Wrongs and Crimes Chapter 11 Threats and Consent Note: This is a draft chapter from a long book on criminalization entitled Wrongs and Crimes that I am in the process of completing. It is one of four chapters on consent. I hope that it is reasonably self-standing (though, obviously, all apparent egregious errors are shown to be brilliant insights in other parts of the book). Victor Tadros Threats and deception can undermine valid consent. When do they do so? Why do they do so? What affects the gravity of the resultant wrongdoing? And when should the conduct that the victim does not consent to be criminalized as a result? Although these questions are general I will explore them in the important and difficult realm of wrongful penetrative sex. This chapter is concerned with threats, the next with deception. Work on sexual wrongdoing generates sharp disagreement, not only about what we should think, but also about how we should think about it. Some are hostile to the use of my standard philosophical method in this context, especially the use of unusual hypothetical cases. Using this method, some think, trivializes sexual wrongdoing, or fails to show respect to victims of wrongdoing. In employing this method, I aim at a clearer and deeper grasp of sexual wrongdoing. As we will see, the nature and scope of sexual wrongdoing is by no means obvious. We owe it to victims and potential victims of sexual wrongdoing to use the tools that are best suited to develop a clear and deep grasp of that wrongdoing. The use of examples and arguments, that has 1 helped many of us make progress across moral, political, and legal philosophy, can assist us in this endeavor. My aim in using examples is the opposite of trivialization - it is to explore not only what makes sexual conduct wrong, but also the facts that can make it gravely wrong. It is regrettable that there has been little systematic work on the gravity of sexual wrongdoing in particular. The criminal law cannot plausibly be used to control all sexual wrongdoing. This is both because some sexual wrongdoing is insufficiently serious to warrant state punishment, but also because there are other social and legal mechanisms for regulating and controlling sexual wrongdoing. Criminalization should normally be reserved for the most serious sexual wrongdoing. And the criminal law ought appropriately to distinguish between more and less serious instances of sexual wrongdoing, both by distinguishing offence categories and at the sentencing stage. Understanding what makes sexual wrongdoing more or less serious, then, has great practical importance. I do not make direct policy suggestions in this chapter. Its aim is only to explore the limits and gravity of sexual wrongdoing. As we saw in chapter x, decisions about criminalization turn on a range of facts beyond the wrongness of the conduct – especially the effects of criminalizing conduct. Investigating the scope and gravity of wrongdoing helps us to answer a more limited question: the question of the liability of wrongdoers to state punishment. An investigation into the scope and gravity of sexual wrongdoing is an important starting point for a more complete investigation into criminalization. Here is the structure of the chapter. Section I explores how threats and coercive offers work, and provide an account of when they are effective. Section II responds to a narrow view of which threats undermine consent: when what is threatened is wrong. It shows three ways in which the narrow view is mistaken. Section III is concerned with offers. It explains why offers can be coercive even when it would have been permissible not to make the 2 offer, and the offer improves the situation of the victim compared with its not being made. Section IV is concerned with the gravity of wrongdoing. I. Effective Threats Almost everyone agrees that sex secured by threats of death or serious bodily injury ought to be criminalized. Almost everyone agrees that it ought to be criminalized as rape. Historically, the law has been quite restrictive about which other threats render sex criminally wrongful. Typically, legislatures explicitly restrict the relevant threats to threats of violence, or are vague about which threats count. Economic threats, threats of loss of employment, threats to reputation, and threats of prosecution, have often been used to secure sex; victims are often traumatized when sex is secured through these threats; and the relevant conduct is often clearly and seriously wrong. Yet the law has often failed to criminalize seriously wrongful conduct of this kind.1 One explanation is that it is difficult to draw the line between serious and trivial instances of wrongful conduct. Line-drawing in this area is undoubtedly difficult, but we should not abandon the task at the outset. Difficult line-drawing problems arise in many areas of the criminal law. These problems do not generally lead lawmakers to abandon the criminalization of seriously wrongful conduct. The criminal law could expand the range of threats that undermine consent by type – include threats to employment, or to reputation, or of prosecution, and the law may seem more acceptable. But if this is the right response it is a compromise that is made for reasons of clarity and certainty. There will be threats that do not fall within these categories that are equally grave and that the law will not capture. At least at first, we should aim to grasp the deeper reasons why certain threats undermine valid consent, and 1 See, also, S Schulhofer Unwanted Sex: The Culture of Intimidation and the Failure of Law (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1998) ch.7. 3 the gravity of the wrongdoing that results. We can then determine what practical measures will best track these deeper considerations whilst preserving a reasonable degree of clarity and certainty. Threats are normally made either to cause the person threatened to do something, or to cause the person threatened not to prevent the threatener, or another person, from doing something. For example, a threat of violence may induce the victim of the threat to perform a sex act or it may induce the victim not to prevent the threatener from performing a sex act – for example by escaping, or calling for help. Is it is morally worse for X to force Y to perform the sex act than to force Y not to prevent X from performing the sex act? Perhaps, but I leave that question aside. For brevity, when I say that X forces Y to have sex with him, I mean to capture both cases where Y performs the sex act and cases where Y does not prevent X from doing so. We are concerned with threats that undermine valid consent to sex. Such threats typically work thus: X owes Y a duty not have sex with Y without her consent; X expresses to Y that if Y does not have sex with him, X will execute this threat; X does this in order that Y has sex with him; and in order to avoid him executing the threat, Y has sex with him. Offers are structurally similar. X owes Y a duty not to have sex with Y without Y’s consent; X expresses to Y that if Y does not have sex with him, X will not do something that he has offered to do in return for sex; X does this in order that Y has sex with him; and in order to ensure that he does what he offers to do, she has sex with him. The question of coercion is often approached through the unnecessary detour of distinguishing threats from offers. As we will see, it can be wrong to secure sex either through threats or coercive offers, and the wrongness is similar in either case. Given this, we can safely avoid the question how to distinguish threats from offers and concentrate directly on wrongful sex. I will continue to use the language of threats and offers where they seem most appropriate without aiming to make progress on how the distinction is best drawn. 4 A threat or offer renders sex wrongful only if it is effective in undermining valid consent to sex. In order to establish this, we should investigate what makes a threat effective – what makes it true that the Y had sex with X in response to the threat, so that if certain further conditions of wrongdoing are fulfilled, the threat undermines valid consent. It is obviously insufficient for effectiveness that X threatens Y and X has sex with Y. Y’s performance of the sex act may have nothing to do with X’s threat. The threat and the sex act must have some relationship with each other. Here is a more tempting view: The Counterfactual View: A threat or offer is effective if and only if Y would not have had sex with X but for X making the threat. Counterfactual thinking in the area of sexual wrongdoing is very tempting. But we should be wary of this way of thinking.2 A threat can be effective, and can render sexual wrongdoing grave, even when the victim would have had sex with the wrongdoer without the threat, and the sex would not have been wrongful. Consider: Preemptive Threat: Nina goes on a date with Dick, intending to have consensual sex with him. Thinking that she will not consent, Dick threatens Nina with violence. Terrified, Nina responds to the threat by having sex with Dick. Dick has wrongful sex with Nina in virtue of the threat he has made. The fact that Nina would have consented does not render Dick’s threat ineffective, and does not render Dick’s conduct permissible.
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS WHEN REPORTING WRONGS Whistleblower disclosures can save lives as well as billions of taxpayer dollars. They play a critical role in keeping our government honest, efficient and accountable. Recognizing that whistleblowers root out waste, fraud and abuse, and protect public health and safety, federal laws strongly encourage employees to disclose wrongdoing. Federal laws also protect federal employees from retaliation. The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) plays an important role in helping whistleblowers. OSC is an independent agency that protects federal employees from prohibited personnel practices (PPPs), including whistleblower retaliation and unlawful hiring practices, such as nepotism. OSC also provides an independent, secure channel for disclosing and resolving wrongdoing in federal agencies. This guide provides a summary of whistleblower protections and avenues available to employees to disclose wrongdoing. For more information, please visit OSC’s website at www.osc.gov. Disclosures of Wrongdoing Where can I report wrongdoing? Current and former federal employees and applicants (henceforth “federal employees”) can report on any of the following types of wrongdoing: • a violation of any law, rule, or regulation, • gross mismanagement, • a gross waste of funds, • an abuse of authority, • a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or • censorship related to scientific research if censorship meets one of the above-listed categories. Federal employees have many options on where to disclose wrongdoing, including but not limited to, making disclosures to supervisors or someone higher up in management; the agency’s Inspector General (IG); OSC; or, Congress. For whistleblower disclosures involving classified national security information or other information protected from public release by law (e.g.
Admissions of Guilt in Civil Enforcement Verity Winship
University of Minnesota Law School Scholarship Repository Minnesota Law Review 2018 Admissions of Guilt in Civil Enforcement Verity Winship Jennifer K. Robbennolt Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.law.umn.edu/mlr Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation Winship, Verity and Robbennolt, Jennifer K., "Admissions of Guilt in Civil Enforcement" (2018). Minnesota Law Review. 100. https://scholarship.law.umn.edu/mlr/100 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University of Minnesota Law School. It has been accepted for inclusion in Minnesota Law Review collection by an authorized administrator of the Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact lenzx009@umn.edu. Article Admissions of Guilt in Civil Enforcement Verity Winship† & Jennifer K. Robbennolt†† Introduction ............................................................................. 1078 I. The Context of Civil Enforcement ................................... 1083 A. Agency Enforcement ................................................... 1083 B. The Role of Settlement ............................................... 1088 C. Consequences of Admissions Policy .......................... 1091 II. Admission Models ............................................................. 1095 A. No Admission .............................................................. 1096 1. Factual Allegations .............................................. 1097 2. Denial .................................................................... 1100 3. No Denial
THE FORFEITURE BY WRONGDOING EXCEPTION TO THE CONFRONTATION RULE * JAMESMARKHAM JULY 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction.................................................................................................................1 I. Background..........................................................................................................4 II. The Forfeiture Exception to the Crawford Rule..................................................4 A.A Note on Federal Rule of Evidence 804(b)(6)..............................................5 B.Intent to silence...............................................................................................7 1.Cases Finding No Intent-to-Silence Requirement......................................8 2. Cases Preserving the Intent-to-Silence Requirement.................................9 C.Reflexive Application of the Forfeiture Rule...............................................11 1.Cases Applying Forfeiture Reflexively....................................................13 2.Cases Refusing to Apply Forfeiture Reflexively.....................................16 D.Standard of Proof..........................................................................................17 Conclusion................................................................................................................19 INTRODUCTION The Supreme Court’s decision in Crawford v. Washington1 transformed its doctrine governing the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution. UnderCrawford, the Confrontation
Meaning of Wrongdoing-A Crime of Disrespecting the Flag: Grounds for Preserving "National Unity"?
1 920099 5351 AM WATTAD 1/9/2009 9-53:51 AM The Meaning of Wrongdoing-A Crime of Disrespecting the Flag: Grounds for Preserving "National Unity"? DR. MOHAMMED SAIF-ALDEN WATTAD* * Post-Doctoral Minerva Fellow at the Max-Planck Institute, Freiburg, Germany (2007/2008). Halbert Research Fellow of the Munk Centre for International Studies for Post-Doctoral Studies, and Visiting Scholar of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law (2006/2007). Doctor in Law, Columbia University Law School with specialization in international and comparative aspects of Criminal Law, comparative aspects of Constitutional Law, International Law, the Laws of War, and Legal Philosophy (2007). Fulbright Scholar. Bretzfelder Constitutional Law Fellow, and Special Fellow of the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies at Columbia University. The author is a former clerk of the Supreme Court of Israel, under the supervision of Justice Dalia Dorner (2003/2004). This article is part of a doctoral dissertation presented to Columbia University School of Law (2007). The author would like to dedicate this Article to his nephew Souhil. The author is most grateful to Professor George P. Fletcher, Professor Michael C. Dorf, Professor Mordechai Kremnitzer, Professor Gillian Metzger, and Dr. Khalid Ghanayeim for reviewing an early draft of this Article. The author gratefully acknowledges the comments provided by Hon. (ret.) Chief Justice Aharon Barak. Hon. (ret.) Justice Dalia Dorner, both of the Supreme Court of Israel, Professor Lorraine Weinrib. Professor Ed Morgan, Professor Arthur Ripstein. and Professor Alan Brudner, all of Toronto University Faculty of Law, Dr. Ruth Kannai, of Bar Ilan University School of Law, Ozbej Merc and Mr.
Comp. by: Pg2689 Stage : Proof ChapterID: 0001352126 Date:23/9/11 Time:17:52:06 Filepath:d:/womat-filecopy/0001352126.3D OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – FIRST PROOF, 23/9/2011, SPi 2 Two Perspectives On Organizational Wrongdoing Organization wrongdoing can be viewed from two contrasting perspectives: one which views organizational wrongdoing as an abnormal phenomenon and one which views it as a normal phenomenon. Further, the causes of organizational wrongdoing can be understood from two approaches: a domi- nant outlook and an alternative one. Finally, there are eight different specific explanations of wrongdoing. Below I outline the two contrasting perspectives on wrongdoing, elaborate the two different approaches to understanding the causes of wrongdoing, and foreshadow the eight explanations of wrongdoing. I also indicate why I believe the explanations of wrongdoing that flow from the normal organizational wrongdoing perspective and that embrace the alternative approach to understanding wrongdoing are particularly worthy of greater attention and development. Following my discussion of the perspectives, approaches, and explanations that form the core of this book, I present a detailed description of an instance of organizational wrongdoing that illustrates the two different approaches to understanding the causes of wrongdoing. This description will serve both to solidify my characterization of the difference between the two approaches and introduce the type of evidence upon which I will draw when elaborating the explanations of wrongdoing considered in the book. I end the chapter with a few remarks about what I consider to be the book’s main message and my overarching objective in writing it. I suspect that some of the arguments that I develop in Normal Organizational Wrongdoing will run against the grain.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Volume 84 Article 1 Issue 4 Winter Winter 1994 The rC iminal Law and the Luck of the Draw Sanford H. Kadish Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/jclc Part of the Criminal Law Commons, Criminology Commons, and the Criminology and Criminal Justice Commons Recommended Citation Sanford H. Kadish, The rC iminal Law and the Luck of the Draw, 84 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 679 (Winter 1994) This Supreme Court Review is brought to you for free and open access by Northwestern University School of Law Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology by an authorized editor of Northwestern University School of Law Scholarly Commons. 0091-4169/94/8404-0679 THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW & CRIMINOLOGY Vol. 84, No. 4 Copyright 0 1994 by Northwestern University, School of Law Printed in U.S.A. SUPREME COURT REVIEW FOREWORD: THE CRIMINAL LAW AND THE LUCK OF THE DRAW* SANFORD H. KADISH** I propose to consider what to make of a doctrine of the criminal law that seems to me not rationally supportable notwithstanding its near universal acceptance in Western law, the support of many ju- rists and philosophers, and its resonance with the intuitions of law- yers and lay people alike. This is the doctrine-the harm doctrine, I'll call it-that reduces punishment for intentional wrongdoers (and often precludes punishment for negligent and reckless wrong- doers) if by chance the harm they intended or risked does not occur. I will also consider a corollary of the harm doctrine which offers a full defense if it so happens that, unbeknownst to the defendants, the harm they intended could not possibly have been done.
Felony Judgment Findings of Aggravating and Mitigating Factors
File No. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA In The General Court Of Justice County District Superior Court Division STATE VERSUS FELONY JUDGMENT Name Of Defendant FINDINGS OF AGGRAVATING AND MITIGATING FACTORS Offense (STRUCTURED SENTENCING) G.S. 15A-1340.16 NOTE: When consolidating offenses for judgment, findings of aggravating factors and mitigating factors should be made only for the most serious offense. Separate findings of aggravating factors and mitigating factors should be made for each offense that is not consolidated. AGGRAVATING FACTORS 1. The Defendant: a. induced others to participate in the commission of the offense. b. occupied a position of leadership or dominance of other participants in the commission of the offense. 2. The defendant joined with more than one other person in committing the offense and was not charged with committing a conspiracy. 2a. The offense was committed for the benefit of, or at the direction of, any (check one) (offenses committed Dec. 1, 1997 - Nov. 30, 2017) criminal street gang, (offenses committed on or after Dec. 1, 2017) criminal gang as defined by G.S. 14-50.16A(1), with the specific intent to promote, further, or assist in any criminal conduct by gang members, and the defendant was not charged with committing a conspiracy. 3. The offense was committed for the purpose of: a. avoiding or preventing a lawful arrest. b. effecting an escape from custody. 4. The defendant was: a. hired to commit the offense. b. paid to commit the offense. 5. The offense was committed to: a. disrupt b. hinder the lawful exercise of a governmental function or the enforcement of laws.
University of Pennsylvania ScholarlyCommons Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations 2015 A New Reading of Kant's Theory of Punishment Robert Hoffman University of Pennsylvania, robert.hoffman.22@gmail.com Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.upenn.edu/edissertations Part of the Philosophy Commons Recommended Citation Hoffman, Robert, "A New Reading of Kant's Theory of Punishment" (2015). Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations. 1063. https://repository.upenn.edu/edissertations/1063 This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. https://repository.upenn.edu/edissertations/1063 For more information, please contact repository@pobox.upenn.edu. A New Reading of Kant's Theory of Punishment Abstract There are deep, insurmountable difficulties with the aditionaltr interpretation of Immanuel Kantâ??s writings on the subject of punishment. Although it is undeniable that throughout his published writings on practical philosophy â?? and in particular in his Metaphysics of Morals â?? he consistently advocates for the view that punishment can only be justified as a direct response to an individualâ??s act of wrongdoing, his status as one of the foremost theorists in the retributivist pantheon is philosophically untenable. In this dissertation, I articulate the ways in which Kantâ??s explicit support for retributivism directly contradicts more foundational elements of his practical philosophy and argue instead that he has the resources to consistently construct a deterrent theory of punishment. In particular, I highlight Kantâ??s division
Aquinas on the Sources of Wrongdoing: Themes from Mccluskey
OUP CORRECTED PROOF – FINAL, 1/8/2019, SPi Aquinas on the Sources of Wrongdoing Themes from McCluskey Thomas Williams Over the last twenty years or so, philosophers have increasingly recognized the fruitfulness of approaching both the history of philosophy and contested issues in contemporary philosophy by way of an in- vestigation of evil. To take just two examples, Susan Neiman’s much- discussed Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy takes evil as the organizing principle for her historiography of modern philosophy,¹ and Claudia Card explores the notion in a contemporary context in The Atrocity Paradigm: A Theory of Evil.² The approach has borne fruit in medieval philosophy as well: a new six-volume history of evil includes The History of Evil in the Medieval Age: 450–1450 CE,³ edited by Andrew Pinsent, and Bonnie Kent has written on “Evil in Later Medieval Philosophy.”⁴ Colleen McCluskey’s Thomas Aquinas on Moral Wrongdoing⁵ is a worthy and impressive entry in this literature. McCluskey examines the metaphysical foundations of Aquinas’s ethics, his account of evil as a privation, the powers of the soul from which wrongdoing originates, and evil habits, or vices. I shall focus on what I take to be McCluskey’s most significant contribution, the three chapters devoted to a careful exploration of the three sources of moral wrongdoing—defects in the ¹ Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002. ² Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. ³ New York: Routledge, 2018. ⁴ Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (2007), 177–205. ⁵ Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. OUP CORRECTED PROOF – FINAL, 1/8/2019, SPi 244 intellect (covered in Chapter 3), defects in the sensory appetite (Chapter 4), and defects in the will (Chapter 5)—and treat the other chapters somewhat briefly.