Environment International 146 (2021) 106282
Environment International 146 (2021) 106282 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Environment International journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/envint Current radiological situation in areas of Ukraine contaminated by the Chornobyl accident: Part 2. Strontium-90 transfer to culinary grains and forest woods from soils of Ivankiv district I. Labunskaa’*, S. Levchukb, V. Kashparov b,c, D. Holiakab, L. Yoschenkob, D. Santilloa, P. Johnston a a Greenpeace Research Laboratories, Innovation Centre Phase 2, Rennes Drive, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK b Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology (UIAR) of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Mashinobudivnykiv str.7, Chabany, Kyiv Region 08162, Ukraine c CERAD CoE Environmental Radioactivity/Department of Environmental Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 1432 Aas, Norway ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Handling Editor: Olga Kalantzi Some of the highest 90Sr activity concentrations recorded beyond the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone occur in the Ivankiv district of Ukraine, located approximately 50 km south of the power plant, an area which nonetheless Keywords: remains important for agricultural production. Although characterized by soils with low exchangeable calcium 90Sr values, which can enhance the bioavailability of certain radionuclides, information on the transfer of 90Sr to food Grain contamination crops and trees in the region has remained limited to date. Analysis of 116 grain samples (wheat, rye, oat, barley Wood contamination or Triticale) collected from fields in 13 settlements in the region between 2011 and 2019 revealed 90Sr and 137Cs The Chernobyl accident Effective dose activity concentrations above Ukrainian limits in almost half of those samples, with annual averages exceeding Transfer factor this limit in four of those nine years (most recently in 2018) and with no clear evidence for a declining trend over time.
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