Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update TOWN OF LOWELL, VERMONT JULY 2016 Town of Lowell, Vermont | July 2016 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Town of Lowell, Vermont Town of Lowell 2170 Route 100 Lowell, Vermont 05847 (802) 744-6559 Prepared by: 351 Pleasant Street, Suite B #208, Northampton, MA 01060 Phone: 413-586-0867 Fax: 413-727-8282 Web: www.jamiecaplan.com Funding and Support Provided by: 36 Eastern Avenue, Suite 1, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 Phone: 802-424-1423 Web: www.nvda.net 2 Town of Lowell, Vermont | July 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PLANNING TEAM Jamie Caplan, Principal, Jamie Caplan Consulting Amanda Carlson, Town Administrator, Town of Lowell Frank Maloney, Planner, Northeastern VT Development Association HAZARD MITIGATION COMMITTEE Calvin Allen, Fire Chief and Road Commissioner Amanda Carlson, Town Administrator Anita Gagner, Lowell Graded School Principal Richard Pion, Select Board Chairman Dwight Richardson, Select Board Alden Warner, Select Board and Fire Department Member (Former Chief) ZONING BOARD Charles Boulmetis Amanda Carlson, Town Administrator Keith Christiansen Rolf Koob (also on the fire department) Sam Thurston (Head of the Historical Society) Gordon Spencer – Zoning Administrator 3 Town of Lowell, Vermont | July 2016 RECORD OF CHANGES This Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, including Appendices, will be reviewed and approved on an annual basis by the Hazard Mitigation Committee and following any major disasters. All updates and revisions to the plan will be tracked and recorded in the following table. This process will ensure the most recent version of the plan is disseminated and implemented by the Town. Date of Change Entered By Summary of Changes 4 Town of Lowell, Vermont | July 2016 CERTIFICATE OF LOCAL ADOPTION 5 Town of Lowell, Vermont | July 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1.
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