PromotingPhilanthropy Volunteering Through Policies

Volunteering Presented by: Empathy Muhammad Hammad Ur Rehman Deputy Director Volunteers in Service (VIS) Department National Representative in for IAVE Secretary, Punjab Volunteer Network, Punjab, Pakistan Focal Person on Anti-Narcotics for ANF and PHEC Trainer / Facilitator on PanelsGiving of UCP UNOPS, UCP, BARGAD, CWO Youth Activist, Human Rights Activist, Democracy Advocate, Child Rights Activist Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Country Profile Since 14th August 1947

Name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan Area: 881,913 km2 (340,509 sq. mi) Population: 212.7 Million Growth Rate: 2.0% GDP: $305 Billion Life Expectancy: 66.5 years Literacy Rate: 62.3% (M: 72.5%, F: 51.8%) : $2 Billion (Rs.240 Billion)* (Charity) per annum

*Study conducted by Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP)

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies (Dec 25, 1876 – Sep 11, 1948) | Father of the Nation

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Networks to Promote Volunteering

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Volunteers in Service (VIS)

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies PVN Core Committee

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Awareness of the Social Sector in Pakistan

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Registered Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) Around 125,000 (as per research by Pakistan Center for Philanthropy PCP) 1 NGO per 2000 people

From 10,000 to 12,000 in 2001 (as per research by Agha Khan Foundation and Civicus)

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Abdul Sattar

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Social Sector and Social Enterprises in Pakistan

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Akhuwat (Brotherhood)

Dr. Muhammad (Founder - Akhuwat)

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Saylani Welfare International Trust

Bashir Farooq Qadri (Founder - SWIT) Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Livelihood, Food

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Zain Ashraf (Founder, Seed Out) Forbe’s 30 Under 30 1st Pakistani to Achieve Common Wealth Youth Award

Crowd Funding

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies New Tourist Heaven

Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Promoting Volunteering Through Policies Q & A

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Promoting Volunteering Through Policies