
1850-1920 The Dissolution of

1890-1910 - coloristic , static melody, focus on instrumental , in order to convey an specific image. [Debussy, Ravel]

1910 (1) - that displays (2) New ways of creating pitch (3) Mixing of different musical (4) - All sounds an absence of a pitch center. centricity. styles. (musical, natural, industrial, etc.) [, Anton [, Bela Bartok] [] may be used as musical material. Webern, ] [ (1913) - painter, , , Edgard Varese]

World War I (1914-1918)

1920 (1) Neoclassicism - Reemphasis on traditional composition techniques (2) Experimentation in the U.S. - followed the legacy of Ives. and formal structures of the Baroque and Classical periods. Roughly [Cowell, , , Varese] 1920-1935. [Stravinsky, Bartok, Prokofiev, Hindemith, Copland, Schoenberg]

1923 Tweleve-tone music - The serial ordering of all twelve chromatic pitches. [Schoenberg, Webern, Berg]

World War II (1939-1945)

1949 (1) Total - Highly conscious approach to musical composition. (2) Aleatory - Intuitive approach to musical composition that involves Any musical parameter (pitch duration, articulation, etc.) may be ordered indeterminancy in either the composition or performance of a work. to form a series. Normally, pitch and one other musical element is [, , ] ordered for a work to be considered serial. [Boulez, Stockhausen, Babbitt]

(1) Texture and Color (2) Quotation of earlier (3) - (4) Music Theater - (5) Electro-Acoustic (6) as the primary music. The is divided Drama and music in new Music - Music that is (c.1962) - A reduction compositional focus. [, Lukas into quarter-tones. forms other than . produced through of musical material. [Gyorgy Ligeti, Foss, Davies] [, Ben [Cage, , electronic means such [, Steve ] Johnston] Davies, Crumb] as a tape recorder. Reich, ] [Pierre Schaeffer, , Varese, Berio]