LCS Meeting Thursday 15th November.

Our guest speaker

Leicestershire CCC Head Coach

Paul Nixon

Just like you get told, when you start playing , WATCH THE BALL!!

here and here Keeping With Paul Nixon as your guest speaker, you not only get a very interesting talk, but also a man passionate about his cricket, dedicated to passing his knowledge on, genuinely interested in getting youngster’s into the game, but your also getting some free coaching lessons, see above. I’ll refer to Paul as Nico, because that’s how all loyal FOXES fans know him. Nico must be one of the most infectious cricket characters around, his passion and personality radiate around the room. Best part of 170 people came along again on a coldish November Thursday night, looking forward to hearing our stand in speaker talk to us. The original speaker as per our membership cards, Elizabeth Ammon, chose the Caribbean, over Leicester, wonder why? Nico, who is the society Honorary Vice President, kindly agreed to come along on fairly short notice, and give us a talk. Yet again it proved to be another wonderful night, the first three meetings of this winter have been outstanding, all in different ways, and certainly in the style with which these three guests, Chris Cowdrey, Chris Lewis and then Paul Nixon delivered their talks. Chris Cowdrey’s style was convivial with the normal amount of anecdotes and stories from his playing days, and a little of his family lineage. Chris Lewis’s style was much more a plea from his heart to the Leicestershire CCC core supporter Nico’s style was all about his passion for the county.

Nico needed no introduction to the faithful gathered at Grace Road to hear him speak.

Got some pretty JAZZY socks going on there Nico!!

The front row four were beset with injury problems and had to bring on a twelfth man for support Alan is suffering with gout and so was unable to take the field of play.

Nico had been coaching some academy lads during the day, and didn’t leave this session till 7:00 clock, so he was a bit late in getting to the meeting. Here Howard is reading some Parish Notices, whilst waiting for Nico to turn up, just to the left of this photo; I’m getting a phone call from Nico, saying I’m four minutes out, then three minutes. When his car went past the front of the pavilion, a big cheer went up. But once he started to speak the short wait was well worth it. Paul spent the whole of his talk on the county, talking about, player performances during last season, the lack of fitness, especially towards the end of the season. About how some batsmen who were out of form, were having problems with their trigger movement coming to late. Or even making this first movement, after the bowler had released the ball, he spoke about his desire to bring more young players through the academy. Nico told us that with the club having financial problems this was the best way to strengthen the squad.

Nico explaining how a batsman should set himself up ready for that trigger movement.

As well has passion, Nico has a very easy with his ideas, as we can see here he really enjoys talking about cricket. AND! Some pretty snazzy RED shoes laces NICO! To go with the POSH socks? Here Nico is talking about the slip catchers and how the keeper and slips set themselves up.

Some very good local cricketers here engrossed with Nico’s coaching tips.

You can see we had another very good attendance at our meeting Nico’s tips, left David Williamson needing to take on board lots of water.

Again the ladies were selling books very well at our very popular stall. This time they added another £27 to the LCS funds.

You may remember at the last meeting when, Chris Lewis was our guest speaker, he told us about a play that was being staged around the experiences that Chris had gone through. On Thursday night the above flyer was available at our meeting. The play is to be performed at Grace Road on Saturday 20th April 2019, as yet there are no more details available, I will remain in contact with Chris, and report updates when I have them.

Nico pointing and telling everyone how good the LCS raffle is

Richard (in the red jumper) checking the raffle prizes With Margaret and Terry smiling for the camera

Then Terry won one of the prizes. It’s an electric knife sharpener you never know what might be amongst the prizes with this raffle.

Then Stuart, at the end of the night, left that book on his lap, behind on his seat, so I did my good deed and will keep it safe until the December meeting for him. Please read this Stuart As always many many thanks to everyone who brought along items for me to use. This month the raffle took £105, that makes a gigantic running total of £410, in three meetings, there are no words BIG ENOUGH to express my gratitude for everyone’s continued and overwhelming support, a very big thanks to you all.

Once again the society was lucky enough to have a big article written by Paul Jones, in the Leicester Mercury. This brought us lots of new faces to our audience; I hope you all enjoyed your evening, please do come along for our next meeting and please do tell all of your friends, what they are missing out on.

Paul answered lots of questions during the Q&A session

Could not resist showing you just another couple of photos of Nico coaching us

Bleddyn Jones gave the formal vote of thanks on behalf of the members The next LCS Meeting is on Thursday 13th December

When Alan Butcher

ex England, Glamorgan, Surrey He coached at both Essex & Surrey He also coached the Zimbabwe National Squad.

His two brothers, his two sons and one daughter all played or still play cricket, so he knows a bit about the game. Please come along and support the society

Phil Veasey

On behalf of the LCS committee