(;i:0t~1. COH1)a.cy !tEn; by order- of 2nd ~\.:''']jlY, nas designated to bo tho heav~T ta:'ll~ cO:.l~'c:.ny, co~x)ar,y itA" to be; tl1c ii:ediulll tank conpany, am'!. conpany "DII tiL; liC;)l"C tan;~ c O}_~lpe.ny 0 Hcadqua:'.:'tors and servicc COLl~' anies T{.3;:lalY'~.:J(--l.
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