Of Pessimism As Olympiad Nears
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Robertson Loses Some Of Pessimism As Olympiad Nears -Ball** Popular UNITY CLUB BACKS BABE DIDR1CKS0N, Veteran Track Coach Rumors And Reality Gathered From Favorite With Mound JEWISH NET PLAY ‘ONE-GIRL TRACK Reviews Stars While FOR SECOND YEAR is World TEAM’HAS U. S. Men In National Sporting Win Handsome Trophy for the f he Grist Of Athletic Contest GOLF TITLE EYED Predicting U. S. New 27—(UP)—Increased use of the baf- York, July Winner of Tour- screw ball ia the outstanding feature to pitching this Boys’ “ By STUART CAMERON Female Texas Torando” Prcn KMU*) ■ dfeason in the National league. to 6— BY JOHN A- CLUNEY (United Sport* ney Open August Los Angeles, July 27—(UP)—The greatest Olympic The screw ball, one of old Grover Cleveland Alexander’s Fully Confident of Olym- Derwin in Charge games in modern history, and a well diversified allotment ftvorite deliveries, twists suddenly down and away from the — Dutch Wednesday Whisperings pic Shoeing of championships were forecast to-day by the international tatter like a fast-breaking out drop. The Unity club's second annual singles tennis tournament to dc- After getting hii third consecutive win over' Oddone Piazza in and German Girls Will contests by Lawson Robertson, head coach of ,t)ie United -Even Daisy Vance, Brooklyn* clde the champion Waterbury Jew- that Boston last night, Leo Larrivee outfit to be fairly well convinced States track and field team. I Robertson look* upon hi* own iran speed ball king, Is follow- ish boy racquet weilder for 1932 Settle High Jump AUSTRIAN PRINCE IS out of three. If Leo can the 49 the crowd and ualng the screw will open at Pulton park Saturday he can beat the Italian, best three get past team as tha favorite among jl. It seema that pitchers In POPULAR FIGURE IN August 8th with what Is expected Ben (Heby) Jeby in New York next week, be will be getting some- By MART ALICE PARENT nations competing, but he la fully circuit have real- list. Roland Corre- German, ihn Heydler'a to be a record entry where. (United Presa Special mindful of the powerful _ed overnight that the National OLYMPIC VILLAGE New berg. Connecticut Aggies ten- spondent) Japanese and Finnish threat and IBktgue ball, with It* raised seams, nis luminary, will be the defending Los Angeles, Cal, July 27—(UP) of the brilliance of the British and fade- la an Ideal projectile for this champion having won the title and The who will walk with the Olympics, is tagged —It's the old case of school teach- Italian squads. Los Angeles, July 27—(L’P)— gent away comes UF States view- the big Unity trophy in the first er versus city hall when It “From the to track and field Uqlted Hubbell, screw ball cham- The only active bit ‘ot royalty tournament held last year. The "Hank” Cieman of Toronto, Canada, according to lighting it out tor supremacy point everything looks grand right ^jcarl his out- "But pion of the majors, beat In the 1932 Olympic games pic- tourney will be under the supem coach, Lawson Robertson. Cieman is all by himself in a 50,000 In the girls’ Olympic high Jumping ARTKQEMZ now,” Robertson said. every- fade-away rival. Larry of the this »ar. football team looks like a standing ture Is Prince Ferdinand von vision of William J. Derwln heels and body’s over meter event, and should win several thousand In a twisting duel Entries to- walking by The light appears to be between national champion fh mid-Septem- French, und xu Lichtenstein, of park department. open Pittsburgh Pirates ncplicw two hard-working girls, Caroline ber. tfie first-place the former ruler of Austria. morrow and close August 3rd. toes. the first game of a double- Worth While Gisolf of Holland, school teacher, "Discounting my own enthusiasm ijj And the prince, a democratic header. Chagnon replaced French Every Jewish tennis player In and Helma Noette of Germany, HoRTou and looking at the general picture person, has won Immense pop- catcher to is have a itl the sixth, and Spencer followed invited to enter the the average canine c/pturer (dog you) city hall worker* on Its merits I know we ular favor In Olympic village the city Is Though of the which not Warden Coleman Four years ago thp two contin- swiTrt fair chance oi scoring plenty lift eighth. as Austria’s cqmpetitlon carries only to mind when get together. where, patron of hardly brought golfers ental lassies made their names firsts.” In the Plncli one of the the title but also one of the most forwarded his claim IS A team, he lives In "Gooney” to the north end vote, has known at Caroline Robertson is relylitg on three back In the beautiful tennis trophies ever put O’Loughlin, Amsterdam, «The Pirates came small bungalows set up to house holders and office holder* with second place and Helma with men as certain point-winners in the Giants, 7 up as a prize award. Entry may as the municipal title holder. Title being Jtight-cap and beat athletes In the gumes. sixth. This year—well 1 the dashes. These ire Ralph Met- be made by letter or phone. No in a class himself, but he won his to 5, after a 10-lnntng struggle. Tlie prince even disliked to a rarity these days, Coleman is by "I think Caroline Gisolf will be calfe, brilliant negro runner of for Pad- fee will be charged. When apply- BeUBVER Bari Grace, pinch hitting dispose of the Illusion that lie with the of a little scoring arrangement with first,” said her friend, Helma. “As Marquette; Eddie Tolan, of Detroit, score for entry, each player will sub- title fairly, exception dffen In the tenth, singled to was to act as a masseur for the ing for second place, I don’t think, I IV) REPLACING another negro star, and George win- mit his name In full, address and Sheehan at the course Comorsky and Suhr with the Austrian athletic delegation. "Shimmers” municipal ricently. only hope.” Sampson, Ohio State speedster, a number. Hennlck UEPf ning runs. Bill Terry drove out “But you must know,” he phone Rudolph But according to Caroline, *T THE R5or all of whom are entered In both for New and' Emil L. Well comprise the ifbnie run in each game said, “that 1 do not know the was once haven’t been able to train as well the 100 and 200 meter events. committee which Is In fhc Willie "Comedy of Errors" enacted again *f AH tARUW York. first thing about massaging. Cer- serving Shakespeare’s as I could. A strained- leg muscle Five Favorites s left promotion of the tourney. diamond used for a Dave Barbee, Pittsburgh tainly there must have been last night the Fulton Park baseball being stage. keeps me from Jumping.'^ STAGE IN "TWE "Metzner of Germany, and and fielder. spiked his right leg some mistake.” Competition team lost to the Chase-Rollers, 20 to 14. Like Athletics Stoneley and Rampling of ,Great Last to be Denehy’s Research was carried from the field In the year’s tourney proved Charley Tall and blonde, Caroline is a DOV/WSWlNG- Britain, are standouts In the 400 a success in -Its first season the 11 the winners and 7 the fourth inning of the first game. great There were 18 errors in game, by by Wagnerian Brunhllde and Helma meter contest," Robertson said Is that the coming 37. The Pirates suffered a half-game but It expected In other words, the team with the most errors won, so why a Siegllnde. But only in their high "But It should go without saying It far. losers. loss to their lead by splitting the play will exceed by Many jumping, more a hobby than a va- * that we expect spectacular running OLD TIMERS TO the city are dbuble-header, and now are four of the best players In not? cation, do they fit into the athletic from big Ben Eastman of Stan- Jewish and if the season games ahead of the runner-up Chi- boys early pattern of the Valkyries. In their ford, and my own Bill Carr of who downed the third- interest In /the Unity tourney may Bob "Cow- Brunhllde Penn. cago Cubs, Down at Temple University next fall they expect regular occupations plaee Boston Braves, 7 to 2. Hems- SHOW WITH SHOP be taken as a criterion, the title teaches school In the Hague and "Possibly the most debatable a most En- a for the fullback on the Temple ley, Chicago’s catcher, had per- will be fought for keenly. boy" Owlston as candidate job Siegllnde works in the city hall of event of the track games is the four hits in tries be made by letter or 213. With Eastman Hamp- fect day at bat with may eleven. The lad, a mere 19 year old stripling of 6 feet two, Dusseldorf. 800. out, phone to Mr Derwln at the park Babe confident Dal- son, the British schoolmaster. Doc four tries. NINES NEXT WEEK j too from all accounts. In fact, Didrlckson, Closer deportment office or at tlte Fulton seems to be a baseball player, athlete, who takes her Peltzer of Germany, Larva of Fin- Getting pounds with las, Texas, The fourth-place Phillies rose to park playground between the hours he has two no-hit, no-run pitching performances to his credit, broad-Jumping along with Javelin A missed shot, or rather an in- land, Johannsen of Norway, and as the within ono point of the of 9 a.